Exemplo n.º 1
/** Create and set up output Event Workspace
void LoadEventPreNexus2::createOutputWorkspace(
    const std::string event_filename) {
  // Create the output workspace
  localWorkspace = EventWorkspace_sptr(new EventWorkspace());

  // Make sure to initialize. We can use dummy numbers for arguments, for
  // event
  // workspace it doesn't matter
  localWorkspace->initialize(1, 1, 1);

  // Set the units
  localWorkspace->getAxis(0)->unit() = UnitFactory::Instance().create("TOF");

  // Set title
  localWorkspace->setTitle("Dummy Title");

  // Property run_start
  if (this->num_pulses > 0) {
    // add the start of the run as a ISO8601 date/time string. The start = the
    // first pulse.
    // (this is used in LoadInstrument to find the right instrument file to
    // use).
        "run_start", pulsetimes[0].toISO8601String(), true);

  // Property run_number

  // Get the instrument!
  prog->report("Loading Instrument");
  this->runLoadInstrument(event_filename, localWorkspace);

  // load the mapping file
  prog->report("Loading Mapping File");
  string mapping_filename = this->getPropertyValue(MAP_PARAM);
  if (mapping_filename.empty()) {
    mapping_filename = generateMappingfileName(localWorkspace);
    if (!mapping_filename.empty())
          << "Found mapping file \"" << mapping_filename << "\"\n";

  // Replace workspace by workspace of correct size
  // Number of non-monitors in instrument
  size_t nSpec = localWorkspace->getInstrument()->getDetectorIDs(true).size();
  if (!this->spectra_list.empty())
    nSpec = this->spectra_list.size();
  auto tmp = createWorkspace<EventWorkspace>(nSpec, 2, 1);
  WorkspaceFactory::Instance().initializeFromParent(*localWorkspace, *tmp,
  localWorkspace = std::move(tmp);
Exemplo n.º 2
/** Process the event file properly.
 * @param workspace :: EventWorkspace to write to.
LoadEventPreNexus::procEvents(DataObjects::EventWorkspace_sptr &workspace) {
  this->num_error_events = 0;
  this->num_good_events = 0;
  this->num_ignored_events = 0;

  // Default values in the case of no parallel
  size_t loadBlockSize = Mantid::Kernel::DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE * 2;

  shortest_tof = static_cast<double>(MAX_TOF_UINT32) * TOF_CONVERSION;
  longest_tof = 0.;

  // Initialize progress reporting.
  size_t numBlocks = (max_events + loadBlockSize - 1) / loadBlockSize;

  // We want to pad out empty pixels.
  detid2det_map detector_map;

  // -------------- Determine processing mode
  std::string procMode = getProperty("UseParallelProcessing");
  if (procMode == "Serial")
    parallelProcessing = false;
  else if (procMode == "Parallel")
    parallelProcessing = true;
  else {
    // Automatic determination. Loading serially (for me) is about 3 million
    // events per second,
    // (which is sped up by ~ x 3 with parallel processing, say 10 million per
    // second, e.g. 7 million events more per seconds).
    // compared to a setup time/merging time of about 10 seconds per million
    // detectors.
    double setUpTime = double(detector_map.size()) * 10e-6;
    parallelProcessing = ((double(max_events) / 7e6) > setUpTime);
    g_log.debug() << (parallelProcessing ? "Using" : "Not using")
                  << " parallel processing." << std::endl;

  // determine maximum pixel id
  detid2det_map::iterator it;
  detid_max = 0; // seems like a safe lower bound
  for (it = detector_map.begin(); it != detector_map.end(); it++)
    if (it->first > detid_max)
      detid_max = it->first;

  // Pad all the pixels
  prog->report("Padding Pixels");
      detid_max + 1); // starting at zero up to and including detid_max
  // Set to zero
  this->pixel_to_wkspindex.assign(detid_max + 1, 0);
  size_t workspaceIndex = 0;
  for (it = detector_map.begin(); it != detector_map.end(); it++) {
    if (!it->second->isMonitor()) {
      this->pixel_to_wkspindex[it->first] = workspaceIndex;
      EventList &spec = workspace->getOrAddEventList(workspaceIndex);
      // Start the spectrum number at 1
      spec.setSpectrumNo(specid_t(workspaceIndex + 1));
      workspaceIndex += 1;

  // For slight speed up
  loadOnlySomeSpectra = (this->spectra_list.size() > 0);

  // Turn the spectra list into a map, for speed of access
  for (std::vector<int64_t>::iterator it = spectra_list.begin();
       it != spectra_list.end(); it++)
    spectraLoadMap[*it] = true;

  CPUTimer tim;

  // --------------- Create the partial workspaces
  // ------------------------------------------
  // Vector of partial workspaces, for parallel processing.
  std::vector<EventWorkspace_sptr> partWorkspaces;
  std::vector<DasEvent *> buffers;

  /// Pointer to the vector of events
  typedef std::vector<TofEvent> *EventVector_pt;
  /// Bare array of arrays of pointers to the EventVectors
  EventVector_pt **eventVectors;

  /// How many threads will we use?
  size_t numThreads = 1;
  if (parallelProcessing)
    numThreads = size_t(PARALLEL_GET_MAX_THREADS);

  eventVectors = new EventVector_pt *[numThreads];

  // cppcheck-suppress syntaxError
  PRAGMA_OMP( parallel for if (parallelProcessing) )
  for (int i = 0; i < int(numThreads); i++) {
    // This is the partial workspace we are about to create (if in parallel)
    EventWorkspace_sptr partWS;
    if (parallelProcessing) {
      prog->report("Creating Partial Workspace");
      // Create a partial workspace
      partWS = EventWorkspace_sptr(new EventWorkspace());
      // Make sure to initialize.
      partWS->initialize(1, 1, 1);
      // Copy all the spectra numbers and stuff (no actual events to copy
      // though).
      // Push it in the array
      partWorkspaces[i] = partWS;
    } else
      partWS = workspace;

    // Allocate the buffers
    buffers[i] = new DasEvent[loadBlockSize];

    // For each partial workspace, make an array where index = detector ID and
    // value = pointer to the events vector
    eventVectors[i] = new EventVector_pt[detid_max + 1];
    EventVector_pt *theseEventVectors = eventVectors[i];
    for (detid_t j = 0; j < detid_max + 1; j++) {
      size_t wi = pixel_to_wkspindex[j];
      // Save a POINTER to the vector<tofEvent>
      theseEventVectors[j] = &partWS->getEventList(wi).getEvents();

  g_log.debug() << tim << " to create " << partWorkspaces.size()
                << " workspaces for parallel loading." << std::endl;

  prog->resetNumSteps(numBlocks, 0.1, 0.8);

  // ---------------------------------- LOAD THE DATA --------------------------
  PRAGMA_OMP( parallel for schedule(dynamic, 1) if (parallelProcessing) )
  for (int blockNum = 0; blockNum < int(numBlocks); blockNum++) {

    // Find the workspace for this particular thread
    EventWorkspace_sptr ws;
    size_t threadNum = 0;
    if (parallelProcessing) {
      ws = partWorkspaces[threadNum];
    } else
      ws = workspace;

    // Get the buffer (for this thread)
    DasEvent *event_buffer = buffers[threadNum];

    // Get the speeding-up array of vector<tofEvent> where index = detid.
    EventVector_pt *theseEventVectors = eventVectors[threadNum];

    // Where to start in the file?
    size_t fileOffset = first_event + (loadBlockSize * blockNum);
    // May need to reduce size of last (or only) block
    size_t current_event_buffer_size =
        (blockNum == int(numBlocks - 1))
            ? (max_events - (numBlocks - 1) * loadBlockSize)
            : loadBlockSize;

    // Load this chunk of event data (critical block)
    PARALLEL_CRITICAL(LoadEventPreNexus_fileAccess) {
      current_event_buffer_size = eventfile->loadBlockAt(
          event_buffer, fileOffset, current_event_buffer_size);

    // This processes the events. Can be done in parallel!
    procEventsLinear(ws, theseEventVectors, event_buffer,
                     current_event_buffer_size, fileOffset);

    // Report progress
    prog->report("Load Event PreNeXus");

  g_log.debug() << tim << " to load the data." << std::endl;

  // ---------------------------------- MERGE WORKSPACES BACK TOGETHER
  // --------------------------
  if (parallelProcessing) {
    prog->resetNumSteps(workspace->getNumberHistograms(), 0.8, 0.95);

    size_t memoryCleared = 0;

    // Merge all workspaces, index by index.
    for (int iwi = 0; iwi < int(workspace->getNumberHistograms()); iwi++) {
      size_t wi = size_t(iwi);

      // The output event list.
      EventList &el = workspace->getEventList(wi);

      // How many events will it have?
      size_t numEvents = 0;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < numThreads; i++)
        numEvents += partWorkspaces[i]->getEventList(wi).getNumberEvents();
      // This will avoid too much copying.

      // Now merge the event lists
      for (size_t i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) {
        EventList &partEl = partWorkspaces[i]->getEventList(wi);
        el += partEl.getEvents();
        // Free up memory as you go along.

      // With TCMalloc, release memory when you accumulate enough to make sense
      PARALLEL_CRITICAL(LoadEventPreNexus_trackMemory) {
        memoryCleared += numEvents;
        if (memoryCleared > 10000000) // ten million events = about 160 MB
          memoryCleared = 0;
      prog->report("Merging Workspaces");
    // Final memory release
    g_log.debug() << tim << " to merge workspaces together." << std::endl;

  // Delete the buffers for each thread.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) {
    delete[] buffers[i];
    delete[] eventVectors[i];
  delete[] eventVectors;
  // delete [] pulsetimes;

  prog->resetNumSteps(3, 0.94, 1.00);

  // finalize loading
  prog->report("Deleting Empty Lists");
  if (loadOnlySomeSpectra)

  prog->report("Setting proton charge");
  g_log.debug() << tim << " to set the proton charge log." << std::endl;

  // Make sure the MRU is cleared

  // Now, create a default X-vector for histogramming, with just 2 bins.
  Kernel::cow_ptr<MantidVec> axis;
  MantidVec &xRef = axis.access();
  xRef[0] = shortest_tof - 1; // Just to make sure the bins hold it all
  xRef[1] = longest_tof + 1;

  g_log.information() << "Read " << this->num_good_events << " events + "
                      << this->num_error_events << " errors"
                      << ". Shortest TOF: " << shortest_tof
                      << " microsec; longest TOF: " << longest_tof
                      << " microsec." << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 3
/** Execute the algorithm */
void LoadEventPreNexus::exec() {
  // Check 'chunk' properties are valid, if set
  const int chunks = getProperty("TotalChunks");
  if (!isEmpty(chunks) && int(getProperty("ChunkNumber")) > chunks) {
    throw std::out_of_range("ChunkNumber cannot be larger than TotalChunks");

  prog = new Progress(this, 0.0, 1.0, 100);

  // what spectra (pixel ID's) to load
  this->spectra_list = this->getProperty(PID_PARAM);

  // the event file is needed in case the pulseid fileanme is empty
  string event_filename = this->getPropertyValue(EVENT_PARAM);
  string pulseid_filename = this->getPropertyValue(PULSEID_PARAM);
  bool throwError = true;
  if (pulseid_filename.empty()) {
    pulseid_filename = generatePulseidName(event_filename);
    if (!pulseid_filename.empty()) {
      if (Poco::File(pulseid_filename).exists()) {
        this->g_log.information() << "Found pulseid file " << pulseid_filename
                                  << std::endl;
        throwError = false;
      } else {
        pulseid_filename = "";

  prog->report("Loading Pulse ID file");
  this->readPulseidFile(pulseid_filename, throwError);


  prog->report("Creating output workspace");
  // prep the output workspace
  EventWorkspace_sptr localWorkspace =
      EventWorkspace_sptr(new EventWorkspace());
  // Make sure to initialize.
  //   We can use dummy numbers for arguments, for event workspace it doesn't
  //   matter
  localWorkspace->initialize(1, 1, 1);

  // Set the units
  localWorkspace->getAxis(0)->unit() = UnitFactory::Instance().create("TOF");
  // TODO localWorkspace->setTitle(title);

  // Add the run_start property
  // Use the first pulse as the run_start time.
  if (this->num_pulses > 0) {
    // add the start of the run as a ISO8601 date/time string. The start = the
    // first pulse.
    // (this is used in LoadInstrument to find the right instrument file to
    // use).
        "run_start", pulsetimes[0].toISO8601String(), true);

  // determine the run number and add it to the run object

  // Get the instrument!
  prog->report("Loading Instrument");
  this->runLoadInstrument(event_filename, localWorkspace);

  // load the mapping file
  prog->report("Loading Mapping File");
  string mapping_filename = this->getPropertyValue(MAP_PARAM);
  if (mapping_filename.empty()) {
    mapping_filename = generateMappingfileName(localWorkspace);
    if (!mapping_filename.empty())
      this->g_log.information() << "Found mapping file \"" << mapping_filename
                                << "\"" << std::endl;

  // Process the events into pixels

  // Save output
  this->setProperty<IEventWorkspace_sptr>(OUT_PARAM, localWorkspace);

  // Cleanup
  delete prog;