Exemplo n.º 1
    void CanvasGdiplus::DrawStringInt(const std::wstring& text,
        HFONT font,
        const Color& color,
        int x, int y, int w, int h,
        int flags)
        if(!IntersectsClipRectInt(x, y, w, h))

        // Clamp the max amount of text we'll draw to 32K.  There seem to be bugs in
        // DrawText() if you e.g. ask it to character-break a no-whitespace string of
        // length > 43680 (for which it draws nothing), and since we clamped to 2K in
        // SizeStringInt() we're unlikely to be able to display this much anyway.
        const int kMaxStringLength = 32768 - 1;  // So the trailing \0 fits in 32K.
        std::wstring clamped_string(text.substr(0, kMaxStringLength));

        RECT text_bounds = { x, y, x+w, y+h };
        HDC dc = BeginPlatformPaint();
        SetBkMode(dc, TRANSPARENT);
        HFONT old_font = (HFONT)SelectObject(dc, font);
        SetTextColor(dc, color.ToCOLORREF());

        int f = ComputeFormatFlags(flags, clamped_string);
        DoDrawText(dc, clamped_string, &text_bounds, f);

        // Restore the old font. This way we don't have to worry if the caller
        // deletes the font and the DC lives longer.
        SelectObject(dc, old_font);
Exemplo n.º 2
void wxGCDCImpl::DoDrawRotatedText(const wxString& text, wxCoord x, wxCoord y,
                               double angle)
    wxCHECK_RET( IsOk(), wxT("wxGCDC(cg)::DoDrawRotatedText - invalid DC") );

    if ( text.empty() )
    if ( !m_logicalFunctionSupported )

    // we test that we have some font because otherwise we should still use the
    // "else" part below to avoid that DrawRotatedText(angle = 180) and
    // DrawRotatedText(angle = 0) use different fonts (we can't use the default
    // font for drawing rotated fonts unfortunately)
    if ( (angle == 0.0) && m_font.IsOk() )
        DoDrawText(text, x, y);
        // Bounding box already updated by DoDrawText(), no need to do it again.
    // Get extent of whole text.
    wxCoord w, h, heightLine;
    GetOwner()->GetMultiLineTextExtent(text, &w, &h, &heightLine);
    // Compute the shift for the origin of the next line.
    const double rad = wxDegToRad(angle);
    const double dx = heightLine * sin(rad);
    const double dy = heightLine * cos(rad);
    // Draw all text line by line
    const wxArrayString lines = wxSplit(text, '\n', '\0');
    for ( size_t lineNum = 0; lineNum < lines.size(); lineNum++ )
        // Calculate origin for each line to avoid accumulation of
        // rounding errors.
        if ( m_backgroundMode == wxTRANSPARENT )
            m_graphicContext->DrawText( lines[lineNum], x + wxRound(lineNum*dx), y + wxRound(lineNum*dy), wxDegToRad(angle ));
            m_graphicContext->DrawText( lines[lineNum], x + wxRound(lineNum*dx), y + wxRound(lineNum*dy), wxDegToRad(angle ), m_graphicContext->CreateBrush(m_textBackgroundColour) );
    // call the bounding box by adding all four vertices of the rectangle
    // containing the text to it (simpler and probably not slower than
    // determining which of them is really topmost/leftmost/...)
    // "upper left" and "upper right"
    CalcBoundingBox(x, y);
    CalcBoundingBox(x + wxCoord(w*cos(rad)), y - wxCoord(w*sin(rad)));
    // "bottom left" and "bottom right"
    x += (wxCoord)(h*sin(rad));
    y += (wxCoord)(h*cos(rad));
    CalcBoundingBox(x, y);
    CalcBoundingBox(x + wxCoord(w*cos(rad)), y - wxCoord(w*sin(rad)));
	virtual void OnDraw (CDC* pDC)
		ASSERT_VALID (this);

		CRect rectText = m_rect;
		rectText.DeflateRect (nTextMarginHorz, 0);

		DoDrawText (pDC, m_strText, rectText, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER);
void CBCGPRibbonSlider::OnDraw (CDC* pDC)

	if (m_rect.IsRectEmpty ())

	if (m_bZoomButtons)
		// Draw zoom buttons:
		CBCGPVisualManager::GetInstance ()->OnDrawRibbonSliderZoomButton (
			pDC, this, m_rectZoomOut, TRUE, 
			m_bIsHighlighted && m_nHighlighted == nZoomOutIndex,
			m_bIsPressed && m_nPressed == nZoomOutIndex, IsDisabled ());

		CBCGPVisualManager::GetInstance ()->OnDrawRibbonSliderZoomButton (
			pDC, this, m_rectZoomIn, FALSE, 
			m_bIsHighlighted && m_nHighlighted == nZoomInIndex,
			m_bIsPressed && m_nPressed == nZoomInIndex, IsDisabled ());

	// Draw channel:
	CRect rectChannel = m_rectSlider;

	if (IsVert ())
		rectChannel.left = rectChannel.CenterPoint ().x - 1;
		rectChannel.right = rectChannel.left + 2;
		rectChannel.top = rectChannel.CenterPoint ().y - 1;
		rectChannel.bottom = rectChannel.top + 2;

	CBCGPVisualManager::GetInstance ()->OnDrawRibbonSliderChannel (
		pDC, this, rectChannel);

	// Draw thumb:
	CBCGPVisualManager::GetInstance ()->OnDrawRibbonSliderThumb (
		pDC, this, m_rectThumb,
		(m_bIsHighlighted && (m_nHighlighted == nThumbIndex || m_nHighlighted == nSliderIndex)) || IsFocused (),
		m_bIsPressed && m_nPressed == nThumbIndex, IsDisabled ());

	if (!m_rectLabel.IsRectEmpty () && !m_strText.IsEmpty ())
		DoDrawText (pDC, m_strText, m_rectLabel, DT_CENTER | DT_SINGLELINE);
Exemplo n.º 5
    // static
    void CanvasGdiplus::SizeStringInt(const std::wstring& text,
        const Font& font,
        int* width, int* height,
        int flags)
        // Clamp the max amount of text we'll measure to 2K.  When the string is
        // actually drawn, it will be clipped to whatever size box is provided, and
        // the time to do that doesn't depend on the length being clipped off.
        const int kMaxStringLength = 2048 - 1; // So the trailing \0 fits in 2K.
        std::wstring clamped_string(text.substr(0, kMaxStringLength));

        if(*width == 0)
            // If multi-line + character break are on, the computed width will be one
            // character wide (useless).  Furthermore, if in this case the provided text
            // contains very long "words" (substrings without a word-breaking point),
            // DrawText() can run extremely slowly (e.g. several seconds).  So in this
            // case, we turn character breaking off to get a more accurate "desired"
            // width and avoid the slowdown.
            if(flags & (Canvas::MULTI_LINE|Canvas::CHARACTER_BREAK))
                flags &= ~Canvas::CHARACTER_BREAK;

            // Weird undocumented behavior: if the width is 0, DoDrawText() won't
            // calculate a size at all.  So set it to 1, which it will then change.
                *width = 1;
        RECT r = { 0, 0, *width, *height };

        HDC dc = GetDC(NULL);
        HFONT old_font = static_cast<HFONT>(SelectObject(dc, font.GetNativeFont()));
        DoDrawText(dc, clamped_string, &r,
            ComputeFormatFlags(flags, clamped_string)|DT_CALCRECT);
        SelectObject(dc, old_font);
        ReleaseDC(NULL, dc);

        *width = r.right;
        *height = r.bottom;
Exemplo n.º 6
void CBCGPRibbonComboBox::OnDraw (CDC* pDC)

	OnDrawLabelAndImage (pDC);

	BOOL bIsHighlighted = m_bIsHighlighted;

	if (m_bIsFocused)
		m_bIsHighlighted = TRUE;

	if (IsDisabled ())
		m_bIsHighlighted = FALSE;

	CRect rectSaved = m_rect;
	m_rect.left = m_rectCommand.left;
	CBCGPVisualManager::GetInstance ()->OnFillRibbonButton (pDC, this);

	if (m_pWndEdit->GetSafeHwnd () == NULL)
		CRect rectText = m_rectCommand;
		rectText.DeflateRect (m_szMargin);


		if (!m_bSearchResultMode)
			if (m_nAlign == ES_CENTER)
				uiDTFlags |= DT_CENTER;
			else if (m_nAlign == ES_RIGHT)
				uiDTFlags |= DT_RIGHT;

		BOOL bDrawPrompt = m_strEdit.IsEmpty() && !m_strSearchPrompt.IsEmpty() && !IsDroppedDown();
		const CString& str =  bDrawPrompt ? m_strSearchPrompt : m_strEdit;
		COLORREF clrText = bDrawPrompt ? CBCGPVisualManager::GetInstance()->GetToolbarEditPromptColor() : (COLORREF)-1;

		if (IsDisabled())
			clrText = globalData.clrGrayedText;

		DoDrawText (pDC, str, rectText, uiDTFlags, clrText);

	if (m_bSearchMode && m_strEdit.IsEmpty() && m_ImageSearch.IsValid())
		CRect rectIcon = m_rectMenu;
		rectIcon.right = rectIcon.left - 1;
		rectIcon.left = rectIcon.right - rectIcon.Height();

		m_ImageSearch.DrawEx(pDC, rectIcon, 0, CBCGPToolBarImages::ImageAlignHorzCenter, CBCGPToolBarImages::ImageAlignVertCenter,
			CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), IsDisabled() ? (BYTE)127 : (BYTE)255);

	CBCGPVisualManager::GetInstance ()->OnDrawRibbonButtonBorder 
			(pDC, this);

	CBCGPToolbarComboBoxButton buttonDummy;
	buttonDummy.m_bIsRibbon = TRUE;
	buttonDummy.m_bIsRibbonFloaty = IsFloatyMode ();

	BOOL bIsDropDownHighlighted = IsMenuAreaHighlighted () || m_bIsFocused ||
		m_bIsEditFocused ||
		(bIsHighlighted && !m_bHasEditBox);

	CBCGPVisualManager::GetInstance ()->OnDrawComboDropButton (
		pDC, m_rectMenu, IsDisabled (), IsDroppedDown (),

	if (m_bIsCalculator)
		m_ButtonImages.DrawEx(pDC, m_rectMenu, 2, CBCGPToolBarImages::ImageAlignHorzCenter, CBCGPToolBarImages::ImageAlignVertCenter);

	m_bIsHighlighted = bIsHighlighted;
	m_rect = rectSaved;
Exemplo n.º 7
**	Draw text with font at x,y clipped.
**	See VideoDrawText.
**	@return		The length of the printed text.
global int VideoDrawTextClip(int x,int y,unsigned font,
			     const unsigned char* text)
    return DoDrawText(x,y,font,text,1);
void CBCGPRibbonLabel::OnDraw (CDC* pDC)
    ASSERT_VALID (this);

    if (m_rect.IsRectEmpty ())

    CRect rectText = m_rect;
    rectText.DeflateRect (m_szMargin.cx, 0);

    COLORREF cltTextOld = (COLORREF)-1;

    BOOL bIsMenuMode = IsMenuMode () || m_bIsPaletteGroup;

    if (bIsMenuMode)
        rectText.bottom -= 2;

        COLORREF clrText = CBCGPVisualManager::GetInstance ()->OnDrawMenuLabel (pDC, m_rect);

        if (clrText != (COLORREF)-1)
            cltTextOld = pDC->SetTextColor (clrText);
        CBCGPVisualManager::GetInstance ()->OnDrawRibbonLabel (pDC,
                this, m_rect);

    CFont* pOldFont = NULL;

    if (bIsMenuMode)
        pOldFont = pDC->SelectObject (&globalData.fontBold);
        ASSERT_VALID (pOldFont);

    UINT uiDTFlags = bIsMenuMode || !m_bIsAlwaysLarge ?
                     DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER | DT_NOPREFIX :
                     DT_WORDBREAK | DT_NOPREFIX;

    if (!bIsMenuMode && m_bIsAlwaysLarge)
        int dy = max (0, (rectText.Height () - m_sizeTextRight.cy) / 2);
        rectText.DeflateRect (0, dy);

    DoDrawText (pDC, m_strText, rectText, uiDTFlags);

    if (pOldFont != NULL)
        pDC->SelectObject (pOldFont);

    if (cltTextOld != (COLORREF)-1)
        cltTextOld = pDC->SetTextColor (cltTextOld);
Exemplo n.º 9
**  Draw text with font at x,y clipped.
**  @see DoDrawText.
**  @param x     X screen position
**  @param y     Y screen position
**  @param font  Font number
**  @param text  Text to be displayed.
**  @return      The length of the printed text.
int VideoDrawTextClip(int x, int y, CFont *font, const std::string &text)
	return DoDrawText(x, y, font->FontFamily(), font->IsPlainText(),
			  text, true);