Exemplo n.º 1
static int
dbfn_write(open_db *dbblock, uschar *key, void *ptr, int length)
EXIM_DATUM key_datum, value_datum;
dbdata_generic *gptr = (dbdata_generic *)ptr;
gptr->time_stamp = time(NULL);

EXIM_DATUM_INIT(key_datum);         /* Some DBM libraries require the datum */
EXIM_DATUM_INIT(value_datum);       /* to be cleared before use. */
EXIM_DATUM_DATA(key_datum) = CS key;
EXIM_DATUM_SIZE(key_datum) = Ustrlen(key) + 1;
EXIM_DATUM_DATA(value_datum) = CS ptr;
EXIM_DATUM_SIZE(value_datum) = length;
return EXIM_DBPUT(dbblock->dbptr, key_datum, value_datum);
Exemplo n.º 2
dbfn_delete(open_db *dbblock, uschar *key)
EXIM_DATUM key_datum;
EXIM_DATUM_INIT(key_datum);         /* Some DBM libraries require clearing */
EXIM_DATUM_DATA(key_datum) = CS key;
EXIM_DATUM_SIZE(key_datum) = Ustrlen(key) + 1;
return EXIM_DBDEL(dbblock->dbptr, key_datum);
Exemplo n.º 3
static void *
dbfn_read_with_length(open_db *dbblock, uschar *key, int *length)
void *yield;
EXIM_DATUM key_datum, result_datum;

EXIM_DATUM_INIT(key_datum);         /* Some DBM libraries require the datum */
EXIM_DATUM_INIT(result_datum);      /* to be cleared before use. */
EXIM_DATUM_DATA(key_datum) = CS key;
EXIM_DATUM_SIZE(key_datum) = Ustrlen(key) + 1;

if (!EXIM_DBGET(dbblock->dbptr, key_datum, result_datum)) return NULL;

yield = store_get(EXIM_DATUM_SIZE(result_datum));
memcpy(yield, EXIM_DATUM_DATA(result_datum), EXIM_DATUM_SIZE(result_datum));
if (length != NULL) *length = EXIM_DATUM_SIZE(result_datum);

EXIM_DATUM_FREE(result_datum);    /* Some DBM libs require freeing */
return yield;
Exemplo n.º 4
uschar *
dbfn_scan(open_db *dbblock, BOOL start, EXIM_CURSOR **cursor)
EXIM_DATUM key_datum, value_datum;
uschar *yield;
value_datum = value_datum;    /* dummy; not all db libraries use this */

/* Some dbm require an initialization */

if (start) EXIM_DBCREATE_CURSOR(dbblock->dbptr, cursor);

EXIM_DATUM_INIT(key_datum);         /* Some DBM libraries require the datum */
EXIM_DATUM_INIT(value_datum);       /* to be cleared before use. */

yield = (EXIM_DBSCAN(dbblock->dbptr, key_datum, value_datum, start, *cursor))?
  US EXIM_DATUM_DATA(key_datum) : NULL;

/* Some dbm require a termination */

if (!yield) EXIM_DBDELETE_CURSOR(*cursor);
return yield;
Exemplo n.º 5
dbmdb_find(void *handle, uschar *filename, uschar *keystring, int length,
  uschar **result, uschar **errmsg, BOOL *do_cache)
EXIM_DB *d = (EXIM_DB *)handle;
EXIM_DATUM key, data;

filename = filename;    /* Keep picky compilers happy */
errmsg = errmsg;
do_cache = do_cache;

EXIM_DATUM_INIT(key);               /* Some DBM libraries require datums to */
EXIM_DATUM_INIT(data);              /* be cleared before use. */
EXIM_DATUM_DATA(key) = CS keystring;
EXIM_DATUM_SIZE(key) = length + 1;

if (EXIM_DBGET(d, key, data))
  *result = string_copyn(US EXIM_DATUM_DATA(data), EXIM_DATUM_SIZE(data));
  EXIM_DATUM_FREE(data);            /* Some DBM libraries need a free() call */
  return OK;
return FAIL;
Exemplo n.º 6
  transport_instance *tblock,      /* data for this instantiation */
  address_item *addr)              /* address we are working on */
int fd, pid, rc;
int cache_fd = -1;
int log_fd = -1;
int cache_size = 0;
int add_size = 0;
EXIM_DB *dbm_file = NULL;
BOOL file_expand, return_message;
uschar *from, *reply_to, *to, *cc, *bcc, *subject, *headers, *text, *file;
uschar *logfile, *oncelog;
uschar *cache_buff = NULL;
uschar *cache_time = NULL;
uschar *message_id = NULL;
header_line *h;
time_t now = time(NULL);
time_t once_repeat_sec = 0;
FILE *f;
FILE *ff = NULL;

autoreply_transport_options_block *ob =
  (autoreply_transport_options_block *)(tblock->options_block);

DEBUG(D_transport) debug_printf("%s transport entered\n", tblock->name);

/* Set up for the good case */

addr->transport_return = OK;
addr->basic_errno = 0;

/* If the address is pointing to a reply block, then take all the data
from that block. It has typically been set up by a mail filter processing
router. Otherwise, the data must be supplied by this transport, and
it has to be expanded here. */

if (addr->reply != NULL)
  DEBUG(D_transport) debug_printf("taking data from address\n");
  from = addr->reply->from;
  reply_to = addr->reply->reply_to;
  to = addr->reply->to;
  cc = addr->reply->cc;
  bcc = addr->reply->bcc;
  subject = addr->reply->subject;
  headers = addr->reply->headers;
  text = addr->reply->text;
  file = addr->reply->file;
  logfile = addr->reply->logfile;
  oncelog = addr->reply->oncelog;
  once_repeat_sec = addr->reply->once_repeat;
  file_expand = addr->reply->file_expand;
  expand_forbid = addr->reply->expand_forbid;
  return_message = addr->reply->return_message;
  uschar *oncerepeat = ob->once_repeat;

  DEBUG(D_transport) debug_printf("taking data from transport\n");
  from = ob->from;
  reply_to = ob->reply_to;
  to = ob->to;
  cc = ob->cc;
  bcc = ob->bcc;
  subject = ob->subject;
  headers = ob->headers;
  text = ob->text;
  file = ob->file;
  logfile = ob->logfile;
  oncelog = ob->oncelog;
  file_expand = ob->file_expand;
  return_message = ob->return_message;

  if ((from  != NULL &&
        (from = checkexpand(from, addr, tblock->name, cke_hdr)) == NULL) ||
      (reply_to    != NULL &&
        (reply_to = checkexpand(reply_to, addr, tblock->name, cke_hdr)) == NULL) ||
      (to    != NULL &&
        (to = checkexpand(to, addr, tblock->name, cke_hdr)) == NULL) ||
      (cc    != NULL &&
        (cc = checkexpand(cc, addr, tblock->name, cke_hdr)) == NULL) ||
      (bcc   != NULL &&
        (bcc = checkexpand(bcc, addr, tblock->name, cke_hdr)) == NULL) ||
      (subject   != NULL &&
        (subject = checkexpand(subject, addr, tblock->name, cke_hdr)) == NULL) ||
      (headers != NULL &&
        (headers = checkexpand(headers, addr, tblock->name, cke_text)) == NULL) ||
      (text  != NULL &&
        (text = checkexpand(text, addr, tblock->name, cke_text)) == NULL) ||
      (file  != NULL &&
        (file = checkexpand(file, addr, tblock->name, cke_file)) == NULL) ||
      (logfile != NULL &&
        (logfile = checkexpand(logfile, addr, tblock->name, cke_file)) == NULL) ||
      (oncelog != NULL &&
        (oncelog = checkexpand(oncelog, addr, tblock->name, cke_file)) == NULL) ||
      (oncerepeat != NULL &&
        (oncerepeat = checkexpand(oncerepeat, addr, tblock->name, cke_file)) == NULL))
    return FALSE;

  if (oncerepeat != NULL)
    once_repeat_sec = readconf_readtime(oncerepeat, 0, FALSE);
    if (once_repeat_sec < 0)
      addr->transport_return = FAIL;
      addr->message = string_sprintf("Invalid time value \"%s\" for "
        "\"once_repeat\" in %s transport", oncerepeat, tblock->name);
      return FALSE;

/* If the never_mail option is set, we have to scan all the recipients and
remove those that match. */

if (ob->never_mail != NULL)
  uschar *never_mail = expand_string(ob->never_mail);

  if (never_mail == NULL)
    addr->transport_return = FAIL;
    addr->message = string_sprintf("Failed to expand \"%s\" for "
      "\"never_mail\" in %s transport", ob->never_mail, tblock->name);
    return FALSE;

  if (to != NULL) check_never_mail(&to, never_mail);
  if (cc != NULL) check_never_mail(&cc, never_mail);
  if (bcc != NULL) check_never_mail(&bcc, never_mail);

  if (to == NULL && cc == NULL && bcc == NULL)
      debug_printf("*** all recipients removed by never_mail\n");
    return OK;

/* If the -N option is set, can't do any more. */

if (dont_deliver)
    debug_printf("*** delivery by %s transport bypassed by -N option\n",
  return FALSE;

/* If the oncelog field is set, we send want to send only one message to the
given recipient(s). This works only on the "To" field. If there is no "To"
field, the message is always sent. If the To: field contains more than one
recipient, the effect might not be quite as envisaged. If once_file_size is
set, instead of a dbm file, we use a regular file containing a circular buffer
recipient cache. */

if (oncelog != NULL && *oncelog != 0 && to != NULL)
  time_t then = 0;

  /* Handle fixed-size cache file. */

  if (ob->once_file_size > 0)
    uschar *p;
    struct stat statbuf;
    cache_fd = Uopen(oncelog, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, ob->mode);

    if (cache_fd < 0 || fstat(cache_fd, &statbuf) != 0)
      addr->transport_return = DEFER;
      addr->message = string_sprintf("Failed to %s \"once\" file %s when "
        "sending message from %s transport: %s",
        (cache_fd < 0)? "open" : "stat", oncelog, tblock->name,
      goto END_OFF;

    /* Get store in the temporary pool and read the entire file into it. We get
    an amount of store that is big enough to add the new entry on the end if we
    need to do that. */

    cache_size = statbuf.st_size;
    add_size = sizeof(time_t) + Ustrlen(to) + 1;
    cache_buff = store_get(cache_size + add_size);

    if (read(cache_fd, cache_buff, cache_size) != cache_size)
      addr->transport_return = DEFER;
      addr->basic_errno = errno;
      addr->message = US"error while reading \"once\" file";
      goto END_OFF;

    DEBUG(D_transport) debug_printf("%d bytes read from %s\n", cache_size, oncelog);

    /* Scan the data for this recipient. Each entry in the file starts with
    a time_t sized time value, followed by the address, followed by a binary
    zero. If we find a match, put the time into "then", and the place where it
    was found into "cache_time". Otherwise, "then" is left at zero. */

    p = cache_buff;
    while (p < cache_buff + cache_size)
      uschar *s = p + sizeof(time_t);
      uschar *nextp = s + Ustrlen(s) + 1;
      if (Ustrcmp(to, s) == 0)
        memcpy(&then, p, sizeof(time_t));
        cache_time = p;
      p = nextp;

  /* Use a DBM file for the list of previous recipients. */

    EXIM_DATUM key_datum, result_datum;
    EXIM_DBOPEN(oncelog, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, ob->mode, &dbm_file);
    if (dbm_file == NULL)
      addr->transport_return = DEFER;
      addr->message = string_sprintf("Failed to open %s file %s when sending "
        "message from %s transport: %s", EXIM_DBTYPE, oncelog, tblock->name,
      goto END_OFF;

    EXIM_DATUM_INIT(key_datum);        /* Some DBM libraries need datums */
    EXIM_DATUM_INIT(result_datum);     /* to be cleared */
    EXIM_DATUM_DATA(key_datum) = CS to;
    EXIM_DATUM_SIZE(key_datum) = Ustrlen(to) + 1;

    if (EXIM_DBGET(dbm_file, key_datum, result_datum))
      /* If the datum size is that of a binary time, we are in the new world
      where messages are sent periodically. Otherwise the file is an old one,
      where the datum was filled with a tod_log time, which is assumed to be
      different in size. For that, only one message is ever sent. This change
      introduced at Exim 3.00. In a couple of years' time the test on the size
      can be abolished. */

      if (EXIM_DATUM_SIZE(result_datum) == sizeof(time_t))
        memcpy(&then, EXIM_DATUM_DATA(result_datum), sizeof(time_t));
      else then = now;

  /* Either "then" is set zero, if no message has yet been sent, or it
  is set to the time of the last sending. */

  if (then != 0 && (once_repeat_sec <= 0 || now - then < once_repeat_sec))
    DEBUG(D_transport) debug_printf("message previously sent to %s%s\n", to,
      (once_repeat_sec > 0)? " and repeat time not reached" : "");
    log_fd = Uopen(logfile, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT, ob->mode);
    if (log_fd >= 0)
      uschar *ptr = log_buffer;
      sprintf(CS ptr, "%s\n  previously sent to %.200s\n", tod_stamp(tod_log), to);
      while(*ptr) ptr++;
      if(write(log_fd, log_buffer, ptr - log_buffer) != ptr-log_buffer
        || close(log_fd))
        DEBUG(D_transport) debug_printf("Problem writing log file %s for %s "
          "transport\n", logfile, tblock->name);
    goto END_OFF;

  DEBUG(D_transport) debug_printf("%s %s\n", (then <= 0)?
    "no previous message sent to" : "repeat time reached for", to);

/* We are going to send a message. Ensure any requested file is available. */

if (file != NULL)
  ff = Ufopen(file, "rb");
  if (ff == NULL && !ob->file_optional)
    addr->transport_return = DEFER;
    addr->message = string_sprintf("Failed to open file %s when sending "
      "message from %s transport: %s", file, tblock->name, strerror(errno));
    return FALSE;

/* Make a subprocess to send the message */

pid = child_open_exim(&fd);

/* Creation of child failed; defer this delivery. */

if (pid < 0)
  addr->transport_return = DEFER;
  addr->message = string_sprintf("Failed to create child process to send "
    "message from %s transport: %s", tblock->name, strerror(errno));
  DEBUG(D_transport) debug_printf("%s\n", addr->message);
  return FALSE;

/* Create the message to be sent - recipients are taken from the headers,
as the -t option is used. The "headers" stuff *must* be last in case there
are newlines in it which might, if placed earlier, screw up other headers. */

f = fdopen(fd, "wb");

if (from != NULL) fprintf(f, "From: %s\n", from);
if (reply_to != NULL) fprintf(f, "Reply-To: %s\n", reply_to);
if (to != NULL) fprintf(f, "To: %s\n", to);
if (cc != NULL) fprintf(f, "Cc: %s\n", cc);
if (bcc != NULL) fprintf(f, "Bcc: %s\n", bcc);
if (subject != NULL) fprintf(f, "Subject: %s\n", subject);

/* Generate In-Reply-To from the message_id header; there should
always be one, but code defensively. */

for (h = header_list; h != NULL; h = h->next)
  if (h->type == htype_id) break;

if (h != NULL)
  message_id = Ustrchr(h->text, ':') + 1;
  while (isspace(*message_id)) message_id++;
  fprintf(f, "In-Reply-To: %s", message_id);

/* Generate a References header if there is at least one of Message-ID:,
References:, or In-Reply-To: (see RFC 2822). */

for (h = header_list; h != NULL; h = h->next)
  if (h->type != htype_old && strncmpic(US"References:", h->text, 11) == 0)

if (h == NULL)
  for (h = header_list; h != NULL; h = h->next)
    if (h->type != htype_old && strncmpic(US"In-Reply-To:", h->text, 12) == 0)

/* We limit the total length of references.  Although there is no fixed
limit, some systems do not like headers growing beyond recognition.
Keep the first message ID for the thread root and the last few for
the position inside the thread, up to a maximum of 12 altogether. */

if (h != NULL || message_id != NULL)
  fprintf(f, "References:");
  if (h != NULL)
    uschar *s, *id, *error;
    uschar *referenced_ids[12];
    int reference_count = 0;
    int i;

    s = Ustrchr(h->text, ':') + 1;
    parse_allow_group = FALSE;
    while (*s != 0 && (s = parse_message_id(s, &id, &error)) != NULL)
      if (reference_count == sizeof(referenced_ids)/sizeof(uschar *))
        memmove(referenced_ids + 1, referenced_ids + 2,
           sizeof(referenced_ids) - 2*sizeof(uschar *));
        referenced_ids[reference_count - 1] = id;
      else referenced_ids[reference_count++] = id;
    for (i = 0; i < reference_count; ++i) fprintf(f, " %s", referenced_ids[i]);

  /* The message id will have a newline on the end of it. */

  if (message_id != NULL) fprintf(f, " %s", message_id);
    else fprintf(f, "\n");

/* Add an Auto-Submitted: header */

fprintf(f, "Auto-Submitted: auto-replied\n");

/* Add any specially requested headers */

if (headers != NULL) fprintf(f, "%s\n", headers);
fprintf(f, "\n");

if (text != NULL)
  fprintf(f, "%s", CS text);
  if (text[Ustrlen(text)-1] != '\n') fprintf(f, "\n");

if (ff != NULL)
  while (Ufgets(big_buffer, big_buffer_size, ff) != NULL)
    if (file_expand)
      uschar *s = expand_string(big_buffer);
        if (s == NULL)
          debug_printf("error while expanding line from file:\n  %s\n  %s\n",
            big_buffer, expand_string_message);
      fprintf(f, "%s", (s == NULL)? CS big_buffer : CS s);
    else fprintf(f, "%s", CS big_buffer);