Exemplo n.º 1
mp_obj_t mp_make_closure_from_id(uint unique_code_id, mp_obj_t closure_tuple, mp_obj_t def_args) {
    DEBUG_OP_printf("make_closure_from_id %d\n", unique_code_id);
    // make function object
    mp_obj_t ffun = mp_make_function_from_id(unique_code_id, false, def_args);
    // wrap function in closure object
    return mp_obj_new_closure(ffun, closure_tuple);
Exemplo n.º 2
mp_obj_t mp_make_function_from_raw_code(mp_raw_code_t *rc, mp_obj_t def_args, mp_obj_t def_kw_args) {
    DEBUG_OP_printf("make_function_from_raw_code %p\n", rc);
    assert(rc != NULL);

    // def_args must be MP_OBJ_NULL or a tuple
    assert(def_args == MP_OBJ_NULL || MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(def_args, &mp_type_tuple));

    // TODO implement default kw args
    assert(def_kw_args == MP_OBJ_NULL);

    // make the function, depending on the raw code kind
    mp_obj_t fun;
    switch (rc->kind) {
        case MP_CODE_BYTE:
            fun = mp_obj_new_fun_bc(rc->scope_flags, rc->arg_names, rc->n_pos_args, rc->n_kwonly_args, def_args, rc->u_byte.code);
        case MP_CODE_NATIVE:
            fun = mp_make_function_n(rc->n_pos_args, rc->u_native.fun);
        case MP_CODE_INLINE_ASM:
            fun = mp_obj_new_fun_asm(rc->n_pos_args, rc->u_inline_asm.fun);
            // raw code was never set (this should not happen)
            return mp_const_none;

    // check for generator functions and if so wrap in generator object
    if ((rc->scope_flags & MP_SCOPE_FLAG_GENERATOR) != 0) {
        fun = mp_obj_new_gen_wrap(fun);

    return fun;
Exemplo n.º 3
mp_obj_t rt_unary_op(int op, mp_obj_t arg) {
    DEBUG_OP_printf("unary %d %p\n", op, arg);
    if (MP_OBJ_IS_SMALL_INT(arg)) {
        mp_small_int_t val = MP_OBJ_SMALL_INT_VALUE(arg);
        switch (op) {
            case RT_UNARY_OP_NOT: if (val != 0) { return mp_const_true;} else { return mp_const_false; }
            case RT_UNARY_OP_POSITIVE: break;
            case RT_UNARY_OP_NEGATIVE: val = -val; break;
            case RT_UNARY_OP_INVERT: val = ~val; break;
            default: assert(0); val = 0;
        if (fit_small_int(val)) {
            return MP_OBJ_NEW_SMALL_INT(val);
        } else {
            // TODO make a bignum
            return mp_const_none;
    } else { // will be an object (small ints are caught in previous if)
        mp_obj_base_t *o = arg;
        if (o->type->unary_op != NULL) {
            mp_obj_t result = o->type->unary_op(op, arg);
            if (result != NULL) {
                return result;
        // TODO specify in error message what the operator is
        nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_1_arg(MP_QSTR_TypeError, "bad operand type for unary operator: '%s'", o->type->name));
Exemplo n.º 4
mp_obj_t rt_load_build_class(void) {
    mp_map_elem_t *elem = mp_qstr_map_lookup(&map_builtins, MP_QSTR___build_class__, false);
    if (elem == NULL) {
        nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(MP_QSTR_NameError, "name '__build_class__' is not defined"));
    return elem->value;
Exemplo n.º 5
mp_obj_t rt_load_global(qstr qstr) {
    // logic: search globals, builtins
    DEBUG_OP_printf("load global %s\n", qstr_str(qstr));
    mp_map_elem_t *elem = mp_qstr_map_lookup(map_globals, qstr, false);
    if (elem == NULL) {
        elem = mp_qstr_map_lookup(&map_builtins, qstr, false);
        if (elem == NULL) {
            nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_1_arg(MP_QSTR_NameError, "name '%s' is not defined", qstr_str(qstr)));
    return elem->value;
Exemplo n.º 6
mp_obj_t mp_make_closure_from_raw_code(mp_raw_code_t *rc, uint n_closed_over, const mp_obj_t *args) {
    DEBUG_OP_printf("make_closure_from_raw_code %p %u %p\n", rc, n_closed_over, args);
    // make function object
    mp_obj_t ffun;
    if (n_closed_over & 0x100) {
        // default positional and keyword args given
        ffun = mp_make_function_from_raw_code(rc, args[0], args[1]);
    } else {
        // default positional and keyword args not given
        ffun = mp_make_function_from_raw_code(rc, MP_OBJ_NULL, MP_OBJ_NULL);
    // wrap function in closure object
    return mp_obj_new_closure(ffun, n_closed_over & 0xff, args + ((n_closed_over >> 7) & 2));
Exemplo n.º 7
mp_obj_t mp_make_function_from_raw_code(mp_raw_code_t *rc, mp_obj_t def_args, mp_obj_t def_kw_args) {
    DEBUG_OP_printf("make_function_from_raw_code %p\n", rc);
    assert(rc != NULL);

    // def_args must be MP_OBJ_NULL or a tuple
    assert(def_args == MP_OBJ_NULL || MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(def_args, &mp_type_tuple));

    // def_kw_args must be MP_OBJ_NULL or a dict
    assert(def_kw_args == MP_OBJ_NULL || MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(def_kw_args, &mp_type_dict));

    // make the function, depending on the raw code kind
    mp_obj_t fun;
    switch (rc->kind) {
        case MP_CODE_BYTECODE:
            fun = mp_obj_new_fun_bc(def_args, def_kw_args, rc->data.u_byte.bytecode, rc->data.u_byte.const_table);
        case MP_CODE_NATIVE_PY:
            fun = mp_obj_new_fun_native(def_args, def_kw_args, rc->data.u_native.fun_data, rc->data.u_native.const_table);
        case MP_CODE_NATIVE_VIPER:
            fun = mp_obj_new_fun_viper(rc->n_pos_args, rc->data.u_native.fun_data, rc->data.u_native.type_sig);
        case MP_CODE_NATIVE_ASM:
            fun = mp_obj_new_fun_asm(rc->n_pos_args, rc->data.u_native.fun_data);
            // raw code was never set (this should not happen)
            goto no_other_choice; // to help flow control analysis

    // check for generator functions and if so wrap in generator object
    if ((rc->scope_flags & MP_SCOPE_FLAG_GENERATOR) != 0) {
        fun = mp_obj_new_gen_wrap(fun);

    return fun;
Exemplo n.º 8
int rt_is_true(mp_obj_t arg) {
    DEBUG_OP_printf("is true %p\n", arg);
    if (MP_OBJ_IS_SMALL_INT(arg)) {
        if (MP_OBJ_SMALL_INT_VALUE(arg) == 0) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            return 1;
    } else if (arg == mp_const_none) {
        return 0;
    } else if (arg == mp_const_false) {
        return 0;
    } else if (arg == mp_const_true) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
mp_obj_t mp_make_function_from_id(uint unique_code_id, bool free_unique_code, mp_obj_t def_args, mp_obj_t def_kw_args) {
    DEBUG_OP_printf("make_function_from_id %d\n", unique_code_id);
    if (unique_code_id >= unique_codes_total) {
        // illegal code id
        return mp_const_none;

    // TODO implement default kw args
    assert(def_kw_args == MP_OBJ_NULL);

    // make the function, depending on the code kind
    mp_code_t *c = &unique_codes[unique_code_id];
    mp_obj_t fun;
    switch (c->kind) {
        case MP_CODE_BYTE:
            fun = mp_obj_new_fun_bc(c->scope_flags, c->arg_names, c->n_args, def_args, c->u_byte.code);
        case MP_CODE_NATIVE:
            fun = mp_make_function_n(c->n_args, c->u_native.fun);
        case MP_CODE_INLINE_ASM:
            fun = mp_obj_new_fun_asm(c->n_args, c->u_inline_asm.fun);
            // code id was never assigned (this should not happen)
            return mp_const_none;

    // check for generator functions and if so wrap in generator object
    if ((c->scope_flags & MP_SCOPE_FLAG_GENERATOR) != 0) {
        fun = mp_obj_new_gen_wrap(fun);

    // in some cases we can free the unique_code slot
    // any dynamically allocade memory is now owned by the fun object
    if (free_unique_code) {
        memset(c, 0, sizeof *c); // make sure all pointers are zeroed
        c->kind = MP_CODE_UNUSED;

    return fun;
Exemplo n.º 10
mp_obj_t mp_make_function_from_raw_code(const mp_raw_code_t *rc, mp_obj_t def_args, mp_obj_t def_kw_args) {
    DEBUG_OP_printf("make_function_from_raw_code %p\n", rc);
    assert(rc != NULL);

    // def_args must be MP_OBJ_NULL or a tuple
    assert(def_args == MP_OBJ_NULL || mp_obj_is_type(def_args, &mp_type_tuple));

    // def_kw_args must be MP_OBJ_NULL or a dict
    assert(def_kw_args == MP_OBJ_NULL || mp_obj_is_type(def_kw_args, &mp_type_dict));

    // make the function, depending on the raw code kind
    mp_obj_t fun;
    switch (rc->kind) {
        case MP_CODE_NATIVE_PY:
        case MP_CODE_NATIVE_VIPER:
            fun = mp_obj_new_fun_native(def_args, def_kw_args, rc->fun_data, rc->const_table);
            // Check for a generator function, and if so change the type of the object
            if ((rc->scope_flags & MP_SCOPE_FLAG_GENERATOR) != 0) {
                ((mp_obj_base_t*)MP_OBJ_TO_PTR(fun))->type = &mp_type_native_gen_wrap;
        case MP_CODE_NATIVE_ASM:
            fun = mp_obj_new_fun_asm(rc->n_pos_args, rc->fun_data, rc->type_sig);
            // rc->kind should always be set and BYTECODE is the only remaining case
            assert(rc->kind == MP_CODE_BYTECODE);
            fun = mp_obj_new_fun_bc(def_args, def_kw_args, rc->fun_data, rc->const_table);
            // check for generator functions and if so change the type of the object
            if ((rc->scope_flags & MP_SCOPE_FLAG_GENERATOR) != 0) {
                ((mp_obj_base_t*)MP_OBJ_TO_PTR(fun))->type = &mp_type_gen_wrap;

    return fun;
Exemplo n.º 11
mp_obj_t rt_binary_op(int op, mp_obj_t lhs, mp_obj_t rhs) {
    DEBUG_OP_printf("binary %d %p %p\n", op, lhs, rhs);

    // TODO correctly distinguish inplace operators for mutable objects
    // lookup logic that CPython uses for +=:
    //   check for implemented +=
    //   then check for implemented +
    //   then check for implemented seq.inplace_concat
    //   then check for implemented seq.concat
    //   then fail
    // note that list does not implement + or +=, so that inplace_concat is reached first for +=

    if (MP_OBJ_IS_SMALL_INT(lhs)) {
        mp_small_int_t lhs_val = MP_OBJ_SMALL_INT_VALUE(lhs);
        if (MP_OBJ_IS_SMALL_INT(rhs)) {
            mp_small_int_t rhs_val = MP_OBJ_SMALL_INT_VALUE(rhs);
            switch (op) {
                case RT_BINARY_OP_OR:
                case RT_BINARY_OP_INPLACE_OR: lhs_val |= rhs_val; break;
                case RT_BINARY_OP_XOR:
                case RT_BINARY_OP_INPLACE_XOR: lhs_val ^= rhs_val; break;
                case RT_BINARY_OP_AND:
                case RT_BINARY_OP_INPLACE_AND: lhs_val &= rhs_val; break;
                case RT_BINARY_OP_LSHIFT:
                case RT_BINARY_OP_INPLACE_LSHIFT: lhs_val <<= rhs_val; break;
                case RT_BINARY_OP_RSHIFT:
                case RT_BINARY_OP_INPLACE_RSHIFT: lhs_val >>= rhs_val; break;
                case RT_BINARY_OP_ADD:
                case RT_BINARY_OP_INPLACE_ADD: lhs_val += rhs_val; break;
                case RT_BINARY_OP_SUBTRACT:
                case RT_BINARY_OP_INPLACE_SUBTRACT: lhs_val -= rhs_val; break;
                case RT_BINARY_OP_MULTIPLY:
                case RT_BINARY_OP_INPLACE_MULTIPLY: lhs_val *= rhs_val; break;
                case RT_BINARY_OP_FLOOR_DIVIDE:
                case RT_BINARY_OP_INPLACE_FLOOR_DIVIDE: lhs_val /= rhs_val; break;
                case RT_BINARY_OP_TRUE_DIVIDE:
                case RT_BINARY_OP_INPLACE_TRUE_DIVIDE: return mp_obj_new_float((mp_float_t)lhs_val / (mp_float_t)rhs_val);

                // TODO implement modulo as specified by Python
                case RT_BINARY_OP_MODULO:
                case RT_BINARY_OP_INPLACE_MODULO: lhs_val %= rhs_val; break;

                // TODO check for negative power, and overflow
                case RT_BINARY_OP_POWER:
                case RT_BINARY_OP_INPLACE_POWER:
                    int ans = 1;
                    while (rhs_val > 0) {
                        if (rhs_val & 1) {
                            ans *= lhs_val;
                        lhs_val *= lhs_val;
                        rhs_val /= 2;
                    lhs_val = ans;

                default: assert(0);
            if (fit_small_int(lhs_val)) {
                return MP_OBJ_NEW_SMALL_INT(lhs_val);
        } else if (MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(rhs, &float_type)) {
            return mp_obj_float_binary_op(op, lhs_val, rhs);
        } else if (MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(rhs, &complex_type)) {
            return mp_obj_complex_binary_op(op, lhs_val, 0, rhs);
    } else if (MP_OBJ_IS_OBJ(lhs)) {
Exemplo n.º 12
void rt_store_global(qstr qstr, mp_obj_t obj) {
    DEBUG_OP_printf("store global %s <- %p\n", qstr_str(qstr), obj);
    mp_qstr_map_lookup(map_globals, qstr, true)->value = obj;
Exemplo n.º 13
mp_obj_t rt_load_const_str(qstr qstr) {
    DEBUG_OP_printf("load '%s'\n", qstr_str(qstr));
    return mp_obj_new_str(qstr);
Exemplo n.º 14
mp_obj_t rt_load_const_dec(qstr qstr) {
    DEBUG_OP_printf("load '%s'\n", qstr_str(qstr));
    const char *s = qstr_str(qstr);
    int in = PARSE_DEC_IN_INTG;
    mp_float_t dec_val = 0;
    bool exp_neg = false;
    int exp_val = 0;
    int exp_extra = 0;
    bool imag = false;
    for (; *s; s++) {
        int dig = *s;
        if ('0' <= dig && dig <= '9') {
            dig -= '0';
            if (in == PARSE_DEC_IN_EXP) {
                exp_val = 10 * exp_val + dig;
            } else {
                dec_val = 10 * dec_val + dig;
                if (in == PARSE_DEC_IN_FRAC) {
                    exp_extra -= 1;
        } else if (in == PARSE_DEC_IN_INTG && dig == '.') {
            in = PARSE_DEC_IN_FRAC;
        } else if (in != PARSE_DEC_IN_EXP && (dig == 'E' || dig == 'e')) {
            in = PARSE_DEC_IN_EXP;
            if (s[1] == '+') {
            } else if (s[1] == '-') {
                exp_neg = true;
        } else if (dig == 'J' || dig == 'j') {
            imag = true;
        } else {
            // unknown character
    if (*s != 0) {
        nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(MP_QSTR_SyntaxError, "invalid syntax for number"));
    if (exp_neg) {
        exp_val = -exp_val;
    exp_val += exp_extra;
    for (; exp_val > 0; exp_val--) {
        dec_val *= 10;
    for (; exp_val < 0; exp_val++) {
        dec_val *= 0.1;
    if (imag) {
        return mp_obj_new_complex(0, dec_val);
    } else {
        return mp_obj_new_float(dec_val);
    nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(MP_QSTR_SyntaxError, "decimal numbers not supported"));