Exemplo n.º 1
/* complete overwrite, necessary code duplication */
static void
draw_polygon(DiaRenderer *self, 
	      Point *points, int num_points, 
	      Color *line_colour)
  DiaSvgRenderer *renderer = DIA_SVG_RENDERER (self);
  int i;
  xmlNodePtr node;
  GString *str;
  Point center;
  gchar px_buf[G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE];
  gchar py_buf[G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE];

  node = xmlNewChild(renderer->root, renderer->svg_name_space, (const xmlChar *)"polygon", NULL);
  xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"style", 
             (xmlChar *) DIA_SVG_RENDERER_GET_CLASS(renderer)->get_draw_style(renderer, line_colour));

  str = g_string_new(NULL);
  for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
    g_string_append_printf(str, "%s,%s ",
			   g_ascii_formatd(px_buf, sizeof(px_buf), "%g", points[i].x),
			   g_ascii_formatd(py_buf, sizeof(py_buf), "%g", points[i].y) );
    add_connection_point(SHAPE_RENDERER(self), &points[i], FALSE, FALSE);
  for(i = 1; i < num_points; i++) {
    center.x = (points[i].x + points[i-1].x)/2;
    center.y = (points[i].y + points[i-1].y)/2;
    add_connection_point(SHAPE_RENDERER(self), &center, FALSE, FALSE);
  xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"points", (xmlChar *) str->str);
  g_string_free(str, TRUE);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * \brief creation of rectangles with corner radius
 * \memberof SvgRenderer
static void
draw_rounded_rect (DiaRenderer *self, 
		   Point *ul_corner, Point *lr_corner,
		   Color *fill, Color *stroke, real rounding)
  DiaSvgRenderer *renderer = DIA_SVG_RENDERER (self);
  xmlNodePtr node;

  node = xmlNewChild(renderer->root, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"rect", NULL);

  xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"style",
	     (const xmlChar *)DIA_SVG_RENDERER_GET_CLASS(self)->get_draw_style (renderer, fill, stroke));

  g_ascii_formatd(buf, sizeof(buf), "%g", ul_corner->x * renderer->scale);
  xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"x", (xmlChar *) buf);
  g_ascii_formatd(buf, sizeof(buf), "%g", ul_corner->y * renderer->scale);
  xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"y", (xmlChar *) buf);
  g_ascii_formatd(buf, sizeof(buf), "%g", (lr_corner->x - ul_corner->x) * renderer->scale);
  xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"width", (xmlChar *) buf);
  g_ascii_formatd(buf, sizeof(buf), "%g", (lr_corner->y - ul_corner->y) * renderer->scale);
  xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"height", (xmlChar *) buf);
  g_ascii_formatd(buf, sizeof(buf),"%g", (rounding * renderer->scale));
  xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"rx", (xmlChar *) buf);
  xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"ry", (xmlChar *) buf);
Exemplo n.º 3
static void
node_set_text_style (xmlNodePtr      node,
                     DiaSvgRenderer *renderer,
		     const DiaFont  *font,
		     real            font_height,
                     Alignment       alignment,
		     Color          *colour)
  char *style, *tmp;
  real saved_width;
  gchar d_buf[G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE];
  DiaSvgRendererClass *svg_renderer_class = DIA_SVG_RENDERER_GET_CLASS (renderer);
  /* SVG font-size is the (line-) height, from SVG Spec:
   * ... property refers to the size of the font from baseline to baseline when multiple lines of text are set ...
  so we should be able to use font_height directly instead of:
  real font_size = dia_font_get_size (font) * (font_height / dia_font_get_height (font));
  /* ... but at least Inkscape and Firefox would produce the wrong font-size */
  const gchar *family = dia_font_get_family(font);

  saved_width = renderer->linewidth;
  renderer->linewidth = 0.001;
  style = (char*)svg_renderer_class->get_fill_style(renderer, colour);
  /* return value must not be freed */
  renderer->linewidth = saved_width;
  /* This is going to break for non-LTR texts, as SVG thinks 'start' is
   * 'right' for those.
  switch (alignment) {
  case ALIGN_LEFT:
    style = g_strconcat(style, ";text-anchor:start", NULL);
    style = g_strconcat(style, ";text-anchor:middle", NULL);
    style = g_strconcat(style, ";text-anchor:end", NULL);
#if 0 /* would need a unit according to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=707071#c4 */
  tmp = g_strdup_printf("%s;font-size:%s", style,
			dia_svg_dtostr(d_buf, font_size) );
  g_free (style);
  style = tmp;
  /* font-size as attribute can work like the other length w/o unit */
  dia_svg_dtostr(d_buf, font_size);
  xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"font-size", (xmlChar *) d_buf);

  if (font) {
     tmp = g_strdup_printf("%s;font-family:%s;font-style:%s;"
                           strcmp(family, "sans") == 0 ? "sans-serif" : family,
     style = tmp;

  /* have to do something about fonts here ... */

  xmlSetProp(node, (xmlChar *)"style", (xmlChar *)style);