Exemplo n.º 1
    // Method:    setupCLK
    // FullName:  fetch::device::NationalInstrumentsDAQ::setupCLK
    // Access:    public
    // Returns:   void
    // Qualifier:
    // set up counter for sample clock
    // - A finite pulse sequence is generated by a pair of on-board counters.
    //   In testing, it appears that after the device is reset, initializing
    //   the counter task doesn't work quite right.  First, I have to start the
    //   task with the paired counter once.  Then, I can set things up normally.
    //   After initializing with the paired counter once, things work fine until
    //   the device (or computer) is reset.  My guess is this is a fault of the
    //   board or driver software.
    // - below, we just cycle the counters when config gets called.  This ensures
    //   everything configures correctly the first time, even after a device
    //   reset or cold start.
    void NationalInstrumentsDAQ::setupCLK(float64 nrecords, float64 record_frequency_Hz)
      TaskHandle clk = 0;

      int32      N = _config->ao_samples_per_waveform();
      float64   hz = computeSampleFrequency(nrecords, record_frequency_Hz);
      const char *dev          =_config->name().c_str(),
                 *ctr          =_config->ctr().c_str(),
                 *armstart_in  =_config->armstart().c_str(),
                 *gate_out     =_config->frame_trigger_out().c_str(),
                 *trig         =_config->trigger().c_str();
      float64     lvl          =_config->level_volts();
      char term_ctr[1024]={0},
      make_terminal_name(term_ctr    ,sizeof(term_ctr)    ,dev,ctr);
      make_terminal_name(term_gate   ,sizeof(term_gate)   ,dev,ctr);

      DAQERR( DAQmxClearTask(_clk.daqtask) ); // Once a DAQ task is started, it needs to be cleared before restarting
      DAQERR( DAQmxCreateTask("fetch_CLK",&_clk.daqtask));
      clk = _clk.daqtask;
      DAQERR(DAQmxCreateCOPulseChanFreq     (clk,term_ctr,NULL,DAQmx_Val_Hz,DAQmx_Val_Low,0.0,hz,0.5));
      DAQERR(DAQmxCfgImplicitTiming         (clk,DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps,N));
      DAQERR(DAQmxCfgDigEdgeStartTrig       (clk,"AnalogComparisonEvent",DAQmx_Val_Rising));
      DAQERR(DAQmxSetArmStartTrigType       (clk,DAQmx_Val_DigEdge));             // Arm trigger has to be through clk
      DAQERR(DAQmxSetDigEdgeArmStartTrigSrc (clk,armstart_in));
      DAQERR(DAQmxSetStartTrigRetriggerable (clk,1));
Exemplo n.º 2
** Fonction de démarage du comptage de la voie A du compteur incrémentale.
bool NI6211::startCounter()
    int32       error=0;
    taskCounter = new TaskHandle;

    /*------ DAQmx Configure Code Reading Task ------*/
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxCreateTask("",taskCounter));
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxCreateCIAngEncoderChan(*taskCounter,"Equilibreuse/ctr0","",DAQmx_Val_X1,TRUE,999,DAQmx_Val_AHighBLow,DAQmx_Val_Ticks,1000,0,NULL));
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxSetArmStartTrigType(*taskCounter,DAQmx_Val_DigEdge));
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxSetDigEdgeArmStartTrigSrc(*taskCounter,"/Equilibreuse/PFI2"));

    /*------ DAQmx Start Code ------*/
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxStartTask(*taskCounter));

    return 0;