Exemplo n.º 1
AST_Real RangeIterator::eval(AST_Expression exp, VarSymbolTable symbolTable) {
  EvalExp evaluator(symbolTable);
  AST_Expression result =  evaluator.eval(exp);
  ERROR_UNLESS(result->expressionType() == EXPREAL || result->expressionType() == EXPINTEGER, "RangeIterator::getVal:\n"
      "Expression type should be EXPREAL or EXPINTEGER \n");
  if (result->expressionType() == EXPREAL) {
    return result->getAsReal()->val();
  } else {
    return result->getAsInteger()->val();
void process_for_equations(Modelica::MMO_Class &mmo_class) {
  EquationList &equations = mmo_class.equations_ref().equations_ref();
  EquationList new_equations;
  foreach_ (Equation &e, equations) {
    if (is<ForEq>(e)) {
      ForEq feq = boost::get<ForEq>(e);
      IndexList il = feq.range().indexes();
      ERROR_UNLESS(il.size() == 1,
          "forIndexList with more than 1 forIndex are not supported yet\n");
      Index in = il.front();
      Name variable  = in.name();
      OptExp ind = in.exp();
      ERROR_UNLESS(ind, "for-equation's index with implicit range not supported yet\n");
      Expression exp = ind.get();
      ForIndexIterator *forIndexIter = NULL;
      if (is<Range>(exp)) {
        forIndexIter = new RangeIterator(get<Range>(exp),mmo_class.syms_ref());
      } else if (is<Brace>(exp)) {
        forIndexIter = new BraceIterator(get<Brace>(exp),mmo_class.syms_ref());
      } else {
        ERROR("For Iterator not supported");
      while (forIndexIter->hasNext()) {
        Real index_val = forIndexIter->next();
        foreach_ (Equation eq, feq.elements()) 
          new_equations.push_back(instantiate_equation(eq, variable, index_val, mmo_class.syms_ref()));
      delete forIndexIter;
    } else {
      // Not a for eq
