Exemplo n.º 1
FtkSource* ftk_source_dfb_create(IDirectFB* dfb)
	FtkSource* thiz = FTK_ZALLOC(sizeof(FtkSource)+sizeof(PrivInfo));

	if(thiz != NULL)
		int fd = 0;
		DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
		IDirectFBEventBuffer* event_buffer = NULL;

		thiz->get_fd   =  ftk_source_dfb_get_fd;
		thiz->check    = ftk_source_dfb_check;
		thiz->dispatch = ftk_source_dfb_dispatch;
		thiz->destroy  = ftk_source_dfb_destroy;

		dfb->CreateInputEventBuffer( dfb, DICAPS_ALL, DFB_FALSE, &event_buffer );
		if(event_buffer != NULL)
			event_buffer->CreateFileDescriptor(event_buffer, &fd);
		thiz->ref = 1;
		priv->fd = fd;
		priv->event_buffer = event_buffer;

	return thiz;
Exemplo n.º 2
static int ftk_source_primary_get_fd(FtkSource* thiz)
	DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
	return_val_if_fail(priv != NULL, -1);

	return ftk_pipe_get_read_handle(priv->pipe);
Exemplo n.º 3
FtkSource* ftk_source_ps2mouse_create(const char* filename, FtkOnEvent on_event, void* user_data, int max_x, int max_y)
	FtkSource* thiz = (FtkSource*)FTK_ZALLOC(sizeof(FtkSource) + sizeof(PrivInfo));

	if(thiz != NULL)
		DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);

		thiz->get_fd   = ftk_source_ps2mouse_get_fd;
		thiz->check    = ftk_source_ps2mouse_check;
		thiz->dispatch = ftk_source_ps2mouse_dispatch;
		thiz->destroy  = ftk_source_ps2mouse_destroy;

		thiz->ref = 1;
		priv->fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
		ftk_strncpy(priv->filename, filename, sizeof(priv->filename));

		open_device(priv, max_x, max_y);
		if(priv->fd < 0)
			FTK_ZFREE(thiz, sizeof(thiz) + sizeof(PrivInfo));
			return NULL;

		priv->on_event = on_event;
		priv->user_data = user_data;
		priv->is_first_move = true;
		ftk_logd("%s: %d=%s priv->user_data=%p\n", __func__, priv->fd, filename, priv->user_data);

	return thiz;
Exemplo n.º 4
static Ret ftk_canvas_default_draw_bitmap_normal(FtkCanvas* thiz, FtkBitmap* bitmap, FtkRect* s, FtkRect* d)
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    int k = 0;
    int x = s->x;
    int y = s->y;
    int w = s->width;
    int h = s->height;
    int xoffset = d->x;
    int yoffset = d->y;
    FtkColor* src = NULL;
    FtkColor* dst = NULL;
    FtkColor* psrc = NULL;
    FtkColor* pdst = NULL;
    unsigned char alpha = 0;
    DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
    int width  = priv->w;
    int height = priv->h;
    int bitmap_width   = ftk_bitmap_width(bitmap);
    int bitmap_height  = ftk_bitmap_height(bitmap);

    return_val_if_fail(thiz != NULL && bitmap != NULL, RET_FAIL);
    return_val_if_fail(x < bitmap_width, RET_FAIL);
    return_val_if_fail(y < bitmap_height, RET_FAIL);
    return_val_if_fail(xoffset < width, RET_FAIL);
    return_val_if_fail(yoffset < height, RET_FAIL);

    src = ftk_bitmap_lock(bitmap);
    dst = priv->bits;

    w = (x + w) < bitmap_width  ? w : bitmap_width - x;
    w = (xoffset + w) < width  ? w : width  - xoffset;
    h = (y + h) < bitmap_height ? h : bitmap_height - y;
    h = (yoffset + h) < height ? h : height - yoffset;

    w += x;
    h += y;

    src += y * bitmap_width;
    dst += yoffset * width;

    if(thiz->gc.mask & FTK_GC_ALPHA)
        for(i = y; i < h; i++)
            for(j = x, k = xoffset; j < w; j++, k++)
                pdst = dst+k;
                psrc = src+j;
                alpha = (psrc->a * thiz->gc.alpha) >> 8;
                PUT_PIXEL(pdst, psrc, alpha);
            src += bitmap_width;
            dst += width;
        for(i = y; i < h; i++)
Exemplo n.º 5
static Ret  ftk_wnd_manager_default_map_panels(FtkWndManager* thiz, int map)
	int i = 0;
	Ret ret = RET_IGNORED;
	FtkEvent event;
	FtkWidget* win = NULL;
	DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
	return_val_if_fail(thiz != NULL && priv->top > 0, RET_FAIL);
	for(i = 0; i < priv->top; i++)
		win = priv->windows[i];
		if(ftk_widget_type(win) == FTK_STATUS_PANEL && ftk_widget_is_visible(win))
			if(!(map && ftk_window_is_mapped(win)))
				ftk_event_init(&event, map ? FTK_EVT_MAP : FTK_EVT_UNMAP);
				event.widget = win;
				ftk_wnd_manager_dispatch_event(thiz, &event);
				ret = RET_OK;

	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 6
static Ret ftk_canvas_default_draw_hline(FtkCanvas* thiz, int x, int y, int w)
    int i = 0;
    int width = 0;
    int height = 0;
    FtkColor* bits = NULL;
    unsigned char alpha = 0;
    FtkColor* pdst = NULL;
    FtkColor* color = NULL;
    DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
    width  = priv->w;
    height = priv->h;
    bits   = priv->bits;
    return_val_if_fail(bits != NULL && x < width, RET_FAIL);
    return_val_if_fail(y < height, RET_FAIL);
    alpha = thiz->gc.mask & FTK_GC_ALPHA ? thiz->gc.alpha :  thiz->gc.fg.a;

    x = x < 0 ? 0 : x;
    y = y < 0 ? 0 : y;
    w = (x + w) < width ? w : width - x;
    color = &(thiz->gc.fg);
    pdst = bits + y * width + x;

    for(i = w; i > 0; i--, pdst++)
        PUT_PIXEL(pdst, color, alpha);

    return RET_OK;
Exemplo n.º 7
static Ret ftk_canvas_default_draw_round_rect(FtkCanvas* thiz, int x, int y, int w, int h, int fill)
    int width  = 0;
    int height = 0;
    DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);

    width  = priv->w;
    height = priv->h;
    return_val_if_fail(x < width && y < height, RET_FAIL);
    return_val_if_fail(w > 8 && h > 8, RET_FAIL);

    ftk_canvas_default_draw_hline(thiz, x + 2, y, w-4);
    ftk_canvas_default_draw_hline(thiz, x + 1, y + 1, w-2);
    ftk_canvas_default_draw_vline(thiz, x, y + 2, h - 4);
    ftk_canvas_default_draw_vline(thiz, x + 1, y + 1, h - 2);

    ftk_canvas_default_draw_vline(thiz, x+w-1, y + 2, h - 4);
    ftk_canvas_default_draw_vline(thiz, x + w -2, y + 1, h - 2);
    ftk_canvas_default_draw_hline(thiz, x + 1, y + h - 1, w-2);
    ftk_canvas_default_draw_hline(thiz, x + 2, y + h - 2, w-4);

        ftk_canvas_default_draw_rect_impl(thiz, x + 2, y + 2, w - 4, h - 4, fill);

    return RET_OK;
Exemplo n.º 8
static int ftk_display_mem_width(FtkDisplay* thiz)
	DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
	return_val_if_fail(priv != NULL, 0);

	return priv->width;
Exemplo n.º 9
static int ftk_display_mem_height(FtkDisplay* thiz)
	DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
	return_val_if_fail(priv != NULL, 0);

	return priv->height;
Exemplo n.º 10
Ret ftk_display_mem_update_directly(FtkDisplay* thiz, FtkPixelFormat format,
	void* bits, size_t width, size_t height, size_t xoffset, size_t yoffset)
	size_t w = 0;
	size_t h = 0;
	char* src = NULL;
	char* dst = NULL;
	DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
	return_val_if_fail(bits != NULL, RET_FAIL);
	return_val_if_fail(ftk_display_mem_is_active(thiz), RET_FAIL);
	return_val_if_fail(xoffset < priv->width && yoffset < priv->height, RET_FAIL);

	w = (xoffset + width) < priv->width ? width : priv->width - xoffset;
	h = (yoffset + height) < priv->height ? height : priv->height - yoffset;

	if(format == priv->format)
		src = (char*)bits;
		dst = (char*)priv->bits + priv->width * priv->bpp + xoffset;
		for(; h; h--)
			memcpy(dst, src, priv->bpp * w);
			dst += priv->width * priv->bpp;
			src += width * priv->bpp;
		assert(!"not supprted yet");

	return RET_OK;
Exemplo n.º 11
static Ret ftk_display_mem_update(FtkDisplay* thiz, FtkBitmap* bitmap, FtkRect* rect, int xoffset, int yoffset)
	Ret ret = RET_OK;
	DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
	int display_width  = priv->width;
	int display_height = priv->height;
	return_val_if_fail(priv != NULL, RET_FAIL);

	ftk_logd("%s: ox=%d oy=%d (%d %d %d %d)\n", __func__, xoffset, yoffset, 
		rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height);
	ret = priv->copy_to_data(bitmap, rect, 
		priv->bits, xoffset, yoffset, display_width, display_height); 

	if(priv->sync != NULL && ret == RET_OK)
		FtkRect r;
		r.x = xoffset;
		r.y = yoffset;
		r.width = rect->width;
		r.height = rect->height;
		priv->sync(priv->sync_ctx, &r);

	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 12
static FtkBitmap* ftk_app_demo_get_icon(FtkApp* thiz)
    DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
    return_val_if_fail(priv != NULL, NULL);

    return priv->icon;
Exemplo n.º 13
static const char* ftk_app_demo_get_name(FtkApp* thiz)
    DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
    return_val_if_fail(priv != NULL, NULL);

    return priv->name;
Exemplo n.º 14
FtkInputMethod* ftk_input_method_hw_create(void)
	FtkInputMethod* thiz = FTK_ZALLOC(sizeof(FtkInputMethod) + sizeof(PrivInfo));

	if(thiz != NULL)
		FtkColor c = {0};
		DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);

		thiz->ref  = 1;
		thiz->name = _("Hand Write");	
		thiz->set_type     = ftk_input_method_hw_set_type;
		thiz->focus_in     = ftk_input_method_hw_focus_in;
		thiz->focus_out    = ftk_input_method_hw_focus_out;
		thiz->handle_event = ftk_input_method_hw_handle_event;
		thiz->destroy      = ftk_input_method_hw_destroy;

		c.r = 0xff;
		c.b = 0xff;
		priv->painter = ftk_stroke_painter_create();
		priv->engine = ftk_hand_write_engine_create(on_handwrite_result, thiz);
		ftk_input_method_hw_set_rect(thiz, NULL);
		ftk_input_method_hw_set_pen_width(thiz, 3);
		ftk_input_method_hw_set_pen_color(thiz, c);
		ftk_input_method_hw_set_click_timeout(thiz, 300);
		ftk_input_method_hw_set_commit_timeout(thiz, 1500);

	return thiz;
Exemplo n.º 15
FtkSource* ftk_source_psp_create(FtkDisplay* display, FtkOnEvent on_event, void* ctx)
	FtkSource* thiz = NULL;
	return_val_if_fail(display != NULL && on_event != NULL, NULL);

	thiz = (FtkSource*)FTK_ZALLOC(sizeof(FtkSource) + sizeof(PrivInfo));

	if(thiz != NULL)
		DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
		thiz->get_fd   = ftk_source_psp_get_fd;
		thiz->check	   = ftk_source_psp_check;
		thiz->dispatch = ftk_source_psp_dispatch;
		thiz->destroy  = ftk_source_psp_destroy;

		thiz->ref = 1;
		priv->ctx = ctx;
		priv->on_event = on_event;
		priv->display = display;

		priv->psp_keypress = 0;

	return thiz;
Exemplo n.º 16
FtkSource* ftk_source_x11_create(FtkDisplay* display, FtkOnEvent on_event, void* ctx)
	FtkSource* thiz = NULL;
	return_val_if_fail(display != NULL && on_event != NULL, NULL);

	thiz = (FtkSource*)FTK_ZALLOC(sizeof(FtkSource) + sizeof(PrivInfo));

	if(thiz != NULL)
		DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
		thiz->get_fd   = ftk_source_x11_get_fd;
		thiz->check	   = ftk_source_x11_check;
		thiz->dispatch = ftk_source_x11_dispatch;
		thiz->destroy  = ftk_source_x11_destroy;

		thiz->ref = 1;
		priv->ctx = ctx;
		priv->on_event = on_event;
		priv->display = display;
		priv->fd  = ConnectionNumber(ftk_display_x11_get_xdisplay(display));
		priv->win = (Window)ftk_display_x11_get_xwindow(display);


	return thiz;
Exemplo n.º 17
static Ret ftk_canvas_default_draw_vline(FtkCanvas* thiz, int x, int y, int h)
    int i = 0;
    int width = 0;
    int height = 0;
    FtkColor* bits = NULL;
    unsigned char alpha = 0;
    FtkColor* pdst = NULL;
    FtkColor* color = NULL;
    DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
    width  = priv->w;
    height = priv->h;
    bits   = priv->bits;
    return_val_if_fail(bits != NULL && y < height, RET_FAIL);
    alpha = thiz->gc.mask & FTK_GC_ALPHA ? thiz->gc.alpha :  thiz->gc.fg.a;

    x = x < 0 ? 0 : x;
    y = y < 0 ? 0 : y;
    h = (y + h) < height ? h : (height - y);

    pdst = bits + width * y + x;
    color = &(thiz->gc.fg);

    for(i = h; i > 0; i--, pdst+=width)
        PUT_PIXEL(pdst, color, alpha);

    return RET_OK;
Exemplo n.º 18
FtkDisplay* ftk_display_android_create(void)
	FtkDisplay* thiz = NULL;

	thiz = (FtkDisplay*)FTK_ZALLOC(sizeof(FtkDisplay) + sizeof(PrivInfo));
	if(thiz != NULL)
		FtkColor bg;
		DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
		thiz->update   = ftk_display_android_update;
		thiz->width    = ftk_display_android_width;
		thiz->height   = ftk_display_android_height;
		thiz->snap     = ftk_display_android_snap;
		thiz->destroy  = ftk_display_android_destroy;

		bg.a = 0xff;
		bg.r = 0xff;
		bg.g = 0xff;
		bg.b = 0xff;
		priv->bitmap = ftk_bitmap_create(screen_width, screen_height, bg);

			(FtkListener)ftk_display_android_handle_event, thiz);


	return thiz;
Exemplo n.º 19
static Ret ftk_canvas_default_draw_rect_impl(FtkCanvas* thiz, int x, int y, int w, int h, int fill)
    int i = 0;
    int width  = 0;
    int height = 0;
    DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
    width  = priv->w;
    height = priv->h;
    return_val_if_fail(x < width && y < height, RET_FAIL);

        for(i = 0; i < h; i++)
            if((y + i) < height)
                ftk_canvas_default_draw_hline(thiz, x, (y+i), w);
        ftk_canvas_default_draw_hline(thiz, x,   y, w);
        ftk_canvas_default_draw_hline(thiz, x,   y+h-1, w);
        ftk_canvas_default_draw_vline(thiz, x,   y, h);
        ftk_canvas_default_draw_vline(thiz, x+w-1, y, h);

    return RET_OK;
Exemplo n.º 20
static Ret   ftk_animation_alpha_step(FtkAnimation* thiz)
	FtkRect r = {0};
	float percent = 0;
	DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);

	r = priv->back_win_rect;
	if(r.width > 0 && r.height > 0)
		ftk_canvas_draw_bitmap(ftk_shared_canvas(), priv->back_win, &r, &r, 0xff);

	percent = priv->start + (priv->end - priv->start) * ftk_animation_get_percent(thiz);

	r = priv->front_win_rect;
	if(r.width > 0 && r.height > 0)
		int alpha = (int)(0xff * percent) & 0xff;
		ftk_canvas_draw_bitmap(ftk_shared_canvas(), priv->front_win, &r, &r, alpha);

	ftk_canvas_show(ftk_shared_canvas(), ftk_default_display(), &r, r.x, r.y);

	return RET_OK;
Exemplo n.º 21
static Ret ftk_canvas_default_draw_rect(FtkCanvas* thiz, int x, int y, int w, int h,
                                        int round, int fill)
    Ret ret = RET_FAIL;
    FtkRect rect = {0};
    DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
    rect.x = x;
    rect.y = y;
    rect.width = w;
    rect.height = h;

    if(ftk_rect_and(&rect, &priv->clip->rect, &rect) != RET_OK)
//		ftk_logd("%s: skip.\n", __func__);
        return RET_OK;

    x = rect.x;
    y = rect.y;
    w = rect.width;
    h = rect.height;

        ret = ftk_canvas_default_draw_round_rect(thiz, x, y, w, h, fill);
        ret = ftk_canvas_default_draw_rect_impl(thiz, x, y, w, h, fill);

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 22
static Ret   ftk_animation_alpha_reset(FtkAnimation* thiz, FtkBitmap* old_win, FtkBitmap* new_win,
	FtkRect* old_win_rect, FtkRect* new_win_rect)
	DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
	const char* src = ftk_animation_get_param(thiz, "src");
	return_val_if_fail(src != NULL, RET_FAIL);

	priv->start = ftk_animation_get_param_float(thiz, "from", 1.0);
	priv->end = ftk_animation_get_param_float(thiz, "to", 1.0);

	if(strstr(src, "new_window") != NULL)
		priv->back_win = old_win;
		priv->back_win_rect = *old_win_rect;
		priv->front_win = new_win;
		priv->front_win_rect = *new_win_rect;
		priv->back_win = new_win;
		priv->back_win_rect = *new_win_rect;
		priv->front_win = old_win;
		priv->front_win_rect = *old_win_rect;

	ftk_logd("%s: src=%s start=%f end=%f old(%d %d %d %d) new(%d %d %d %d)",
		__func__, src, priv->start, priv->end, 
		old_win_rect->x, old_win_rect->y, old_win_rect->width, old_win_rect->height,
		new_win_rect->x, new_win_rect->y, new_win_rect->width, new_win_rect->height);

	return RET_OK;
Exemplo n.º 23
static FtkWidget* ftk_wnd_manager_find_target(FtkWndManager* thiz, int x, int y)
	int i = 0;
	int top = 0;
	int left = 0;
	int w = 0;
	int h = 0;
	DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
	return_val_if_fail(thiz != NULL && priv->top > 0, NULL);	

	i = priv->top;
	for(; i > 0; i--)
		FtkWidget* win = priv->windows[i-1];
		if(!ftk_widget_is_visible(win) || !ftk_window_is_mapped(win))
		top = ftk_widget_top_abs(win);
		left = ftk_widget_left_abs(win);
		w = ftk_widget_width(win);
		h = ftk_widget_height(win);

		if(x >= left && y >= top && x < (left  + w)	&& y < (top + h))
			return win;

	return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 24
static void ftk_animation_trigger_default_destroy(FtkAnimationTrigger* thiz)
	if(thiz != NULL)
		int i = 0;
		DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);

		for(i = 0; i < priv->type_and_animations_nr; i++)
			size_t j = 0;
			for(j = 0; j < FTK_MAX_ANIMATION_NR; j++)
				if(priv->type_and_animations[i].animations[j] != NULL)


Exemplo n.º 25
FtkWndManager* ftk_wnd_manager_default_create(FtkMainLoop* main_loop)
	FtkWndManager* thiz = NULL;
	return_val_if_fail(main_loop != NULL, NULL);

	if((thiz = (FtkWndManager*)FTK_ZALLOC(sizeof(FtkWndManager) + sizeof(PrivInfo))) != NULL)
		DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);

		priv->main_loop = main_loop;
		priv->long_press_timer = ftk_source_timer_create(1500, (FtkTimer)ftk_wnd_manager_default_long_press, thiz);
		ftk_set_primary_source(ftk_source_primary_create((FtkOnEvent)ftk_wnd_manager_default_dispatch_event, thiz));
		ftk_sources_manager_add(ftk_default_sources_manager(), ftk_primary_source());

		thiz->grab   = ftk_wnd_manager_default_grab;
		thiz->ungrab = ftk_wnd_manager_default_ungrab;
		thiz->add    = ftk_wnd_manager_default_add;
		thiz->remove = ftk_wnd_manager_default_remove;
		thiz->restack= ftk_wnd_manager_default_restack;
		thiz->update         = ftk_wnd_manager_default_update;
		thiz->get_work_area  = ftk_wnd_manager_default_get_work_area;
		thiz->queue_event    = ftk_wnd_manager_default_queue_event;
		thiz->dispatch_event         = ftk_wnd_manager_default_dispatch_event;
		thiz->add_global_listener    = ftk_wnd_manager_default_add_global_listener;
		thiz->remove_global_listener = ftk_wnd_manager_default_remove_global_listener;
		thiz->destroy                = ftk_wnd_manager_default_destroy;

#ifndef FTK_SUPPORT_C99

	return thiz;
Exemplo n.º 26
static Ret ftk_animation_trigger_default_ensure_canvas(FtkAnimationTrigger* thiz)
	int w = 0;
	int h = 0;
	FtkColor bg = {0};
	DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);

	if(priv->old_window && priv->new_window)
		return RET_OK;

	bg.a = 0xff;
	w = ftk_display_width(ftk_default_display());
	h = ftk_display_height(ftk_default_display());

	if(priv->old_window == NULL)
		priv->old_window = ftk_canvas_create(w, h, &bg);
	if(priv->new_window == NULL)
		priv->new_window = ftk_canvas_create(w, h, &bg);

	return priv->old_window && priv->new_window ? RET_OK : RET_FAIL;
Exemplo n.º 27
static Ret ftk_source_primary_dispatch(FtkSource* thiz)
	FtkEvent event = {0};
	DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
	int ret = ftk_pipe_read(priv->pipe, &event, sizeof(FtkEvent));
	return_val_if_fail(ret == sizeof(FtkEvent), RET_REMOVE);

		case FTK_EVT_NOP:
			ftk_sources_manager_add(ftk_default_sources_manager(), event.u.extra);
			ftk_sources_manager_remove(ftk_default_sources_manager(), event.u.extra);
			if(priv->on_event != NULL)
				priv->on_event(priv->user_data, &event);

	return RET_OK;
Exemplo n.º 28
static Ret ftk_font_freetype_lookup (FtkFont* thiz, unsigned short code, FtkGlyph* glyph)
	int index = 0;
	FT_Error err = 0;
	DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
	return_val_if_fail(thiz != NULL && glyph != NULL, RET_FAIL);

	index = FT_Get_Char_Index(priv->face, code);
	err = FT_Load_Glyph(priv->face, index, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT|FT_LOAD_RENDER);
	return_val_if_fail(err == 0, RET_FAIL);

	glyph->code = code;
	glyph->x    = priv->face->glyph->bitmap_left;
	glyph->y    = priv->face->glyph->bitmap_top;
	glyph->w    = priv->face->glyph->bitmap.width;
	glyph->h    = priv->face->glyph->bitmap.rows;
	glyph->advance_x = priv->face->glyph->advance.x >> 6;
	glyph->data = priv->face->glyph->bitmap.buffer;
    // For fix a bug-- the actual bitmap of some fonts is larger than it's font size
	if (glyph->h > thiz->height(thiz)) {
		ftk_logw("Bug font code: %04x\n", code);
		glyph->h = thiz->height(thiz);

	return RET_OK;
Exemplo n.º 29
static int      ftk_font_freetype_height(FtkFont* thiz)
	DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
	return_val_if_fail(thiz != NULL, 0);

	return priv->size;
Exemplo n.º 30
static Ret  ftk_source_dfb_dispatch(FtkSource* thiz)
	int i = 0;
	int nr = 0;
	DFBEvent   buff[10];
	DECL_PRIV(thiz, priv);
	DFBEvent* event = NULL;
	int size =  read(priv->fd, buff, sizeof(buff));
	return_val_if_fail(size > 0, RET_FAIL);

	nr = size/sizeof(DFBEvent);
	for(i = 0; i < nr; i++)
		event = buff+i;
			case DFEC_INPUT:
				ftk_source_dfb_dispatch_input_event(thiz, &(event->input));
			case DFEC_USER:
			case DFEC_WINDOW:

	return RET_OK;