Exemplo n.º 1
const char* roadmap_tripserver_response(int status, int NumParams, const char*  pData){

   int num_handlers;
   int i;
   char ResponseName[128];
   int iBufferSize;

   iBufferSize =  128;
   if (status != 200){
      if (NumParams){

         pData       = ExtractNetworkString(
                        pData,             // [in]     Source string
                        ResponseName,//   [out]   Output buffer
                        &iBufferSize,      // [in,out] Buffer size / Size of extracted string
                        ",\r\n",          //   [in]   Array of chars to terminate the copy operation
                        TRIM_ALL_CHARS);   // [in]     Remove additional termination chars

         if (status != 500)
            roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "roadmap_tripserver_response- Command failed (status= %d,%s )",status,ResponseName );

         for( i=0; i<NumParams -1; i++){
            iBufferSize =  128;
            ResponseName[0] = 0;
            pData       = ExtractNetworkString(
                           pData,             // [in]     Source string
                           ResponseName,//   [out]   Output buffer
                           &iBufferSize,      // [in,out] Buffer size / Size of extracted string
                           ",\r\n",          //   [in]   Array of chars to terminate the copy operation
                           TRIM_ALL_CHARS);   // [in]     Remove additional termination chars
      return pData;

   if (NumParams){
      pData       = ExtractNetworkString(
                     pData,             // [in]     Source string
                     ResponseName,//   [out]   Output buffer
                     &iBufferSize,      // [in,out] Buffer size / Size of extracted string
                     ",\r\n",          //   [in]   Array of chars to terminate the copy operation
                     1);   // [in]     Remove additional termination chars

      num_handlers = sizeof(tripserver_handlers)/sizeof(TripServeHandlers);
      for( i=0; i<num_handlers; i++){
         if (!strcmp(ResponseName, tripserver_handlers[i].Response)){
            return (*tripserver_handlers[i].handler)(NumParams-1, pData);

   return pData;
Exemplo n.º 2
static const char* on_single_search_address_candidate(   /* IN  */   const char*       data,
                                 /* IN  */   void*             context,
                                 /* OUT */   BOOL*             more_data_needed,
                                 /* OUT */   roadmap_result*   rc)
   address_candidate ac;
   int               size;
   char              temp[100];

   address_candidate_init( &ac);

   // Default error for early exit:
   (*rc) = err_parser_unexpected_data;

   // Expected data:
   //    <provider><longtitude>,<latitude>,[state],[county],<city>,<street>,<house number>\n

   size  = 100;
   data  = ExtractNetworkString(
                data,       // [in]     Source string
                &temp[0],   // [out,opt]Output buffer
                &size,      // [in,out] Buffer size / Size of extracted string
                ",",        // [in]     Array of chars to terminate the copy operation
                1);         // [in]     Remove additional termination chars

    if( !data)
       roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "single_search::on_single_search_option() - Failed to read 'provider'");
       return NULL;

    if (!strcmp("waze", temp)){
       return on_address_option(data, context, more_data_needed, rc);
       return on_local_option(data, context, more_data_needed, rc);

Exemplo n.º 3
static const char* parse_search_results(roadmap_result* rc, int NumParams, const char*  pData) {
   //Expected data:
   // VenueList,<id>,<name>,<address>,<crossstreet>,<city>,<state>,<zip>,<geolat>,<geolong>,<phone>,<distance>[,<id>,.....]

   FoursquareVenue   venue;
   int i;
   char CommandName[128];
   int iBufferSize;
   double dValue;
   int count;

   iBufferSize =  128;

   if (NumParams == 0)
      return pData;

   if ((NumParams - 1) % ROADMAP_FOURSQUARE_VENUE_ENTRIES != 0) {
      (*rc) = err_parser_unexpected_data;
      return NULL;

   pData       = ExtractNetworkString(
                       pData,             // [in]     Source string
                       CommandName,//   [out]   Output buffer
                       &iBufferSize,      // [in,out] Buffer size / Size of extracted string
                       ",\r\n",          //   [in]   Array of chars to terminate the copy operation
                       1);   // [in]     Remove additional termination chars

   if (strcmp(CommandName, "VenueList") != 0) {
      roadmap_log(ROADMAP_ERROR, "Foursquare - parse_search_results(): could not find command: VenueList (received: '%s')", CommandName);
      (*rc) = err_parser_unexpected_data;
      return NULL;

   count = (NumParams - 1) / ROADMAP_FOURSQUARE_VENUE_ENTRIES;

   if (!(*pData) || count == 0) {
      roadmap_log(ROADMAP_DEBUG, "Foursquare - received empty venues list");
      roadmap_messagebox_timeout("Foursquare", "We can't find anything nearby.", 5);
      return pData;

   for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){
      //   1.   id
      pData       = ExtractNetworkString(
                     pData,               // [in]     Source string
                     venue.sId,           // [out,opt]Output buffer
                     &iBufferSize,        // [in,out] Buffer size / Size of extracted string
                     ",",                 // [in]     Array of chars to terminate the copy operation
                     1);                  // [in]     Remove additional termination chars

      if( !pData || !(*pData))
         roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue id=%s", venue.sId);
         (*rc) = err_parser_unexpected_data;
         return NULL;

      //   2.   name
      pData       = ExtractNetworkString(
                     pData,               // [in]     Source string
                     venue.sName,         // [out,opt]Output buffer
                     &iBufferSize,        // [in,out] Buffer size / Size of extracted string
                     ",",                 // [in]     Array of chars to terminate the copy operation
                     1);                  // [in]     Remove additional termination chars

      if( !pData || !(*pData))
         roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue name=%s", venue.sName);
         (*rc) = err_parser_unexpected_data;
         return NULL;

      //   3.   address
      pData       = ExtractNetworkString(
                     pData,               // [in]     Source string
                     venue.sAddress,      // [out,opt]Output buffer
                     &iBufferSize,        // [in,out] Buffer size / Size of extracted string
                     ",",                 // [in]     Array of chars to terminate the copy operation
                     1);                  // [in]     Remove additional termination chars

      if( !pData || !(*pData))
         roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue address=%s", venue.sAddress);
         (*rc) = err_parser_unexpected_data;
         return NULL;

      //   4.   crossstreet
      pData       = ExtractNetworkString(
                     pData,               // [in]     Source string
                     venue.sCrossStreet,  // [out,opt]Output buffer
                     &iBufferSize,        // [in,out] Buffer size / Size of extracted string
                     ",",                 // [in]     Array of chars to terminate the copy operation
                     1);                  // [in]     Remove additional termination chars

      if( !pData || !(*pData))
         roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue crossname=%s", venue.sCrossStreet);
         (*rc) = err_parser_unexpected_data;
         return NULL;

      //   5.   city
      pData       = ExtractNetworkString(
                     pData,               // [in]     Source string
                     venue.sCity,         // [out,opt]Output buffer
                     &iBufferSize,        // [in,out] Buffer size / Size of extracted string
                     ",",                 // [in]     Array of chars to terminate the copy operation
                     1);                  // [in]     Remove additional termination chars

      if( !pData || !(*pData))
         roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue city=%s", venue.sCity);
         (*rc) = err_parser_unexpected_data;
         return NULL;

      //   6.   state
      pData       = ExtractNetworkString(
                     pData,               // [in]     Source string
                     venue.sState,        // [out,opt]Output buffer
                     &iBufferSize,        // [in,out] Buffer size / Size of extracted string
                     ",",                 // [in]     Array of chars to terminate the copy operation
                     1);                  // [in]     Remove additional termination chars

      if( !pData || !(*pData))
         roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue state=%s", venue.sState);
         (*rc) = err_parser_unexpected_data;
         return NULL;

      //   7.   zip
      pData       = ExtractNetworkString(
                     pData,               // [in]     Source string
                     venue.sZip,          // [out,opt]Output buffer
                     &iBufferSize,        // [in,out] Buffer size / Size of extracted string
                     ",",                 // [in]     Array of chars to terminate the copy operation
                     1);                  // [in]     Remove additional termination chars

      if( !pData || !(*pData))
         roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue zip=%s", venue.sZip);
         (*rc) = err_parser_unexpected_data;
         return NULL;

      //   8.   lat
      pData = ReadDoubleFromString(
                           pData,         //   [in]      Source string
                           ",",           //   [in,opt]  Value termination
                           NULL,          //   [in,opt]  Allowed padding
                           &dValue,       //   [out]     Output value
                           1);            //   [in]      TRIM_ALL_CHARS, DO_NOT_TRIM, or 'n'

      venue.iLatitude = (int) (dValue * 1000000);
      if( !pData || !(*pData))
         roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue lat=%d", venue.iLatitude);
         (*rc) = err_parser_unexpected_data;
         return NULL;

      //   9.   lon
      pData = ReadDoubleFromString(
                           pData,         //   [in]      Source string
                           ",",           //   [in,opt]  Value termination
                           NULL,          //   [in,opt]  Allowed padding
                           &dValue,       //   [out]     Output value
                           1);            //   [in]      TRIM_ALL_CHARS, DO_NOT_TRIM, or 'n'

      venue.iLongitude = (int) (dValue * 1000000);
      if( !pData || !(*pData))
         roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue lon=%d", venue.iLongitude);
         (*rc) = err_parser_unexpected_data;
         return NULL;

      //   10.   phone
      pData       = ExtractNetworkString(
                     pData,               // [in]     Source string
                     venue.sPhone,        // [out,opt]Output buffer
                     &iBufferSize,        // [in,out] Buffer size / Size of extracted string
                     ",",                 // [in]     Array of chars to terminate the copy operation
                     1);                  // [in]     Remove additional termination chars

      if( !pData || !(*pData))
         roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue phone=%s", venue.sPhone);
         (*rc) = err_parser_unexpected_data;
         return NULL;

      //   11.   distance
      pData = ReadIntFromString(
                     pData,            //   [in]      Source string
                     ",\r\n",              //   [in,opt]   Value termination
                     NULL,             //   [in,opt]   Allowed padding
                     &venue.iDistance,    //   [out]      Put it here
                     1);               //   [in]      Remove additional termination CHARS

      if( !pData || (!(*pData) && i < count-1))
         roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue distance=%d", venue.iDistance);
         (*rc) = err_parser_unexpected_data;
         return NULL;

      if (gsVenuesCount < ROADMAP_FOURSQUARE_MAX_VENUE_COUNT) { //skip if more venues received
         create_description (&venue);
         gsVenuesList[gsVenuesCount++] = venue;


   return pData;
Exemplo n.º 4
static const char* parse_checkin_results(roadmap_result* rc, int NumParams, const char*  pData) {
   //Expected data:
   // CheckinResult,<checkin_message>,<score_points>

   char CommandName[128];
   int iBufferSize;

   iBufferSize =  128;

   if (NumParams == 0)
      return pData;

   if ((NumParams - 1) % ROADMAP_FOURSQUARE_CHECKIN_ENTRIES != 0) {
      (*rc) = err_parser_unexpected_data;
      return NULL;

   pData       = ExtractNetworkString(
                       pData,             // [in]     Source string
                       CommandName,//   [out]   Output buffer
                       &iBufferSize,      // [in,out] Buffer size / Size of extracted string
                       ",",          //   [in]   Array of chars to terminate the copy operation
                       1);   // [in]     Remove additional termination chars

   if (strcmp(CommandName, "CheckinResult") != 0) {
      roadmap_log(ROADMAP_ERROR, "Foursquare - parse_search_results(): could not find command: CheckinResult (received: '%s')", CommandName);
      (*rc) = err_parser_unexpected_data;
      return NULL;

   //   1.   checkin message
   pData       = ExtractNetworkString(
                  pData,               // [in]     Source string
                  gsCheckInInfo.sCheckinMessage,         // [out,opt]Output buffer
                  &iBufferSize,        // [in,out] Buffer size / Size of extracted string
                  ",",                 // [in]     Array of chars to terminate the copy operation
                  1);                  // [in]     Remove additional termination chars

   if( !pData || !(*pData))
      roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Foursquare - parse_checkin_results(): Failed to read checkin message=%s", gsCheckInInfo.sCheckinMessage);
      (*rc) = err_parser_unexpected_data;
      return NULL;

   //   2.   name
   pData       = ExtractNetworkString(
                  pData,               // [in]     Source string
                  gsCheckInInfo.sScorePoints,         // [out,opt]Output buffer
                  &iBufferSize,        // [in,out] Buffer size / Size of extracted string
                  ",\r\n",                 // [in]     Array of chars to terminate the copy operation
                  1);                  // [in]     Remove additional termination chars

   if( !pData)
      roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Foursquare - parse_checkin_results(): Failed to read score points=%s", gsCheckInInfo.sScorePoints);
      (*rc) = err_parser_unexpected_data;
      return NULL;

   roadmap_main_set_periodic(100, roadmap_foursquare_checkedin_dialog);

   return pData;
Exemplo n.º 5
const char* on_suggested_trips(int NumParams,const char*  pData){
   int i;
   int iBufferSize;
   AltRouteTrip route;
   int numRecords = NumParams/7;
   for (i = 0; i < numRecords; i++){

      if ( i%7 == 0)

      pData = ReadIntFromString(
                           pData,         //   [in]      Source string
                           ",",           //   [in,opt]   Value termination
                           NULL,          //   [in,opt]   Allowed padding
                           &route.iTripId,//   [out]      Put it here
                           1);            //   [in]      Remove
      if (!pData){
         roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Tripserver::on_suggested_trips() - Failed to read ID");
         return NULL;

      //Src name
      iBufferSize = sizeof(route.sSrcName);
      pData       = ExtractNetworkString(
                         pData,             // [in]     Source string
                         route.sSrcName,//   [out]   Output buffer
                         &iBufferSize,      // [in,out] Buffer size / Size of extracted string
                         ",",          //   [in]   Array of chars to terminate the copy operation
                          1);   // [in]     Remove additional termination chars
      if (!pData){
         roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Tripserver::on_suggested_trips() - Failed to read SrcName. ID=%d",route.iTripId, route.sDestinationName );
         return NULL;

      //Src Lon
      pData = ReadIntFromString(
                           pData,         //   [in]      Source string
                           ",",           //   [in,opt]   Value termination
                           NULL,          //   [in,opt]   Allowed padding
                           &route.srcPosition.longitude,//   [out]      Put it here
                           1);            //   [in]      Remove
      if (!pData){
         roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Tripserver::on_suggested_trips() - Failed to read Src longitude. ID=%d",route.iTripId );
         return NULL;

      //Src Lat
      pData = ReadIntFromString(
                           pData,         //   [in]      Source string
                           ",\r\n",           //   [in,opt]   Value termination
                           NULL,          //   [in,opt]   Allowed padding
                           &route.srcPosition.latitude,//   [out]      Put it here
                           TRIM_ALL_CHARS);            //   [in]      Remove
      if (!pData){
         roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Tripserver::on_suggested_trips() - Failed to read Src latitude. ID=%d",route.iTripId );
         return NULL;

      //Dest name
      iBufferSize = sizeof(route.sDestinationName);
      pData       = ExtractNetworkString(
                         pData,             // [in]     Source string
                         route.sDestinationName,//   [out]   Output buffer
                         &iBufferSize,      // [in,out] Buffer size / Size of extracted string
                         ",",          //   [in]   Array of chars to terminate the copy operation
                          1);   // [in]     Remove additional termination chars
      if (!pData){
         roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Tripserver::on_suggested_trips() - Failed to read DestName. ID=%d",route.iTripId, route.sDestinationName );
         return NULL;

      //Dest Lon
      pData = ReadIntFromString(
                           pData,         //   [in]      Source string
                           ",",           //   [in,opt]   Value termination
                           NULL,          //   [in,opt]   Allowed padding
                           &route.destPosition.longitude,//   [out]      Put it here
                           1);            //   [in]      Remove
      if (!pData){
         roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Tripserver::on_suggested_trips() - Failed to read Destination longitude. ID=%d",route.iTripId );
         return NULL;

      //Dest Lat
      pData = ReadIntFromString(
                           pData,         //   [in]      Source string
                           ",\r\n",           //   [in,opt]   Value termination
                           NULL,          //   [in,opt]   Allowed padding
                           &route.destPosition.latitude,//   [out]      Put it here
                           TRIM_ALL_CHARS);            //   [in]      Remove
      if (!pData){
         roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Tripserver::on_suggested_trips() - Failed to read Destination latitude. ID=%d",route.iTripId );
         return NULL;


   return pData;
Exemplo n.º 6
const char* on_get_pois_res(int NumParams,const char*  pData){
   int i;
   int iBufferSize;
   int longitude;
   int latitude;
   char poiName[MAX_POI_NAME];
   char *argv[ahi__count];
   char temp[20];
   char msg[100];

   int numRecords = NumParams/3;

   roadmap_log( ROADMAP_WARNING, "roadmap_tripserver_response- got  GetPOIsRes (Num parameters= %d )",NumParams );

   if (numRecords > 0)

   for (i = 0; i < numRecords; i++){

      //POI name
      iBufferSize = sizeof(poiName);
      pData       = ExtractNetworkString(
                         pData,           // [in]     Source string
                         poiName,         //   [out]   Output buffer
                         &iBufferSize,    // [in,out] Buffer size / Size of extracted string
                         ",",             //   [in]   Array of chars to terminate the copy operation
                          1);             // [in]     Remove additional termination chars
      if (!pData){
         roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Tripserver::on_get_pois_res() - Failed to read POI name");
         return NULL;

      //POI Lon
      pData = ReadIntFromString(
                           pData,         //   [in]      Source string
                           ",",           //   [in,opt]   Value termination
                           NULL,          //   [in,opt]   Allowed padding
                           &longitude,    //   [out]      Put it here
                           1);            //   [in]      Remove
      if (!pData){
         roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Tripserver::on_get_pois_res() - Failed to read Destination longitude. POI Name=%s",poiName );
         return NULL;

      //POI Lat
      pData = ReadIntFromString(
                           pData,          //   [in]      Source string
                           ",\r\n",        //   [in,opt]   Value termination
                           NULL,           //   [in,opt]   Allowed padding
                           &latitude,      //   [out]      Put it here
                           TRIM_ALL_CHARS);//   [in]      Remove
      if (!pData){
         roadmap_log( ROADMAP_ERROR, "Tripserver::on_get_pois_res() - Failed to read Destination latitude. POI Name=%s",poiName );
         return NULL;

      argv[ahi_house_number] = "";
      argv[ahi_street] = "";
      argv[ahi_city] = "";
      argv[ahi_state] = "";
      argv[ahi_name] = (char *)poiName;
      sprintf(temp, "%d", latitude);
      argv[ahi_latitude] = strdup(temp);
      sprintf(temp, "%d", longitude);
      argv[ahi_longtitude] = strdup(temp);
      argv[ahi_synced] = "true";
      roadmap_log( ROADMAP_WARNING, "roadmap_tripserver_response- GetPOIsRes Adding favorite (name=%s, lat=%s, lon=%s )", argv[ahi_name], argv[ahi_latitude], argv[ahi_longtitude]);
      roadmap_history_add (ADDRESS_FAVORITE_CATEGORY, (const char **)argv);


   if (numRecords == 0)
      sprintf(msg, "%s", roadmap_lang_get("No favorite destinations were found"));
   else if (numRecords == 1)
      sprintf(msg, "%s", roadmap_lang_get("1 destination was restored to your favorites"));
      sprintf(msg, "%d %s", numRecords, roadmap_lang_get("destinations were restored to your favorites"));

   roadmap_messagebox_timeout("Favorites", msg, 5);
   return pData;