void drain(void) { int sp_drain = random(5) + 1; if(shining) { if(ENV(TO) != user) { tell_object(ENV(TO),"The stone stops shining.\n"); darken(); return; } if(sp_drain > user->query_spell_points()) { tell_object(user,"The stone grows dark as you have no more "+ "power to channel into it.\n"); darken(); return; } tell_object(user,"You channel some power into the stone to keep "+ "it shining.\n"); user->reduce_spell_points(sp_drain); set_alarm(300.0 + itof(random(120)),0.0,"drain"); } }
static void * read_file_to_jni_array_impl(const char *filename) { char *buffer = NULL; size_t size = 0; if (apk_read_file(global.apklib_handle, filename, &buffer, &size) == APK_OK) { if(!global.use_dvm) { struct dummy_array *array = NULL; array = malloc(sizeof(*array)); if (array == NULL) return NULL; array->data = buffer; array->length = size; array->element_size = 1; return array; } else { const struct JNINativeInterface *env = global._env->functions; jarray *array = env->NewByteArray(ENV((&global)), size); jbyte *elements = env->GetByteArrayElements(ENV((&global)), array, 0); memcpy(elements, buffer, size); free(buffer); env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(ENV((&global)), array, elements, JNI_ABORT); return array; } } return NULL; }
/** * Deallocs memory used to the mapped regions */ void px_maps_clear(void) { if (ENV(maps) != NULL) { free(ENV(maps)); ENV(maps) = NULL; } ENV(nregions) = 0; }
static void mnpc_create() { if (PO && member(inherit_list(PO), "/std/room.c")!=-1) Set(MNPC_HOME, object_name(PO)); else if (PL && ENV(PL)) Set(MNPC_HOME, object_name(ENV(PL))); else Set(MNPC_HOME, MNPC_DFLT_HOME); Set(P_MNPC, 1); Set(MNPC_AREA, ({}));
void clear(void) { tell_room(ENV(TO),"The smoke clears and you can see again.\n"); // Set the long, short and skip_obvious back to what it was before ENV(TO)->set_short(short_desc); ENV(TO)->set_long(long_desc); ENV(TO)->set_skip_obvious(skip_obvious); destroy(); }
static int decode_string(void* ctx, const unsigned char* data, unsigned int size) { ErlNifBinary bin; if(!enif_alloc_binary_compat(ENV(ctx), size, &bin)) { return CANCEL; } memcpy(bin.data, data, size); add_to_head(ctx, enif_make_binary(ENV(ctx), &bin)); return CONTINUE; }
int do_build(string str) { object carrot = present("_scarecrow_quest_carrot_",TP), hay = present("_scarecrow_quest_hay_",TP), pumpkin = present("_scarecrow_quest_pumpkin_",TP), scarecrow; if(str == "scarecrow") { if(!carrot || !hay || !pumpkin) { W("You don't have everything you need to build a scarecrow. " + "You need enough hay to make the body, a suitable pumpkin " + "for the head and a suitable carrot for the nose.\n"); return 1; } else if(!ENV(TP)->query_is_quest_shed()) { W("You need to find a place where there are appropriate tools " + "for the job before you can make a scarecrow.\n"); return 1; } W("You grab a rake and break it into sticks. You tie them " + "together with a leather strap you get from a hook on the " + "wall. You tie the hay to the frame and stick the pumpkin on " + "top of it. As a finishing touch, you stick the carrot into " + "the pumpkin to make a nose. You've just made a scarecrow!\n"); S(TP->QN + " breaks a rake into twigs and grabs a leather " + "strap to tie them together, ties some hay to the frame, sticks " + "a pumpkin on top and, as a finishing touch, sticks a carrot " + "into the pumpking to make a nose.\n" + TP->QN + " has just " + "made a scarecrow!\n"); scarecrow = make(OBJECT + "scarecrow",ENV(TP)); // Things mess up here if we just destroy them, one item stays // in inventory sometimes, not always. So we use a junk room // where they're destroyed with a short delay instead so this // function has time to do what it's supposed to first transfer(carrot,ROOM + "dest_room"); transfer(hay,ROOM + "dest_room"); transfer(pumpkin,ROOM + "dest_room"); if(transfer(scarecrow,TP)) { W("It is too heavy for you to carry though.\n"); S(TP->QN + " doesn't seem to be able to carry the " + "scarecrow.\n"); } return 1; } return notify_fail(C(query_verb()) + " what?\n"); }
/** * Finds a mapped region by address */ int px_maps_find_region(uintptr_t addr) { int i = 0; while (i < ENV(nregions)) { if (ENV(maps)[i].start <= addr && ENV(maps)[i].end >= addr) { printf("Found... %s (%s)\n", ENV(maps)[i].filename, ENV(maps)[i].perms); return 1; } ++i; } return 0; }
void tell_message(int index) { if(index < sizeof(messages)) { tell_object(ENV(TO),messages[index] + "\n"); ++index; set_alarm(15.0 + itof(random(10)),0.0,"tell_message",index); } else { ENV(ENV(TO))->land(ENV(TO)); destroy(); } }
static int decode_number(void * ctx, const char * numberVal, unsigned int numberLen) { // scan in the input to see if it's a float or int int numberType = 0; // 0 means integer, 1 means float unsigned int i; ErlNifBinary bin; int missingDot = 1; unsigned int expPos; for(i=0; i<numberLen; i++) { switch (numberVal[i]) { case '.': missingDot = 0; numberType = 1; // it's a float goto loopend; case 'E': case 'e': expPos = i; numberType = 1; // it's a float goto loopend; } } loopend: if ((numberType == 1) && missingDot) { if(!enif_alloc_binary_compat(ENV(ctx), numberLen + 2, &bin)) { return CANCEL; } memcpy(bin.data, numberVal, expPos); bin.data[expPos] = '.'; bin.data[expPos + 1] = '0'; memcpy(bin.data + expPos + 2, numberVal + expPos, numberLen - expPos); } else { if(!enif_alloc_binary_compat(ENV(ctx), numberLen, &bin)) { return CANCEL; } memcpy(bin.data, numberVal, numberLen); } add_to_head(ctx, enif_make_tuple(ENV(ctx), 2, enif_make_int(ENV(ctx), numberType), enif_make_binary(ENV(ctx), &bin))); return CONTINUE; }
/* Fill audio buffer */ void my_audio_callback(void *ud, void *stream, int len) { JNIEnv *thread_env; JNIEnv ref_env; jarray *array; (*VM(global))->AttachCurrentThread(VM(global), &thread_env, NULL); /* here we need the original NewGlobalRef */ if(global->use_dvm) { ref_env = &global->dalvik_copy_env; } else ref_env = *thread_env; array = (*thread_env)->NewShortArray(thread_env, len / 2); jobject *ref = ref_env->NewGlobalRef(thread_env, array); angrybirds_priv.native_mixdata(ENV(global), VM(global), audioHandle, ref, len); ref_env->DeleteGlobalRef(thread_env, ref); jshort *elements = (*thread_env)->GetShortArrayElements(thread_env, array, 0); memcpy(stream, elements, len); (*thread_env)->ReleaseShortArrayElements(thread_env, array, elements, JNI_ABORT); (*thread_env)->DeleteLocalRef(thread_env, array); (*VM(global))->DetachCurrentThread(VM(global)); }
int Aid(string target) { object target_ob; if(!target) { return notify_fail("Aid who?"); } if(target_ob = present(target, ENV(THISP))) { allowed_routine(target_ob); if(aid_routine(target_ob)) { write("did some work on x good job\n"); return(1); } else { //refactor this, using another notification method, notify_fail is for syntax problems, not env issues. return notify_fail("no need, they are ok.\n"); } } else { return notify_fail("Aid who?\n"); } }
int do_light(string str) { int sp_cost = 10 + random(10); if(str == "stone" && TP->QS("attune") > 20 && ENV(TO) == TP) { if(shining) { W("The stone is already shining!\n"); return 1; } if(TP->query_spell_points() >= sp_cost) { W("You channel some power into the stone and make it shine "+ "with a warm light.\n"); S(TP->QN + " concentrates on a small stone and suddenly it "+ "starts shining with a warm light.\n"); TP->reduce_spell_points(sp_cost); user = TP; light(); set_alarm(300.0 + itof(random(120)),0.0,"drain"); } else { W("You don't have enough power to light the stone at the "+ "moment.\n"); S(TP->QN + " concentrates on a small stone but looks "+ "disappointed.\n"); return 1; } } // No mistake here. Don't want hints to people with attune < 20, // and don't want to mess up other light commands }
/* Fill audio buffer */ void my_audio_callback(void *ud, Uint8 *stream, int len) { struct dummy_array array; array.data = stream; array.length = len; array.element_size = 1; angrybirds_priv.native_mixdata(ENV(global), VM(global), audioHandle, &array, len); }
jint worldofgoo_AttachCurrentThread(JavaVM *vm, JNIEnv **env, void *args) { printf("worldofgoo_AttachCurrentThread()\n"); struct GlobalState *global = (*vm)->reserved0; *env = ENV(global); return 0; }
heart_beat() { if(!present("muffins",ENV(THISO))) { if(find_player("muffins")) { tell_room(ENV(THISO),"The orb suddenly winks out of existence.\n"); move_object(THISO,ENV(find_player("muffins"))); tell_room(ENV(THISO),"The orb winks into existence.\n"); return 1; } destruct(THISO); return 1; } return 0; }
static void cuttherope_video_banner_finished() { if (cuttherope_priv.videoBannerFinished!=0) { cuttherope_priv.videoBannerFinished(ENV(cuttherope_priv.global), cuttherope_priv.global); } }
int stare(string wow) { if(wow == "at pamela" || wow == "at pamela's breasts" || wow == "pamela" || wow == "pam" || wow == "at pam") { write("You just can't stand it anymore. You strip down to " "nothing and join in!\n"); tell_room(ENV(THISP),PNAME+" stares at Pam and " "suddenly decides to join in.\n",({THISP}));
void effect( object tripper ) { object vic = tripper; int nearBlastDam = random( ( vic->query_max_hp() )/ 10 ) + 10; int splashDamage; object *vicArmor = vic->query_armor_worn(); object *roomInventory = all_inventory( ENV( THISO ) ); ansi_tell_room( ENV( THISO ), sprintf( "%s triggers an explosive trap! " "A loud *BANG* proceeds the flames that engulf you.", vic->query_name() ), RED, ({ vic }) );
int soulwell( object vic, object att ) { command( "say To me fiends! I crave your sustenence!" ); ansi_tell_room( ENV( att ), "A black mist comprised of " "lost souls begins to rise from the ground. Rifrad breathes " "deeply.", HIK ); att->add_hp( 30 + random( 30 ) ); return 1; }
cmd_read(int x){ if(!x){ tell_player(THISP, "\n~~~ Table of Contents ~~~\n "); cmd_dir(); tell_player(THISP, "\n~~~ Usage: read <#> ~~~"); } else { x = x-1; mixed f = get_dir(to_string(CONTENT)); if(x < sizeof(f)){ THISP->more_string( read_file(to_string(CONTENT) + f[x])); tell_room(ENV(THISP), PNAME+" studies a book carefully.\n", ({THISP})); }
int do_light(string str) { if(str == "fire") { if(!telling_story) { if(!TP->test_flag(QUEST_FLAG)) { W("You light a fire in the fireplace. The old man sighs " + "contentedly as the fire begins to catch and throw " + "strange, long shadows on the walls. 'Now gather round " + "and listen well', he says. 'A tale like this should not " + "be told in too loud a voice. The walls in these parts " + "really do have ears...'\n"); S(TP->QN + " lights a fire in the fireplace. The old man " + "sighs contentedly and begins the telling of a tale.\n"); telling_story = 1; set_alarm(7.0,0.0,"tell_story",0); set_alarm(300.0,0.0,"my_reset"); return 1; } else { tell_room(ENV(TO),"The storyteller smiles and says: Oh " + "'tis you, " + TP->QN + ". You have already " + "heard my tale. Methinks I will save my voice " + "for some other young adventurer. Godspeed! "); W("The storyteller waves happily in your direction.\n"); S("The storyteller waves happily in " + TP->QN + "'s " + "direction.\n"); return 1; } } else if(telling_story == 1) { W("There is already a fire burning in the fireplace.\n"); S(TP->QN + " walks over to the fireplace to warm " + TP->QPO + " hands.\n"); return 1; } else { W("You try to light a fire but you can't get it started.\n"); S(TP->QN + " tries to light a fire, but can't get it started.\n"); return 1; } } return 0; }
void fill_room(void) { // Need an environment for this, so put it here and // call it with an alarm instead of doing it in create_object() tell_room(ENV(TO),"A thick, black smoke fills the room.\n"); short_desc = ENV(TO)->query_short(); long_desc = ENV(TO)->query_long_desc(); skip_obvious = ENV(TO)->query_skip_obvious(); ENV(TO)->set_short("A smoke filled room"); ENV(TO)->set_long("The room is filled with a thick, black smoke. " + "You can't see anything through it!\n"); ENV(TO)->set_skip_obvious(1); }
int main(int argc, char const *argv[], char const *envp[]) { PRE(); DCL(); EXP(); INT(); FLP(); ARR(); STR(); MEM(); ENV(envp); SIG(); ERR(); MSC(); POS(); return 0; }
int do_darken(string str) { if(str == "stone" && TP->QS("attune") > 20 && ENV(TO) == TP) { if(!shining) { W("The stone is already dark!\n"); return 1; } W("You close off the flow of power into the stone and break the "+ "bond.\n"); darken(); W("The stone stops shining.\nYou feel a strange longing...\n"); S("The stone in " + TP->QN + "s hand stops shining.\n"); return 1; } }
void annoy(int count) { int i = 0; object *players = ENV(TO)->query_players_here(); if(count >= 5) { clear(); } else { // Smoke is irritating. It only does this for 5 seconds for(i = 0; i < sizeof(players); ++i) { if(players[i]->query_con() < 10 + random(20)) { players[i]->command(commands[random(sizeof(commands))]); } } set_alarm(1.0,0.0,"annoy",++count); } }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { #ifdef AFOUTPUT if ( argc == 1) { printf("afcmd = '%s'\n", argv[0]); #ifdef LINUX static const int bufsize = 1024; char buffer[bufsize]; char link[] = "/proc/self/exe"; int linksize = readlink( link, buffer, bufsize); buffer[linksize] = '\0'; printf("%s='%s'\n", link, buffer); #endif /* printf("Msg::SizeHeader = %d\n", Msg::SizeHeader ); //printf("Msg::SizeDataMin = %d\n", Msg::SizeDataMin ); printf("Msg::SizeBuffer = %d\n", Msg::SizeBuffer ); printf("Msg::SizeBufferLimit = %d\n", Msg::SizeBufferLimit ); printf("Msg::SizeDataMax = %d\n", Msg::SizeDataMax ); */ } #endif Verbose = false; Help = false; // // Initialize environment: uint32_t envflags = 0; if( argc == 1 ) { // Just verbose environment and nothing else to do. envflags = af::Environment::Verbose; } else { // If we want to connect to server we should solve its name: envflags = af::Environment::SolveServerName; if( std::string( argv[1]) == "v" ) envflags |= af::Environment::Verbose; else envflags |= af::Environment::Quiet; } af::Environment ENV( envflags, argc, argv); if( ENV.isValid() == false ) return 1; if( af::init( af::InitFarm | (argc == 1 ? af::InitVerbose : af::NoFlags)) == false) return 1; afsql::init(); int return_value = 0; // // initialize command class Py_InitializeEx(0); AfCmd afcmd; // // generate message from command line arguments af::Msg msg; if( afcmd.processCommand( argc, argv, msg)) { if( msg.isNull() == false) { if( Verbose ) msg.v_stdOut(); bool ok; af::Msg * answer = af::sendToServer( &msg, ok, af::VerboseOn); if( false == ok ) return_value = 1; if( answer) { // Print message information afcmd.msgOutput( *answer); } } } else return_value = 1; af::destroy(); Py_Finalize(); AFINFA("afcmd main: return value = %d\n", return_value) return return_value; }
void main() { win7compat_init(); log_init(); fork_init(); /* fork_init() will directly jump to restored thread context if we are a fork child */ mm_init(); flags_init(); /* Parse command line */ const char *cmdline = GetCommandLineA(); int len = strlen(cmdline); if (len > BLOCK_SIZE) /* TODO: Test if there is sufficient space for argv[] array */ { init_subsystems(); kprintf("Command line too long.\n"); process_exit(1, 0); } startup = mm_mmap(NULL, BLOCK_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS, INTERNAL_MAP_TOPDOWN | INTERNAL_MAP_NORESET | INTERNAL_MAP_VIRTUALALLOC, NULL, 0); *(uintptr_t*) startup = 1; char *current_startup_base = startup + sizeof(uintptr_t); memcpy(current_startup_base, cmdline, len + 1); char *envbuf = (char *)ALIGN_TO(current_startup_base + len + 1, sizeof(void*)); char *env0 = envbuf; ENV("TERM=xterm"); char *env1 = envbuf; ENV("HOME=/root"); char *env2 = envbuf; ENV("DISPLAY="); char *env3 = envbuf; ENV("PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin"); int argc = 0; char **argv = (char **)ALIGN_TO(envbuf, sizeof(void*)); /* Parse command line */ int in_quote = 0; char *j = current_startup_base; for (char *i = current_startup_base; i <= current_startup_base + len; i++) if (!in_quote && (*i == ' ' || *i == '\t' || *i == '\r' || *i == '\n' || *i == 0)) { *i = 0; if (i > j) argv[argc++] = j; j = i + 1; } else if (*i == '"') { *i = 0; if (in_quote) argv[argc++] = j; in_quote = !in_quote; j = i + 1; } argv[argc] = NULL; char **envp = argv + argc + 1; int env_size = 4; envp[0] = env0; envp[1] = env1; envp[2] = env2; envp[3] = env3; envp[4] = NULL; char *buffer_base = (char*)(envp + env_size + 1); const char *filename = NULL; int arg_start; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--session-id")) { if (++i < argc) { int len = strlen(argv[i]); if (len >= MAX_SESSION_ID_LEN) { init_subsystems(); kprintf("--session-id: Session ID too long.\n"); process_exit(1, 0); } for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) { char ch = argv[i][j]; if (!((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || ch == '_' || ch == '-')) { init_subsystems(); kprintf("--session-id: Invalid characters.\n"); process_exit(1, 0); } } strcpy(cmdline_flags->global_session_id, argv[i]); } else { init_subsystems(); kprintf("--session-id: No ID given.\n"); process_exit(1, 0); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--help") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-h")) { init_subsystems(); print_help(); process_exit(1, 0); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--usage")) { init_subsystems(); print_usage(); process_exit(1, 0); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--version") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-v")) { init_subsystems(); print_version(); process_exit(1, 0); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--dbt-trace")) cmdline_flags->dbt_trace = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--dbt-trace-all")) { cmdline_flags->dbt_trace = true; cmdline_flags->dbt_trace_all = true; } else if (argv[i][0] == '-') { init_subsystems(); kprintf("Unrecognized option: %s\n", argv[i]); process_exit(1, 0); } else if (!filename) { filename = argv[i]; arg_start = i; break; } } init_subsystems(); if (filename) { install_syscall_handler(); int r = do_execve(filename, argc - arg_start, argv + arg_start, env_size, envp, buffer_base, NULL); if (r == -L_ENOENT) { kprintf("Executable not found."); process_exit(1, 0); } } print_usage(); process_exit(1, 0); }
void tell_story(int step) { switch(step) { case 0: tell_room(ENV(TO),"The storyteller lowers his voice...\n\n"); set_alarm(3.0,0.0,"tell_story",1); break; case 1: tell_room(ENV(TO),"The storyteller says: Half a century " + "ago this valley was ruled by the just and fair " + "Duke Talanon, aided by his advisors, Alywin of " + "the Cross, and Nirach of the Book. Nirach and " + "Alywin were strong in magic, and the spells they " + "worked together kept evil away from the valley " + "and the people safe.\n"); set_alarm(7.0,0.0,"tell_story",2); break; case 2: tell_room(ENV(TO),"The storyteller sighs heavily.\n\n"); set_alarm(3.0,0.0,"tell_story",3); break; case 3: tell_room(ENV(TO),"The storyteller says: Times were good " + "then, but that was soon to change. Talanon fell " + "ill, and no healer could we find to save his " + "life. We buried him in the shrine to the " + "north...\n"); set_alarm(5.0,0.0,"tell_story",4); break; case 4: tell_room(ENV(TO),"The storyteller stares blankly into " + "space, seemingly lost in thought...\n\n"); set_alarm(2.0,0.0,"tell_story",5); break; case 5: tell_room(ENV(TO),"The storyteller resumes: Talanon had no " + "heir. It was decided that Alywin and Nirach " + "would govern until a new duke had been found, " + "as they both were loved and trusted by the " + "people...'\n"); set_alarm(4.0,0.0,"tell_story",6); break; case 6: tell_room(ENV(TO),"The storyteller shakes his head.\n\n"); set_alarm(2.0,0.0,"tell_story",7); break; case 7: tell_room(ENV(TO),"The storyteller says: Oh, how he misled " + "us. One night, but two weeks after Talanon was " + "buried, Nirach left his tower in the castle to " + "visit Alywin in the shrine. Oh, I remember that " + "night. The moon was hidden behind dark clouds " + "and the wolves howled like never before. Alywin " + "greeted Nirach as a friend, but Nirach turned " + "upon him. He bound Alywin's spirit within a " + "magic orb he'd been crafting in secret, seeking " + "to gain Alywin's powers for himself...\n"); set_alarm(8.0,0.0,"tell_story",8); break; case 8: tell_room(ENV(TO),"The storyteller sighs heavily.\n\n"); set_alarm(2.0,0.0,"tell_story",9); break; case 9: tell_room(ENV(TO),"The storyteller says: He turned the once " + "beautiful castle into a dark fortress to " + "practice his evil arts in. People in the " + "village started disappearing and strange beasts " + "roamed the forest at night. His darkling " + "minions, a race he himself had created, began " + "terrorizing the village, hunting down and " + "killing all those who tried to leave. Nirach " + "had not yet gained control over the orb, and " + "he did not want the Kings to get word of his " + "doings...\n"); set_alarm(8.0,0.0,"tell_story",10); break; case 10: tell_room(ENV(TO),"The storyteller takes a deep " + "breath.\n\n"); set_alarm(2.0,0.0,"tell_story",11); break; case 11: tell_room(ENV(TO),"The storyteller continues: But " + "oppression breeds resistance. One night a band " + "of brave young men gathered in the caves by " + "the waterfall to the southeast. They followed " + "a secret path into the castle dungeons, hoping " + "to steal the orb and end Nirach's reign. They " + "were betrayed. The one who led them to the " + "chamber where the orb was kept was one of " + "Nirach's men. In the chamber they encountered " + "the guardian Nirach had summoned...\n"); set_alarm(8.0,0.0,"tell_story",12); break; case 12: tell_room(ENV(TO),"The storyteller shivers with " + "fear...\n\n"); set_alarm(2.0,0.0,"tell_story",13); break; case 13: tell_room(ENV(TO),"The storyteller says: All but one of " + "the brave men perished that night, and the sole " + "survivor of the unfortunate raid was deprived " + "of his sanity by what he saw. He is now to be " + "found in our madhouse. The traitor serves " + "Nirach still, Yzwul is his name.\n"); set_alarm(4.0,0.0,"tell_story",14); break; case 14: tell_room(ENV(TO),"The storyteller spits on the floor.\n\n"); set_alarm(2.0,0.0,"tell_story",15); break; case 15: tell_room(ENV(TO),"The storyteller finishes: These events " + "occured some fifty years ago, and noone has " + "stood up to Nirach since. We wait in terror " + "for the day Nirach will gain control of the " + "orb, for then he will bring death upon all of " + "the Kingdoms. But one hope do we have. That " + "someone will come here and steal the orb from " + "Nirach and destroy it, for it is not only we " + "who will suffer, should he gain it's powers, " + "but the whole of the Kingdoms...\n\n"); set_alarm(10.0,0.0,"tell_story",16); break; case 16: tell_room(ENV(TO),"The storyteller goes quiet as his tale " + "ends. Everything is silent. The fire in the " + "fireplace has gone out. You notice the patrons " + "in the tavern looking at you with hope in their " + "eyes.\n"); telling_story = 2; break; } }
static int decode_boolean(void* ctx, int val) { add_to_head(ctx, enif_make_atom(ENV(ctx), val ? "true" : "false")); return CONTINUE; }