NAMESPACE_UPP CH_STYLE(MultiButton, Style, StyleDefault) { for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { simple[i] = left[i] = right[i] = lmiddle[i] = rmiddle[i] = Button::StyleEdge().look[i]; monocolor[i] = Button::StyleEdge().monocolor[i]; fmonocolor[i] = i == 3 ? SColorDisabled() : SColorText(); look[i] = trivial[i] = ChLookWith(simple[i], CtrlsImg::DA(), monocolor[i]); edge[i] = EditFieldEdge(); } activeedge = false; trivialborder = DPI(1); border = DPI(1); pressoffset = Button::StyleEdge().pressoffset; sep1 = SColorHighlight(); sep2 = SColorLight(); sepm = DPI(2); stdwidth = FrameButtonWidth(); trivialsep = false; margin = Rect(DPI(2), 2, DPI(2), 2); usetrivial = false; overpaint = loff = roff = 0; error = Blend(LtRed(), Red()); }
void CTrafficMonitorApp::DPI(CRect & rect) { rect.left = DPI(rect.left); rect.right = DPI(rect.right); = DPI(; rect.bottom = DPI(rect.bottom); }
FileList::FileList() { iconwidth = DPI(16); ItemHeight(max(Draw::GetStdFontCy(), DPI(17))); Ctrl::Add(edit); edit.Hide(); edit.SetFrame(BlackFrame()); renaming = false; justname = false; accelkey = false; selectdir = false; SetDisplay(*this); }
Size MakeLogo(Ctrl& parent, Array<Ctrl>& ctrl) { Image logo = IdeImg::logo(); Size isz = logo.GetSize(); ImageCtrl& l = ctrl.Create<ImageCtrl>(); Label& v1 = ctrl.Create<Label>(); l.SetImage(logo); Size sz = Size(,* + 80*/); const CppBase& cpp = CodeBase(); int total = 0; for(int i = 0; i < cpp.GetCount(); i++) total += cpp[i].GetCount(); String h; #ifdef bmSVN_REVISION h << "Version " << bmSVN_REVISION; #else h << "Version " << IDE_VERSION; #endif if(sizeof(void *) == 8) h << "\n(64 bit)"; else h << "\n(32 bit)"; #ifdef _MSC_VER h << " (MSC)"; #endif #if __GNUC__ #if __clang__ h << " (CLANG)"; #else h << " (GCC)"; #endif #endif #if __cplusplus >= 201100 h << " (C++11)"; #endif #ifdef GUI_GTK h << " (Gtk)"; #endif h << "\n"; #ifdef bmTIME h << "Compiled " << bmTIME << "\n"; #endif h << "Using " << MemoryUsedKb() << " KB\n"; if(cpp.GetCount()) h << "CodeBase: " << cpp.GetCount() << " classes, " << total << " items\n"; v1 = h; v1.HSizePos(DPI(220), DPI(10)).BottomPos(DPI(20), Arial(DPI(20)).GetHeight() * 5); v1.SetFont(Arial(DPI(10))); l.Add(v1); parent.Add(ctrl.Create<StaticRect>().Color(White).SizePos()); parent.Add(l.TopPos(0,,; return sz; }
void PLBmpDecoder::Open (PLDataSource * pDataSrc) { m_pBMI = getInfoHeader (pDataSrc, &m_Pal[0]); PLPixelFormat pf; if (m_pBMI->biBitCount <= 8) { pf = PLPixelFormat::L8; } else { if (m_pBMI->biBitCount == 32) { pf = PLPixelFormat::A8R8G8B8; } else { pf = PLPixelFormat::X8R8G8B8; } } PLPoint DPI(0,0); if (m_pBMI->biXPelsPerMeter > 0) DPI.x = (int)((float)m_pBMI->biXPelsPerMeter / 39.37f+0.5); if (DPI.x <= 1) DPI.x = 0; if (m_pBMI->biYPelsPerMeter > 0) DPI.y = (int)((float)m_pBMI->biYPelsPerMeter / 39.37f+0.5); if (DPI.y <= 1) DPI.y = 0; SetBmpInfo (PLPoint (m_pBMI->biWidth, m_pBMI->biHeight), DPI, pf); }
void WorkspaceWork::SyncErrorPackages() { for(int i = 0; i < package.GetCount(); i++) { FileList::File f = package.Get(i); if(!IsAux( && i < speed.GetCount()) { FileList::File ff = f; String path = GetFileFolder(PackagePath(; #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 path = ToLower(path); #endif ff.icon = i ? IdeImg::Package() : IdeImg::MainPackage(); if(speed[i]) ff.icon = ImageOver(ff.icon, IdeImg::FastPackage()); ff.underline = Null; for(int q = 0; q < errorfiles.GetCount(); q++) { if(errorfiles[q].StartsWith(path)) { ff.icon = ImageOverRed(ff.icon); ff.underline = LtRed; break; } } ff.icon = DPI(ff.icon); package.Set(i, ff); } } }
CH_STYLE(MenuBar, Style, StyleDefault) { topitem[0] = Null; topitem[1] = topitem[2] = item = SColorHighlight(); topitemtext[0] = menutext = SColorMenuText(); topitemtext[1] = topitemtext[2] = itemtext = SColorHighlightText(); topbar = SColorFace(); maxiconsize = Size(16, 16); arealook = Null; look = SColorFace(); separator = breaksep = SeparatorCtrl::StyleDefault(); ImageBuffer ib(7, 7); Fill(ib, SColorShadow(), 7 * 7); for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) Fill(ib[i + 1] + 1, SColorMenu(), 5); ib.SetHotSpot(Point(3, 3)); ib.Set2ndSpot(Point(3, 3)); popupframe = Image(ib); popupbody = SColorMenu(); popupiconbar = Null; leftgap = DPI(16) + Zx(4); textgap = Zx(3); lsepm = rsepm = Zx(2); pullshift.x = 0; pullshift.y = -1; }
AboutDlg() { Size isz = MakeLogo(*this, ctrl); int cx = min( * 2, GetWorkArea().GetWidth()); SetRect(0, 0, cx,; about.SetQTF(GetTopic("ide/app/About$en-us"), Zoom(DPI(120), 1024)); about.SetZoom(Zoom(1, 1)); about.RightPos(0, cx - - DPI(1)).VSizePos(); about.HMargins(Zx(4)); about.SetFrame(NullFrame()); about.NoLazy(); Background(PaintRect(ColorDisplay(), SColorPaper())); Add(about); // separator.Color(Gray()); // Add(separator.RightPos(cx -, DPI(1)).VSizePos()); Title("About TheIDE"); }
void MultiButton::SyncInfo() { if((HasMouse() || info.HasMouse()) && display && (GetMouseFlags() & (K_MOUSELEFT|K_MOUSERIGHT|K_MOUSEMIDDLE)) == 0) { Point p = GetMouseViewPos(); NilDraw nw; Rect r = Paint0(nw, true); if(r.Contains(p)) { Value v = convert->Format(value); int cm = DPI(2); r.left -= cm; r.right += cm; info.Set(this, r, value, display, SColorText, SColorPaper, 0, DPI(2)); return; } } info.Cancel(); }
virtual void Paint(Draw& w, const Rect& r, const Value& q, Color ink, Color paper, dword style) const { ValueArray va = q; String txt = va[0]; Image icon = va[1]; if(IsNull(icon)) icon = IdeImg::Package(); else icon = DPI(icon, 16); w.DrawRect(r, paper); w.DrawImage(r.left, + (r.Height() - icon.GetHeight()) / 2, icon); w.DrawText(r.left + Zx(20), + (r.Height() - Draw::GetStdFontCy()) / 2, txt, fnt, ink); }
Rect MultiButton::Paint0(Draw& w, bool getcr) { Size sz = GetSize(); int border, lx, rx; bool frm = Metrics(border, lx, rx); int mst = ChState(MAIN); if(frm && !nobg && !getcr) ChPaint(w, sz, style->edge[style->activeedge ? mst : 0]); bool left = false; bool right = false; for(int i = 0; i < button.GetCount(); i++) { SubButton& b = button[i]; int st = ChState(i); int x = 0, cx = 0; GetPos(b, lx, rx, x, cx); if(getcr) continue; bool dopaint = true; Value v = b.left ? left ? style->lmiddle[st] : style->left[st] : right ? style->rmiddle[st] : style->right[st]; if(!nobg) { if(ComplexFrame()) ChPaint(w, x, border, cx, - 2 * border, style->simple[st]); else if(frm) { if(IsTrivial() && style->usetrivial) dopaint = false; ChPaint(w, x, border, cx, - 2 * border, dopaint ? v : style->trivial[st]); } else { w.Clip(x, 0, cx,; ChPaint(w, sz, style->look[Frame() ? mst : st]); if(IsNull(v) || !Frame()) { if((!IsTrivial() || style->trivialsep) && IsEnabled()) { if(b.left) { if(left) ChPaint(w, x, style->sepm, 1, - 2 * style->sepm, style->sep1); ChPaint(w, x + cx - 1, style->sepm, 1, - 2 * style->sepm, style->sep2); } else { ChPaint(w, x, style->sepm, 1, - 2 * style->sepm, style->sep1); if(right) ChPaint(w, x + cx - 1, style->sepm, 1, - 2 * style->sepm, style->sep2); } } } else ChPaint(w, x, 0, cx,, v); w.End(); } } if(dopaint) { Size tsz = GetTextSize(b.label, StdFont()); Image m = > 0 ? b.img : (Image)Nvl(b.img, CtrlsImg::DA()); Size isz = m.GetSize(); Point p = (st == CTRL_PRESSED) * style->pressoffset; p.x += x + (cx - - - ( > 0 && > 0 ? LB_IMAGE : 0)) / 2; p.y += ( - / 2; if(b.left) { if(!left) p.x += style->loff; } else if(!right) p.x += style->roff; if(b.monoimg || IsNull(b.img)) w.DrawImage(p.x, p.y, m, frm ? style->fmonocolor[st] : style->monocolor[st]); else w.DrawImage(p.x, p.y, m); if( > 0) { if( > 0) p.x += + LB_IMAGE; w.DrawText(p.x, ( - / 2, b.label); } } (b.left ? left : right) = true; } Rect r, cr; cr = GetSize(); cr.left = lx; cr.right = rx; Color text = SColorLabel(); Color paper = Null; if(!nobg) { if(ComplexFrame()) { r = cr; paper = HasFocus() ? SColorHighlight() : SColorPaper(); if(HasFocus()) text = SColorHighlightText(); w.DrawRect(r, paper); } else if(frm) { Rect m = GetMargin(); r = Rect(max(lx, m.left),, min(rx, - m.right), - m.bottom); Color paper; if(mst == CTRL_HOT && !IsTrivial()) paper = Blend(SColorHighlight, SColorPaper, 235); else if(mst == CTRL_PRESSED && !IsTrivial()) paper = Blend(SColorHighlight, SColorFace, 235); else if(HasFocus()) { paper = SColorHighlight(); text = SColorHighlightText(); } else paper = SColorPaper(); w.DrawRect(r, paper); cr = r; } else { w.Clip(lx, 0, rx - lx,; ChPaint(w, sz, style->look[mst]); Rect m = style->margin; r = Rect(max(lx, m.left),, min(rx, - m.right), - m.bottom); if(!IsTrivial() || style->trivialsep) { if(left) { r.left++; if(IsEnabled()) ChPaint(w, lx, style->sepm, 1, - 2 * style->sepm, style->sep1); } if(right) { if(IsEnabled()) ChPaint(w, rx - 1, style->sepm, 1, - 2 * style->sepm, style->sep2); r.right--; } } w.End(); cr = r; } } cr.left += DPI(1); Rect clr = cr; if(!IsNull(valuecy) && cr.GetHeight() > valuecy) { += (cr.GetHeight() - valuecy) / 2; cr.bottom = + valuecy; } if(getcr) return cr; Value v = convert->Format(value); bool f = HasFocus() && !push && frm; if(cr.left < cr.right && display) { w.Clip(clr); if(!IsNull(error)) { v = error; text = style->error; } display->Paint(w, cr, v, IsShowEnabled() ? text : SColorDisabled, paper, f ? Display::CURSOR : Display::FOCUS|Display::CURSOR); w.End(); } if(!frm && HasFocus()) DrawFocus(w, r); return cr; }
SCORE NWDASimple(const ProfPos *PA, unsigned uLengthA, const ProfPos *PB, unsigned uLengthB, PWPath &Path) { assert(uLengthB > 0 && uLengthA > 0); const unsigned uPrefixCountA = uLengthA + 1; const unsigned uPrefixCountB = uLengthB + 1; // Allocate DP matrices const size_t LM = uPrefixCountA*uPrefixCountB; SCORE *DPL_ = new SCORE[LM]; SCORE *DPM_ = new SCORE[LM]; SCORE *DPD_ = new SCORE[LM]; SCORE *DPE_ = new SCORE[LM]; SCORE *DPI_ = new SCORE[LM]; SCORE *DPJ_ = new SCORE[LM]; char *TBM_ = new char[LM]; char *TBD_ = new char[LM]; char *TBE_ = new char[LM]; char *TBI_ = new char[LM]; char *TBJ_ = new char[LM]; memset(TBM_, '?', LM); memset(TBD_, '?', LM); memset(TBE_, '?', LM); memset(TBI_, '?', LM); memset(TBJ_, '?', LM); DPM(0, 0) = 0; DPD(0, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPE(0, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPI(0, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPJ(0, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPM(1, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPD(1, 0) = PA[0].m_scoreGapOpen; DPE(1, 0) = PA[0].m_scoreGapOpen2; TBD(1, 0) = 'D'; TBE(1, 0) = 'E'; DPI(1, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPJ(1, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPM(0, 1) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPD(0, 1) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPE(0, 1) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPI(0, 1) = PB[0].m_scoreGapOpen; DPJ(0, 1) = PB[0].m_scoreGapOpen2; TBI(0, 1) = 'I'; TBJ(0, 1) = 'J'; // Empty prefix of B is special case for (unsigned uPrefixLengthA = 2; uPrefixLengthA < uPrefixCountA; ++uPrefixLengthA) { DPM(uPrefixLengthA, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPD(uPrefixLengthA, 0) = DPD(uPrefixLengthA - 1, 0) + g_scoreGapExtend.get(); DPE(uPrefixLengthA, 0) = DPE(uPrefixLengthA - 1, 0) + g_scoreGapExtend2.get(); TBD(uPrefixLengthA, 0) = 'D'; TBE(uPrefixLengthA, 0) = 'E'; DPI(uPrefixLengthA, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPJ(uPrefixLengthA, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; } // Empty prefix of A is special case for (unsigned uPrefixLengthB = 2; uPrefixLengthB < uPrefixCountB; ++uPrefixLengthB) { DPM(0, uPrefixLengthB) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPD(0, uPrefixLengthB) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPE(0, uPrefixLengthB) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPI(0, uPrefixLengthB) = DPI(0, uPrefixLengthB - 1) + g_scoreGapExtend.get(); DPJ(0, uPrefixLengthB) = DPJ(0, uPrefixLengthB - 1) + g_scoreGapExtend2.get(); TBI(0, uPrefixLengthB) = 'I'; TBJ(0, uPrefixLengthB) = 'J'; } // Special case to agree with NWFast, no D-I transitions so... DPD(uLengthA, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPE(uLengthA, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; // DPI(0, uLengthB) = MINUS_INFINITY; // DPJ(0, uLengthB) = MINUS_INFINITY; // ============ // Main DP loop // ============ SCORE scoreGapCloseB = MINUS_INFINITY; SCORE scoreGapClose2B = MINUS_INFINITY; for (unsigned uPrefixLengthB = 1; uPrefixLengthB < uPrefixCountB; ++uPrefixLengthB) { const ProfPos &PPB = PB[uPrefixLengthB - 1]; SCORE scoreGapCloseA = MINUS_INFINITY; SCORE scoreGapClose2A = MINUS_INFINITY; for (unsigned uPrefixLengthA = 1; uPrefixLengthA < uPrefixCountA; ++uPrefixLengthA) { const ProfPos &PPA = PA[uPrefixLengthA - 1]; { // Match M=LetterA+LetterB SCORE scoreLL = ScoreProfPos2(PPA, PPB); DPL(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = scoreLL; SCORE scoreMM = DPM(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB-1); SCORE scoreDM = DPD(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB-1) + scoreGapCloseA; SCORE scoreEM = DPE(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB-1) + scoreGapClose2A; SCORE scoreIM = DPI(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB-1) + scoreGapCloseB; SCORE scoreJM = DPJ(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB-1) + scoreGapClose2B; SCORE scoreBest; if (scoreMM >= scoreDM && scoreMM >= scoreEM && scoreMM >= scoreIM && scoreMM >= scoreJM) { scoreBest = scoreMM; TBM(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = 'M'; } else if (scoreDM >= scoreMM && scoreDM >= scoreEM && scoreDM >= scoreIM && scoreDM >= scoreJM) { scoreBest = scoreDM; TBM(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = 'D'; } else if (scoreEM >= scoreMM && scoreEM >= scoreDM && scoreEM >= scoreIM && scoreEM >= scoreJM) { scoreBest = scoreEM; TBM(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = 'E'; } else if (scoreIM >= scoreMM && scoreIM >= scoreDM && scoreIM >= scoreEM && scoreIM >= scoreJM) { scoreBest = scoreIM; TBM(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = 'I'; } else { assert(scoreJM >= scoreMM && scoreJM >= scoreDM && scoreJM >= scoreEM && scoreJM >= scoreIM); scoreBest = scoreJM; TBM(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = 'J'; } DPM(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = scoreBest + scoreLL; } { // Delete D=LetterA+GapB SCORE scoreMD = DPM(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB) + PA[uPrefixLengthA-1].m_scoreGapOpen; SCORE scoreDD = DPD(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB) + g_scoreGapExtend.get(); SCORE scoreBest; if (scoreMD >= scoreDD) { scoreBest = scoreMD; TBD(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = 'M'; } else { assert(scoreDD >= scoreMD); scoreBest = scoreDD; TBD(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = 'D'; } DPD(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = scoreBest; } { // Delete E=LetterA+GapB SCORE scoreME = DPM(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB) + PA[uPrefixLengthA-1].m_scoreGapOpen2; SCORE scoreEE = DPE(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB) + g_scoreGapExtend2.get(); SCORE scoreBest; if (scoreME >= scoreEE) { scoreBest = scoreME; TBE(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = 'M'; } else { assert(scoreEE >= scoreME); scoreBest = scoreEE; TBE(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = 'E'; } DPE(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = scoreBest; } // Insert I=GapA+LetterB { SCORE scoreMI = DPM(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB-1) + PB[uPrefixLengthB - 1].m_scoreGapOpen; SCORE scoreII = DPI(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB-1) + g_scoreGapExtend.get(); SCORE scoreBest; if (scoreMI >= scoreII) { scoreBest = scoreMI; TBI(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = 'M'; } else { assert(scoreII > scoreMI); scoreBest = scoreII; TBI(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = 'I'; } DPI(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = scoreBest; } // Insert J=GapA+LetterB { SCORE scoreMJ = DPM(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB-1) + PB[uPrefixLengthB - 1].m_scoreGapOpen2; SCORE scoreJJ = DPJ(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB-1) + g_scoreGapExtend2.get(); SCORE scoreBest; if (scoreMJ >= scoreJJ) { scoreBest = scoreMJ; TBJ(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = 'M'; } else { assert(scoreJJ > scoreMJ); scoreBest = scoreJJ; TBJ(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = 'J'; } DPJ(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = scoreBest; } scoreGapCloseA = PPA.m_scoreGapClose; scoreGapClose2A = PPA.m_scoreGapClose2; } scoreGapCloseB = PPB.m_scoreGapClose; scoreGapClose2B = PPB.m_scoreGapClose2; } #if TRACE Log("\n"); Log("DA Simple DPL:\n"); ListDP(DPL_, PA, PB, uPrefixCountA, uPrefixCountB); Log("\n"); Log("DA Simple DPM:\n"); ListDP(DPM_, PA, PB, uPrefixCountA, uPrefixCountB); Log("\n"); Log("DA Simple DPD:\n"); ListDP(DPD_, PA, PB, uPrefixCountA, uPrefixCountB); Log("\n"); Log("DA Simple DPE:\n"); ListDP(DPE_, PA, PB, uPrefixCountA, uPrefixCountB); Log("\n"); Log("DA Simple DPI:\n"); ListDP(DPI_, PA, PB, uPrefixCountA, uPrefixCountB); Log("\n"); Log("DA Simple DPJ:\n"); ListDP(DPJ_, PA, PB, uPrefixCountA, uPrefixCountB); Log("\n"); Log("DA Simple TBM:\n"); ListTB(TBM_, PA, PB, uPrefixCountA, uPrefixCountB); Log("\n"); Log("DA Simple TBD:\n"); ListTB(TBD_, PA, PB, uPrefixCountA, uPrefixCountB); Log("\n"); Log("DA Simple TBE:\n"); ListTB(TBE_, PA, PB, uPrefixCountA, uPrefixCountB); Log("\n"); Log("DA Simple TBI:\n"); ListTB(TBI_, PA, PB, uPrefixCountA, uPrefixCountB); Log("\n"); Log("DA Simple TBJ:\n"); ListTB(TBJ_, PA, PB, uPrefixCountA, uPrefixCountB); #endif // Trace-back // ========== Path.Clear(); // Find last edge SCORE M = DPM(uLengthA, uLengthB); SCORE D = DPD(uLengthA, uLengthB) + PA[uLengthA-1].m_scoreGapClose; SCORE E = DPE(uLengthA, uLengthB) + PA[uLengthA-1].m_scoreGapClose2; SCORE I = DPI(uLengthA, uLengthB) + PB[uLengthB-1].m_scoreGapClose; SCORE J = DPJ(uLengthA, uLengthB) + PB[uLengthB-1].m_scoreGapClose2; char cEdgeType = '?'; SCORE BestScore = M; cEdgeType = 'M'; if (D > BestScore) { cEdgeType = 'D'; BestScore = D; } if (E > BestScore) { cEdgeType = 'E'; BestScore = E; } if (I > BestScore) { cEdgeType = 'I'; BestScore = I; } if (J > BestScore) { cEdgeType = 'J'; BestScore = J; } #if TRACE Log("DA Simple: MAB=%.4g DAB=%.4g EAB=%.4g IAB=%.4g JAB=%.4g best=%c\n", M, D, E, I, J, cEdgeType); #endif unsigned PLA = uLengthA; unsigned PLB = uLengthB; for (;;) { PWEdge Edge; Edge.cType = XlatEdgeType(cEdgeType); Edge.uPrefixLengthA = PLA; Edge.uPrefixLengthB = PLB; #if TRACE Log("Prepend %c%d.%d\n", Edge.cType, PLA, PLB); #endif Path.PrependEdge(Edge); switch (cEdgeType) { case 'M': assert(PLA > 0); assert(PLB > 0); cEdgeType = TBM(PLA, PLB); --PLA; --PLB; break; case 'D': assert(PLA > 0); cEdgeType = TBD(PLA, PLB); --PLA; break; case 'E': assert(PLA > 0); cEdgeType = TBE(PLA, PLB); --PLA; break; case 'I': assert(PLB > 0); cEdgeType = TBI(PLA, PLB); --PLB; break; case 'J': assert(PLB > 0); cEdgeType = TBJ(PLA, PLB); --PLB; break; default: Quit("Invalid edge %c", cEdgeType); } if (0 == PLA && 0 == PLB) break; } Path.Validate(); // SCORE Score = TraceBack(PA, uLengthA, PB, uLengthB, DPM_, DPD_, DPI_, Path); #if TRACE SCORE scorePath = FastScorePath2(PA, uLengthA, PB, uLengthB, Path); Path.LogMe(); Log("Score = %s Path = %s\n", LocalScoreToStr(BestScore), LocalScoreToStr(scorePath)); #endif if (g_bKeepSimpleDP.get()) { g_DPM.get() = DPM_; g_DPD.get() = DPD_; g_DPE.get() = DPE_; g_DPI.get() = DPI_; g_DPJ.get() = DPJ_; g_TBM.get() = TBM_; g_TBD.get() = TBD_; g_TBE.get() = TBE_; g_TBI.get() = TBI_; g_TBJ.get() = TBJ_; } else { delete[] DPM_; delete[] DPD_; delete[] DPE_; delete[] DPI_; delete[] DPJ_; delete[] TBM_; delete[] TBD_; delete[] TBE_; delete[] TBI_; delete[] TBJ_; } return BestScore; }
static SCORE TraceBackDimer( const SCORE *DPM_, const SCORE *DPD_, const SCORE *DPI_, const char *TBM_, const char *TBD_, const char *TBI_, unsigned uLengthA, unsigned uLengthB, PWPath &Path) { const unsigned uPrefixCountA = uLengthA + 1; unsigned uPrefixLengthA = uLengthA; unsigned uPrefixLengthB = uLengthB; char cEdge = 'M'; SCORE scoreMax = DPM(uLengthA, uLengthB); if (DPD(uLengthA, uLengthB) > scoreMax) { scoreMax = DPD(uLengthA, uLengthB); cEdge = 'D'; } if (DPI(uLengthA, uLengthB) > scoreMax) { scoreMax = DPI(uLengthA, uLengthB); cEdge = 'I'; } for (;;) { if (0 == uPrefixLengthA && 0 == uPrefixLengthB) break; PWEdge Edge; Edge.cType = cEdge; Edge.uPrefixLengthA = uPrefixLengthA; Edge.uPrefixLengthB = uPrefixLengthB; Path.PrependEdge(Edge); #if TRACE Log("PLA=%u PLB=%u Edge=%c\n", uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB, cEdge); #endif switch (cEdge) { case 'M': assert(uPrefixLengthA > 0 && uPrefixLengthB > 0); cEdge = TBM(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB); --uPrefixLengthA; --uPrefixLengthB; break; case 'D': assert(uPrefixLengthA > 0); cEdge = TBD(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB); --uPrefixLengthA; break; case 'I': assert(uPrefixLengthB > 0); cEdge = TBI(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB); --uPrefixLengthB; break; default: Quit("Invalid edge PLA=%u PLB=%u %c", uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB, cEdge); } } #if TRACE Path.LogMe(); #endif return scoreMax; }
SCORE SW(const ProfPos *PA, unsigned uLengthA, const ProfPos *PB, unsigned uLengthB, PWPath &Path) { assert(uLengthB > 0 && uLengthA > 0); const unsigned uPrefixCountA = uLengthA + 1; const unsigned uPrefixCountB = uLengthB + 1; // Allocate DP matrices const size_t LM = uPrefixCountA*uPrefixCountB; SCORE *DPM_ = new SCORE[LM]; SCORE *DPD_ = new SCORE[LM]; SCORE *DPI_ = new SCORE[LM]; DPM(0, 0) = 0; DPD(0, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPI(0, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPM(1, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPD(1, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPI(1, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPM(0, 1) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPD(0, 1) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPI(0, 1) = MINUS_INFINITY; // Empty prefix of B is special case for (unsigned uPrefixLengthA = 2; uPrefixLengthA < uPrefixCountA; ++uPrefixLengthA) { // M=LetterA+LetterB, impossible with empty prefix DPM(uPrefixLengthA, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; // D=LetterA+GapB, never optimal in local alignment with gap penalties DPD(uPrefixLengthA, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; // I=GapA+LetterB, impossible with empty prefix DPI(uPrefixLengthA, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; } // Empty prefix of A is special case for (unsigned uPrefixLengthB = 2; uPrefixLengthB < uPrefixCountB; ++uPrefixLengthB) { // M=LetterA+LetterB, impossible with empty prefix DPM(0, uPrefixLengthB) = MINUS_INFINITY; // D=LetterA+GapB, impossible with empty prefix DPD(0, uPrefixLengthB) = MINUS_INFINITY; // I=GapA+LetterB, never optimal in local alignment with gap penalties DPI(0, uPrefixLengthB) = MINUS_INFINITY; } SCORE scoreMax = MINUS_INFINITY; unsigned uPrefixLengthAMax = uInsane; unsigned uPrefixLengthBMax = uInsane; // ============ // Main DP loop // ============ SCORE scoreGapCloseB = MINUS_INFINITY; for (unsigned uPrefixLengthB = 1; uPrefixLengthB < uPrefixCountB; ++uPrefixLengthB) { const ProfPos &PPB = PB[uPrefixLengthB - 1]; SCORE scoreGapCloseA = MINUS_INFINITY; for (unsigned uPrefixLengthA = 1; uPrefixLengthA < uPrefixCountA; ++uPrefixLengthA) { const ProfPos &PPA = PA[uPrefixLengthA - 1]; { // Match M=LetterA+LetterB SCORE scoreLL = ScoreProfPos2(PPA, PPB); SCORE scoreMM = DPM(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB-1); SCORE scoreDM = DPD(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB-1) + scoreGapCloseA; SCORE scoreIM = DPI(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB-1) + scoreGapCloseB; SCORE scoreBest; if (scoreMM >= scoreDM && scoreMM >= scoreIM) scoreBest = scoreMM; else if (scoreDM >= scoreMM && scoreDM >= scoreIM) scoreBest = scoreDM; else { assert(scoreIM >= scoreMM && scoreIM >= scoreDM); scoreBest = scoreIM; } if (scoreBest < 0) scoreBest = 0; scoreBest += scoreLL; if (scoreBest > scoreMax) { scoreMax = scoreBest; uPrefixLengthAMax = uPrefixLengthA; uPrefixLengthBMax = uPrefixLengthB; } DPM(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = scoreBest; } { // Delete D=LetterA+GapB SCORE scoreMD = DPM(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB) + PA[uPrefixLengthA-1].m_scoreGapOpen; SCORE scoreDD = DPD(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB); SCORE scoreBest; if (scoreMD >= scoreDD) scoreBest = scoreMD; else { assert(scoreDD >= scoreMD); scoreBest = scoreDD; } DPD(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = scoreBest; } // Insert I=GapA+LetterB { SCORE scoreMI = DPM(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB-1) + PB[uPrefixLengthB - 1].m_scoreGapOpen; SCORE scoreII = DPI(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB-1); SCORE scoreBest; if (scoreMI >= scoreII) scoreBest = scoreMI; else { assert(scoreII > scoreMI); scoreBest = scoreII; } DPI(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = scoreBest; } scoreGapCloseA = PPA.m_scoreGapClose; } scoreGapCloseB = PPB.m_scoreGapClose; } #if TRACE Log("DPM:\n"); ListDP(DPM_, PA, PB, uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB); Log("DPD:\n"); ListDP(DPD_, PA, PB, uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB); Log("DPI:\n"); ListDP(DPI_, PA, PB, uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB); #endif assert(scoreMax == DPM(uPrefixLengthAMax, uPrefixLengthBMax)); TraceBackSW(PA, uLengthA, PB, uLengthB, DPM_, DPD_, DPI_, uPrefixLengthAMax, uPrefixLengthBMax, Path); #if TRACE SCORE scorePath = FastScorePath2(PA, uLengthA, PB, uLengthB, Path); Path.LogMe(); Log("Score = %s Path = %s\n", LocalScoreToStr(scoreMax), LocalScoreToStr(scorePath)); #endif delete[] DPM_; delete[] DPD_; delete[] DPI_; return scoreMax; }
/** * @brief Initializes main window. */ MainFrame::MainFrame() :wxFrame(NULL,wxID_ANY,wxT("UltraDefrag")) { g_mainFrame = this; m_vList = NULL; m_cMap = NULL; m_currentJob = NULL; m_busy = false; m_paused = false; // set main window icon SetIcons(wxICON(appicon)); // read configuration ReadAppConfiguration(); ProcessCommandEvent(ID_ReadUserPreferences); // set main window title wxString *instdir = new wxString(); //genBTC re-arranged the below, A LOT. wxStandardPaths stdpaths; wxFileName exepath(stdpaths.GetExecutablePath()); wxString cd = exepath.GetPath(); if((wxGetEnv(wxT("UD_INSTALL_DIR"),instdir))&&(cd.CmpNoCase(*instdir) == 0)) { itrace("current directory matches installation location, so it isn't portable"); itrace("installation location: %ls",instdir->wc_str()); m_title = new wxString(wxT(VERSIONINTITLE)); } else { itrace("current directory differs from installation location, so it is portable"); itrace("current directory: %ls",cd.wc_str()); wxSetEnv(wxT("UD_IS_PORTABLE"),wxT("1")); m_title = new wxString(wxT(VERSIONINTITLE_PORTABLE)); } //genBTC re-arranged the above, A LOT. ProcessCommandEvent(ID_SetWindowTitle); delete instdir; // set main window size and position SetSize(m_width,m_height); if(!m_saved){ CenterOnScreen(); GetPosition(&m_x,&m_y); } Move(m_x,m_y); if(m_maximized) Maximize(true); SetMinSize(wxSize(DPI(MAIN_WINDOW_MIN_WIDTH),DPI(MAIN_WINDOW_MIN_HEIGHT))); // create menu, tool and status bars InitMenu(); InitToolbar(); InitStatusBar(); //make sizer1 to hold the the tabbed "notebook". And make the notebook wxBoxSizer* bSizer1; bSizer1 = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ); m_notebook1 = new wxNotebook( this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 ); //make a panel inside the notebook to hold the m_splitter m_panel1 = new wxPanel( m_notebook1, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTAB_TRAVERSAL ); // create list of volumes and cluster map (with splitter as parent) m_splitter = new wxSplitterWindow(m_panel1,wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize, wxSP_3D | wxCLIP_CHILDREN); m_splitter->SetMinimumPaneSize(DPI(MIN_PANEL_HEIGHT)); m_vList = new DrivesList(m_splitter,wxLC_REPORT | wxLC_NO_SORT_HEADER | wxLC_HRULES | wxLC_VRULES | wxBORDER_NONE); m_cMap = new ClusterMap(m_splitter); m_splitter->SplitHorizontally(m_vList,m_cMap); int height = GetClientSize().GetHeight(); int maxPanelHeight = height - DPI(MIN_PANEL_HEIGHT) - m_splitter->GetSashSize(); if(m_separatorPosition < DPI(MIN_PANEL_HEIGHT)) m_separatorPosition = DPI(MIN_PANEL_HEIGHT); else if(m_separatorPosition > maxPanelHeight) m_separatorPosition = maxPanelHeight; m_splitter->SetSashPosition(m_separatorPosition); // update frame layout so we'll be able to initialize // list of volumes and cluster map properly wxSizeEvent evt(wxSize(m_width,m_height)); ProcessEvent(evt); m_splitter->UpdateSize(); InitVolList(); m_vList->SetFocus(); // populate list of volumes m_listThread = new ListThread(); //make sizer2 to Fit the splitter, and initialize it. wxBoxSizer* bSizer2; bSizer2 = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ); bSizer2->Add( m_splitter, 1, wxEXPAND, 1 ); m_panel1->SetSizer( bSizer2 ); //Finish Tab1 - Add the Panel1(Splitter+sizer2) to the notebook. m_notebook1->AddPage( m_panel1, wxT("Drives"), false ); //make a 2nd panel inside the notebook to hold the 2nd page(a grid) m_panel2 = new wxPanel( m_notebook1, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTAB_TRAVERSAL ); m_filesList = new FilesList(m_panel2,wxLC_REPORT /* | wxLC_SINGLE_SEL | wxLC_NO_SORT_HEADER*/ \ | wxLC_VIRTUAL | wxLC_HRULES | wxLC_VRULES | wxBORDER_NONE); InitFilesList(); //make sizer3 to Fit the page2list, and initialize it. wxBoxSizer* bSizer3; bSizer3 = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ); bSizer3->Add( m_filesList, 1, wxEXPAND, 1 ); m_panel2->SetSizer( bSizer3 ); bSizer3->Fit( m_panel2 ); //Finish Tab 2 - Add the Panel2(page2list+sizer3) to the notebook. m_notebook1->AddPage( m_panel2, wxT("Files"), false ); //Finish Notebook & initialize bSizer1->Add( m_notebook1, 1, wxEXPAND, 1 ); this->SetSizer( bSizer1 ); // check the boot time defragmenter presence wxFileName btdFile(wxT("%SystemRoot%\\system32\\defrag_native.exe")); btdFile.Normalize(); bool btd = btdFile.FileExists(); m_menuBar->FindItem(ID_BootEnable)->Enable(btd); m_menuBar->FindItem(ID_BootScript)->Enable(btd); m_toolBar->EnableTool(ID_BootEnable,btd); m_toolBar->EnableTool(ID_BootScript,btd); if(btd && ::winx_bootex_check(L"defrag_native") > 0){ m_menuBar->FindItem(ID_BootEnable)->Check(true); m_toolBar->ToggleTool(ID_BootEnable,true); m_btdEnabled = true; } else { m_btdEnabled = false; } // launch threads for time consuming operations m_btdThread = btd ? new BtdThread() : NULL; m_configThread = new ConfigThread(); m_crashInfoThread = new CrashInfoThread(); wxConfigBase *cfg = wxConfigBase::Get(); int ulevel = (int)cfg->Read(wxT("/Upgrade/Level"),1); wxMenuItem *item = m_menuBar->FindItem(ID_HelpUpgradeNone + ulevel); if(item) item->Check(); m_upgradeThread = new UpgradeThread(ulevel); // set system tray icon m_systemTrayIcon = new SystemTrayIcon(); if(!m_systemTrayIcon->IsOk()){ etrace("system tray icon initialization failed"); wxSetEnv(wxT("UD_MINIMIZE_TO_SYSTEM_TRAY"),wxT("0")); } SetSystemTrayIcon(wxT("tray"),wxT("UltraDefrag")); // set localized text ProcessCommandEvent(ID_LocaleChange + g_locale->GetLanguage()); // allow disk processing m_jobThread = new JobThread(); //create query thread to perform queries without blocking the GUI //(sort of like jobs) - may not be good to have both possibly running at once. //Create Query Tab, Tab #3. InitQueryMenu(); UD_DisableTool(ID_Stop); //change stop icon to be not always enabled. }
SCORE TraceBack(const ProfPos *PA, unsigned uLengthA, const ProfPos *PB, unsigned uLengthB, const SCORE *DPM_, const SCORE *DPD_, const SCORE *DPI_, PWPath &Path) { #if TRACE Log("\n"); Log("TraceBack LengthA=%u LengthB=%u\n", uLengthA, uLengthB); #endif assert(uLengthB > 0 && uLengthA > 0); const unsigned uPrefixCountA = uLengthA + 1; const unsigned uPrefixCountB = uLengthB + 1; Path.Clear(); unsigned uPrefixLengthA = uLengthA; unsigned uPrefixLengthB = uLengthB; const SCORE scoreM = DPM(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB); SCORE scoreD = DPD(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB); SCORE scoreI = DPI(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB); const ProfPos &LastPPA = PA[uLengthA - 1]; const ProfPos &LastPPB = PB[uLengthB - 1]; scoreD += LastPPA.m_scoreGapClose; scoreI += LastPPB.m_scoreGapClose; char cEdgeType = cInsane; SCORE scoreMax; if (scoreM >= scoreD && scoreM >= scoreI) { scoreMax = scoreM; cEdgeType = 'M'; } else if (scoreD >= scoreM && scoreD >= scoreI) { scoreMax = scoreD; cEdgeType = 'D'; } else { assert(scoreI >= scoreM && scoreI >= scoreD); scoreMax = scoreI; cEdgeType = 'I'; } for (;;) { if ('S' == cEdgeType) break; PWEdge Edge; Edge.cType = cEdgeType; Edge.uPrefixLengthA = uPrefixLengthA; Edge.uPrefixLengthB = uPrefixLengthB; Path.PrependEdge(Edge); char cPrevEdgeType; unsigned uPrevPrefixLengthA = uPrefixLengthA; unsigned uPrevPrefixLengthB = uPrefixLengthB; switch (cEdgeType) { case 'M': { assert(uPrefixLengthA > 0); assert(uPrefixLengthB > 0); const ProfPos &PPA = PA[uPrefixLengthA - 1]; const ProfPos &PPB = PB[uPrefixLengthB - 1]; const SCORE Score = DPM(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB); const SCORE scoreMatch = ScoreProfPos2(PPA, PPB); SCORE scoreSM; if (1 == uPrefixLengthA && 1 == uPrefixLengthB) scoreSM = scoreMatch; else scoreSM = MINUS_INFINITY; SCORE scoreMM = MINUS_INFINITY; SCORE scoreDM = MINUS_INFINITY; SCORE scoreIM = MINUS_INFINITY; if (uPrefixLengthA > 1 && uPrefixLengthB > 1) scoreMM = DPM(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB-1) + scoreMatch; if (uPrefixLengthA > 1) { SCORE scoreTransDM = PA[uPrefixLengthA-2].m_scoreGapClose; scoreDM = DPD(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB-1) + scoreTransDM + scoreMatch; } if (uPrefixLengthB > 1) { SCORE scoreTransIM = PB[uPrefixLengthB-2].m_scoreGapClose; scoreIM = DPI(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB-1) + scoreTransIM + scoreMatch; } if (EQ(scoreMM, Score)) cPrevEdgeType = 'M'; else if (EQ(scoreDM, Score)) cPrevEdgeType = 'D'; else if (EQ(scoreIM, Score)) cPrevEdgeType = 'I'; else if (EQ(scoreSM, Score)) cPrevEdgeType = 'S'; else Quit("TraceBack: failed to match M score=%g M=%g D=%g I=%g S=%g", Score, scoreMM, scoreDM, scoreIM, scoreSM); --uPrevPrefixLengthA; --uPrevPrefixLengthB; break; } case 'D': { assert(uPrefixLengthA > 0); const SCORE Score = DPD(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB); SCORE scoreMD = MINUS_INFINITY; SCORE scoreDD = MINUS_INFINITY; SCORE scoreSD = MINUS_INFINITY; if (uPrefixLengthB == 0) { if (uPrefixLengthA == 1) scoreSD = PA[0].m_scoreGapOpen; else scoreSD = DPD(uPrefixLengthA - 1, 0); } if (uPrefixLengthA > 1) { const ProfPos &PPA = PA[uPrefixLengthA - 1]; SCORE scoreTransMD = PPA.m_scoreGapOpen; scoreMD = DPM(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB) + scoreTransMD; scoreDD = DPD(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB); } if (EQ(Score, scoreMD)) cPrevEdgeType = 'M'; else if (EQ(Score, scoreDD)) cPrevEdgeType = 'D'; else if (EQ(Score, scoreSD)) cPrevEdgeType = 'S'; else Quit("TraceBack: failed to match D"); --uPrevPrefixLengthA; break; } case 'I': { assert(uPrefixLengthB > 0); const SCORE Score = DPI(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB); SCORE scoreMI = MINUS_INFINITY; SCORE scoreII = MINUS_INFINITY; SCORE scoreSI = MINUS_INFINITY; if (uPrefixLengthA == 0) { if (uPrefixLengthB == 1) scoreSI = PB[0].m_scoreGapOpen; else scoreSI = DPI(0, uPrefixLengthB - 1); } if (uPrefixLengthB > 1) { const ProfPos &PPB = PB[uPrefixLengthB - 1]; SCORE scoreTransMI = PPB.m_scoreGapOpen; scoreMI = DPM(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB-1) + scoreTransMI; scoreII = DPI(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB-1); } if (EQ(Score, scoreMI)) cPrevEdgeType = 'M'; else if (EQ(Score, scoreII)) cPrevEdgeType = 'I'; else if (EQ(Score, scoreSI)) cPrevEdgeType = 'S'; else Quit("TraceBack: failed to match I"); --uPrevPrefixLengthB; break; } default: assert(false); } #if TRACE Log("Edge %c%c%u.%u", cPrevEdgeType, cEdgeType, uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB); Log("\n"); #endif cEdgeType = cPrevEdgeType; uPrefixLengthA = uPrevPrefixLengthA; uPrefixLengthB = uPrevPrefixLengthB; } return scoreMax; }
// Global alignment dynamic programming // This variant optimizes the profile-profile SP score under the // dimer approximation. SCORE GlobalAlignDimer(const ProfPos *PA, unsigned uLengthA, const ProfPos *PB, unsigned uLengthB, PWPath &Path) { assert(uLengthB > 0 && uLengthA > 0); const unsigned uPrefixCountA = uLengthA + 1; const unsigned uPrefixCountB = uLengthB + 1; // Allocate DP matrices const size_t LM = uPrefixCountA*uPrefixCountB; SCORE *DPM_ = new SCORE[LM]; SCORE *DPD_ = new SCORE[LM]; SCORE *DPI_ = new SCORE[LM]; char *TBM_ = new char[LM]; char *TBD_ = new char[LM]; char *TBI_ = new char[LM]; DPM(0, 0) = 0; DPD(0, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPI(0, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; TBM(0, 0) = 'S'; TBD(0, 0) = '?'; TBI(0, 0) = '?'; DPM(1, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPD(1, 0) = GapScoreMD(PA[0], PPTerm); DPI(1, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; TBM(1, 0) = '?'; TBD(1, 0) = 'S'; TBI(1, 0) = '?'; DPM(0, 1) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPD(0, 1) = MINUS_INFINITY; DPI(0, 1) = GapScoreMI(PPTerm, PB[0]); TBM(0, 1) = '?'; TBD(0, 1) = '?'; TBI(0, 1) = 'S'; // Empty prefix of B is special case for (unsigned uPrefixLengthA = 2; uPrefixLengthA < uPrefixCountA; ++uPrefixLengthA) { // M=LetterA+LetterB, impossible with empty prefix DPM(uPrefixLengthA, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; TBM(uPrefixLengthA, 0) = '?'; // D=LetterA+GapB DPD(uPrefixLengthA, 0) = DPD(uPrefixLengthA - 1, 0) + GapScoreDD(PA[uPrefixLengthA - 1], PPTerm); TBD(uPrefixLengthA, 0) = 'D'; // I=GapA+LetterB, impossible with empty prefix DPI(uPrefixLengthA, 0) = MINUS_INFINITY; TBI(uPrefixLengthA, 0) = '?'; } // Empty prefix of A is special case for (unsigned uPrefixLengthB = 2; uPrefixLengthB < uPrefixCountB; ++uPrefixLengthB) { // M=LetterA+LetterB, impossible with empty prefix DPM(0, uPrefixLengthB) = MINUS_INFINITY; TBM(0, uPrefixLengthB) = '?'; // D=LetterA+GapB, impossible with empty prefix DPD(0, uPrefixLengthB) = MINUS_INFINITY; TBD(0, uPrefixLengthB) = '?'; // I=GapA+LetterB DPI(0, uPrefixLengthB) = DPI(0, uPrefixLengthB - 1) + GapScoreII(PPTerm, PB[uPrefixLengthB - 1]); TBI(0, uPrefixLengthB) = 'I'; } // ============ // Main DP loop // ============ for (unsigned uPrefixLengthB = 1; uPrefixLengthB < uPrefixCountB; ++uPrefixLengthB) { const ProfPos &PPB = PB[uPrefixLengthB - 1]; for (unsigned uPrefixLengthA = 1; uPrefixLengthA < uPrefixCountA; ++uPrefixLengthA) { const ProfPos &PPA = PA[uPrefixLengthA - 1]; { // Match M=LetterA+LetterB SCORE scoreLL = ScoreProfPosDimer(PPA, PPB); SCORE scoreMM = DPM(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB-1) + GapScoreMM(PPA, PPB); SCORE scoreDM = DPD(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB-1) + GapScoreDM(PPA, PPB); SCORE scoreIM = DPI(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB-1) + GapScoreIM(PPA, PPB); SCORE scoreBest = scoreMM; char c = 'M'; if (scoreDM > scoreBest) { scoreBest = scoreDM; c = 'D'; } if (scoreIM > scoreBest) { scoreBest = scoreIM; c = 'I'; } DPM(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = scoreBest + scoreLL; TBM(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = c; } { // Delete D=LetterA+GapB SCORE scoreMD = DPM(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB) + GapScoreMD(PPA, PPB); SCORE scoreDD = DPD(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB) + GapScoreDD(PPA, PPB); SCORE scoreID = DPI(uPrefixLengthA-1, uPrefixLengthB) + GapScoreID(PPA, PPB); SCORE scoreBest = scoreMD; char c = 'M'; if (scoreDD > scoreBest) { scoreBest = scoreDD; c = 'D'; } if (scoreID > scoreBest) { scoreBest = scoreID; c = 'I'; } DPD(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = scoreBest; TBD(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = c; } { // Insert I=GapA+LetterB SCORE scoreMI = DPM(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB-1) + GapScoreMI(PPA, PPB); SCORE scoreDI = DPD(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB-1) + GapScoreDI(PPA, PPB); SCORE scoreII = DPI(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB-1) + GapScoreII(PPA, PPB); SCORE scoreBest = scoreMI; char c = 'M'; if (scoreDI > scoreBest) { scoreBest = scoreDI; c = 'D'; } if (scoreII > scoreBest) { scoreBest = scoreII; c = 'I'; } DPI(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = scoreBest; TBI(uPrefixLengthA, uPrefixLengthB) = c; } } } #if TRACE Log("DPM:\n"); ListDP(DPM_, PA, PB, uPrefixCountA, uPrefixCountB); Log("DPD:\n"); ListDP(DPD_, PA, PB, uPrefixCountA, uPrefixCountB); Log("DPI:\n"); ListDP(DPI_, PA, PB, uPrefixCountA, uPrefixCountB); Log("TBM:\n"); ListTB(TBM_, PA, PB, uPrefixCountA, uPrefixCountB); Log("TBD:\n"); ListTB(TBD_, PA, PB, uPrefixCountA, uPrefixCountB); Log("TBI:\n"); ListTB(TBI_, PA, PB, uPrefixCountA, uPrefixCountB); #endif SCORE Score = TraceBackDimer(DPM_, DPD_, DPI_, TBM_, TBD_, TBI_, uLengthA, uLengthB, Path); #if TRACE Log("GlobalAlignDimer score = %.3g\n", Score); #endif delete[] DPM_; delete[] DPD_; delete[] DPI_; delete[] TBM_; delete[] TBD_; delete[] TBI_; return Score; }