Exemplo n.º 1
bool CGrid_Table_Import::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Table	Table;

	if( !Table.Create(Parameters("FILE")->asString()) )
		Error_Fmt("%s [%s]", _TL("could not open table file"), Parameters("FILE")->asString());

		return( false );

	int	nx, ny, nHeadLines	= Parameters("HEADLINES")->asInt();

	if( (nx = Table.Get_Field_Count()) < 1 || (ny = Table.Get_Record_Count()) < 1 )
		Error_Fmt("%s [%s]", _TL("no data in table file"), Parameters("FILE")->asString());

		return( false );

	TSG_Data_Type	Type;

	switch( Parameters("DATA_TYPE")->asInt() )
	case  0:	Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Byte  ;	break;	// 1 Byte Integer (unsigned)
	case  1:	Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Char  ;	break;	// 1 Byte Integer (signed)
	case  2:	Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Word  ;	break;	// 2 Byte Integer (unsigned)
	case  3:	Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Short ;	break;	// 2 Byte Integer (signed)
	case  4:	Type	= SG_DATATYPE_DWord ;	break;	// 4 Byte Integer (unsigned)
	case  5:	Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Int   ;	break;	// 4 Byte Integer (signed)
	default:	Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Float ;	break;	// 4 Byte Floating Point
	case  7:	Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Double;	break;	// 8 Byte Floating Point

	CSG_Grid	*pGrid	= SG_Create_Grid(Type, nx, ny,
		Parameters("XMIN"    )->asDouble(),
		Parameters("YMIN"    )->asDouble()

	pGrid->Set_Name        (SG_File_Get_Name(Parameters("FILE")->asString(), false));
	pGrid->Set_Unit        (Parameters("UNIT"   )->asString());
	pGrid->Set_NoData_Value(Parameters("NODATA" )->asDouble());
	pGrid->Set_Scaling     (Parameters("ZFACTOR")->asDouble());


	bool	bDown	= Parameters("TOPDOWN")->asInt() == 1;

	for(int y=0; y<ny && Set_Progress(y, ny); y++)
		CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord	= Table.Get_Record(y + nHeadLines);

		for(int x=0, yy=bDown?ny-1-y:y; x<nx; x++)
			pGrid->Set_Value(x, yy, pRecord->asDouble(x));

	return( true );
Exemplo n.º 2
bool CCRU_Table_Import::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_File	File;

	if( !File.Open(Parameters("FILE")->asString(), SG_FILE_R, false) )
		Error_Fmt("%s [%s]", _TL("could not open file"), Parameters("FILE")->asString());

		return( false );

	CSG_String	sLine;

	if( !File.Read_Line(sLine) )
		Error_Fmt("%s [%s]", _TL("failed to read header"), Parameters("FILE")->asString());

		return( false );

	int		nx, ny, nMonths;
	double	Cellsize, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;

	if( !File.Scan(Cellsize)
	||  !File.Scan(xMin    ) || !File.Scan(yMin    )
	||  !File.Scan(xMax    ) || !File.Scan(yMax    )
	||  !File.Scan(nx      ) || !File.Scan(ny      )
	||  !File.Scan(nMonths ) )
		Error_Fmt("%s [%s]", _TL("failed to read header"), Parameters("FILE")->asString());

		return( false );

	CSG_Grid_System	System(Cellsize, xMin, yMin, nx, ny);

	if( !System.is_Valid() || System.Get_XMax() != xMax || System.Get_YMax() != yMax )
		Error_Fmt("%s [%s]", _TL("failed to read header"), Parameters("FILE")->asString());

		return( false );

	bool	bShift	= Parameters("SHIFT")->asBool();

	if( bShift )
		System.Assign(Cellsize, xMin - 180.0, yMin, nx, ny);

	CSG_String	Name	= SG_File_Get_Name(Parameters("FILE")->asString(), false);


	for(int iMonth=0; iMonth<nMonths && !File.is_EOF() && Process_Get_Okay(); iMonth++)
		Process_Set_Text("%s %d", _TL("Band"), 1 + iMonth);

		CSG_Grid	*pGrid	= SG_Create_Grid(System, SG_DATATYPE_Short);

		pGrid->Fmt_Name("%s_%02d", Name.c_str(), 1 + iMonth);


		for(int y=0; y<ny && !File.is_EOF() && Set_Progress(y, ny); y++)
			if( File.Read_Line(sLine) && sLine.Length() >= 5. * nx )
				for(int x=0, xx=bShift?nx/2:x, yy=ny-1-y; x<nx; x++, xx++)
					double	z;

					CSG_String	s	= sLine.Mid(x * 5, 5);

					if( s.asDouble(z) )
						pGrid->Set_Value(xx % nx, yy, z);
						pGrid->Set_NoData(xx % nx, yy);

	return( true );
Exemplo n.º 3
bool CCRS_Transform_Grid::On_Execute_Transformation(void)
	switch( Parameters("RESAMPLING")->asInt() )
	default:	m_Resampling	= GRID_RESAMPLING_NearestNeighbour;	break;
	case  1:	m_Resampling	= GRID_RESAMPLING_Bilinear        ;	break;
	case  2:	m_Resampling	= GRID_RESAMPLING_BicubicSpline   ;	break;
	case  3:	m_Resampling	= GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline         ;	break;

	if( m_bList )
		int						i;
		CSG_Parameters			Grids;
		CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pSources, *pTargets, *pGrids;

		pSources	= Parameters("SOURCE")->asGridList();
		pTargets	= Parameters("GRIDS" )->asGridList();


		pGrids		= Grids.Add_Grid_List(NULL, "GRD", SG_T(""), SG_T(""), PARAMETER_INPUT, false)->asGridList();

		for(i=pSources->Get_Count()-1; i>=0; i--)
			if( pSources->asGrid(i)->Get_Projection().is_Okay() )
				Error_Fmt("%s: %s\n", _TL("unknown projection"), pSources->asGrid(i)->Get_Name());

		pSources	= Grids.Add_Grid_List(NULL, "SRC", SG_T(""), SG_T(""), PARAMETER_INPUT, false)->asGridList();

		while( pGrids->Get_Count() > 0 )
			pSources->Add_Item(pGrids->asGrid(pGrids->Get_Count() - 1));
			pGrids  ->Del_Item(pGrids->Get_Count() - 1);

			for(i=pGrids->Get_Count()-1; i>=0; i--)
				if( pGrids->asGrid(i)->Get_Projection() == pSources->asGrid(0)->Get_Projection() )
					pGrids  ->Del_Item(i);




		return( pTargets->Get_Count() > 0 );

		return( Transform(Parameters("SOURCE")->asGrid()) );