Exemplo n.º 1
void HermitianPseudoinverse
( UpperOrLower uplo, AbstractDistMatrix<Field>& APre, Base<Field> tolerance )
    typedef Base<Field> Real;

    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<Field,Field,MC,MR> AProx( APre );
    auto& A = AProx.Get();
    const Grid& g = A.Grid();

    // Get the EVD of A
    // TODO(poulson): Use a relative eigenvalue lower-bound
    DistMatrix<Real,VR,STAR> w(g);
    DistMatrix<Field> Z(g);
    HermitianEig( uplo, A, w, Z );

    if( tolerance == Real(0) )
        // Set the tolerance equal to n ||A||_2 eps
        const Int n = Z.Height();
        const Real eps = limits::Epsilon<Real>();
        const Real twoNorm = MaxNorm( w );
        tolerance = n*twoNorm*eps;
    // Invert above the tolerance
    auto omegaMap =
      [=]( const Real& omega )
      { return ( omega < tolerance ? Real(0) : 1/omega ); };
    EntrywiseMap( w, MakeFunction(omegaMap) );

    // Form the pseudoinverse
    HermitianFromEVD( uplo, A, w, Z );
Exemplo n.º 2
void HingeLossProx( AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& A, Real tau )
    auto hingeProx = 
      [=]( Real alpha ) -> Real
      { if( alpha < 1 ) { return Min(alpha+1/tau,Real(1)); }
        else            { return alpha;                    } };
    EntrywiseMap( A, function<Real(Real)>(hingeProx) );
Exemplo n.º 3
inline void
( const Matrix<Real>& estimates,
  const Matrix<Int>& itCounts, 
        SnapshotCtrl& snapCtrl )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("pspec::FinalSnapshot"));
    auto logMap = []( Real alpha ) { return Log(alpha); };
    if( snapCtrl.realSize != 0 && snapCtrl.imagSize != 0 )
        const bool numSave = ( snapCtrl.numSaveFreq >= 0 );
        const bool imgSave = ( snapCtrl.imgSaveFreq >= 0 );
        const bool imgDisp = ( snapCtrl.imgDispFreq >= 0 );
        Matrix<Real> estMap;
        Matrix<Int> itCountMap;
        if( numSave || imgSave || imgDisp )
            ( snapCtrl.realSize, snapCtrl.imagSize, estimates, estMap );
            if( snapCtrl.itCounts )
                ( snapCtrl.realSize, snapCtrl.imagSize, itCounts, itCountMap );
        if( numSave )
            string base = snapCtrl.numBase;
            Write( estMap, base, snapCtrl.numFormat );
            if( snapCtrl.itCounts )
                Write( itCountMap, base+"_counts", snapCtrl.numFormat );
        if( imgSave || imgDisp )
            EntrywiseMap( estMap, function<Real(Real)>(logMap) );
        if( imgSave )
            string base = snapCtrl.imgBase;
            Write( estMap, base, snapCtrl.imgFormat );
            if( snapCtrl.itCounts )
                Write( itCountMap, base+"_counts", snapCtrl.imgFormat );
            auto colorMap = GetColorMap();
            SetColorMap( GRAYSCALE_DISCRETE );
            Write( estMap, base+"_discrete", snapCtrl.imgFormat );
            SetColorMap( colorMap );
        if( imgDisp )
            string base = snapCtrl.imgBase;
            Display( estMap, base );       
            if( snapCtrl.itCounts )
                Display( itCountMap, base+"_counts" );
            auto colorMap = GetColorMap();
            SetColorMap( GRAYSCALE_DISCRETE );
            Display( estMap, base+"_discrete" );
            SetColorMap( colorMap );
Exemplo n.º 4
void EntrywiseMap
( const DistMultiVec<S>& A,
        DistMultiVec<T>& B,
        function<T(S)> func )
    B.SetComm( A.Comm() );
    B.Resize( A.Height(), A.Width() );
    EntrywiseMap( A.LockedMatrix(), B.Matrix(), func );
Exemplo n.º 5
( Matrix<F>& A,
  Matrix<F>& householderScalars,
  Matrix<Base<F>>& signature )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Int m = A.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    const Int minDim = Min(m,n);
    householderScalars.Resize( minDim, 1 );
    signature.Resize( minDim, 1 );

    Matrix<F> z21;

    for( Int k=0; k<minDim; ++k )
        const Range<Int> ind1( k ), ind2( k+1, END ), indR( k, n );

        F& alpha11 = A(k,k);
        auto a12 = A( ind1, ind2 );
        auto a1R = A( ind1, indR );
        auto A2R = A( ind2, indR );

        // Find tau and v such that
        //  |alpha11 a12| /I - tau |1  | |1 conj(v)|\ = |beta 0|
        //                \        |v^T|            /
        const F tau = RightReflector( alpha11, a12 );
        householderScalars(k) = tau;

        // Temporarily set a1R = | 1 v |
        const F alpha = alpha11;
        alpha11 = 1;

        // A2R := A2R Hous(a1R^T,tau)
        //      = A2R (I - tau a1R^T conj(a1R))
        //      = A2R - tau (A2R a1R^T) conj(a1R)
        Zeros( z21, A2R.Height(), 1 );
        Gemv( NORMAL, F(1), A2R, a1R, F(0), z21 );
        Ger( -tau, z21, a1R, A2R );

        // Reset alpha11's value
        alpha11 = alpha;
    // Form d and rescale L
    auto L = A( ALL, IR(0,minDim) );
    auto sgn = []( const Real& delta )
        return delta >= Real(0) ? Real(1) : Real(-1);
    EntrywiseMap( signature, function<Real(Real)>(sgn) );
    DiagonalScaleTrapezoid( RIGHT, LOWER, NORMAL, signature, L );
Exemplo n.º 6
void FinalSnapshot
( const DistMatrix<Real,VR,STAR>& estimates,
  const DistMatrix<Int, VR,STAR>& itCounts,
        SnapshotCtrl& snapCtrl )
    auto logMap = []( const Real& alpha ) { return Log(alpha); };
    if( snapCtrl.realSize != 0 && snapCtrl.imagSize != 0 )
        const bool numSave = ( snapCtrl.numSaveFreq >= 0 );
        const bool imgSave = ( snapCtrl.imgSaveFreq >= 0 );
        const bool imgDisp = ( snapCtrl.imgDispFreq >= 0 );
        DistMatrix<Real> estMap(estimates.Grid());
        DistMatrix<Int> itCountMap(itCounts.Grid());
        if( numSave || imgSave || imgDisp )
            ( snapCtrl.realSize, snapCtrl.imagSize, estimates, estMap );
            if( snapCtrl.itCounts )
                ( snapCtrl.realSize, snapCtrl.imagSize, itCounts, itCountMap );
        if( numSave )
            string base = snapCtrl.numBase;
            Write( estMap, base, snapCtrl.numFormat );
            if( snapCtrl.itCounts )
                Write( itCountMap, base+"_counts", snapCtrl.numFormat );
        if( imgSave || imgDisp )
            EntrywiseMap( estMap, MakeFunction(logMap) );
        if( imgSave )
            string base = snapCtrl.imgBase;
            Write( estMap, base, snapCtrl.imgFormat );
            if( snapCtrl.itCounts )
                Write( itCountMap, base+"_counts", snapCtrl.imgFormat );
            auto colorMap = GetColorMap();
            SetColorMap( GRAYSCALE_DISCRETE );
            Write( estMap, base+"_discrete", snapCtrl.imgFormat );
            SetColorMap( colorMap );
        if( imgDisp )
            string base = snapCtrl.imgBase;
            Display( estMap, base );
            if( snapCtrl.itCounts )
                Display( itCountMap, base+"_counts" );
            auto colorMap = GetColorMap();
            SetColorMap( GRAYSCALE_DISCRETE );
            Display( estMap, base+"_discrete" );
            SetColorMap( colorMap );
Exemplo n.º 7
void RuizEquil
( DistSparseMatrix<Field>& A,
  DistMultiVec<Base<Field>>& dRow,
  DistMultiVec<Base<Field>>& dCol,
  bool progress )
    typedef Base<Field> Real;
    const Int m = A.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    mpi::Comm comm = A.Comm();
    dRow.SetComm( comm );
    dCol.SetComm( comm );
    Ones( dRow, m, 1 );
    Ones( dCol, n, 1 );

    // TODO(poulson): Expose to control structure
    // For, simply hard-code a small number of iterations
    const Int maxIter = 4;

    DistMultiVec<Real> scales(comm);
    const Int indent = PushIndent();
    for( Int iter=0; iter<maxIter; ++iter )
        // Rescale the columns
        // -------------------
        ColumnMaxNorms( A, scales );
        EntrywiseMap( scales, MakeFunction(DampScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, scales, dCol );
        DiagonalSolve( RIGHT, NORMAL, scales, A );

        // Rescale the rows
        // ----------------
        RowMaxNorms( A, scales );
        EntrywiseMap( scales, MakeFunction(DampScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, scales, dRow );
        DiagonalSolve( LEFT, NORMAL, scales, A );
    SetIndent( indent );
Exemplo n.º 8
void SymmetricRuizEquil
( ElementalMatrix<F>& APre, 
  ElementalMatrix<Base<F>>& dPre,
  Int maxIter, bool progress )
    typedef Base<F> Real;

    ElementalProxyCtrl control;
    control.colConstrain = true;
    control.rowConstrain = true;
    control.colAlign = 0;
    control.rowAlign = 0;

    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> AProx( APre, control );
    DistMatrixWriteProxy<Real,Real,MC,STAR> dProx( dPre, control );
    auto& A = AProx.Get();
    auto& d = dProx.Get();

    const Int n = A.Height();
    Ones( d, n, 1 );

    DistMatrix<Real,MR,STAR> scales(A.Grid());
    const Int indent = PushIndent();
    for( Int iter=0; iter<maxIter; ++iter )
        // Rescale the columns (and rows)
        // ------------------------------
        ColumnMaxNorms( A, scales );
        EntrywiseMap( scales, function<Real(Real)>(DampScaling<Real>) );
        EntrywiseMap( scales, function<Real(Real)>(SquareRootScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, scales, d );
        // TODO: Replace with SymmetricDiagonalSolve
        DiagonalSolve( RIGHT, NORMAL, scales, A );
        DiagonalSolve( LEFT, NORMAL, scales, A );
    SetIndent( indent );
Exemplo n.º 9
void HermitianSVD
( UpperOrLower uplo, AbstractDistMatrix<F>& A, AbstractDistMatrix<Base<F>>& s, 
  AbstractDistMatrix<F>& U, AbstractDistMatrix<F>& V )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("HermitianSVD"))

    // Grab an eigenvalue decomposition of A
    HermitianEig( uplo, A, s, V );

    // Copy V into U (flipping the sign as necessary)
    Copy( U, V );
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    DistMatrix<Real,VR,STAR> sSgn( s );
    auto sgnLambda = []( Real sigma ) { return Sgn(sigma,false); };
    EntrywiseMap( sSgn, function<Real(Real)>(sgnLambda) );
    DiagonalScale( RIGHT, NORMAL, sSgn, U );

    // Set the singular values to the absolute value of the eigenvalues
    auto absLambda = []( Real sigma ) { return Abs(sigma); };
    EntrywiseMap( s, function<Real(Real)>(absLambda) );

    // TODO: Descending sort of triplets
Exemplo n.º 10
void RuizEquil
( Matrix<Field>& A,
  Matrix<Base<Field>>& dRow,
  Matrix<Base<Field>>& dCol,
  bool progress )
    typedef Base<Field> Real;
    const Int m = A.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    Ones( dRow, m, 1 );
    Ones( dCol, n, 1 );

    // TODO(poulson): Expose these as control parameters
    // For now, simply hard-code the number of iterations
    const Int maxIter = 4;

    Matrix<Real> rowScale, colScale;
    const Int indent = PushIndent();
    for( Int iter=0; iter<maxIter; ++iter )
        // Rescale the columns
        // -------------------
        ColumnMaxNorms( A, colScale );
        EntrywiseMap( colScale, MakeFunction(DampScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, colScale, dCol );
        DiagonalSolve( RIGHT, NORMAL, colScale, A );

        // Rescale the rows
        // ----------------
        RowMaxNorms( A, rowScale );
        EntrywiseMap( rowScale, MakeFunction(DampScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, rowScale, dRow );
        DiagonalSolve( LEFT, NORMAL, rowScale, A );
    SetIndent( indent );
Exemplo n.º 11
void SymmetricRuizEquil
( SparseMatrix<F>& A, 
  Matrix<Base<F>>& d,
  Int maxIter, bool progress )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Int n = A.Height();
    Ones( d, n, 1 );

    Matrix<Real> scales;
    const Int indent = PushIndent();
    for( Int iter=0; iter<maxIter; ++iter )
        // Rescale the columns (and rows)
        // ------------------------------
        ColumnMaxNorms( A, scales );
        EntrywiseMap( scales, function<Real(Real)>(DampScaling<Real>) );
        EntrywiseMap( scales, function<Real(Real)>(SquareRootScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, scales, d );
        SymmetricDiagonalSolve( scales, A );
    SetIndent( indent );
Exemplo n.º 12
void Inverse
( const Matrix<Real>& x, 
        Matrix<Real>& xInv,
  const Matrix<Int>& orders, 
  const Matrix<Int>& firstInds )

    Matrix<Real> dInv;
    soc::Dets( x, dInv, orders, firstInds );
    cone::Broadcast( dInv, orders, firstInds );
    auto entryInv = [=]( Real alpha ) { return Real(1)/alpha; };
    EntrywiseMap( dInv, function<Real(Real)>(entryInv) );

    auto Rx = x;
    soc::Reflect( Rx, orders, firstInds );

    Hadamard( dInv, Rx, xInv ); 
Exemplo n.º 13
void Inverse
( const DistMultiVec<Real>& x, 
        DistMultiVec<Real>& xInv,
  const DistMultiVec<Int>& orders, 
  const DistMultiVec<Int>& firstInds,
  Int cutoff )

    DistMultiVec<Real> dInv(x.Comm());
    soc::Dets( x, dInv, orders, firstInds, cutoff );
    cone::Broadcast( dInv, orders, firstInds );
    auto entryInv = [=]( Real alpha ) { return Real(1)/alpha; };
    EntrywiseMap( dInv, function<Real(Real)>(entryInv) );

    auto Rx = x;
    soc::Reflect( Rx, orders, firstInds );

    Hadamard( dInv, Rx, xInv );
Exemplo n.º 14
void Inverse
( const ElementalMatrix<Real>& xPre, 
        ElementalMatrix<Real>& xInvPre,
  const ElementalMatrix<Int>& ordersPre, 
  const ElementalMatrix<Int>& firstIndsPre,
  Int cutoff )
    AssertSameGrids( xPre, xInvPre, ordersPre, firstIndsPre );

    ElementalProxyCtrl ctrl;
    ctrl.colConstrain = true;
    ctrl.colAlign = 0;

      xProx( xPre, ctrl );
      xInvProx( xInvPre, ctrl );
      ordersProx( ordersPre, ctrl ),
      firstIndsProx( firstIndsPre, ctrl );
    auto& x = xProx.GetLocked();
    auto& xInv = xInvProx.Get();
    auto& orders = ordersProx.GetLocked();
    auto& firstInds = firstIndsProx.GetLocked();

    DistMatrix<Real,VC,STAR> dInv(x.Grid()); 
    soc::Dets( x, dInv, orders, firstInds, cutoff );
    cone::Broadcast( dInv, orders, firstInds );
    auto entryInv = [=]( Real alpha ) { return Real(1)/alpha; };
    EntrywiseMap( dInv, function<Real(Real)>(entryInv) );

    auto Rx = x;
    soc::Reflect( Rx, orders, firstInds );

    Hadamard( dInv, Rx, xInv );
Exemplo n.º 15
void Ridge
( Orientation orientation,
  const Matrix<Field>& A,
  const Matrix<Field>& B,
        Base<Field> gamma,
        Matrix<Field>& X,
  RidgeAlg alg )

    const bool normal = ( orientation==NORMAL );
    const Int m = ( normal ? A.Height() : A.Width()  );
    const Int n = ( normal ? A.Width()  : A.Height() );
    if( orientation == TRANSPOSE && IsComplex<Field>::value )
        LogicError("Transpose version of complex Ridge not yet supported");

    if( m >= n )
        Matrix<Field> Z;
        if( alg == RIDGE_CHOLESKY )
            if( orientation == NORMAL )
                Herk( LOWER, ADJOINT, Base<Field>(1), A, Z );
                Herk( LOWER, NORMAL, Base<Field>(1), A, Z );
            ShiftDiagonal( Z, Field(gamma*gamma) );
            Cholesky( LOWER, Z );
            if( orientation == NORMAL )
                Gemm( ADJOINT, NORMAL, Field(1), A, B, X );
                Gemm( NORMAL, NORMAL, Field(1), A, B, X );
            cholesky::SolveAfter( LOWER, NORMAL, Z, X );
        else if( alg == RIDGE_QR )
            Zeros( Z, m+n, n );
            auto ZT = Z( IR(0,m),   IR(0,n) );
            auto ZB = Z( IR(m,m+n), IR(0,n) );
            if( orientation == NORMAL )
                ZT = A;
                Adjoint( A, ZT );
            FillDiagonal( ZB, Field(gamma) );
            // NOTE: This QR factorization could exploit the upper-triangular
            //       structure of the diagonal matrix ZB
            qr::ExplicitTriang( Z );
            if( orientation == NORMAL )
                Gemm( ADJOINT, NORMAL, Field(1), A, B, X );
                Gemm( NORMAL, NORMAL, Field(1), A, B, X );
            cholesky::SolveAfter( LOWER, NORMAL, Z, X );
            Matrix<Field> U, V;
            Matrix<Base<Field>> s;
            if( orientation == NORMAL )
                SVDCtrl<Base<Field>> ctrl;
                ctrl.overwrite = false;
                SVD( A, U, s, V, ctrl );
                Matrix<Field> AAdj;
                Adjoint( A, AAdj );

                SVDCtrl<Base<Field>> ctrl;
                ctrl.overwrite = true;
                SVD( AAdj, U, s, V, ctrl );
            auto sigmaMap =
              [=]( const Base<Field>& sigma )
              { return sigma / (sigma*sigma + gamma*gamma); };
            EntrywiseMap( s, MakeFunction(sigmaMap) );
            Gemm( ADJOINT, NORMAL, Field(1), U, B, X );
            DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, s, X );
            U = X;
            Gemm( NORMAL, NORMAL, Field(1), V, U, X );
        LogicError("This case not yet supported");
Exemplo n.º 16
void Snapshot
( const Matrix<Int>& preimage,
  const Matrix<Real>& estimates,
  const Matrix<Int>& itCounts,
        Int numIts,
        bool deflate,
        SnapshotCtrl& snapCtrl )
    auto logMap = []( const Real& alpha ) { return Log(alpha); };
    if( snapCtrl.realSize != 0 && snapCtrl.imagSize != 0 )
        const bool numSave =
            ( snapCtrl.numSaveFreq > 0 &&
              snapCtrl.numSaveCount >= snapCtrl.numSaveFreq );
        const bool imgSave =
            ( snapCtrl.imgSaveFreq > 0 &&
              snapCtrl.imgSaveCount >= snapCtrl.imgSaveFreq );
        const bool imgDisp =
            ( snapCtrl.imgDispFreq > 0 &&
              snapCtrl.imgDispCount >= snapCtrl.imgDispFreq );
        Matrix<Real> invNorms, estMap;
        Matrix<Int> itCountsReord, itCountMap;
        if( numSave || imgSave || imgDisp )
            invNorms = estimates;
            if( deflate )
                RestoreOrdering( preimage, invNorms );
            ( snapCtrl.realSize, snapCtrl.imagSize, invNorms, estMap );
            if( snapCtrl.itCounts )
                itCountsReord = itCounts;
                if( deflate )
                    RestoreOrdering( preimage, itCountsReord );
                ( snapCtrl.realSize, snapCtrl.imagSize, itCountsReord,
                  itCountMap );
        if( numSave )
            auto title = BuildString( snapCtrl.numBase, "_", numIts );
            Write( estMap, title, snapCtrl.numFormat );
            if( snapCtrl.itCounts )
                Write( itCountMap, title+"_counts", snapCtrl.numFormat );
            snapCtrl.numSaveCount = 0;
        if( imgSave || imgDisp )
            EntrywiseMap( estMap, MakeFunction(logMap) );
        if( imgSave )
            auto title = BuildString( snapCtrl.imgBase, "_", numIts );
            Write( estMap, title, snapCtrl.imgFormat );
            if( snapCtrl.itCounts )
                Write( itCountMap, title+"_counts", snapCtrl.imgFormat );
            auto colorMap = GetColorMap();
            SetColorMap( GRAYSCALE_DISCRETE );
            Write( estMap, title+"_discrete", snapCtrl.imgFormat );
            SetColorMap( colorMap );
            snapCtrl.imgSaveCount = 0;
        if( imgDisp )
            auto title = BuildString( snapCtrl.imgBase, "_", numIts );
            Display( estMap, title );
            if( snapCtrl.itCounts )
                Display( itCountMap, title+"_counts" );
            auto colorMap = GetColorMap();
            SetColorMap( GRAYSCALE_DISCRETE );
            Display( estMap, title+"_discrete" );
            SetColorMap( colorMap );
            snapCtrl.imgDispCount = 0;
Exemplo n.º 17
inline void
( const Matrix<Int>& preimage, const Matrix<Real>& estimates, 
  const Matrix<Int>& itCounts,
  Int numIts, bool deflate, SnapshotCtrl& snapCtrl )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("pspec::Snapshot"));
    if( snapCtrl.realSize != 0 && snapCtrl.imagSize != 0 )
        const bool numSave = 
            ( snapCtrl.numSaveFreq > 0 && 
              snapCtrl.numSaveCount >= snapCtrl.numSaveFreq );
        const bool imgSave = 
            ( snapCtrl.imgSaveFreq > 0 && 
              snapCtrl.imgSaveCount >= snapCtrl.imgSaveFreq );
        const bool imgDisp = 
            ( snapCtrl.imgDispFreq > 0 &&
              snapCtrl.imgDispCount >= snapCtrl.imgDispFreq );
        Matrix<Real> invNorms, estMap;
        Matrix<Int> itCountsReord, itCountMap;
        if( numSave || imgSave || imgDisp )
            invNorms = estimates;
            if( deflate )
                RestoreOrdering( preimage, invNorms );
            ( snapCtrl.realSize, snapCtrl.imagSize, invNorms, estMap );
            if( snapCtrl.itCounts )
                itCountsReord = itCounts;
                if( deflate )
                    RestoreOrdering( preimage, itCountsReord );
                ( snapCtrl.realSize, snapCtrl.imagSize, itCountsReord, 
                  itCountMap );
        if( numSave )
            std::ostringstream os;
            os << snapCtrl.numBase << "-" << numIts;
            Write( estMap, os.str(), snapCtrl.numFormat );
            if( snapCtrl.itCounts )
                Write( itCountMap, os.str()+"-counts", snapCtrl.numFormat );
            snapCtrl.numSaveCount = 0;
        if( imgSave || imgDisp )
            EntrywiseMap( estMap, []( Real alpha ) { return Log(alpha); } );
        if( imgSave )
            std::ostringstream os;
            os << snapCtrl.imgBase << "-" << numIts;
            Write( estMap, os.str(), snapCtrl.imgFormat );
            if( snapCtrl.itCounts )
                Write( itCountMap, os.str()+"-counts", snapCtrl.imgFormat );
            auto colorMap = GetColorMap();
            SetColorMap( GRAYSCALE_DISCRETE );
            Write( estMap, os.str()+"-discrete", snapCtrl.imgFormat );
            SetColorMap( colorMap );
            snapCtrl.imgSaveCount = 0;
        if( imgDisp )
            std::ostringstream os;
            os << snapCtrl.imgBase << "-" << numIts;
            Display( estMap, os.str() );       
            if( snapCtrl.itCounts )
                Display( itCountMap, os.str()+"-counts" );
            auto colorMap = GetColorMap();
            SetColorMap( GRAYSCALE_DISCRETE );
            Display( estMap, os.str()+"-discrete" );
            SetColorMap( colorMap );
            snapCtrl.imgDispCount = 0;
Exemplo n.º 18
void EntrywiseMap( AbstractDistMatrix<T>& A, function<T(T)> func )
{ EntrywiseMap( A.Matrix(), func ); }
Exemplo n.º 19
void StackedRuizEquil
( AbstractDistMatrix<Field>& APre,
  AbstractDistMatrix<Field>& BPre,
  AbstractDistMatrix<Base<Field>>& dRowAPre,
  AbstractDistMatrix<Base<Field>>& dRowBPre,
  AbstractDistMatrix<Base<Field>>& dColPre,
  bool progress )
    typedef Base<Field> Real;

    ElementalProxyCtrl control;
    control.colConstrain = true;
    control.rowConstrain = true;
    control.colAlign = 0;
    control.rowAlign = 0;

    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<Field,Field,MC,MR> AProx( APre, control );
    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<Field,Field,MC,MR> BProx( BPre, control );
    DistMatrixWriteProxy<Real,Real,MC,STAR> dRowAProx( dRowAPre, control );
    DistMatrixWriteProxy<Real,Real,MC,STAR> dRowBProx( dRowBPre, control );
    DistMatrixWriteProxy<Real,Real,MR,STAR> dColProx( dColPre, control );
    auto& A = AProx.Get();
    auto& B = BProx.Get();
    auto& dRowA = dRowAProx.Get();
    auto& dRowB = dRowBProx.Get();
    auto& dCol = dColProx.Get();

    const Int mA = A.Height();
    const Int mB = B.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    const Int nLocal = A.LocalWidth();
    Ones( dRowA, mA, 1 );
    Ones( dRowB, mB, 1 );
    Ones( dCol, n, 1 );

    // TODO(poulson): Expose these as control parameters
    // For now, simply hard-code the number of iterations
    const Int maxIter = 4;

    DistMatrix<Real,MC,STAR> rowScale(A.Grid());
    DistMatrix<Real,MR,STAR> colScale(A.Grid()), colScaleB(B.Grid());
    auto& colScaleLoc = colScale.Matrix();
    auto& colScaleBLoc = colScaleB.Matrix();
    const Int indent = PushIndent();
    for( Int iter=0; iter<maxIter; ++iter )
        // Rescale the columns
        // -------------------
        ColumnMaxNorms( A, colScale );
        ColumnMaxNorms( B, colScaleB );
        for( Int jLoc=0; jLoc<nLocal; ++jLoc )
            colScaleLoc(jLoc) =
        EntrywiseMap( colScale, MakeFunction(DampScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, colScale, dCol );
        DiagonalSolve( RIGHT, NORMAL, colScale, A );
        DiagonalSolve( RIGHT, NORMAL, colScale, B );

        // Rescale the rows
        // ----------------
        RowMaxNorms( A, rowScale );
        EntrywiseMap( rowScale, MakeFunction(DampScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, rowScale, dRowA );
        DiagonalSolve( LEFT, NORMAL, rowScale, A );

        RowMaxNorms( B, rowScale );
        EntrywiseMap( rowScale, MakeFunction(DampScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, rowScale, dRowB );
        DiagonalSolve( LEFT, NORMAL, rowScale, B );
    SetIndent( indent );
Exemplo n.º 20
void EntrywiseMap( DistMultiVec<T>& A, function<T(T)> func )
{ EntrywiseMap( A.Matrix(), func ); }
Exemplo n.º 21
void ImagPart
( const AbstractDistMatrix<T>& A, AbstractDistMatrix<Base<T>>& AImag )
    auto imagPart = []( const T& alpha ) { return ImagPart(alpha); };
    EntrywiseMap( A, AImag, MakeFunction(imagPart) );
Exemplo n.º 22
inline void NormalizeEntries( ElementalMatrix<F>& A )
    auto unitMap = []( F alpha ) 
                   { return alpha==F(0) ? F(1) : alpha/Abs(alpha); };
    EntrywiseMap( A, function<F(F)>(unitMap) );