Exemplo n.º 1
static void DaoMT_Critical( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int n )
	void *key;
	DNode *it;
	DMap *cache = (DMap*) DaoProcess_GetAuxData( proc, DaoMT_ProcMutexCache );
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoProcess_InitCodeSection( proc, 0 );
	DaoRoutine *routine = proc->activeRoutine;

	if( sect == NULL ) return;

	/* Get the original routine, if this one is a specialized copy: */
	while( routine->original ) routine = routine->original;

	// Use "routine + sect->c" instead of "sect" as the key for mutex,
	// as "sect" may be different for different copy of specialized routine.
	// But "sect->c" won't change after being set during compiling.
	key = routine + sect->c;

	if( cache == NULL ){
		cache = DHash_New(0,0); /* Local cache is used to avoid extra locking; */
		DaoProcess_SetAuxData( proc, DaoMT_ProcMutexCache, cache );
	it = DMap_Find( cache, key ); /* Check local cache first; */
	if( it == NULL ) it = DMap_Insert( cache, key, DaoMT_GetMutex( routine, key ) );
	DMutex_Lock( (DMutex*) it->value.pVoid );
	DaoProcess_Execute( proc );
	DMutex_Unlock( (DMutex*) it->value.pVoid );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
Exemplo n.º 2
static void DaoIO_WriteLines( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DString *string;
	DaoInteger idint = {DAO_INTEGER,0,0,0,0,0};
	DaoValue *res, *index = (DaoValue*)(void*)&idint;
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoGetSectionCode( proc->activeCode );
	daoint i, entry, lines = p[1]->xInteger.value;
	FILE *fout = stdout;

	if( p[0]->type == DAO_STRING ){
		fout = DaoIO_OpenFile( proc, p[0]->xString.data, "w+", 0 );
		if( fout == NULL ) return;
		if( p[0]->xStream.file ) fout = p[0]->xStream.file;
	if( sect == NULL || DaoProcess_PushSectionFrame( proc ) == NULL ) return;
	entry = proc->topFrame->entry;
	for(i=0; i<lines; i++){
		idint.value = i;
		if( sect->b >0 ) DaoProcess_SetValue( proc, sect->a, index );
		proc->topFrame->entry = entry;
		DaoProcess_Execute( proc );
		if( proc->status == DAO_PROCESS_ABORTED ) break;
		string = proc->stackValues[0]->xString.data;
		if( string->mbs ){
			fprintf( fout, "%s", string->mbs );
			fprintf( fout, "%ls", string->wcs );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
Exemplo n.º 3
static void STD_List( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DaoInteger idint = {DAO_INTEGER,0,0,0,0,0};
	DaoValue *res = p[N==2], *index = (DaoValue*)(void*)&idint;
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoGetSectionCode( proc->activeCode );
	DaoList *list = DaoProcess_PutList( proc );
	daoint i, entry, size = p[0]->xInteger.value;
	daoint fold = N == 2;

	if( fold ) DaoList_Append( list, res );
	if( sect == NULL || size < 0 ) return; // TODO exception
	if( DaoProcess_PushSectionFrame( proc ) == NULL ) return;
	entry = proc->topFrame->entry;
	DaoProcess_AcquireCV( proc );
	for(i=fold; i<size; i++){
		idint.value = i;
		if( sect->b >0 ) DaoProcess_SetValue( proc, sect->a, index );
		if( sect->b >1 && N ==2 ) DaoProcess_SetValue( proc, sect->a+1, res );
		proc->topFrame->entry = entry;
		DaoProcess_Execute( proc );
		if( proc->status == DAO_PROCESS_ABORTED ) break;
		res = proc->stackValues[0];
		DaoList_Append( list, res );
	DaoProcess_ReleaseCV( proc );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
Exemplo n.º 4
static void STD_Map( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DaoInteger idint = {DAO_INTEGER,0,0,0,0,0};
	DaoValue *res, *index = (DaoValue*)(void*)&idint;
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoGetSectionCode( proc->activeCode );
	DaoMap *map = DaoProcess_PutMap( proc, p[1]->xInteger.value );
	daoint i, entry, size = p[0]->xInteger.value;

	if( sect == NULL || size < 0 ) return; // TODO exception
	if( DaoProcess_PushSectionFrame( proc ) == NULL ) return;
	entry = proc->topFrame->entry;
	DaoProcess_AcquireCV( proc );
	for(i=0; i<size; i++){
		idint.value = i;
		if( sect->b >0 ) DaoProcess_SetValue( proc, sect->a, index );
		proc->topFrame->entry = entry;
		DaoProcess_Execute( proc );
		if( proc->status == DAO_PROCESS_ABORTED ) break;
		res = proc->stackValues[0];
		if( res->type == DAO_TUPLE && res->xTuple.size == 2 )
			DaoMap_Insert( map, res->xTuple.items[0], res->xTuple.items[1] );
	DaoProcess_ReleaseCV( proc );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
Exemplo n.º 5
static void TEST_AssertError( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue* p[], int N )
	DString *expected = p[0]->xString.value;
	DString *actual = NULL;
	DList *errors = proc->exceptions;
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoProcess_InitCodeSection( proc, 0 );
	int catched = 0;
	int size = errors->size;
	if( sect == NULL ) return;
	DaoProcess_Execute( proc );
	if ( proc->status == DAO_PROCESS_ABORTED && errors->size > size ){
		DaoException *e = (DaoException*)&errors->items.pValue[errors->size - 1]->xCdata;
		if ( DString_Compare( expected, e->ctype->name ) != 0 )
			actual = DString_Copy( e->ctype->name );
			catched = 1;
		DList_Clear( errors );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
	if ( !catched ){
		char buf[512];
		if ( actual ){
			snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "expected %s error, intercepted %s", expected->chars, actual->chars );
			DString_Delete( actual );
			snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "expected %s error, intercepted nothing", expected->chars );
		DaoProcess_RaiseError( proc, "Test::AssertError", buf );
Exemplo n.º 6
void DaoCallServer_AddCall( DaoProcess *caller )
	DaoProcess *callee = DaoVmSpace_AcquireProcess( caller->vmSpace );
	DaoStackFrame *frame = caller->topFrame;
	DaoTaskEvent *event = DaoCallServer_MakeEvent();
	DaoType *type = (DaoType*) frame->routine->routType->aux;
	DaoFuture *future = DaoFuture_New( type, 1 );
	DaoValue **params = caller->stackValues + caller->topFrame->stackBase;
	int i, count = caller->topFrame->parCount;

	future->state = DAO_CALL_PAUSED;
	future->actor = caller->topFrame->object;
	GC_IncRC( future->actor );

	GC_ShiftRC( future, callee->future );
	callee->future = future;
	future->process = callee;
	GC_IncRC( future->process );

	callee->parCount = count;
	for(i=0; i<count; ++i) DaoValue_Copy( params[i], & callee->paramValues[i] );
	DaoProcess_PushRoutine( callee, caller->topFrame->routine, future->actor );

	DaoTaskEvent_Init( event, DAO_EVENT_RESUME_TASKLET, DAO_EVENT_RESUME, future, NULL );

	DaoProcess_PopFrame( caller );
	DaoProcess_PutValue( caller, (DaoValue*) future );

	DaoCallServer_Add( event );
Exemplo n.º 7
static void DaoStream_ReadLines( DaoStream *self, DaoList *list, DaoProcess *proc, int count, int chop )
	DaoValue *res;
	DaoString *line;
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoProcess_InitCodeSection( proc, 1 );
	daoint i = 0;

	if( sect == NULL ){
		line = DaoString_New();
		while( (count == 0 || (i++) < count) && DaoStream_ReadLine( self, line->value ) ){
			if( line->value->size == 0 && self->AtEnd != NULL && self->AtEnd( self ) ) break;
			if( chop ) DString_Chop( line->value, 0 );
			DaoList_Append( list, (DaoValue*) line );
		DaoString_Delete( line );
		ushort_t entry = proc->topFrame->entry;
		if( sect->b ){
			DaoString tmp = {DAO_STRING,0,0,0,1,NULL};
			DString tmp2 = DString_WrapChars( "" );
			tmp.value = & tmp2;
			line = (DaoString*) DaoProcess_SetValue( proc, sect->a, (DaoValue*)(void*) &tmp );
		while( (count == 0 || (i++) < count) && DaoStream_ReadLine( self, line->value ) ){
			if( line->value->size == 0 && self->AtEnd != NULL && self->AtEnd( self ) ) break;
			if( chop ) DString_Chop( line->value, 0 );
			proc->topFrame->entry = entry;
			DaoProcess_Execute( proc );
			if( proc->status == DAO_PROCESS_ABORTED ) break;
			res = proc->stackValues[0];
			if( res && res->type != DAO_NONE ) DaoList_Append( list, res );
		DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
Exemplo n.º 8
static void DaoMT_Critical( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int n )
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoGetSectionCode( proc->activeCode );
	if( sect == NULL || DaoMT_PushSectionFrame( proc ) == 0 ) return;
	if( proc->mutex ) DMutex_Lock( proc->mutex );
	DaoProcess_Execute( proc );
	if( proc->mutex ) DMutex_Unlock( proc->mutex );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
Exemplo n.º 9
static void DaoSema_Lib_Protect( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int n )
	DaoSema *self = (DaoSema*) p[0];
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoGetSectionCode( proc->activeCode );
	if( sect == NULL || DaoMT_PushSectionFrame( proc ) == 0 ) return;
	DSema_Wait( & self->mySema );
	DaoProcess_Execute( proc );
	DSema_Post( & self->mySema );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
Exemplo n.º 10
static void DaoMutex_Lib_Protect( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int n )
	DaoMutex *self = (DaoMutex*) p[0];
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoGetSectionCode( proc->activeCode );
	if( sect == NULL || DaoMT_PushSectionFrame( proc ) == 0 ) return;
	DaoMutex_Lock( self );
	DaoProcess_Execute( proc );
	DaoMutex_Unlock( self );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
Exemplo n.º 11
static void NODE_Search( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DList *nodes;
	DaoList *list = DaoProcess_PutList( proc );
	DaoxNode *self = (DaoxNode*) p[0];
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoProcess_InitCodeSection( proc, 1 );
	daoint method = p[1]->xEnum.value;
	daoint which = p[2]->xEnum.value;
	daoint i, j, entry;

	if( sect == NULL ) return;
	for(i=0; i<self->graph->nodes->size; i++){
		DaoxNode *node = (DaoxNode*) self->graph->nodes->items.pVoid[i];
		node->state = 0;
	nodes = DList_New(0);
	DList_PushBack( nodes, self );

	entry = proc->topFrame->entry;
	while( nodes->size ){
		DaoxNode *node = NULL;
		if( method ){
			node = (DaoxNode*) DList_Front( nodes );
			DList_PopFront( nodes );
			node = (DaoxNode*) DList_Back( nodes );
			DList_PopBack( nodes );
		if( node->state ) continue;
		node->state = 1;

		if( sect->b >0 ) DaoProcess_SetValue( proc, sect->a, (DaoValue*) node );
		proc->topFrame->entry = entry;
		DaoProcess_Execute( proc );
		if( proc->status == DAO_PROCESS_ABORTED ) break;
		if( proc->stackValues[0]->xInteger.value ){
			DaoList_PushBack( list, (DaoValue*) node );
			if( which == 0 ) break;

		for(j=0; j<node->outs->size; j++){
			DaoxEdge *edge = (DaoxEdge*) node->outs->items.pVoid[j];
			DaoxNode *node2 = node == edge->first ? edge->second : edge->first;
			DList_PushBack( nodes, node2 );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
	DList_Delete( nodes );
Exemplo n.º 12
static void DaoSTD_Exec( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int n )
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoProcess_InitCodeSection( proc, 0 );
	int ecount = proc->exceptions->size;

	if( sect == NULL ) return;
	DaoProcess_Execute( proc );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
	if( proc->exceptions->size > ecount ){
		if( n > 0 ){
			DaoProcess_PutValue( proc, p[0] );
			DList_Erase( proc->exceptions, ecount, -1 );
		DaoProcess_PutValue( proc, proc->stackValues[0] );
Exemplo n.º 13
static void DaoMT_Start( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int n )
	DaoProcess *clone;
	DaoVmCode *vmc, *end;
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoGetSectionCode( proc->activeCode );
	DaoType *type = DaoProcess_GetReturnType( proc );
	DaoFuture *future = DaoFuture_New( type, 0 );
	int entry, nop = proc->activeCode[1].code == DVM_NOP;

	DaoProcess_PutValue( proc, (DaoValue*) future );
	if( sect == NULL || DaoMT_PushSectionFrame( proc ) == 0 ) return;

	entry = proc->topFrame->entry;
	end = proc->activeRoutine->body->vmCodes->data.codes + proc->activeCode[nop+1].b;
	clone = DaoVmSpace_AcquireProcess( proc->vmSpace );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
	DaoProcess_SetActiveFrame( proc, proc->topFrame );
	DaoMT_InitProcess( proc, clone );
	clone->topFrame->entry = entry;
	// Use the cloned process instead of the parent process, in case that
	// the cloned process will not be joined by the parent process:
	clone->topFrame->outer = clone;
	future->process = clone;
	GC_IncRC( clone );
	GC_ShiftRC( future, clone->future );
	clone->future = future;
	future->state = DAO_CALL_RUNNING;

	for(vmc=sect; vmc!=end; vmc++){
		int i = -1, code = vmc->code;
		if( code == DVM_GETVH || (code >= DVM_GETVH_I && code <= DVM_GETVH_C) ){
			i = vmc->b;
		}else if( code == DVM_SETVH || (code >= DVM_SETVH_II && code <= DVM_SETVH_CC) ){
			i = vmc->b;
		if( i >= 0 ){
			/* These values should be shared with the parent thread: */
			GC_ShiftRC( proc->activeValues[i], clone->activeValues[i] );
			clone->activeValues[i] = proc->activeValues[i];
	DaoCallServer_AddTask( DaoMT_Start0, clone, p[0]->xEnum.value );
Exemplo n.º 14
static void FRAME_ScanCells( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int npar )
	DaoxDataFrame *self = (DaoxDataFrame*) p[0];
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoGetSectionCode( proc->activeCode );
	DaoInteger integer1 = {DAO_INTEGER,0,0,0,0,0};
	DaoInteger integer2 = {DAO_INTEGER,0,0,0,0,0};
	DaoInteger integer3 = {DAO_INTEGER,0,0,0,0,0};
	DaoInteger *rowidx = & integer1;
	DaoInteger *colidx = & integer2;
	DaoInteger *depidx = & integer3;
	DaoValue value;
	daoint N = self->dims[0];
	daoint M = self->dims[1];
	daoint K = self->dims[2];
	daoint NK = N * K;
	daoint entry, i, j;

	value.xInteger = integer1;
	if( sect == NULL ) return;
	if( DaoProcess_PushSectionFrame( proc ) == NULL ) return;
	entry = proc->topFrame->entry;
	DaoProcess_AcquireCV( proc );
	for(j=0; j<M; ++j){
		DaoxDataColumn *column = (DaoxDataColumn*) self->columns->items.pVoid[j];
		colidx->value = j;
		for(i=0; i<NK; ++i){
			rowidx->value = i % N;
			depidx->value = i / N;
			if( sect->b >0 ){
				DaoValue *cell = DaoxDataColumn_GetCell( column, i, & value );
				DaoProcess_SetValue( proc, sect->a, cell );
			if( sect->b >1 ) DaoProcess_SetValue( proc, sect->a+1, (DaoValue*) rowidx );
			if( sect->b >2 ) DaoProcess_SetValue( proc, sect->a+2, (DaoValue*) colidx );
			if( sect->b >3 ) DaoProcess_SetValue( proc, sect->a+3, (DaoValue*) depidx );
			proc->topFrame->entry = entry;
			DaoProcess_Execute( proc );
			if( proc->status == DAO_PROCESS_ABORTED ) break;
	DaoProcess_ReleaseCV( proc );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
Exemplo n.º 15
static void DaoIO_ReadLines( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DString *fname;
	DaoValue *res;
	DaoString *line;
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoGetSectionCode( proc->activeCode );
	DaoList *list = DaoProcess_PutList( proc );
	int chop = p[1]->xInteger.value;
	char buf[IO_BUF_SIZE];
	FILE *fin;
	if( proc->vmSpace->options & DAO_OPTION_SAFE ){
		DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, DAO_ERROR, "not permitted" );
	fin = DaoIO_OpenFile( proc, p[0]->xString.data, "r", 0 );
	if( fin == NULL ) return;
	if( sect == NULL || DaoProcess_PushSectionFrame( proc ) == NULL ){
		line = DaoString_New(1);
		while( DaoFile_ReadLine( fin, line->data ) ){
			if( chop ) DString_Chop( line->data );
			DaoList_Append( list, (DaoValue*) line );
		DaoString_Delete( line );
		ushort_t entry = proc->topFrame->entry;
		DaoString tmp = {DAO_STRING,0,0,0,1,NULL};
		tmp.data = p[0]->xString.data;
		line = (DaoString*) DaoProcess_SetValue( proc, sect->a, (DaoValue*)(void*) &tmp );
		DaoProcess_AcquireCV( proc );
		while( DaoFile_ReadLine( fin, line->data ) ){
			if( chop ) DString_Chop( line->data );
			proc->topFrame->entry = entry;
			DaoProcess_Execute( proc );
			if( proc->status == DAO_PROCESS_ABORTED ) break;
			res = proc->stackValues[0];
			if( res && res->type != DAO_NONE ) DaoList_Append( list, res );
		DaoProcess_ReleaseCV( proc );
		DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
	fclose( fin );
Exemplo n.º 16
static void DaoSTD_Try( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int n )
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoProcess_InitCodeSection( proc, 0 );
	int i, ecount = proc->exceptions->size;

	if( sect == NULL ) return;
	DaoProcess_Execute( proc );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
	if( proc->exceptions->size > (ecount+1) ){
		DaoList *list = DaoProcess_PutList( proc );
		for(i=ecount; i<proc->exceptions->size; ++i){
			DaoList_Append( list, proc->exceptions->items.pValue[i] );
		DList_Erase( proc->exceptions, ecount, -1 );
	}else if( proc->exceptions->size > ecount ){
		DaoProcess_PutValue( proc, proc->exceptions->items.pValue[proc->exceptions->size-1] );
		DList_PopBack( proc->exceptions );
		DaoProcess_PutValue( proc, proc->stackValues[0] );
Exemplo n.º 17
static void STD_Iterate( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DaoInteger idint = {DAO_INTEGER,0,0,0,0,0};
	DaoValue *index = (DaoValue*)(void*)&idint;
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoGetSectionCode( proc->activeCode );
	daoint i, entry, times = p[0]->xInteger.value;

	if( sect == NULL || times < 0 ) return; // TODO exception
	if( DaoProcess_PushSectionFrame( proc ) == NULL ) return;
	entry = proc->topFrame->entry;
	DaoProcess_AcquireCV( proc );
	for(i=0; i<times; i++){
		idint.value = i;
		if( sect->b >0 ) DaoProcess_SetValue( proc, sect->a, index );
		proc->topFrame->entry = entry;
		DaoProcess_Execute( proc );
		if( proc->status == DAO_PROCESS_ABORTED ) break;
	DaoProcess_ReleaseCV( proc );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
Exemplo n.º 18
static void DaoMT_Start( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int n )
	DaoProcess *clone;
	DaoVmCode *vmc, *end, *sect;
	DaoType *type = DaoProcess_GetReturnType( proc );
	DaoFuture *future = DaoFuture_New( type, 0 );
	int entry, nop = proc->activeCode[1].code == DVM_NOP;

	DaoProcess_PutValue( proc, (DaoValue*) future );
	sect = DaoProcess_InitCodeSection( proc, 0 );
	if( sect == NULL ) return;

	entry = proc->topFrame->entry;
	end = proc->activeRoutine->body->vmCodes->data.codes + proc->activeCode[nop+1].b;
	clone = DaoVmSpace_AcquireProcess( proc->vmSpace );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
	DaoMT_InitProcess( proc, clone, 0 );
	clone->topFrame->entry = entry;
	// Use the cloned process instead of the parent process, in case that
	// the cloned process will not be joined by the parent process:
	clone->topFrame->outer = clone;
	future->process = clone;
	GC_IncRC( clone );
	GC_Assign( & clone->future, future );
	future->state = DAO_CALL_RUNNING;

	for(vmc=sect; vmc!=end; vmc++){
		int i = -1, code = vmc->code;
		if( code == DVM_GETVH || (code >= DVM_GETVH_I && code <= DVM_GETVH_C) ){
			i = vmc->b;
		}else if( code == DVM_SETVH || (code >= DVM_SETVH_II && code <= DVM_SETVH_CC) ){
			i = vmc->b;
		if( i >= 0 ) DaoValue_Move( proc->activeValues[i], & clone->activeValues[i], NULL );
	DaoCallServer_AddTask( DaoMT_Start0, clone, p[0]->xEnum.value ? clone : NULL );
Exemplo n.º 19
static void GRAPH_FindEdges( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DaoxGraph *self = (DaoxGraph*) p[0];
	DaoList *list = DaoProcess_PutList( proc );
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoProcess_InitCodeSection( proc, 1 );
	daoint which = p[1]->xEnum.value;
	daoint i, j, entry;

	if( sect == NULL ) return;
	entry = proc->topFrame->entry;
	for(i=0; i<self->edges->size; i++){
		DaoxEdge *edge = (DaoxEdge*) self->edges->items.pVoid[i];
		if( sect->b >0 ) DaoProcess_SetValue( proc, sect->a, (DaoValue*) edge );
		proc->topFrame->entry = entry;
		DaoProcess_Execute( proc );
		if( proc->status == DAO_PROCESS_ABORTED ) break;
		if( proc->stackValues[0]->xInteger.value ){
			DaoList_PushBack( list, (DaoValue*) edge );
			if( which == 0 ) break;
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
Exemplo n.º 20
static void DaoIO_ReadLines2( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DaoValue *res;
	DaoString *line;
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoGetSectionCode( proc->activeCode );
	DaoList *list = DaoProcess_PutList( proc );
	DaoStream *self = & p[0]->xStream;
	daoint i = 0, count = p[1]->xInteger.value;
	int chop = p[2]->xInteger.value;

	if( sect == NULL || DaoProcess_PushSectionFrame( proc ) == NULL ){
		line = DaoString_New(1);
		while( (i++) < count && DaoStream_ReadLine( self, line->data ) ){
			if( chop ) DString_Chop( line->data );
			DaoList_Append( list, (DaoValue*) line );
		DaoString_Delete( line );
		ushort_t entry = proc->topFrame->entry;
		DaoString tmp = {DAO_STRING,0,0,0,1,NULL};
		DString tmp2 = DString_WrapMBS( "" );
		tmp.data = & tmp2;
		line = (DaoString*) DaoProcess_SetValue( proc, sect->a, (DaoValue*)(void*) &tmp );
		DaoProcess_AcquireCV( proc );
		while( (i++) < count && DaoStream_ReadLine( self, line->data ) ){
			if( chop ) DString_Chop( line->data );
			proc->topFrame->entry = entry;
			DaoProcess_Execute( proc );
			if( proc->status == DAO_PROCESS_ABORTED ) break;
			res = proc->stackValues[0];
			if( res && res->type != DAO_NONE ) DaoList_Append( list, res );
		DaoProcess_ReleaseCV( proc );
		DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
Exemplo n.º 21
static void STD_String( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DaoInteger idint = {DAO_INTEGER,0,0,0,0,0};
	DaoValue *index = (DaoValue*)(void*)&idint;
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoGetSectionCode( proc->activeCode );
	DString *string = DaoProcess_PutMBString( proc, "" );
	daoint i, entry, size = p[0]->xInteger.value;

	if( p[1]->xEnum.value ) DString_ToWCS( string );
	if( sect == NULL || size < 0 ) return; // TODO exception
	if( DaoProcess_PushSectionFrame( proc ) == NULL ) return;
	entry = proc->topFrame->entry;
	DaoProcess_AcquireCV( proc );
	for(i=0; i<size; i++){
		idint.value = i;
		if( sect->b >0 ) DaoProcess_SetValue( proc, sect->a, index );
		proc->topFrame->entry = entry;
		DaoProcess_Execute( proc );
		if( proc->status == DAO_PROCESS_ABORTED ) break;
		DString_AppendWChar( string, proc->stackValues[0]->xInteger.value );
	DaoProcess_ReleaseCV( proc );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
Exemplo n.º 22
static void STD_Array( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DaoInteger idint = {DAO_INTEGER,0,0,0,0,0};
	DaoValue *res, *index = (DaoValue*)(void*)&idint;
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoGetSectionCode( proc->activeCode );
	DaoArray *array = DaoProcess_PutArray( proc );
	DaoArray *first = NULL;
	DaoArray *sub = NULL;
	daoint i, j, k, entry, size = 1;

	/* if multi-dimensional array is disabled, DaoProcess_PutArray() will raise exception. */
	for(i=0; i<N; i++){
		daoint d = p[i]->xInteger.value;
		if( d < 0 ){
			DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, DAO_ERROR_PARAM, NULL );
		size *= d;
	if( size == 0 ) return;
	if( sect == NULL ) return; // TODO exception
	if( DaoProcess_PushSectionFrame( proc ) == NULL ) return;
	entry = proc->topFrame->entry;
	DaoProcess_AcquireCV( proc );
	for(i=0; i<size; i++){
		idint.value = i;
		if( sect->b >0 ) DaoProcess_SetValue( proc, sect->a, index );
		proc->topFrame->entry = entry;
		DaoProcess_Execute( proc );
		if( proc->status == DAO_PROCESS_ABORTED ) break;
		res = proc->stackValues[0];
		if( i == 0 ){
			int D = N;
			DaoArray_SetDimCount( array, N + (res->type == DAO_ARRAY ? res->xArray.ndim : 0) );
			for(j=0; j<N; j++) array->dims[j] = p[j]->xInteger.value;
			if( res->type == DAO_ARRAY ){
				first = DaoArray_Copy( (DaoArray*) res );
				if( first->ndim == 2 && (first->dims[0] == 1 || first->dims[1] == 1) ){
					D += 1;
					array->dims[N] = first->dims[ first->dims[0] == 1 ];
					D += first->ndim;
					memmove( array->dims + N, first->dims, first->ndim*sizeof(daoint) );
			DaoArray_ResizeArray( array, array->dims, D );
		if( res->type == DAO_ARRAY ){
			sub = (DaoArray*) res;
			if( first == NULL || DaoArray_AlignShape( sub, NULL, first->dims, first->ndim ) ==0 ){
				DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, DAO_ERROR, "inconsistent elements or subarrays" );
			k = i * sub->size;
			for(j=0; j<sub->size; j++){
				switch( array->etype ){
				case DAO_INTEGER : array->data.i[k+j] = DaoArray_GetInteger( sub, j ); break;
				case DAO_FLOAT   : array->data.f[k+j] = DaoArray_GetFloat( sub, j ); break;
				case DAO_DOUBLE  : array->data.d[k+j] = DaoArray_GetDouble( sub, j ); break;
				case DAO_COMPLEX : array->data.c[k+j] = DaoArray_GetComplex( sub, j ); break;
			switch( array->etype ){
			case DAO_INTEGER : array->data.i[i] = DaoValue_GetInteger( res ); break;
			case DAO_FLOAT   : array->data.f[i] = DaoValue_GetFloat( res ); break;
			case DAO_DOUBLE  : array->data.d[i] = DaoValue_GetDouble( res ); break;
			case DAO_COMPLEX : array->data.c[i] = DaoValue_GetComplex( res ); break;
	DaoProcess_ReleaseCV( proc );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
	if( first ) DaoArray_Delete( first );
Exemplo n.º 23
bool DaoxDebugger::EditContinue ( DaoProcess *process, int newEntryLine, QList<int> & lineMap, QStringList & newCodes, QStringList & routCodes )
	DaoRoutine *oldrout = process->activeRoutine;
	int i, j, k, dest = 0;
	//printf( "=======%s\n", routCodes.join("\n").toLocal8Bit().data() );
	//printf( "=======%s\n", newCodes.join("\n").toLocal8Bit().data() );
	if( routCodes.size() == newCodes.size() ){
		DaoLexer *lexer = DaoLexer_New();
		bool eq = true;
		for(i=0; i<routCodes.size(); i++){
			QString s1 = NormalizeCodes( routCodes[i], lexer );
			QString s2 = NormalizeCodes( newCodes[i], lexer );
			if( s1 != s2 ){
				eq = false;
		DaoLexer_Delete( lexer );
		if( eq ) return true;
	QString codes = newCodes.join( "\n" );
	DaoParser *parser = DaoParser_New();
	DaoRoutine *routine = DaoRoutine_New( oldrout->nameSpace, oldrout->routHost, 1 );
	routine->routType = oldrout->routType;
	routine->parCount = oldrout->parCount;
	routine->attribs = oldrout->attribs;
	routine->defLine = oldrout->defLine;
	parser->routine = routine;
	parser->nameSpace = routine->nameSpace = oldrout->nameSpace;
	parser->vmSpace = oldrout->nameSpace->vmSpace;
	DString_Assign( parser->fileName, oldrout->nameSpace->name );
	routine->body->codeStart = oldrout->body->codeStart;
	routine->body->codeEnd = oldrout->body->codeStart + newCodes.size() + 1;
	parser->regCount = routine->parCount;
	parser->levelBase = oldrout->defLine != 0;
	bool res = DaoParser_LexCode( parser, codes.toLocal8Bit().data(), 1 );
	for(i=0; i<(int)parser->tokens->size; i++){
		parser->tokens->items.pToken[i]->line += routine->body->codeStart;
	for(i=0; i<(int)oldrout->body->defLocals->size; i++){
		DaoToken *tok = oldrout->body->defLocals->items.pToken[i];
		if( tok->index >= oldrout->parCount || tok->type ==0 ) break;
		MAP_Insert( DList_Top( parser->lookupTables ), & tok->string, i );
		DList_Append( routine->body->defLocals, tok );
	res = res && DaoParser_ParseRoutine( parser );
	DaoParser_Delete( parser );
	if( res == false ){
		DaoRoutine_Delete( routine );
		return false;
	if( (process->stackSize - process->stackTop) < (routine->body->regCount + DAO_MAX_PARAM) ){
		DaoProcess_PushFrame( process, routine->body->regCount );
		DaoProcess_PopFrame( process );
	DaoType **regTypes = routine->body->regType->items.pType;
	DaoValue **newValues = process->activeValues;
	DaoValue **oldValues = (DaoValue**)calloc( oldrout->body->regCount, sizeof(DaoValue*) );

	memcpy( oldValues, newValues, oldrout->body->regCount * sizeof(DaoValue*) );
	memset( newValues, 0, oldrout->body->regCount * sizeof(DaoValue*) );
	DaoProcess_InitTopFrame( process, routine, process->activeObject );

#if 0
	DaoStream *stream = DaoStream_New();
	DaoRoutine_PrintCode( oldrout, stream );
	DaoRoutine_PrintCode( routine, stream );

	for(i=0; i<oldrout->parCount; i++) regmap[i] = i;

	DaoVmCode   *oldVMC = oldrout->body->vmCodes->data.codes;
	DaoVmCode   *newVMC = routine->body->vmCodes->data.codes;
	DaoVmCodeX **oldAnnot = oldrout->body->annotCodes->items.pVmc;
	DaoVmCodeX **newAnnot = routine->body->annotCodes->items.pVmc;
	int M = oldrout->body->vmCodes->size;
	int N = routine->body->vmCodes->size;
	j = k = 0;
	for(i=0; i<lineMap.size(); i++){
		QList<DaoVmCode> oldLineCodes;
		QList<DaoVmCode> newLineCodes;
		if( lineMap[i] <0 ) continue;
		int old = lineMap[i] + oldrout->body->codeStart + 1;
		int niu = i + routine->body->codeStart + 1;
		//printf( "%3i  %3i: %3i  %3i;  %3i  %3i\n", j, k, i, niu, lineMap[i], old );
		while( j<M && oldAnnot[j]->line < old ) ++j;
		while( k<N && newAnnot[k]->line < niu ) ++k;
		while( j<M && oldAnnot[j]->line == old ){
			oldLineCodes.append( oldVMC[j] );
		while( k<N && newAnnot[k]->line == niu ){
			newLineCodes.append( newVMC[k] );
		Matching( oldLineCodes, newLineCodes );
	QMap<int,int>::iterator it, end = regmap.end();
	for(it=regmap.begin(); it != end; ++it){
		j = it.key();
		i = it.value();
		DaoValue_Move( oldValues[j], & newValues[i], regTypes[i] );

	int offset = 0;
	if( newEntryLine <0 ){
		DaoVmCodeX **annotCodes = oldrout->body->annotCodes->items.pVmc;
		int entry = (process->activeCode - process->topFrame->codes) + 1;
		int entryline = oldrout->body->annotCodes->items.pVmc[entry]->line;
		/* if the entry line is NOT modified, use it */
		entryline -= oldrout->body->codeStart + 1;
		for(i=0; i<lineMap.size(); i++) if( lineMap[i] == entryline ) break;
		int newEntryLine = i < lineMap.size() ? i : -1;
		if( newEntryLine >=0 ){
			entryline += oldrout->body->codeStart + 1;
			while( (--entry) >=0 && annotCodes[entry]->line == entryline ) offset ++;
		/* if the entry line IS modified, set the entry line to the first modified line */
		if( newEntryLine <0 ){
			for(i=0; i<lineMap.size(); i++) if( lineMap[i] <0 ) break;
			newEntryLine = i;
		/* if the entry line is manually set: */
		newEntryLine += routine->body->codeStart + 1;

	//XXX GC_ShiftRC( routine, oldrout );
	GC_IncRC( routine );
	oldrout->body->revised = routine;
	process->activeRoutine = routine;
	process->activeTypes = regTypes;
	process->topFrame->codes = routine->body->vmCodes->data.codes;

	ResetExecution( process, newEntryLine, offset );

	i = newCodes.size() - routCodes.size();
	DaoNS_UpdateLineInfo( routine->nameSpace, routine->body->codeStart, i );
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 24
void DaoCallServer_AddCall( DaoProcess *caller )
	DaoFuture *future;
	DaoTaskEvent *event;
	DaoProcess *callee = DaoVmSpace_AcquireProcess( caller->vmSpace );
	DaoStackFrame *frame = caller->topFrame;
	DaoRoutine *routine = frame->routine;
	DaoType *type = (DaoType*) routine->routType->aux;
	DaoValue **params = caller->stackValues + caller->topFrame->stackBase;
	int i, count = caller->topFrame->parCount;

	if( caller->activeCode->b & DAO_CALL_BLOCK ){
		DaoValue **calleeValues, **callerValues = caller->activeValues;
		DaoStackFrame *sectFrame = DaoProcess_FindSectionFrame( caller );
		DaoStackFrame *callerFrame = caller->topFrame->prev;
		DaoVmCode *vmc, *end, *sect;
		if( sectFrame != callerFrame ){
			DaoVmSpace_ReleaseProcess( caller->vmSpace, callee );
			DaoProcess_RaiseError( caller, NULL, "Invalid code section" );
		if( routine->body ){
			DaoProcess_PushRoutine( callee, callerFrame->routine, callerFrame->object );
			callerValues = caller->stackValues + callerFrame->stackBase;
			DaoProcess_PushRoutine( callee, caller->activeRoutine, caller->activeObject );
		DaoProcess_SetActiveFrame( callee, callee->topFrame );
		calleeValues = callee->stackValues + callee->topFrame->stackBase;
		callee->activeCode = caller->activeCode;
		vmc = callerFrame->routine->body->vmCodes->data.codes + callerFrame->entry;
		end = callerFrame->routine->body->vmCodes->data.codes + vmc->b;
		sect = vmc + 1;
		for(vmc=sect; vmc!=end; vmc++){
			int i = -1, code = vmc->code;
			if( code == DVM_GETVH || (code >= DVM_GETVH_I && code <= DVM_GETVH_C) ){
				i = vmc->b;
			}else if( code == DVM_SETVH || (code >= DVM_SETVH_II && code <= DVM_SETVH_CC) ){
				i = vmc->b;
			if( i >= 0 ) DaoValue_Move( callerValues[i], & calleeValues[i], NULL );

	future = DaoFuture_New( type, 1 );
	future->state = DAO_CALL_PAUSED;
	future->actor = caller->topFrame->object;
	GC_IncRC( future->actor );

	GC_Assign( & future->process, callee );
 	GC_Assign( & callee->future, future );

	callee->parCount = count;
	/* Use routine->parCount instead of caller->topFrame->parCount, for default parameters: */
	for(i=0; i<routine->parCount; ++i) DaoValue_Copy( params[i], & callee->paramValues[i] );
	if( routine->body ){
		DaoProcess_PushRoutine( callee, routine, future->actor );
		DaoProcess_PushFunction( callee, routine );
		callee->activeNamespace = caller->activeNamespace;
	if( caller->activeCode->b & DAO_CALL_BLOCK ){
		callee->topFrame->host = callee->topFrame;
		callee->topFrame->retmode = DVM_RET_PROCESS;
		callee->topFrame->returning = 0;

	DaoCallServer_TryInit( mainVmSpace );
	event = DaoCallServer_MakeEvent();
	DaoTaskEvent_Init( event, DAO_EVENT_RESUME_TASKLET, DAO_EVENT_RESUME, future, NULL );

	DaoProcess_PopFrame( caller );
	DaoProcess_PutValue( caller, (DaoValue*) future );

	DaoCallServer_Add( event );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( caller );
	DaoProcess_PutValue( caller, (DaoValue*) future );
	DaoProcess_InterceptReturnValue( callee );
	DaoProcess_Execute( callee );
	DaoProcess_ReturnFutureValue( callee, future );
	DaoVmSpace_ReleaseProcess( caller->vmSpace, callee );
Exemplo n.º 25
static void DaoMT_Functional( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *P[], int N, int F )
	DMutex mutex;
	DCondVar condv;
	DaoTaskData *tasks;
	DaoValue *param = P[0];
	DaoValue *result = NULL;
	DaoList *list = NULL;
	DaoArray *array = NULL;
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoGetSectionCode( proc->activeCode );
	int i, entry, threads = P[1]->xInteger.value;
	daoint index = -1, status = 0, joined = 0;
	DNode *node = NULL;

	switch( F ){
		if( param->type == DAO_ARRAY ){
			array = DaoProcess_PutArray( proc );
			result = (DaoValue*) array;
			list = DaoProcess_PutList( proc );
			result = (DaoValue*) list;
	case DVM_FUNCT_APPLY : DaoProcess_PutValue( proc, param ); break;
	case DVM_FUNCT_FIND : DaoProcess_PutValue( proc, dao_none_value ); break;
	if( threads <= 0 ) threads = 2;
	if( sect == NULL || DaoMT_PushSectionFrame( proc ) == 0 ) return;
	if( list ){
		DArray_Clear( & list->items );
		if( param->type == DAO_LIST ) DArray_Resize( & list->items, param->xList.items.size, NULL );
		if( param->type == DAO_MAP ) DArray_Resize( & list->items, param->xMap.items->size, NULL );
	}else if( array && F == DVM_FUNCT_MAP ){
		DaoArray_GetSliceShape( (DaoArray*) param, & array->dims, & array->ndim );
		DaoArray_ResizeArray( array, array->dims, array->ndim );

	DMutex_Init( & mutex );
	DCondVar_Init( & condv );
	entry = proc->topFrame->entry;
	tasks = (DaoTaskData*) dao_calloc( threads, sizeof(DaoTaskData) );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
	for(i=0; i<threads; i++){
		DaoTaskData *task = tasks + i;
		task->param = param;
		task->result = result;
		task->proto = proc;
		task->sect = sect;
		task->funct = F;
		task->entry = entry;
		task->first = i;
		task->step = threads;
		task->index = & index;
		task->node = & node;
		task->joined = & joined;
		task->condv = & condv;
		task->mutex = & mutex;
		task->clone = DaoVmSpace_AcquireProcess( proc->vmSpace );
		task->clone->mutex = & mutex;
		if( i ) DaoCallServer_AddTask( DaoMT_RunFunctional, task, 1 );
	DaoMT_RunFunctional( tasks );

	DMutex_Lock( & mutex );
	while( joined < threads ) DCondVar_TimedWait( & condv, & mutex, 0.01 );
	DMutex_Unlock( & mutex );

	for(i=0; i<threads; i++){
		DaoTaskData *task = tasks + i;
		DaoVmSpace_ReleaseProcess( proc->vmSpace, task->clone );
		status |= task->status;
	if( F == DVM_FUNCT_FIND ){
		DaoTuple *tuple = DaoProcess_PutTuple( proc, 0 );
		if( param->type == DAO_LIST && index != -1 ){
			DaoValue **items = param->xList.items.items.pValue;
			GC_ShiftRC( items[index], tuple->items[1] );
			tuple->items[1] = items[index];
			tuple->items[0]->xInteger.value = index;
		}else if( param->type == DAO_MAP && node ){
			GC_ShiftRC( node->key.pValue, tuple->items[0] );
			GC_ShiftRC( node->value.pValue, tuple->items[1] );
			tuple->items[0] = node->key.pValue;
			tuple->items[1] = node->value.pValue;
	if( status ) DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, DAO_ERROR, "code section execution failed!" );
	DMutex_Destroy( & mutex );
	DCondVar_Destroy( & condv );
	dao_free( tasks );