Exemplo n.º 1
int CBaseEntity::CreateEntityEx(const char *szName, int Origin, int Angles, int owneredict) {
	int ptr = CreateEntity(szName, Origin, Angles, owneredict);
	AddEntityToTable(ptr, szName, owneredict); 
	return ptr;
Exemplo n.º 2

   This operation builds the operation list for the OperationList window.
   Depending on what the value is for vProfileXFER.ED.OpIns_CurrentType
   we build different operations lists.

OpIns_BuildOperList( zVIEW vSubtask )
#define DISP_SELECT_SET    1
#define SEL_SELECT_SET     2

   zCHAR  szCurrentType[ 5 ];
   zVIEW  vProfileXFER;
   zVIEW  vEdWrk;
   zSHORT nRC;
   zCHAR  szKeyword[ 255 ];
   zLONG  lSelectCount = 0;

   GetWorkView( &vEdWrk );
   GetProfileView( &vProfileXFER );
   GetStringFromAttribute( szCurrentType, vProfileXFER, "ED",
                           "OpIns_CurrentType" );

   // Default of CurrentType is 'Z'...
   if ( *szCurrentType == 0 )
      zstrcpy( szCurrentType, "Z" );
      SetAttributeFromString( vProfileXFER, "ED", "OpIns_CurrentType",
                              szCurrentType );

   // Check to see if the operations for the current type are already
   // loaded. If they are, then we obviously don't need to load them again.
   if ( SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vEdWrk, "OperListType", "Type",
                                      szCurrentType, 0 ) != zCURSOR_SET )
      // Operations haven't been loaded yet, so load 'em up.

      CreateEntity( vEdWrk, "OperListType", zPOS_LAST );
      SetAttributeFromString( vEdWrk, "OperListType", "Type", szCurrentType );

      switch ( *szCurrentType )
         case 'Z':
            zVIEW vTZOPSIGK;

            // Get list of Zeidon operations.

            // Check to see if we've already activated the Zeidon opers list.
            // If not, activate it and save the view.
            GetViewByName( &vTZOPSIGK, "TZOPSIGK", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );
            if ( !vTZOPSIGK )
               oTZOPGRPO_GetViewForXGO( vSubtask, &vTZOPSIGK, zSYS_CURRENT_OI );
               SetNameForView( vTZOPSIGK, "TZOPSIGK", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );

            // Now copy each of the operations to the editor work object.
            for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vTZOPSIGK, "Operation", 0 );
                  nRC == zCURSOR_SET;
                  nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vTZOPSIGK, "Operation", 0 ) )
               CreateEntity( vEdWrk, "Oper", zPOS_LAST );
               SetMatchingAttributesByName( vEdWrk, "Oper",
                                            vTZOPSIGK, "Operation", zSET_ALL );

         } // Case 'Z'...

         case 'G':
            zVIEW vOp;

            // Get list of Global operations.

            RetrieveViewForMetaList( vSubtask, &vOp, zREFER_GO_META );

            // Now copy each of the operations to the editor work object.
            for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vOp, "W_MetaDef", 0 );
                  nRC == zCURSOR_SET;
                  nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vOp, "W_MetaDef", 0 ) )
               CreateEntity( vEdWrk, "Oper", zPOS_LAST );
               SetMatchingAttributesByName( vEdWrk, "Oper",
                                            vOp, "W_MetaDef", zSET_ALL );

            DropView( vOp );

         } // Case 'G'...

         case 'L':
            zVIEW vMeta;
            zLONG lMetaType;

            // Get list of "Local" operations.  "Local" operations in this
            // case mean all operations that are for the current meta.
            // For example, if the current meta is a Dialog, then the "Local"
            // operations include local and Dialog operations.

            // Get the source view and the meta type.
            GetIntegerFromAttribute( (zPLONG) &vMeta, vEdWrk, "Buffer",
                                     "SourceViewID" );
            GetIntegerFromAttribute( &lMetaType, vEdWrk, "Buffer",
                                     "MetaType" );

            // Create a new, temp view of the meta so that we can muck around
            // with the cursors.
            CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vMeta, vMeta, 0 );

            // Now copy the "Local" meta operations to vEdWrk.

            if ( lMetaType == zREFER_DIALOG_META ||
                 lMetaType == zREFER_LOD_META )
               // Make sure we are reading the "Local" operations for
               // the current source file.
               SetCursorFirstEntityByAttr( vMeta, "SourceFile", "Name",
                                           vEdWrk, "Buffer",
                                           "SourceFileName", 0 );

            // Copy all the operations to vEdWrk
            for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vMeta, "Operation", 0 );
                  nRC == zCURSOR_SET;
                  nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vMeta, "Operation", 0 ) )
               CreateEntity( vEdWrk, "Oper", zPOS_LAST );
               SetMatchingAttributesByName( vEdWrk, "Oper",
                                            vMeta, "Operation",
                                            zSET_ALL );

            DropView( vMeta );


         } // Case 'L'...

         case 'O':
            // Since we load the object operations by object, we don't have
            // to do anything here.

         } // Case 'O'...

            SysMessageBox( "Zeidon Internal",
                           "This operation type not yet supported", 0 );

      } // switch ( *szCurrentType )...

      // Now that we've loaded the operations, sort them.
      OrderEntityForView( vEdWrk, "Oper", "Name A" );

   } // if ( SetCursor...)...

   // Disable the "Objects" button unless we are showing object operations.
   if ( *szCurrentType == 'O' )
      SetCtrlState( vSubtask, "ListObjects", zCONTROL_STATUS_ENABLED, TRUE );
      SetCtrlState( vSubtask, "ListObjects", zCONTROL_STATUS_ENABLED, FALSE );

   // Now set the select states depending on the keyword values.
   GetStringFromAttribute( szKeyword, vProfileXFER, "ED", "OpIns_Keyword" );
   if ( *szKeyword &&
        CompareAttributeToString( vProfileXFER,
                                  "ED", "OpIns_UseKeyword", "Y" ) == 0 )
      zCHAR  szIgnoreCase[ 5 ];
      zPCHAR pszKeyword;
      zBOOL  bStartColOne;
      zSHORT nKeywordLth;

      // De-select all operations.
      SetAllSelectStatesForEntity( vEdWrk, "Oper", FALSE, 0 );

      GetStringFromAttribute( szIgnoreCase, vProfileXFER, "ED",
                              "OpIns_KeywordIgnoreCase" );
      if ( *szIgnoreCase == 'Y' )
         for ( pszKeyword = szKeyWord; *pszKeyword; pszKeyword++ )
            *pszKeyword = ztoupper( *pszKeyword );

      // If the keyword starts with a "/", then the keyword search starts
      // with the first zCHAR (e.g. column) ONLY.
      pszKeyword = szKeyword;
      if ( *pszKeyword == '/' )
         bStartColOne = TRUE;
         nKeywordLth = zstrlen( pszKeyword );
         bStartColOne = FALSE;

      for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vEdWrk, "Oper", 0 );
            nRC == zCURSOR_SET;
            nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vEdWrk, "Oper", 0 ) )
         zCHAR  szOperName[ 255 ];

         GetStringFromAttribute( szOperName, vEdWrk, "Oper", "Name" );
         if ( *szIgnoreCase == 'Y' )
            strupr( szOperName );

         if ( bStartColOne )
            if ( zstrncmp( szOperName, pszKeyword, nKeywordLth ) == 0 )
               SetSelectStateOfEntity( vEdWrk, "Oper", TRUE );
            if ( strstr( szOperName, pszKeyword ) )
               SetSelectStateOfEntity( vEdWrk, "Oper", TRUE );
      } // for...
      // Select all operations.
      SetAllSelectStatesForEntity( vEdWrk, "Oper", TRUE, 0 );
      lSelectCount = CountEntitiesForView( vEdWrk, "Oper" );

   //SetSelectSetForView( vEdWrk, nOldSelectSet );
   SetCursorFirstSelectedEntity( vEdWrk, "Oper", 0 );
   LB_SetDisplaySelectSet( vSubtask, "OperationList", DISP_SELECT_SET );
   LB_SetSelectSelectSet( vSubtask, "OperationList", SEL_SELECT_SET );

   // Re-use szKeyword to set the message...
   sprintf( szKeyword, "%d Operations listed", lSelectCount );
   MB_SetMessage( vSubtask, 0, szKeyword );

   RefreshWindow( vSubtask );

   return( 0 );

} // OpIns_BuildOperList
Exemplo n.º 3
void CEntityDlg::OnBnClickedButtonCreate()
Exemplo n.º 4
AEQ_SelectView( zVIEW vSubtask )
   zSHORT nRC;
   zVIEW  vList;
   zVIEW  vLOD;
   zVIEW  vEdWrk;
   zPCHAR szLOD_Name;
   zPCHAR szName;

   GetWorkView( &vEdWrk );
   if ( vEdWrk == 0 )
      zCHAR sz[ 200 ];

      zstrcpy( sz, "TZEDWRKO not Available at ObjSelAQ_ObjSelView." );
      OperatorPrompt( 0, "ED - Error", sz, 0, zBUTTONS_OK, 0, zICON_STOP );
      return( zCALL_ERROR );

   // If Entity entity exists, then the LOD has already been loaded for
   // for this view.  Exit because nothing else needs to be done.
   if ( CheckExistenceOfEntity( vEdWrk, "Entity" ) == zCURSOR_SET )
      AEQ_RefreshAEQ( vSubtask );
      return( 0 );

   // Activate the LOD specified by vEdWrk.View.ObjectName
   GetAddrForAttribute( &szLOD_Name, vEdWrk, "View", "ObjectName" );
   nRC = RetrieveViewForMetaList( vSubtask, &vList, zREFER_LOD_META );
   nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vList, "W_MetaDef", "" );
   while ( nRC == zCURSOR_SET )
      GetAddrForAttribute( &szName, vList, "W_MetaDef", "Name" );
      if ( zstrcmpi( szName, szLOD_Name ) == 0 )

      nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vList, "W_MetaDef", "" );

   if ( nRC != zCURSOR_SET )
      zCHAR sz[ 200 ];

      DropView( vList );
      zstrcpy( sz, "LOD " );
      zstrcat( sz, szLOD_Name );
      zstrcat( sz, " not found.  Possibly wrong LPLR?" );
      OperatorPrompt( vSubtask, "ZeidonEditor", sz, 0, 0, 1, zICON_STOP );
      return( zCALL_ERROR );

   nRC = ActivateMetaOI( vSubtask, &vLOD, vList, zREFER_LOD_META,
                         zSINGLE | zLEVEL_APPLICATION );
   DropView( vList );

   // Copy Entity and Attribute names from LOD to vEdWrk.
   nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vLOD, "LOD_Entity", "" );
   while ( nRC == zCURSOR_SET )
      CreateEntity( vEdWrk, "Entity", zPOS_LAST );
      SetAttributeFromAttribute( vEdWrk, "Entity", "EntityName",
                                 vLOD, "LOD_Entity", "IndentName" );

      nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vLOD, "LOD_Attribute", "" );
      while ( nRC == zCURSOR_SET )
         CreateEntity( vEdWrk, "Attribute", zPOS_LAST );
         SetAttributeFromAttribute( vEdWrk, "Attribute", "AttributeName",
                                    vLOD, "ER_Attribute", "Name" );

         nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vLOD, "LOD_Attribute", "" );

      nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vLOD, "LOD_Entity", "" );

   DropMetaOI( vSubtask, vLOD );
   nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vEdWrk, "Entity", "" );
   SetSelectStateOfEntity( vEdWrk, "Entity", 1 );

   if ( CheckExistenceOfEntity( vEdWrk, "Attribute" ) >= zCURSOR_SET )
      SetSelectStateOfEntity( vEdWrk, "Attribute", 1 );

   AEQ_RefreshAEQ( vSubtask );

   return( 0 );

} // AEQ_SelectView
	// 创建实体
	CEntity* CSceneManager::CreateEntity(const CHAR *szName, CEntity::TYPE type)
		return CreateEntity(HashValue(szName), type);
Exemplo n.º 6
//   OPERATION:   EnqueueInstance
//   PARAMETERS:  zVIEW  vInstance - View to the instance to be enqueued
//                zPCHAR szEntityNames - A string containing 1 or
//                                  more entity names on which to enqueue
//                                  the instance. The first entity name
//                                  MUST BE the root of the object and
//                                  the remaining entity names MUST be
//                                  separated by the plus '+' character.
//   RETURN CODES:  0 - Enqueue successful
//                  1 - Enqueue unsuccessful, the instance is already
//                      Enqueued
//                 zCALL_ERROR - Enqueue unsuccessful, error in processing
EnqueueInstance( zVIEW vInstance, zPCHAR szEntityNames )
   zVIEW  vEnqueue;
   zVIEW  vEnqueueHolder;
   zVIEW  vQual;
   zVIEW  vWkInstance;
   zPCHAR szEntityNamePtr;
   zCHAR  szCurrentEntity[ 34 ];
   zCHAR  szLevel[ 2 ];
   zSHORT nEntity, nEnqueue, nIdx, nRC, nRetries;
   zLONG  lER_Token;
   zCHAR  szTimestamp[ 6 ];
   zCHAR  szObjectName[ 34 ];
   zCHAR  szUserID[ 34 ];
   zCHAR  szPassword[ 34 ];
   zCHAR  szKey[ 64 ];
   zCHAR  szMsg[ 256 ];

   // We put the enqueue logic in a for loop so we can restart the
   // enqueue if the enqueue fails and we cannot find the owner of
   // the enqueue.
   nRetries = 4;
   if ( MiGetObjectNameForView( szObjectName, vInstance ) < 0 )
      return( zCALL_ERROR );

   for ( ; ; )
      // Set up work variables
      szEntityNamePtr = szEntityNames;
      _fstrcpy( szLevel, "R" );
      nEntity = nEnqueue = 0;

      // Set up a multiple root instance for enqueueing
      if ( ActivateEmptyObjectInstance( &vEnqueue, szlCGENQUEU,
                                        vInstance, zMULTIPLE ) != 0 )
         return( zCALL_ERROR );

      // Create a view on the instance so we do not step on the applications
      // cursor positions.
      CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vWkInstance, vInstance, 0 );

      // Get timestamp and user information for enqueue
      MiGetDateTimeForOI( szTimestamp, vWkInstance );
      SysGetUserID( vInstance, szUserID, szPassword );
      if ( szUserID[ 0 ] == 0 )
         _fstrcpy( szUserID, "(null)" );

      // Loop for each entity type to be enqueued
      while ( szEntityNamePtr[ 0 ] )
         // Gather the next entity name on which to enqueue
         nIdx = 0;
         while ( szEntityNamePtr[ 0 ] && szEntityNamePtr[ 0 ] != '+' )
            szCurrentEntity[ nIdx++ ] = szEntityNamePtr[ 0 ];

         szCurrentEntity[ nIdx ] = 0;
         if ( szEntityNamePtr[ 0 ] == '+' )


         // Now that an entity name has been gathered, troll the instance
         // for every occurrence of that entity type and create an
         // enqueue instance for it
         nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vWkInstance, szCurrentEntity,
                                     zSCOPE_OI );
         if ( nRC == zCALL_ERROR )
            DropView( vWkInstance );
            DropObjectInstance( vEnqueue );
            return( zCALL_ERROR );

         if ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
            lER_Token = MiGetERTokenForEntity( vWkInstance, szCurrentEntity );
               // Set up an enqueue instance, The ER_Token and the Instance
               // key are the unique keys to the object, a duplicate instance
               // on the database will result in an enqueue failure with the
               // instance in use. The UserID combined with the Timestamp is
               // the non-unique key for deletion of a logical enqueue.

               // The object name and level ( 'R' - root, 'C' - child ) are
               // informational only.

               CreateEntity( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, zPOS_AFTER );
               SetAttributeFromInteger( vEnqueue,
                           szlEnqueue, szlER_Token, lER_Token );
               MiGetKeyFromInstance( szKey, 61, vWkInstance, szCurrentEntity );
               SetAttributeFromString( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, szlInstanceKey,
                                       szKey );
               SetAttributeFromVariable( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, szlTimestamp,
                                       szTimestamp, zTYPE_DATETIME,
                                       6, 0, 0 );
               SetAttributeFromString( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, szlType,
                                       "U" );
               SetAttributeFromString( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, szlUser,
                                       szUserID );
               SetAttributeFromString( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, szlObject,
                                       szObjectName );
               SetAttributeFromString( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, szlLevel,
                                       szLevel );
            }  while ( SetCursorNextEntity( vWkInstance, szCurrentEntity,
                                            zSCOPE_OI ) >= zCURSOR_SET );

         // After processing an entity type, all other enqueues are at the
         // child level
         szLevel[ 0 ] = 'C';

      // Now that we're done gathering the enqueue information, we can drop
      // the view to the instance
      DropView( vWkInstance );

      // The enqueue instance has been built, now it is time to insert it
      // into the database for locking the instance.
      nRC = CommitObjectInstance( vEnqueue );
      if ( nRC != zDUPLICATE_ROOT )
         DropObjectInstance( vEnqueue );
         return( nRC );

      // The enqueue failed, now we will determine the owner of the enqueue
      // to see if we are conflicting with ourself or to report the owner
      // to the enqueue requestor
      SetCursorFirstEntity( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, 0 );
         fnBuildQualForEnqueue( vEnqueue, &vQual );
         nRC = ActivateObjectInstance( &vEnqueueHolder, szlCGENQUEU,
                                       vInstance, vQual, zSINGLE );
         DropObjectInstance( vQual );
         if ( nRC < -1 )
            return( zCALL_ERROR );
         if ( nRC >= 0 )
            DropObjectInstance( vEnqueueHolder );

      } while ( SetCursorNextEntity( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, 0 ) >= zCURSOR_SET );

      // If the enqueue holder was not found, then the enqueue may have
      // disappeared while trying to find the holder, retry the enqueue
      // operation.
      if ( nRC == -1 )
         if ( nRetries == 0 )
            return( zCALL_ERROR );

      // Report on the enqueue holder
      GetStringFromAttribute( szKey, vEnqueueHolder, szlEnqueue, szlUser );
      GetStringFromAttribute( &szKey[ 30 ],
                              vEnqueueHolder, szlEnqueue, szlObject );

      // if the current enqueue holder is the current user for the
      // same object type, then offer to drop the previous enqueue and
      // re-establish the enqueue for the current user
      if ( _fstrcmp( szUserID, szKey ) == 0 &&
           _fstrcmp( szObjectName, &szKey[ 30 ] ) == 0 && nRetries )
         // we will retry this once and once only
         nRetries = 1;
         _fstrcpy( szMsg, "The " );
         _fstrcat( szMsg, szObjectName );
         _fstrcat( szMsg, " is already enqueued by you in this session or"
                          " a previous session. Would you like to release"
                          " the previously held enqueue?" );
         nRC = MessagePrompt( vInstance, "1", szlEnqueue, szMsg, 0,
                              zBUTTONS_YESNO, zRESPONSE_YES,
                              zICON_QUESTION );
         if ( nRC == zRESPONSE_NO )
            DropObjectInstance( vEnqueue );
            DropObjectInstance( vEnqueueHolder );
            return( 1 );

         // The user wants to delete a previous enqueue for the same
         // object type, build the qualification for the delete and remove
         // the prior enqueue.
         fnBuildQualForEnqueueDelete( vEnqueueHolder, &vQual );
         DropObjectInstance( vEnqueueHolder );
         nRC = ActivateObjectInstance( &vEnqueueHolder, szlCGENQUEU,
                                       vInstance, vQual, zMULTIPLE );
         DropObjectInstance( vQual );
         if ( nRC < 0 )
            return( zCALL_ERROR );

         nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vEnqueueHolder, szlEnqueue, 0 );
         while ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
            nRC = DeleteEntity( vEnqueueHolder, szlEnqueue, zREPOS_NEXT );

         nRC = CommitObjectInstance( vEnqueueHolder );
         DropObjectInstance( vEnqueueHolder );

         // If the attempt to reuse the enqueue failed on a database error,
         // return that error. Otherwise, return zero ==> the enqueue was
         // reused.
         if ( nRC < 0 )
            return( zCALL_ERROR );
            return( 0 );
         // Report on the owner of the enqueue
         _fstrcpy( szMsg, "The " );
         _fstrcat( szMsg, szObjectName );
         _fstrcat( szMsg, " is currently in use by " );
         _fstrcat( szMsg, szKey );
         if ( _fstrcmp( szObjectName, &szKey[ 30 ] ) != 0 )
            _fstrcat( szMsg, " under the object " );
            _fstrcat( szMsg, &szKey[ 30 ] );
         _fstrcat( szMsg, "." );
         MessagePrompt( vInstance, "1", szlEnqueue, szMsg, 0,
                        zBUTTONS_OK, zRESPONSE_OK, 0 );
         DropObjectInstance( vEnqueue );
         DropObjectInstance( vEnqueueHolder );
         return( 1 );
   }  // End of for loop for enqueueing

   // If we reach here, then the enqueue was in use and failed.
   return( 1 );
Exemplo n.º 7
//   OPERATION:   DequeueInstance
//   PARAMETERS:  zVIEW  vInstance - View to the instance to be dequeued
//                zSHORT nCheckOnly - 0 to dequeue
//                                  - non-zero to check the instance is
//                                    enqueued only.
//   RETURN CODES:  0 - Dequeue successful
//                  1 - Enqueue not found
//                  zCALL_ERROR - Dequeue unsuccessful, error in processing
DequeueInstance( zVIEW vInstance, zSHORT nCheckOnly )
   zVIEW  vEnqueue;
   zVIEW  vQual;
   zLONG  lActivateFlags;
   zCHAR  szObjectName[ 34 ];
   zCHAR  szUserID[ 34 ];
   zCHAR  szPassword[ 34 ];
   zCHAR  szTimestamp[ 6 ];
   zSHORT nRC;

   if ( MiGetObjectNameForView( szObjectName, vInstance ) < 0 )
      return( zCALL_ERROR );

   // Set up a an enqueue instance for building the qual object
   if ( ActivateEmptyObjectInstance( &vEnqueue, szlCGENQUEU,
                                     vInstance, zSINGLE ) != 0 )
      return( zCALL_ERROR );

   SysGetUserID( vInstance, szUserID, szPassword );
   if ( szUserID[ 0 ] == 0 )
      zstrcpy( szUserID, "(null)" );

   MiGetDateTimeForOI( szTimestamp, vInstance );
   if ( nCheckOnly )
      lActivateFlags = zSINGLE;
      lActivateFlags = zMULTIPLE;

   // Build a partial enqueue instance for passing to the qualification
   // build function fnBuildQualForEnqueueDelete.
   CreateEntity( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, zPOS_FIRST );
   SetAttributeFromVariable( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, szlTimestamp,
                           szTimestamp, zTYPE_DATETIME,
                           6, 0, 0 );
   SetAttributeFromString( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, szlUser,
                           szUserID );
   fnBuildQualForEnqueueDelete( vEnqueue, &vQual );
   DropObjectInstance( vEnqueue );
   nRC = ActivateObjectInstance( &vEnqueue, szlCGENQUEU,
                                 vInstance, vQual, lActivateFlags );
   DropObjectInstance( vQual );
   if ( nRC < -1 )
      return( zCALL_ERROR );
   if ( nRC == -1 )
      DropObjectInstance( vEnqueue );
      return( 1 );

   // The enqueue was found, if it is a check only, drop the instance
   // and return 0, otherwise, delete the enqueue.
   if ( nCheckOnly )
      DropObjectInstance( vEnqueue );
      return( 0 );

   nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, 0 );
   while ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
      nRC = DeleteEntity( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, zREPOS_NEXT );

   nRC = CommitObjectInstance( vEnqueue );
   DropObjectInstance( vEnqueue );
   if ( nRC < 0 )
      return( zCALL_ERROR );

   return( 0 );
Exemplo n.º 8
oTZOGSRCO_GenerateXOG( zVIEW     OperationGroup )
   zVIEW     OperationXOG = 0; 
   zVIEW     OperationGroupT = 0; 
   zVIEW     CurrentLPLR = 0; 
   //:STRING ( 513 ) XOG_FileName 
   zCHAR     XOG_FileName[ 514 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 513 ) POG_FileName
   zCHAR     POG_FileName[ 514 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 200 ) szMsg
   zCHAR     szMsg[ 201 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:INTEGER        lFile
   zLONG     lFile = 0; 
   //:SHORT          nRC                 
   zSHORT    nRC = 0; 
   zCHAR     szTempString_0[ 33 ]; 
   zCHAR     szTempString_1[ 33 ]; 

   //:// Build the executable Global Object executable for all Operations in the LPLR.

   //:// Activate or initialize the XOG executable object.
   RESULT = GetViewByName( &CurrentLPLR, "TaskLPLR", OperationGroup, zLEVEL_TASK );
   //:XOG_FileName = CurrentLPLR.LPLR.ExecDir + "\" + CurrentLPLR.LPLR.Name + ".XOG"
   GetStringFromAttribute( XOG_FileName, CurrentLPLR, "LPLR", "ExecDir" );
   ZeidonStringConcat( XOG_FileName, 1, 0, "\\", 1, 0, 514 );
   GetVariableFromAttribute( szTempString_0, 0, 'S', 33, CurrentLPLR, "LPLR", "Name", "", 0 );
   ZeidonStringConcat( XOG_FileName, 1, 0, szTempString_0, 1, 0, 514 );
   ZeidonStringConcat( XOG_FileName, 1, 0, ".XOG", 1, 0, 514 );
   //:lFile = SysOpenFile( OperationGroup, XOG_FileName, COREFILE_READ )
   lFile = SysOpenFile( OperationGroup, XOG_FileName, COREFILE_READ );
   //:IF lFile < 0
   if ( lFile < 0 )
      //:// Executable has not yet been generated.
      //:ACTIVATE OperationXOG EMPTY 
      RESULT = ActivateEmptyObjectInstance( &OperationXOG, "TZZOXOGO", OperationGroup, zSINGLE );
      RESULT = CreateEntity( OperationXOG, "TZZOXOGO", zPOS_AFTER );
      //:OperationXOG.TZZOXOGO.NAME = CurrentLPLR.LPLR.Name
      SetAttributeFromAttribute( OperationXOG, "TZZOXOGO", "NAME", CurrentLPLR, "LPLR", "Name" );
      //:SysCloseFile( OperationGroup, lFile, 0 )
      SysCloseFile( OperationGroup, lFile, 0 );
      //:// Get current executable File.
      //:ActivateOI_FromFile( OperationXOG, "TZZOXOGO", OperationGroup, XOG_FileName, zSINGLE )
      ActivateOI_FromFile( &OperationXOG, "TZZOXOGO", OperationGroup, XOG_FileName, zSINGLE );

      //:// Delete current source file entries.
      RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( OperationXOG, "GLOBALOPERATIONSOURCEFILE", "" );
      while ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
         RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( OperationXOG, "GLOBALOPERATIONSOURCEFILE", "" );


   //:NAME VIEW OperationXOG "OperationXOG"
   SetNameForView( OperationXOG, "OperationXOG", 0, zLEVEL_TASK );

   //:// Build the executable components from each POG Operation.
   //:SET CURSOR FIRST CurrentLPLR.W_MetaType WHERE CurrentLPLR.W_MetaType.Type = 14   // 14 is Global Operation Group 
   RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( CurrentLPLR, "W_MetaType", "Type", 14, "" );
   //:FOR EACH CurrentLPLR.W_MetaDef 
   RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( CurrentLPLR, "W_MetaDef", "" );
      //:POG_FileName = CurrentLPLR.LPLR.MetaSrcDir + "\" + CurrentLPLR.W_MetaDef.Name + ".POG"
      GetStringFromAttribute( POG_FileName, CurrentLPLR, "LPLR", "MetaSrcDir" );
      ZeidonStringConcat( POG_FileName, 1, 0, "\\", 1, 0, 514 );
      GetVariableFromAttribute( szTempString_1, 0, 'S', 33, CurrentLPLR, "W_MetaDef", "Name", "", 0 );
      ZeidonStringConcat( POG_FileName, 1, 0, szTempString_1, 1, 0, 514 );
      ZeidonStringConcat( POG_FileName, 1, 0, ".POG", 1, 0, 514 );
      //:nRC = ActivateOI_FromFile( OperationGroupT, "TZOGSRCO", OperationGroup, POG_FileName, zSINGLE + 8192 )
      nRC = ActivateOI_FromFile( &OperationGroupT, "TZOGSRCO", OperationGroup, POG_FileName, zSINGLE + 8192 );
      //:IF nRC < 0
      if ( nRC < 0 )
         //:szMsg = "Can't open POG file, " + POG_FileName
         ZeidonStringCopy( szMsg, 1, 0, "Can't open POG file, ", 1, 0, 201 );
         ZeidonStringConcat( szMsg, 1, 0, POG_FileName, 1, 0, 201 );
         //:IssueError( OperationGroup,0,0, szMsg )
         IssueError( OperationGroup, 0, 0, szMsg );
         //:RETURN -1
         return( -1 );

      //:// Create Source file entry.
      //:OperationXOG.GLOBALOPERATIONSOURCEFILE.NAME         = OperationGroupT.GlobalOperationGroup.Name 
      SetAttributeFromAttribute( OperationXOG, "GLOBALOPERATIONSOURCEFILE", "NAME", OperationGroupT, "GlobalOperationGroup", "Name" );
      //:OperationXOG.GLOBALOPERATIONSOURCEFILE.LANGUAGETYPE = OperationGroupT.GlobalOperationGroup.LanguageType 
      SetAttributeFromAttribute( OperationXOG, "GLOBALOPERATIONSOURCEFILE", "LANGUAGETYPE", OperationGroupT, "GlobalOperationGroup", "LanguageType" );

      //:// Create each Operation entry.
      //:FOR EACH OperationGroupT.Operation 
      RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( OperationGroupT, "Operation", "" );
      while ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
         RESULT = CreateEntity( OperationXOG, "OPERATION", zPOS_AFTER );
         //:OperationXOG.OPERATION.NAME = OperationGroupT.Operation.Name 
         SetAttributeFromAttribute( OperationXOG, "OPERATION", "NAME", OperationGroupT, "Operation", "Name" );
         //:OperationXOG.OPERATION.TYPE = OperationGroupT.Operation.Type 
         SetAttributeFromAttribute( OperationXOG, "OPERATION", "TYPE", OperationGroupT, "Operation", "Type" );

         //:FOR EACH OperationGroupT.Parameter 
         RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( OperationGroupT, "Parameter", "" );
         while ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
            //:CREATE ENTITY OperationXOG.PARAMETER 
            RESULT = CreateEntity( OperationXOG, "PARAMETER", zPOS_AFTER );
            //:OperationXOG.PARAMETER.NAME     = OperationGroupT.Parameter.ShortDesc 
            SetAttributeFromAttribute( OperationXOG, "PARAMETER", "NAME", OperationGroupT, "Parameter", "ShortDesc" );
            //:OperationXOG.PARAMETER.DATATYPE = OperationGroupT.Parameter.DataType 
            SetAttributeFromAttribute( OperationXOG, "PARAMETER", "DATATYPE", OperationGroupT, "Parameter", "DataType" );
            RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( OperationGroupT, "Parameter", "" );

         RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( OperationGroupT, "Operation", "" );

      RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( CurrentLPLR, "W_MetaDef", "" );

   //:CommitOI_ToFile( OperationXOG, XOG_FileName, zASCII )
   CommitOI_ToFile( OperationXOG, XOG_FileName, zASCII );
   //:DropObjectInstance( OperationXOG )
   DropObjectInstance( OperationXOG );
   return( 0 );
// END