void NiceConnection::updateIceState(IceState state) { { // New scope for our lock boost::unique_lock<boost::recursive_mutex> lock(stateMutex_); if(iceState_==state) return; ELOG_INFO("%s - NICE State Changing from %u to %u %p", transportName->c_str(), this->iceState_, state, this); this->iceState_ = state; switch( iceState_) { case NICE_FINISHED: return; case NICE_FAILED: this->running_=false; break; case NICE_READY: char ipaddr[NICE_ADDRESS_STRING_LEN]; NiceCandidate* local, *remote; nice_agent_get_selected_pair(agent_, 1, 1, &local, &remote); nice_address_to_string(&local->addr, ipaddr); ELOG_INFO("Selected pair:\nlocal candidate addr: %s:%d",ipaddr, nice_address_get_port(&local->addr)); nice_address_to_string(&remote->addr, ipaddr); ELOG_INFO("remote candidate addr: %s:%d",ipaddr, nice_address_get_port(&remote->addr)); break; default: break; } } // Important: send this outside our state lock. Otherwise, serious risk of deadlock. if (this->listener_ != NULL) this->listener_->updateIceState(state, this); }
MediaStream::MediaStream( std::shared_ptr<WebRtcConnection> connection, const std::string& media_stream_id) : audio_enabled_{false}, video_enabled_{false}, connection_{connection}, stream_id_{media_stream_id}, bundle_{false}, pipeline_{Pipeline::create()}, audio_muted_{false}, video_muted_{false}, pipeline_initialized_{false} { setVideoSinkSSRC(kDefaultVideoSinkSSRC); setAudioSinkSSRC(kDefaultAudioSinkSSRC); ELOG_INFO("%s message: constructor, id: %s", toLog(), media_stream_id.c_str()); source_fb_sink_ = this; sink_fb_source_ = this; stats_ = connection->getStatsService(); quality_manager_ = std::make_shared<QualityManager>(); packet_buffer_ = std::make_shared<PacketBufferService>(); worker_ = connection->getWorker(); rtcp_processor_ = std::make_shared<RtcpForwarder>(static_cast<MediaSink*>(this), static_cast<MediaSource*>(this)); should_send_feedback_ = true; slide_show_mode_ = false; mark_ = clock::now(); rate_control_ = 0; sending_ = true; }
CandidatePair NiceConnection::getSelectedPair(){ char ipaddr[NICE_ADDRESS_STRING_LEN]; CandidatePair selectedPair; NiceCandidate* local, *remote; nice_agent_get_selected_pair(agent_, 1, 1, &local, &remote); nice_address_to_string(&local->addr, ipaddr); selectedPair.erizoCandidateIp = std::string(ipaddr); selectedPair.erizoCandidatePort = nice_address_get_port(&local->addr); ELOG_INFO("Selected pair:\nlocal candidate addr: %s:%d",ipaddr, nice_address_get_port(&local->addr)); nice_address_to_string(&remote->addr, ipaddr); selectedPair.clientCandidateIp = std::string(ipaddr); selectedPair.clientCandidatePort = nice_address_get_port(&remote->addr); ELOG_INFO("remote candidate addr: %s:%d",ipaddr, nice_address_get_port(&remote->addr)); return selectedPair; }
void NiceConnection::updateIceState(IceState state) { if(iceState_==state) return; ELOG_INFO("%s - NICE State Changing from %u to %u %p", transportName->c_str(), this->iceState_, state, this); this->iceState_ = state; switch( iceState_) { case NICE_FINISHED: return; case NICE_FAILED: ELOG_ERROR("Nice Failed, stopping ICE"); this->running_=false; break; case NICE_READY: case NICE_CANDIDATES_RECEIVED: break; default: break; } // Important: send this outside our state lock. Otherwise, serious risk of deadlock. if (this->listener_ != NULL) this->listener_->updateIceState(state, this); }
void NicerConnection::startGathering() { UINT4 r = nicer_->IceGather(ctx_, &NicerConnection::gather_callback, this); if (r && r != R_WOULDBLOCK) { ELOG_WARN("%s message: Couldn't start ICE gathering", toLog()); assert(false); } ELOG_INFO("%s message: start gathering", toLog()); }
void DtlsTransport::updateIceState(IceState state, NiceConnection* conn) { ELOG_DEBUG("%s - New NICE state state: %d - Media: %d - is Bundle: %d", transport_name.c_str(), state, mediaType, bundle_); if (state == NICE_INITIAL && this->getTransportState() != TRANSPORT_STARTED) { updateTransportState(TRANSPORT_STARTED); } else if (state == NICE_CANDIDATES_RECEIVED && this->getTransportState() != TRANSPORT_GATHERED) { updateTransportState(TRANSPORT_GATHERED); } else if (state == NICE_FAILED) { ELOG_DEBUG("Nice Failed, no more reading packets"); running_ = false; updateTransportState(TRANSPORT_FAILED); } else if (state == NICE_READY) { ELOG_INFO("%s - Nice ready", transport_name.c_str()); if (dtlsRtp_ && !dtlsRtp_->started) { ELOG_INFO("%s - DTLSRTP Start", transport_name.c_str()); dtlsRtp_->start(); } if (dtlsRtcp_ != NULL && (!dtlsRtcp_->started || rtcpResender_->getStatus() < 0)) { ELOG_DEBUG("%s - DTLSRTCP Start", transport_name.c_str()); dtlsRtcp_->start(); } } }
void RtpPacketQueue::pushPacket(const char *data, int length) { const RTPHeader *currentHeader = reinterpret_cast<const RTPHeader*>(data); uint16_t currentSequenceNumber = currentHeader->getSeqNumber(); if(lastSequenceNumberGiven_ >= 0 && (rtpSequenceLessThan(currentSequenceNumber, (uint16_t)lastSequenceNumberGiven_) || currentSequenceNumber == lastSequenceNumberGiven_)) { // this sequence number is less than the stuff we've already handed out, which means it's too late to be of any value. // TODO adaptive depth? ELOG_WARN("SSRC:%u, Payload: %u, discarding very late sample %d that is <= %d. Current queue depth is %d",currentHeader->getSSRC(),currentHeader->getPayloadType(), currentSequenceNumber, lastSequenceNumberGiven_, this->getSize()); return; } // TODO this should be a secret of the dataPacket class. It should maintain its own memory // and copy stuff as necessary. boost::shared_ptr<dataPacket> packet(new dataPacket()); memcpy(packet->data, data, length); packet->length = length; // let's insert this packet where it belongs in the queue. boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(queueMutex_); std::list<boost::shared_ptr<dataPacket> >::iterator it; for (it=queue_.begin(); it != queue_.end(); ++it) { const RTPHeader *header = reinterpret_cast<const RTPHeader*>((*it)->data); uint16_t sequenceNumber = header->getSeqNumber(); if (sequenceNumber == currentSequenceNumber) { // We already have this sequence number in the queue. ELOG_INFO("discarding duplicate sample %d", currentSequenceNumber); break; } if (this->rtpSequenceLessThan(sequenceNumber, currentSequenceNumber)) { queue_.insert(it, packet); break; } } if (it == queue_.end()) { // something old, or queue is empty. queue_.push_back(packet); } // Enforce our max queue size. while(queue_.size() > max_) { ELOG_DEBUG("RtpPacketQueue - Discarding a sample due to hitting MAX_SIZE"); queue_.pop_back(); // remove oldest samples. } }
WebRtcConnection::~WebRtcConnection() { ELOG_INFO("WebRtcConnection Destructor"); sending_ = false; cond_.notify_one(); send_Thread_.join(); globalState_ = CONN_FINISHED; if (connEventListener_ != NULL){ connEventListener_->notifyEvent(globalState_); connEventListener_ = NULL; } globalState_ = CONN_FINISHED; videoSink_ = NULL; audioSink_ = NULL; fbSink_ = NULL; delete videoTransport_; videoTransport_=NULL; delete audioTransport_; audioTransport_= NULL; }
void NiceConnection::gatheringDone(uint stream_id) { int currentCompId = 1; lcands = nice_agent_get_local_candidates(agent_, stream_id, currentCompId++); NiceCandidate *cand; GSList* iterator; gchar *ufrag = NULL, *upass = NULL; nice_agent_get_local_credentials(agent_, stream_id, &ufrag, &upass); //////False candidate for testing when there is no network (like in the train) :) /* NiceCandidate* thecandidate = nice_candidate_new(NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_HOST); NiceAddress* naddr = nice_address_new(); nice_address_set_from_string(naddr, ""); nice_address_set_port(naddr, 50000); thecandidate->addr = *naddr; char* uname = (char*) malloc(50); char* pass = (char*) malloc(50); sprintf(thecandidate->foundation, "%s", "1"); sprintf(uname, "%s", "Pedro"); sprintf(pass, "%s", "oooo"); thecandidate->username = uname; thecandidate->password = pass; thecandidate->stream_id = (guint) 1; thecandidate->component_id = 1; thecandidate->priority = 1000; thecandidate->transport = NICE_CANDIDATE_TRANSPORT_UDP; lcands = g_slist_append(lcands, thecandidate); */ // ELOG_DEBUG("gathering done %u",stream_id); //ELOG_DEBUG("Candidates---------------------------------------------------->"); while (lcands != NULL) { for (iterator = lcands; iterator; iterator = iterator->next) { char address[40], baseAddress[40]; cand = (NiceCandidate*) iterator->data; nice_address_to_string(&cand->addr, address); nice_address_to_string(&cand->base_addr, baseAddress); if (strstr(address, ":") != NULL) { ELOG_DEBUG("Ignoring IPV6 candidate %s", address); continue; } // ELOG_DEBUG("foundation %s", cand->foundation); // ELOG_DEBUG("compid %u", cand->component_id); // ELOG_DEBUG("stream_id %u", cand->stream_id); // ELOG_DEBUG("priority %u", cand->priority); // ELOG_DEBUG("username %s", cand->username); // ELOG_DEBUG("password %s", cand->password); CandidateInfo cand_info; cand_info.componentId = cand->component_id; cand_info.foundation = cand->foundation; cand_info.priority = cand->priority; cand_info.hostAddress = std::string(address); cand_info.hostPort = nice_address_get_port(&cand->addr); cand_info.mediaType = mediaType; /* * NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_HOST, * NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_SERVER_REFLEXIVE, * NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_PEER_REFLEXIVE, * NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_RELAYED, */ switch (cand->type) { case NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_HOST: cand_info.hostType = HOST; break; case NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_SERVER_REFLEXIVE: cand_info.hostType = SRLFX; cand_info.baseAddress = std::string(baseAddress); cand_info.basePort = nice_address_get_port(&cand->base_addr); break; case NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_PEER_REFLEXIVE: cand_info.hostType = PRFLX; break; case NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_RELAYED: ELOG_DEBUG("WARNING TURN NOT IMPLEMENTED YET"); cand_info.hostType = RELAY; break; default: break; } cand_info.netProtocol = "udp"; cand_info.transProtocol = std::string(*transportName); cand_info.username = std::string(ufrag); cand_info.password = std::string(upass); /* if (cand->username) cand_info.username = std::string(cand->username); else cand_info.username = std::string("(null)"); if (cand->password) cand_info.password = std::string(cand->password); else cand_info.password = std::string("(null)"); */ localCandidates->push_back(cand_info); } lcands = nice_agent_get_local_candidates(agent_, stream_id, currentCompId++); } ELOG_INFO("candidate_gathering done with %d candidates", localCandidates->size()); if (localCandidates->size()==0) { ELOG_WARN("No local candidates found, check your network connection"); exit(0); } updateIceState(NICE_CANDIDATES_GATHERED); }
void NiceConnection::gatheringDone(uint stream_id) { if (this->checkIceState() >= NICE_FINISHED) { ELOG_DEBUG("gathering Done after FINISHED"); nice_agent_remove_stream (agent_,1); return; } ELOG_DEBUG("Gathering Done %p", this); int currentCompId = 1; GSList* lcands = nice_agent_get_local_candidates(agent_, stream_id, currentCompId++); gchar *ufrag = NULL, *upass = NULL; nice_agent_get_local_credentials(agent_, stream_id, &ufrag, &upass); while (lcands != NULL) { for (GSList* iterator = lcands; iterator; iterator = iterator->next) { char address[NICE_ADDRESS_STRING_LEN], baseAddress[NICE_ADDRESS_STRING_LEN]; NiceCandidate *cand = (NiceCandidate*) iterator->data; nice_address_to_string(&cand->addr, address); nice_address_to_string(&cand->base_addr, baseAddress); if (strstr(address, ":") != NULL) { ELOG_DEBUG("Ignoring IPV6 candidate %s %p", address, this); continue; } CandidateInfo cand_info; cand_info.componentId = cand->component_id; cand_info.foundation = cand->foundation; cand_info.priority = cand->priority; cand_info.hostAddress = std::string(address); cand_info.hostPort = nice_address_get_port(&cand->addr); cand_info.mediaType = mediaType; /* * NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_HOST, * NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_SERVER_REFLEXIVE, * NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_PEER_REFLEXIVE, * NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_RELAYED, */ switch (cand->type) { case NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_HOST: cand_info.hostType = HOST; break; case NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_SERVER_REFLEXIVE: cand_info.hostType = SRFLX; cand_info.rAddress = std::string(baseAddress); cand_info.rPort = nice_address_get_port(&cand->base_addr); break; case NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_PEER_REFLEXIVE: cand_info.hostType = PRFLX; break; case NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_RELAYED: char turnAddres[NICE_ADDRESS_STRING_LEN]; ELOG_DEBUG("TURN LOCAL CANDIDATE"); nice_address_to_string(&cand->turn->server,turnAddres); ELOG_DEBUG("address %s", address); ELOG_DEBUG("baseAddress %s", baseAddress); ELOG_DEBUG("stream_id %u", cand->stream_id); ELOG_DEBUG("priority %u", cand->priority); ELOG_DEBUG("TURN ADDRESS %s", turnAddres); cand_info.hostType = RELAY; cand_info.rAddress = std::string(baseAddress); cand_info.rPort = nice_address_get_port(&cand->base_addr); break; default: break; } cand_info.netProtocol = "udp"; cand_info.transProtocol = std::string(*transportName.get()); cand_info.username = std::string(ufrag); cand_info.password = std::string(upass); localCandidates->push_back(cand_info); } // for nice_agent_get_local_candidates, the caller owns the returned GSList as well as the candidates contained within it. // let's free everything in the list, as well as the list. g_slist_free_full(lcands, (GDestroyNotify)&nice_candidate_free); lcands = nice_agent_get_local_candidates(agent_, stream_id, currentCompId++); } // According to libnice, this is how these must be free'd g_free(ufrag); g_free(upass); ELOG_INFO("candidate_gathering done with %lu candidates %p", localCandidates->size(), this); if (localCandidates->size()==0){ ELOG_WARN("No local candidates found, check your network connection"); exit(0); } updateIceState(NICE_CANDIDATES_GATHERED); }
void WebRtcConnection::updateState(TransportState state, Transport * transport) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(updateStateMutex_); WebRTCState temp = globalState_; ELOG_DEBUG("Update Transport State %d", state); if (audioTransport_ == NULL && videoTransport_ == NULL) { return; } if (state == TRANSPORT_FAILED) { temp = FAILED; ELOG_INFO("WebRtcConnection failed."); } if (globalState_ == FAILED) { // if current state is failed we don't use return; } if (state == TRANSPORT_STARTED && (!remoteSdp_.hasAudio || (audioTransport_ != NULL && audioTransport_->getTransportState() == TRANSPORT_STARTED)) && (!remoteSdp_.hasVideo || (videoTransport_ != NULL && videoTransport_->getTransportState() == TRANSPORT_STARTED))) { if (remoteSdp_.hasVideo) { videoTransport_->setRemoteCandidates(remoteSdp_.getCandidateInfos()); } if (!bundle_ && remoteSdp_.hasAudio) { audioTransport_->setRemoteCandidates(remoteSdp_.getCandidateInfos()); } temp = STARTED; } if (state == TRANSPORT_READY && (!remoteSdp_.hasAudio || (audioTransport_ != NULL && audioTransport_->getTransportState() == TRANSPORT_READY)) && (!remoteSdp_.hasVideo || (videoTransport_ != NULL && videoTransport_->getTransportState() == TRANSPORT_READY))) { temp = READY; } if (transport != NULL && transport == videoTransport_ && bundle_) { if (state == TRANSPORT_STARTED) { videoTransport_->setRemoteCandidates(remoteSdp_.getCandidateInfos()); temp = STARTED; } if (state == TRANSPORT_READY) { temp = READY; } } if (temp == READY && globalState_ != temp) { ELOG_INFO("Ready to send and receive media"); } if (audioTransport_ != NULL && videoTransport_ != NULL) { ELOG_INFO("Update Transport State end, %d - %d, %d - %d, %d - %d, %d - %d", audioTransport_->getTransportState(), videoTransport_->getTransportState(), this->getAudioSourceSSRC(), this->getVideoSourceSSRC(), temp, globalState_); } if (temp < 0) { return; } if (temp == globalState_ || (temp == STARTED && globalState_ == READY)) return; globalState_ = temp; if (connStateListener_ != NULL) connStateListener_->connectionStateChanged(globalState_); }
void WebRtcConnection::updateState(TransportState state, Transport * transport) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(updateStateMutex_); WebRTCEvent temp = globalState_; ELOG_INFO("Update Transport State %s to %d", transport->transport_name.c_str(), state); if (audioTransport_ == NULL && videoTransport_ == NULL) { return; } if (state == TRANSPORT_FAILED) { temp = CONN_FAILED; //globalState_ = CONN_FAILED; sending_ = false; ELOG_INFO("WebRtcConnection failed, stopping sending"); cond_.notify_one(); ELOG_INFO("WebRtcConnection failed, stopped sending"); } if (globalState_ == CONN_FAILED) { // if current state is failed we don't use return; } if (state == TRANSPORT_STARTED && (!remoteSdp_.hasAudio || (audioTransport_ != NULL && audioTransport_->getTransportState() == TRANSPORT_STARTED)) && (!remoteSdp_.hasVideo || (videoTransport_ != NULL && videoTransport_->getTransportState() == TRANSPORT_STARTED))) { if (remoteSdp_.hasVideo) { videoTransport_->setRemoteCandidates(remoteSdp_.getCandidateInfos()); } if (!bundle_ && remoteSdp_.hasAudio) { audioTransport_->setRemoteCandidates(remoteSdp_.getCandidateInfos()); } temp = CONN_STARTED; } if (state == TRANSPORT_READY && (!remoteSdp_.hasAudio || (audioTransport_ != NULL && audioTransport_->getTransportState() == TRANSPORT_READY)) && (!remoteSdp_.hasVideo || (videoTransport_ != NULL && videoTransport_->getTransportState() == TRANSPORT_READY))) { // WebRTCConnection will be ready only when all channels are ready. temp = CONN_READY; } if (transport != NULL && transport == videoTransport_ && bundle_) { if (state == TRANSPORT_STARTED) { videoTransport_->setRemoteCandidates(remoteSdp_.getCandidateInfos()); temp = CONN_STARTED; } if (state == TRANSPORT_READY) { temp = CONN_READY; } } if (temp == CONN_READY && globalState_ != temp) { ELOG_INFO("Ready to send and receive media"); } if (audioTransport_ != NULL && videoTransport_ != NULL) { ELOG_INFO("%s - Update Transport State end, %d - %d, %d - %d, %d - %d", transport->transport_name.c_str(), (int)audioTransport_->getTransportState(), (int)videoTransport_->getTransportState(), this->getAudioSourceSSRC(), this->getVideoSourceSSRC(), (int)temp, (int)globalState_); } if (temp < 0) { return; } if (temp == globalState_ || (temp == CONN_STARTED && globalState_ == CONN_READY)) return; globalState_ = temp; if (connEventListener_ != NULL) connEventListener_->notifyEvent(globalState_); }
void NicerConnection::gatheringDone(uint stream_id) { ELOG_INFO("%s message: gathering done, stream_id: %u", toLog(), stream_id); updateIceState(IceState::CANDIDATES_RECEIVED); }
void elog::init(int _argc, const char** _argv) { ELOG_INFO("E-log system init (BEGIN)"); // retrive application Name: std::string applName = _argv[0]; int lastSlash = applName.rfind('/'); applName = &applName[lastSlash+1]; // get name: applName bool userSpecifyLogFile = false; for (int32_t iii=0; iii<_argc ; ++iii) { std::string data = _argv[iii]; if (startWith(data, "--elog-level=")) { ELOG_INFO("Change global level at " << getLogLevel(std::string(data.begin()+13, data.end()))); elog::setLevel(getLogLevel(std::string(data.begin()+13, data.end()))); } else if (data == "--elog-color") { elog::setColor(true); } else if (data == "--elog-no-color") { elog::setColor(false); } else if (data == "--elog-back-trace") { elog::setBackTrace(true); } else if (startWith(data, "--elog-file=")) { std::string value(data.begin()+12, data.end()); if (value.size() == 0) { elog::unsetLogInFile(); } else { elog::setLogInFile(value); } userSpecifyLogFile = true; } else if (startWith(data, "--elog-config=")) { std::string value(data.begin()+14, data.end()); elog::setTime(false); elog::setLine(false); elog::setFunction(false); elog::setLibName(false); elog::setThreadId(false); elog::setThreadNameEnable(false); for (size_t iii=0; iii<value.size(); ++iii) { if (value[iii] == 't') { elog::setTime(true); } else if (value[iii] == 'T') { elog::setThreadId(true); } else if (value[iii] == 'N') { elog::setThreadNameEnable(true); } else if (value[iii] == 'L') { elog::setLine(true); } else if (value[iii] == 'l') { elog::setLibName(true); } else if (value[iii] == 'f') { elog::setFunction(true); } else { ELOG_ERROR("In program argument: --elog-config= , the value '" << value[iii] << "' is not supported"); } } } else if (startWith(data, "--elog-lib=")) { std::string value(data.begin()+11, data.end()); std::vector<std::string> list = split(value, '/'); if (list.size() != 2) { list = split(value, ':'); if (list.size() != 2) { list = split(value, '+'); if (list.size() != 2) { ELOG_ERROR("Can not set the --elog-lib= with value='" << value << "' not formated name:X or name/X or name+X"); continue; } } } ELOG_INFO("Change level of '" << list[0] << "' at " << getLogLevel(list[1])); elog::setLevel(list[0], getLogLevel(list[1])); } else if ( data == "-h" || data == "--help") { ELOG_PRINT("elog - help : "); ELOG_PRINT(" " << _argv[0] << " [options]"); ELOG_PRINT(" --elog-level= Change the default log level (set all Log level):"); ELOG_PRINT(" 0: debug None (default in release)"); ELOG_PRINT(" 1: debug Critical"); ELOG_PRINT(" 2: debug Error"); ELOG_PRINT(" 3: debug Warning"); ELOG_PRINT(" 4: debug Info (default in debug)"); ELOG_PRINT(" 5: debug Debug"); ELOG_PRINT(" 6: debug Verbose"); ELOG_PRINT(" --elog-lib=name:X Set a library specific level:"); ELOG_PRINT(" name Name of the library"); ELOG_PRINT(" X Log level to set [0..6]"); ELOG_PRINT(" note: ':' can be replace with '/' or '+'"); ELOG_PRINT(" --elog-file=pathToFile File to store the logs: (disable console logs)"); ELOG_PRINT(" --elog-color Enable color in log (default in Linux/debug)"); ELOG_PRINT(" --elog-no-color Disable color in log (default in Linux/release and Other)"); ELOG_PRINT(" --elog-back-trace Enable back-trace when an error log level is generated (to get a fast debug)"); ELOG_PRINT(" --elog-config= Configure the Log interface"); ELOG_PRINT(" t: diplay time"); #ifdef ELOG_BUILD_ETHREAD ELOG_PRINT(" T: diplay thread id"); ELOG_PRINT(" N: diplay thread name"); #endif ELOG_PRINT(" L: diplay line number"); ELOG_PRINT(" l: diplay lib name"); ELOG_PRINT(" f: diplay function name"); ELOG_PRINT(" -h/--help: Dispplay this help"); ELOG_PRINT(" example:"); ELOG_PRINT(" " << _argv[0] << " --elog-color --elog-level=2 --elog-lib=etk:5 --elog-lib=appl:6 --elog-config=NLlf"); } else if (startWith(data, "--elog") == true) { ELOG_ERROR("Can not parse the argument : '" << data << "'"); } } if (userSpecifyLogFile == false) { #ifdef DEBUG #if defined(__TARGET_OS__Windows) elog::setLogInFile("log.txt"); #endif #else #if defined(__TARGET_OS__Linux) //elog::setLogInFile("/var/log/elog_" +applName + ".log"); elog::setLogInFile("/tmp/elog_" +applName + ".log"); #elif defined(__TARGET_OS__MacOs) elog::setLogInFile(applName + ".log"); #elif defined(__TARGET_OS__Windows) elog::setLogInFile(applName + ".log"); #endif #endif } ELOG_INFO("E-LOG system init (END)"); }
void WebRtcConnection::updateState(TransportState state, Transport * transport) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(updateStateMutex_); WebRTCEvent temp = globalState_; std::string msg = ""; ELOG_INFO("Update Transport State %s to %d", transport->transport_name.c_str(), state); if (videoTransport_ == NULL && audioTransport_ == NULL) { ELOG_ERROR("Update Transport State with Transport NULL, this should not happen!"); return; } if (globalState_ == CONN_FAILED) { // if current state is failed -> noop return; } switch (state){ case TRANSPORT_STARTED: if (bundle_){ temp = CONN_STARTED; }else{ if ((!remoteSdp_.hasAudio || (audioTransport_ != NULL && audioTransport_->getTransportState() == TRANSPORT_STARTED)) && (!remoteSdp_.hasVideo || (videoTransport_ != NULL && videoTransport_->getTransportState() == TRANSPORT_STARTED))) { // WebRTCConnection will be ready only when all channels are ready. temp = CONN_STARTED; } } break; case TRANSPORT_GATHERED: if (bundle_){ if(!trickleEnabled_){ temp = CONN_GATHERED; msg = this->getLocalSdp(); } }else{ if ((!remoteSdp_.hasAudio || (audioTransport_ != NULL && audioTransport_->getTransportState() == TRANSPORT_GATHERED)) && (!remoteSdp_.hasVideo || (videoTransport_ != NULL && videoTransport_->getTransportState() == TRANSPORT_GATHERED))) { // WebRTCConnection will be ready only when all channels are ready. if(!trickleEnabled_){ temp = CONN_GATHERED; msg = this->getLocalSdp(); } } } break; case TRANSPORT_READY: if (bundle_){ temp = CONN_READY; }else{ if ((!remoteSdp_.hasAudio || (audioTransport_ != NULL && audioTransport_->getTransportState() == TRANSPORT_READY)) && (!remoteSdp_.hasVideo || (videoTransport_ != NULL && videoTransport_->getTransportState() == TRANSPORT_READY))) { // WebRTCConnection will be ready only when all channels are ready. temp = CONN_READY; } } break; case TRANSPORT_FAILED: temp = CONN_FAILED; sending_ = false; msg = remoteSdp_.getSdp(); ELOG_INFO("WebRtcConnection failed, stopping sending"); cond_.notify_one(); break; default: ELOG_DEBUG("New state %d", state); break; } if (audioTransport_ != NULL && videoTransport_ != NULL) { ELOG_INFO("%s - Update Transport State end, %d - %d, %d - %d, %d - %d", transport->transport_name.c_str(), (int)audioTransport_->getTransportState(), (int)videoTransport_->getTransportState(), this->getAudioSourceSSRC(), this->getVideoSourceSSRC(), (int)temp, (int)globalState_); } if (globalState_ == temp) return; globalState_ = temp; if (connEventListener_ != NULL) { connEventListener_->notifyEvent(globalState_, msg); } }