bool CHillslope_Evolution_FTCS::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Grid	DEM(Get_System());

	m_pDEM_Old	= &DEM;

	m_pDEM		= Parameters("MODEL")->asGrid();


	DataObject_Set_Colors(Parameters("DIFF")->asGrid(), 10, SG_COLORS_RED_GREY_BLUE, true);

	double	k, dTime, nTime;

	k		= Parameters("KAPPA"   )->asDouble();
	nTime	= Parameters("DURATION")->asDouble();

	if( Parameters("TIMESTEP")->asInt() == 0 )
		dTime	= Parameters("DTIME")->asDouble();
		dTime	= 0.5 * Get_Cellarea() / (2.0 * k);

		if( Parameters("NEIGHBOURS")->asInt() == 1 )
			dTime	/= sqrt(2.0);

	if( dTime > nTime )
		Message_Fmt("\n%s: %s [%f]", _TL("Warning"), _TL("Time step exceeds duration"), dTime);

		dTime	= nTime;

	Message_Fmt("\n%s: %f", _TL("Time Step"), dTime);
	Message_Fmt("\n%s: %d", _TL("Steps"), (int)(nTime / dTime));

	for(double iTime=dTime; iTime<=nTime && Set_Progress(iTime, nTime); iTime+=dTime)
		Process_Set_Text("%s: %.2f [%.2f]", _TL("Simulation Time"), iTime, nTime);


		Set_Diffusion(dTime * k / Get_Cellarea());



	return( true );
Exemplo n.º 2
void ParametryGrafu(string sNET, string sDEM, string sDMC)
    ifstream NET(sNET.c_str(), ios::in);
    NET >> LiczbaW;
    NET >> LiczbaK;
    ifstream DEM(sDEM.c_str(), ios::in);
    DEM >> LiczbaUni;
    ifstream DMC(sDMC.c_str(), ios::in);
    DMC >> LiczbaMulti;
int main (int nNumberofArgs,char *argv[])

  //Test for correct input arguments
	if (nNumberofArgs!=7)
		cout << "FATAL ERROR: wrong number of inputs. The program needs the path (with trailing slash), the filename prefix, the DEM file format, the window radius, ";
    cout << "basin order, and a switch to write rasters if desired." << endl;

  //load input arguments
  string Path = argv[1];
	string Prefix = argv[2];
  string DEM_Format = argv[3];
  float window_radius = atof(argv[4]); //6
  int BasinOrder = atoi(argv[5]);  //2
  int WriteRasters = atoi(argv[6]);  //0 (do not write rasters) or 1 (write rasters)

  //set up writers to write the output data
  stringstream ssLH;
  stringstream ssR;
  ssLH << Path << Prefix << "_LHResData_variable.txt";
  ssR << Path << Prefix << "_RResData_variable.txt";

  ofstream WriteLHData;
  ofstream WriteRData;

  //write headers
  WriteLHData << "resolution 2pc 25pc median mean 75pc 98pc minimum maximum" << endl;
  WriteRData << "resolution 2pc 25pc median mean 75pc 98pc minimum maximum" << endl;

  //set boundary conditions
  vector<string> BoundaryConditions(4, "No Flux");

  //array of resolutions to load
  int Resolutions[] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30};

  for (int a = 0; a < 19; ++a){
	  cout << "Processing DEM " << a+1 << " of " << "19" << endl;

    //create an output filename based on the dem name and the resolution
    stringstream ss;
    ss << Path << Prefix << "_" << Resolutions[a];
    string Filename = ss.str();

    //load dem
    LSDRaster DEM((Filename + "_DEM"), DEM_Format);

    stringstream ssa;
    ssa << Path << Prefix << "_" << Resolutions[a] << "_variable";
    string Filename_variable = ssa.str();

    float MinSlope = 0.0001;
    LSDRaster FilledDEM = DEM.fill(MinSlope);

    //surface fitting
    vector<int> raster_selection;

    raster_selection.push_back(1); //slope
    raster_selection.push_back(1); //aspect
    raster_selection.push_back(1); //curvature
    raster_selection.push_back(1); //plan curvature

    int CurrentWindowSize = window_radius;

    vector<LSDRaster> Surfaces = FilledDEM.calculate_polyfit_surface_metrics(CurrentWindowSize, raster_selection);
    LSDRaster slope = Surfaces[1];
    LSDRaster aspect = Surfaces[2];

    cout << "\nGetting drainage network and basins\n" << endl;

    // get a flow info object
  	LSDFlowInfo FlowInfo(BoundaryConditions,FilledDEM);

    //get stream net from channel heads
    stringstream ss_ch;
    ss_ch << Path << "Pelletier/" << Prefix << "_" << Resolutions[a] << "_CH";

    vector<int> sources = FlowInfo.Ingest_Channel_Heads(ss_ch.str(), "bil");
    LSDJunctionNetwork ChanNetwork(sources, FlowInfo);
    LSDIndexRaster StreamNetwork = ChanNetwork.StreamOrderArray_to_LSDIndexRaster();

    //Extract basins based on input stream order
    vector< int > basin_junctions = ChanNetwork.ExtractBasinJunctionOrder(BasinOrder, FlowInfo);
    LSDIndexRaster Basin_Raster = ChanNetwork.extract_basins_from_junction_vector(basin_junctions, FlowInfo);

    cout << "\nExtracting hilltops and hilltop curvature" << endl;

    // extract hilltops - no critical slope filtering is performed here
    LSDRaster hilltops = ChanNetwork.ExtractRidges(FlowInfo);

    //get hilltop curvature using filter to remove positive curvatures
    LSDRaster cht_raster = FilledDEM.get_hilltop_curvature(Surfaces[3], hilltops);
    LSDRaster CHT = FilledDEM.remove_positive_hilltop_curvature(cht_raster);

    cout << "Starting hilltop flow routing\n" << endl;

    // these params do not need changed during normal use of the HFR algorithm
    bool print_paths_switch = false;
    int thinning = 1;
    string trace_path = "";
    bool basin_filter_switch = false;
    vector<int> Target_Basin_Vector;

    //run HFR
    vector< Array2D<float> > HFR_Arrays = FlowInfo.HilltopFlowRouting(FilledDEM, hilltops, slope, StreamNetwork, aspect, Filename_variable, Basin_Raster, Surfaces[4], print_paths_switch, thinning, trace_path, basin_filter_switch, Target_Basin_Vector);

    LSDRaster HFR_LH = hilltops.LSDRasterTemplate(HFR_Arrays[1]);
    LSDRaster relief = hilltops.LSDRasterTemplate(HFR_Arrays[3]);

    //Filter Relief and LH data to remove any values < 2 pixels, as in Grieve et al (2015)
    LSDRaster LH1 = HFR_LH.RemoveBelow(2.0*Resolutions[a]);
    LSDRaster Relief1 = relief.RemoveBelow(2.0*Resolutions[a]);

    //Filter Relief and LH data to remove any values > 10000
    //These are created due to using 1m channel heads on low res data, and inadvertantly
    //sampling nodata values, which gives us massive relief values
    LSDRaster LH = LH1.RemoveAbove(10000);
    LSDRaster Relief = Relief1.RemoveAbove(10000);

    //go through the lh raster and get every value into a 1D vector
    vector<float> LH_vec = Flatten_Without_Nodata(LH.get_RasterData(), LH.get_NoDataValue());
    vector<float> Boxplot = BoxPlot(LH_vec);

    //write the values to the output file
    WriteLHData << Resolutions[a] << " " << Boxplot[0] << " " << Boxplot[1] << " " << Boxplot[2] << " " << Boxplot[3] << " " << Boxplot[4] << " " << Boxplot[5] << " " << Boxplot[6] << " " << Boxplot[7];

    WriteLHData << endl;

    stringstream ss3;
    ss3 << Path << Prefix << "_" << Resolutions[a] << "_Hist_LH_variable.txt";
    print_histogram(LH_vec, 1, ss3.str());

    //go through the relief raster and get every value into a 1D vector
    vector<float> R_vec = Flatten_Without_Nodata(Relief.get_RasterData(), Relief.get_NoDataValue());
    vector<float> Boxplot_R = BoxPlot(R_vec);

    //write the values to the output file
    WriteRData << Resolutions[a] << " " << Boxplot_R[0] << " " << Boxplot_R[1] << " " << Boxplot_R[2] << " " << Boxplot_R[3] << " " << Boxplot_R[4] << " " << Boxplot_R[5] << " " << Boxplot_R[6] << " " << Boxplot_R[7];

    WriteRData << endl;

    stringstream ss4;
    ss4 << Path << Prefix << "_" << Resolutions[a] << "_Hist_R_variable.txt";
    print_histogram(R_vec, 1, ss4.str());

    //if the user requests the rasters to be written, write the rasters
    if (WriteRasters == 1){
      cout << "Writing Rasters\n" << endl;

      Surfaces[1].write_raster((Filename + "_Slope_variable"), DEM_Format);
      CHT.write_raster((Filename + "_CHT_variable"), DEM_Format);
      LH.write_raster((Filename + "_HFR_LH_variable"), DEM_Format);
      Relief.write_raster((Filename + "_Relief_variable"), DEM_Format);

int main (int nNumberofArgs,char *argv[])
  //Test for correct input arguments
	if (nNumberofArgs!=7)
		cout << "FATAL ERROR: wrong number of inputs. The program needs the path (with trailing slash), the filename prefix, window radius, "; 
    cout << "basin order, a switch to use or exclude floodplains and a switch to write rasters if desired." << endl;
  //load input arguments
  string path = argv[1];
	string filename = argv[2];
  float window_radius = atof(argv[3]); //6
  int BasinOrder = atoi(argv[4]);  //2
  int FloodplainSwitch = atoi(argv[5]);
  int WriteRasters = atoi(argv[6]);  //0 (do not write rasters) or 1 (write rasters) 
  //set boundary conditions
  vector<string> BoundaryConditions(4, "No Flux");

  //load dem
  LSDRaster DEM((path+filename+"_dem"), "flt");  
  float MinSlope = 0.0001;
  LSDRaster FilledDEM = DEM.fill(MinSlope);
  //surface fitting
  vector<int> raster_selection;
  raster_selection.push_back(1); //slope 
  raster_selection.push_back(1); //aspect
  raster_selection.push_back(1); //curvature
  raster_selection.push_back(1); //plan curvature

  vector<LSDRaster> Surfaces = FilledDEM.calculate_polyfit_surface_metrics(window_radius, raster_selection);
  LSDRaster slope = Surfaces[1];
  LSDRaster aspect = Surfaces[2];   
  cout << "\nGetting drainage network and basins\n" << endl;

  // get a flow info object
	LSDFlowInfo FlowInfo(BoundaryConditions,FilledDEM);
  //get stream net from channel heads
  vector<int> sources = FlowInfo.Ingest_Channel_Heads((path+filename+"_dem_CH"), "flt"); //swap to csv? 
  LSDJunctionNetwork ChanNetwork(sources, FlowInfo);
  LSDIndexRaster StreamNetwork = ChanNetwork.StreamOrderArray_to_LSDIndexRaster();

  //load floodplain and merge with the channel network if required, otherwise the 
  //floodplain mask will only contain the channel data
  LSDIndexRaster ChannelAndFloodplain;

  if (FloodplainSwitch == 1){
    LSDIndexRaster Floodplains((path+filename+"_FloodPlain"), "flt");
    ChannelAndFloodplain = StreamNetwork.MergeChannelWithFloodplain(Floodplains);
    ChannelAndFloodplain = StreamNetwork;
  //Extract basins based on input stream order
  vector< int > basin_junctions = ChanNetwork.ExtractBasinJunctionOrder(BasinOrder, FlowInfo);
  LSDIndexRaster Basin_Raster = ChanNetwork.extract_basins_from_junction_vector(basin_junctions, FlowInfo);
  cout << "\nExtracting hilltops and hilltop curvature" << endl;
  // extract hilltops - no critical slope filtering is performed here
  LSDRaster hilltops = ChanNetwork.ExtractRidges(FlowInfo);   
  //get hilltop curvature using filter to remove positive curvatures         
  LSDRaster cht_raster = FilledDEM.get_hilltop_curvature(Surfaces[3], hilltops);
  LSDRaster CHT = FilledDEM.remove_positive_hilltop_curvature(cht_raster);  
  //get d infinity flowdirection and flow area
  Array2D<float> dinf = FilledDEM.D_inf_FlowDir();
  LSDRaster dinf_rast = FilledDEM.LSDRasterTemplate(dinf);
  LSDRaster DinfArea = FilledDEM.D_inf_units();
  cout << "Starting hilltop flow routing\n" << endl;
  //start of Hilltop flow routing
  string prefix = (path+filename+"_dreich_");  //set a path to write the hillslope length data to, based on the input path and filename given by the user
  // these params do not need changed during normal use of the HFR algorithm
  bool print_paths_switch = false;
  int thinning = 1;
  string trace_path = "";
  bool basin_filter_switch = false;                          
  vector<int> Target_Basin_Vector;

  //run HFR    
  vector< Array2D<float> > HFR_Arrays = FlowInfo.HilltopFlowRouting(FilledDEM, hilltops, slope, ChannelAndFloodplain, aspect, prefix, Basin_Raster, Surfaces[4], print_paths_switch, thinning, trace_path, basin_filter_switch, Target_Basin_Vector);
  LSDRaster HFR_LH = hilltops.LSDRasterTemplate(HFR_Arrays[1]);
  LSDRaster HFR_Slope = hilltops.LSDRasterTemplate(HFR_Arrays[2]);
  LSDRaster relief = hilltops.LSDRasterTemplate(HFR_Arrays[3]);
  //end of HFR 

  //create lsdbasin objects in a loop over each junction number
  vector< LSDBasin > Basins;

  //slope area plotting parameters - these defaults are usually fine
  float log_bin_width = 0.1;
  int SplineResolution = 10000;
  int bin_threshold = 0;
  float CriticalSlope = 1.2; //this needs modified to generate proper E*R* data
  cout << "\nCreating each LSDBasin" << endl;
  //loop over each basin, generating an LSDBasin object which contains that basin's measurements
  for (int w = 0; w < int(basin_junctions.size()); ++w){
    cout << (w+1) << " / " << basin_junctions.size() << endl;
    LSDBasin Basin(basin_junctions[w], FlowInfo, ChanNetwork);
    Basin.set_FlowLength(StreamNetwork, FlowInfo);
    Basin.set_all_HillslopeLengths(FlowInfo, HFR_LH, slope, DinfArea, log_bin_width, SplineResolution, bin_threshold);
    Basin.set_SlopeMean(FlowInfo, slope);
    Basin.set_AspectMean(FlowInfo, aspect);
    Basin.set_ElevationMean(FlowInfo, FilledDEM);
    Basin.set_ReliefMean(FlowInfo, relief);
    Basin.set_CHTMean(FlowInfo, CHT);
  //create a filestream to write the output data
  // use the input arguments to generate a path and filename for the output file
  ofstream WriteData;                 
  stringstream ss;
  ss << path << filename << "_dreich_PaperData.txt";                

  //write headers
  WriteData << "BasinID HFR_mean HFR_median HFR_stddev HFR_stderr HFR_Nvalues HFR_range HFR_min HFR_max SA_binned_LH SA_Spline_LH LH_Density Area Basin_Slope_mean Basin_Slope_median Basin_Slope_stddev Basin_Slope_stderr Basin_Slope_Nvalues Basin_Slope_range Basin_Slope_min Basin_Slope_max Basin_elev_mean Basin_elev_median Basin_elev_stddev Basin_elev_stderr Basin_elev_Nvalues Basin_elev_Range Basin_elev_min Basin_elev_max Aspect_mean CHT_mean CHT_median CHT_stddev CHT_stderr CHT_Nvalues CHT_range CHT_min CHT_max EStar RStar HT_Slope_mean HT_Slope_median HT_Slope_stddev HT_Slope_stderr HT_Slope_Nvalues HT_Slope_range HT_Slope_min HT_Slope_max HT_relief_mean HT_relief_median HT_relief_stddev HT_relief_stderr HT_relief_Nvalues HT_relief_range HT_relief_min HT_relief_max" << endl;

  cout << "\nWriting data to file\n" << endl;

  //write all data to the opened file, ensuring that there are data points to be written in each basin                                         
  for (int q = 0; q < int(Basins.size()); ++q){
    // only work where we have data points
    if (Basins[q].CalculateNumDataPoints(FlowInfo, HFR_LH) != 0 && Basins[q].CalculateNumDataPoints(FlowInfo, slope) != 0 && Basins[q].CalculateNumDataPoints(FlowInfo, FilledDEM) != 0 && Basins[q].CalculateNumDataPoints(FlowInfo, CHT) != 0 && Basins[q].CalculateNumDataPoints(FlowInfo, HFR_Slope) != 0 && Basins[q].CalculateNumDataPoints(FlowInfo, relief) != 0){
      // BasinID
      WriteData << Basins[q].get_Junction()<< " ";
      WriteData << Basins[q].get_HillslopeLength_HFR() << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinMedian(FlowInfo, HFR_LH) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinStdDev(FlowInfo, HFR_LH) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinStdError(FlowInfo, HFR_LH) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateNumDataPoints(FlowInfo, HFR_LH) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinRange(FlowInfo, HFR_LH) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinMin(FlowInfo, HFR_LH) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinMax(FlowInfo, HFR_LH)<< " ";         
      WriteData << Basins[q].get_HillslopeLength_Binned()<< " ";
      WriteData << Basins[q].get_HillslopeLength_Spline()<< " ";
      WriteData << Basins[q].get_HillslopeLength_Density()<< " ";
      WriteData << Basins[q].get_Area()<< " ";
      WriteData << Basins[q].get_SlopeMean() << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinMedian(FlowInfo, slope) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinStdDev(FlowInfo, slope) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinStdError(FlowInfo, slope) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateNumDataPoints(FlowInfo, slope) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinRange(FlowInfo, slope) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinMin(FlowInfo, slope) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinMax(FlowInfo, slope)<< " ";
      WriteData << Basins[q].get_ElevationMean() << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinMedian(FlowInfo, FilledDEM) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinStdDev(FlowInfo, FilledDEM) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinStdError(FlowInfo, FilledDEM) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateNumDataPoints(FlowInfo, FilledDEM) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinRange(FlowInfo, FilledDEM) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinMin(FlowInfo, FilledDEM) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinMax(FlowInfo, FilledDEM)<< " ";
      WriteData << Basins[q].get_AspectMean()<< " ";
      WriteData << Basins[q].get_CHTMean() << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinMedian(FlowInfo, CHT) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinStdDev(FlowInfo, CHT) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinStdError(FlowInfo, CHT) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateNumDataPoints(FlowInfo, CHT) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinRange(FlowInfo, CHT) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinMin(FlowInfo, CHT) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinMax(FlowInfo, CHT) << " ";
      WriteData << Basins[q].get_EStar()<< " ";
      WriteData << Basins[q].get_RStar()<< " ";
      WriteData << Basins[q].CalculateBasinMean(FlowInfo, HFR_Slope) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinMedian(FlowInfo, HFR_Slope) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinStdDev(FlowInfo, HFR_Slope) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinStdError(FlowInfo, HFR_Slope) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateNumDataPoints(FlowInfo, HFR_Slope) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinRange(FlowInfo, HFR_Slope) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinMin(FlowInfo, HFR_Slope) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinMax(FlowInfo, HFR_Slope)<< " ";
      WriteData << Basins[q].get_ReliefMean() << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinMedian(FlowInfo, relief) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinStdDev(FlowInfo, relief) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinStdError(FlowInfo, relief) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateNumDataPoints(FlowInfo, relief) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinRange(FlowInfo, relief) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinMin(FlowInfo, relief) << " " << Basins[q].CalculateBasinMax(FlowInfo, relief)<< "\n";
  // close the output file

  //if the user requests the raster to be written, write the rasters
  if (WriteRasters == 1){
    cout << "Writing Rasters\n" << endl;                                   
   // FilledDEM.write_raster((path+filename+"_Fill"), "flt");
    //StreamNetwork.write_raster((path+filename+"_STNET"), "flt"); 
    //Basin_Raster.write_raster((path+filename+"_Basins"), "flt"); 
    //perform a hillshade
    //LSDRaster Hillshade = FilledDEM.hillshade(45.0,315.0,1.0);
Exemplo n.º 5
int main(int nNumberofArgs, char *argv[])
  //Test for correct input arguments
	if (nNumberofArgs!=5)
		cout << "FATAL ERROR: wrong number of inputs. The program needs the path (with trailing slash), the filename prefix, the DEM file format, the window size in spatial units.";

  //get input args
  string path = argv[1];
  string Prefix = argv[2];
  string DEM_Format = argv[3];
  int WindowSize = atoi(argv[4]);

  //surface fitting
  vector<int> raster_selection;
  raster_selection.push_back(1); //slope
	raster_selection.push_back(1); //curvature

  //set up a writer to write the output data
  ofstream WriteData;

  //create an output filename based on the dem name
  stringstream ss;

  ss << path << Prefix << "_ChtResData.txt";

  //write headers
  WriteData << "resoulution 2pc 25pc median mean 75pc 98pc minimum maximum" << endl;

  //array of resolutions to load
  int Resolutions[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};

  // vectors to hold the stats about the fitted surface
  vector<float> Curv_vec;

	//set boundary conditions
  vector<string> BoundaryConditions(4, "No Flux");

  for (int a = 0; a < 10; ++a){

	  cout << "Processing DEM " << a+1 << " of " << "10" << endl;

		//load the DEM
    //build the string of the filename to load
		stringstream ss2;
		ss2 << path << Prefix << "_" << Resolutions[a] << "_DEM";
		LSDRaster DEM(ss2.str(), DEM_Format);

		float MinSlope = 0.0001;
		LSDRaster FilledDEM = DEM.fill(MinSlope);

	  int CurrentWindowSize = WindowSize;
	  vector<LSDRaster> Surfaces = FilledDEM.calculate_polyfit_surface_metrics(CurrentWindowSize, raster_selection);

		// get a flow info object
	  LSDFlowInfo FlowInfo(BoundaryConditions,FilledDEM);

	  //get stream net from channel heads
	  vector<int> sources = FlowInfo.Ingest_Channel_Heads((path+Prefix+"_CH"), "csv", 2);

	  LSDJunctionNetwork ChanNetwork(sources, FlowInfo);

		// extract hilltops
    LSDRaster hilltops = ChanNetwork.ExtractRidges(FlowInfo);
    LSDRaster Hilltops = ChanNetwork.ExtractHilltops(hilltops, Surfaces[1], 0.4);

    //get hilltop curvature using filter to remove positive curvatures
    LSDRaster cht_raster = FilledDEM.get_hilltop_curvature(Surfaces[3], Hilltops);
    LSDRaster CHT = FilledDEM.remove_positive_hilltop_curvature(cht_raster);

	  //go through the landscape and get every curvature value into a 1D vector
    Curv_vec = Flatten_Without_Nodata(CHT.get_RasterData(), CHT.get_NoDataValue());

    stringstream ss3;
    ss3 << path << Prefix << "_" << Resolutions[a] << "_Hist_CHT.txt";

    print_histogram(Curv_vec, 0.01, ss3.str());

    vector<float> Boxplot = BoxPlot(Curv_vec);

	  //write the values to the output file
	  WriteData << Resolutions[a] << " " << Boxplot[0] << " " << Boxplot[1] << " " << Boxplot[2] << " " << Boxplot[3] << " " << Boxplot[4] << " " << Boxplot[5] << " " << Boxplot[6] << " " << Boxplot[7];

		WriteData << endl;

