Exemplo n.º 1
int main(USHORT argc, CHAR *argv[] ) {

   APIRET      rc          = NO_ERROR; /* Return code                        */

   PID         pidToIntr   = 0;        /* Interrupt this process             */

   if ( argc < 2 ) {

      printf("sendsig error:  Need to pass PID of thread to interrupt.\n");

      return 1;

   } else {

      pidToIntr = (PID) atoi ( argv[1] );

   } /* endif */

   rc = DosSendSignalException ( pidToIntr,            /* Process to interrupt */

                                 XCPT_SIGNAL_INTR );   /* Send this signal     */

   if (rc != NO_ERROR) {

      printf("DosSendSignalException error: return code = %u\n", rc);

      return 1;

   } else {

      printf ("DosSendSignalException complete.\n");

   } /* endif */

   return NO_ERROR;

Exemplo n.º 2
APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_proc_kill(apr_proc_t *proc, int signum)
#ifdef OS2
    /* SIGTERM's don't work too well in OS/2 (only affects other EMX
     * programs). CGIs may not be, esp. REXX scripts, so use a native
     * call instead
    if (signum == SIGTERM) {
        return APR_OS2_STATUS(DosSendSignalException(proc->pid,
#endif /* OS2 */

    if (kill(proc->pid, signum) == -1) {
        return errno;

    return APR_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 3
int ap_os_kill(pid_t pid, int sig)
/* SIGTERM's don't work too well in OS/2 (only affects other EMX programs).
   CGIs may not be, esp. REXX scripts, so use a native call instead */
    int rc;
    if ( sig == SIGTERM ) {
        rc = DosSendSignalException( pid, XCPT_SIGNAL_BREAK );
        if ( rc ) {
            errno = ESRCH;
            rc = -1;
    } else {
        rc = kill(pid, sig);
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 4
static void ProcessConnection( void )
    char                buff[MAX_TRANS];
    ULONG               bytes_read;
    unsigned long       max;
    struct _AVAILDATA   BytesAvail;
    ULONG               PipeState;
    APIRET              rc;
    RESULTCODES         res;
    PID                 dummy;
    char                *dir;

    for( ;; ) {
        DosRead( LnkHdl, buff, sizeof( buff ), &bytes_read );
        if( bytes_read == 0 ) break;
        buff[bytes_read] = '\0';
        switch( buff[0] ) {
        case LNK_CWD:
            rc = 0;
            dir = &buff[1];
            if( isalpha( dir[0] ) && dir[1] == ':' ) {
                rc = DosSetDefaultDisk( toupper( dir[0] ) - ('A' - 1) );
                dir += 2;
            if( rc == 0 && dir[0] != '\0' ) {
                rc = DosSetCurrentDir( dir );
            SendStatus( rc );
        case LNK_RUN:
            DosSetNPHState( RedirHdl, NP_NOWAIT | NP_READMODE_BYTE );
            DosConnectNPipe( RedirHdl );
            DosSetNPHState( RedirHdl, NP_WAIT | NP_READMODE_BYTE );
            RunCmd( &buff[1] );
        case LNK_QUERY:
            max = *(unsigned long *)&buff[1];
            if( max > sizeof( buff ) ) max = sizeof( buff );
            rc = DosPeekNPipe(RedirHdl, buff, 0, &bytes_read,
                        &BytesAvail, &PipeState );
            if( rc == 0 && BytesAvail.cbpipe != 0 ) {
                DosRead( RedirHdl, &buff[1], max, &bytes_read );
                buff[0] = LNK_OUTPUT;
                DosWrite( LnkHdl, buff, bytes_read + 1, &bytes_read );
            } else {
                rc = DosWaitChild( DCWA_PROCESS, DCWW_NOWAIT, &res,
                                        &dummy, ProcId );
                if( rc != ERROR_CHILD_NOT_COMPLETE ) {
                    DosDisConnectNPipe( RedirHdl );
                    SendStatus( res.codeResult );
                    ProcId = 0;
                } else {
                    /* let someone else run */
                    DosSleep( 1 );
                    buff[0] = LNK_NOP;
                    DosWrite( LnkHdl, buff, 1, &bytes_read );
        case LNK_CANCEL:
            DosSendSignalException( ProcId, XCPT_SIGNAL_INTR );
        case LNK_ABORT:
            DosKillProcess( DKP_PROCESSTREE, ProcId );
        case LNK_DONE:
        case LNK_SHUTDOWN:
            exit( 0 );