Exemplo n.º 1
* OpenDribbleFile: Function will display the common file dialog and
*    will open a dribble file.
void OpenDribbleFile ( HWND hMain, WORD wParam )
{  extern HANDLE hInst;
   char File[256], FileTitle[256], Filter[256];
   UINT i, cbString;
   char Replace;
   HMENU hMenu = GetMenu(hMain);

   if ( !DribbleActive() )
   {  File[0] = '\0';
      memset ( &ofn,0, sizeof (OPENFILENAME));
      ofn.lpstrTitle = "Select CLIPS Dribble File";
      if ((cbString = LoadString ( (HINSTANCE) hInst, IDS_DRIBBLE, Filter, sizeof (Filter))) == 0 )

      Replace = Filter[cbString-1];
      for (i=0; Filter[i] != '\0'; i++)
         if ( Filter[i] == Replace)
	    Filter[i] = '\0';

      ofn.lStructSize = sizeof ( OPENFILENAME );
      ofn.hwndOwner = hMain;
      ofn.lpstrFilter = Filter;
      ofn.nFilterIndex = 1;
      ofn.lpstrFile = File;
      ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof (File );
      ofn.lpstrFileTitle = FileTitle;
      ofn.nMaxFileTitle = sizeof (FileTitle);
      ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL;
      ofn.Flags = OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT;

      if ( GetSaveFileName ( &ofn ) )
      {  UpdateCursor ( WAIT_CURSOR );
         ModifyMenu (hMenu, wParam, MF_BYCOMMAND, wParam, "Turn Dribble Off");
         DribbleOn ( ofn.lpstrFile );
   {  UpdateCursor ( WAIT_CURSOR );
      ModifyMenu (hMenu, wParam, MF_BYCOMMAND, wParam, "Turn Dribble On...");
      DribbleOff( );
Exemplo n.º 2
//Setup all routers. Parse through the WebCLIPS.INI and open
//	all required routers.
int	SetupRouters(void)
	char szRouterList[MAX_SETTINGS_LINE_LEN], *p, szEchoEntry[MAX_ROUTER_NAME_LEN + 4 + 1]; //<router> "Echo" = 4
	char szRouterFile[MAXNAMLEN + 1];
	int iMaxPriority = 40;
	char szRouterTemp[MAX_ROUTER_NAME_LEN + 1], szRouterTemp2[MAX_ROUTER_NAME_LEN + 1];
	struct WebCLIPSRouter *pWCRouter;
	int bSetRouterResult, bResult;

	//Get the list of routers
		g_szScreenName,		// section name
		"RouterList",		// entry name
		"",				// default value
		szRouterList,		// return value
		sizeof(szRouterList),	// max length

	//Set up the standard CLIPS routers : stdout, wdialog, wwarning, werror
	if(InitializeStdCLIPSRouters() != 0)

	//If no additional routers requested then exit
	if(strlen(szRouterList) == 0)

	//Search for '|'. Set each router name in the string array
	p = strtok(szRouterList, "|");
	g_pUDFWebCLIPSRouter = (struct WebCLIPSRouter *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct WebCLIPSRouter));
	pWCRouter = g_pUDFWebCLIPSRouter;
		strcpy(szRouterTemp2, p);
		Trim(szRouterTemp2, szRouterTemp);

		strcpy(szEchoEntry, szRouterTemp);
		strcat(szEchoEntry, "Echo");

		//Get <router>Echo entry
			g_szScreenName,			// section name
			szEchoEntry,			// entry name
			"",					// default value
			szRouterFile,			// return value
			sizeof(szRouterFile),		// max length

		//If router is set to 'no' or is absent then get the next router. Also, if
		//	there is a request for stdout, wdialog, wwarning, werror to be directed
		//	to the screen, then ignore it. These will be handled by automatically.
		//	Also, ignore requests to 'dribble' to screen. The reason is that because
		//	there are no </form> tags any facts that are asserted from a screen actually
		//	get asserted TWICE..this is undesirable
		if(strcasecmp(szRouterFile, "no") == 0 || strlen(szRouterFile) == 0 ||
		  (strcasecmp(szRouterFile, "screen") == 0 && 
			(strcasecmp(szRouterTemp, "stdout") == 0 ||
			 strcasecmp(szRouterTemp, "dribble") == 0 ||
			 strcasecmp(szRouterTemp, "wdialog") == 0 ||
			 strcasecmp(szRouterTemp, "wwarning") == 0||
			 strcasecmp(szRouterTemp, "werror") == 0)))
			p = strtok(NULL, "|");

		//Set the name of the router.
		pWCRouter->szRouter = (char *)malloc(strlen(szRouterTemp) + 1);
		if (!pWCRouter->szRouter)
			ProcessErrorCode("ROUT0003", szRouterTemp, 'n', 'n');
		strcpy(pWCRouter->szRouter, szRouterTemp);

		//If router is to be directed to the screen, then get a
		//	temporary file name else use the entry in WebCLIPS.INI
		if(strcasecmp(szRouterFile, "screen") == 0)
			pWCRouter->cDestination = WCRouter_ToScreen;

			//Generate temporary filename.
			bResult = GenerateTempFileName(&pWCRouter->szRouterFileName);
			if(bResult == FALSE)
				ProcessErrorCode("ROUT0001", szRouterFile, 'n', 'n');
			pWCRouter->cDestination = WCRouter_ToFile;

			pWCRouter->szRouterFileName = (char *)malloc(strlen(szRouterFile) + 1);
			if (!pWCRouter->szRouterFileName)
				ProcessErrorCode("ROUT0003", szRouterFile, 'n', 'n');
			strcpy(pWCRouter->szRouterFileName, szRouterFile);

		//Router request for dribble.
		if(strcasecmp(szRouterTemp, "dribble") == 0)
			bSetRouterResult = DribbleOn(pWCRouter->szRouterFileName);
			if(bSetRouterResult == FALSE) //Error, process error and end program
				ProcessErrorCode("DRBL0002", szRouterFile, 'n', 'n');
			pWCRouter->cRouterType = WCRouter_Dribble;
			if((pWCRouter->fp = fopen(pWCRouter->szRouterFileName, "wb")) == NULL)
				ProcessErrorCode("ROUT0003", pWCRouter->szRouterFileName, 'n', 'n');
			pWCRouter->cRouterType = WCRouter_Userdefined;

		//System-defined router. Set priority appropriately
		if(strcasecmp(szRouterTemp, "wclips") == 0  || strcasecmp(szRouterTemp, "wtrace") == 0 ||
		   strcasecmp(szRouterTemp, "wagenda") == 0 || strcasecmp(szRouterTemp, "stdout") == 0 ||
		   strcasecmp(szRouterTemp, "wdialog") == 0 || strcasecmp(szRouterTemp, "wwarning") == 0 ||
		   strcasecmp(szRouterTemp, "werror") == 0  || strcasecmp(szRouterTemp, "wdisplay") == 0)
		   iMaxPriority = 20;

		//Get next router
		p = &p[strlen(p) + 1];
		p = strtok(p, "|");

		//If there is another router to process, then allocate space for it
		if(p != NULL)
			pWCRouter->pNextRouter = (struct WebCLIPSRouter *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct WebCLIPSRouter));
			pWCRouter = pWCRouter->pNextRouter;

	} // while(p)

	if(AddRouter(USERDEFINED_ROUTER, iMaxPriority, UDFWCQuery, UDFWCPrint, NULL, NULL, UDFWCExit) == 0)
		ProcessErrorCode("ROUT0005", "User-Defined WebCLIPS Routers", 'n', 'n');
