Exemplo n.º 1
MediaBuffer* MidiEngine::readBuffer() {
    EAS_STATE state;
    EAS_State(mEasData, mEasHandle, &state);
    if ((state == EAS_STATE_STOPPED) || (state == EAS_STATE_ERROR)) {
        return NULL;
    MediaBuffer *buffer;
    status_t err = mGroup->acquire_buffer(&buffer);
    if (err != OK) {
        ALOGE("readBuffer: no buffer");
        return NULL;
    EAS_I32 timeMs;
    EAS_GetLocation(mEasData, mEasHandle, &timeMs);
    int64_t timeUs = 1000ll * timeMs;
    buffer->meta_data()->setInt64(kKeyTime, timeUs);

    EAS_PCM* p = (EAS_PCM*) buffer->data();
    int numBytesOutput = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_COMBINE_BUFFERS; i++) {
        EAS_I32 numRendered;
        EAS_RESULT result = EAS_Render(mEasData, p, mEasConfig->mixBufferSize, &numRendered);
        if (result != EAS_SUCCESS) {
            ALOGE("EAS_Render returned %ld", result);
        p += numRendered * mEasConfig->numChannels;
        numBytesOutput += numRendered * mEasConfig->numChannels * sizeof(EAS_PCM);
    buffer->set_range(0, numBytesOutput);
    ALOGV("readBuffer: returning %zd in buffer %p", buffer->range_length(), buffer);
    return buffer;
status_t MidiFile::start()
    Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);
    if (!mEasHandle) {
        return ERROR_NOT_OPEN;

    if (mState == EAS_STATE_STOPPED) {
        int mStartTime = (mPlayTime >= mDuration) ? 0 : mPlayTime;
        if (EAS_Locate(mEasData, mEasHandle, mStartTime, false)
                != EAS_SUCCESS) {
            ALOGE("EAS_Locate failed");
            return ERROR_EAS_FAILURE;
        EAS_GetLocation(mEasData, mEasHandle, &mPlayTime);

    // resuming after pause?
    if (mPaused) {
        if (EAS_Resume(mEasData, mEasHandle) != EAS_SUCCESS) {
            return ERROR_EAS_FAILURE;
        mPaused = false;

    mRender = true;
    // Due to the limitation of EAS_XXX interfaces design, there's no way
    // to restart midi playback again once last track reaches EOS.
    // Here introduces a hack to enforce start again
    mState = EAS_STATE_PLAY;
    if (mState == EAS_STATE_PLAY) {

    // wake up render thread
    ALOGV("  wakeup render thread");
    return NO_ERROR;
status_t MidiFile::seekTo(int position)
    ALOGV("MidiFile::seekTo %d", position);
    // hold lock during EAS calls
        Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);
        if (!mEasHandle) {
            return ERROR_NOT_OPEN;
        EAS_RESULT result;
        if ((result = EAS_Locate(mEasData, mEasHandle, position, false))
                != EAS_SUCCESS)
            ALOGE("EAS_Locate returned %ld", result);
            return ERROR_EAS_FAILURE;
        EAS_GetLocation(mEasData, mEasHandle, &mPlayTime);
    return NO_ERROR;
int MidiFile::render() {
    EAS_I32 count;
    int temp;
    bool audioStarted = false;


    // allocate render buffer
    mAudioBuffer = new EAS_PCM[pLibConfig->mixBufferSize * pLibConfig->numChannels * NUM_BUFFERS];
    if (!mAudioBuffer) {
        ALOGE("mAudioBuffer allocate failed");
        goto threadExit;

    // signal main thread that we started
        Mutex::Autolock l(mMutex);
        mTid = gettid();
        ALOGV("render thread(%d) signal", mTid);

    while (1) {

        // nothing to render, wait for client thread to wake us up
        while (!mRender && !mExit)
            ALOGV("MidiFile::render - signal wait");
            ALOGV("MidiFile::render - signal rx'd");
        if (mExit) {

        // render midi data into the input buffer
        //ALOGV("MidiFile::render - rendering audio");
        int num_output = 0;
        EAS_PCM* p = mAudioBuffer;
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BUFFERS; i++) {
            result = EAS_Render(mEasData, p, pLibConfig->mixBufferSize, &count);
            if (result != EAS_SUCCESS) {
                ALOGE("EAS_Render returned %ld", result);
            p += count * pLibConfig->numChannels;
            num_output += count * pLibConfig->numChannels * sizeof(EAS_PCM);

        // update playback state and position
        // ALOGV("MidiFile::render - updating state");
        EAS_GetLocation(mEasData, mEasHandle, &mPlayTime);
        EAS_State(mEasData, mEasHandle, &mState);

        // create audio output track if necessary
        if (!mAudioSink->ready()) {
            ALOGV("MidiFile::render - create output track");
            if (createOutputTrack() != NO_ERROR)
                goto threadExit;

        // Write data to the audio hardware
        // ALOGV("MidiFile::render - writing to audio output");
        if ((temp = mAudioSink->write(mAudioBuffer, num_output)) < 0) {
            ALOGE("Error in writing:%d",temp);
            return temp;

        // start audio output if necessary
        if (!audioStarted) {
            //ALOGV("MidiFile::render - starting audio");
            audioStarted = true;

        // still playing?
        if ((mState == EAS_STATE_STOPPED) || (mState == EAS_STATE_ERROR) ||
                (mState == EAS_STATE_PAUSED))
            switch(mState) {
            case EAS_STATE_STOPPED:
                ALOGV("MidiFile::render - stopped");
                mPlayTime = mDuration;
            case EAS_STATE_ERROR:
                ALOGE("MidiFile::render - error");
                sendEvent(MEDIA_ERROR, MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN);
            case EAS_STATE_PAUSED:
                ALOGV("MidiFile::render - paused");
            audioStarted = false;
            mRender = false;

    if (mAudioBuffer) {
        delete [] mAudioBuffer;
        mAudioBuffer = NULL;
    mTid = -1;
    return result;
static EAS_RESULT PlayFile (EAS_DATA_HANDLE easData, const char* filename, const char* outputFile, const S_EAS_LIB_CONFIG *pLibConfig, void *buffer, EAS_I32 bufferSize)
	EAS_HANDLE handle;
	EAS_RESULT result, reportResult;
	EAS_I32 count;
	EAS_STATE state;
	EAS_I32 playTime;
	char waveFilename[256];
	WAVE_FILE *wFile;
	EAS_PCM *p;
	EAS_FILE file;

	/* determine the name of the output file */
	wFile = NULL;
	if (outputFile == NULL)
		StrCopy(waveFilename, filename, sizeof(waveFilename));
		if (!ChangeFileExt(waveFilename, "wav", sizeof(waveFilename)))
			{ /* dpp: EAS_ReportEx(_EAS_SEVERITY_ERROR, "Error in output filename %s\n", waveFilename); */ }
			return EAS_FAILURE;
		outputFile = waveFilename;

	/* call EAS library to open file */
	file.path = filename;
	file.fd = 0;
	if ((reportResult = EAS_OpenFile(easData, &file, &handle)) != EAS_SUCCESS)
		{ /* dpp: EAS_ReportEx(_EAS_SEVERITY_ERROR, "EAS_OpenFile returned %ld\n", reportResult); */ }
		return reportResult;

	/* prepare to play the file */
	if ((result = EAS_Prepare(easData, handle)) != EAS_SUCCESS)
		{ /* dpp: EAS_ReportEx(_EAS_SEVERITY_ERROR, "EAS_Prepare returned %ld\n", result); */ }
		reportResult = result;

	/* get play length */
	if ((result = EAS_ParseMetaData(easData, handle, &playTime)) != EAS_SUCCESS)
		{ /* dpp: EAS_ReportEx(_EAS_SEVERITY_ERROR, "EAS_ParseMetaData returned %ld\n", result); */ }
		return result;
	EAS_ReportEx(_EAS_SEVERITY_NOFILTER, 0xe624f4d9, 0x00000005 , playTime / 1000, playTime % 1000);

	if (reportResult == EAS_SUCCESS)
		/* create the output file */
		wFile = WaveFileCreate(outputFile, pLibConfig->numChannels, pLibConfig->sampleRate, sizeof(EAS_PCM) * 8);
		if (!wFile)
			{ /* dpp: EAS_ReportEx(_EAS_SEVERITY_ERROR, "Unable to create output file %s\n", waveFilename); */ }
			reportResult = EAS_FAILURE;

	/* rendering loop */
	while (reportResult == EAS_SUCCESS)

		/* we may render several buffers here to fill one host buffer */
		for (i = 0, p = buffer; i < NUM_BUFFERS; i++, p+= pLibConfig->mixBufferSize * pLibConfig->numChannels)
			/* get the current time */
			if ((result = EAS_GetLocation(easData, handle, &playTime)) != EAS_SUCCESS)
				{ /* dpp: EAS_ReportEx(_EAS_SEVERITY_ERROR, "EAS_GetLocation returned %d\n",result); */ }
				if (reportResult == EAS_SUCCESS)
					reportResult = result;
			{ /* dpp: EAS_ReportEx(_EAS_SEVERITY_DETAIL, "Parser time: %d.%03d\n", playTime / 1000, playTime % 1000); */ }

			/* render a buffer of audio */
			if ((result = EAS_Render(easData, p, pLibConfig->mixBufferSize, &count)) != EAS_SUCCESS)
				{ /* dpp: EAS_ReportEx(_EAS_SEVERITY_ERROR, "EAS_Render returned %d\n",result); */ }
				if (reportResult == EAS_SUCCESS)
					reportResult = result;

		if (result == EAS_SUCCESS)
			/* write it to the wave file */
			if (WaveFileWrite(wFile, buffer, bufferSize) != bufferSize)
				{ /* dpp: EAS_ReportEx(_EAS_SEVERITY_ERROR, "WaveFileWrite failed\n"); */ }
				reportResult = EAS_FAILURE;

		if (reportResult == EAS_SUCCESS)
			/* check stream state */
			if ((result = EAS_State(easData, handle, &state)) != EAS_SUCCESS)
				{ /* dpp: EAS_ReportEx(_EAS_SEVERITY_ERROR, "EAS_State returned %d\n", result); */ }
				reportResult = result;

			/* is playback complete */
			if ((state == EAS_STATE_STOPPED) || (state == EAS_STATE_ERROR))

	/* close the output file */
	if (wFile)
		if (!WaveFileClose(wFile))
			{ /* dpp: EAS_ReportEx(_EAS_SEVERITY_ERROR, "Error closing wave file %s\n", waveFilename); */ }
			if (reportResult == EAS_SUCCESS)
				result = EAS_FAILURE;
	/* close the input file */
	if ((result = EAS_CloseFile(easData,handle)) != EAS_SUCCESS)
		{ /* dpp: EAS_ReportEx(_EAS_SEVERITY_ERROR, "EAS_Close returned %ld\n", result); */ }
		if (reportResult == EAS_SUCCESS)
			result = EAS_FAILURE;

	return reportResult;
} /* end PlayFile */