Exemplo n.º 1
bool CAI_BehaviorBase::NotifyChangeBehaviorStatus( bool fCanFinishSchedule )
	bool fInterrupt = GetOuter()->OnBehaviorChangeStatus( this, fCanFinishSchedule );
	if ( !GetOuter()->IsInterruptable())
		return false;
	if ( fInterrupt )
		if ( GetOuter()->m_hCine )
			if( GetOuter()->m_hCine->PlayedSequence() )
				DevWarning( "NPC: %s canceled running script %s due to behavior change\n", GetOuter()->GetDebugName(), GetOuter()->m_hCine->GetDebugName() );
				DevWarning( "NPC: %s canceled script %s without playing, due to behavior change\n", GetOuter()->GetDebugName(), GetOuter()->m_hCine->GetDebugName() );


		// this is dirty, but it forces NPC to pick a new schedule next time through.
		GetOuter()->ClearSchedule( "Changed behavior status" );

	return fInterrupt;
int CAI_TacticalServices::FindBackAwayNode(const Vector &vecThreat )
	if ( !CAI_NetworkManager::NetworksLoaded() )
		DevWarning( 2, "Graph not ready for FindBackAwayNode!\n" );
		return NO_NODE;

	int iMyNode			= GetPathfinder()->NearestNodeToNPC();
	int iThreatNode		= GetPathfinder()->NearestNodeToPoint( vecThreat );

	if ( iMyNode == NO_NODE )
		DevWarning( 2, "FindBackAwayNode() - %s has no nearest node!\n", GetEntClassname());
		return NO_NODE;
	if ( iThreatNode == NO_NODE )
		// DevWarning( 2, "FindBackAwayNode() - Threat has no nearest node!\n" );
		iThreatNode = iMyNode;
		// return false;

	// A vector pointing to the threat.
	Vector vecToThreat;
	vecToThreat = vecThreat - GetLocalOrigin();

	// Get my current distance from the threat
	float flCurDist = VectorNormalize( vecToThreat );

	// Check my neighbors to find a node that's further away
	for (int link = 0; link < GetNetwork()->GetNode(iMyNode)->NumLinks(); link++) 
		CAI_Link *nodeLink = GetNetwork()->GetNode(iMyNode)->GetLinkByIndex(link);

		if ( !m_pPathfinder->IsLinkUsable( nodeLink, iMyNode ) )

		int destID = nodeLink->DestNodeID(iMyNode);

		float flTestDist = ( vecThreat - GetNetwork()->GetNode(destID)->GetPosition(GetHullType()) ).Length();

		if ( flTestDist > flCurDist )
			// Make sure this node doesn't take me past the enemy's position.
			Vector vecToNode;
			vecToNode = GetNetwork()->GetNode(destID)->GetPosition(GetHullType()) - GetLocalOrigin();
			VectorNormalize( vecToNode );
			if( DotProduct( vecToNode, vecToThreat ) < 0.0 )
				return destID;
	return NO_NODE;
Exemplo n.º 3
// Purpose: 
void CAI_Relationship::Spawn()
	m_bIsActive = false;

	if (m_iszSubject == NULL_STRING)
		DevWarning("ai_relationship '%s' with no subject specified, removing.\n", GetDebugName());
	else if (m_target == NULL_STRING)
		DevWarning("ai_relationship '%s' with no target specified, removing.\n", GetDebugName());
Exemplo n.º 4
                void CTriggerTeleportEnt::StartTouch(CBaseEntity *pOther)
    if (pOther)

        if (!pDestinationEnt)
            if (m_target != NULL_STRING)
                pDestinationEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByName(NULL, m_target, NULL, pOther, pOther);
                DevWarning("CTriggerTeleport cannot teleport, pDestinationEnt and m_target are null!\n");

        if (!PassesTriggerFilters(pOther)) return;

        if (pDestinationEnt)//ensuring not null
            Vector tmp = pDestinationEnt->GetAbsOrigin();
            // make origin adjustments. (origin in center, not at feet)
            tmp.z -= pOther->WorldAlignMins().z;

            pOther->Teleport(&tmp, m_bResetAngles ? &pDestinationEnt->GetAbsAngles() : NULL, m_bResetVelocity ? &vec3_origin : NULL);
Exemplo n.º 5
void CTriggerMomentumPush::OnSuccessfulTouch(CBaseEntity *pOther)
    if (pOther)
        Vector finalVel;
        if (HasSpawnFlags(SF_PUSH_DIRECTION_AS_FINAL_FORCE))
            finalVel = m_vPushDir;
            finalVel = m_vPushDir.Normalized() * m_fPushForce;
        switch (m_iIncrease)
        case 0:
        case 1:
            finalVel += pOther->GetAbsVelocity();
        case 2:
            if (finalVel.LengthSqr() < pOther->GetAbsVelocity().LengthSqr())
                finalVel = pOther->GetAbsVelocity();
        case 3:
            DevWarning("CTriggerMomentumPush:: %i not recognised as valid for m_iIncrease", m_iIncrease);

// Purpose: Saves the given entity's keyvalue data for later use by a spawner.
//			Returns the index into the templates.
int Templates_Add(CBaseEntity *pEntity, const char *pszMapData, int nLen)
	const char *pszName = STRING(pEntity->GetEntityName());
	if ((!pszName) || (!strlen(pszName)))
		DevWarning(1, "RegisterTemplateEntity: template entity with no name, class %s\n", pEntity->GetClassname());
		return -1;

	TemplateEntityData_t *pEntData = (TemplateEntityData_t *)malloc(sizeof(TemplateEntityData_t));
	pEntData->pszName = strdup( pszName );

	// We may modify the values of the keys in this mapdata chunk later on to fix Entity I/O
	// connections. For this reason, we need to ensure we have enough memory to do that.
	int iKeys = MapEntity_GetNumKeysInEntity( pszMapData );
	int iExtraSpace = (strlen(ENTITYIO_FIXUP_STRING)+1) * iKeys;

	// Extra 1 because the mapdata passed in isn't null terminated
	pEntData->iMapDataLength = nLen + iExtraSpace + 1;
	pEntData->pszMapData = (char *)malloc( pEntData->iMapDataLength );
	memcpy(pEntData->pszMapData, pszMapData, nLen + 1);
	pEntData->pszMapData[nLen] = '\0';

	// We don't alloc these suckers right now because that gives us no time to
	// tweak them for Entity I/O purposes.
	pEntData->iszMapData = NULL_STRING;
	pEntData->bNeedsEntityIOFixup = false;
	pEntData->pszFixedMapData = NULL;

	return g_Templates.AddToTail(pEntData);
// Verifica las condiciones y devuelve si es
// conveniente/posible crear un NPC en las coordenadas.
bool CSurvivalZombieSpawn::CanMakeNPC(CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC, Vector *pResult)
	// Desactivado
	if ( Disabled || !sv_spawn_zombies.GetBool() )
		return false;

	Vector origin;
	// Verificamos si es posible crear el NPC en el radio especificado.
	if ( !CAI_BaseNPC::FindSpotForNPCInRadius(&origin, GetAbsOrigin(), pNPC, SpawnRadius, true) )
		if ( !CAI_BaseNPC::FindSpotForNPCInRadius(&origin, GetAbsOrigin(), pNPC, SpawnRadius, false) )
			DevWarning("[SURVIVAL ZOMBIE MAKER] No se encontro un lugar valido para crear un zombie. \r\n");

			return false;

	// Crear en la misma altura que el spawn (Y así evitamos que se cree por debajo del suelo)
	origin.z = GetAbsOrigin().z;

	*pResult = origin;
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
// Purpose: Add effect to effects list
// Input  : *effect - 
void CEffectsList::AddEffect( CClientSideEffect *effect )
#if 0
	if ( FXCreationAllowed() == false )
		//NOTENOTE: If you've hit this, you may not add a client effect where you have attempted to.
		//			Most often this means that you have added it in an entity's DrawModel function.
		//			Move this to the ClientThink function instead!


	if ( effect == NULL )

	if ( m_nEffects >= MAX_EFFECTS )
		DevWarning( 1, "No room for effect %s\n", effect->GetName() );

	m_rgEffects[ m_nEffects++ ] = effect;
// Purpose:
void CMaterialSubRect::SetupMaterialVars( void )
	if ( !m_pMaterialPage )
		DevWarning( 1, "CMaterialSubRect::SetupMaterialVars: Invalid Material Page!\n" );

	// Ask the material page for its size.
	int nMaterialPageWidth = m_pMaterialPage->GetMappingWidth();
	int nMaterialPageHeight = m_pMaterialPage->GetMappingHeight();

	// Normalize the offset and scale.
	float flOOWidth = 1.0f / static_cast<float>( nMaterialPageWidth );
	float flOOHeight = 1.0f / static_cast<float>( nMaterialPageHeight );

	// Add 0.5f to push the image "in" by 1/2 a texel, and subtract 1.0f to push it
	// "in" by 1/2 a texel on the other side.
	m_vecOffset.x += 1.0f;
	m_vecOffset.y += 1.0f;
	m_vecOffset.x *= flOOWidth;
	m_vecOffset.y *= flOOHeight;
	m_vecScale.x = ( m_vecSize.x - 2.0f ) * flOOWidth;
	m_vecScale.y = ( m_vecSize.y - 2.0f ) * flOOHeight;
Exemplo n.º 10
// Purpose: Used to iterate all the entities within a sphere.
// Input  : pStartEntity - 
//			vecCenter - 
//			flRadius - 
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityInSphere( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, const Vector &vecCenter, float flRadius )
	const CEntInfo *pInfo = pStartEntity ? GetEntInfoPtr( pStartEntity->GetRefEHandle() )->m_pNext : FirstEntInfo();

	for ( ;pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->m_pNext )
		CBaseEntity *ent = (CBaseEntity *)pInfo->m_pEntity;
		if ( !ent )
			DevWarning( "NULL entity in global entity list!\n" );

		if ( !ent->edict() )

		Vector vecRelativeCenter;
		ent->CollisionProp()->WorldToCollisionSpace( vecCenter, &vecRelativeCenter );
		if ( !IsBoxIntersectingSphere( ent->CollisionProp()->OBBMins(),	ent->CollisionProp()->OBBMaxs(), vecRelativeCenter, flRadius ) )

		return ent;

	// nothing found
	return NULL; 
void CScriptParser::SearchForFiles( const char *szWildcardPath )
	char filePath[FILE_PATH_MAX_LENGTH];
	char basePath[FILE_PATH_MAX_LENGTH];
	Q_strncpy( basePath, szWildcardPath, FILE_PATH_MAX_LENGTH );
	V_StripFilename( basePath );

	FileFindHandle_t findHandle;
	const char *fileName = filesystem->FindFirstEx( szWildcardPath, GetFSSearchPath(), &findHandle );
	while ( fileName != NULL )
		Q_ComposeFileName( basePath, fileName, filePath, FILE_PATH_MAX_LENGTH );

		if( !ParseFile( filePath ) )
			if ( m_bAlert )				
				DevWarning( "[script_parser] Unable to parse '%s'!\n", filePath );

		fileName = filesystem->FindNext( findHandle );

	filesystem->FindClose( findHandle );
// Purpose: Look through 
IMaterialVar *CMaterialSubRect::FindVar( char const *varName, bool *found, bool complain ) 
	// Look for the var in the material page - it has precedence.
	IMaterialVar *pVar = m_pMaterialPage->FindVar( varName, found, false );
	if ( *found )
		return pVar;

	// Look for the var in the local list of vars.
	MaterialVarSym_t symVar = IMaterialVar::FindSymbol( varName );
	if ( symVar != UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL )
		int nVarCount = m_aMaterialVars.Count();
		for ( int iVar = 0; iVar < nVarCount; ++iVar )
			if ( m_aMaterialVars[iVar]->GetNameAsSymbol() == symVar )
				*found = true;
				return m_aMaterialVars[iVar];

	// Not found!
	if( complain )
		static int complainCount = 0;
		if( complainCount < 100 )
			DevWarning( 1, "No such variable \"%s\" for material \"%s\"\n", varName, GetName() );

	return GetDummyMaterialVar();
// Purpose: Deconstructor
	Uncache( );
	if( m_nRefCount != 0 )
		DevWarning( 1, "Reference Count for Material %s (%d) != 0\n", GetName(), m_nRefCount );

	if ( m_pMaterialPage )
		m_pMaterialPage = NULL;

	if ( m_pVMTKeyValues )
		m_pVMTKeyValues = NULL;


#ifdef _DEBUG
	if ( m_pDebugName )
		delete[] m_pDebugName;
		m_pDebugName = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 14
// Purpose : Updates network link state if dynamic link state has changed
// Input   :
// Output  :
void CAI_DynamicLink::SetLinkState(void)
	if ( !gm_bInitialized )
		// Safe to quietly return. Consistency will be enforced when InitDynamicLinks() is called

	if (m_nSrcID == NO_NODE || m_nDestID == NO_NODE)
		Vector pos = GetAbsOrigin();
		DevWarning("ERROR: Dynamic link at %f %f %f pointing to invalid node ID!!\n", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Now update the node links...
	//  Nodes share links so we only have to find the node from the src 
	//  For now just using one big AINetwork so find src node on that network
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------
	CAI_Node *pSrcNode = g_pBigAINet->GetNode( m_nSrcID, false );
	if ( !pSrcNode )							 

	CAI_Link* pLink = FindLink();
	if ( !pLink )
		DevMsg("Dynamic Link Error: (%s) unable to form between nodes %d and %d\n", GetDebugName(), m_nSrcID, m_nDestID );

	pLink->m_pDynamicLink = this;
	if (m_nLinkState == LINK_OFF)
		pLink->m_LinkInfo |=  bits_LINK_OFF;
		pLink->m_LinkInfo &= ~bits_LINK_OFF;

	if ( m_bPreciseMovement )
		pLink->m_LinkInfo |= bits_LINK_PRECISE_MOVEMENT;
		pLink->m_LinkInfo &= ~bits_LINK_PRECISE_MOVEMENT;

	if ( m_nPriority == 0 )
		pLink->m_LinkInfo &= ~bits_PREFER_AVOID;
		pLink->m_LinkInfo |= bits_PREFER_AVOID;
Exemplo n.º 15
// Purpose: Returns last known posiiton of given enemy
const Vector &CAI_Enemies::LastKnownPosition( CBaseEntity *pEnemy )
	static Vector defPos;
	AI_EnemyInfo_t *pMemory = Find( pEnemy, true );
	if ( pMemory )
		return pMemory->vLastKnownLocation;

	DevWarning( 2,"Asking LastKnownPosition for enemy that's not in my memory!!\n");
	return defPos;
Exemplo n.º 16
float CAnimating::SequenceDuration( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr, int iSequence )
	if ( !pStudioHdr )
		DevWarning( 2, "CBaseAnimating::SequenceDuration( %d ) NULL pstudiohdr on %s!\n", iSequence, GetClassname() );
		return 0.1;
	if ( !pStudioHdr->SequencesAvailable() )
		return 0.1;
	if (iSequence >= pStudioHdr->GetNumSeq() || iSequence < 0 )
		DevWarning( 2, "CBaseAnimating::SequenceDuration( %d ) out of range\n", iSequence );
		return 0.1;

	return Studio_Duration( pStudioHdr, iSequence, GetPoseParameterArray() );
Exemplo n.º 17
void CNPC_Crow::StartTargetHandling( CBaseEntity *pTargetEnt )
	AI_NavGoal_t goal( GOALTYPE_PATHCORNER, pTargetEnt->GetAbsOrigin(),

	if ( !GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal ) )
		DevWarning( 2, "Can't Create Route!\n" );
Exemplo n.º 18
// Convenient way to delay removing oneself
void CBaseEntity::SUB_Remove( void )
	if (m_iHealth > 0)
		// this situation can screw up NPCs who can't tell their entity pointers are invalid.
		m_iHealth = 0;
		DevWarning( 2, "SUB_Remove called on entity with health > 0\n");

	UTIL_Remove( this );
Exemplo n.º 19
// Aim the next rocket at a specific target
void CPropAPC::InputFireMissileAt( inputdata_t &inputdata )
	string_t strMissileTarget = MAKE_STRING( inputdata.value.String() );
	CBaseEntity *pTarget = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, strMissileTarget, NULL, inputdata.pActivator, inputdata.pCaller );
	if ( pTarget == NULL )
		DevWarning( "%s: Could not find target '%s'!\n", GetClassname(), STRING( strMissileTarget ) );

	m_hSpecificRocketTarget = pTarget;
Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: hud.cpp Projeto: Yosam02/game
// Purpose: 
CHudElement *CHud::FindElement(const char *pName)
    for (int i = 0; i < m_HudList.Size(); i++)
        if (V_stricmp(m_HudList[i]->GetName(), pName) == 0)
            return m_HudList[i];

    DevWarning(1, "Could not find Hud Element: %s\n", pName);
    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 21
// Purpose: 
CHudElement *CHud::FindElement( const char *pName )
	for ( int i = 0; i < GetHudList().Count(); i++ )
		if ( stricmp( GetHudList()[ i ]->GetName(), pName ) == 0 )
			return GetHudList()[i];

	DevWarning(1, "[%d] Could not find Hud Element: %s\n", m_nSplitScreenSlot, pName );
	return NULL;
// Purpose:
void CMaterialSubRect::ParseMaterialVars( KeyValues &keyValues )
	KeyValues *pKeyValues = &keyValues;

	// I'm not quite sure how this can happen, but we'll see... 
	const char *pShaderName = pKeyValues->GetName();
	if ( !pShaderName )
		DevWarning( 1, "CMaterialSubRect::InitializeShader: Shader not specified in material %s.\n", GetName() );
		Assert( 0 );
		pShaderName = IsPC() ? "Wireframe_DX6" : "Wireframe_DX9";

	// Verify we have the correct "shader."  There is only one type.
	if ( !Q_strcmp( pShaderName, "Subrect" ) )
		KeyValues *pVar = pKeyValues->GetFirstSubKey();
		while ( pVar )
			if ( !Q_strcmp( pVar->GetName(), "$Pos" ) )
				sscanf( pVar->GetString(), "%f %f", &m_vecOffset.x, &m_vecOffset.y );

			if ( !Q_strcmp( pVar->GetName(), "$Size" ) )
				sscanf( pVar->GetString(), "%f %f", &m_vecSize.x, &m_vecSize.y );

			if ( !Q_strcmp( pVar->GetName(), "$Material" ) )
				m_pMaterialPage = static_cast<IMaterialInternal*>( MaterialSystem()->FindMaterial( pVar->GetString(), TEXTURE_GROUP_DECAL ) );
				m_pMaterialPage = m_pMaterialPage->GetRealTimeVersion(); //always work with the realtime material internally

//			if ( !Q_strcmp( pVar->GetName(), "$decalscale" ) )
//			{
//				m_flDecalScale = pVar->GetFloat();
//			}

			// Add var to list.
			IMaterialVar *pNewVar = CreateMaterialVarFromKeyValue( this, pVar );
			if ( pNewVar )
				m_aMaterialVars.AddToTail( pNewVar );		

			// Continue getting the keys until they are all found.
			pVar = pVar->GetNextKey();
Exemplo n.º 23
// Purpose: Returns the last position the enemy was SEEN at. This will always be
// different than LastKnownPosition() when the enemy is out of sight, because
// the last KNOWN position will be updated for a number of seconds after the 
// player disappears. 
const Vector &CAI_Enemies::LastSeenPosition( CBaseEntity *pEnemy )
	AI_EnemyInfo_t *pMemory = Find( pEnemy, true );
	if ( pMemory )
		m_vecDefaultLSP = pMemory->vLastSeenLocation;
		DevWarning( 2,"Asking LastSeenPosition for enemy that's not in my memory!!\n");
	return m_vecDefaultLSP;
Exemplo n.º 24
// Purpose: Sets position to the last known position of an enemy.  If enemy
//			was not found returns last memory of danger position if it exists
// Output : Returns false is no position is known
float CAI_Enemies::LastTimeSeen( CBaseEntity *pEnemy)
	// I've never seen something that doesn't exist
	if (!pEnemy)
		return 0;

	AI_EnemyInfo_t *pMemory = Find( pEnemy, true );
	if ( pMemory )
		return pMemory->flLastTimeSeen;

	DevWarning( 2,"Asking LastTimeSeen for enemy that's not in my memory!!\n");
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 25
void CTriggerTimerStop::StartTouch(CBaseEntity *pOther)
    ConVarRef cheatsRef("sv_cheats");
    // If timer is already stopped, there's nothing to stop (No run state effect to play)
    if (pOther->IsPlayer() && g_Timer.IsRunning())
        if (!cheatsRef.GetBool())
            DevWarning("You must turn off cheats to use the timer!\n");
Exemplo n.º 26
// Purpose: The act has finished
void CInfoAct::FinishAct( )
	if ( g_hCurrentAct.Get() != this )
		DevWarning( 2, "Attempted to finish an act which wasn't started!\n" );


	switch( m_iWinners)
	case 0:
		m_OnFinishedTeamNone.FireOutput( this, this );

	case 1:
		m_OnFinishedTeam1.FireOutput( this, this );

	case 2:
		m_OnFinishedTeam2.FireOutput( this, this );


	g_hCurrentAct = NULL;

	// Tell all the clients
	CRelieableBroadcastRecipientFilter filter;
	UserMessageBegin( filter, "ActEnd" );
		WRITE_BYTE( m_iWinners );

	// Am I an intermission?
	if ( HasSpawnFlags( SF_ACT_INTERMISSION ) )
		// Cycle through all players and end the intermission for them
		for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
			CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = (CBaseTFPlayer*)UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i );
			if ( pPlayer  )
				EndIntermission( pPlayer );
Exemplo n.º 27
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *pEvent - 
//			*pOperator - 
void CBaseCombatWeapon::Operator_HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent, CBaseCombatCharacter *pOperator )
	if ( (pEvent->type & AE_TYPE_NEWEVENTSYSTEM) && (pEvent->type & AE_TYPE_SERVER) )
		if ( pEvent->event == AE_NPC_WEAPON_FIRE )
			bool bSecondary = (atoi( pEvent->options ) != 0);
			Operator_ForceNPCFire( pOperator, bSecondary );

	DevWarning( 2, "Unhandled animation event %d from %s --> %s\n", pEvent->event, pOperator->GetClassname(), GetClassname() );
Exemplo n.º 28
float CAI_Enemies::LastTimeTookDamageFrom( CBaseEntity *pEnemy)
	// I've never seen something that doesn't exist
	if (!pEnemy)
		return 0;

	AI_EnemyInfo_t *pMemory = Find( pEnemy, true );
	if ( pMemory )
		return pMemory->timeLastReceivedDamageFrom;

	if ( pEnemy != AI_UNKNOWN_ENEMY )
		DevWarning( 2,"Asking LastTimeTookDamageFrom for enemy that's not in my memory!!\n");
Exemplo n.º 29
// Purpose: Sets position to the last known position of an enemy.  If enemy
//			was not found returns last memory of danger position if it exists
// Output : Returns false is no position is known
float CAI_Enemies::LastTimeSeen( CBaseEntity *pEnemy, bool bCheckDangerMemory /*= true*/ )
	// I've never seen something that doesn't exist
	if (!pEnemy)
		return 0;

	AI_EnemyInfo_t *pMemory = Find( pEnemy, bCheckDangerMemory );
	if ( pMemory )
		return pMemory->timeLastSeen;

	if ( pEnemy != AI_UNKNOWN_ENEMY )
		DevWarning( 2,"Asking LastTimeSeen for enemy that's not in my memory!!\n");
Exemplo n.º 30
// Purpose: Returns the time at which the enemy was first seen firsthand
// Input  : *pEnemy - 
// Output : float
float CAI_Enemies::TimeAtFirstHand( CBaseEntity *pEnemy )
	// I've never seen something that doesn't exist
	if (!pEnemy)
		return 0;

	AI_EnemyInfo_t *pMemory = Find( pEnemy, true );
	if ( pMemory )
		return pMemory->timeAtFirstHand;

	if ( pEnemy != AI_UNKNOWN_ENEMY )
		DevWarning( 2,"Asking TimeAtFirstHand for enemy that's not in my memory!!\n");