Exemplo n.º 1
LinAlg::Matrix<Type> LinAlg::CaracteristicPolynom (const LinAlg::Matrix<Type>& mat)
    unsigned n = mat.getNumberOfColumns();
    Matrix<Type> z = EigenValues(mat);
    Matrix<Type> zi = EigenValues(mat);
    Matrix<Type> ret(1,n+1);
    std::complex<Type> *tempPoly = new std::complex<Type> [2];
    tempPoly[0] = 1;
    tempPoly[1] = std::complex<Type>(-z(1,1),-z(1,2));
    std::complex<Type> * tempPolyEigenvalue = new std::complex<Type>[2];

    unsigned sizeTempPoly = 2;
    tempPolyEigenvalue[0] = 1;
    for(unsigned i = 2; i <= n ; ++i)
        tempPolyEigenvalue[1] = std::complex<Type>(-z(i,1),-z(i,2));//apos o templade entre (real,imaginario) atribuição
        tempPoly = LinAlg::MultPoly(tempPoly,tempPolyEigenvalue,sizeTempPoly,2);

    for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeTempPoly ; ++i)
        ret(1,i+1) = tempPoly[i].real();
    return ret;

Exemplo n.º 2
std::vector<int> fiedler_reorder(const SymmetricMatrix& m)
  SymmetricMatrix absm=m;
  const int nrows=m.Nrows();
  for (int i=0;i<nrows;++i) {
    for (int j=0;j<=i;++j){
       //absolute value

  SymmetricMatrix lap(nrows);
  for (int i=0;i<nrows;++i)

  DiagonalMatrix eigs; 
  Matrix vecs;

  ColumnVector fvec=vecs.Column(2);
  std::vector<double> fvec_stl(nrows);
  //copies over fvec to fvec_stl
  std::vector<int> findices;
  //sorts the data by eigenvalue in ascending order
  return findices;
  /* BLOCK works with findices*/

Exemplo n.º 3
	bool CalculateNativeAxis(const float* points, int count, unsigned vertex_size, vec3& r, vec3& s, vec3& t)
		//	find covariance matrix
		mat3 c = CreateCovarianceMatrix(points, count, vertex_size);

		//	find eigen values of the covariance matrix
		Math::vec3 eigen_values;
		if (!EigenValues(c, eigen_values))
			return (out_error() << "Can't find eigen values for matrix " << c.ToString() << std::endl, false);

		//	find eigen vectors of the covariance matrix
		Math::vec3 eigen_vectors[3];
		if (!EigenVectors(c, eigen_values, eigen_vectors))
			return (out_error() << "Can't find eigen values for matrix " << c.ToString() << " with eigen values " << eigen_values.ToString() << std::endl, false);

		r = eigen_vectors[0];
		s = eigen_vectors[1];
		t = eigen_vectors[2];

		mat3 a;
		a.SetColumn(0, r);
		a.SetColumn(1, s);
		a.SetColumn(2, t);

		out_message() << "Matrix a: " << a.ToString() << std::endl;

		mat3 tt = a.Transposed() * c * a;

		out_message() << "Matrix tt: " << tt.ToString() << std::endl;
		return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
	bool DiagonalizeMatrix(const mat3& m, mat3& res)
		vec3 v;
		if (!EigenValues(m, v))
			return false;

		res[0] = v[0];
		res[4] = v[1];
		res[8] = v[2];

		return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
void EigenProblemsTest::testSyev()
  std::cout << "--> Test: syev." <<std::endl;

  // turn A to a symmetric matrix
  *Aref = *A;
  // Initialize EigenVectors with A
  SP::SiconosVector EigenValues(new SiconosVector(size));
  SP::SimpleMatrix EigenVectors(new SimpleMatrix(*A));
//  *EigenVectors = *A;
  Siconos::eigenproblems::syev(*EigenValues, *EigenVectors);
  DenseVect error(size);
  error *= 0.0;

  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
    error.plus_assign(ublas::prod( *A->dense(), column(*EigenVectors->dense(), i) ));
  // Check ...
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("testSyev 1: ", norm_2(error) < 10 * std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon() , true);
  // Check if A has not been modified
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("testSyev 2: ", (*A) == (*Aref) , true);
  // Now compute only eigenvalues 
  SP::SiconosVector RefEigenValues(new SiconosVector(*EigenValues));
  *EigenVectors = *A;
  *EigenValues *= 0.0;
  Siconos::eigenproblems::syev(*EigenValues, *EigenVectors, false);
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("testSyev 3: ", ((*EigenValues) - (*RefEigenValues)).norm2() < 10 * std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon(), true);
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("testSyev 4: ", (*A) == (*Aref) , true);
  std::cout << "--> Syev test ended with success." <<std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 6
int getNormalModes(double** cartCoords, double* carthessian,
		   double* masslist, int numCartesians, double* frequencies,
		   double* normalmodes, int &nfreq, int decontaminate) {

  Matrix Hc(numCartesians*3,numCartesians*3);
  Hc << carthessian;

  //  mass weighted cartesian Hessian
  int i,j;
  Matrix Hmwc(numCartesians*3,numCartesians*3);
  for (i=0; i<numCartesians; i++) {
    for (j=0; j<numCartesians; j++) {
      Hmwc << Hc(i+1,j+1)/sqrt(masslist[i]*masslist[j]);
#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "Hmwc:\n";
  cout << setw(9) << setprecision(3) << (Hmwc);
  cout << "\n\n";

  if (!decontaminate) {
    Matrix V;
    DiagonalMatrix eigval;

    const float twopicinv = 1/(2*PI*LIGHTSPEED); // 2*pi*c
    for (i=0; i<numCartesians; i++) {
      frequencies[i] = twopicinv*sqrt(abs(eigval(i+1)));
      // Complex frequencies are marked with a negative sign
      if (eigval(i+1)<0) frequencies[i] *= -1.0f;

  // Moments of inertia tensor
  double Ixx=0, Iyy=0, Izz=0, Ixy=0, Ixz=0, Iyz=0, x, y, z, m, mtot=0.0;
  double Rcom[3];
  for (i=0; i<numCartesians; i++) {
    x = cartCoords[i][0];
    y = cartCoords[i][1];
    z = cartCoords[i][2];
    m = masslist[i];

    // Center of mass
    Rcom[0] += m*x;
    Rcom[1] += m*y;
    Rcom[2] += m*z;
    mtot += m;
    Ixx += m*(y*y+z*z);
    Iyy += m*(x*x+z*z);
    Izz += m*(x*x+y*y);
    Ixy -= m*x*y;
    Ixz -= m*x*z;
    Iyz -= m*y*z;

  Rcom[0] /= mtot;
  Rcom[1] /= mtot;
  Rcom[2] /= mtot;

  SymmetricMatrix I(3);
  I << Ixx << Ixy << Ixz 
    << Ixy << Iyy << Iyz 
    << Ixz << Iyz << Izz;

  // Diagonalize moments of intertia
  DiagonalMatrix eigval;
  Matrix X;
  Jacobi(I, eigval, X);

#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "I:\n";
  cout << setw(9) << setprecision(3) << (I);
  cout << "\n\n";

  cout << "X:\n";
  cout << setw(9) << setprecision(3) << (X);
  cout << "\n\n";

  // Coords wrt COM
  Matrix R(numCartesians, 3);
  for (i=0; i<numCartesians; i++) {
    R(i,0) = cartCoords[i][0]-Rcom[0];
    R(i,1) = cartCoords[i][1]-Rcom[1];
    R(i,2) = cartCoords[i][2]-Rcom[2];

#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "R:\n";
  cout << setw(9) << setprecision(3) << (R);
  cout << "\n\n";

  RowVector Px = R*I.Row(1);
  RowVector Py = R*I.Row(2);
  RowVector Pz = R*I.Row(3);

  double sqrm;
  IdentityMatrix E(3*numCartesians);
  Matrix D(3*numCartesians,3*numCartesians);
  D << E;

  for (i=0; i<numCartesians; i++) {
    sqrm = sqrt(masslist[i]);
    D(1,i*3+1) = D(2,i*3+2) = D(3,i*3+3) = sqrm;
    D(1,i*3+2) = D(1,i*3+3) = D(2,i*3+1) = D(2,i*3+3) = D(3,i*3+1) = D(3,i*3+2) = 0.0;
    for (j=1; j<=3; j++) {
      D(4,i*3+j) = (Py(i)*X(j,3)-Pz(i)*X(j,2))/sqrm;
      D(5,i*3+j) = (Pz(i)*X(j,1)-Px(i)*X(j,3))/sqrm;
      D(6,i*3+j) = (Px(i)*X(j,2)-Py(i)*X(j,1))/sqrm;

#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "D:\n";
  cout << setw(9) << setprecision(3) << (D);
  cout << "\n\n";

  // Normalize D
  int ntransrot=6;
  double s[6];
  RowVector Ri, Rj; 
  for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
    //Ri = D.Row(i+1);
    //s[i] = DotProduct(Ri, Ri);
    s[i] = D.Row(i).NormFrobenius();
    if (s[i]<1e-6) ntransrot--;
    else  D.Column(i+1) *= 1.f/sqrt(s[i]);

  // Remove the row with zero elements
  if (ntransrot<6) {
    int k=1;
    for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
      if (s[i]>=1e-6) {

#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "D normalized:\n";
  cout << setw(9) << setprecision(3) << (D);
  cout << "\n\n";

  int Nvib = 3*numCartesians-ntransrot;
  cout << "Nvib = 3N-"<<ntransrot<<" = "<<Nvib<<" nonredundant internal coordinates"<<"\n";

  // We create a 3N*3N transformation matrix D which transforms from mass weighted
  // cartesian coordinates q to internal coordinates S = Dq, where rotation and 
  // translation have been separated out.

  // The first five or six vectors are already linearly independent,
  // and we just orthogonalized them above. 
  // Now the remaining 3N-6 vectors are generated using the stabilized 
  // Gram-Schmidt algorithm. They are required to be orthogonal to the
  // translational rotational vectors.
  double dot , norm;
  for (i=1; i<=ntransrot; i++) {
    for (j=1; j<i; j++) {
      // Remove component of D_i that is parallel to D_k:
      // D_i = D_i - <D_i, D_k> * D_k
      Ri = D.Row(i);
      Rj = D.Row(j);
      dot = DotProduct(Rj, Ri);
      D.Row(i) -= dot*Rj;
    // Normalize
    //norm = DotProduct(D.Row(i), D.Row(i));
    norm = D.Row(i).NormFrobenius();
    D.Row(i) *= 1/sqrt(norm);
  int k, cik=0;
  for (i=ntransrot; i<=3*numCartesians; i++) {

    norm = 0.0;
    while (abs(norm) < 1e-12) {

      // Initialize i'th row with cik'th coord axis
      D.Row(i) = E.Row(cik);

      // Stabilized Gram-Schmidt:
      for (k=0; k<i; k++) {
	// Remove component of D_i that is parallel to D_k (k'th row):
	// D_i = D_i - <D_i, D_k> * D_k
	// <D_i, D_k> = D_k[cik], since D_i[j]=0 for j!=cik and D_i[cik]=1
	D.Row(i) -= D(k,cik)*D.Row(k);

      // Length of D_i:
      norm = D.Row(i).NormFrobenius();
      // Check for the linear independence:
      // If norm==0 it means that all components parallel to another existing
      // vector (row of D) summed up to D_i, i.e the new D_i is linear dependent
      // on the other vectors. In this case we choose another D_cik for the
      // construction of D_i.
      if ( norm < 1e-6) {                        
	cik++; // take another vector
	norm = 0.0;
    D.Row(i) *= 1.f/norm;


#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "D orthonormalized:\n";
  cout << setw(9) << setprecision(3) << (D);
  cout << "\n\n";

  Matrix Hint;
  Hint = D.t() * Hmwc * D;

  Matrix V;

  frequencies = new double[Nvib];

  const double scale = 1.f/(2.f*PI*LIGHTSPEED);
  for (i=0; i<Nvib; i++) {
    frequencies[i] = scale*sqrt(eigval(i+1));
    // Complex frequencies are marked with a negative sign
    if (eigval(i+1)<0) frequencies[i] *= -1.0f;

  return Nvib;