Exemplo n.º 1
void LoadScreen (char *name)
	char	*expanded;

	expanded = ExpandPathAndArchive (name);

	printf ("grabbing from %s...\n",expanded);
	LoadLBM (expanded, &byteimage, &lbmpalette);

	byteimagewidth = bmhd.w;
	byteimageheight = bmhd.h;
Exemplo n.º 2
void Cmd_Skin (void)
	byte	*palette;
	byte	*pixels;
	int		width, height;
	byte	*cropped;
	int		y;
	char	name[1024], savename[1024];
	int pcx = 0;

	GetToken (false);

	if (strstr(token, "pcx")) {
		pcx = 1;

	if (model.num_skins == MAX_MD2SKINS)
		Error ("model.num_skins == MAX_MD2SKINS");

	if (g_skipmodel)

	if (!pcx)
		sprintf (name, "%s/%s.lbm", cdarchive, token);
		sprintf (name, "%s/%s_src.pcx", cdarchive, token);
	strcpy (name, ExpandPathAndArchive( name ) );
//	sprintf (name, "%s/%s.lbm", cddir, token);

	if (TokenAvailable())
		GetToken (false);
		sprintf (g_skins[model.num_skins], "%s.pcx", token);
		sprintf (savename, "%s%s.pcx", gamedir, g_skins[model.num_skins]);
		sprintf (savename, "%s/%s.pcx", cddir, token);
		sprintf (g_skins[model.num_skins], "%s/%s.pcx", cdpartial, token);
	if (!strcmp(name, savename))
		Error ("attempt to overwrite source for %s", name);
		printf("name %s %s\n", name, savename);


	if (g_skipmodel || g_release || g_archive)
	process_skin(name, savename);
Exemplo n.º 3
void Cmd_TextureMix()
    miptex32_t		*qtex32;
    char			filename[1024];
    int				size;


    GetScriptToken (false);

    strcpy(root, token);

    strcpy(filename, ExpandPathAndArchive(token));
    if (SetVars(filename))
        // Create combined texture
        percent = ((TotalArea() * 100) / (out.w * out.h));
        printf("Total area consumed : %d%%\n", percent);
        printf("Texture resolution  : %dx%d pixels.\n", xcharsize, ycharsize);

        // Save image as m32
        sprintf (filename, "%spics/misc/%s.m32", gamedir, out.name);
        qtex32 = CreateMip32((unsigned *)outpixels, out.w, out.h, &size, false);

        qtex32->contents = 0;
        qtex32->value = 0;
        qtex32->scale_x = 1.0;
        qtex32->scale_y = 1.0;
        sprintf (qtex32->name, "misc/%s", out.name);

        printf ("\n\nwriting %s\n", filename);
        SaveFile (filename, (byte *)qtex32, size);
        free (qtex32);

        // Save out script file
        sprintf (filename, "%spics/misc/%s.fnt", gamedir, outscript);
        printf("Writing %s as script file\n", filename);
        if (!SaveScript(filename))
            printf("Unable to save output script.\n");
    printf("Everythings groovy.\n");
Exemplo n.º 4
void Cmd_Load (void)
	char	*name;

	GetToken (false);

	if (g_release)

	name = ExpandPathAndArchive(token);

	// load the image
	logprint ("loading %s\n", name);
	Load256Image (name, &byteimage, &lbmpalette, &byteimagewidth, &byteimageheight);
	RemapZero (byteimage, lbmpalette, byteimagewidth, byteimageheight);
Exemplo n.º 5
void GrabGlobals( char *frame ){
	char file1[1024];
	char    *framefile;
	frame_t     *fr;

	framefile = FindFrameFile( frame );

	sprintf( file1, "%s/%s", cdarchive, framefile );
	ExpandPathAndArchive( file1 );

	sprintf( file1, "%s/%s",cddir, framefile );

	printf( "grabbing %s\n", file1 );

	fr = &g_frames[model.num_frames - 1]; // last frame read in

	LoadGlobals( file1 );
Exemplo n.º 6
void Cmd_Cluster(){
	char file1[1024];

	GetScriptToken( false );

	printf( "---------------------\n" );
	sprintf( file1, "%s/%s", cdpartial, token );
	printf( "%s\n", file1 );

	ExpandPathAndArchive( file1 );

	sprintf( file1, "%s/%s", cddir, token );

	LoadClusters( file1, (int **)&clusters, (int *)&num_verts, jointed );

	new_num_verts[0] = num_verts[0];

	clustered = 1;
Exemplo n.º 7
void LoadScreenBMP(char *pszName)
	char	*pszExpanded;
	char	basename[64];
	pszExpanded = ExpandPathAndArchive(pszName);

	printf("grabbing from %s...\n", pszExpanded);
	if (LoadBMP(pszExpanded, &byteimage, &lbmpalette))
		Error ("Failed to load!", pszExpanded);

	if ( byteimage == NULL || lbmpalette == NULL )
	byteimagewidth = bmhd.w;
	byteimageheight = bmhd.h;

	ExtractFileBase (token, basename);		// Files that start with '$' have color (0,0,255) transparent,
	if ( basename[0] == '{' ) {				// move to last palette entry.
		fTransparent255 = true;
Exemplo n.º 8
int     GetScriptInfo( char *name ) {
    FILE        *fp;
    char buffer[256];
    char tempbuff[256];
    char delims[] = {" \t,\n"};

    printf( "Opening script file %s.\n", name );

    if ( fp = fopen( name, "r" ) ) {
        while ( fgets( buffer, 256, fp ) )
            if ( strncmp( buffer, "//", 2 ) && strncmp( buffer, "\n", 1 ) ) {
                strupr( buffer );
                strcpy( tempbuff, buffer );
                if ( strcmp( strtok( tempbuff, delims ), "OUTPUT" ) == 0 ) {
                    strcpy( out.name, strtok( NULL, delims ) );
                    strlwr( out.name );

                strcpy( tempbuff, buffer );
                if ( strcmp( strtok( tempbuff, delims ), "SOURCEDIR" ) == 0 ) {
                    strcpy( tempbuff, strtok( NULL, delims ) );
                    strcpy( sourcedir, ExpandPathAndArchive( tempbuff ) );

                strcpy( tempbuff, buffer );
                if ( strcmp( strtok( tempbuff, delims ), "DOSORT" ) == 0 ) {
                    dosort = 1;

                strcpy( tempbuff, buffer );
                if ( strcmp( strtok( tempbuff, delims ), "XCHARSIZE" ) == 0 ) {
                    xcharsize = strtol( strtok( NULL, delims ), NULL, 0 );

                strcpy( tempbuff, buffer );
                if ( strcmp( strtok( tempbuff, delims ), "YCHARSIZE" ) == 0 ) {
                    ycharsize = strtol( strtok( NULL, delims ), NULL, 0 );

                strcpy( tempbuff, buffer );
                if ( strcmp( strtok( tempbuff, delims ), "OUTSCRIPT" ) == 0 ) {
                    strcpy( outscript, strtok( NULL, delims ) );
                    strlwr( outscript );

                strcpy( tempbuff, buffer );
                if ( strcmp( strtok( tempbuff, delims ), "OUTUSAGE" ) == 0 ) {
                    strcpy( outusage, strtok( NULL, delims ) );

                strcpy( tempbuff, buffer );
                if ( strcmp( strtok( tempbuff, delims ), "POS" ) == 0 ) {
                    out.w = strtol( strtok( NULL, delims ), NULL, 0 );
                    out.h = strtol( strtok( NULL, delims ), NULL, 0 );

                strcpy( tempbuff, buffer );
                if ( strcmp( strtok( tempbuff, delims ), "FILE" ) == 0 ) {
                    strcpy( in[filenum].name, strtok( NULL, delims ) );
                    in[filenum].x = strtol( strtok( NULL, delims ), NULL, 0 );
                    in[filenum].y = strtol( strtok( NULL, delims ), NULL, 0 );
                    in[filenum].col = strtol( strtok( NULL, delims ), NULL, 0 );
        fclose( fp );
        return( true );
        printf( "ERROR : Could not open script file.\n" );
        return( false );
Exemplo n.º 9

Skins aren't actually stored in the file, only a reference
is saved out to the header file.
void Cmd_Skin (void)
	byte	*palette;
	byte	*pixels;
	int		width, height;
	byte	*cropped;
	int		y;
	char	name[1024], savename[1024];

	GetScriptToken (false);

	if (model.num_skins == MAX_MD2SKINS)
		Error ("model.num_skins == MAX_MD2SKINS");

	if (g_skipmodel)

#if 1
	sprintf (name, "%s/%s.pcx", cddir, token);
	sprintf (savename, "%s/!%s.pcx", g_outputDir, token);
	sprintf (g_skins[model.num_skins], "%s/!%s.pcx", cdpartial, token);
	sprintf (name, "%s/%s.lbm", cdarchive, token);
	strcpy (name, ExpandPathAndArchive( name ) );
//	sprintf (name, "%s/%s.lbm", cddir, token);

	if (ScriptTokenAvailable())
		GetScriptToken (false);
		sprintf (g_skins[model.num_skins], "%s.pcx", token);
		sprintf (savename, "%s%s.pcx", g_outputDir, g_skins[model.num_skins]);
		sprintf (savename, "%s/%s.pcx", g_outputDir, token);
		sprintf (g_skins[model.num_skins], "%s/%s.pcx", cdpartial, token);


	if (g_skipmodel || g_release || g_archive)

	// load the image
	printf ("loading %s\n", name);
	Load256Image (name, &pixels, &palette, &width, &height);
//	RemapZero (pixels, palette, width, height);

	// crop it to the proper size
	cropped = (byte *) SafeMalloc (model.skinwidth*model.skinheight, "Cmd_Skin");
	for (y=0 ; y<model.skinheight ; y++)
		memcpy (cropped+y*model.skinwidth,
			pixels+y*width, model.skinwidth);

	// save off the new image
	printf ("saving %s\n", savename);
	CreatePath (savename);
	WritePCXfile (savename, cropped, model.skinwidth,
		model.skinheight, palette);

	free (pixels);
	free (palette);
	free (cropped);
Exemplo n.º 10
static void GrabFrame (char *frame)
	triangle_t		*ptri;
	int				i, j;
	trivert_t		*ptrivert;
	int				num_tris;
	char			file1[1024];
	frame_t			*fr;
	vertexnormals_t	vnorms[MAX_VERTS];
	int				index_xyz;
	char			*framefile;

	// the frame 'run1' will be looked for as either
	// run.1 or run1.tri, so the new alias sequence save
	// feature an be used
	framefile = FindFrameFile (frame);

	sprintf (file1, "%s/%s", cdarchive, framefile);
	ExpandPathAndArchive (file1);

	sprintf (file1, "%s/%s",cddir, framefile);

	printf ("grabbing %s  ", file1);

	if (model.num_frames >= MAX_FRAMES)
		Error ("model.num_frames >= MAX_FRAMES");
	fr = &g_frames[model.num_frames];

	strcpy (fr->name, frame);

// load the frame
	if (do3ds)
		Load3DSTriangleList (file1, &ptri, &num_tris, NULL, NULL);
		LoadTriangleList (file1, &ptri, &num_tris, NULL, NULL);

	if (num_tris != model.num_tris)
		Error ("%s: number of triangles doesn't match base frame\n", file1);

// allocate storage for the frame's vertices
	ptrivert = fr->v;

	for (i=0 ; i<model.num_xyz ; i++)
		vnorms[i].numnormals = 0;
		VectorClear (vnorms[i].normalsum);
	ClearBounds (fr->mins, fr->maxs);

// store the frame's vertices in the same order as the base. This assumes the
// triangles and vertices in this frame are in exactly the same order as in the
// base
	for (i=0 ; i<num_tris ; i++)
		vec3_t	vtemp1, vtemp2, normal;
		float	ftemp;

		VectorSubtract (ptri[i].verts[0], ptri[i].verts[1], vtemp1);
		VectorSubtract (ptri[i].verts[2], ptri[i].verts[1], vtemp2);
		CrossProduct (vtemp1, vtemp2, normal);

		VectorNormalize (normal, normal);

	// rotate the normal so the model faces down the positive x axis
		ftemp = normal[0];
		normal[0] = -normal[1];
		normal[1] = ftemp;

		for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
			index_xyz = triangles[i].index_xyz[j];

		// rotate the vertices so the model faces down the positive x axis
		// also adjust the vertices to the desired origin
			ptrivert[index_xyz].v[0] = ((-ptri[i].verts[j][1]) * scale_up) +
			ptrivert[index_xyz].v[1] = (ptri[i].verts[j][0] * scale_up) +
			ptrivert[index_xyz].v[2] = (ptri[i].verts[j][2] * scale_up) +

			AddPointToBounds (ptrivert[index_xyz].v, fr->mins, fr->maxs);

			VectorAdd (vnorms[index_xyz].normalsum, normal, vnorms[index_xyz].normalsum);

// calculate the vertex normals, match them to the template list, and store the
// index of the best match
	for (i=0 ; i<model.num_xyz ; i++)
		int		j;
		vec3_t	v;
		float	maxdot;
		int		maxdotindex;
		int		c;

		c = vnorms[i].numnormals;
		if (!c)
			Error ("Vertex with no triangles attached");

		VectorScale (vnorms[i].normalsum, 1.0/c, v);
		VectorNormalize (v, v);

		maxdot = -999999.0;
		maxdotindex = -1;

		for (j=0 ; j<NUMVERTEXNORMALS ; j++)
			float	dot;

			dot = DotProduct (v, avertexnormals[j]);
			if (dot > maxdot)
				maxdot = dot;
				maxdotindex = j;

		ptrivert[i].lightnormalindex = maxdotindex;

	free (ptri);
Exemplo n.º 11
void Cmd_Base (void)
	vec3_t		base_xyz[MAX_VERTS];
	triangle_t	*ptri;
	int			i, j, k;
#if 1
	int		time1;
	char	file1[1024];
	char	file2[1024];

	GetScriptToken (false);

	if (g_skipmodel || g_release || g_archive)

	printf ("---------------------\n");
#if 1
	sprintf (file1, "%s/%s", cdpartial, token);
	printf ("%s  ", file1);

	ExpandPathAndArchive (file1);

	sprintf (file1, "%s/%s", cddir, token);
	sprintf (file1, "%s/%s.%s", cdarchive, token, trifileext);
	printf ("%s\n", file1);

	ExpandPathAndArchive (file1);

	sprintf (file1, "%s/%s.%s", cddir, token, trifileext);

	time1 = FileTime (file1);
	if (time1 == -1)
		Error ("%s doesn't exist", file1);
// load the base triangles
	if (do3ds)
		Load3DSTriangleList (file1, &ptri, &model.num_tris, NULL, NULL);
		LoadTriangleList (file1, &ptri, &model.num_tris, NULL, NULL);

	GetScriptToken (false);
	sprintf (file2, "%s/%s.pcx", cddir, token);
//	sprintf (trans_file, "%s/!%s_a.pcx", cddir, token);

	printf ("skin: %s\n", file2);
 	Load256Image (file2, &BasePixels, &BasePalette, &BaseWidth, &BaseHeight);

	if (BaseWidth != SKINPAGE_WIDTH || BaseHeight != SKINPAGE_HEIGHT)
		if (g_allow_newskin)
			ScaleWidth = BaseWidth;
			ScaleHeight = BaseHeight;
			Error("Invalid skin page size: (%d,%d) should be (%d,%d)",
		ScaleWidth = (float)ExtractNumber(BasePixels, ENCODED_WIDTH_X,
		ScaleHeight = (float)ExtractNumber(BasePixels, ENCODED_HEIGHT_X,

// get the ST values
	BuildST (ptri, model.num_tris,false);

// run through all the base triangles, storing each unique vertex in the
// base vertex list and setting the indirect triangles to point to the base
// vertices
	for (i=0 ; i<model.num_tris ; i++)
		for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
			// get the xyz index
			for (k=0 ; k<model.num_xyz ; k++)
				if (VectorCompare (ptri[i].verts[j], base_xyz[k]))
					break;	// this vertex is already in the base vertex list

			if (k == model.num_xyz)
			{ // new index
				VectorCopy (ptri[i].verts[j], base_xyz[model.num_xyz]);

					ReplaceClusterIndex(k, ptri[i].indicies[j], (int **)&clusters, (IntListNode_t **)&vertLists, (int *)&num_verts, (int *)&new_num_verts);


			triangles[i].index_xyz[j] = k;

			// get the st index
			for (k=0 ; k<model.num_st ; k++)
				if (triangle_st[i][j][0] == base_st[k].s
				&& triangle_st[i][j][1] == base_st[k].t)
					break;	// this vertex is already in the base vertex list

			if (k == model.num_st)
			{ // new index
				base_st[model.num_st].s = triangle_st[i][j][0];
				base_st[model.num_st].t = triangle_st[i][j][1];

			triangles[i].index_st[j] = k;

	// build triangle strips / fans
	BuildGlCmds ();
Exemplo n.º 12
void Cmd_Base (void)
	triangle_t	*ptri;
	int			i, j, k;
	int		time1;
	char	file1[1024];

	GetToken (false);

	if (g_skipmodel || g_release || g_archive)

	printf ("---------------------\n");
	sprintf (file1, "%s/%s.%s", cdarchive, token, trifileext);
	printf ("%s\n", file1);

	ExpandPathAndArchive (file1);

	sprintf (file1, "%s/%s.%s", cddir, token, trifileext);

	time1 = FileTime (file1);
	if (time1 == -1)
		Error ("%s doesn't exist", file1);

// load the base triangles
	if (do3ds)
		Load3DSTriangleList (file1, &ptri, &model.num_tris);
		LoadTriangleList (file1, &ptri, &model.num_tris);

// get the ST values
	BuildST (ptri, model.num_tris);

// run through all the base triangles, storing each unique vertex in the
// base vertex list and setting the indirect triangles to point to the base
// vertices
	for (i=0 ; i<model.num_tris ; i++)
		for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
			// get the xyz index
			for (k=0 ; k<model.num_xyz ; k++)
				if (VectorCompare (ptri[i].verts[j], base_xyz[k]))
					break;	// this vertex is already in the base vertex list

			if (k == model.num_xyz)
			{ // new index
				VectorCopy (ptri[i].verts[j], base_xyz[model.num_xyz]);

			triangles[i].index_xyz[j] = k;

			// get the st index
			for (k=0 ; k<model.num_st ; k++)
				if (triangle_st[i][j][0] == base_st[k].s
				&& triangle_st[i][j][1] == base_st[k].t)
					break;	// this vertex is already in the base vertex list

			if (k == model.num_st)
			{ // new index
				base_st[model.num_st].s = triangle_st[i][j][0];
				base_st[model.num_st].t = triangle_st[i][j][1];

			triangles[i].index_st[j] = k;

	// build triangle strips / fans
	BuildGlCmds ();