Exemplo n.º 1
// I don't think it's possible to get 3-digit max life
// without hacking, but I accounted for it anyway.
static void DrawHealth(int xright, int y, Profile *p)
int hx, len;
	hx = xright - 28 - 24;
	if (p->maxhp > 99) { hx -= 8; }
	len = (p->hp > 99) ? 8 : 0;
	draw_sprite(hx-len, y-1, SPR_SS_HEALTH_ICON, 0, 0);
	DrawNumberRAlign(hx+24, y, SPR_WHITENUMBERS, p->hp);
	hx = xright - 4;
	len = (p->maxhp > 99) ? 32 : 24;
	draw_sprite(hx-len, y, SPR_WHITENUMBERS, 11);		// '/' character
	DrawNumberRAlign(hx, y, SPR_WHITENUMBERS, p->maxhp);
Exemplo n.º 2
void DrawStatusBar(void)
int level, curxp, maxxp;
int w, x;
bool maxed_out;

	//debug("%08x", game.bossbar.object);
	//debug("%s", game.bossbar.defeated ? "true" : "false");
	// handle animations etc
	// draw boss bar
	if (game.bossbar.object && !game.bossbar.defeated)
		#define BOSSBAR_W	198
		// BOSS_X = 32 at normal resolution
		#define BOSS_X		((SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) - (BOSSBAR_W / 2) - 29)
		#define BOSS_Y		(SCREEN_HEIGHT-20)
		draw_sprite(BOSS_X, BOSS_Y, SPR_TEXTBOX, 0, 0);
		draw_sprite(BOSS_X, BOSS_Y+8, SPR_TEXTBOX, 2, 0);
		draw_sprite(BOSS_X+8, BOSS_Y+4, SPR_BOSSHPICON, 0, 0);
		// e.g. bosses w/ multiple forms (Ballos)
		if (game.bossbar.object->hp > game.bossbar.starting_hp)
			game.bossbar.starting_hp = game.bossbar.object->hp;
		RunPercentBar(&game.bossbar.bar, game.bossbar.object->hp);
		DrawPercentBar(&game.bossbar.bar, BOSS_X+40, BOSS_Y+5, game.bossbar.object->hp, game.bossbar.starting_hp, BOSSBAR_W);
	if (game.frozen || player->inputs_locked) return;
	if (fade.getstate() != FS_NO_FADE) return;
	if (player->hp)
		if (!player->hurt_flash_state)
			if (!game.debug.god)
				// -- draw the health bar -----------------------------
				draw_sprite(HEALTH_X, HEALTH_Y, SPR_HEALTHBAR, 0, 0);
				DrawPercentBar(&PHealthBar, HEALTHFILL_X, HEALTHFILL_Y, player->hp, player->maxHealth, HEALTHFILL_MAXLEN);
				// draw the health in numbers
				DrawNumberRAlign(HEALTH_X+24, HEALTH_Y, SPR_WHITENUMBERS, PHealthBar.displayed_value);
			// -- draw the XP bar ---------------------------------
			level = player->weapons[player->curWeapon].level;
			curxp = player->weapons[player->curWeapon].xp;
			maxxp = player->weapons[player->curWeapon].max_xp[level];
			if (player->curWeapon == WPN_NONE)
				curxp = 0;
				maxxp = 1;
			// draw XP bar and fill it
			draw_sprite(XPBAR_X+slide.lv_offset, XPBAR_Y, SPR_XPBAR, FRAME_XP_BAR, 0);
			maxed_out = ((curxp == maxxp) && level == 2);
			if (!maxed_out)
				DrawPercentage(XPBAR_X+slide.lv_offset, XPBAR_Y, SPR_XPBAR, FRAME_XP_FILL, curxp, maxxp, sprites[SPR_XPBAR].w);
			// draw the white flashing if we just got more XP
			// the time-left and flash-state are in separate variables--
			// otherwise the Spur will not flash XP bar
			if (statusbar.xpflashcount)
				if (++statusbar.xpflashstate & 2)
					draw_sprite(XPBAR_X+slide.lv_offset, XPBAR_Y, SPR_XPBAR, FRAME_XP_FLASH, 0);
			else statusbar.xpflashstate = 0;
			// draw "MAX"
			if (maxed_out)
				draw_sprite(XPBAR_X+slide.lv_offset, XPBAR_Y, SPR_XPBAR, FRAME_XP_MAX, 0);
			// Level Number
			DrawWeaponLevel(HEALTH_X + slide.lv_offset, XPBAR_Y, player->curWeapon);
		// -- draw the weapon bar -----------------------------
		// draw current weapon
		if (player->curWeapon != WPN_NONE)
			draw_sprite(CURWEAPON_X + slide.wpn_offset, WEAPONBAR_Y, SPR_ARMSICONS, slide.firstWeapon, 0);
		// draw ammo, note we draw ammo of firstweapon NOT current weapon, for slide effect
		DrawWeaponAmmo((AMMO_X + slide.wpn_offset + slide.ammo_offset), AMMO_Y, slide.firstWeapon);
		// draw other weapons
		w = slide.firstWeapon;
		x = STATUS_X + 64 + slide.wpn_offset + 1;
			if (++w >= WPN_COUNT) w = 0;
			if (w==slide.firstWeapon) break;
			if (player->weapons[w].hasWeapon)
				draw_sprite(x, WEAPONBAR_Y, SPR_ARMSICONS, w, RIGHT);
				x += 16;
		DrawAirLeft((SCREEN_WIDTH/2) - (5*8), ((SCREEN_HEIGHT)/2)-16);