Exemplo n.º 1
			bool DoesDirExist(LPCWSTR name)
				AString Aname = UnicodeStringToMultiByte(name, CP_ACP);
				bool bret = DoesDirExist((LPCSTR)Aname);
				if (bret) return bret;

				// Try to recover the original filename
				AString resultString;
				bool is_good = originalFilename(name, resultString);
				if (is_good) {
     bret = DoesDirExist((const char *)resultString);
				return bret;
Exemplo n.º 2
void CRipInfoDB::SetFileName( CUString strFileName )
	CUString strOutPath = g_config.GetCDDBPath() + _W( "Status\\" );

	// And test it, no dialog please
	DoesDirExist( strOutPath, FALSE );

	m_strFileName = strOutPath + strFileName + _W( ".txt" );
Exemplo n.º 3
UINT CMP3ToWavDlg::ConvertFunc(PVOID pParams)
	CUString		strLang;
	int			nPeakValue	= 0;
	DWORD		dwIndex		= 0;
	PBYTE		pStream		= NULL;
 	DWORD       dwTotalTime = 0;

	ENTRY_TRACE( _T( "ConvertFunc" ) );

	CMP3ToWavDlg* pDlg = (CMP3ToWavDlg*)pParams;

	pDlg->m_wCurrentTrack = 0;
	pDlg->m_bAbortThread = FALSE;

	CUString strOutDir(g_config.GetCnvOutputDir());

	while(	pDlg->m_wCurrentTrack < pDlg->m_nTotalFiles && 
			!pDlg->m_bAbortThread )
		BOOL bNoToAll = FALSE;

		nPeakValue	= 0;

		POSITION nFileListPos = pDlg->m_Pos;

		pDlg->m_strMP3FileName = pDlg->m_pFileDlg->GetNextPathName( pDlg->m_Pos );
		pDlg->m_strWavFileName = pDlg->m_pFileDlg->GetFileName( nFileListPos );

		CUString strSubPath = pDlg->m_pFileDlg->GetSubPath( nFileListPos );

		int nPos = pDlg->m_strWavFileName.ReverseFind('.');

		if (nPos > 0 )
			pDlg->m_strWavFileName= pDlg->m_strWavFileName.Left( nPos );

		strOutDir = g_config.GetCnvOutputDir() + strSubPath;

		// Prepend output directory
		pDlg->m_strWavFileName= strOutDir + CUString( pDlg->m_strWavFileName );

		// Create Ouput directory
		if ( CDEX_OK != DoesDirExist( strOutDir, FALSE )  )
			LTRACE( _T( "ConvertFunc::Error creating output dir %s" ), strOutDir );

			strLang = g_language.GetString( IDS_CANNOT_CREATE_OUTDIR );
			CDexMessageBox( strLang + strOutDir );
			bErr = CDEX_ERROR;

		// Clear error flag
		bErr = CDEX_OK;

		LTRACE( _T( "Converting track %d" ), pDlg->m_wCurrentTrack );

		// Reset estimate timer


		// create proper input stream
		pDlg->m_pInStream = ICreateStream( CUString( pDlg->m_strMP3FileName ) );

		if ( FALSE == CheckNoFileOverwrite(	pDlg,
										CUString( pDlg->m_strWavFileName ) + _W( ".wav" ), 
										bNoToAll ) )
			// Open the input stream if available
			if (	pDlg->m_pInStream && 
					pDlg->m_pInStream->OpenStream( CUString( pDlg->m_strMP3FileName ) ) )
				DWORD	dwBufferSize = pDlg->m_pInStream->GetBufferSize();

				// Reset estimate timer
 				dwTotalTime = pDlg->m_pInStream->GetTotalTime();
 				pDlg->m_TimeTrack.ReInit( dwTotalTime );

				// Create a play stream object
				OSndStreamWAV wavStream;

				wavStream.CopyStreamInfo( *pDlg->m_pInStream );

				// Initialize output WAV stream object
				wavStream.OpenStream( CUString( pDlg->m_strWavFileName ) );

				// Allocate stream input buffer
				pStream = new BYTE[ dwBufferSize ];

				int nMPEGBytes = 0;

				double dSampleRatio = 1.0;

				BOOL bFinished = FALSE;

				while( ( FALSE == bFinished ) && !pDlg->m_bAbortThread )
					nMPEGBytes = pDlg->m_pInStream->Read( pStream, dwBufferSize );
					if ( nMPEGBytes > 0 )

						for ( dwIndex=0; dwIndex< (DWORD)nMPEGBytes / 2; dwIndex++ )
							if ( abs( ((SHORT*)pStream)[dwIndex]) > nPeakValue )
								nPeakValue=abs( ((SHORT*)pStream )[ dwIndex ] );

						if ( nMPEGBytes > 0 )
							wavStream.Write( pStream, nMPEGBytes );

						int nTotalTime = pDlg->m_pInStream->GetTotalTime();
						int nCurrentTime = pDlg->m_pInStream->GetCurrentTime();

						if ( nTotalTime )
							pDlg->m_nPercentCompleted = nCurrentTime * 100 / nTotalTime;
							pDlg->m_nPercentCompleted = 0;
						bFinished = TRUE;


				delete [] pStream; pStream= NULL;

				// Close input stream

				// Close the WAV stream

				// close the Input stream

				// Check if we have to normalize the file
				if (	pDlg->m_pFileDlg->m_bNormalize && 
						FALSE == pDlg->m_bAbortThread )
					double dNormFactor=1.0;

					// Reset estimate timer

					// Set percentage completed to zero

					// Determine normalization factor

					// DO we have to normalize this file
					if (dNormFactor<(double)g_config.GetLowNormLevel() || dNormFactor>(double)g_config.GetHighNormLevel())
						if (dNormFactor<(double)g_config.GetLowNormLevel())
							// Normalize to for desired level
							// Normalize to for desired level

						// Little fine tuning to avoid overflows due to round off errors

						LTRACE( _T( "CMP3ToWavDlg::Normalizing Track/File %s with factor %f" ), pDlg->m_strWavFileName, dNormFactor );

						CWAV myWav;

						// Step 1: Open the input WAV file
						if ( myWav.StartNormalizeAudioFile( CUString( pDlg->m_strWavFileName ) )!=0)
							// Step 2: Loop through data and normalize chunk
							while ( myWav.NormalizeAudioFileChunk( dNormFactor, pDlg->m_nPercentCompleted ) == FALSE && 
									!pDlg->m_bAbortThread )
							// Step 3: Close the input WAV file, and replace original
							myWav.CloseNormalizeAudioFile( CUString( pDlg->m_strWavFileName ) , pDlg->m_bAbortThread, TRUE );

				// Check if thread has been aborted, if so, remove original file
				if ( TRUE == pDlg->m_bAbortThread )
					LTRACE( _T( "Deleting file ( due to abort ) %s.wav" ), pDlg->m_strWavFileName );
					DeleteFile( pDlg->m_strWavFileName + _T( ".wav" ) );

				// Check if we have to delete the file
				if ( pDlg->m_pFileDlg->m_bDeleteOriginal && ( FALSE == pDlg->m_bAbortThread )  )
					LTRACE( _T( "Deleting file ( user request ) %s" ), pDlg->m_strMP3FileName );
					DeleteFile( pDlg->m_strMP3FileName );
			if ( TRUE == bNoToAll )
				pDlg->m_bAbortThread = TRUE;

		// delete input stream object
		delete pDlg->m_pInStream;pDlg->m_pInStream=NULL;

		// Jump to the next track


	// OK close the stuff
	pDlg->PostMessage( WM_COMMAND, IDCANCEL,0);

	EXIT_TRACE( _T( "RipFunc" ) );
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
// TODO: Instead of returning TRUE/FALSE, it would be nice to return
// a flag indicating:
// - whether the installation is actually valid;
// - if it's broken or not (aka. needs for repair, or just upgrading).
static BOOLEAN
    IN HANDLE SystemRootDirectory,
    BOOLEAN Success = FALSE;
    PCWSTR PathName;
    USHORT i;
    USHORT LocalMachine;
    UNICODE_STRING LocalVendorName;
    WCHAR VendorNameBuffer[MAX_PATH];

    /* Check for VendorName validity */
    if (VendorName->MaximumLength < sizeof(UNICODE_NULL))
        /* Don't use it, invalidate the pointer */
        VendorName = NULL;
        /* Zero it out */
        *VendorName->Buffer = UNICODE_NULL;
        VendorName->Length = 0;

    /* Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32 */
    PathName = L"System32\\";
    if (!DoesDirExist(SystemRootDirectory, PathName))
        // DPRINT1("Failed to open directory '%S', Status 0x%08lx\n", PathName, Status);
        return FALSE;

    /* Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32\drivers */
    PathName = L"System32\\drivers\\";
    if (!DoesDirExist(SystemRootDirectory, PathName))
        // DPRINT1("Failed to open directory '%S', Status 0x%08lx\n", PathName, Status);
        return FALSE;

    /* Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32\config */
    PathName = L"System32\\config\\";
    if (!DoesDirExist(SystemRootDirectory, PathName))
        // DPRINT1("Failed to open directory '%S', Status 0x%08lx\n", PathName, Status);
        return FALSE;

#if 0
     * Check for the existence of SYSTEM and SOFTWARE hives in \SystemRoot\System32\config
     * (but we don't check here whether they are actually valid).
    PathName = L"System32\\config\\SYSTEM";
    if (!DoesFileExist(SystemRootDirectory, PathName))
        // DPRINT1("Failed to open file '%S', Status 0x%08lx\n", PathName, Status);
        return FALSE;
    PathName = L"System32\\config\\SOFTWARE";
    if (!DoesFileExist(SystemRootDirectory, PathName))
        // DPRINT1("Failed to open file '%S', Status 0x%08lx\n", PathName, Status);
        return FALSE;

    RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString(&LocalVendorName, VendorNameBuffer, sizeof(VendorNameBuffer));

    /* Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32\ntoskrnl.exe and retrieves its vendor name */
    PathName = L"System32\\ntoskrnl.exe";
    Success = CheckForValidPEAndVendor(SystemRootDirectory, PathName, &LocalMachine, &LocalVendorName);
    if (!Success)
        DPRINT1("Kernel executable '%S' is either not a PE file, or does not have any vendor?\n", PathName);

     * The kernel gives the OS its flavour. If we failed due to the absence of
     * ntoskrnl.exe this might be due to the fact this particular installation
     * uses a custom kernel that has a different name, overridden in the boot
     * parameters. We then rely on the existence of ntdll.dll, which cannot be
     * renamed on a valid NT system.
    if (Success)
        for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(KnownVendors); ++i)
            Success = !!FindSubStrI(LocalVendorName.Buffer, KnownVendors[i]);
            if (Success)
                /* We have found a correct vendor combination */
                DPRINT("IsValidNTOSInstallation: We've got an NTOS installation from %S !\n", KnownVendors[i]);

        /* Return the target architecture */
        if (Machine)
            /* Copy the value and invalidate the pointer */
            *Machine = LocalMachine;
            Machine = NULL;

        /* Return the vendor name */
        if (VendorName)
            /* Copy the string and invalidate the pointer */
            RtlCopyUnicodeString(VendorName, &LocalVendorName);
            VendorName = NULL;

    /* OPTIONAL: Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32\ntkrnlpa.exe */

    /* Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32\ntdll.dll and retrieves its vendor name */
    PathName = L"System32\\ntdll.dll";
    Success = CheckForValidPEAndVendor(SystemRootDirectory, PathName, &LocalMachine, &LocalVendorName);
    if (!Success)
        DPRINT1("User-mode DLL '%S' is either not a PE file, or does not have any vendor?\n", PathName);

    if (Success)
        for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(KnownVendors); ++i)
            if (!!FindSubStrI(LocalVendorName.Buffer, KnownVendors[i]))
                /* We have found a correct vendor combination */
                DPRINT("IsValidNTOSInstallation: The user-mode DLL '%S' is from %S\n", PathName, KnownVendors[i]);

        /* Return the target architecture if not already obtained */
        if (Machine)
            /* Copy the value and invalidate the pointer */
            *Machine = LocalMachine;
            Machine = NULL;

        /* Return the vendor name if not already obtained */
        if (VendorName)
            /* Copy the string and invalidate the pointer */
            RtlCopyUnicodeString(VendorName, &LocalVendorName);
            VendorName = NULL;

    return Success;