Exemplo n.º 1
static void DrawArmor(ABasicArmor * barmor, AHexenArmor * harmor, int x, int y)
	int ap = 0;
	int bestslot = 4;

	if (harmor)
		int ac = (harmor->Slots[0] + harmor->Slots[1] + harmor->Slots[2] + harmor->Slots[3] + harmor->Slots[4]);
		ac >>= FRACBITS;
		ap += ac;
		if (ac)
			// Find the part of armor that protects the most
			bestslot = 0;
			for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i)
				if (harmor->Slots[i] > harmor->Slots[bestslot])
					bestslot = i;

	if (barmor)
		ap += barmor->Amount;

	if (ap)
		// decide on color
		int fontcolor =
			ap < hud_armor_red ? CR_RED :
			ap < hud_armor_yellow ? CR_GOLD :
			ap <= hud_armor_green ? CR_GREEN :

		// Use the sprite of one of the predefined Hexen armor bonuses.
		// This is not a very generic approach, but it is not possible
		// to truly create new types of Hexen armor bonus items anyway.
		if (harmor && bestslot < 4)
			char icon[] = "AR_1A0";
			switch (bestslot)
			case 1: icon[3] = '2'; break;
			case 2: icon[3] = '3'; break;
			case 3: icon[3] = '4'; break;
			default: break;
			DrawImageToBox(TexMan.FindTexture(icon, FTexture::TEX_Sprite), x, y, 31, 17);
		else if (barmor) DrawImageToBox(TexMan[barmor->Icon], x, y, 31, 17);
		DrawHudNumber(HudFont, fontcolor, ap, x + 33, y + 17);
Exemplo n.º 2
static void DrawHealth(int health, int x, int y)
	// decide on the color first
	int fontcolor =
		health < hud_health_red ? CR_RED :
		health < hud_health_yellow ? CR_GOLD :
		health <= hud_health_green ? CR_GREEN :
	DrawImageToBox(healthpic, x, y, 31, 17);
	DrawHudNumber(HudFont, fontcolor, health, x + 33, y + 17);
Exemplo n.º 3
static void DrawFrags(player_t * CPlayer, int x, int y)
	// [TP] If we're spectating, we don't have any frags to draw.
	if ( CPlayer->bSpectating )

	// [TP] Depending on the gamemode, we may need to draw something else than frags
	int stat = CPlayer->fragcount;

		stat = CPlayer->ulWins;
	else if ( GAMEMODE_GetCurrentFlags() & GMF_PLAYERSEARNPOINTS )
		stat = CPlayer->lPointCount;

	DrawImageToBox(fragpic, x, y, 31, 17);
	DrawHudNumber(HudFont, CR_GRAY, stat /*CPlayer->fragcount*/, x + 33, y + 17);
Exemplo n.º 4
static void DrawHealth(player_t *CPlayer, int x, int y)
	int health = CPlayer->health;

	// decide on the color first
	int fontcolor =
		health < hud_health_red ? CR_RED :
		health < hud_health_yellow ? CR_GOLD :
		health <= hud_health_green ? CR_GREEN :

	const bool haveBerserk = hud_berserk_health
		&& NULL != berserkpic
		&& NULL != CPlayer->mo->FindInventory< APowerStrength >();

	DrawImageToBox(haveBerserk ? berserkpic : healthpic, x, y, 31, 17);
	DrawHudNumber(HudFont, fontcolor, health, x + 33, y + 17);
Exemplo n.º 5
static void DrawArmor(AInventory * armor, int x, int y)
	if (armor)
		int ap=armor->Amount;

		// decide on color
		int fontcolor =
			ap < hud_armor_red ? CR_RED :
			ap < hud_armor_yellow ? CR_GOLD :
			ap <= hud_armor_green ? CR_GREEN :

		if (ap)
			DrawImageToBox(TexMan[armor->Icon], x, y, 31, 17);
			DrawHudNumber(HudFont, fontcolor, ap, x + 33, y + 17);
Exemplo n.º 6
static void DrawFrags(player_t * CPlayer, int x, int y)
	DrawImageToBox(fragpic, x, y, 31, 17);
	DrawHudNumber(HudFont, CR_GRAY, CPlayer->fragcount, x + 33, y + 17);
void CHudAmmo::Paint( void )
	int r, g, b, a, nUnused;
	int x, y;
	Color clrAmmo;

	if (!ShouldDraw())

	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	C_BaseCombatWeapon *pActiveWeapon = GetActiveWeapon();
	// find and display our current selection

	if ( !pPlayer || !pActiveWeapon )
		hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_primary)", "n/a" );
		hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_secondary)", "n/a" );

	hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(weapon_print_name)", pActiveWeapon ? pActiveWeapon->GetPrintName() : " " );
	hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(weapon_name)", pActiveWeapon ? pActiveWeapon->GetName() : " " );

	if ( ( pActiveWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType() == -1 ) && ( pActiveWeapon->GetSecondaryAmmoType() == -1 ) )

	int nFontWidth	= GetNumberFontWidth();
	int nFontHeight	= GetNumberFontHeight();

	a = (int)max( MIN_ALPHA, m_flFade );

	if ( m_flFade > 0 )
		m_flFade -= ( gpGlobals->frametime * 20 );

	(gHUD.m_clrYellowish).GetColor( r, g, b, nUnused );
	clrAmmo.SetColor( r, g, b, a );

	int nHudElemWidth, nHudElemHeight;
	GetSize( nHudElemWidth, nHudElemHeight );

	// Does this weapon have a clip?
	y = nHudElemHeight - ( nFontHeight * 1.5 );

	// Does weapon have any ammo at all?
	if ( pActiveWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType() != -1 )
		CHudTexture	*icon_ammo = gWR.GetAmmoIconFromWeapon( pActiveWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType() );

		if ( !icon_ammo )

		int nIconWidth	= icon_ammo->Width();
		if ( pActiveWeapon->UsesClipsForAmmo1() )
			// room for the number and the '|' and the current ammo
			x = nHudElemWidth - (8 * nFontWidth) - nIconWidth;
			x = DrawHudNumber( x, y, pActiveWeapon->Clip1(), clrAmmo );

			int nBarWidth = nFontWidth / 10;

			x += nFontWidth / 2;

			(gHUD.m_clrYellowish).GetColor( r, g, b, nUnused );
			clrAmmo.SetColor( r, g, b, a );

			// draw the | bar
			clrAmmo.SetColor( r, g, b, a  );
			vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( clrAmmo );
			vgui::surface()->DrawFilledRect( x, y, x + nBarWidth, y + nFontHeight );

			x += nBarWidth + nFontWidth / 2;

			x = DrawHudNumber( x, y, pPlayer->GetAmmoCount( pActiveWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType() ), clrAmmo );		
			// SPR_Draw a bullets only line
			x = nHudElemWidth - 4 * nFontWidth - nIconWidth;
			x = DrawHudNumber( x, y, pPlayer->GetAmmoCount( pActiveWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType() ), clrAmmo );

		// Draw the ammo Icon
		icon_ammo->DrawSelf( x, y, clrAmmo );

		hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_primary)", VarArgs( "%d", pPlayer->GetAmmoCount( pActiveWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType() ) ) );
		hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_primary)", "n/a" );

	// Does weapon have seconday ammo?
	if ( pActiveWeapon->GetSecondaryAmmoType() != -1 )
		CHudTexture	*icon_ammo = gWR.GetAmmoIconFromWeapon( pActiveWeapon->GetSecondaryAmmoType() );

		if ( !icon_ammo )

		int nIconWidth	= icon_ammo->Width();

		// Do we have secondary ammo?
		if ( pPlayer->GetAmmoCount( pActiveWeapon->GetSecondaryAmmoType() ) > 0 )
			y -= ( nFontHeight * 1.25 );
			x = nHudElemWidth - 4 * nFontWidth - nIconWidth;
			x = DrawHudNumber( x, y, pPlayer->GetAmmoCount( pActiveWeapon->GetSecondaryAmmoType() ), clrAmmo );

			// Draw the ammo Icon
			icon_ammo->DrawSelf( x, y, clrAmmo );

		hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_secondary)", VarArgs( "%d", pPlayer->GetAmmoCount( pActiveWeapon->GetSecondaryAmmoType() ) ) );
		hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_secondary)", "n/a" );
