Exemplo n.º 1
static int output_toggle_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
	Object *ob = ED_object_context(C);
	Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
	DynamicPaintSurface *surface;
	DynamicPaintModifierData *pmd = (DynamicPaintModifierData *)modifiers_findByType(ob, eModifierType_DynamicPaint);
	int output= RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "output"); /* currently only 1/0 */

	if (!pmd || !pmd->canvas) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED;
	surface = get_activeSurface(pmd->canvas);

	/* if type is already enabled, toggle it off */
	if (surface->format == MOD_DPAINT_SURFACE_F_VERTEX) {
		int exists = dynamicPaint_outputLayerExists(surface, ob, output);
		const char *name;
		if (output == 0)
			name = surface->output_name;
			name = surface->output_name2;

		/* Vertex Color Layer */
		if (surface->type == MOD_DPAINT_SURFACE_T_PAINT) {
			if (!exists)
				ED_mesh_color_add(C, scene, ob, ob->data, name, 1);
				ED_mesh_color_remove_named(C, ob, ob->data, name);
		/* Vertex Weight Layer */
		else if (surface->type == MOD_DPAINT_SURFACE_T_WEIGHT) {
			if (!exists) {
				ED_vgroup_add_name(ob, name);
			else {
				bDeformGroup *defgroup = defgroup_find_name(ob, name);
				if (defgroup) ED_vgroup_delete(ob, defgroup);

Exemplo n.º 2
bDeformGroup *ED_vgroup_add(Object *ob) 
	return ED_vgroup_add_name(ob, "Group");
Exemplo n.º 3
void SkinInfo::link_armature(bContext *C, Object *ob, std::map<COLLADAFW::UniqueId, COLLADAFW::Node*>& joint_by_uid,
				   TransformReader *tm)
	Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
	Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);

	ModifierData *md = ED_object_modifier_add(NULL, bmain, scene, ob, NULL, eModifierType_Armature);
	((ArmatureModifierData *)md)->object = ob_arm;

	copy_m4_m4(ob->obmat, bind_shape_matrix);
	object_apply_mat4(ob, ob->obmat, 0, 0);
#if 1
	bc_set_parent(ob, ob_arm, C);
	Object workob;
	ob->parent = ob_arm;
	ob->partype = PAROBJECT;

	what_does_parent(scene, ob, &workob);
	invert_m4_m4(ob->parentinv, workob.obmat);


	DAG_scene_sort(bmain, scene);
	DAG_ids_flush_update(bmain, 0);
	WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT|ND_TRANSFORM, NULL);

	((bArmature*)ob_arm->data)->deformflag = ARM_DEF_VGROUP;

	// create all vertex groups
	std::vector<JointData>::iterator it;
	int joint_index;
	for (it = joint_data.begin(), joint_index = 0; it != joint_data.end(); it++, joint_index++) {
		const char *name = "Group";

		// skip joints that have invalid UID
		if ((*it).joint_uid == COLLADAFW::UniqueId::INVALID) continue;
		// name group by joint node name
		if (joint_by_uid.find((*it).joint_uid) != joint_by_uid.end()) {
			name = bc_get_joint_name(joint_by_uid[(*it).joint_uid]);

		ED_vgroup_add_name(ob, (char*)name);

	// <vcount> - number of joints per vertex - joints_per_vertex
	// <v> - [[bone index, weight index] * joints per vertex] * vertices - weight indices
	// ^ bone index can be -1 meaning weight toward bind shape, how to express this in Blender?

	// for each vertex in weight indices
	//	for each bone index in vertex
	//		add vertex to group at group index
	//		treat group index -1 specially

	// get def group by index with BLI_findlink

	for (unsigned int vertex = 0, weight = 0; vertex < joints_per_vertex.getCount(); vertex++) {

		unsigned int limit = weight + joints_per_vertex[vertex];
		for ( ; weight < limit; weight++) {
			int joint = joint_indices[weight], joint_weight = weight_indices[weight];

			// -1 means "weight towards the bind shape", we just don't assign it to any group
			if (joint != -1) {
				bDeformGroup *def = (bDeformGroup*)BLI_findlink(&ob->defbase, joint);

				ED_vgroup_vert_add(ob, def, vertex, weights[joint_weight], WEIGHT_REPLACE);