void FLuaScriptCodeGenerator::ExportClass(UClass* Class, const FString& SourceHeaderFilename, const FString& GeneratedHeaderFilename, bool bHasChanged)
	if (!CanExportClass(Class))
	UE_LOG(LogScriptGenerator, Log, TEXT("Exporting class %s"), *Class->GetName());

	const FString ClassGlueFilename = GetScriptHeaderForClass(Class);

	const FString ClassNameCPP = GetClassNameCPP(Class);
	FString GeneratedGlue(TEXT("#pragma once\r\n\r\n"));		

	// Export all functions
	for (TFieldIterator<UFunction> FuncIt(Class /*, EFieldIteratorFlags::ExcludeSuper*/); FuncIt; ++FuncIt)
		UFunction* Function = *FuncIt;
		if (CanExportFunction(ClassNameCPP, Class, Function))
			GeneratedGlue += ExportFunction(ClassNameCPP, Class, Function);

	// Export properties that are owned by this class
	int32 PropertyIndex = 0;
	for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> PropertyIt(Class /*, EFieldIteratorFlags::ExcludeSuper*/); PropertyIt; ++PropertyIt, ++PropertyIndex)
		UProperty* Property = *PropertyIt;
		if (CanExportProperty(ClassNameCPP, Class, Property))
			UE_LOG(LogScriptGenerator, Log, TEXT("  %s %s"), *Property->GetClass()->GetName(), *Property->GetName());
			GeneratedGlue += ExportProperty(ClassNameCPP, Class, Property, PropertyIndex);

	GeneratedGlue += ExportAdditionalClassGlue(ClassNameCPP, Class);

	SaveHeaderIfChanged(ClassGlueFilename, GeneratedGlue);
void JSBTypeScript::ExportModuleClasses(const String& moduleName)
    JSBModule* module = JSBindings::Instance()->GetModuleByName(moduleName);

    if (!module->classes_.Size())

    source_ += "\n";

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < module->classes_.Size(); i++)
        JSBClass* klass = module->classes_.At(i);

        source_ += "   export class " + klass->GetName();
        if (klass->GetBaseClass())
            source_ += " extends " + klass->GetBaseClass()->GetName();

        source_ += " {\n\n";

        Vector<String> propertyNames;


        for (unsigned j = 0; j < propertyNames.Size(); j++)

            JSBProperty* prop = klass->GetProperty(propertyNames[j]);

            JSBFunctionType* ftype = NULL;

            if (prop->getter_ && !prop->getter_->Skip())
                ftype = prop->getter_->returnType_;
            else if (prop->setter_ && !prop->setter_->Skip())
                ftype = prop->setter_->parameters_[0];

            if (!ftype)

            String scriptType = GetScriptType(ftype);

            String scriptName =  propertyNames[j];
            scriptName[0] = tolower(scriptName[0]);

            source_ += "      " + scriptName + ": " + scriptType + ";\n";


        if (propertyNames.Size())
            source_ += "\n";

        JSBFunction* constructor = klass->GetConstructor();
        if (constructor)
            source_ += "\n";

        for (unsigned j = 0; j < klass->GetFunctionCount(); j++)

            JSBFunction* func = klass->GetFunction(j);

            if (func->isConstructor_ || func->isDestructor_ || func->Skip())



        source_ += "\n   }\n\n";


    source_ += "\n";

Exemplo n.º 3
    void JSBHaxe::ExportModuleClasses(JSBModule* module)
        Vector<SharedPtr<JSBClass>> classes = module->GetClasses();

        if (!classes.Size())

        source_ += "\n";

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < classes.Size(); i++)
            JSBClass* klass = classes.At(i);

            if (klass->IsNumberArray()) {
                source_ += "typedef " + klass->GetName() + " = Array<Float>;\n";

            source_ += "@:native(\"Atomic." + klass->GetName() + "\")\n";

            source_ += "extern class " + klass->GetName();

            JSBClass* base = klass->GetBaseClass();

            if (base)
                    source_ += " extends " + base->GetName();

            source_ += " {\n\n";

            Vector<String> propertyNames;


            for (unsigned j = 0; j < propertyNames.Size(); j++)

                JSBProperty* prop = klass->GetProperty(propertyNames[j]);

                JSBFunctionType* ftype = NULL;

                if (prop->getter_ && !prop->getter_->Skip())
                    ftype = prop->getter_->GetReturnType();
                else if (prop->setter_ && !prop->setter_->Skip())
                    ftype = prop->setter_->GetParameters()[0];

                if (!ftype)

                String scriptType = GetScriptType(ftype);
                String scriptName = prop->GetCasePropertyName();

                if (!checkV(klass, scriptName, scriptType)) {
                    //rename haxe reserved words
                    if (scriptName == "override") {
                        scriptName = "overide";
                    if (scriptName == "dynamic") {
                        scriptName = "dynamik";
                    source_ += "    var " + scriptName + ": " + scriptType + ";\n";


            if (propertyNames.Size())
                source_ += "\n";

            JSBFunction* constructor = klass->GetConstructor();
            if (constructor)
                source_ += "\n";

            PODVector<JSBFunction*>& functions = klass->GetFunctions();

            for (unsigned j = 0; j < functions.Size(); j++)

                JSBFunction* func = functions[j];

                if (func->IsConstructor() || func->IsDestructor() || func->Skip())


            for (unsigned j = 0; j < klass->GetNumHaxeDecl(); j++)
                source_ += "      " + klass->GetHaxeDecl(j) + "\n";

            source_ += "\n}\n\n";


        source_ += "\n";

Exemplo n.º 4
void JSBTypeScript::ExportModuleClasses(JSBModule* module)
    Vector<SharedPtr<JSBClass>> classes = module->GetClasses();

    if (!classes.Size())

    source_ += "\n";

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < classes.Size(); i++)
        JSBClass* klass = classes.At(i);

        source_ += "   export class " + klass->GetName();

        JSBClass* base = klass->GetBaseClass();

        if (base)
            if (klass->GetPackage() != base->GetPackage())
                source_ += " extends " + base->GetPackage()->GetName() + "." + base->GetName();
                source_ += " extends " + base->GetName();


        source_ += " {\n\n";

        Vector<String> propertyNames;


        for (unsigned j = 0; j < propertyNames.Size(); j++)

            JSBProperty* prop = klass->GetProperty(propertyNames[j]);

            JSBFunctionType* ftype = NULL;

            if (prop->getter_ && !prop->getter_->Skip())
                ftype = prop->getter_->GetReturnType();
            else if (prop->setter_ && !prop->setter_->Skip())
                ftype = prop->setter_->GetParameters()[0];

            if (!ftype)

            String scriptType = GetScriptType(ftype);
            String scriptName = prop->GetCasePropertyName();

            source_ += "      " + scriptName + ": " + scriptType + ";\n";


        if (propertyNames.Size())
            source_ += "\n";

        JSBFunction* constructor = klass->GetConstructor();
        if (constructor)
            source_ += "\n";

        PODVector<JSBFunction*>& functions = klass->GetFunctions();

        for (unsigned j = 0; j < functions.Size(); j++)

            JSBFunction* func = functions[j];

            if (func->IsConstructor() || func->IsDestructor() || func->Skip())



        for (unsigned j = 0; j < klass->GetNumTypeScriptDecl(); j++)
            source_ += "      " + klass->GetTypeScriptDecl(j) + "\n";

        source_ += "\n   }\n\n";


    source_ += "\n";

Exemplo n.º 5
returnValue DiscreteTimeExport::setup( )
	int useOMP;
	get(CG_USE_OPENMP, useOMP);
	ExportStruct structWspace;

	// non equidistant integration grids not implemented for NARX integrators
	if( !equidistant ) return ACADOERROR( RET_INVALID_OPTION );

	String fileName( "integrator.c" );

	int printLevel;
	get( PRINTLEVEL,printLevel );

	if ( (PrintLevel)printLevel >= HIGH )
		acadoPrintf( "--> Preparing to export %s... ",fileName.getName() );

	ExportIndex run( "run" );
	ExportIndex i( "i" );
	ExportIndex j( "j" );
	ExportIndex k( "k" );
	ExportIndex tmp_index("tmp_index");
	uint diffsDim = NX*(NX+NU);
	uint inputDim = NX*(NX+NU+1) + NU + NP;
	// setup INTEGRATE function
	rk_index = ExportVariable( "rk_index", 1, 1, INT, ACADO_LOCAL, BT_TRUE );
	rk_eta = ExportVariable( "rk_eta", 1, inputDim, REAL );
	if( equidistantControlGrid() ) {
		integrate = ExportFunction( "integrate", rk_eta, reset_int );
	else {
		integrate = ExportFunction( "integrate", rk_eta, reset_int, rk_index );
	integrate.setReturnValue( error_code );
	integrate.addIndex( run );
	integrate.addIndex( i );
	integrate.addIndex( j );
	integrate.addIndex( k );
	integrate.addIndex( tmp_index );
	rhs_in = ExportVariable( "x", inputDim-diffsDim, 1, REAL, ACADO_LOCAL );
	rhs_out = ExportVariable( "f", NX, 1, REAL, ACADO_LOCAL );
	fullRhs = ExportFunction( "full_rhs", rhs_in, rhs_out );
	rk_xxx = ExportVariable( "rk_xxx", 1, inputDim-diffsDim, REAL, structWspace );
	if( grid.getNumIntervals() > 1 || !equidistantControlGrid() ) {
		rk_diffsPrev1 = ExportVariable( "rk_diffsPrev1", NX1, NX1+NU, REAL, structWspace );
		rk_diffsPrev2 = ExportVariable( "rk_diffsPrev2", NX2, NX1+NX2+NU, REAL, structWspace );
	rk_diffsNew1 = ExportVariable( "rk_diffsNew1", NX1, NX1+NU, REAL, structWspace );
	rk_diffsNew2 = ExportVariable( "rk_diffsNew2", NX2, NX1+NX2+NU, REAL, structWspace );

	ExportVariable numInt( "numInts", 1, 1, INT );
	if( !equidistantControlGrid() ) {
		ExportVariable numStepsV( "numSteps", numSteps, STATIC_CONST_INT );
		integrate.addStatement( String( "int " ) << numInt.getName() << " = " << numStepsV.getName() << "[" << rk_index.getName() << "];\n" );

	integrate.addStatement( rk_xxx.getCols( NX,inputDim-diffsDim ) == rk_eta.getCols( NX+diffsDim,inputDim ) );
	integrate.addLinebreak( );

	// integrator loop:
	ExportForLoop tmpLoop( run, 0, grid.getNumIntervals() );
	ExportStatementBlock *loop;
	if( equidistantControlGrid() ) {
		loop = &tmpLoop;
	else {
		loop = &integrate;
		loop->addStatement( String("for(") << run.getName() << " = 0; " << run.getName() << " < " << numInt.getName() << "; " << run.getName() << "++ ) {\n" );

	loop->addStatement( rk_xxx.getCols( 0,NX ) == rk_eta.getCols( 0,NX ) );

	if( grid.getNumIntervals() > 1 || !equidistantControlGrid() ) {
		// Set rk_diffsPrev:
		loop->addStatement( String("if( run > 0 ) {\n") );
		if( NX1 > 0 ) {
			ExportForLoop loopTemp1( i,0,NX1 );
			loopTemp1.addStatement( rk_diffsPrev1.getSubMatrix( i,i+1,0,NX1 ) == rk_eta.getCols( i*NX+NX+NXA,i*NX+NX+NXA+NX1 ) );
			if( NU > 0 ) loopTemp1.addStatement( rk_diffsPrev1.getSubMatrix( i,i+1,NX1,NX1+NU ) == rk_eta.getCols( i*NU+(NX+NXA)*(NX+1),i*NU+(NX+NXA)*(NX+1)+NU ) );
			loop->addStatement( loopTemp1 );
		if( NX2 > 0 ) {
			ExportForLoop loopTemp2( i,0,NX2 );
			loopTemp2.addStatement( rk_diffsPrev2.getSubMatrix( i,i+1,0,NX1+NX2 ) == rk_eta.getCols( i*NX+NX+NXA+NX1*NX,i*NX+NX+NXA+NX1*NX+NX1+NX2 ) );
			if( NU > 0 ) loopTemp2.addStatement( rk_diffsPrev2.getSubMatrix( i,i+1,NX1+NX2,NX1+NX2+NU ) == rk_eta.getCols( i*NU+(NX+NXA)*(NX+1)+NX1*NU,i*NU+(NX+NXA)*(NX+1)+NX1*NU+NU ) );
			loop->addStatement( loopTemp2 );
		loop->addStatement( String("}\n") );

	// evaluate states:
	if( NX1 > 0 ) {
		loop->addFunctionCall( lin_input.getName(), rk_xxx, rk_eta.getAddress(0,0) );
	if( NX2 > 0 ) {
		loop->addFunctionCall( getNameRHS(), rk_xxx, rk_eta.getAddress(0,NX1) );

	// evaluate sensitivities:
	if( NX1 > 0 ) {
		for( uint i1 = 0; i1 < NX1; i1++ ) {
			for( uint i2 = 0; i2 < NX1; i2++ ) {
				loop->addStatement( rk_diffsNew1.getSubMatrix(i1,i1+1,i2,i2+1) == A11(i1,i2) );
			for( uint i2 = 0; i2 < NU; i2++ ) {
				loop->addStatement( rk_diffsNew1.getSubMatrix(i1,i1+1,NX1+i2,NX1+i2+1) == B11(i1,i2) );
	if( NX2 > 0 ) {
		loop->addFunctionCall( getNameDiffsRHS(), rk_xxx, rk_diffsNew2.getAddress(0,0) );

	// computation of the sensitivities using chain rule:
	if( grid.getNumIntervals() > 1 || !equidistantControlGrid() ) {
		loop->addStatement( String( "if( run == 0 ) {\n" ) );
	// PART 1
	updateInputSystem(loop, i, j, tmp_index);
	// PART 2
	updateImplicitSystem(loop, i, j, tmp_index);

	if( grid.getNumIntervals() > 1 || !equidistantControlGrid() ) {
		loop->addStatement( String( "}\n" ) );
		loop->addStatement( String( "else {\n" ) );
		// PART 1
		propagateInputSystem(loop, i, j, k, tmp_index);
		// PART 2
		propagateImplicitSystem(loop, i, j, k, tmp_index);
		loop->addStatement( String( "}\n" ) );

	// end of the integrator loop.
	if( !equidistantControlGrid() ) {
		loop->addStatement( "}\n" );
	else {
		integrate.addStatement( *loop );
	// PART 1
	if( NX1 > 0 ) {
		Matrix zeroR = zeros(1, NX2);
		ExportForLoop loop1( i,0,NX1 );
		loop1.addStatement( rk_eta.getCols( i*NX+NX+NXA+NX1,i*NX+NX+NXA+NX ) == zeroR );
		integrate.addStatement( loop1 );

	if ( (PrintLevel)printLevel >= HIGH )
		acadoPrintf( "done.\n" );
