static void Enumerate(struct Strbuf *buf, const XmapNode *ptr) { size_t old_len; if (ptr == NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG_EDIT xprintf(CGETS(9, 6, "Enumerate: BUG!! Null ptr passed\n!")); #endif return; } old_len = buf->len; unparsech(buf, ptr->ch); /* put this char at end of string */ if (ptr->next == NULL) { /* print this Xkey and function */ Strbuf_append1(buf, '"'); Strbuf_terminate(buf); printOne(buf->s, &ptr->val, ptr->type); } else Enumerate(buf, ptr->next); /* go to sibling if there is one */ if (ptr->sibling) { buf->len = old_len; Enumerate(buf, ptr->sibling); } }
XnStatus XnSensorIO::EnumerateSensors(XnConnectionString* aConnectionStrings, XnUInt32* pnCount) { XnStatus nRetVal = XN_STATUS_OK; nRetVal = xnUSBInit(); if (nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK && nRetVal != XN_STATUS_USB_ALREADY_INIT) return nRetVal; // Temporary patch: "Cache" the devices since running USB enum on the MacOSX platform takes several seconds due to problems in libusb! #if (XN_PLATFORM == XN_PLATFORM_MACOSX) static XnStringsHash devicesSet; if (devicesSet.Size() == 0) { // search for a v6.0.1 device nRetVal = Enumerate(XN_SENSOR_6_0_1_PRODUCT_ID, devicesSet); XN_IS_STATUS_OK(nRetVal); // search for a v6.0 device nRetVal = Enumerate(XN_SENSOR_6_0_PRODUCT_ID, devicesSet); XN_IS_STATUS_OK(nRetVal); } #else XnStringsHash devicesSet; // search for a v6.0.1 device nRetVal = Enumerate(XN_SENSOR_6_0_1_PRODUCT_ID, devicesSet); XN_IS_STATUS_OK(nRetVal); // search for a v6.0 device nRetVal = Enumerate(XN_SENSOR_6_0_PRODUCT_ID, devicesSet); XN_IS_STATUS_OK(nRetVal); // search for a v5.0 device nRetVal = Enumerate(XN_SENSOR_5_0_PRODUCT_ID, devicesSet); XN_IS_STATUS_OK(nRetVal); #endif // now copy back XnUInt32 nCount = 0; for (XnStringsHash::ConstIterator it = devicesSet.begin(); it != devicesSet.end(); ++it, ++nCount) { if (nCount < *pnCount) { strcpy(aConnectionStrings[nCount], it.Key()); } } if (nCount > *pnCount) { *pnCount = nCount; return XN_STATUS_OUTPUT_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } // All is good... *pnCount = nCount; return (XN_STATUS_OK); }
XnStatus XnSensorIO::EnumerateSensors(XnConnectionString* aConnectionStrings, XnUInt32* pnCount) { XnStatus nRetVal = XN_STATUS_OK; nRetVal = xnUSBInit(); if (nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK && nRetVal != XN_STATUS_USB_ALREADY_INIT) return nRetVal; // Temporary patch: "Cache" the devices since running USB enum on the MacOSX platform takes several seconds due to problems in libusb! #if (XN_PLATFORM == XN_PLATFORM_MACOSX) static XnStringsSet devicesSet; if (devicesSet.Size() == 0) { // search for supported devices for (XnUInt32 i = 0; i < ms_supportedProductsCount; ++i) { nRetVal = Enumerate(ms_supportedProducts[i], devicesSet); XN_IS_STATUS_OK(nRetVal); } } #else XnStringsSet devicesSet; // search for supported devices for (XnUInt32 i = 0; i < ms_supportedProductsCount; ++i) { nRetVal = Enumerate(ms_supportedProducts[i], devicesSet); XN_IS_STATUS_OK(nRetVal); } #endif // now copy back XnUInt32 nCount = 0; for (XnStringsSet::ConstIterator it = devicesSet.Begin(); it != devicesSet.End(); ++it, ++nCount) { if (nCount < *pnCount) { strcpy(aConnectionStrings[nCount], it->Key()); } } if (nCount > *pnCount) { *pnCount = nCount; return XN_STATUS_OUTPUT_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } // All is good... *pnCount = nCount; return (XN_STATUS_OK); }
BOOL C4GameObjects::Save(const char *szFilename, BOOL fSaveGame, bool fSaveInactive) { // Enumerate Enumerate(); InactiveObjects.Enumerate(); Game.ScriptEngine.Strings.EnumStrings(); // Decompile objects to buffer StdStrBuf Buffer; bool fSuccess = DecompileToBuf_Log<StdCompilerINIWrite>( mkParAdapt(*this, false, !fSaveGame), &Buffer, szFilename); // Decompile inactives if (fSaveInactive) { StdStrBuf InactiveBuffer; fSuccess &= DecompileToBuf_Log<StdCompilerINIWrite>( mkParAdapt(InactiveObjects, false, !fSaveGame), &InactiveBuffer, szFilename); Buffer.Append("\r\n"); Buffer.Append(InactiveBuffer); } // Denumerate InactiveObjects.Denumerate(); Denumerate(); // Error? if (!fSuccess) return FALSE; // Write return Buffer.SaveToFile(szFilename); }
AEDeviceEnumerationOSX::AEDeviceEnumerationOSX(AudioDeviceID deviceID) : m_deviceID(deviceID) , m_isPlanar(false) , m_caDevice(deviceID) { Enumerate(); }
CaptureDevices::CaptureDevices(): enumMonikerVideo(NULL), enumMonikerAudio(NULL) { CoInitialize(0); Enumerate(); }
BOOL CMediaVisDlg::OnInitDialog() { CString strMessage; CSkinDialog::OnInitDialog(); SkinMe( L"CMediaVisDlg", ID_MEDIA_VIS ); CRect rc; m_wndList.GetClientRect( &rc ); rc.right -= GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXVSCROLL ) + 1; CoolInterface.SetImageListTo( m_wndList, LVSIL_SMALL ); m_wndList.InsertColumn( 0, L"Description", LVCFMT_LEFT, rc.right, -1 ); m_wndList.InsertColumn( 1, L"CLSID", LVCFMT_LEFT, 0, 0 ); m_wndList.InsertColumn( 2, L"Subpath", LVCFMT_LEFT, 0, 1 ); m_wndList.SetExtendedStyle( LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT ); m_nIcon = CoolInterface.ImageForID( ID_MEDIA_VIS ); m_hIcon = CoolInterface.ExtractIcon( ID_MEDIA_VIS, FALSE ); if ( m_hIcon ) SetIcon( m_hIcon, FALSE ); LoadString( strMessage, IDS_MEDIAVIS_NOVIS ); AddPlugin( strMessage, NULL, NULL ); Enumerate(); m_nSize = Settings.MediaPlayer.VisSize + 1; UpdateData( FALSE ); m_wndSetup.EnableWindow( m_wndList.GetSelectedCount() == 1 ); return TRUE; }
LxResult Enum ( CLxImpl_AbstractVisitor *visitor) { CLxInst_OneVisitor<CLxGenericVisitor> gv; gv.loc.vis = visitor; return Enumerate (gv); }
LxResult Enum ( CLxImpl_AbstractVisitor *visitor, unsigned mask = LXfGRPTYPE_BOTH) { CLxInst_OneVisitor<CLxGenericVisitor> gv; gv.loc.vis = visitor; return Enumerate (gv, mask); }
bool ManhattanBranchAndBound::Compute(const vector<ManhattanEdge> edges[], function<void(const ManhattanBuilding&)> f) { visitor = f; Initialize(edges); if (init_hypotheses.empty()) { DLOG << "Warning: ManhattanBranchAndBound failed to generate initial hypotheses, aborting."; return false; } Enumerate(); }
/* ======================== idSaveGameThread::Run ======================== */ int idSaveGameThread::Run() { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; try { idLocalUserWin * user = GetLocalUserFromSaveParms( data ); if ( user != NULL && !user->IsStorageDeviceAvailable() ) { data.saveLoadParms->errorCode = SAVEGAME_E_UNABLE_TO_SELECT_STORAGE_DEVICE; } if ( savegame_winInduceDelay.GetInteger() > 0 ) { Sys_Sleep( savegame_winInduceDelay.GetInteger() ); } if ( data.saveLoadParms->mode & SAVEGAME_MBF_SAVE ) { ret = Save(); } else if ( data.saveLoadParms->mode & SAVEGAME_MBF_LOAD ) { ret = Load(); } else if ( data.saveLoadParms->mode & SAVEGAME_MBF_ENUMERATE ) { ret = Enumerate(); } else if ( data.saveLoadParms->mode & SAVEGAME_MBF_DELETE_FOLDER ) { ret = Delete(); } else if ( data.saveLoadParms->mode & SAVEGAME_MBF_DELETE_ALL_FOLDERS ) { ret = DeleteAll(); } else if ( data.saveLoadParms->mode & SAVEGAME_MBF_DELETE_FILES ) { ret = DeleteFiles(); } else if ( data.saveLoadParms->mode & SAVEGAME_MBF_ENUMERATE_FILES ) { ret = EnumerateFiles(); } // if something failed and no one set an error code, do it now. if ( ret != 0 && data.saveLoadParms->errorCode == SAVEGAME_E_NONE ) { data.saveLoadParms->errorCode = SAVEGAME_E_UNKNOWN; } } catch ( ... ) { // if anything horrible happens, leave it up to the savegame processors to handle in PostProcess(). data.saveLoadParms->errorCode = SAVEGAME_E_UNKNOWN; } // Make sure to cancel any save game file pipelines. if ( data.saveLoadParms->errorCode != SAVEGAME_E_NONE ) { data.saveLoadParms->CancelSaveGameFilePipelines(); } // Override error if cvar set if ( savegame_error.GetInteger() != 0 ) { data.saveLoadParms->errorCode = (saveGameError_t)savegame_error.GetInteger(); } // Tell the waiting caller that we are done data.saveLoadParms->callbackSignal.Raise(); return ret; }
static bool IsZombie(HWND hWnd) { if (!::GetParent( hWnd )) { hWnd = NULL; Enumerate( Callbacks::Find, &hWnd ); if (hWnd) return true; } return false; }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { printf("========================================================================\n"); printf("TITLE: IEEE 1394 DeviceID Tool, v0.0.2\n"); printf("Author: Thomas Pintaric, Vienna University of Technology\n"); printf("Contact: [email protected],\n"); printf("========================================================================\n"); printf("PLEASE NOTE: This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n"); printf("This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under\n"); printf("certain conditions. See for details.\n\n"); CoInitialize(NULL); HRESULT hr = Enumerate(); CoUninitialize(); return(hr); }
CPaCommon::CPaCommon(bool cap):ringBuffer(),xruns(0),stream(NULL), names(), devices(), is_capture(cap), blocking(true), device_changed(true), xrun(false), framesPerBuffer(0), ringBufferData(NULL) { if (pa_count == 0) { int err = Pa_Initialize(); if (err != paNoError) throw string("PortAudio error: ") + Pa_GetErrorText(err); } pa_count++; vector < string > choices; vector < string > descriptions; Enumerate(choices, descriptions); }
/* Lookup(): * look for the string starting at node ptr. * Print if last node */ static int Lookup(struct Strbuf *buf, const CStr *str, const XmapNode *ptr) { if (ptr == NULL) return (-1); /* cannot have null ptr */ if (str->len == 0) { /* no more chars in string. Enumerate from here. */ Enumerate(buf, ptr); return (0); } else { /* If match put this char into buf. Recurse */ if (ptr->ch == *(str->buf)) { /* match found */ unparsech(buf, ptr->ch); if (ptr->next != NULL) { /* not yet at leaf */ CStr tstr; tstr.buf = str->buf + 1; tstr.len = str->len - 1; return (Lookup(buf, &tstr, ptr->next)); } else { /* next node is null so key should be complete */ if (str->len == 1) { Strbuf_append1(buf, '"'); Strbuf_terminate(buf); printOne(buf->s, &ptr->val, ptr->type); return (0); } else return (-1);/* mismatch -- string still has chars */ } } else { /* no match found try sibling */ if (ptr->sibling) return (Lookup(buf, str, ptr->sibling)); else return (-1); } } }
// OSErr find_files( // struct find_file_pb *param_block) bool FileFinder::Find() { // Translate the type info: type_to_find = (Type != WILDCARD_TYPE) ? get_typecode(Type) : 0; // Eliminated buffer creation as unused /* Assert that we got it. */ assert(search_type==_callback_only || buffer); assert(version==0); /* Set the variables */ count= 0; Enumerate(BaseDir); // Eliminated alphabetical order as unused return (Err == noErr); }
XnStatus XnSensorIO::EnumerateSensors(XnConnectionString* aConnectionStrings, XnUInt32* pnCount) { XnStatus nRetVal = XN_STATUS_OK; XnBool bIsPresent = FALSE; nRetVal = xnUSBInit(); if (nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK && nRetVal != XN_STATUS_USB_ALREADY_INIT) return nRetVal; XnStringsHash devicesSet; // --avin mod-- // search for a kinect device nRetVal = Enumerate(XN_SENSOR_PRODUCT_ID_KINECT, devicesSet); XN_IS_STATUS_OK(nRetVal); // now copy back XnUInt32 nCount = 0; for (XnStringsHash::ConstIterator it = devicesSet.begin(); it != devicesSet.end(); ++it, ++nCount) { if (nCount < *pnCount) { strcpy(aConnectionStrings[nCount], it.Key()); } } if (nCount > *pnCount) { *pnCount = nCount; return XN_STATUS_OUTPUT_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } // All is good... *pnCount = nCount; return (XN_STATUS_OK); }
// // Create // HRESULT DX9Enumeration::Create( RenderInfo & renderInfo ) { // Store the Parameters AppMinFullscreenWidth = renderInfo.uiTargetWidth; AppMinFullscreenHeight = renderInfo.uiTargetHeight; AppMinColorChannelBits = renderInfo.uiTargetColorDepth == 16 ? 4 : 8; AppMinAlphaChannelBits = renderInfo.uiTargetColorDepth == 16 ? 4 : 8; AppRequiresWindowed = !renderInfo.bFullscreen; AppRequiresFullscreen = renderInfo.bFullscreen; AppRequiresReferenceDriver = renderInfo.bUseReferenceDriver; #ifdef _DEBUG AppUsesMixedVP = true; // This is to allow debugging of HLSL ConfirmDeviceCallback = ConfirmDevice_SoftwareVP; #else AppUsesMixedVP = false; ConfirmDeviceCallback = ConfirmDevice_HardwareVP; #endif // Create the Direct3D Object m_pD3D = Direct3DCreate9( D3D_SDK_VERSION ); if ( m_pD3D == NULL ) return D3DAPPERR_NODIRECT3D; // Perform the enumeration if ( FAILED( Enumerate() ) ) return E_FAIL; // Choose the best adapter based on if we want windowed or fullscreen mode if ( AppRequiresWindowed ) { if ( !FindBestWindowedMode( !AppUsesMixedVP, AppRequiresReferenceDriver ) ) return E_FAIL; } else { if ( !FindBestFullscreenMode( !AppUsesMixedVP, AppRequiresReferenceDriver ) ) return E_FAIL; } // From the D3DSettings, determine the parameters for the device D3DAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo = m_d3dSettings.PAdapterInfo(); D3DDeviceInfo* pDeviceInfo = m_d3dSettings.PDeviceInfo(); bool bWindowed = m_d3dSettings.IsWindowed; HWND hWndFocus = (HWND)renderInfo.hMainWindow; DWORD behaviorFlags; if (m_d3dSettings.GetVertexProcessingType() == SOFTWARE_VP) behaviorFlags = D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING; else if (m_d3dSettings.GetVertexProcessingType() == MIXED_VP) behaviorFlags = D3DCREATE_MIXED_VERTEXPROCESSING; else if (m_d3dSettings.GetVertexProcessingType() == HARDWARE_VP) behaviorFlags = D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING; else if (m_d3dSettings.GetVertexProcessingType() == PURE_HARDWARE_VP) behaviorFlags = D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING | D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE; else behaviorFlags = 0; // TODO: throw exception // Set up the presentation parameters BuildPresentParamsFromSettings( renderInfo ); // Create the D3D9 Device and return the result return m_pD3D->CreateDevice( m_d3dSettings.AdapterOrdinal(), pDeviceInfo->DevType, hWndFocus, behaviorFlags, &m_d3dpp, &m_pD3DDevice ); }
// // Notes: // xi: operation node xi whose id is i // // i starts off at MAX_PORT_NU // void Enumerate(int *ASAP_slots, int *ALAP_slots, int i) { int first, last; int step; int cur_latency; int cur_mux_fanin; int cur_mux_fanout = 0; int cur_mux_input; int cur_muxp_input; int cur_muxr_input; int cur_reg_nu; int fuNu; // functional unit number static int best_latency = 100000; //------------------------------------------------------------ // vars to support GenerateBackEnd char scheduleName[10]; ScheduleStats SS[3]; // ASAP, ALAP, Iter //------------------------------------------------------------ if (i == NODE_NU) { myprintf("enumeration hit the last node\n"); CheckConflict(); if (min_mux_fanin == 2) { fprintf(stderr, "\nfanin = 2\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Cur Enum mux fanout (%d %d)\n", min_mux_fanout, max_mux_fanout); fprintf(stderr, "Cur Enum mux fanin (%d %d)\n", min_mux_fanin, max_mux_fanin); fprintf(stderr, "Cur Enum muxp input (%d %d)\n", min_muxp_input, max_muxp_input); fprintf(stderr, "Cur Enum muxr input (%d %d)\n", min_muxr_input, max_muxr_input); fprintf(stderr, "Cur Enum mux input (%d %d)\n", min_mux_input, max_mux_input); fprintf(stderr, "Cur Enum reg number(%d %d)\n", min_reg_nu, max_reg_nu); fprintf(stderr, "Cur Enum latency (%d %d)\n", min_latency, max_latency); PrintDFG(ASAP_slots, ALAP_slots); exit(0); } if (max_mux_fanin == 6) { fprintf(stderr, "\nfanin = 6\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Cur Enum mux fanout (%d %d)\n", min_mux_fanout, max_mux_fanout); fprintf(stderr, "Cur Enum mux fanin (%d %d)\n", min_mux_fanin, max_mux_fanin); fprintf(stderr, "Cur Enum muxp input (%d %d)\n", min_muxp_input, max_muxp_input); fprintf(stderr, "Cur Enum muxr input (%d %d)\n", min_muxr_input, max_muxr_input); fprintf(stderr, "Cur Enum mux input (%d %d)\n", min_mux_input, max_mux_input); fprintf(stderr, "Cur Enum reg number(%d %d)\n", min_reg_nu, max_reg_nu); fprintf(stderr, "Cur Enum latency (%d %d)\n", min_latency, max_latency); //PrintDFG(ASAP_slots, ALAP_slots); exit(0); } ENUM_NU++; if (fmod(ENUM_NU, 1000) == 0) { //fprintf(stderr, "progress %lf%\n", ENUM_NU / ENUM_SZ * 100); fprintf(stderr, "progress %lf\n", ENUM_NU); fprintf(stderr, "Cur Enum mux fanout (%d %d)\n", min_mux_fanout, max_mux_fanout); fprintf(stderr, "Cur Enum mux fanin (%d %d)\n", min_mux_fanin, max_mux_fanin); fprintf(stderr, "Cur Enum muxp input (%d %d)\n", min_muxp_input, max_muxp_input); fprintf(stderr, "Cur Enum muxr input (%d %d)\n", min_muxr_input, max_muxr_input); fprintf(stderr, "Cur Enum mux input (%d %d)\n", min_mux_input, max_mux_input); fprintf(stderr, "Cur Enum reg number(%d %d)\n", min_reg_nu, max_reg_nu); fprintf(stderr, "Cur Enum latency (%d %d)\n", min_latency, max_latency); printf("stopped at 10000\n"); exit(0); if (ENUM_NU > 1000000) return; //if (ENUM_NU == 60000) getchar(); } // Debug spot // cur_latency = DFG[NODE_NU-1]->opScheduledSlot + DFG[NODE_NU-1]->opLatency + 1; myprintf("current latency = %d\n", cur_latency); if (min_latency > cur_latency) { min_latency = cur_latency; } if (max_latency < cur_latency) { max_latency = cur_latency; } // GenerateBackEnd(stderr, scheduleName, "Iter", PORT_NU, cur_latency, SS); if (cur_mux_fanout < CSP->rfo) cur_mux_fanout = CSP->rfo; if (cur_mux_fanout < CSP->pfo) cur_mux_fanout = CSP->pfo; if (cur_mux_fanout < CSP->ffo) cur_mux_fanout = CSP->ffo; cur_mux_fanin = CSP->fan; cur_mux_input = CSP->mux; cur_muxp_input = CSP->muxp; cur_muxr_input = CSP->muxr; cur_reg_nu = CSP->reg; // best_mux_fanout if (min_mux_fanout > cur_mux_fanout) { min_mux_fanout = cur_mux_fanout; } if (max_mux_fanout < cur_mux_fanout) { max_mux_fanout = cur_mux_fanout; } // best_reg_nu if (min_reg_nu > cur_reg_nu) { min_reg_nu = cur_reg_nu; } if (max_reg_nu < cur_reg_nu) { max_reg_nu = cur_reg_nu; } // best_mux_input if (min_mux_input > cur_mux_input) { min_mux_input = cur_mux_input; } if (max_mux_input < cur_mux_input) { max_mux_input = cur_mux_input; } // best_muxp_input if (min_muxp_input > cur_muxp_input) { min_muxp_input = cur_muxp_input; } if (max_muxp_input < cur_muxp_input) { max_muxp_input = cur_muxp_input; } // best_muxr_input if (min_muxr_input > cur_muxr_input) { min_muxr_input = cur_muxr_input; } if (max_muxr_input < cur_muxr_input) { max_muxr_input = cur_muxr_input; } // best_mux_fanin if (min_mux_fanin > cur_mux_fanin) { min_mux_fanin = cur_mux_fanin; } if (max_mux_fanin < cur_mux_fanin) { max_mux_fanin = cur_mux_fanin; } } else { first = ASAP_slots[i]; last = ALAP_slots[i]; /* if (ASAP_slots[i] < ALAP_slots[i]) { first = ASAP_slots[i]; last = ALAP_slots[i]; } else { // ALAP has shorter latency first = ALAP_slots[i]; last = ASAP_slots[i]; // update ASAP/ALAP slots ASAP_slots[i] = first; ALAP_slots[i] = last; } */ int step_size, step_range; assert(last >= first); step_range = last - first + 1; /* ordbbr if (step_range > 60) step_size = 30; //10; else if (step_range > 40) step_size = 20; //10; else if (step_range > 30) step_size = 15; //8; else if (step_range > 20) step_size = 10; //6; else if (step_range > 10) step_size = 5; else if (step_range > 2) step_size = 2; else step_size = 1; // for ordbur, ppbr if (step_range > 40) step_size = 10; else if (step_range > 30) step_size = 8; else if (step_range > 20) step_size = 6; else if (step_range > 10) step_size = 4; else if (step_range > 2) step_size = 2; else step_size = 1; */ step_size = 1; myprintf("enum %lf debug mobility step: %d [%d %d]\n", ENUM_NU, step_size, first, last); //for (step = first; step <= last; step++) { for (step = first; step <= last; step += step_size) { myprintf("Try step %d of DFG node %d [%d %d]\n", step, i, first, last); // save ASAP values int *save_ASAP_slots = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * NODE_NU); int *save_ALAP_slots = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * NODE_NU); memcpy(save_ASAP_slots, ASAP_slots, NODE_NU * sizeof(int)); memcpy(save_ALAP_slots, ALAP_slots, NODE_NU * sizeof(int)); // ResourceUsed (step, type(xi)) // Increment ResourceUsed (step, type(xi)) if ((fuNu = InsertScheduleRAT(DFG[i]->op, step)) != -1) { // S(i) = step // Specificaly, update the operator's start and end time DFG[i]->opScheduledSlot = step; DFG[i]->opResultDoneSlot = step + DFG[i]->opLatency; DFG[i]->opResourceNu = fuNu + 1; myprintf("DFG node %d has resourceNu %d\n", i, fuNu); UpdateASAP(i, ASAP_slots, ALAP_slots, step); myprintf("Start enumerating at DFG node %d\n", i+1); Enumerate(ASAP_slots, ALAP_slots, i+1); myprintf("Return from enumerating at DFG node %d\n", i+1); DecScheduleRAT(i, step); } // restore ASAP values memcpy(ASAP_slots, save_ASAP_slots, NODE_NU * sizeof(int)); memcpy(ALAP_slots, save_ALAP_slots, NODE_NU * sizeof(int)); free(save_ASAP_slots); free(save_ALAP_slots); } } }
/*Distanceは最良一致を追求するが、こちらは与えられた条件に合致するものをすべて列挙する。アルゴリズムはほとんど一緒*/ void Enumerate(sIntMatrix2 *a, sMark2 *ma, sIntMatrix2 *b, sMark2 *mb, int sum) { int i; int ncandidate,*candidate; ncandidate=Mark2_RStackSize(mb); candidate=malloc(sizeof(int)*ncandidate); for(i=0;i<Mark2_RStackSize(mb);i++){ candidate[i]=Mark2_RStack(mb,i); } for(i=0;i<ncandidate;i++){ int j=candidate[i]; int k; int ds=0; int anode=Mark2_OStack(ma,Mark2_OStackSize(mb)); if(sum>BestResult)break; Mark2_Occupy(mb,j); MarkRim(mb,b,j); for(k=0;k<Mark2_OStackSize(mb)-1;k++){ int delta=weight[a->a[anode*a->n+Mark2_OStack(ma,k)]]- weight[b->a[j*b->n+Mark2_OStack(mb,k)]]; ds+=delta*delta; } /* { int k; int x[Mark2_OStackSize(ma)]; for(k=0;k<Mark2_OStackSize(ma);k++){ int l=Mark2_OStack(ma,k); x[l]=k; } for(k=0;k<Mark2_OStackSize(mb);k++){ printf( "(%d)%d ", Mark2_OStack(ma,k), Mark2_OStack(mb,k)); } printf( " = %d\n", sum+ds ); } */ if(sum+ds<=BestResult){ if(Mark2_OStackSize(ma)==Mark2_OStackSize(mb)){ int k; int x[Mark2_OStackSize(ma)]; for(k=0;k<Mark2_OStackSize(ma);k++){ int l=Mark2_OStack(ma,k); x[l]=k; } for(k=0;k<Mark2_OStackSize(mb);k++){ printf("%d ",Mark2_OStack(mb,x[k])); } printf("\n"); }else{ Enumerate(a,ma,b,mb,ds+sum); } } /*markの使い方を工夫する。0で空き、正で周縁、256以上は占有とする。*/ Mark2_Unoccupy(mb,j); UnmarkRim(mb,b,j); } free(candidate); }
bool RenderCore::Init(const RenderCoreDesc& rcdesc) { m_pD3D = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION); if(!m_pD3D) { // Push error-code into the error-pipeline return false; } m_RCDesc = rcdesc; AppMinStencilBits = m_RCDesc.HR_MinStencilBits; AppUsesDepthBuffer = true; AppUsesMixedVP = m_RCDesc.HR_UsesMixedVP; if(m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.Windowed) { AppRequiresWindowed = true; } else { AppRequiresFullscreen = true; } if(FAILED(Enumerate())) { // Push error-code into the error-pipeline return false; } else { if(m_AdapterInfoList.empty()) { // Push error-code into the error-pipeline return false; } } unsigned int AdapterInfoID = 0xFFFFFFFF; unsigned int DeviceInfoID = 0xFFFFFFFF; unsigned int DeviceComboID = 0xFFFFFFFF; for(unsigned int iAdapter = 0; iAdapter < m_AdapterInfoList.size(); ++iAdapter) { D3DAdapterInfo AdapterInfo = m_AdapterInfoList[iAdapter]; if(AdapterInfo.AdapterOrdinal == m_RCDesc.m_Adapter) { m_AdapterInfo = AdapterInfo; AdapterInfoID = iAdapter; if(FAILED(m_pD3D->GetAdapterDisplayMode(AdapterInfo.AdapterOrdinal, &m_DisplayMode))) { // Push error-code into error-pipeline return false; } for(unsigned int iDevice = 0; iDevice < m_AdapterInfo.DeviceInfoList.size(); ++iDevice) { D3DDeviceInfo DeviceInfo = m_AdapterInfo.DeviceInfoList[iDevice]; if(DeviceInfo.DevType == m_RCDesc.m_DeviceType) { m_DeviceInfo = DeviceInfo; DeviceInfoID = iDevice; unsigned int NumOfDeviceCombos = m_DeviceInfo.DeviceComboList.size(); for(unsigned int iDeviceCombo = 0; iDeviceCombo < m_DeviceInfo.DeviceComboList.size(); ++iDeviceCombo) { D3DDeviceCombo DeviceCombo = m_DeviceInfo.DeviceComboList[iDeviceCombo]; if(m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.Windowed) // 窗口模式 { if(DeviceCombo.AdapterFormat == m_DisplayMode.Format) // 此适配器的显示模式必须与桌面模式一致 { if(DeviceCombo.IsWindowed == true) // 此适配器必须支持桌面模式 { m_RCDesc.m_DisplayColorBits = FormatToColorBits(DeviceCombo.BackBufferFormat); m_DeviceCombo = DeviceCombo; DeviceComboID = iDeviceCombo; break; } } } else // 全屏幕,不要求适配器的显示模式与桌面模式一致 { if(FormatToColorBits(DeviceCombo.BackBufferFormat) == m_RCDesc.m_DisplayColorBits && DeviceCombo.IsWindowed == false) { m_DeviceCombo = DeviceCombo; DeviceComboID = iDeviceCombo; break; } } } break; } } break; } } if(AdapterInfoID == 0xFFFFFFFF || DeviceInfoID == 0xFFFFFFFF || DeviceComboID == 0xFFFFFFFF) { // Push error-code into error-line return false; } if(m_RCDesc.HR_UsesMixedVP) { m_RCDesc.m_dwBehaviors = D3DCREATE_MIXED_VERTEXPROCESSING; } else { if(!GetBehavior(m_RCDesc.m_dwBehaviors, SOFTWARE_VP)) { if(!GetBehavior(m_RCDesc.m_dwBehaviors, HARDWARE_VP)) { if(!GetBehavior(m_RCDesc.m_dwBehaviors, PURE_HARDWARE_VP)) { // Push error-code into error-pipeline return false; } } } } m_DisplayMode.Width = m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.BackBufferWidth; m_DisplayMode.Height = m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.BackBufferHeight; if(m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.Windowed) { D3DDISPLAYMODE DesktopMode; if(FAILED(m_pD3D->GetAdapterDisplayMode(m_AdapterInfo.AdapterOrdinal, &DesktopMode))) { // Push error-code into error-pipeline return false; } m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.BackBufferFormat = DesktopMode.Format; m_DisplayMode.Width = DesktopMode.Width; m_DisplayMode.Height = DesktopMode.Height; m_DisplayMode.Format = DesktopMode.Format; } else { m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.BackBufferFormat = m_DeviceCombo.BackBufferFormat; m_DisplayMode.Format = m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.BackBufferFormat; } m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.BackBufferCount = 0; vector<DSMSPair> AvailableDSMSPairs; for(unsigned int iDSF = 0; iDSF < m_DeviceCombo.DepthStencilFormatList.size(); ++iDSF) { D3DFORMAT dsf = m_DeviceCombo.DepthStencilFormatList[iDSF]; for(unsigned int iMS = 0; iMS < m_DeviceCombo.MultiSampleTypeList.size(); ++iMS) { D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE ms = m_DeviceCombo.MultiSampleTypeList[iMS]; bool bConflict = false; for(unsigned int iDSMSConflict = 0; iDSMSConflict < m_DeviceCombo.DSMSConflictList.size(); ++iDSMSConflict) { D3DDSMSConflict DSMSConflict = m_DeviceCombo.DSMSConflictList[iDSMSConflict]; if(DSMSConflict.DSFormat == dsf && DSMSConflict.MSType == ms) { bConflict = true; break; } } if(!bConflict) { DSMSPair dsms = {dsf, iMS}; AvailableDSMSPairs.push_back(dsms); } } } unsigned int itemp = AvailableDSMSPairs.size(); if(AvailableDSMSPairs.empty()) { // Push error-code into error-pipeline return false; } DSMSPair dsms = AvailableDSMSPairs[AvailableDSMSPairs.size() - 1]; m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.MultiSampleType = m_DeviceCombo.MultiSampleTypeList[dsms.MSID]; m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.MultiSampleQuality = m_DeviceCombo.MultiSampleQualityList[dsms.MSID] - 1; m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD; m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.EnableAutoDepthStencil = true; m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.AutoDepthStencilFormat = dsms.DSFormat; m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.Flags = 0; if(m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.Windowed) { m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.Flags = D3DPRESENTFLAG_DEVICECLIP; } m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz = 0; if(!m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.Windowed) { for(unsigned int iDM = 0; iDM < m_AdapterInfo.DisplayModeList.size(); ++iDM) { D3DDISPLAYMODE dm = m_AdapterInfo.DisplayModeList[iDM]; if(dm.Width == m_DisplayMode.Width && dm.Height == m_DisplayMode.Height && dm.Format == m_DisplayMode.Format) { if(m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz < dm.RefreshRate) { m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz = dm.RefreshRate; } } } } m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.PresentationInterval = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_DEFAULT; //m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.MultiSampleQuality = 0; //m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_COPY; HRESULT hr = m_pD3D->CreateDevice(m_AdapterInfo.AdapterOrdinal, m_DeviceInfo.DevType, m_RCDesc.m_hWnd, m_RCDesc.m_dwBehaviors, &m_RCDesc.m_PresentParameters, &m_pD3DDevice); if(FAILED(hr)) { // Push error-code into the error-pipeline throw Common::Exception(Common::EL_BAD, "RenderCore::Initiate", "Failed to create D3DDevice!"); return false; } // Initialize The RenderState registry InitRSRegistry(); return true; }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int i; int count=0; sMark2 *mref; FILE *file; sIntMatrix2 *ref; char buf[20000]; if((argc!=3)&&(argc!=4)){ fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s refstruc struc [MaxDiff]\n",argv[0]); fprintf(stderr,"structures must be in format @DMTX or @NGPH\n"); exit(1); } if(argc==4){ BestResult = atoi(argv[3]); }else{ /*extract the exact shape only*/ BestResult = 0; } /*最初は参照ネットワークフラグメント*/ int gzip = gzipopen( argv[1], &file ); while(NULL!=fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),file)){ if(0==strncmp(buf,"@DMTX",5)){ ref=IntMatrix2_LoadDMTX(file); break; } if(0==strncmp(buf,"@NGPH",5)){ ref=IntMatrix2_LoadNGPH(file); break; } } if ( gzip ) pclose( file ); else fclose(file); fprintf(stderr,"%d\tMaxDiff\n",BestResult ); mref=Mark2_New(ref->n); Mark2_Occupy(mref,0); MarkRim(mref,ref,0); /*ref側ははじめから順番を決めておく。*/ while(Mark2_RStackSize(mref)){ i=Mark2_RStack(mref,0); Mark2_Occupy(mref,i); MarkRim(mref,ref,i); } gzip = gzipopen( argv[2], &file ); while(NULL!=fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),file)){ sIntMatrix2* big = NULL; if(0==strncmp(buf,"@DMTX",5)) big = IntMatrix2_LoadDMTX(file); if(0==strncmp(buf,"@NGPH",5)) big = IntMatrix2_LoadNGPH(file); if( big ){ sMark2* mbig = Mark2_New(big->n); fprintf(stderr,"[%d]",count++); printf("@FRAG\n%d %d\n",ref->n,big->n); for(i=0;i<big->n;i++){ Mark2_Occupy(mbig,i); MarkRim(mbig,big,i); Enumerate(ref,mref,big,mbig,0); Mark2_Unoccupy(mbig,i); UnmarkRim(mbig,big,i); } IntMatrix2_Done(big); Mark2_Done(mbig); for(i=0;i<ref->n;i++){ printf("-1 "); } printf("\n"); } } if ( gzip ) pclose( file ); else fclose( file ); exit(0); }
/* * Init call */ ALDeviceList::ALDeviceList() { m_defaultDeviceIndex = -1; Enumerate(); }
/* --------- Local Code --------- */ // static OSErr enumerate_files( // struct find_file_pb *param_block, // long directory_id) /* Because it is recursive.. */ bool FileFinder::Enumerate(DirectorySpecifier& Dir) { // Set up the temporary file TempFile.FromDirectory(Dir); // Kludge to make the FSSpec always available FSSpec& temp_file = TempFile.GetSpec(); // Local variable short index; obj_clear(pb); pb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum= Dir.Get_vRefNum(); pb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr=; // ZZZ addition bool KeepGoing = true; for(Err= noErr, index=1; count<max && Err==noErr && KeepGoing; index++) { pb.hFileInfo.ioDirID= Dir.Get_parID(); pb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex= index; Err= PBGetCatInfo( &pb, false); if(Err == noErr) { if ((pb.hFileInfo.ioFlAttrib & 16) && (flags & _ff_recurse)) { /* Recurse, if you really want to... */ // ZZZ addition: callback on directory change if desired if(directory_change_callback != NULL) KeepGoing = directory_change_callback(TempFile, true, (flags & _ff_callback_with_catinfo) ? &pb : user_data); if(KeepGoing) { // Set up volume info DirectorySpecifier SubDir = Dir; // Change the directory SubDir.Set_parID(pb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID); // Go! Enumerate(SubDir); // Reset the temporary file's directory to what's appropriate here // (it's global to this object) TempFile.FromDirectory(Dir); // ZZZ addition: callback on directory change if desired if(directory_change_callback != NULL) KeepGoing = directory_change_callback(TempFile, false, (flags & _ff_callback_with_catinfo) ? &pb : user_data); } } else { /* Add.. */ if(Type==WILDCARD_TYPE || Type == TempFile.GetType()) { /* Only add if there isn't a callback or it returns true */ switch(search_type) { case _fill_buffer: if(!callback || callback(TempFile, user_data)) { /* Copy it in.. */ buffer[count++] = TempFile; } break; case _callback_only: assert(callback); KeepGoing = callback(TempFile, (flags & _ff_callback_with_catinfo) ? &pb : user_data); break; default: assert(false); break; } } } } else { /* We ran out of files.. */ } } /* If we got a fnfErr, it was because we indexed too far. */ if (Err == fnfErr) Err = noErr; return (Err == noErr); }
void nsSupportsHashtable::Reset() { Enumerate(ReleaseElement, nsnull); nsHashtable::Reset(); }
HRESULT CSystemDeviceEnumerator::EnumerateVideoCaptureDevices(std::vector<CString>& vectorVidCap) { return Enumerate(vectorVidCap, CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory); }
HRESULT CSystemDeviceEnumerator::EnumerateAudioCompressors(std::vector<CString>& vectorAudComp) { EnumerateDMOs(DMOCATEGORY_AUDIO_ENCODER); return Enumerate(vectorAudComp, CLSID_AudioCompressorCategory); }
HRESULT CSystemDeviceEnumerator::EnumerateAudioDevices(std::vector<CString>& vectorAudDev) { return Enumerate(vectorAudDev, CLSID_AudioInputDeviceCategory); }
HRESULT CSystemDeviceEnumerator::EnumerateVideoCompressors(std::vector<CString>& vectorVidComp) { EnumerateDMOs(DMOCATEGORY_VIDEO_ENCODER); return Enumerate(vectorVidComp, CLSID_VideoCompressorCategory); }
nsSupportsHashtable::~nsSupportsHashtable() { Enumerate(ReleaseElement, nsnull); }