Exemplo n.º 1
void on_button_connect_clicked (void)
    extern char      username[];
    extern char      password[];
    extern int       username_length, password_length;

    if (Edit_GetModify (hwndEditUser) || Edit_GetModify (hwndEditPass)) {
        username_length = GetWindowTextLength(hwndEditUser);
        password_length = GetWindowTextLength(hwndEditPass);
        GetWindowText(hwndEditUser, username, username_length + 1);
        GetWindowText(hwndEditPass, password, password_length + 1);
        reg_info_string (reg_key, REG_KEY_USER, TRUE, username, NULL, 0);
        reg_info_string (reg_key, REG_KEY_PASS, TRUE, password, NULL, 0);
    /* 记录网卡设备列表序列 */
    reg_info_dword (reg_key, REG_KEY_IF_INDEX, TRUE, combo_index, NULL);

    /* 记录网卡设备列表名称 */    
    char combo_if_name[512] = {0};
    ComboBox_GetLBText (hwndComboList, combo_index, combo_if_name);
    reg_info_string (reg_key, REG_KEY_IF_NAME, TRUE, combo_if_name, NULL, 0);

    /* 禁用几个控件 */
    EnableWindow (hwndButtonConn, FALSE);
    EnableWindow (hwndEditUser, FALSE);
    EnableWindow (hwndEditPass, FALSE);
    EnableWindow (hwndComboList, FALSE);

    hEAP_THREAD = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)eap_thread, 0, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: Text.c Projeto: atrniv/CLIPS
*                               text_QueryClose
* Inputs:
*       HWND hwnd: Window handle
* Result: BOOL
*       TRUE if window can close
*	FALSE if it can't
* Effect: 
*       If there is a change in the edit control, pops up a message box
*	asking for confirmation.
int text_QueryClose(
  HWND hwnd)
   BOOL modified = Edit_GetModify(GetDlgItem(hwnd,ID_EDIT_CONTROL));
   TCHAR caption[256];
   TCHAR changed[256];

   if (! modified)
	 { return IDNO; }
   VERIFY(LoadString(GetWindowInstance(hwnd), IDS_SAVE_CHANGES_CAPTION,
     				caption, DIM(caption)));
   VERIFY(LoadString(GetWindowInstance(hwnd), IDS_SAVE_CHANGES,
     				changed, DIM(changed)));

   // We use a more general structure here so that in the future, we
   // could issue a box that said "Save changes [Yes][No][Cancel]" and
   // do a multiway branch based on the three possible return values.

   return (MessageBox(hwnd, changed, caption, MB_ICONSTOP | MB_YESNOCANCEL));
Exemplo n.º 3
 FindThreadData(WindowInfo& win, TextSearchDirection direction, HWND findBox) :
     win(&win), direction(direction), text(win::GetText(findBox)),
     wasModified(Edit_GetModify(findBox)), wnd(NULL) { }