int MODULE_ERR(Char *S) { perror(S); if(fprintf(__Message_File, "*** Fatal Error *** %s\n", S) < 0) { perror("MODULE_ERR: fprintf: "); DONE(); } DONE(); return 1; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { START(argc, argv, "obj_pool_lock"); if (argc < 2) UT_FATAL("usage: %s path", argv[0]); if (argc == 2) { test_reopen(argv[1]); test_open_in_different_process(argc, argv, 0); for (int i = 1; i < 100000; i *= 2) test_open_in_different_process(argc, argv, i); } else if (argc == 3) { PMEMobjpool *pop; /* 2nd arg used by windows for 2 process test */ pop = pmemobj_open(argv[1], LAYOUT); if (pop) UT_FATAL("pmemobj_open after create process should " "not succeed"); if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK) UT_FATAL("!pmemobj_open after create process failed " "but for unexpected reason"); } DONE(NULL); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { START(argc, argv, "util_poolset_parse"); out_init(LOG_PREFIX, LOG_LEVEL_VAR, LOG_FILE_VAR, MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION); if (argc < 2) FATAL("usage: %s set-file-name ...", argv[0]); struct pool_set *set; int fd; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { const char *path = argv[i]; fd = OPEN(path, O_RDWR); int ret = util_poolset_parse(path, fd, &set); if (ret == 0) util_poolset_free(set); CLOSE(fd); } out_fini(); DONE(NULL); }
void tagTab::updateCheckboxes() { log(tr("Mise à jour des cases à cocher.")); qDeleteAll(m_checkboxes); m_checkboxes.clear(); QStringList urls = m_sites->keys(); QSettings settings(savePath("settings.ini"), QSettings::IniFormat, this); int n = settings.value("Sources/Letters", 3).toInt(), m = n; for (int i = 0; i < urls.size(); i++) { if (urls[i].startsWith("www.")) { urls[i] = urls[i].right(urls[i].length() - 4); } else if (urls[i].startsWith("chan.")) { urls[i] = urls[i].right(urls[i].length() - 5); } if (n < 0) { m ='.'); if (n < -1 &&'.', m+1) != -1) { m ='.', m+1); } } bool isChecked = m_selectedSources.size() > i ? : false; QCheckBox *c = new QCheckBox(, this); c->setChecked(isChecked); ui->layoutSourcesList->addWidget(c); m_checkboxes.append(c); } DONE(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { START(argc, argv, "util_map_proc"); util_init(); if (argc < 3) UT_FATAL("usage: %s maps_file len [len]...", argv[0]); Sfile = argv[1]; for (int arg = 2; arg < argc; arg++) { size_t len = (size_t)strtoull(argv[arg], NULL, 0); size_t align = Ut_pagesize; if (len >= 2 * GIGABYTE) align = GIGABYTE; else if (len >= 4 * MEGABYTE) align = 2 * MEGABYTE; void *h1 = util_map_hint_unused((void *)TERABYTE, len, GIGABYTE); void *h2 = util_map_hint(len, 0); if (h1 != MAP_FAILED && h1 != NULL) UT_ASSERTeq((uintptr_t)h1 & (GIGABYTE - 1), 0); if (h2 != MAP_FAILED && h2 != NULL) UT_ASSERTeq((uintptr_t)h2 & (align - 1), 0); UT_OUT("len %zu: %p %p", len, h1, h2); } DONE(NULL); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const int test_value = 123456; int count = DEFAULT_COUNT; int n = DEFAULT_N; int *ptr; int i, j; START(argc, argv, "vmmalloc_calloc"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptr = calloc(1, count * sizeof(int)); UT_ASSERTne(ptr, NULL); /* calloc should return zeroed memory */ for (j = 0; j < count; j++) UT_ASSERTeq(ptr[j], 0); for (j = 0; j < count; j++) ptr[j] = test_value; for (j = 0; j < count; j++) UT_ASSERTeq(ptr[j], test_value); cfree(ptr); } DONE(NULL); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { START(argc, argv, "obj_out_of_memory"); if (argc < 3) FATAL("usage: %s size filename ...", argv[0]); size_t size = atoll(argv[1]); for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++) { const char *path = argv[i]; PMEMobjpool *pop = pmemobj_create(path, LAYOUT_NAME, 0, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR); if (pop == NULL) FATAL("!pmemobj_create: %s", path); test_alloc(pop, size); pmemobj_close(pop); ASSERTeq(pmemobj_check(path, LAYOUT_NAME), 1); ASSERTne(pop = pmemobj_open(path, LAYOUT_NAME), NULL); test_free(pop); pmemobj_close(pop); } DONE(NULL); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *dir = NULL; void *mem_pool = NULL; VMEM *vmp; START(argc, argv, "vmem_check"); if (argc == 2) { dir = argv[1]; } else if (argc > 2) { FATAL("usage: %s [directory]", argv[0]); } if (dir == NULL) { /* allocate memory for function vmem_create_in_region() */ mem_pool = MMAP(NULL, VMEM_MIN_POOL*2, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0); vmp = vmem_create_in_region(mem_pool, VMEM_MIN_POOL); if (vmp == NULL) FATAL("!vmem_create_in_region"); } else { vmp = vmem_create(dir, VMEM_MIN_POOL); if (vmp == NULL) FATAL("!vmem_create"); } ASSERTeq(1, vmem_check(vmp)); /* create pool in this same memory region */ if (dir == NULL) { unsigned long Pagesize = (unsigned long) sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); void *mem_pool2 = (void *)(((uintptr_t)mem_pool + VMEM_MIN_POOL/2) & ~(Pagesize-1)); VMEM *vmp2 = vmem_create_in_region(mem_pool2, VMEM_MIN_POOL); if (vmp2 == NULL) FATAL("!vmem_create_in_region"); /* detect memory range collision */ ASSERTne(1, vmem_check(vmp)); ASSERTne(1, vmem_check(vmp2)); vmem_delete(vmp2); ASSERTne(1, vmem_check(vmp2)); } vmem_delete(vmp); /* for vmem_create() memory unmapped after delete pool */ if (!dir) ASSERTne(1, vmem_check(vmp)); DONE(NULL); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { START(argc, argv, "util_file_create"); if (argc < 3) UT_FATAL("usage: %s minlen len:path...", argv[0]); char *fname; size_t minsize = strtoul(argv[1], &fname, 0); for (int arg = 2; arg < argc; arg++) { size_t size = strtoul(argv[arg], &fname, 0); if (*fname != ':') UT_FATAL("usage: %s minlen len:path...", argv[0]); fname++; int fd; if ((fd = util_file_create(fname, size, minsize)) == -1) UT_OUT("!%s: util_file_create", fname); else { UT_OUT("%s: created", fname); close(fd); } } DONE(NULL); }
/* * pool_test -- test pool * * This function creates a memory pool in a file (if dir is not NULL), * or in RAM (if dir is NULL) and allocates memory for the test. */ void pool_test(const char *dir) { VMEM *vmp = NULL; if (dir != NULL) { vmp = vmem_pool_create(dir, VMEM_MIN_POOL); } else { vmp = vmem_pool_create_in_region(mem_pool, VMEM_MIN_POOL); } if (expect_create_pool == 0) { ASSERTeq(vmp, NULL); DONE(NULL); } else { if (vmp == NULL) { if (dir == NULL) { FATAL("!vmem_pool_create_in_region"); } else { FATAL("!vmem_pool_create"); } } } char *test = vmem_malloc(vmp, strlen(TEST_STRING_VALUE) + 1); ASSERTne(test, NULL); strcpy(test, TEST_STRING_VALUE); ASSERTeq(strcmp(test, TEST_STRING_VALUE), 0); vmem_free(vmp, test); vmem_pool_delete(vmp); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { VMEM *vmp; START(argc, argv, "vmem_create_error"); if (argc > 1) UT_FATAL("usage: %s", argv[0]); errno = 0; vmp = vmem_create_in_region(mem_pool, 0); UT_ASSERTeq(vmp, NULL); UT_ASSERTeq(errno, EINVAL); errno = 0; vmp = vmem_create("./", 0); UT_ASSERTeq(vmp, NULL); UT_ASSERTeq(errno, EINVAL); errno = 0; vmp = vmem_create("invalid dir !@#$%^&*()=", VMEM_MIN_POOL); UT_ASSERTeq(vmp, NULL); UT_ASSERTne(errno, 0); DONE(NULL); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { START(argc, argv, "obj_pool"); if (argc < 4) UT_FATAL("usage: %s op path layout [poolsize mode]", argv[0]); char *layout = NULL; size_t poolsize; unsigned mode; if (strcmp(argv[3], "EMPTY") == 0) layout = ""; else if (strcmp(argv[3], "NULL") != 0) layout = argv[3]; switch (argv[1][0]) { case 'c': poolsize = strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 0) * MB; /* in megabytes */ mode = strtoul(argv[5], NULL, 8); pool_create(argv[2], layout, poolsize, mode); break; case 'o': pool_open(argv[2], layout); break; default: UT_FATAL("unknown operation"); } DONE(NULL); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { START(argc, argv, "win_mmap"); if (argc != 2) UT_FATAL("usage: %s file", argv[0]); int fd = OPEN(argv[1], O_RDWR); int fd_ro = OPEN(argv[1], O_RDONLY); POSIX_FALLOCATE(fd, 0, FILE_SIZE); test_mmap_flags(fd); test_mmap_len(fd); test_mmap_hint(fd); test_mmap_fixed(fd); test_mmap_anon(fd); test_mmap_shared(fd); test_mmap_prot(fd, fd_ro); test_mmap_prot_anon(); test_munmap(fd); test_msync(fd); test_mprotect(fd, fd_ro); test_mprotect_anon(); CLOSE(fd_ro); CLOSE(fd); DONE(NULL); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { START(argc, argv, "obj_cpp_cond_var"); if (argc != 2) UT_FATAL("usage: %s file-name", argv[0]); const char *path = argv[1]; nvobj::pool<struct root> pop; try { pop = nvobj::pool<struct root>::create( path, LAYOUT, PMEMOBJ_MIN_POOL, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR); } catch (pmem::pool_error &pe) { UT_FATAL("!pool::create: %s %s", pe.what(), path); } cond_zero_test(pop); std::vector<reader_type> notify_functions( {reader_mutex, reader_mutex_pred, reader_lock, reader_lock_pred, reader_mutex_until, reader_mutex_until_pred, reader_lock_until, reader_lock_until_pred, reader_mutex_for, reader_mutex_for_pred, reader_lock_for, reader_lock_for_pred}); for (auto func : notify_functions) { int reset_value = 42; mutex_test(pop, true, false, write_notify, func); pop.get_root()->counter = reset_value; mutex_test(pop, true, true, write_notify, func); pop.get_root()->counter = reset_value; } std::vector<reader_type> not_notify_functions( {reader_mutex_until, reader_mutex_until_pred, reader_lock_until, reader_lock_until_pred, reader_mutex_for, reader_mutex_for_pred, reader_lock_for, reader_lock_for_pred}); for (auto func : not_notify_functions) { int reset_value = 42; mutex_test(pop, false, false, write_notify, func); pop.get_root()->counter = reset_value; mutex_test(pop, false, true, write_notify, func); pop.get_root()->counter = reset_value; } /* pmemcheck related persist */ pmemobj_persist(pop.get_handle(), &(pop.get_root()->counter), sizeof(pop.get_root()->counter)); pop.close(); DONE(nullptr); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { START(argc, argv, "obj_check"); if (argc < 2) { UT_FATAL("usage: obj_check file"); } const char *path = argv[1]; int ret = pmemobj_check(path, NULL); switch (ret) { case 1: UT_OUT("consistent"); break; case 0: UT_OUT("not consistent: %s", pmemobj_errormsg()); break; default: UT_OUT("error: %s", pmemobj_errormsg()); break; } DONE(NULL); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { START(argc, argv, "obj_pmalloc_oom_mt"); if (argc != 2) FATAL("usage: %s file-name", argv[0]); const char *path = argv[1]; if ((pop = pmemobj_create(path, LAYOUT_NAME, PMEMOBJ_MIN_POOL, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR)) == NULL) FATAL("!pmemobj_create: %s", path); pthread_t t; pthread_create(&t, NULL, oom_worker, NULL); pthread_join(t, NULL); int first_thread_allocated = allocated; pthread_create(&t, NULL, oom_worker, NULL); pthread_join(t, NULL); ASSERTeq(first_thread_allocated, allocated); pmemobj_close(pop); DONE(NULL); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd; char *dest; char *src; struct stat stbuf; START(argc, argv, "pmem_memcpy"); if (argc != 5) FATAL("usage: %s file srcoff destoff length", argv[0]); fd = OPEN(argv[1], O_RDWR); int dest_off = atoi(argv[2]); int src_off = atoi(argv[3]); size_t bytes = strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 0); FSTAT(fd, &stbuf); /* src > dst */ dest = pmem_map(fd); if (dest == NULL) FATAL("!could not map file: %s", argv[1]); src = MMAP(dest + stbuf.st_size, stbuf.st_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); /* * Its very unlikely that src would not be > dest. pmem_map * chooses the first unused address >= 1TB, large * enough to hold the give range, and 1GB aligned. If the * addresses did not get swapped to allow src > dst, log error * and allow test to continue. */ if (src <= dest) { swap_mappings(&dest, &src, stbuf.st_size, fd); if (src <= dest) ERR("cannot map files in memory order"); } memset(dest, 0, (2 * bytes)); memset(src, 0, (2 * bytes)); do_memcpy(fd, dest, dest_off, src, src_off, bytes, argv[1]); /* dest > src */ swap_mappings(&dest, &src, stbuf.st_size, fd); if (dest <= src) { ERR("cannot map files in memory order"); } do_memcpy(fd, dest, dest_off, src, src_off, bytes, argv[1]); MUNMAP(dest, stbuf.st_size); MUNMAP(src, stbuf.st_size); CLOSE(fd); DONE(NULL); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { START(argc, argv, "obj_cpp_ptr_arith"); if (argc != 2) UT_FATAL("usage: %s file-name", argv[0]); const char *path = argv[1]; nvobj::pool_base pop; try { pop = nvobj::pool_base::create(path, LAYOUT, PMEMOBJ_MIN_POOL, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR); } catch (nvml::pool_error &pe) { UT_FATAL("!pool::create: %s %s", pe.what(), path); } test_arith(pop); test_relational(pop); pop.close(); DONE(NULL); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { START(argc, argv, "obj_tx_mt"); if (argc != 2) UT_FATAL("usage: %s [file]", argv[0]); if ((pop = pmemobj_create(argv[1], "mt", PMEMOBJ_MIN_POOL, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR)) == NULL) UT_FATAL("!pmemobj_create"); int i = 0; long ncpus = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); pthread_t *threads = MALLOC(2 * ncpus * sizeof(threads[0])); for (int j = 0; j < ncpus; ++j) { PTHREAD_CREATE(&threads[i++], NULL, tx_alloc_free, NULL); PTHREAD_CREATE(&threads[i++], NULL, tx_snap, NULL); } while (i > 0) PTHREAD_JOIN(threads[--i], NULL); pmemobj_close(pop); FREE(threads); DONE(NULL); }
int main( int argc, char **argv) { struct Certificate cert; Certificate(&cert, (ushort) 0); if (argc < 3) FATAL(MSG_USAGE); if (get_casn_file(&cert.self, argv[1], 0) <= 0) FATAL(MSG_OPEN, argv[1]); struct RelativeDistinguishedName *rdnp = (struct RelativeDistinguishedName *)member_casn(&cert.toBeSigned. subject.rDNSequence. self, 0); struct AttributeValueAssertion *avap = (struct AttributeValueAssertion *)member_casn(&rdnp->self, 0); if (write_casn (&avap->value.commonName.printableString, (uchar *) argv[2], strlen(argv[2])) < 0) FATAL(MSG_WRITING, "name"); if (put_casn_file(&cert.self, argv[1], 0) < 0) FATAL(MSG_WRITING, argv[1]); DONE(MSG_OK, argv[1]); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { START(argc, argv, "obj_cpp_make_persistent_atomic"); if (argc != 2) UT_FATAL("usage: %s file-name", argv[0]); const char *path = argv[1]; nvobj::pool<struct root> pop; try { pop = nvobj::pool<struct root>::create( path, LAYOUT, PMEMOBJ_MIN_POOL, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR); } catch (nvml::pool_error &pe) { UT_FATAL("!pool::create: %s %s", pe.what(), path); } test_make_no_args(pop); test_make_args(pop); test_delete_null(pop); pop.close(); DONE(NULL); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { START(argc, argv, "obj_heap_state"); if (argc != 2) FATAL("usage: %s file-name", argv[0]); const char *path = argv[1]; PMEMobjpool *pop = NULL; if ((pop = pmemobj_create(path, LAYOUT_NAME, PMEMOBJ_MIN_POOL, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR)) == NULL) FATAL("!pmemobj_create: %s", path); pmemobj_root(pop, ROOT_SIZE); /* just to trigger allocation */ pmemobj_close(pop); pop = pmemobj_open(path, LAYOUT_NAME); ASSERTne(pop, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < ALLOCS; ++i) { PMEMoid oid; pmemobj_alloc(pop, &oid, ALLOC_SIZE, 0, NULL, NULL); OUT("%d %lu", i,; } pmemobj_close(pop); DONE(NULL); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { START(argc, argv, "vmmalloc_out_of_memory"); /* allocate all memory */ void *prev = NULL; for (;;) { void **next = malloc(sizeof (void *)); if (next == NULL) { /* out of memory */ break; } *next = prev; prev = next; } ASSERTne(prev, NULL); /* free all allocations */ while (prev != NULL) { void **act = prev; prev = *act; free(act); } DONE(NULL); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *pool_desc, *log_file; char root_dir[PATH_MAX]; START(argc, argv, "rpmemd_db"); if (argc != 4) UT_FATAL("usage: %s <root_dir> <pool_desc> <log-file>", argv[0]); if (realpath(argv[1], root_dir) == NULL) UT_FATAL("!realpath(%s)", argv[1]); pool_desc = argv[2]; log_file = argv[3]; if (rpmemd_log_init("rpmemd error: ", log_file, 0)) FAILED_FUNC("rpmemd_log_init"); test_init(root_dir); test_check_dir(root_dir); test_create(root_dir, pool_desc); test_open(root_dir, pool_desc); rpmemd_log_close(); DONE(NULL); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { START(argc, argv, "blk_pool"); if (argc < 4) UT_FATAL("usage: %s op path bsize [poolsize mode]", argv[0]); size_t bsize = strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 0); size_t poolsize; unsigned mode; switch (argv[1][0]) { case 'c': poolsize = strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 0) * MB; /* in megabytes */ mode = strtoul(argv[5], NULL, 8); pool_create(argv[2], bsize, poolsize, mode); break; case 'o': pool_open(argv[2], bsize); break; default: UT_FATAL("unknown operation"); } DONE(NULL); }
void receive_output () { int i; Head = init_node (); /* Allocating space in buffer structure to hold names of incoming connections */ gRxUInfo.userid = (char *) malloc (20); while (!all_done()) { for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) { if (IS_DONE(i)) continue; MPI_Recv (output, 50, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); if (!output[0]) { DONE(i); continue; } Count++; sscanf (output, "%s %d %d", gRxUInfo.userid, &gRxUInfo.followers, &gRxUInfo.following); Head = insert (Head, name = gRxUInfo.userid, GATHER); } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { VMEM *vmp; size_t i; START(argc, argv, "vmem_pool_create_in_region"); if (argc > 1) FATAL("usage: %s", argv[0]); vmp = vmem_pool_create_in_region(mem_pool, VMEM_MIN_POOL); if (vmp == NULL) FATAL("!vmem_pool_create_in_region"); for (i = 0; i < TEST_ALLOCATIONS; ++i) { allocs[i] = vmem_malloc(vmp, sizeof (int)); ASSERTne(allocs[i], NULL); /* check that pointer came from mem_pool */ ASSERTrange(allocs[i], mem_pool, VMEM_MIN_POOL); } for (i = 0; i < TEST_ALLOCATIONS; ++i) { vmem_free(vmp, allocs[i]); } vmem_pool_delete(vmp); DONE(NULL); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int expect_custom_alloc = 0; START(argc, argv, "vmem_custom_alloc"); if (argc < 2 || argc > 3 || strlen(argv[1]) != 1) FATAL("usage: %s (0-2) [directory]", argv[0]); switch (argv[1][0]) { case '0': { /* use default allocator */ expect_custom_alloc = 0; expect_create_pool = 1; break; } case '1': { /* error in custom malloc function */ expect_custom_alloc = 1; expect_create_pool = 0; vmem_set_funcs(malloc_null, free_custom, realloc_custom, strdup_custom, NULL); break; } case '2': { /* use custom alloc functions */ expect_custom_alloc = 1; expect_create_pool = 1; vmem_set_funcs(malloc_custom, free_custom, realloc_custom, strdup_custom, NULL); break; } default: { FATAL("usage: %s (0-2) [directory]", argv[0]); break; } } if (argc == 3) { pool_test(argv[2]); } else { int i; /* repeat create pool */ for (i = 0; i < TEST_REPEAT_CREATE_POOLS; ++i) pool_test(NULL); } /* check memory leak in custom allocator */ ASSERTeq(custom_allocs, 0); if (expect_custom_alloc == 0) { ASSERTeq(custom_alloc_calls, 0); } else { ASSERTne(custom_alloc_calls, 0); } DONE(NULL); }
static void test_detect() { struct memory_block mhuge_used = { .chunk_id = 0, 0, 0, 0 }; struct memory_block mhuge_free = { .chunk_id = 1, 0, 0, 0 }; struct memory_block mrun = { .chunk_id = 2, 0, 0, 0 }; pop->hlayout->zone0.chunk_headers[0].size_idx = 1; pop->hlayout->zone0.chunk_headers[0].type = CHUNK_TYPE_USED; pop->hlayout->zone0.chunk_headers[1].size_idx = 1; pop->hlayout->zone0.chunk_headers[1].type = CHUNK_TYPE_FREE; pop->hlayout->zone0.chunk_headers[2].size_idx = 1; pop->hlayout->zone0.chunk_headers[2].type = CHUNK_TYPE_RUN; UT_ASSERTeq(memblock_autodetect_type(&mhuge_used, pop->hlayout), MEMORY_BLOCK_HUGE); UT_ASSERTeq(memblock_autodetect_type(&mhuge_free, pop->hlayout), MEMORY_BLOCK_HUGE); UT_ASSERTeq(memblock_autodetect_type(&mrun, pop->hlayout), MEMORY_BLOCK_RUN); } static void test_block_size() { struct memory_block mhuge = { .chunk_id = 0, 0, 0, 0 }; struct memory_block mrun = { .chunk_id = 1, 0, 0, 0 }; pop->hlayout->zone0.chunk_headers[0].size_idx = 1; pop->hlayout->zone0.chunk_headers[0].type = CHUNK_TYPE_USED; pop->hlayout->zone0.chunk_headers[1].size_idx = 1; pop->hlayout->zone0.chunk_headers[1].type = CHUNK_TYPE_RUN; struct chunk_run *run = (struct chunk_run *) &pop->hlayout->zone0.chunks[1]; run->block_size = 1234; UT_ASSERTeq(MEMBLOCK_OPS(, &mhuge)->block_size(&mhuge, pop->hlayout), CHUNKSIZE); UT_ASSERTeq(MEMBLOCK_OPS(, &mrun)->block_size(&mrun, pop->hlayout), 1234); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { START(argc, argv, "obj_memblock"); PMEMobjpool pool; pop = &pool; pop->hlayout = ZALLOC(sizeof(struct heap_layout) + NCHUNKS * sizeof(struct chunk)); test_detect(); test_block_size(); DONE(NULL); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const int test_value = 123456; char *dir = NULL; int count = DEFAULT_COUNT; int n = DEFAULT_N; VMEM *vmp; int opt; int i, j; int use_calloc = 0; START(argc, argv, "vmem_pages_purging"); while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "z")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'z': use_calloc = 1; break; default: usage(argv[0]); } } if (optind < argc) { dir = argv[optind]; } else { usage(argv[0]); } vmp = vmem_create(dir, VMEM_MIN_POOL); if (vmp == NULL) FATAL("!vmem_create"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { int *test = NULL; if (use_calloc) test = vmem_calloc(vmp, 1, count * sizeof (int)); else test = vmem_malloc(vmp, count * sizeof (int)); ASSERTne(test, NULL); if (use_calloc) { /* vmem_calloc should return zeroed memory */ for (j = 0; j < count; j++) ASSERTeq(test[j], 0); } for (j = 0; j < count; j++) test[j] = test_value; for (j = 0; j < count; j++) ASSERTeq(test[j], test_value); vmem_free(vmp, test); } vmem_delete(vmp); DONE(NULL); }