Exemplo n.º 1
cosystem(const char* cmd)
	Coshell_t*	co;
	Cojob_t*	cj;
	int		status;

	if (!cmd)
		return !eaccess(pathshell(), X_OK);
	if (!(co = coopen(NiL, CO_ANY, NiL)))
		return -1;
	if (cj = coexec(co, cmd, CO_SILENT, NiL, NiL, NiL))
		cj = cowait(co, cj, -1);
	if (!cj)
		return -1;

	 * synthesize wait() status from shell status
	 * lack of synthesis is the standard's proprietary sellout

	status = cj->status;
	if (EXITED_TERM(status))
		status &= ((1<<(EXIT_BITS-1))-1);
		status = (status & ((1<<EXIT_BITS)-1)) << EXIT_BITS;
	return status;
Exemplo n.º 2
block(int check)
	register Cojob_t*	cojob;
	register Joblist_t*	job;
	Rule_t*			r;
	int			n;
	int			clear = 0;
	int			resume = 0;

	if (!state.coshell || !copending(state.coshell))
		if (jobs.intermediate)
			 * mark the jobs that must be generated

			n = 0;
			for (job = jobs.firstjob; job; job = job->next)
				if (job->target->must > ((unsigned int)(job->target->dynamic & D_intermediate) != 0))
					n = 1;
			if (n)
				 * some intermediates must be generated

				error(2, "some intermediates must be generated");
				 * accept missing intermediates

				while (job = jobs.firstjob)
					if (error_info.trace || state.explain)
						error(state.explain ? 0 : -1, "cancelling %s action -- %s", job->target->name, job->status == INTERMEDIATE ? "intermediate not needed" : "missing intermediates accepted");
					job->target->status = EXISTS;
				jobs.intermediate = 0;
				return 1;
		return 0;
	for (;;)
		state.waiting = 1;
		if ((cojob = cowait(state.coshell, check ? (Cojob_t*)state.coshell : (Cojob_t*)0, -1)) && (job = (Joblist_t*)cojob->local))
			job->cojob = 0;
		if (trap())
			if (state.interpreter)
				clear = resume = 1;
			if (!cojob)
		state.waiting = 0;
		if (!cojob)
			if (check)
				return 0;
		if (r = getrule(external.jobdone))
			if (!jobs.tmp)
				jobs.tmp = sfstropen();
			sfprintf(jobs.tmp, "%s %d %s %s", job->target->name, cojob->status, fmtelapsed(cojob->user, CO_QUANT), fmtelapsed(cojob->sys, CO_QUANT));
			call(r, sfstruse(jobs.tmp));
		if (cojob->status)
			if (n = !EXITED_TERM(cojob->status) || EXIT_CODE(cojob->status))
				if ((job->target->dynamic & D_hasafter) && hasafter(job->target, P_failure))
					n = 0;
				error(n ? 2 : state.explain ? 0 : -1, "%s%s code %d making %s%s", n ? "*** " : null, ERROR_translate(NiL, NiL, NiL, EXITED_TERM(cojob->status) ? "termination" : "exit"), EXIT_CODE(cojob->status), job->target->name, (job->flags & CO_IGNORE) ? ERROR_translate(NiL, NiL, NiL, " ignored") : null);
			if (!(job->flags & CO_IGNORE))
				job->flags |= CO_ERRORS;
				if (state.keepgoing || !n)
					if (n)
					job->flags |= CO_KEEPGOING;
			if (state.interrupt || !(job->flags & (CO_IGNORE|CO_KEEPGOING)))
				clear = 1;
		message((-3, "job: %s: interrupt=%d clear=%d status=%d flags=%08x", job->target->name, state.interrupt, clear, cojob->status, job->flags));

		 * job is done

		if (done(job, clear, cojob))
			return 1;
	if (resume)
		longjmp(state.resume.label, 1);
	if (!state.finish)
		if (!copending(state.coshell))
			if (clear)
		else if (!state.interrupt)
			error(3, "lost contact with coshell");
	return 0;