Exemplo n.º 1
vector< pair<WayLocation, WayLocation> > MaximalSubline::_discretizePointPairs(
    const ConstOsmMapPtr &map, const ConstWayPtr& w1, const ConstWayPtr& w2,
    vector<WaySublineMatch>& rawSublineMatches)
    /// @todo this requires a more robust mechanism for generating point pairs. -JRS #2701

    // figure out where to start on the lines
    double diff = rawSublineMatches[0].getSubline1().getStart().calculateDistanceOnWay() -

    Meters w1Offset = max(0.0, diff);
    Meters w2Offset = max(0.0, -diff);
    Meters w1Length = ElementConverter(map).convertToLineString(w1)->getLength();
    Meters w2Length = ElementConverter(map).convertToLineString(w2)->getLength();

    int count = min((w1Length - w1Offset) / _spacing, (w2Length - w2Offset) / _spacing) + 1;

    vector< pair<WayLocation, WayLocation> > result(count);

    WayLocation lastMatch(map, w2, 0, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        double loc = (double)i * _spacing;

        WayLocation wl1(map, w1, loc + w1Offset);
        WayLocation wl2(LocationOfPoint(map, w2).locateAfter(wl1.getCoordinate(), lastMatch));
        //WayLocation wl2(LocationOfPoint::locate(w2, wl1.getCoordinate()));
        result[i] = pair<WayLocation, WayLocation>(wl1, wl2);
        lastMatch = wl2;

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
vector<long> OsmMapIndex::findWayNeighborsBruteForce(shared_ptr<const Way> way, Meters buffer) const
  vector<long> result;

  // grab the geometry for the way that we're comparing all others against.
  shared_ptr<LineString> ls1 = ElementConverter(_map.shared_from_this()).convertToLineString(way);

  // go through all other ways
  for (WayMap::const_iterator it = _map.getWays().begin();
    it != _map.getWays().end(); ++it)
    long nId = it->first;
    shared_ptr<const Way> n = it->second;
    if (n != 0 && nId != way->getId())
      shared_ptr<LineString> ls2 = ElementConverter(_map.shared_from_this()).convertToLineString(n);
      Meters d = ls1->distance(ls2.get());

      if (d < buffer)

  return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
double ProbabilityOfMatch::lengthScore(const ConstOsmMapPtr &map, const shared_ptr<const Way>& w1,
  const shared_ptr<const Way> &w2)
  Meters l1 = ElementConverter(map).convertToLineString(w1)->getLength();
  Meters l2 = ElementConverter(map).convertToLineString(w2)->getLength();

  // longer matches get a higher score.
  Meters mean = (l1 + l2) / 2.0;

  return 0.2 + ((mean / (mean + 20)) * 0.8);
Exemplo n.º 4
std::vector<long> OsmMapIndex::findWayNeighbors(Coordinate& from, Meters buffer) const
  vector<long> result;

  // grab the geometry for the way that we're comparing all others against.
  Point* p = GeometryFactory::getDefaultInstance()->createPoint(from);

  // go through all other ways
  for (WayMap::const_iterator it = _map.getWays().begin();
    it != _map.getWays().end(); ++it)
    long nId = it->first;
    shared_ptr<const Way> n = it->second;
    if (n != 0 && n->getNodeCount() > 1)
      shared_ptr<LineString> ls2 = ElementConverter(_map.shared_from_this()).convertToLineString(n);
      Meters d = p->distance(ls2.get());

      if (d < buffer)

  delete p;

  return result;
Exemplo n.º 5
long OsmMapIndex::findNearestWay(Coordinate c) const
  long result = 0;
  double bestDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

  // grab the geometry for the way that we're comparing all others against.
  Point* p = GeometryFactory::getDefaultInstance()->createPoint(c);

  // go through all other ways
  for (WayMap::const_iterator it = _map.getWays().begin();
    it != _map.getWays().end(); ++it)
    long nId = it->first;
    shared_ptr<const Way> n = it->second;
    if (n != 0 && n->getNodeCount() > 1)
      shared_ptr<LineString> ls2 = ElementConverter(_map.shared_from_this()).convertToLineString(n);
      Meters d = p->distance(ls2.get());

      if (d < bestDistance)
        result = nId;
        bestDistance = d;

  delete p;

  return result;
Exemplo n.º 6
void MaximalSubline::_snapToTerminal(WayLocation& wl, bool startOfLines, double thresh)
    Meters d1 = wl.calculateDistanceOnWay();

    // if we're not at the start of the line
    if (!startOfLines)
        // calculate the distance from the end to this way location.
        d1 = ElementConverter(wl.getMap()).convertToLineString(wl.getWay())->getLength() - d1;

    if (thresh == -1)
        thresh = _minSplitSize;

    // if we should snap the end points
    if (d1 <= thresh)
        // if we're at the start of the line
        if (startOfLines)
            // snap to the beginning
            wl = WayLocation(wl.getMap(), wl.getWay(), 0, 0.0);
        // if we're at the end of the line
            // snap to the end
            wl = WayLocation(wl.getMap(), wl.getWay(), wl.getWay()->getNodeCount(), 0.0);
void TranslatedTagCountVisitor::visit(ElementType type, long id)
  shared_ptr<const Element> e = _map->getElement(type, id);

  if (e->getTags().getInformationCount() > 0)
    shared_ptr<Geometry> g = ElementConverter(_map->shared_from_this()).convertToGeometry(e);

    Tags t = e->getTags();
    t["error:circular"] = QString::number(e->getCircularError());
    t["hoot:status"] = e->getStatusString();

    // remove all the empty tags.
    for (Tags::const_iterator it = e->getTags().begin(); it != e->getTags().end(); ++it)
      if (t[it.key()] == "")

    QString layerName;
    vector<ScriptToOgrTranslator::TranslatedFeature> f = _translator->translateToOgr(t,
      e->getElementType(), g->getGeometryTypeId());

    // only write the feature if it wasn't filtered by the translation script.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < f.size(); i++)
Exemplo n.º 8
void DirectedGraph::deriveEdges(shared_ptr<const OsmMap> map)
  const WayMap& ways = map->getWays();

  for (WayMap::const_iterator it = ways.begin(); it != ways.end(); ++it)
    const shared_ptr<Way>& way = it->second;
    double cost = determineCost(way);
    double length = ElementConverter(map).convertToLineString(way)->getLength();

    long nStart = way->getNodeId(0);
    long nEnd = way->getNodeId(way->getNodeCount() - 1);
    if (cost >= 0)
      if (isOneWay(way))
        addEdge(nStart, nEnd, cost * length);
        addEdge(nStart, nEnd, cost * length);
        addEdge(nEnd, nStart, cost * length);
Exemplo n.º 9
void GraphComparator::_paintWay(cv::Mat& mat, ConstOsmMapPtr map, shared_ptr<Way> way, double friction,
                                double startCost, double endCost)
  LocationOfPoint lop(map, way);
  double length = ElementConverter(map).convertToLineString(way)->getLength();
  // v is the distance along the way in meters
  for (double v = 0.0; v <= length; v += _pixelSize / 2.0)
    double cost = std::min(startCost + v * friction, endCost + (length - v) * friction);
    Coordinate c = lop.locate(v);

    int x = (c.x - _projectedBounds.MinX) / _pixelSize;
    int y = _height - (c.y - _projectedBounds.MinY) / _pixelSize;

    float* row = mat.ptr<float>(y);
    if (row[x] >= 0.0)
      row[x] = std::min((float)cost, row[x]);
      row[x] = cost;
Exemplo n.º 10
WayLocation LocationOfPoint::locate(const Coordinate& inputPt) const
  double minDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>().max();
  int minIndex = 0;
  double minFrac = -1.0;

  LineSegment seg;

  if (_length == -1)
    _length = ElementConverter(_map).convertToLineString(_way)->getLength();

  if (_length <= 0.0)
    return WayLocation(_map, _way, 0, 0);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < _way->getNodeCount() - 1; i++) {
    seg.p0 = _map->getNode(_way->getNodeId(i))->toCoordinate();
    seg.p1 = _map->getNode(_way->getNodeId(i + 1))->toCoordinate();
    double segDistance = seg.distance(inputPt);
    double segFrac = segmentFraction(seg, inputPt);

    if (segDistance < minDistance) {
      minIndex = i;
      minFrac = segFrac;
      minDistance = segDistance;

  return WayLocation(_map, _way, minIndex, minFrac);
Exemplo n.º 11
double KnnWayIterator::_calculateDistance(const BoxInternalData&, int id)
  // if the id in the index isn't valid, then report the maximum possible distance.
  double result = numeric_limits<double>::max();

  long otherWayId = _treeIdToWid[id];
  if (otherWayId == _wayId)
    result = 0.0;
  // if this is a valid way id.
  else if (_map.containsWay(otherWayId))
    ConstWayPtr w = _map.getWay(otherWayId);

    // grab the geometry for the way that we're comparing against.
    boost::shared_ptr<LineString> ls = ElementConverter(_map.shared_from_this()).convertToLineString(w);

    Meters d = ls->distance(_lsFast);

    if (_addError)
      Meters acc = w->getCircularError();

      d = std::max(0.0, ls->distance(_lsFast) - (acc + _baseAccuracy));


    result = d * d;

  return result;
Exemplo n.º 12
double WayMergeManipulation::_calculateExpertProbability(ConstOsmMapPtr map) const
  OsmMapPtr theMap(new OsmMap());
               ElementId(ElementType::Way, _left),
               ElementId(ElementType::Way, _right)).apply(theMap);

  WayPtr left = theMap->getWay(_left);
  WayPtr right = theMap->getWay(_right);

  // use the maximal nearest subline code to find the best subline
  WayPtr mnsLeft = MaximalNearestSubline::getMaximalNearestSubline(theMap, left, right,
    _minSplitSize, left->getCircularError() + right->getCircularError());
  if (mnsLeft == 0)
    return 0.0;
  WayPtr mnsRight = MaximalNearestSubline::getMaximalNearestSubline(theMap, right, mnsLeft,
    _minSplitSize, left->getCircularError() + right->getCircularError());
  if (mnsRight == 0)
    return 0.0;

  // what portion of the original lines is the MNS
  double pl = ElementConverter(theMap).convertToLineString(mnsLeft)->getLength() /
  double pr = ElementConverter(theMap).convertToLineString(mnsRight)->getLength() /

  // give it a score
  double ps = std::min(pl, pr) / 2.0 + 0.5;

  double p;

  // if either of the lines are zero in length.
  if (pl == 0 || pr == 0)
    p = 0.0;
    p = ps * ProbabilityOfMatch::getInstance().expertProbability(theMap, mnsLeft, mnsRight);

  return p;
Exemplo n.º 13
bool WayBufferFilter::isFiltered(const Way& w) const
    bool result = true;
    shared_ptr<LineString> ls2 = ElementConverter(_map).

    if (fabs((w.getCircularError() + _buffer) - _bufferAccuracy) > 0.1)
      _bufferAccuracy = w.getCircularError() + _buffer;

      _baseBuffered.reset(_baseLs->buffer(_bufferAccuracy, 3,
      _boundsPlus = *_baseBuffered->getEnvelopeInternal();

    if (ls2->getEnvelopeInternal()->intersects(_boundsPlus))

      shared_ptr<Geometry> g(_baseBuffered->intersection(ls2.get()));
      double ls2Length = ls2->getLength();
      double ls2IntersectLength = g->getLength();

      if (ls2IntersectLength / ls2Length >= _matchPercent)
        shared_ptr<Geometry> ls2Buffer(ls2->buffer(_bufferAccuracy, 3,
        double ls1IntersectLength = g->getLength();

        if (ls1IntersectLength / _baseLength >= _matchPercent)
          result = false;

    return result;
  catch (geos::util::TopologyException& e)
    throw e;
Exemplo n.º 14
void OsmMapIndex::_buildWayTree() const
  QTime t;
  LOG_DEBUG("Building way R-Tree index");
  // 10 children - 368
  shared_ptr<MemoryPageStore> mps(new MemoryPageStore(728));
  _wayTree.reset(new HilbertRTree(mps, 2));

  vector<Box> boxes;
  vector<int> ids;

  const WayMap& ways = _map.getWays();


  Box b(2);
  int count = 0;
  for (WayMap::const_iterator it = ways.begin();
    it != ways.end(); ++it)
    shared_ptr<const Way> w = it->second;

    shared_ptr<LineString> ls = ElementConverter(_map.shared_from_this()).convertToLineString(w);
    const Envelope* e = ls->getEnvelopeInternal();

    Meters a = w->getCircularError();
    b.setBounds(0, e->getMinX() - a, e->getMaxX() + a);
    b.setBounds(1, e->getMinY() - a, e->getMaxY() + a);


    if (Log::getInstance().isDebugEnabled() && count % 1000 == 0)
      cout << "  building way R-Tree count: " << count << " / " << ways.size() << "       \r";
    count += 1;

  if (Log::getInstance().isDebugEnabled())
    cout << endl;


  LOG_DEBUG("  Doing bulk insert.");

  _wayTree->bulkInsert(boxes, ids);

  LOG_DEBUG("  Done. Time elapsed: " << t.elapsed() << "ms");
Exemplo n.º 15
Handle<Value> ElementConverterJs::calculateLength(const Arguments& args) {
  HandleScope scope;
  Context::Scope context_scope(Context::GetCurrent());

  ConstOsmMapPtr m = toCpp<ConstOsmMapPtr>(args[0]);
  ConstElementPtr e = toCpp<ConstElementPtr>(args[1]);

  return scope.Close(toV8(ElementConverter(m).calculateLength(e)));
WaySublineMatchString MaximalNearestSublineMatcher::findMatch(const ConstOsmMapPtr &map,
  const ConstWayPtr& way1, const ConstWayPtr &way2, double &score, Meters maxRelevantDistance) const
  score = 0;
  Meters mrd = maxRelevantDistance == -1 ? way1->getCircularError() + way2->getCircularError() :

  vector<long> wayIds;
  OsmMapPtr mapCopy(map->copyWays(wayIds));

  WayPtr way1NonConst = mapCopy->getWay(way1->getId());
  WayPtr way2NonConst = mapCopy->getWay(way2->getId());

  MaximalNearestSubline mns1(
    mapCopy, way1NonConst, way2NonConst, _minSplitSize, mrd, _maxRelevantAngle, _headingDelta);

  // use the maximal nearest subline code to find the best subline
  std::vector<WayLocation> interval1 = mns1.getInterval();
  if (!interval1[0].isValid() || !interval1[1].isValid() ||
      interval1[0] == interval1[1])
    // if the interval isn't valid then return an invalid result.
    return WaySublineMatchString();
  _snapToEnds(map, interval1);
  WayPtr subline1 = WaySubline(interval1[0], interval1[1]).toWay(mapCopy);

  MaximalNearestSubline mns2(mapCopy, way2NonConst, subline1, _minSplitSize, -1, -1, _headingDelta);
  std::vector<WayLocation> interval2 = mns2.getInterval();
  if (!interval2[0].isValid() || !interval2[1].isValid() ||
      interval2[0] == interval2[1])
    return WaySublineMatchString();
  _snapToEnds(map, interval2);

  WaySublineMatch match = WaySublineMatch(WaySubline(interval1[0], interval1[1]),
                           WaySubline(interval2[0], interval2[1]));

  if (subline1->getNodeCount() > 1)
    shared_ptr<LineString> ls = ElementConverter(mapCopy).convertToLineString(subline1);
    if (ls->isValid())
      score = ls->getLength();

  vector<WaySublineMatch> v;
  // switch the subline match to reference a different map.
  v.push_back(WaySublineMatch(match, map));

  return WaySublineMatchString(v);
Exemplo n.º 17
  virtual void visit(const shared_ptr<const Element>& e)
    if (e->getElementType() == ElementType::Way)
      shared_ptr<const Way> w(dynamic_pointer_cast<const Way>(e));

      Geometry* ls = ElementConverter(_map->shared_from_this()).convertToLineString(w)->clone();
Exemplo n.º 18
WayBufferFilter::WayBufferFilter(ConstOsmMapPtr map, ConstWayPtr baseWay, Meters buffer,
  double matchPercent) :
  _matchPercent = matchPercent;
  _buffer = buffer + baseWay->getCircularError();
  _baseLs = ElementConverter(map).convertToLineString(baseWay);
  _baseLength = _baseLs->getLength();
  _bufferAccuracy = -1;
Exemplo n.º 19
void OgrWriter::_writePartial(ElementProviderPtr& provider, const ConstElementPtr& e)
  if (_translator.get() == 0)
    throw HootException("You must call open before attempting to write.");

  if (e->getTags().getInformationCount() > 0)
    // There is probably a cleaner way of doing this.
    // convertToGeometry calls  getGeometryType which will throw an exception if it gets a relation
    // that it doesn't know about. E.g. "route", "superroute", " turnlanes:turns" etc

    shared_ptr<Geometry> g;

      g = ElementConverter(provider).convertToGeometry(e);
    catch (IllegalArgumentException& err)
      LOG_WARN("Error converting geometry: " << err.getWhat() << " (" << e->toString() << ")");

    LOG_DEBUG("After conversion to geometry, element is now a " <<
             g->getGeometryType() );

    Tags t = e->getTags();
    t["error:circular"] = QString::number(e->getCircularError());
    t["hoot:status"] = e->getStatusString();
    for (Tags::const_iterator it = e->getTags().begin(); it != e->getTags().end(); ++it)
      if (t[it.key()] == "")

    vector<ScriptToOgrTranslator::TranslatedFeature> tf = _translator->translateToOgr(t,
      e->getElementType(), g->getGeometryTypeId());

    // only write the feature if it wasn't filtered by the translation script.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < tf.size(); i++)
      OGRLayer* layer = _getLayer(tf[i].tableName);
      if (layer != 0)
        _addFeature(layer, tf[i].feature, g);
Exemplo n.º 20
WayLocation::WayLocation(ConstOsmMapPtr map, ConstWayPtr way, double distance) :
  double d = 0.0;

  _segmentIndex = -1;
  _segmentFraction = -1;

  _way = way;
  double length = ElementConverter(map).convertToLineString(way)->getLength();

  if (distance <= 0)
    _segmentIndex = 0.0;
    _segmentFraction = 0;
  else if (distance >= length)
    _segmentIndex = _way->getNodeCount() - 1;
    _segmentFraction = 0.0;
    Coordinate last = _map->getNode(way->getNodeId(0))->toCoordinate();

    _segmentIndex = way->getNodeCount() - 1;
    _segmentFraction = 0;

    for (size_t i = 1; i < way->getNodeCount(); i++)
      ConstNodePtr n = _map->getNode(_way->getNodeId(i));
      Coordinate next = n->toCoordinate();
      double delta = next.distance(last);
      last = next;

      if (d <= distance && d + delta > distance)
        _segmentIndex = i - 1;
        _segmentFraction = (distance - d) / delta;
        // this can sometimes happen due to rounding errors.
        if (_segmentFraction >= 1.0)
          _segmentFraction = 0.0;
        _way = way;
      d += delta;
  assert(_segmentFraction < 1.0);
  assert((size_t)_segmentIndex <= _way->getNodeCount() - 1);
Exemplo n.º 21
double ProbabilityOfMatch::expertProbability(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map, const shared_ptr<const Way>& w1,
                                             const shared_ptr<const Way>& w2)
  double ds = distanceScore(map, w1, w2);
  // weight this more heavily.
  double ps = parallelScore(map, w1, w2);
  double as = (attributeScore(map, w1, w2) * .7 + .3);
  double zs = zipperScore(map, w1, w2);
  double ls = lengthScore(map, w1, w2);

  if (debug)
    LOG_INFO("  ds2 " << distanceScore(map, w2, w1));
    LOG_INFO("  l1 " << ElementConverter(map).convertToLineString(w1)->getLength());
    LOG_INFO("  l2 " << ElementConverter(map).convertToLineString(w2)->getLength());
    LOG_INFO("" << "probability of match " << ds << " " << ps << " " << as << " " << zs);
    LOG_INFO("" << "  " << ds * ps * as * zs);

  return ds * ps * as * zs * ls;
Exemplo n.º 22
void UnionPolygonsVisitor::visit(const shared_ptr<const Element>& e)
  if (e->getElementType() == ElementType::Node)

  if (OsmSchema::getInstance().isArea(e->getTags(), e->getElementType()))
    shared_ptr<Geometry> g = ElementConverter(_map->shared_from_this()).convertToGeometry(e);
void MultiLineStringVisitor::visit(const shared_ptr<const Way>& w)
  if (w->getNodeCount() >= 2)
    if (_ls == 0)
      _ls = new vector<Geometry*>();

    Geometry* g = ElementConverter(_map->shared_from_this()).convertToLineString(w)->clone();
Exemplo n.º 24
void OsmMapIndex::_insertWay(long wid)
  shared_ptr<const Way> w = _map.getWay(wid);

  Box b(2);

  shared_ptr<LineString> ls = ElementConverter(_map.shared_from_this()).convertToLineString(w);
  const Envelope* e = ls->getEnvelopeInternal();

  b.setBounds(0, e->getMinX() - _indexSlush, e->getMaxX() + _indexSlush);
  b.setBounds(1, e->getMinY() - _indexSlush, e->getMaxY() + _indexSlush);

  _wayTree->insert(b, _createTreeWid(wid));
Exemplo n.º 25
KnnWayIterator::KnnWayIterator(const OsmMap& map, ConstWayPtr way,
  const RStarTree* tree, const vector<long>& treeIdToWid, bool addError) :
  KnnIterator(tree, 0.0, 0.0, Box()),
  _wayId = way->getId();
  _ls = ElementConverter(map.shared_from_this()).convertToLineString(way);
  _lsFast = _ls.get();
  _indexSlush = _map.getIndex().getIndexSlush();
  _distanceCount = 0;
  _addError = addError;
  _baseAccuracy = way->getCircularError();
Exemplo n.º 26
void AddGeometryTypeVisitor::visit(const shared_ptr<Element>& e)
  if (e->getTags().getNonDebugCount() > 0)
    if (e->getElementType() == ElementType::Node)
      e->getTags()["geometry_type"] = "Point";
      QString type = QString::fromStdString(
      e->getTags()["geometry_type"] = type;
Exemplo n.º 27
WaySubline WaySubline::reverse(const ConstWayPtr& reversedWay) const
  WaySubline result;

  // sanity check to make sure they're actually reversed, this isn't conclusive but should help
  // if there is a major goof.
  assert(reversedWay->getNodeCount() == getWay()->getNodeCount());
  assert(reversedWay->getNodeId(0) == getWay()->getLastNodeId());

  double l = ElementConverter(getMap()).convertToLineString(getWay())->getLength();

  result._start = WayLocation(getMap(), reversedWay, l - getEnd().calculateDistanceOnWay());
  result._end = WayLocation(getMap(), reversedWay, l - getStart().calculateDistanceOnWay());

  return result;
Exemplo n.º 28
void WaySplitter::split(const OsmMapPtr& map, const shared_ptr<Way>& w, double maxSize)
  shared_ptr<LineString> ls = ElementConverter(map).convertToLineString(w);

  double l = ls->getLength();

  if (l > maxSize)
    WayLocation wl (map, w, l / 2.0);
    vector< shared_ptr<Way> > children = WaySplitter(map, w).split(wl);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); i++)
      split(map, children[i], maxSize);
Exemplo n.º 29
bool WayMergeManipulation::_directConnect(const OsmMapPtr& map, WayPtr w) const
  boost::shared_ptr<LineString> ls = ElementConverter(map).convertToLineString(w);

  CoordinateSequence* cs = GeometryFactory::getDefaultInstance()->getCoordinateSequenceFactory()->
    create(2, 2);

  cs->setAt(map->getNode(w->getNodeId(0))->toCoordinate(), 0);
  cs->setAt(map->getNode(w->getLastNodeId())->toCoordinate(), 1);

  // create a straight line and buffer it
  boost::shared_ptr<LineString> straight(GeometryFactory::getDefaultInstance()->createLineString(cs));
  boost::shared_ptr<Geometry> g(straight->buffer(w->getCircularError()));

  // is the way in question completely contained in the buffer?
  return g->contains(ls.get());
Exemplo n.º 30
Coordinate BaseComparator::_findNearestPointOnFeature(shared_ptr<OsmMap> map, Coordinate c)
  Coordinate result;

  // find the nearest feature
  long wId = map->getIndex().findNearestWay(c);
  shared_ptr<Way> w = map->getWay(wId);

  // find the nearest point on that feature.
  shared_ptr<Point> p(GeometryFactory::getDefaultInstance()->createPoint(c));
  shared_ptr<LineString> ls = ElementConverter(map).convertToLineString(w);
  CoordinateSequence* cs = DistanceOp::closestPoints(p.get(), ls.get());

  cs->getAt(0, result);

  delete cs;

  return result;