Exemplo n.º 1
    // Here are the functions that actually matters
void Graph::DijkstrasTest()
    addEdge("", "", 0);
    cout << "This program will tell you the shortest path between 2 cities. " << endl;
    Node* start = getStart(nodes);
        cout << "Not a valid starting point, please re-enter: " << endl;
        start = getStart(nodes);
    Node* destination = getDestination(nodes);
    while (!destination)
        cout << "Not a valid destination, please re-enter: " << endl;
        destination = getDestination(nodes);
    start->distanceFromStart = 0; // set start node
    Dijkstras(edges, nodes);
    printShortestRouteTo(destination, start);
void DijkstrasTest()
	Node* n1 = new Node('1', 15, 13);
	Node* n2 = new Node('2', 15, 7);
	Node* n3 = new Node('3', 33, 7);
	Node* n4 = new Node('4', 32.8, 16);
	Node* n5 = new Node('5', 6, 13);
	//Node* f = new Node('6', 0, 0);
	//Node* g = new Node('7', 0, 0);

	Edge* e1 = new Edge(n1, n2, 1); //NEED to reset the distance of the edge
	Edge* e2 = new Edge(n2, n3, 2);
	Edge* e3 = new Edge(n3, n4, 2);
	Edge* e4 = new Edge(n4, n5, 1);
	/*Edge* e5 = new Edge(b, f, 3);
	Edge* e6 = new Edge(c, e, 3);
	Edge* e7 = new Edge(e, f, 2);
	Edge* e8 = new Edge(d, g, 1);
	Edge* e9 = new Edge(g, f, 1);*/

	n1->distanceFromStart = 0; // set start node

	// TODO: Node / Edge memory cleanup not included
Exemplo n.º 3
bool gen_path(path_generator::generatePath::Request &req, path_generator::generatePath::Response &res)
	path_navigator::Waypoints *w = NULL;
	if(req.type == 0) //generate dikstra's path
		w = new path_navigator::Waypoints();
		Dijkstras(gmap, req.init_pos, req.dst_pos, w);
	else if(req.type == 1)
		w = new path_navigator::Waypoints();
		RandomWalk(gmap, req.init_pos, w, 10); //default: perform 10 steps before you stop

    res.w = *w;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
// Johnson's
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, double>>>>
 Algorithms::Johnsons(Graph& graph){
  auto graphx = std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, double>>>();
  auto num = graph.get_num_vertices();
  auto vert = std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, double>>();
  for(auto& lis: graph.list){
  for(int i = 0; i< num; i++){
    vert.push_back(std::pair<unsigned long, double>(i,0));
  auto tempg = Graph(graphx);
  unsigned long start_index = num;

  num = num + 1;
  std::vector<double> distance = std::vector<double>(num);
  std::vector<unsigned long> predecessor = std::vector<unsigned long>(num);
  //initalize values
  for(int i = 0; i< num; i++) {
    distance[i] = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
    predecessor[i] = 0; // 

  distance[start_index] = 0;
  //compute optimal path
  for(int index = 0; index < num; index++) {
    for(int i = 0; i< num; i++) {
    std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, double>> row = tempg.list[i]; 
      for(auto& pair: row) {
        if(distance[i] + pair.second < distance[pair.first]) {
          distance[pair.first] = distance[i] + pair.second;
          predecessor[pair.first] = i;
  //check for negative cycles
  for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){
    std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, double>> rows = tempg.list[i];
    for(auto& pairs: rows) {
      if(distance[i] + pairs.second < distance[pairs.first]) {
        throw Algorithms_Exception("Contains Negative Cycles");

  auto h = std::vector<double>(num);
  //compute h[] distances
  h[num-1] = 0;
  for(int i = 0 ; i < num-1 ; i++){
    std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, double>> path;
    unsigned long current = i;
    path.push_back(std::pair<unsigned long, double>(current, distance[current]));
    do {
      current = predecessor[current];
      auto newpair = std::pair<unsigned long, double>(current, distance[current]);
    } while(current != num-1);

    std::reverse(path.begin(), path.end());
    double total = 0;
    for(auto& edge: path){
      total += edge.second;
    h[i] = total;

  //construct graph with with new weights
  auto newgraph = graph.list;
  for(int i = 0 ; i< newgraph.size(); i++){
    auto temp = newgraph[i];
    auto newedges = std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, double>>(); 
    for(int j = 0; j < temp.size(); j++){
      std::pair<unsigned long, double> temppair = temp[j];
      double value = (temppair.second + h[i] - h[temppair.first]);
      newedges.push_back(std::pair<unsigned long, double>(temppair.first,value));
    newgraph[i] = newedges;

  auto finalgraph = Graph(newgraph);
  auto length = finalgraph.get_num_vertices();
  auto final_weight = std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned
    long, double>>>>(length);
  for(int i = 0; i < length ; i++){
    final_weight[i] = std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long,

  //compute paths between all nodes
  for(int i = 0; i< length; i++){
    for(int j = 0 ; j< length; j++){
      if(i == j){
        auto tem = std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, double>>();
        tem.push_back(std::pair<unsigned long, double>(0,0));
        final_weight[i][j] = tem;
      }else if(i>j){
        auto xyz = final_weight[j][i];
        std::reverse(xyz.begin(), xyz.end());
        final_weight[i][j] = xyz;

          final_weight[i][j] = Dijkstras(finalgraph,i,j);
          final_weight[i][j] = std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, double>>();

  return final_weight;
void reach_middle_point(list< boost::shared_ptr<position_tracker::Position> > nn_pos_list)
	if(nn_pos_list.size() < 2) //need to have 2 neighbors for the function to work
		cout << "I have " << nn_pos_list.size() << " neighbors. I need 2." << endl;

	ros::spinOnce(); //to get the most recent position of the robot

	//(1) find the nodes that are closest to the position of the neighbors 	
	vector<Node *> closest_nodes;
	list< boost::shared_ptr<position_tracker::Position> >::iterator itl;
	int cnt = 0;
    for(itl = nn_pos_list.begin(); itl != nn_pos_list.end(); ++itl)
		position_tracker::Position *pin = new position_tracker::Position();
		pin->x = (*itl)->x;
		pin->y = (*itl)->y;
		pin->theta = (*itl)->theta;
		std::cout << "Robot " << cnt << " in position (" << pin->x << ", " << pin->y << ", " << pin->theta << ")" << std::endl;

		//find the closest node np to the input position p
		double min_dist = 10000;
		int min_ind = -1;
		vector<Node *>::iterator itn;
		for(itn = nodes.begin(); itn != nodes.end(); ++itn)
			double dist = sqrt(pow(pin->x - (*itn)->p->x, 2) + pow(pin->y - (*itn)->p->y, 2));			
			if(dist < min_dist)
				min_dist = dist;
				min_ind = itn - nodes.begin();
		closest_nodes.insert(closest_nodes.end(), nodes[min_ind]);
		std::cout << "It's closest position is (" << nodes[min_ind]->p->x << ", " << nodes[min_ind]->p->y << ")" << std::endl;

    //(2)For now: assume 2 neighbors, find the position in between the 2 neighbors 
	//shortest path between the 2 neighbors
    //vector<Node *> closest_nodes_vec;
	//std::copy(closest_nodes.begin(), closest_nodes.end(), closest_nodes_vec.begin());
	//closest_nodes_vec[0]->distanceFromStart = 0; // set start node
	closest_nodes[0]->distanceFromStart = 0; // set start node

	/*vector<Node *>::iterator itw;
	for(itw = waypoints.begin(); itw != waypoints.end(); ++itw)
		cout << "waypint id = " << (*itw)->id << endl;	
	} */

	PrintLoadShortestRouteTo(closest_nodes[1]); //stores the path in the waypoints vector => 	
	//PrintLoadShortestRouteTo(closest_nodes_vec[1]); //stores the path in the waypoints vector => NEED TO CHANGE THAT (I want to get the path back as a vector and then do whatever I want with that)
	//BUT, for now...

	//get position among 2 neighbors
	Node *middle_init = waypoints[ceil(waypoints.size()/2)];

	std::cout << "The position in the middle of the robots is (" << middle_init->p->x << ", " << middle_init->p->y << ")" << std::endl;

	//(3)Find the closest node nc to my current position
	loadMap(); //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
	vector<Node *>::iterator itn2;
	cout << "All the nodes: " << endl;
	for(itn2 = nodes.begin(); itn2 != nodes.end(); ++itn2)
		cout << "node: id = " << (*itn2)->id << ", x = " << (*itn2)->p->x << ", y = " << (*itn2)->p->y << endl;

	//find the middle node using the newly loaded map
	double min_dist = 10000;
	int min_ind = -1;
	vector<Node *>::iterator itn;
	for(itn = nodes.begin(); itn != nodes.end(); ++itn)
		double dist = sqrt(pow(middle_init->p->x - (*itn)->p->x, 2) + pow(middle_init->p->y - (*itn)->p->y, 2));		
		if(dist < min_dist)
			min_dist = dist;
			min_ind = itn - nodes.begin();
	Node *middle = nodes[min_ind];

	//find closest node to the current position of the robot
	min_dist = 10000;
	min_ind = -1;
	//vector<Node *>::iterator itn;
	for(itn = nodes.begin(); itn != nodes.end(); ++itn)
		double dist = sqrt(pow(cur_pos.x - (*itn)->p->x, 2) + pow(cur_pos.y - (*itn)->p->y, 2));		
		if(dist < min_dist)
			min_dist = dist;
			min_ind = itn - nodes.begin();
	Node *nc = nodes[min_ind];

	std::cout << "My closest position is (" << nc->p->x << ", " << nc->p->y << ")" << std::endl;

	//(4)Do shortest path between the current position of the robot and the position in between its 2 neighbors 
	nc->distanceFromStart = 0; // set start node
	PrintLoadShortestRouteTo(middle); //THIS TIME, I want the generated path to be stored in the waypoints list

	//set your goal to be 3 nodes backwards from and follow the way to the goal (make your waypoints contain all the nodes up to the 3 nodes away from the destination)
     //loadWaypoints(); //NEED TO CHANGE THAT !!!!*/

	//======================= don't move for now =============================
	//EXECUTE THE PATH (probably need to move it somewhere else)
     vector<Node *>::iterator it;
     for(it = waypoints.begin(); it != waypoints.end(); ++it) //reach every single waypoint generated by the planner
        goal_pos_x = (*it)->p->x;
        goal_pos_y = (*it)->p->y;

        //move to the next waypoint
        while(sqrt(pow(goal_pos_x - cur_pos.x, 2) + pow(goal_pos_y - cur_pos.y, 2)) > Tdist)
        }//end while(current goal is not reached)
     }//end while(1)*/