Exemplo n.º 1
/* Fix the order of the panels to be taken. */
Preorder(const int pnum, const int n, const int *etree, int *cur_pan,
         queue_t *taskq, int *fb_cols, int *bcol,
	 pxgstrf_shared_t *pxgstrf_shared)
    register int w, dad, dad_ukids;

    if ( *cur_pan == EMPTY ) {
	*cur_pan = 0;
    } else {
	w = pxgstrf_shared->pan_status[*cur_pan].size;
	*cur_pan += w;
#else /* Breadth-first bottom up */
    if ( *cur_pan != EMPTY ) {
	dad = DADPANEL (*cur_pan);
	dad_ukids = --pxgstrf_shared->pan_status[dad].ukids;
	if ( dad_ukids == 0 ) {
	    taskq->queue[taskq->tail++] = dad;
    *cur_pan = taskq->queue[taskq->head++];
    *bcol = *cur_pan;
Exemplo n.º 2
pxgstrf_scheduler(const int pnum, const int n, const int *etree, 
		  int *cur_pan, int *bcol, pxgstrf_shared_t *pxgstrf_shared)
 * -- SuperLU MT routine (version 1.0) --
 * Univ. of California Berkeley, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center,
 * and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
 * August 15, 1997
 * Purpose
 * =======
 * pxgstrf_scheduler() gets a panel for the processor to work on. 
 * It schedules a panel in decreasing order of priority:
 *   (1) the current panel's parent, if it can be done without pipelining
 *   (2) any other panel in the queue that can be done without pipelining
 *       ("CANGO" status)
 *   (3) any other panel in the queue that can be done with pipelining
 *       ("CANPIPE" status)
 * Arguments
 * =========
 * pnum    (input) int
 *         Processor number.
 * n       (input) int
 *         Column dimension of the matrix.
 * etree   (input) int*
 *         Elimination tree of A'*A, size n.
 *         Note: etree is a vector of parent pointers for a forest whose
 *         vertices are the integers 0 to n-1; etree[root] = n.
 * cur_pan (input/output) int*
 *         On entry, the current panel just finished by this processor;
 *         On exit, [0, n-1]: the new panel to work on;
 *                  EMPTY:    failed to get any work, will try later;
 *                  n:        all panels are taken; ready to terminate.
 * taskq   (input/output) queue_t*
 *         Global work queue.
 * fb_cols (input/output) int*
 *         The farthest busy descendant of each (leading column of the) panel.
 * bcol    (output) int*
 *         The most distant busy descendant of cur_pan in the *linear*
 *         pipeline of busy descendants. If all proper descendants of
 *         cur_pan are done, bcol is returned equal to cur_pan.
 * Defining terms
 * ==============
 *   o parent(panel) = etree(last column in the panel)
 *   o the kids of a panel = collective kids of all columns in the panel
 *     kids[REP] = SUM_{j in panel} ( kids[j] ) 
 *   o linear pipeline - what does it mean in the panel context?
 *       if ukids[REP] = 0, then the panel becomes a leaf (CANGO)
 *       if ukids[REP] = 1 && ukids[firstcol] = 1, then the panel can
 *                       be taken with pipelining (CANPIPE)
 * =====
 *   o When a "busy" panel finishes, if its parent has only one remaining
 *     undone child there is no check to see if the parent should change
 *     from "unready" to "canpipe". Thus a few potential pipelinings will
 *     be lost, but checking out this pipeline opportunity may be costly.

    register int dad, dad_ukids, jcol, w, j;
    int *fb_cols = pxgstrf_shared->fb_cols;
    queue_t *taskq = &pxgstrf_shared->taskq;
    Gstat_t *Gstat = pxgstrf_shared->Gstat;
#ifdef PROFILE
    double t;

    jcol = *cur_pan;
    if ( jcol != EMPTY ) {
#ifdef DOMAINS
	if ( in_domain[jcol] == TREE_DOMAIN )
	    dad = etree[jcol];
	    dad = DADPANEL (jcol);

    /* w_top = sp_ienv(1)/2;
       if ( w_top == 0 ) w_top = 1;*/

#ifdef PROFILE
#if ( MACH==SUN )
    mutex_lock( &pxgstrf_shared->lu_locks[SCHED_LOCK] );
#elif ( MACH==DEC || MACH==PTHREAD )
    pthread_mutex_lock( &pxgstrf_shared->lu_locks[SCHED_LOCK] );
#elif ( MACH==SGI || MACH==ORIGIN )
#pragma critical lock(pxgstrf_shared->lu_locks[SCHED_LOCK])
#elif ( MACH==CRAY_PVP )
#pragma _CRI guard SCHED_LOCK
#elif ( MACH==OPENMP )
#pragma omp critical ( SCHED_LOCK )

{   /* ---- START CRITICAL SECTION ---- */
    /* Update the status of the current panel and its parent, so that
     * the other processors waiting on it can proceed.
     * If all siblings are done, and dad is not busy, then take dad.
    if ( jcol != EMPTY ) { /* jcol was just finished by this processor */    
	dad_ukids = --pxgstrf_shared->pan_status[dad].ukids;
#ifdef DEBUG
	printf("(%d) DONE %d in Scheduler(), dad %d, STATE %d, dad_ukids %d\n",
	       pnum, jcol, dad, STATE(dad), dad_ukids);

	if ( dad_ukids == 0 && STATE( dad ) > BUSY ) { /* dad not started */
	    jcol = dad;
#ifdef DEBUG
	    printf("(%d) Scheduler[1] Got dad %d, STATE %d\n",
		   pnum, jcol, STATE(dad));
#ifdef PROFILE
	} else {
	    /* Try to get a panel from the task Q. */
	    while ( 1 ) {
		/*>>if ( (j = Dequeue(taskq, &item)) == EMPTY ) {*/
		if ( taskq->count <= 0 ) {
		    jcol = EMPTY;
		} else {
		    jcol = taskq->queue[taskq->head++];
		    if ( STATE( jcol ) >= CANGO ) { /* CANGO or CANPIPE */
#ifdef DEBUG
			printf("(%d) Dequeue[1] Got %d, STATE %d, Qcount %d\n",
			       pnum, jcol, STATE(jcol), j);
#ifdef PROFILE
			if (STATE( jcol ) == CANGO) ++(Gstat->panhows[NOPIPE]);
			else ++(Gstat->panhows[PIPE]);
	    } /* while */
    } else {
	 * jcol was EMPTY; Try to get a panel from the task Q.
    	while ( 1 ) {
    	    /*>>if ( (j = Dequeue(taskq, &item)) == EMPTY ) {*/
	    if ( taskq->count <= 0 ) {
		jcol = EMPTY;
	    } else {
		jcol = taskq->queue[taskq->head++];
		if ( STATE( jcol ) >= CANGO ) { /* CANGO or CANPIPE */
#ifdef DEBUG
		    printf("(%d) Dequeue[2] Got %d, STATE %d, Qcount %d\n",
			   pnum, jcol, STATE(jcol), j);
#ifdef PROFILE
		    if (STATE( jcol ) == CANGO) ++(Gstat->panhows[NOPIPE]);
		    else ++(Gstat->panhows[PIPE]);
	} /* while */
     * Update the status of the new panel "jcol" and its parent "dad".
    if ( jcol != EMPTY ) {
#ifdef DOMAINS
	if ( in_domain[jcol] == TREE_DOMAIN ) {
	    /* Dequeue the first descendant of this domain */
	    *bcol = taskq->queue[taskq->head++];
	} else
	    STATE( jcol ) = BUSY;
	    w = pxgstrf_shared->pan_status[jcol].size;

	    for (j = jcol; j < jcol+w; ++j) pxgstrf_shared->spin_locks[j] = 1;
	    dad = DADPANEL (jcol);
	    if ( dad < n && pxgstrf_shared->pan_status[dad].ukids == 1 ) {
		STATE( dad ) = CANPIPE;
		/*>> j = Enqueue(taskq, dad);*/
		taskq->queue[taskq->tail++] = dad;
#ifdef DEBUG
		printf("(%d) Enqueue() %d's dad %d ->CANPIPE, Qcount %d\n",
		       pnum, jcol, dad, j);

#ifdef PROFILE
	    /* Find the farthest busy descendant of the new panel
	       and its parent.*/
	    *bcol = fb_cols[jcol];
#ifdef DEBUG
	    printf("(%d) Scheduler[2] fb_cols[%d]=%d, STATE %d\n",
		   pnum, jcol, *bcol, STATE( *bcol ));
	    while ( STATE( *bcol ) == DONE ) *bcol = DADPANEL (*bcol);
	    fb_cols[dad] = *bcol;
	} /* else regular_panel */

    } /* if jcol != empty */

    *cur_pan = jcol;

#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("(%d) Exit C.S. tasks_remain %d, cur_pan %d\n", 
	   pnum, pxgstrf_shared->tasks_remain, jcol);

} /* ---- END CRITICAL SECTION ---- */
#if ( MACH==SUN )
    /* Exit C.S. */
    mutex_unlock( &pxgstrf_shared->lu_locks[SCHED_LOCK] );
#elif ( MACH==DEC || MACH==PTHREAD )
    pthread_mutex_unlock( &pxgstrf_shared->lu_locks[SCHED_LOCK] );
#elif ( MACH==CRAY_PVP )
#pragma _CRI endguard SCHED_LOCK

#ifdef PROFILE
    Gstat->procstat[pnum].cs_time += SuperLU_timer_() - t;
