Exemplo n.º 1
	void do_bump_map(
		//const eiScalar i_bumpValue,
		//const eiScalar i_bumpDepth,
		const normal& i_normalCamera,
		normal& o_outNormal )
		eiScalar LOW = -1.0f, HEIGHT=1.0f;
		eiScalar offset = clamp(bumpValue(), LOW, HEIGHT) * abs(bumpDepth());

		//Du_offset=d(offset)/du, Dv_offset=d(offset)/dv
		eiScalar Du_offset, Dv_offset;
		eiScalar DbumpValue_du, DbumpValue_dv;
		eiScalar DbumpDepth_du, DbumpDepth_dv;		
		Du(bumpValue, DbumpValue_du);
		Dv(bumpValue, DbumpValue_dv);
		Du(bumpDepth, DbumpDepth_du);
		Dv(bumpDepth, DbumpDepth_dv);
		Du_offset = D_clamp(bumpValue(), LOW,HEIGHT) * DbumpValue_du      * abs(bumpDepth()) 
			        + clamp(bumpValue(), LOW,HEIGHT) * D_abs(bumpDepth()) * DbumpDepth_du;
		Dv_offset = D_clamp(bumpValue(), LOW,HEIGHT) * DbumpValue_dv      * abs(bumpDepth()) 
			        + clamp(bumpValue(), LOW,HEIGHT) * D_abs(bumpDepth()) * DbumpDepth_dv;
		These scale factors are a bit experimental. The constant is to roughly
		match maya's bump mapping. The part about dPdu/dPdv ensures that the
		bump's scale does not depend on the underlying parametrization of the
		patch (the use of Du and Dv below introduce that) and that it happens
		in object space. Note that maya's handling of object space appears to
		be slightly broken since an enlarged sphere will have the same bump as
		a sphere with its control points moved outwards by a scale, somehow.
		matrix toLocal = to_object();
		eiScalar uscale = 1.0f / len(&(dPdu() * toLocal)) * 6.0f;
		eiScalar vscale = 1.0f / len(&(dPdv() * toLocal)) * 6.0f;

		vector gu = vector(1.0f, 0.0f, Du_offset * uscale);
		vector gv = vector(0.0f, 1.0f, Dv_offset * vscale);
		normal n = normal(gu ^ gv);

		vector basisz = normalize(i_normalCamera);
		vector basisx = normalize((basisz ^ dPdu()) ^ basisz);
		vector basisy = normalize((basisz ^ dPdv()) ^ basisz);

		o_outNormal = normal(
			n.x * basisx + n.y * basisy + n.z * basisz);

		o_outNormal = normalize(o_outNormal);
void RigidResponseMethodBLCP<Scalar, Dim>::collisionResponse()
    unsigned int m = this->rigid_driver_->numContactPoint();//m: number of contact points
    unsigned int n = this->rigid_driver_->numRigidBody();//n: number of rigid bodies
    if(m == 0 || n == 0)//no collision or no rigid body

    unsigned int dof = n * (Dim + RotationDof<Dim>::degree);//DoF(Degree of Freedom) of a rigid-body system
    unsigned int fric_sample_count = 2;//count of friction sample directions
    unsigned int s = m * fric_sample_count;//s: number of friction sample. Here a square sample is adopted
    CompressedJacobianMatrix<Scalar, Dim> J(m, n);//Jacobian matrix. (m, dof) dimension when uncompressed, (m, 12) dimension after compression
    CompressedJacobianMatrix<Scalar, Dim> D(s, n);//Jacobian matrix of friction. (s, dof) dimension when uncompressed, (s, 12) dimension after compression
    CompressedInertiaMatrix<Scalar, Dim> M(n);//inertia matrix. (dof, dof) dimension when uncompressed, (dof, 6) dimension after compression
    CompressedInertiaMatrix<Scalar, Dim> M_inv(n);//inversed inertia matrix. (dof, dof) dimension when uncompressed, (dof, 6) dimension after compression
    CompressedJacobianMatrix<Scalar, Dim> MJ(n, m);//M * J. (dof, m) dimension when uncompressed, (12, m) dimension after compression
    CompressedJacobianMatrix<Scalar, Dim> MD(n, s);//M * D. (dof, s) dimension when uncompressed, (12, s) dimension after compression
    VectorND<Scalar> v(dof, 0);//generalized velocity of the system
    VectorND<Scalar> Jv(m, 0);//normal relative velocity of each contact point (for normal contact impulse calculation)
    VectorND<Scalar> post_Jv(m, 0);//expected post-impact normal relative velocity of each contact point (for normal contact impulse calculation)
    VectorND<Scalar> Dv(s, 0);//tangent relative velocity of each contact point (for frictional contact impulse calculation)
    VectorND<Scalar> CoR(m, 0);//coefficient of restitution (for normal contact impulse calculation)
    VectorND<Scalar> CoF(s, 0);//coefficient of friction (for frictional contact impulse calculation)
    VectorND<Scalar> z_norm(m, 0);//normal contact impulse. The key of collision response
    VectorND<Scalar> z_fric(s, 0);//frictional contact impulse. The key of collision response

    RigidBodyDriverUtility<Scalar, Dim>::computeMassMatrix(this->rigid_driver_, M, M_inv);
    RigidBodyDriverUtility<Scalar, Dim>::computeJacobianMatrix(this->rigid_driver_, J);
    RigidBodyDriverUtility<Scalar, Dim>::computeFricJacobianMatrix(this->rigid_driver_, D);
    RigidBodyDriverUtility<Scalar, Dim>::computeGeneralizedVelocity(this->rigid_driver_, v);
    //compute other matrix in need
    CompressedJacobianMatrix<Scalar, Dim> J_T = J;
    J_T = J.transpose();
    CompressedJacobianMatrix<Scalar, Dim> D_T = D;
    D_T = D.transpose();
    MJ = M_inv * J_T;
    MD = M_inv * D_T;
    Jv = J * v;
    Dv = D * v;

    //update CoR and CoF
    RigidBodyDriverUtility<Scalar, Dim>::computeCoefficient(this->rigid_driver_, CoR, CoF);
    //calculate the expected post-impact velocity
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
        post_Jv[i] = -Jv[i] * CoR[i];

    //solve BLCP with PGS. z_norm and z_fric are the unknown variables
    RigidBodyDriverUtility<Scalar, Dim>::solveBLCPWithPGS(this->rigid_driver_, J, D, MJ, MD, Jv, post_Jv, Dv, z_norm, z_fric, CoR, CoF, 20);
    //apply impulse
    RigidBodyDriverUtility<Scalar, Dim>::applyImpulse(this->rigid_driver_, z_norm, z_fric, J_T, D_T);
Exemplo n.º 3
void OpticalFlow::baseCalculate(cv::Mat& Im1, cv::Mat& Im2, flowUV& UV, const OpticalFlowParams& params){
	int rows = Im1.rows;
	int cols = Im1.cols;

	FlowOperator flowOp(rows, cols);
	FArray X0(2 * rows * cols, false);	

	FArray dUdV(2 * rows * cols, true, 0);
	cv::Mat Ix1(rows, cols, OPTFLOW_TYPE);
	cv::Mat Iy1(rows, cols, OPTFLOW_TYPE); 
	cv::Mat Ix(rows, cols, OPTFLOW_TYPE);
	cv::Mat Iy(rows, cols, OPTFLOW_TYPE); 
	getDXsCV(Im1, Ix1, Iy1);
	for (int i = 0; i < params.getIters(); ++i){
		cv::Mat Ix2(rows, cols, OPTFLOW_TYPE);
		cv::Mat Iy2(rows, cols, OPTFLOW_TYPE); 
		cv::Mat It(rows, cols, OPTFLOW_TYPE); 

		cv::Mat im2Warpped(rows, cols, Im1.type());
		WarpImage(Im2, UV.getU(), UV.getV(), im2Warpped);	
		getDXsCV(im2Warpped, Ix2, Iy2);
		Ix = params.getWeightedDeriveFactor() * (Ix1 + Ix2);
		Iy = params.getWeightedDeriveFactor() * (Iy1 + Iy2);
		cv::subtract(im2Warpped, Im1, It);

		if (params.getDisplayDerivativs()){
			cv::imshow("Derivative Ix", Ix);
			cv::imshow("Derivative Iy", Iy);
		cv::Mat Du(rows, cols, OPTFLOW_TYPE, cv::Scalar(0));
		cv::Mat Dv(rows, cols, OPTFLOW_TYPE, cv::Scalar(0));

		for (int j = 0; j < params.getLinearIters(); ++j){
			cout << "solving Ax=b with SOR ";
			clock_t start = std::clock();	
			flowOp.construct(UV, Du, Dv, Ix, Iy, It, params);
			memcpy(X0.ptr, UV.getU().data, rows * cols * sizeof(float));
			memcpy(X0.ptr + (rows * cols), UV.getV().data, rows * cols * sizeof(float));
			//UtilsDebug::printCRSSparseMat(flowOp.getA(), "aaaa.txt");
			if (params.getCheckResidualTolerance()){
				LinearSolver::sparseMatSor(flowOp.getA(), X0 ,dUdV, flowOp.getb(), params.getOverRelaxation(), params.getSorIters(), params.getResidualTolerance());
				//LinearSolver::multigrid(10,10,flowOp.getA(),flowOp.getb(), params.getResidualTolerance(), dUdV, 20, 20, LinearSolver::vCycle);
				LinearSolver::sparseMatSorNoResidual(flowOp.getA(), X0 ,dUdV, flowOp.getb(), params.getOverRelaxation(), params.getSorIters());
		std::cout<<" --- "<< (std::clock() - start) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC <<'\n';

			for(int i = 0; i < dUdV.size(); ++i){
				if (!(dUdV.ptr[i] == dUdV.ptr[i])){
					cout << "ERROR - NAN";

			UtilsMat::clamp(dUdV, -1, 1);

			memcpy(Du.data, dUdV.ptr, rows * cols * sizeof(float));
			memcpy(Dv.data, dUdV.ptr + (rows * cols), rows * cols * sizeof(float));
			flowUV UV0(UV);
			UV.getU() += Du;
			UV.getV() += Dv;

			cv::Mat tmpU, tmpV;

			WeightedMedianFilter::computeMedianFilter(UV.getU(), UV.getV(), Im1, Im2, params.getMedianFilterRadius());

			Du = UV.getU() - UV0.getU();
			Dv = UV.getV() - UV0.getV();


			UV0.getU() += Du;
			UV0.getV() += Dv;
			if (params.isDisplay())
				UtilsFlow::DrawFlow(UV0.getU(), UV0.getV(), "Flow");
		UV.getU() += Du;
		UV.getV() += Dv;
Exemplo n.º 4
NurbsSurfaceSP<T,N> NurbsSurfaceSP<T,N>::generateParallel(T d) const {
  NurbsSurfaceSP<T,N> p(*this) ;

  Vector< Point_nD<T,N> > offset(this->P.rows()*this->P.cols()) ;
  Vector<T> ur(this->P.rows()*this->P.cols()) ;
  Vector<T> vr(this->P.rows()*this->P.cols()) ;
  Vector_INT Du(this->P.rows()*this->P.cols()) ;
  Vector_INT Dv(this->P.rows()*this->P.cols()) ;

  Du.reset(0) ;
  Dv.reset(0) ;

  int i,j,no ;

  no = 0 ;

      Point_nD<T,N> norm ;
      norm = normal(maxAtU_[i],maxAtV_[j]) ;
      if(norm.x() == T(0) && 
	 norm.y() == T(0) &&
	 norm.z() == T(0)){
	// normal is undefined there...
	// compute an average and find a suitable normal
	const T delta = 0.00001 ;
	// must handle the corner cases
	int ok = 0 ; 
	if(i==0 && j==0){
	  norm = normal(maxAtU_[i]+delta,maxAtV_[j]) ;
	  norm += normal(maxAtU_[i],maxAtV_[j]+delta) ;
	  norm /= T(2) ;
	  ok = 1 ;
	if(i==this->P.rows()-1 && j==this->P.cols()-1){
	  norm = normal(maxAtU_[i]-delta,maxAtV_[j]) ;
	  norm += normal(maxAtU_[i],maxAtV_[j]-delta) ;
	  norm /= T(2) ;
	  ok = 1 ;
	if(i==0 && j==this->P.cols()-1){
	  norm = normal(maxAtU_[i]-delta,maxAtV_[j]) ;
	  norm += normal(maxAtU_[i],maxAtV_[j]+delta) ;
	  norm /= T(2) ;
	  ok = 1 ;
	if(i==this->P.rows()-1 && j==0){
	  norm = normal(maxAtU_[i]-delta,maxAtV_[j]) ;
	  norm += normal(maxAtU_[i],maxAtV_[j]+delta) ;
	  norm /= T(2) ;
	  ok = 1 ;
	  T nt = 1.0 ; 
	  while(norm.x() == T(0) && 
	     norm.y() == T(0) &&
	     norm.z() == T(0)){
	    if( nt*d >(this->U[this->U.n()-1]-this->U[0])){
	      throw NurbsComputationError();
	      Error error("generateParallel");
	      error << "Can't compute a normal point.\n" ;
	      error.fatal() ;
	    T u1,u2,v1,v2 ;
	    if(i==0 || i==this->P.rows()-1){
	      u1 = u2 = maxAtU_[i] ;
	      v1 = maxAtV_[j]+ nt*delta ;
	      v2 = maxAtV_[j]- nt*delta ;
	      if(v1>this->V[this->V.n()-1]) v1 = this->V[this->V.n()-1] ;
	      if(v2<this->V[0]) v2 = this->V[0] ;
	      norm = normal(u1,v1);
	      norm += normal(u2,v2) ;
	      norm /= 2 ; 
	      u1 = maxAtU_[i]- nt*delta ;
	      u2 = maxAtU_[i]+ nt*delta ;
	      v1 = v2 = maxAtV_[j] ;
	      if(u1 < this->U[0]) u1 = this->U[0] ;
	      if(u2 > this->U[this->U.n()-1]) u2 = this->U[this->U.n()-1] ;

	      T u3,v3 ;
	      u3 = maxAtU_[i] ;
		v3 = maxAtV_[j]+ nt*delta ;
		v3 = maxAtV_[j]- nt*delta ;

	      if(v3<this->V[0]) v3 = this->V[0] ;
	      if(v3>this->V[this->V.n()-1]) v3 = this->V[this->V.n()-1] ;

	      norm = normal(u1,v1);
	      norm += normal(u2,v2) ;
	      norm += normal(u3,v3) ;
	      norm /= 3 ; 
	    nt *= 10.0 ; 
      Point_nD<T,N> unit = norm.unitLength();
      unit *= d ;
      //HPoint_nD<T,N> offset(unit ) ;
      //offset.w() = 0.0 ; 
      //p.modSurfCPby(i,j,offset) ;
      Du[no] = i ;
      Dv[no] = j ;
      offset[no] = unit ;
      ++no ;

  p.movePoint(maxAtU_,maxAtV_,offset,Du,Dv) ;

  return p ;