Exemplo n.º 1
void  LGCheckGrammar::C_NULLS ()
      int h, p, t, s, n;
      n_nulls = 0;
      ALLOC (nullable, n_heads);
      FASTINI (0, nullable, n_heads);
         n = 0;
         for (h = 0; h < n_heads; h++)
            if (nullable [h] == 0)
               for (p = f_prod [h]; p < l_prod [h]; p++)
                  for (t = f_tail [p]; t < l_tail [p]; t++)	/////////////////////////////////
                     if ((s = tail [t]) < 0)
                        if (nullable [-s] == 0) goto nextp;
                     else goto nextp;
                  nullable [h] = 1;
                  goto nexth;
nextp:            continue;
nexth:      continue;
      while (n > 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
int   PGCreateTables::MRG_ROWZ_N (int **matrix, int n_heads, int *row, int n_states, int opt)
      int *density, *indx;
      int s, i, r, nr, t, x, v;

      if (opt)
			ALLOC (indx, n_states);
         ALLOC (density, n_states);
			for (s = 0; s < n_states; s++) indx [s] = s;
         for (s = 0; s < n_states; s++)
            t = ntt_start[s+1] - ntt_start[s];
            if (opt == 1) density [s] = -t;  /* Maximize Number of Columns. */
            else          density [s] =  t;  /* Minimize Number of Columns. */
         SORT2 (density, indx, n_states);
         FREE (density, n_states);
      nr = 0;
      for (x = 0; x < n_states; x++) // For all states.
         if (opt) s = indx[x]; else s = x;
         for (r = 0; r < nr; r++) // For all rows defined.
            for (i = ntt_start[s]; i < ntt_start[s+1]; i++)
					if (ntt_action[i] != 0)
                  v = *(matrix[r]  + ntt_symb[i]);
                  if (v != 0 && v != ntt_action[i]) goto Next;
            goto Old;
Next:       continue;
         ALLOC (matrix[nr], n_heads);
         FASTINI (0, matrix[nr], n_heads);
Old:     row [s] = r;
         for (i = ntt_start[s]; i < ntt_start[s+1]; i++)
				if (ntt_action[i] != 0) 
               *(matrix[r] + ntt_symb[i]) = ntt_action[i];
      if (opt) FREE (indx, n_states);
      return (nr);
Exemplo n.º 3
int   PGCreateTables::BLD_N (int opt1, int opt2, char *mark) /* Build Nonterminal Matrix. */
      int **Matrix, p, r, multiplier, *n_col, org_size;

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     ("N matrix");
      else               prt_logonly ("N matrix");

      ALLOC (N_row,  ntt_states);
      ALLOC (n_col,  N_heads);
      ALLOC (Matrix, ntt_states);

      N_rows = MRG_ROWZ_N (Matrix, N_heads, N_row, ntt_states, opt1);

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     ("  %6d ", N_rows);
      else               prt_logonly ("  %6d ", N_rows);

      N_cols = MRG_COLZ (n_col, N_heads, N_rows, Matrix, opt2);
      org_size = N_rows * N_cols;

		if (N_prods > 32767 || ntt_states > 32767) multiplier = 4; // int
		else if (N_prods >   127 || ntt_states >   127) multiplier = 2; // short
		else                                       multiplier = 1; // char

		N_total = multiplier*org_size;
		char num[12] = "           ";
		number (N_total, num); // Gives 9 digits.

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     ("x%5ld x %d =%10s", N_cols, multiplier, num);
      else               prt_logonly ("x%5ld x %d =%10s", N_cols, multiplier, num);

		total0 += N_total;
      ALLOC (N_matrix, org_size);
      FASTINI (0, N_matrix, org_size);
      N_size = DISP_ZEQ (Matrix, N_matrix, N_row, N_rows, N_cols, ntt_states); 
      for (r = 0; r < N_rows; r++) FREE (Matrix [r], N_heads);
      FREE (Matrix, ntt_states);
      REALLOC (N_matrix, org_size, N_size);

      ALLOC (N_col, N_prods);
      for (p = 0; p < N_prods; p++)
         N_col[p] = n_col[head_sym[p]];
		FREE (n_col, N_heads);

		int vectors = 0;
		vectors += get_type (N_row, ntt_states) * ntt_states; // row vector
		vectors += get_type (N_col, N_prods)    * N_prods;    // column vector
      OUT_TOT (multiplier*N_size, vectors, mark);
      return  (multiplier*N_size + vectors);
Exemplo n.º 4
int   PGCreateTables::MRG_ROWE2R (int **matrix, int n_terms, int *row, int n_states)
      int s, i, r, nr, *buffer;

      nr = 0;
      ALLOC (buffer, n_terms);
      for (s = 0; s < n_states; s++) // For all states.
			if (D_red[s] > 0) // Default reduction for this state?  
				if (optn[PG_DEFAULTRED]) 
					row[s] = 0; 
					goto Cont; 
				FASTINI (D_red[s], buffer, n_terms); // Fill in with the default.
			else // Use the list of reductions and terminal symbols. 
			  	FASTINI (0, buffer, n_terms); // Initialize to 0 (error).
				for (i = la_start[s]; i < la_start[s+1]; i++)
	            buffer [la_symb[i]] = la_red[i]; // Place reduction in buffer.
         for (r = 0; r < nr; r++)
            if (FASTCMP (buffer, matrix[r], n_terms)) goto Old;
         ALLOC (matrix[nr], n_terms);
         FASTCPY (buffer, matrix[nr], n_terms);
Old:     row [s] = r;
Cont:    continue;
      FREE (buffer, n_terms);
      return (nr);
Exemplo n.º 5
int   PGCreateTables::BLD_T (int opt1, int opt2, char *mark) /* Build Terminal Matrix. */
      int **Matrix, r, multiplier, org_size;

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     ("T matrix");
      else               prt_logonly ("T matrix");

      ALLOC (T_row,  tt_states);
      ALLOC (T_col,  N_terms);
      ALLOC (Matrix, tt_states);    

		if (optn[PG_BOOLMATRIX] == 0)
			  T_rows = MRG_ROWE2T (Matrix, N_terms, T_row, tt_states, opt1);
		else T_rows = MRG_ROWZ_T (Matrix, N_terms, T_row, tt_states, opt1);

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     ("  %6d ", T_rows);
      else               prt_logonly ("  %6d ", T_rows);

		if (optn[PG_BOOLMATRIX] == 0)
	        T_cols = MRG_COLE2 (T_col, N_terms, T_rows, Matrix);
		else T_cols = MRG_COLZ  (T_col, N_terms, T_rows, Matrix, opt2);
      org_size = T_rows * T_cols;

		if (N_prods > 32767 || tt_states > 32767) multiplier = 4; // int
		else if (N_prods >   127 || tt_states >   127) multiplier = 2; // short
		else                                      multiplier = 1; // char

		T_total = multiplier*org_size;
		char num[12] = "           ";
		number (T_total, num); // Gives 9 digits.

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     ("x%5ld x %d =%10s", T_cols, multiplier, num);
      else               prt_logonly ("x%5ld x %d =%10s", T_cols, multiplier, num);

		total0 += T_total;
      ALLOC (T_matrix, org_size);
      FASTINI (0, T_matrix, org_size);
		if (optn[PG_BOOLMATRIX] == 0) 
			  T_size = DISP_EQ2 (Matrix, T_matrix, T_row, T_rows, T_cols, tt_states, opt1); 
      else T_size = DISP_ZEQ (Matrix, T_matrix, T_row, T_rows, T_cols, tt_states); 
      for (r = 0; r < T_rows; r++) FREE (Matrix [r], N_terms);
      FREE (Matrix, tt_states);
      REALLOC (T_matrix, org_size, T_size);

		int vectors = 0;
		vectors += get_type (T_row, tt_states) * tt_states; // row vector
		vectors += get_type (T_col, N_terms)   * N_terms;   // column vector
      OUT_TOT (multiplier*T_size, vectors, mark);
      return  (multiplier*T_size + vectors);
Exemplo n.º 6
int   PGCreateTables::BLD_R (int opt1, char *mark) /* Build Reduction Matrix. */
      int **Matrix, s, r, multiplier, org_size;

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     ("R matrix");
      else               prt_logonly ("R matrix");

      ALLOC (R_row,  n_states);
      ALLOC (R_col,  N_terms);
      ALLOC (Matrix, n_states+1);

      R_rows = MRG_ROWE2R (Matrix, N_terms, R_row, n_states);

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     ("  %6d ", R_rows);
      else               prt_logonly ("  %6d ", R_rows);

      R_cols = MRG_COLE2 (R_col, N_terms, R_rows, Matrix);
      org_size = R_rows * R_cols;

      ALLOC (R_matrix, org_size);
      FASTINI (0, R_matrix, org_size);
      R_size = DISP_EQ2 (Matrix, R_matrix, R_row, R_rows, R_cols, n_states, opt1);
      for (r = 0; r < R_rows; r++) FREE (Matrix [r], N_terms);
      FREE (Matrix, n_states+1);
      REALLOC (R_matrix, org_size, R_size);

		if (optn[PG_DEFAULTRED])
			for (s = 0; s < n_states; s++)
				if (D_red[s] > 0) R_row[s] =  D_red[s];
				else              R_row[s] = -R_row[s];	 

		multiplier = get_type (R_matrix, R_size);
		char num[12] = "           ";
		number (multiplier*R_size, num);  

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     ("x%5ld x %d =%10s", R_cols, multiplier, num);
      else               prt_logonly ("x%5ld x %d =%10s", R_cols, multiplier, num);

      total0 += multiplier*R_size;
		int vectors = 0;
		vectors += get_type (R_row, n_states) * n_states; // row vector
		vectors += get_type (R_col, N_terms)  * N_terms;  // column vector
		OUT_TOT (multiplier*R_size, vectors, mark);
      return  (multiplier*R_size + vectors);
Exemplo n.º 7
int	PGBuildLR1::COMPATIBLE (int x, int y) // Check for minimal LR(1) compatibility. 
		int f, k, nfi, i, la, p;

		FASTINI (0, reduction_x, N_terms);
		for (k = f_lrkernel[x]; k < l_lrkernel[x]; k++) // X state final items check
			i  = lrkernel[k].item;
			if (item[i].symb == -32767) // Final item?
				la = lrkernel[k].LA;
				p  = item[i].prod;
				if      (reduction_x[la] == 0) reduction_x[la] =  p; // Define new reduction.
				else if (reduction_x[la] != p) reduction_x[la] = -1; // Mark as conflict.

	//	FASTINI (0, reduction_y, N_terms); // For research only.
		for (k = f_lrkernel[y]; k < l_lrkernel[y]; k++)	// Y state final items check
			i  = lrkernel[k].item;
			if (item[i].symb == -32767) // Final item?
				la = lrkernel[k].LA;
				p  = item[i].prod;
				if (reduction_x[la] == 0) // LA not previuosly used (not a conflict)?
				//	return 0; // Not compatible (special case for research only).
				else if (reduction_x[la] == -1) // LA already conflicted by state x!
					/* ignore this */
				else if (reduction_x[la] != p) // Definitely a conflict?
					return 0; // NOT COMPATIBLE !!!
			//	if (reduction_y[la] == 0) reduction_y[la] =  p;	// Define new reduction.
			//	if (reduction_y[la] != p) reduction_y[la] = -1; // Mark as conflict.

	// Could possibly do something with conflicted (-1) entries comparing x to y.
	// Nothing for now, maybe later.
	   return 1;
Exemplo n.º 8
int   PGBuildLR1::BuildLR1 () /* Build Canonical LR1 States */
      int h, ns;
      max_clo = 0;

		C_ITEMS ();

		max_states    = optn[MAX_STA];
      max_finals    = optn[MAX_FIN];
      max_kernels   = optn[MAX_KER];
      max_child     = optn[MAX_CH];	// Global variable.
		max_lookback  = optn[MAX_LB];
      max_lookahead = optn[MAX_LA];
      max_include   = optn[MAX_INC]; 
		max_ntt		  = optn[MAX_NTT];
		max_tails     = optn[MAX_TAIL];

      max_closure   = max_tails;	// ? 
      max_lrkernels = max_kernels;  // ? 

      max_hashes  = 2*max_states + 1;
      hash_div    = UINT_MAX / max_hashes + 1;

      ALLOC (ntt_item,     max_ntt    );
      ALLOC (accessor,     max_states );
      ALLOC (f_final,      max_states );
      ALLOC (l_final,      max_states );
      ALLOC (f_lrkernel,   max_states );
      ALLOC (l_lrkernel,   max_states );
      ALLOC (lrkernel,     max_lrkernels); 
      ALLOC (final,        max_finals  );

      ALLOC (Tgotos,       max_states );
      ALLOC (Ngotos,       max_states );
      ALLOC (N_clo,        max_states );

      ALLOC (closure,      max_closure);
      ALLOC (inclosure_term, N_terms    );
      ALLOC (inclosure_head, N_heads    );

      ALLOC (Closure,      max_states );
      ALLOC (Closure_Term, max_states );
      ALLOC (Closure_Head, max_states );
      ALLOC (hash_vector,  max_hashes );

      ALLOC (new_head,     N_heads);
      ALLOC (reduction_x,  N_terms);
      ALLOC (reduction_y,  N_terms);
      ALLOC (item_added,   n_items);
      ALLOC (prod_added,   N_prods);
      ALLOC (first_time,   N_heads);
      ALLOC (reduce_state, N_prods);

      ALLOC (lookahead, N_heads);
      for (h = 0; h < N_heads; h++) ALLOC (lookahead[h], N_terms);

      ALLOC (L_tail, N_prods);
		for (int p = 0; p < N_prods; p++) L_tail[p] = F_tail[p+1];

      FASTINI ( 0, reduce_state, N_prods);
      FASTINI (-1, hash_vector, max_hashes);

      n_finals      = 0;
      n_lrkernels   = 0;
      n_kernels     = 0;
      accessor[0]   = 0;
      n_nonttran    = 0;
      n_termtran    = 0;
      ro_states     = 0;
      s_states      = 0;
      rr_states     = 0;
      sr_states     = 0;
      top           = 0;
      n_states      = 1;
      tt_states     = 0;
      nt_states     = 0;
      extra_states  = 0;
      n_collisions  = 0;

      C_FIRST (N_heads, N_terms, N_prods, F_prod, F_tail, Tail, FIRST, nullable, head_sym);

      DO_CLOSURE (0);

      for (state = 0; state < n_states; state++)
         EXPAND (state);
      opt_states = n_states; // Optimum number of states, without reduce-only states for LALR.

      MAKE_LR0_KERNELS ();

      FREE (lrkernel,   max_lrkernels);
      FREE (f_lrkernel, max_states );
      FREE (l_lrkernel, max_states );

		char* Grammar;
      if      (optn[PG_LALR_PARSER]) Grammar = "LALR(1) "; 
      else if (optn[PG_LR_PARSER]  ) Grammar = "LR(1)   "; 
      else                           Grammar = "CLR(1)  "; 

		if (optn[PG_SHIFTREDUCE]) ro_states--;
		else					        ro_states = 0;

		if      (optn[PG_LALR_PARSER]) prt_log ("%s %7d states in LALR(1) state machine.\n", Grammar, n_states);
		else if (optn[PG_LR_PARSER]  ) prt_log ("%s %7d states in Minimal LR(1) state machine.\n", Grammar, n_states);
		else                           prt_log ("%s %7d states in Canonical LR(1) state machine.\n", Grammar, n_states);

		if (optn[PG_SHIFTREDUCE])
			  prt_log ("         %7d states after implementing shift-reduce actions.\n", n_states - ro_states);
		else prt_log ("         %7d states removed for shift-reduce actions.\n", 0);

      REALLOC (final,    max_finals, n_finals+1);
      REALLOC (f_final,  max_states, n_states+1);
      REALLOC (accessor, max_states, n_states  );
      REALLOC (Tgotos,   max_states, opt_states);
      REALLOC (Ngotos,   max_states, opt_states);
      REALLOC (ntt_item, max_ntt,    n_nonttran);

      for (h = 0; h < N_heads; h++) FREE (lookahead[h], N_terms);
      FREE (lookahead, N_heads);

		FREE (l_final,			 max_states);
      FREE (N_clo,			 max_states);
      FREE (closure,			 max_closure);
      FREE (Closure,			 max_states);
      FREE (hash_vector,	 max_hashes);

      FREE (reduction_x,	 N_terms);
      FREE (reduction_y,	 N_terms);
      FREE (first_time,		 N_heads);
      FREE (new_head,		 N_heads);
      FREE (inclosure_term, N_terms);
      FREE (inclosure_head, N_heads);
      FREE (item_added,		 n_items);
      FREE (prod_added,		 N_prods);


		for (int s = 0; s < opt_states; s++) FREE (Tgotos[s], Tgotos[s][0]+1);
		FREE (Tgotos, opt_states);

		for (int s = 0; s < opt_states; s++) FREE (Ngotos[s], Ngotos[s][0]+1);
		FREE (Ngotos, opt_states);

      MTSL ();
		C_CAMEFROM (n_states, tt_start, tt_action, ntt_start, ntt_action, f_camefrom, camefrom); 

      FREE (reduce_state, N_prods);
		n_kernels = n_lrkernels; // For stats list in Terminate. 
		if (n_errors) return (0);
      return (1);
Exemplo n.º 9
int   PGCreateTables::MRG_ROWE2T (int **matrix, int n_terms, int *row, int n_states, int opt)
		uint hash, n_cells, hash_divide;
      int  nr, nc, nt, s, t, i, r, *buffer, *vector, value, cell, *count, c;

      nr = 0;
      ALLOC (buffer, n_terms);
      ALLOC (count,  n_states);

		n_cells = 2*n_states;
		ALLOC (vector, n_cells);
		FASTINI (-1, vector, n_cells);
		hash_divide = UINT_MAX / n_cells + 1;

	//	nc = 0; // number of collisions = 0.
      for (s = 0; s < n_states; s++) // For all states ...
			count[s] = 0;
			hash = MAX_INT;
			for (t = 0; t < n_terms; t++) buffer[t] = 0;	 
			for (i = tt_start[s]; i < tt_start[s+1]; i++)
				if (tt_action[i] != 0)
					t = tt_symb[i];				
					buffer[t] = tt_action[i];				
			  		hash += tt_action[i]*i;
			cell = hash % n_cells; 			// Get first cell.
			r = vector [cell];					// Get symbol index.
			while (r >= 0)
				if (count[s] != count[r]) goto Cont;
  				for (i = tt_start[s]; i < tt_start[s+1]; i++) // Compare rows.
					if (tt_action[i] != 0)
						t = tt_symb[i];		
						if (buffer[t] != matrix[r][t]) goto Cont;
				goto Old;
Cont:			cell = (hash *= 65549) / hash_divide;	// Get new cell number.
				r = vector[cell];		   					// Get row index.
			//	nc++;	// number of collisions.
			vector[cell] = nr;
         r = nr++;
			ALLOC (matrix[r], n_terms); // Create a new row ...
			for (t = 0; t < n_terms; t++)
				matrix[r][t] = buffer[t];
Old:     row[s] = r; // Define row pointer.	  

      FREE (buffer, n_terms);	 
      FREE (count,  n_states);	 
		FREE (vector, n_cells);
      return (nr);