Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: Time.c Projeto: ycheng/APDA
// FUNCTION:    DateAdjust
// DESCRIPTION: This routine return a new date +/- the days adjustment.
// PARAMETERS:  (DatePtr) dateP - A DateType structure with the date to
//										be adjusted.
//					 (Int32) adjustment - The Adjustment in number of days.
// RETURNED:    Returns nothing.
//			Name	Date		Description
//			----	----		-----------
//			Jerry	5/10/01	Initial Revision
void DateAdjust (DatePtr dateP, Int32 adjustment)
	UInt32	days;

	days = DateToDays (*dateP);
	days += adjustment;
	DateDaysToDate (days, dateP);
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: Time.c Projeto: ycheng/APDA
// FUNCTION:    TimSecondsToDateTime
// DESCRIPTION: This routine returns the date and time, given seconds.
// PARAMETERS:  (UInt32) seconds - Seconds since 1/1/1904.
//					 (DateTimePtr) dateTimeP - Pointer to DateTimeType structure.
// RETURNED:    Returns nothing.
//			Name	Date		Description
//			----	----		-----------
//			Jerry	5/10/01	Initial Revision
//			Jerry 7/05/01	Completed weekDay 
void TimSecondsToDateTime (UInt32 seconds, DateTimePtr dateTimeP)
	UInt32	days = (UInt32)(seconds/secondsInADay);
	DateType	date;

	DateDaysToDate (days, &date);
	dateTimeP->year = date.year+SYSSTARTYEAR;
	dateTimeP->month = date.month;
	dateTimeP->day = date.day;
#ifdef	LINUX
	dateTimeP->weekDay = (Int16)(((days-1)+4)%7);	// 1970/1/1 is Thursday(4).
	dateTimeP->weekDay = (Int16)(((days-1)+5)%7);	// 1904/1/1 is Friday(5).
	seconds = seconds % secondsInADay;
	dateTimeP->hour = (Int16) (seconds/secondsInAHour);
	seconds = seconds % secondsInAHour;

	dateTimeP->minute = (Int16) seconds/secondsInAMinute;
	dateTimeP->second = (Int16) seconds % secondsInAMinute;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: Time.c Projeto: ycheng/APDA
// FUNCTION:    DateSecondsToDate
// DESCRIPTION: This routine returns the date, given seconds.
// PARAMETERS:  (UInt32) seconds - seconds since 1/1/1904.
//					 (DatePtr) date - Pointer to DateType structure.
// RETURNED:    Returns nothing.
//			Name	Date		Description
//			----	----		-----------
//			Jerry	5/10/01	Initial Revision
void DateSecondsToDate (UInt32 seconds, DatePtr date)
	UInt32	days = seconds/secondsInADay;

	DateDaysToDate (days, date);
Exemplo n.º 4
 * FUNCTION:    NextRepeat
 * DESCRIPTION: This routine computes the date of the next
 *              occurrence of a repeating appointment.
 * PARAMETERS:  rec     - a pointer to a DiddleBug record
 *              date    - passed:   date to start from
 *                        returned: date of next occurrence
 * RETURNED:    true if the appointment occurs again
Boolean NextRepeat(DiddleBugRecordType* rec, DateTimeType* dateP) {

  ** Get the frequency on occurrence
  **(ex: every 2nd day, every 3rd month, etc).
  const UInt16 freq = rec->repeatInfo.repeatFrequency;
  Int16  i = 0;
  UInt16 day;
  UInt16 year;
  UInt16 adjust;
  UInt16 weeksDiff;
  UInt16 monthsDiff;
  UInt16 daysInMonth;
  UInt16 dayOfWeek;
  UInt16 apptWeekDay;
  UInt16 firstDayOfWeek;
  UInt16 daysTilNext;
  UInt16 monthsTilNext;
  UInt32 dateInDays;
  UInt32 startInDays;
  DateType start, date, when, next;
  DateTimeType nextReal;
  UInt32 startSecs, nextSecs;

  DateSecondsToDate(TimDateTimeToSeconds(dateP), &date);
  TimSecondsToDateTime(rec->alarmSecs, &nextReal);
  nextReal.year = dateP->year;
  nextReal.month = dateP->month;
  nextReal.day = dateP->day;
  nextReal.weekDay = dateP->weekDay;

  /* Calculate alarm date */
  DateSecondsToDate(rec->alarmSecs, &when);

  /* Is the date passed after the end date of the appointment? */
  if (DateCompare(date, rec->repeatInfo.repeatEndDate) > 0)
    return false;

  /* Is the date passed before the start date of the appointment? */
  if (DateCompare(date, when) < 0)
    date = when;
  /* Get the date of the first occurrecne of the appointment. */
  start = when;

  switch (rec->repeatInfo.repeatType) {
    /* Hourly repeating appointment */
  case repeatHourly:
    startSecs = TimDateTimeToSeconds(dateP);
    nextSecs = rec->alarmSecs;
    while (nextSecs < startSecs)
      nextSecs += freq * hoursInSeconds;
    TimSecondsToDateTime(nextSecs, &nextReal);
    DateSecondsToDate(nextSecs, &next);

    /* Daily repeating appointment. */
  case repeatDaily:
    dateInDays = DateToDays(date);
    startInDays = DateToDays(start);
    daysTilNext = (dateInDays - startInDays + freq - 1) / freq * freq;
    if (startInDays + daysTilNext > (UInt32) maxDays)
      return false;
    DateDaysToDate (startInDays + daysTilNext, &next);
    ** Weekly repeating appointment (ex: every Monday and Friday).
    ** Yes, weekly repeating appointment can occur more then once a
    ** week.
  case repeatWeekly:
    dateInDays = DateToDays(date);
    startInDays = DateToDays(start);
    firstDayOfWeek = (DayOfWeek (1, 1, firstYear) -
		      rec->repeatInfo.repeatStartOfWeek + daysInWeek) % daysInWeek;

    dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek(date.month, date.day, date.year+firstYear);
    apptWeekDay = (dayOfWeek - rec->repeatInfo.repeatStartOfWeek +
		   daysInWeek) % daysInWeek;

    ** Are we in a week in which the appointment occurrs, if not
    ** move to that start of the next week in which the appointment
    ** does occur.
    weeksDiff = (((dateInDays + firstDayOfWeek) / daysInWeek) -
		 ((startInDays + firstDayOfWeek) / daysInWeek)) % freq;
    if (weeksDiff) {
      adjust = ((freq - weeksDiff) * daysInWeek) - apptWeekDay;
      apptWeekDay = 0;
      dayOfWeek = (dayOfWeek + adjust) % daysInWeek;
    } else {
      adjust = 0;

    /* Find the next day on which the appointment repeats. */
    for (; i < daysInWeek; i++) {
      if (rec->repeatInfo.repeatOn & (1 << dayOfWeek))
      if (++dayOfWeek == daysInWeek)
	dayOfWeek = 0;

      if (++apptWeekDay == daysInWeek)
	adjust += (freq - 1) * daysInWeek;

    if (dateInDays + adjust > (UInt32) maxDays)
      return false;
    DateDaysToDate (dateInDays + adjust, &next);

    ** Monthly-by-day repeating appointment
    ** (ex: the 3rd Friday of every month).
  case repeatMonthlyByDay:
    /* Compute the number of month until the appointment repeats again. */
    monthsTilNext = ((((date.year - start.year) * monthsInYear) +
		      (date.month - start.month)) + freq - 1) / freq * freq;

    while (true) {
      year = start.year + (start.month - 1 + monthsTilNext) / monthsInYear;
      if (year >= numberOfYears)
	return false;
      next.year = year;
      next.month = (start.month - 1 + monthsTilNext) % monthsInYear + 1;
      dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek (next.month, 1, next.year+firstYear);
      if ((rec->repeatInfo.repeatOn % daysInWeek) >= dayOfWeek)
	day = rec->repeatInfo.repeatOn - dayOfWeek + 1;
	day = rec->repeatInfo.repeatOn + daysInWeek - dayOfWeek + 1;
      ** If repeat-on day is between the last sunday and the last
      ** saturday, make sure we're not passed the end of the month.
      if ( (rec->repeatInfo.repeatOn >= domLastSun) &&
	   (day > DaysInMonth (next.month, next.year+firstYear))) {
	day -= daysInWeek;
      next.day = day;

      ** Its posible that "next date" calculated above is
      ** before the date passed.  If so, move forward
      ** by the length of the repeat freguency and preform
      ** the calculation again.
      if (DateToInt(date) > DateToInt(next))
	monthsTilNext += freq;

    ** Monthly-by-date repeating appointment
    ** (ex: the 15th of every month).
  case repeatMonthlyByDate:
    /* Compute the number of month until the appointment repeats again. */
    monthsDiff = (date.year - start.year) * monthsInYear + date.month - start.month;
    monthsTilNext = (monthsDiff + freq - 1) / freq * freq;

    if (date.day > start.day && !(monthsDiff % freq))
      monthsTilNext += freq;

    year = start.year +	(start.month - 1 + monthsTilNext) / monthsInYear;
    if (year >= numberOfYears)
      return false;

    next.year = year;
    next.month = (start.month - 1 + monthsTilNext) % monthsInYear + 1;
    next.day = start.day;

    /* Make sure we're not passed the last day of the month. */
    daysInMonth = DaysInMonth(next.month, next.year+firstYear);
    if (next.day > daysInMonth)
      next.day = daysInMonth;

    /* Yearly repeating appointment. */
  case repeatYearly:
    next.day = start.day;
    next.month = start.month;
    year = start.year + ((date.year - start.year + freq - 1) / freq * freq);

    if (date.month > start.month || 
	(date.month == start.month && date.day > start.day))
      year += freq;

    /* Specal leap day processing. */
    if (next.month == february && next.day == 29 &&
	next.day > DaysInMonth(next.month, year+firstYear)) {
      next.day = DaysInMonth (next.month, year+firstYear);
    if (year >= numberOfYears)
      return false;
    next.year = year;

    /* ignore */

  /* Is the next occurrence after the end date of the appointment? */
  if (DateCompare(next, rec->repeatInfo.repeatEndDate) > 0)
    return false;

  dateP->day = next.day;
  dateP->month = next.month;
  dateP->year = next.year + firstYear;
  dateP->hour = nextReal.hour;
  dateP->minute = nextReal.minute;
  dateP->second = nextReal.second;

  return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
Boolean NextRepeat (ApptDBRecordPtr apptRec, DatePtr dateP) 
	Int16  i;
	UInt16 day;
	UInt16 freq;
	UInt16 year;
	UInt16 adjust;
	UInt16 weeksDiff;
	UInt16 monthsDiff;
	UInt16 daysInMonth;
	UInt16 dayOfWeek;
	UInt16 apptWeekDay;
	UInt16 firstDayOfWeek;
	UInt16 daysTilNext;
	UInt16 monthsTilNext;
	UInt32 dateInDays;
	UInt32 startInDays;
	DateType start;
	DateType date;
	DateType next;

	date = *dateP;

	// Is the date passed after the end date of the appointment?
	if (DateCompare (date, apptRec->repeat->repeatEndDate) > 0)
		return (false);
	// Is the date passed before the start date of the appointment?
	if (DateCompare (date, apptRec->when->date) < 0)
		date = apptRec->when->date;

	// Get the frequency on occurrecne (ex: every 2nd day, every 3rd month, etc).  
	freq = apptRec->repeat->repeatFrequency;
	// Get the date of the first occurrecne of the appointment.
	start = apptRec->when->date;

	switch (apptRec->repeat->repeatType)
		// Daily repeating appointment.
    case repeatDaily:
        dateInDays = DateToDays (date);
        startInDays = DateToDays (start);
        daysTilNext = (dateInDays - startInDays + freq - 1) / freq * freq;
        if (startInDays + daysTilNext > (UInt32) maxDays)
            return (false);
        DateDaysToDate (startInDays + daysTilNext, &next);

		// Weekly repeating appointment (ex: every Monday and Friday). 
		// Yes, weekly repeating appointment can occur more then once a
		// week.
    case repeatWeekly:
        dateInDays = DateToDays (date);
        startInDays = DateToDays (start);

        firstDayOfWeek = (DayOfWeek (1, 1, firstYear) - 
                          apptRec->repeat->repeatStartOfWeek + daysInWeek) % daysInWeek;

        dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek (date.month, date.day, date.year+firstYear);
        apptWeekDay = (dayOfWeek - apptRec->repeat->repeatStartOfWeek +
                       daysInWeek) % daysInWeek;

        // Are we in a week in which the appointment occurrs, if not 
        // move to that start of the next week in which the appointment
        // does occur.
        weeksDiff = (((dateInDays + firstDayOfWeek) / daysInWeek) - 
                     ((startInDays + firstDayOfWeek) / daysInWeek)) %freq;
        if (weeksDiff)
            adjust = ((freq - weeksDiff) * daysInWeek)- apptWeekDay;
            apptWeekDay = 0;
            dayOfWeek = (dayOfWeek + adjust) % daysInWeek;
            adjust = 0;
        // Find the next day on which the appointment repeats.
        for (i = 0; i < daysInWeek; i++)
            if (apptRec->repeat->repeatOn & (1 << dayOfWeek)) break;
            if (++dayOfWeek == daysInWeek)
                dayOfWeek = 0;
            if (++apptWeekDay == daysInWeek)
                adjust += (freq - 1) * daysInWeek;

        if (dateInDays + adjust > (UInt32) maxDays)
            return (false);
        DateDaysToDate (dateInDays + adjust, &next);
//			next = date;
//			DateAdjust (&next, adjust);

		// Monthly-by-day repeating appointment (ex: the 3rd Friday of every
		// month).
    case repeatMonthlyByDay:
        // Compute the number of month until the appointment repeats again.
        monthsTilNext = (date.month - start.month);

        monthsTilNext = ((((date.year - start.year) * monthsInYear) + 
                          (date.month - start.month)) + freq - 1) /
            freq * freq;

        while (true)
            year = start.year + 
                (start.month - 1 + monthsTilNext) / monthsInYear;
            if (year >= numberOfYears)
                return (false);

            next.year = year;
            next.month = (start.month - 1 + monthsTilNext) % monthsInYear + 1;
            dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek (next.month, 1, next.year+firstYear);
            if ((apptRec->repeat->repeatOn % daysInWeek) >= dayOfWeek)
                day = apptRec->repeat->repeatOn - dayOfWeek + 1;
                day = apptRec->repeat->repeatOn + daysInWeek - dayOfWeek + 1;
            // If repeat-on day is between the last sunday and the last
            // saturday, make sure we're not passed the end of the month.
            if ( (apptRec->repeat->repeatOn >= domLastSun) &&
                 (day > DaysInMonth (next.month, next.year+firstYear)))
                day -= daysInWeek;
            next.day = day;

            // Its posible that "next date" calculated above is 
            // before the date passed.  If so, move forward
            // by the length of the repeat freguency and preform
            // the calculation again.
            if ( DateToInt(date) > DateToInt (next))
                monthsTilNext += freq;

		// Monthly-by-date repeating appointment (ex: the 15th of every
		// month).
    case repeatMonthlyByDate:
        // Compute the number of month until the appointment repeats again.
        monthsDiff = ((date.year - start.year) * monthsInYear) + 
            (date.month - start.month);
        monthsTilNext = (monthsDiff + freq - 1) / freq * freq;

        if ((date.day > start.day) && (!(monthsDiff % freq)))
            monthsTilNext += freq;
        year = start.year + 
            (start.month - 1 + monthsTilNext) / monthsInYear;
        if (year >= numberOfYears)
            return (false);

        next.year = year;
        next.month = (start.month - 1 + monthsTilNext) % monthsInYear + 1;
        next.day = start.day;

        // Make sure we're not passed the last day of the month.
        daysInMonth = DaysInMonth (next.month, next.year+firstYear);
        if (next.day > daysInMonth)
            next.day = daysInMonth;

		// Yearly repeating appointment.
    case repeatYearly:
        next.day = start.day;
        next.month = start.month;

        year = start.year + 
            ((date.year - start.year + freq - 1) / freq * freq);
        if ((date.month > start.month) ||
            ((date.month == start.month) && (date.day > start.day)))
            year += freq;

        // Specal leap day processing.
        if ( (next.month == february) && (next.day == 29) &&
             (next.day > DaysInMonth (next.month, year+firstYear)))
            next.day = DaysInMonth (next.month, year+firstYear);
        if (year >= numberOfYears)
            return (false);

        next.year = year;	

	// Is the next occurrence after the end date of the appointment?
	if (DateCompare (next, apptRec->repeat->repeatEndDate) > 0)
		return (false);

	ErrFatalDisplayIf ((DateToInt (next) < DateToInt (*dateP)),
                       "Calculation error");

	*dateP = next;
	return (true);