Exemplo n.º 1
void main(void){
  ES_Event MyEvent;
  bool bReturn;
  ES_InitQueue( TestQueue, ARRAY_SIZE(TestQueue) );
  MyEvent.EventType = 0;
  MyEvent.EventParam = 1;
  bReturn = ES_EnQueueFIFO( TestQueue, MyEvent );
  bReturn +=1; // keep that sily optimizer away
    // Try stuffing one on using the LIFO rule
  MyEvent.EventType = 10;
  MyEvent.EventParam = 11;
  bReturn = ES_EnQueueLIFO( TestQueue, MyEvent );
  bReturn +=1; // keep that sily optimizer away
  // at this point, the events in the queue should be 11,0
  // so pull off the 11, leaving 1 entry
  NumLeft = ES_DeQueue( TestQueue, &MyEvent);
  if ( NumLeft != 1)
    bReturn = 0;  

  MyEvent.EventType = 2;
  MyEvent.EventParam = 3;
  bReturn = ES_EnQueueFIFO( TestQueue, MyEvent );
  bReturn +=1; // keep that sily optimizer away
  MyEvent.EventType = 4;
  MyEvent.EventParam = 5;
  bReturn = ES_EnQueueFIFO( TestQueue, MyEvent );
  bReturn +=1; // keep that sily optimizer away
  // queue is now full so this one should fail
  MyEvent.EventType = 6;
  MyEvent.EventParam = 7;
  bReturn = ES_EnQueueFIFO( TestQueue, MyEvent );
  bReturn +=1; // keep that sily optimizer away
  // at this point, the events in the queue should be 0,2,4
  // so pull off the 0, leaving 2 entries
  NumLeft = ES_DeQueue( TestQueue, &MyEvent);
  if ( NumLeft != 2)
    bReturn = 0;  
  // Try stuffing one on using the LIFO rule
  MyEvent.EventType = 8;
  MyEvent.EventParam = 9;
  bReturn = ES_EnQueueLIFO( TestQueue, MyEvent );
  bReturn +=1; // keep that sily optimizer away
  // at this point, the events in the queue should be 8,2,4
  // so pull off the 8, leaving 2 entries
  NumLeft = ES_DeQueue( TestQueue, &MyEvent);
  NumLeft += 3; //to keep the compiler from optimizing away the last save
Exemplo n.º 2
   TimerRate_t the rate at which to initialize the framework timer subsystem
   ES_Return_t : FailedPointer if any of the function pointers are NULL
                 FailedInit if any of the initialization functions failed
   Initialize all the services and tests for NULL pointers in the array

   J. Edward Carryer, 10/23/11,
ES_Return_t ES_Initialize( TimerRate_t NewRate ){
  uint8_t i;
  ES_Timer_Init( NewRate); // start up the timer subsystem
  // loop through the list testing for NULL pointers and
  for ( i=0; i< ARRAY_SIZE(ServDescList); i++) {
    if ( (ServDescList[i].InitFunc == (pInitFunc)0) ||
         (ServDescList[i].RunFunc == (pRunFunc)0) )
      return FailedPointer; // protect against NULL pointers
    // and initializing the event queues (must happen before running inits)  
    ES_InitQueue( EventQueues[i].pMem, EventQueues[i].Size );
   // executing the init functions
    if ( ServDescList[i].InitFunc(i) != true )
      return FailedInit; // this is a failed initialization
  return Success;