Exemplo n.º 1
DaoArray* DaoProcess_PutVectorComplex( DaoProcess *self, dao_complex *array, daoint N )
	DaoArray *res = DaoProcess_PutArray( self );
	DaoArray_SetNumType( res, DAO_COMPLEX );
	if( array ) DaoArray_SetVectorFloat64( res, (double*)array, N );
	return res;
Exemplo n.º 2
DaoArray* DaoProcess_PutVectorFloat64( DaoProcess *self, double *array, daoint N )
	DaoArray *res = DaoProcess_PutArray( self );
	DaoArray_SetNumType( res, DAO_FLOAT );
	if( array ) DaoArray_SetVectorFloat64( res, array, N );
	return res;
Exemplo n.º 3
DaoArray* DaoProcess_PutVectorInt64( DaoProcess *self, long long *array, daoint N )
	DaoArray *res = DaoProcess_PutArray( self );
	DaoArray_SetNumType( res, DAO_INTEGER );
	if( array ) DaoArray_SetVectorInt64( res, array, N );
	return res;
Exemplo n.º 4
DaoArray* DaoProcess_PutVectorUInt32( DaoProcess *self, unsigned int *array, daoint N )
	DaoArray *res = DaoProcess_PutArray( self );
	DaoArray_SetNumType( res, DAO_INTEGER );
	if( array ) DaoArray_SetVectorUInt32( res, array, N );
	return res;
Exemplo n.º 5
DaoArray* DaoProcess_PutVectorSInt16( DaoProcess *self, signed  short *array, daoint N )
	DaoArray *res = DaoProcess_PutArray( self );
	DaoArray_SetNumType( res, DAO_INTEGER );
	if( array ) DaoArray_SetVectorSInt16( res, array, N );
	return res;
Exemplo n.º 6
void DaoValue_SetType( DaoValue *to, DaoType *tp )
	DaoVmSpace *vms;
	DaoType *tp2;
	DNode *it;
	if( to->type != tp->tid && tp->tid != DAO_ANY ) return;
	if( tp->attrib & DAO_TYPE_SPEC ) return;
	switch( to->type ){
	case DAO_ARRAY :
		if( to->xArray.size ) return;
		if( tp->tid != DAO_ARRAY || tp->args == NULL || tp->args->size == 0 ) break;
		tp = tp->args->items.pType[0];
		if( tp->tid == DAO_NONE || tp->tid > DAO_COMPLEX ) break;
		DaoArray_SetNumType( (DaoArray*) to, tp->tid );
	case DAO_LIST :
		/* var x: any = {}, x->ctype should be list<any> */
		if( tp->tid == DAO_ANY ){
			vms = DaoType_GetVmSpace( tp );
			tp = vms->typeListAny;
		if( to->xList.ctype && !(to->xList.ctype->attrib & DAO_TYPE_UNDEF) ) break;
		GC_Assign( & to->xList.ctype, tp );
	case DAO_MAP :
		if( tp->tid == DAO_ANY ){
			vms = DaoType_GetVmSpace( tp );
			tp = vms->typeMapAny;
		if( to->xMap.ctype && !(to->xMap.ctype->attrib & DAO_TYPE_UNDEF) ) break;
		GC_Assign( & to->xMap.ctype, tp );
	case DAO_TUPLE :
		tp2 = to->xTuple.ctype;
		if( tp->tid == DAO_ANY ) break;
		if( tp->args->size ==0 ) break; /* not to the generic tuple type */
		if( tp2 == NULL || tp2->mapNames == NULL || tp2->mapNames->size ==0 ){
			GC_Assign( & to->xTuple.ctype, tp );
		if( tp->mapNames == NULL || tp->mapNames->size ) break;
		for(it=DMap_First(tp2->mapNames); it!=NULL; it=DMap_Next(tp2->mapNames, it)){
			if( DMap_Find( tp->mapNames, it->key.pVoid ) == NULL ) break;
		if( it ) break;
		GC_Assign( & to->xTuple.ctype, tp );
	default : break;
Exemplo n.º 7
void DaoValue_SetType( DaoValue *to, DaoType *tp )
	DaoType *tp2;
	DNode *it;
	if( to->type != tp->tid && tp->tid != DAO_ANY ) return;
	if( tp->attrib & DAO_TYPE_SPEC ) return;
	switch( to->type ){
	case DAO_ARRAY :
		if( to->xArray.size ) return;
		if( tp->tid != DAO_ARRAY || tp->nested == NULL || tp->nested->size == 0 ) break;
		tp = tp->nested->items.pType[0];
		if( tp->tid == DAO_NONE || tp->tid > DAO_COMPLEX ) break;
		DaoArray_SetNumType( (DaoArray*) to, tp->tid );
	case DAO_LIST :
		/* v : any = {}, v->unitype should be list<any> */
		if( tp->tid == DAO_ANY ) tp = dao_list_any;
		if( to->xList.unitype && !(to->xList.unitype->attrib & DAO_TYPE_UNDEF) ) break;
		GC_ShiftRC( tp, to->xList.unitype );
		to->xList.unitype = tp;
	case DAO_MAP :
		if( tp->tid == DAO_ANY ) tp = dao_map_any;
		if( to->xMap.unitype && !(to->xMap.unitype->attrib & DAO_TYPE_UNDEF) ) break;
		GC_ShiftRC( tp, to->xMap.unitype );
		to->xMap.unitype = tp;
	case DAO_TUPLE :
		tp2 = to->xTuple.unitype;
		if( tp->tid == DAO_ANY ) break;
		if( tp->nested->size ==0 ) break; /* not to the generic tuple type */
		if( tp2 == NULL || tp2->mapNames == NULL || tp2->mapNames->size ==0 ){
			GC_ShiftRC( tp, to->xTuple.unitype );
			to->xTuple.unitype = tp;
		if( tp->mapNames == NULL || tp->mapNames->size ) break;
		for(it=DMap_First(tp2->mapNames); it!=NULL; it=DMap_Next(tp2->mapNames, it)){
			if( DMap_Find( tp->mapNames, it->key.pVoid ) == NULL ) break;
		if( it ) break;
		GC_ShiftRC( tp, to->xTuple.unitype );
		to->xTuple.unitype = tp;
	default : break;