Exemplo n.º 1
void UFaceFXAnimationTrack::AddSection(float KeyTime, const FFaceFXAnimComponentSet& AnimCompSet)
	UFaceFXAnimationSection* NewSection = Cast<UFaceFXAnimationSection>(CreateNewSection());
		NewSection->InitialPlacement(AnimationSections, KeyTime, KeyTime + NewSection->GetAnimationDuration(), SupportsMultipleRows());
Exemplo n.º 2
void UMovieSceneMaterialTrack::AddVectorParameterKey( FName ParameterName, float Time, FLinearColor Value )
	UMovieSceneMaterialParameterSection* NearestSection = Cast<UMovieSceneMaterialParameterSection>( MovieSceneHelpers::FindNearestSectionAtTime( Sections, Time ) );
	if ( NearestSection == nullptr )
		NearestSection = Cast<UMovieSceneMaterialParameterSection>( CreateNewSection() );
		NearestSection->SetStartTime( Time );
		NearestSection->SetEndTime( Time );
		Sections.Add( NearestSection );
	NearestSection->AddVectorParameterKey( ParameterName, Time, Value );
UMovieSceneSection* UMovieScenePropertyTrack::FindOrAddSection( float Time )
	// Find a spot for the section so that they are sorted by start time
	for( int32 SectionIndex = 0; SectionIndex < Sections.Num(); ++SectionIndex )
		UMovieSceneSection* Section = Sections[SectionIndex];

		if( Section->IsTimeWithinSection( Time ) )
			return Section;

		// Check if there are no more sections that would overlap the time 
		if( !Sections.IsValidIndex( SectionIndex+1 ) || Sections[SectionIndex+1]->GetStartTime() > Time )
			// No sections overlap the time
			if( SectionIndex > 0 )
				// Append and grow the previous section
				UMovieSceneSection* PreviousSection = Sections[ SectionIndex ? SectionIndex-1 : 0 ];
				PreviousSection->SetEndTime( Time );
				return PreviousSection;
			else if( Sections.IsValidIndex( SectionIndex+1 ) )
				// Prepend and grow the next section because there are no sections before this one
				UMovieSceneSection* NextSection = Sections[SectionIndex+1];
				NextSection->SetStartTime( Time );
				return NextSection;
				// SectionIndex == 0 
				UMovieSceneSection* PreviousSection = Sections[0];
				if( PreviousSection->GetEndTime() < Time )
					// Append and grow the section
					PreviousSection->SetEndTime( Time );
					// Prepend and grow the section
					PreviousSection->SetStartTime( Time );
				return PreviousSection;


	check( Sections.Num() == 0 );

	// Add a new section that starts and ends at the same time
	UMovieSceneSection* NewSection = CreateNewSection();
	NewSection->SetStartTime( Time );
	NewSection->SetEndTime( Time );

	Sections.Add( NewSection );

	return NewSection;