int get_nearest_monitor_rect( int *x, int *y, int *width, int *height ) { SDL_SysWMinfo info; Display* display; int screen; SDL_VERSION(&info.version); if ( !SDL_GetWMInfo(&info) ) { D( "%s: SDL_GetWMInfo() failed: %s", __FUNCTION__, SDL_GetError()); return -1; } if (x11_lib_init() < 0) return -1; display =; screen = FF(XDefaultScreen)(display); *x = 0; *y = 0; *width = FF(XDisplayWidth)(display, screen); *height = FF(XDisplayHeight)(display, screen); D("%s: found (x,y,w,h)=(%d,%d,%d,%d)", __FUNCTION__, *x, *y, *width, *height); return 0; }
/* common */ static void *qpa_audio_init (void) { void* result = NULL; D("%s: entering", __FUNCTION__); pa_lib = dlopen( "", RTLD_NOW ); if (pa_lib == NULL) pa_lib = dlopen( "", RTLD_NOW ); if (pa_lib == NULL) { D("could not find libpulse on this system\n"); goto Exit; } if (pa_dynlink_init(pa_lib) < 0) goto Fail; { pa_sample_spec ss; int error; pa_simple* simple; ss.format = PA_SAMPLE_U8; ss.rate = 44100; ss.channels = 1; /* try to open it for playback */ simple = FF(pa_simple_new) ( conf.server, "qemu", PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK, conf.sink, "pcm.playback", &ss, NULL, /* channel map */ NULL, /* buffering attributes */ &error ); if (simple == NULL) { D("%s: error opening open pulse audio library: %s", __FUNCTION__, FF(pa_strerror)(error)); goto Fail; } FF(pa_simple_free)(simple); } result = &conf; goto Exit; Fail: D("%s: failed to open library\n", __FUNCTION__); dlclose(pa_lib); Exit: D("%s: exiting", __FUNCTION__); return result; }
void configure_filtergraph( AVFilterGraph& graph, const std::string& filtergraph, AVFilterContext& source_ctx, AVFilterContext& sink_ctx) { AVFilterInOut* outputs = nullptr; AVFilterInOut* inputs = nullptr; try { if(!filtergraph.empty()) { outputs = avfilter_inout_alloc(); inputs = avfilter_inout_alloc(); CASPAR_VERIFY(outputs && inputs); outputs->name = av_strdup("in"); outputs->filter_ctx = &source_ctx; outputs->pad_idx = 0; outputs->next = nullptr; inputs->name = av_strdup("out"); inputs->filter_ctx = &sink_ctx; inputs->pad_idx = 0; inputs->next = nullptr; FF(avfilter_graph_parse( &graph, filtergraph.c_str(), inputs, outputs, nullptr)); } else { FF(avfilter_link( &source_ctx, 0, &sink_ctx, 0)); } FF(avfilter_graph_config( &graph, nullptr)); } catch(...) { avfilter_inout_free(&outputs); avfilter_inout_free(&inputs); throw; } }
static int qpa_init_in (HWVoiceIn *hw, struct audsettings *as) { int error; static pa_sample_spec ss; struct audsettings obt_as = *as; PAVoiceIn *pa = (PAVoiceIn *) hw; ss.format = audfmt_to_pa (as->fmt, as->endianness); ss.channels = as->nchannels; ss.rate = as->freq; obt_as.fmt = pa_to_audfmt (ss.format, &obt_as.endianness); pa->s = FF(pa_simple_new) ( conf.server, "qemu", PA_STREAM_RECORD, conf.source, "pcm.capture", &ss, NULL, /* channel map */ NULL, /* buffering attributes */ &error ); if (!pa->s) { qpa_logerr (error, "pa_simple_new for capture failed\n"); goto fail1; } audio_pcm_init_info (&hw->info, &obt_as); hw->samples = conf.samples; pa->pcm_buf = audio_calloc (AUDIO_FUNC, hw->samples, 1 << hw->info.shift); if (!pa->pcm_buf) { dolog ("Could not allocate buffer (%d bytes)\n", hw->samples << hw->info.shift); goto fail2; } if (audio_pt_init (&pa->pt, qpa_thread_in, hw, AUDIO_CAP, AUDIO_FUNC)) { goto fail3; } return 0; fail3: qemu_free (pa->pcm_buf); pa->pcm_buf = NULL; fail2: FF(pa_simple_free) (pa->s); pa->s = NULL; fail1: return -1; }
void re_init_frac(t_mlx *f) { FF(coef) = 0.78; FF(zoom) = 0; FF(r) = 5; FF(g) = 10; FF(b) = 5; if (ft_strcmp(f->name, "Mandelbrot") == 0) ini_mandelbrot(f); else if (ft_strcmp(f->name, "Julia") == 0) ini_julia(f); else if (ft_strcmp(f->name, "Burning-Ship") == 0) ini_burning(f); }
int get_monitor_resolution( int *px_dpi, int *py_dpi ) { SDL_SysWMinfo info; Display* display; int screen; int width, width_mm, height, height_mm, xdpi, ydpi; SDL_VERSION(&info.version); if ( !SDL_GetWMInfo(&info) ) { D( "%s: SDL_GetWMInfo() failed: %s", __FUNCTION__, SDL_GetError()); return -1; } if (x11_lib_init() < 0) return -1; display =; screen = FF(XDefaultScreen)(display); width = FF(XDisplayWidth)(display, screen); width_mm = FF(XDisplayWidthMM)(display, screen); height = FF(XDisplayHeight)(display, screen); height_mm = FF(XDisplayHeightMM)(display, screen); if (width_mm <= 0 || height_mm <= 0) { D( "%s: bad screen dimensions: width_mm = %d, height_mm = %d", __FUNCTION__, width_mm, height_mm); return -1; } D( "%s: found screen width=%d height=%d width_mm=%d height_mm=%d", __FUNCTION__, width, height, width_mm, height_mm ); xdpi = width * MM_PER_INCH / width_mm; ydpi = height * MM_PER_INCH / height_mm; if (xdpi < 20 || xdpi > 400 || ydpi < 20 || ydpi > 400) { D( "%s: bad resolution: xpi=%d ydpi=%d", __FUNCTION__, xdpi, ydpi ); return -1; } *px_dpi = xdpi; *py_dpi = ydpi; return 0; }
void init_env(t_mlx *f) { f->wid = WID; f->hig = HIG; FF(r) = 5; FF(g) = 10; FF(b) = 5; FF(zoom) = 0; f->crt_img = 0; FF(julia) = 1; f->motion = 0; f->mlx = mlx_init(); f->win = mlx_new_window(f->mlx, f->wid, f->hig, f->name); ini_img(f); }
void TFfGGen::GenFFGraphs(const double& FProb, const double& BProb, const TStr& FNm) { const int NRuns = 10; const int NNodes = 10000; TGStat::NDiamRuns = 10; //const double FProb = 0.35, BProb = 0.20; // ff1 //const double FProb = 0.37, BProb = 0.32; // ff2 //const double FProb = 0.37, BProb = 0.325; // ff22 //const double FProb = 0.37, BProb = 0.33; // ff3 //const double FProb = 0.37, BProb = 0.35; // ff4 //const double FProb = 0.38, BProb = 0.35; // ff5 TVec<PGStatVec> GAtTmV; TFfGGen FF(false, 1, FProb, BProb, 1.0, 0, 0); for (int r = 0; r < NRuns; r++) { PGStatVec GV = TGStatVec::New(tmuNodes, TGStat::AllStat()); FF.GenGraph(NNodes, GV, true); for (int i = 0; i < GV->Len(); i++) { if (i == GAtTmV.Len()) { GAtTmV.Add(TGStatVec::New(tmuNodes, TGStat::AllStat())); } GAtTmV[i]->Add(GV->At(i)); } IAssert(GAtTmV.Len() == GV->Len()); } PGStatVec AvgStat = TGStatVec::New(tmuNodes, TGStat::AllStat()); for (int i = 0; i < GAtTmV.Len(); i++) { AvgStat->Add(GAtTmV[i]->GetAvgGStat(false)); } AvgStat->PlotAllVsX(gsvNodes, FNm, TStr::Fmt("Forest Fire: F:%g B:%g (%d runs)", FProb, BProb, NRuns)); AvgStat->Last()->PlotAll(FNm, TStr::Fmt("Forest Fire: F:%g B:%g (%d runs)", FProb, BProb, NRuns)); }
void load_calibration_file(int N) { QString path=QString("%1/isosplit_calibration_%2.txt").arg(s_calibration_dir).arg(N); QFile FF(path); if (|QFile::Text)) { QString txt=QString(FF.readAll()); FF.close(); QList<QString> lines=txt.split("\n"); if (lines.count()>10) { calibration_file CF; CF.curve_len=lines[0].toInt(); CF.num_trials=lines[1].toInt(); for (int j=0; j<CF.curve_len; j++) { QString line=lines.value(2+j); QList<QString> tmp=line.split(","); if (tmp.count()!=2) return; CF.avg << tmp.value(0).toDouble(); CF.stdev << tmp.value(1).toDouble(); } for (int j=0; j<CF.num_trials; j++) { QString line=lines.value(2+CF.curve_len+j); CF.scores << line.toDouble(); } s_calibration_files[N]=CF; } else return; } }
/* common */ static void *qesd_audio_init (void) { void* result = NULL; D("%s: entering", __FUNCTION__); if (esd_lib == NULL) { int fd; esd_lib = dlopen( "", RTLD_NOW ); if (esd_lib == NULL) esd_lib = dlopen( "", RTLD_NOW ); if (esd_lib == NULL) { D("could not find libesd on this system"); goto Exit; } if (esd_dynlink_init(esd_lib) < 0) goto Fail; fd = FF(esd_open_sound)(conf.dac_host); if (fd < 0) { D("%s: could not open direct sound server connection, trying localhost", __FUNCTION__); fd = FF(esd_open_sound)("localhost"); if (fd < 0) { D("%s: could not open localhost sound server connection", __FUNCTION__); goto Fail; } } D("%s: EsounD server connection succeeded", __FUNCTION__); /* FF(esd_close)(fd); */ } result = &conf; goto Exit; Fail: D("%s: failed to open library", __FUNCTION__); dlclose(esd_lib); esd_lib = NULL; Exit: return result; }
QString read_text_file(QString path) { QFile FF(path); if (!|QFile::ReadOnly)) { return ""; } QString ret=QString(FF.readAll()); FF.close(); return ret; }
void push(const std::shared_ptr<AVFrame>& frame) { if (fast_path()) fast_path_.push(frame); else FF(av_buffersrc_add_frame( video_graph_in_, frame.get())); }
int main() { #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in.txt","r",stdin); // freopen("textout.txt", "w", stdout); #endif while(scanf("%d %d",&n,&m)!=EOF){ int num11=0,num10=0,num01=0,num00=0; for(i=0;i<n;i++) for(j=0;j<m;j++){ scanf("%s",f[i][j].a); if(f[i][j].a[0]=='1' && f[i][j].a[1]=='1') num11++; else if(f[i][j].a[0]=='1' && f[i][j].a[1]=='0') num10++; else if(f[i][j].a[0]=='0' && f[i][j].a[1]=='1') num01++; else num00++; } i=1;j=1;flag=1; FF(num11,"11"); //FF(num10,i,j,flag,"10"); //FF(num01,i,j,flag,"01"); int ii,jj;num10=num10+num01; char aa[3]="10",bb[3]="01"; ii=i;jj=j; while(num10--){ if(num10==-1) break; if(ii==1 || f[ii-1][jj].a[0]=='0' ||(f[ii-1][jj].a[0]=='1' && f[ii-1][jj].a[1]=='1') ) strcpy(f[ii][jj].a,aa); else strcpy(f[ii][jj].a,bb); if(flag==1){ jj++; if(jj==(m+1)){ii++;jj=m;flag=2;} } else{ jj--; if(jj==0){ii++;jj=1;flag=1;} } } i=ii;j=jj; FF(num00,"00"); Print(); } return 0; }
static void GCC_FMT_ATTR (2, 3) qpa_logerr (int err, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start (ap, fmt); AUD_vlog (AUDIO_CAP, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); AUD_log (AUDIO_CAP, "Reason: %s\n", FF(pa_strerror) (err)); }
void FF(int i,int j) { int k; for(k=0;k<4;k++) if( !(map[i][j] & wall[k]) && !room[i+dir[k][0]][j+dir[k][1]]){ room[i+dir[k][0]][j+dir[k][1]]=num; count[num]++; FF(i+dir[k][0],j+dir[k][1]); } }
int FAR_FileRead(farfile_t hFile, void* buffer, int size) { FARfileobj_t* pFile = FF(hFile); int* pPos = &pFile->pos; FAR_RawSeek(pFile->a, pFile->base + *pPos, SEEK_SET); int diff = pFile->size - *pPos; if (size > diff) size = diff; int rc = FAR_RawRead(pFile->a, buffer, size); *pPos += rc; return rc; }
void compress(sm3_data_picker& data){ boost::uint32_t A= ctx_.hash32[0]; boost::uint32_t B= ctx_.hash32[1]; boost::uint32_t C= ctx_.hash32[2]; boost::uint32_t D= ctx_.hash32[3]; boost::uint32_t E= ctx_.hash32[4]; boost::uint32_t F= ctx_.hash32[5]; boost::uint32_t G= ctx_.hash32[6]; boost::uint32_t H= ctx_.hash32[7]; boost::uint32_t SS1=0, SS2=0, TT1=0, TT2=0; boost::uint32_t W[64+4]={0},W1[64]={0}; for (int i=0;i<16;++i){ W[i]=data.next_uint32_be(); } for (int j = 16; j < 68; j++) { W[j] = P1(W[j - 16] ^ W[j - 9] ^ circular_shift_l<boost::uint32_t>(W[j - 3],15)) ^ circular_shift_l<boost::uint32_t>(W[j - 13],7) ^ W[j - 6] ; } for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++) { W1[j] = W[j] ^ W[j + 4]; } for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++) { SS1 =circular_shift_l<boost::uint32_t>( (circular_shift_l<boost::uint32_t>(A,12) + E + circular_shift_l<boost::uint32_t>(get_magic_number(j),j) ) ,7); SS2 = SS1 ^ circular_shift_l<boost::uint32_t>(A,12); TT1 = FF(A, B, C, j) + D + SS2 + W1[j]; unsigned long ggh=GG(E,F,G,j); TT2 = GG(E, F, G, j) + H + SS1 + W[j]; D = C; C = circular_shift_l<boost::uint32_t>(B,9); B = A; A = TT1; H = G; G = circular_shift_l<boost::uint32_t>(F,19); F = E; E = P0(TT2); } ctx_.hash32[0] ^=A; ctx_.hash32[1] ^=B; ctx_.hash32[2] ^=C; ctx_.hash32[3] ^=D; ctx_.hash32[4] ^=E; ctx_.hash32[5] ^=F; ctx_.hash32[6] ^=G; ctx_.hash32[7] ^=H; }
std::shared_ptr<AVFrame> make_av_audio_frame(const core::const_frame& frame, const core::video_format_desc& format_desc) { auto av_frame = alloc_frame(); const auto& buffer = frame.audio_data(); // TODO (fix) Use sample_format_desc. av_frame->channels = format_desc.audio_channels; av_frame->channel_layout = av_get_default_channel_layout(av_frame->channels); av_frame->sample_rate = format_desc.audio_sample_rate; av_frame->format = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32; av_frame->nb_samples = static_cast<int>(buffer.size() / av_frame->channels); FF(av_frame_get_buffer(av_frame.get(), 32)); std::memcpy(av_frame->data[0],, buffer.size() * sizeof([0])); return av_frame; }
void onEvent(AsyncWebSocket * server, AsyncWebSocketClient * client, AwsEventType type, void * arg, uint8_t *data, size_t len){ static String tmps = ""; if(type == WS_EVT_CONNECT){ //client connected DEBUG_MSG_OPAQWEBSOCKET(FF("ws[%s][%u] connect\n"), server->url(), client->id()); //client->printf("Hello Client %u :)", client->id()); client->ping(); } else if(type == WS_EVT_DISCONNECT){ //client disconnected DEBUG_MSG_OPAQWEBSOCKET(FF("ws[%s][%u] disconnect: %u\n"), server->url(), client->id()); } else if(type == WS_EVT_ERROR){ //error was received from the other end DEBUG_MSG_OPAQWEBSOCKET(FF("ws[%s][%u] error(%u): %s\n"), server->url(), client->id(), *((uint16_t*)arg), (char*)data); } else if(type == WS_EVT_PONG){ //pong message was received (in response to a ping request maybe) DEBUG_MSG_OPAQWEBSOCKET(FF("ws[%s][%u] pong[%u]: %s\n"), server->url(), client->id(), len, (len)?(char*)data:""); } else if(type == WS_EVT_DATA){ //data packet AwsFrameInfo * info = (AwsFrameInfo*)arg; if(info->final && info->index == 0 && info->len == len){ //the whole message is in a single frame and we got all of it's data DEBUG_MSG_OPAQWEBSOCKET(FF("ws[%s][%u] %s-message[%llu]: "), server->url(), client->id(), (info->opcode == WS_TEXT)?"text":"binary", info->len); if(info->opcode == WS_TEXT){ data[len] = 0; DEBUG_MSG_OPAQWEBSOCKET(FF("%s\n"), (char*)data); parseTextMessage(client, data, len); } else { for(size_t i=0; i < info->len; i++){ DEBUG_MSG_OPAQWEBSOCKET(FF("%02x "), data[i]); } DEBUG_MSG_OPAQWEBSOCKET(FF("\n")); } } else { //message is comprised of multiple frames or the frame is split into multiple packets if(info->index == 0){
static void qpa_fini_in (HWVoiceIn *hw) { void *ret; PAVoiceIn *pa = (PAVoiceIn *) hw; audio_pt_lock (&pa->pt, AUDIO_FUNC); pa->done = 1; audio_pt_unlock_and_signal (&pa->pt, AUDIO_FUNC); audio_pt_join (&pa->pt, &ret, AUDIO_FUNC); if (pa->s) { FF(pa_simple_free) (pa->s); pa->s = NULL; } audio_pt_fini (&pa->pt, AUDIO_FUNC); qemu_free (pa->pcm_buf); pa->pcm_buf = NULL; }
int main() { FILE *fin,*fout; int M,N; int i,j,x,y; char d; int ans=0,big=0; fin = fopen("","r"); fout = fopen("castle.out","w"); fscanf(fin,"%d%d",&M,&N); for(i=0;i<N;i++) for(j=0;j<M;j++) fscanf(fin,"%d",&map[i][j]); memset(room,0,sizeof(room)); memset(count,0,sizeof(count)); for(i=0;i<N;i++) for(j=0;j<M;j++) if(!room[i][j]){ num++; room[i][j]=num; count[num]++; FF(i,j); if(count[num]>big) big=count[num]; } for(i=0;i<M;i++) for(j=N-1;j>=0;j--){ if(j!=0 && (room[j][i] != room[j-1][i]) && (count[room[j][i]]+count[room[j-1][i]] >ans)){ ans=count[room[j][i]]+count[room[j-1][i]]; x=j,y=i; d='N'; } if(i!=M-1 && (room[j][i] != room[j][i+1]) && (count[room[j][i]]+count[room[j][i+1]] >ans)){ ans = count[room[j][i]] + count[room[j][i+1]]; x=j,y=i; d='E'; } } fprintf(fout,"%d\n%d\n%d\n",num,big,ans); fprintf(fout,"%d %d %c\n",x+1,y+1,d); return 0; }
int FAR_FileSeek(farfile_t hFile, int pos, int mode) { FARfileobj_t* pFile = FF(hFile); int size = pFile->size; switch (mode) { case SEEK_SET: break; case SEEK_CUR: pos += pFile->pos; break; case SEEK_END: pos += pFile->size; break; } if (pos > size) pos = size; if (pos < 0) pos = 0; pFile->pos = pos; return pos; }
QString compute_the_file_hash(const QString& path, int num_bytes) { // Do not printf here! QCryptographicHash hash(QCryptographicHash::Sha1); QFile FF(path); if (! return ""; int num_bytes_processed = 0; while ((!FF.atEnd()) && ((num_bytes == 0) || (num_bytes_processed < num_bytes))) { QByteArray tmp =; if (num_bytes != 0) { if (num_bytes_processed + tmp.count() > num_bytes) { tmp = tmp.mid(0, num_bytes - num_bytes_processed); } } hash.addData(tmp); num_bytes_processed += tmp.count(); } QString ret = QString(hash.result().toHex()); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { printf("ForestFire. build: %s, %s. Start time: %s\n\n", __TIME__, __DATE__, TExeTm::GetCurTm()); Env = TEnv(argc, argv, TNotify::StdNotify); Env.PrepArgs("Forest Fire"); TExeTm ExeTm; Try const TStr OutFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-o:", "graph.txt", "Output graph file name"); const int NNodes = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-n:", 10000, "Number of nodes (size of the generated graph)"); const double FwdProb = Env.GetIfArgPrefixFlt("-f:", 0.35, "Forward burning probability"); const double BckProb = Env.GetIfArgPrefixFlt("-b:", 0.32, "Backward burning probability"); const int StartNodes = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-s:", 1, "Start graph with S isolated nodes"); const double Take2AmbProb = Env.GetIfArgPrefixFlt("-a:", 0.0, "Probability of a new node choosing 2 ambassadors"); const double OrphanProb = Env.GetIfArgPrefixFlt("-op:", 0.0, "Probability of a new node being an orphan (node with zero out-degree)"); // generate forest fire graph TFfGGen::TimeLimitSec = -1; TFfGGen FF(false, StartNodes, FwdProb, BckProb, 1.0, Take2AmbProb, OrphanProb); FF.GenGraph(NNodes, false); TSnap::SaveEdgeList(FF.GetGraph(), OutFNm, FF.GetParamStr()); Catch printf("\nrun time: %s (%s)\n", ExeTm.GetTmStr(), TSecTm::GetCurTm().GetTmStr().CStr()); return 0; }
void display(t_mlx *f) { mlx_string_put(f->mlx, f->win, 5, 1, BLANC, "Fractal :"); mlx_string_put(f->mlx, f->win, 100, 1, BLANC, f->name); if (ft_strcmp(f->name, "Julia") == 0) mlx_string_put(f->mlx, f->win, 160, 1, BLANC, ft_itoa(FF(julia))); mlx_string_put(f->mlx, f->win, 5, 26, BLANC, "Iterate (</>):"); mlx_string_put(f->mlx, f->win, 160, 26, BLANC, ft_itoa(FF(it))); mlx_string_put(f->mlx, f->win, 5, 46, BLANC, "Zoom (-/+):"); mlx_string_put(f->mlx, f->win, 130, 46, BLANC, ft_itoa(FF(zoom))); mlx_string_put(f->mlx, f->win, 5, 66, BLANC, "Rouge (E-/R+):"); mlx_string_put(f->mlx, f->win, 160, 66, BLANC, ft_itoa(FF(r))); mlx_string_put(f->mlx, f->win, 5, 86, BLANC, "Vert (F-/G+):"); mlx_string_put(f->mlx, f->win, 160, 86, BLANC, ft_itoa(FF(g))); mlx_string_put(f->mlx, f->win, 5, 106, BLANC, "Bleu (V-/B+):"); mlx_string_put(f->mlx, f->win, 160, 106, BLANC, ft_itoa(FF(b))); }
void TNetInfBs::GenerateGroundTruth(const int& TNetwork, const int& NNodes, const int& NEdges, const TStr& NetworkParams) { TKronMtx SeedMtx; TStr MtxNm; switch (TNetwork) { // 2-dimension kronecker network case 0: printf("Kronecker graph for Ground Truth\n"); SeedMtx = TKronMtx::GetMtx(NetworkParams.CStr()); // 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5 printf("\n*** Seed matrix:\n"); SeedMtx.Dump(); GroundTruth = TKronMtx::GenFastKronecker(SeedMtx, (int)TMath::Log2(NNodes), NEdges, true, 0); break; // forest fire network case 1: printf("Forest Fire graph for Ground Truth\n"); TStrV NetworkParamsV; NetworkParams.SplitOnAllCh(';', NetworkParamsV); TFfGGen FF(true, // BurnExpFireP NetworkParamsV[0].GetInt(), // StartNNodes (1) NetworkParamsV[1].GetFlt(), // ForwBurnProb (0.2) NetworkParamsV[2].GetFlt(), // BackBurnProb (0.17) NetworkParamsV[3].GetInt(), // DecayProb (1) NetworkParamsV[4].GetInt(), // Take2AmbasPrb (0) NetworkParamsV[5].GetInt()); // OrphanPrb (0) FF.GenGraph(NNodes, false); GroundTruth = FF.GetGraph(); break; } }
static int md4_compress(hash_state *md, unsigned char *buf) #endif { ulong32 x[16], a, b, c, d; int i; /* copy state */ a = md->md4.state[0]; b = md->md4.state[1]; c = md->md4.state[2]; d = md->md4.state[3]; /* copy the state into 512-bits into W[0..15] */ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { LOAD32L(x[i], buf + (4*i)); } /* Round 1 */ FF (a, b, c, d, x[ 0], S11); /* 1 */ FF (d, a, b, c, x[ 1], S12); /* 2 */ FF (c, d, a, b, x[ 2], S13); /* 3 */ FF (b, c, d, a, x[ 3], S14); /* 4 */ FF (a, b, c, d, x[ 4], S11); /* 5 */ FF (d, a, b, c, x[ 5], S12); /* 6 */ FF (c, d, a, b, x[ 6], S13); /* 7 */ FF (b, c, d, a, x[ 7], S14); /* 8 */ FF (a, b, c, d, x[ 8], S11); /* 9 */ FF (d, a, b, c, x[ 9], S12); /* 10 */ FF (c, d, a, b, x[10], S13); /* 11 */ FF (b, c, d, a, x[11], S14); /* 12 */ FF (a, b, c, d, x[12], S11); /* 13 */ FF (d, a, b, c, x[13], S12); /* 14 */ FF (c, d, a, b, x[14], S13); /* 15 */ FF (b, c, d, a, x[15], S14); /* 16 */ /* Round 2 */ GG (a, b, c, d, x[ 0], S21); /* 17 */ GG (d, a, b, c, x[ 4], S22); /* 18 */ GG (c, d, a, b, x[ 8], S23); /* 19 */ GG (b, c, d, a, x[12], S24); /* 20 */ GG (a, b, c, d, x[ 1], S21); /* 21 */ GG (d, a, b, c, x[ 5], S22); /* 22 */ GG (c, d, a, b, x[ 9], S23); /* 23 */ GG (b, c, d, a, x[13], S24); /* 24 */ GG (a, b, c, d, x[ 2], S21); /* 25 */ GG (d, a, b, c, x[ 6], S22); /* 26 */ GG (c, d, a, b, x[10], S23); /* 27 */ GG (b, c, d, a, x[14], S24); /* 28 */ GG (a, b, c, d, x[ 3], S21); /* 29 */ GG (d, a, b, c, x[ 7], S22); /* 30 */ GG (c, d, a, b, x[11], S23); /* 31 */ GG (b, c, d, a, x[15], S24); /* 32 */ /* Round 3 */ HH (a, b, c, d, x[ 0], S31); /* 33 */ HH (d, a, b, c, x[ 8], S32); /* 34 */ HH (c, d, a, b, x[ 4], S33); /* 35 */ HH (b, c, d, a, x[12], S34); /* 36 */ HH (a, b, c, d, x[ 2], S31); /* 37 */ HH (d, a, b, c, x[10], S32); /* 38 */ HH (c, d, a, b, x[ 6], S33); /* 39 */ HH (b, c, d, a, x[14], S34); /* 40 */ HH (a, b, c, d, x[ 1], S31); /* 41 */ HH (d, a, b, c, x[ 9], S32); /* 42 */ HH (c, d, a, b, x[ 5], S33); /* 43 */ HH (b, c, d, a, x[13], S34); /* 44 */ HH (a, b, c, d, x[ 3], S31); /* 45 */ HH (d, a, b, c, x[11], S32); /* 46 */ HH (c, d, a, b, x[ 7], S33); /* 47 */ HH (b, c, d, a, x[15], S34); /* 48 */ /* Update our state */ md->md4.state[0] = md->md4.state[0] + a; md->md4.state[1] = md->md4.state[1] + b; md->md4.state[2] = md->md4.state[2] + c; md->md4.state[3] = md->md4.state[3] + d; return CRYPT_OK; }
gmx_bool parse_common_args(int *argc, char *argv[], unsigned long Flags, int nfile, t_filenm fnm[], int npargs, t_pargs *pa, int ndesc, const char **desc, int nbugs, const char **bugs, gmx_output_env_t **oenv) { /* This array should match the order of the enum in oenv.h */ const char *const xvg_formats[] = { "xmgrace", "xmgr", "none" }; // Handle the flags argument, which is a bit field // The FF macro returns whether or not the bit is set #define FF(arg) ((Flags & arg) == arg) try { double tbegin = 0.0, tend = 0.0, tdelta = 0.0; bool bBeginTimeSet = false, bEndTimeSet = false, bDtSet = false; bool bView = false; int xvgFormat = 0; gmx::OptionsAdapter adapter(*argc, argv); gmx::Options options(NULL, NULL); gmx::OptionsBehaviorCollection behaviors(&options); gmx::FileNameOptionManager fileOptManager; fileOptManager.disableInputOptionChecking( FF(PCA_NOT_READ_NODE) || FF(PCA_DISABLE_INPUT_FILE_CHECKING)); options.addManager(&fileOptManager); if (FF(PCA_CAN_SET_DEFFNM)) { fileOptManager.addDefaultFileNameOption(&options, "deffnm"); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_BEGIN)) { options.addOption( gmx::DoubleOption("b") .store(&tbegin).storeIsSet(&bBeginTimeSet).timeValue() .description("First frame (%t) to read from trajectory")); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_END)) { options.addOption( gmx::DoubleOption("e") .store(&tend).storeIsSet(&bEndTimeSet).timeValue() .description("Last frame (%t) to read from trajectory")); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_DT)) { options.addOption( gmx::DoubleOption("dt") .store(&tdelta).storeIsSet(&bDtSet).timeValue() .description("Only use frame when t MOD dt = first time (%t)")); } gmx::TimeUnit timeUnit = gmx::TimeUnit_Default; if (FF(PCA_TIME_UNIT)) { std::shared_ptr<gmx::TimeUnitBehavior> timeUnitBehavior( new gmx::TimeUnitBehavior()); timeUnitBehavior->setTimeUnitStore(&timeUnit); timeUnitBehavior->setTimeUnitFromEnvironment(); timeUnitBehavior->addTimeUnitOption(&options, "tu"); behaviors.addBehavior(timeUnitBehavior); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_VIEW)) { options.addOption( gmx::BooleanOption("w").store(&bView) .description("View output [REF].xvg[ref], [REF].xpm[ref], " "[REF].eps[ref] and [REF].pdb[ref] files")); } bool bXvgr = false; for (int i = 0; i < nfile; i++) { bXvgr = bXvgr || (fnm[i].ftp == efXVG); } xvgFormat = gmx::getDefaultXvgFormat(xvg_formats); if (bXvgr) { options.addOption( gmx::EnumIntOption("xvg").enumValue(xvg_formats) .store(&xvgFormat) .description("xvg plot formatting")); } /* Now append the program specific arguments */ for (int i = 0; i < nfile; i++) { adapter.filenmToOptions(&options, &fnm[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < npargs; i++) { adapter.pargsToOptions(&options, &pa[i]); } const gmx::CommandLineHelpContext *context = gmx::GlobalCommandLineHelpContext::get(); if (context != NULL) { GMX_RELEASE_ASSERT(gmx_node_rank() == 0, "Help output should be handled higher up and " "only get called only on the master rank"); gmx::CommandLineHelpWriter(options) .setHelpText(gmx::constArrayRefFromArray<const char *>(desc, ndesc)) .setKnownIssues(gmx::constArrayRefFromArray(bugs, nbugs)) .writeHelp(*context); return FALSE; } /* Now parse all the command-line options */ gmx::CommandLineParser(&options).skipUnknown(FF(PCA_NOEXIT_ON_ARGS)) .parse(argc, argv); behaviors.optionsFinishing(); options.finish(); /* set program name, command line, and default values for output options */ output_env_init(oenv, gmx::getProgramContext(), (time_unit_t)(timeUnit + 1), bView, (xvg_format_t)(xvgFormat + 1), 0); /* Extract Time info from arguments */ if (bBeginTimeSet) { setTimeValue(TBEGIN, tbegin); } if (bEndTimeSet) { setTimeValue(TEND, tend); } if (bDtSet) { setTimeValue(TDELTA, tdelta); } adapter.copyValues(!FF(PCA_NOT_READ_NODE)); return TRUE; } GMX_CATCH_ALL_AND_EXIT_WITH_FATAL_ERROR; #undef FF }
void md4_process_block(uint32_t state[4], const uint32_t block[MD4_BLOCK_SIZE / 4]) { unsigned a, b, c, d; a = state[0]; b = state[1]; c = state[2]; d = state[3]; FF(a, b, c, d, block[0], 3); /* 1 */ FF(d, a, b, c, block[1], 7); /* 2 */ FF(c, d, a, b, block[2], 11); /* 3 */ FF(b, c, d, a, block[3], 19); /* 4 */ FF(a, b, c, d, block[4], 3); /* 5 */ FF(d, a, b, c, block[5], 7); /* 6 */ FF(c, d, a, b, block[6], 11); /* 7 */ FF(b, c, d, a, block[7], 19); /* 8 */ FF(a, b, c, d, block[8], 3); /* 9 */ FF(d, a, b, c, block[9], 7); /* 10 */ FF(c, d, a, b, block[10], 11); /* 11 */ FF(b, c, d, a, block[11], 19); /* 12 */ FF(a, b, c, d, block[12], 3); /* 13 */ FF(d, a, b, c, block[13], 7); /* 14 */ FF(c, d, a, b, block[14], 11); /* 15 */ FF(b, c, d, a, block[15], 19); /* 16 */ GG(a, b, c, d, block[0], 3); /* 17 */ GG(d, a, b, c, block[4], 5); /* 18 */ GG(c, d, a, b, block[8], 9); /* 19 */ GG(b, c, d, a, block[12], 13); /* 20 */ GG(a, b, c, d, block[1], 3); /* 21 */ GG(d, a, b, c, block[5], 5); /* 22 */ GG(c, d, a, b, block[9], 9); /* 23 */ GG(b, c, d, a, block[13], 13); /* 24 */ GG(a, b, c, d, block[2], 3); /* 25 */ GG(d, a, b, c, block[6], 5); /* 26 */ GG(c, d, a, b, block[10], 9); /* 27 */ GG(b, c, d, a, block[14], 13); /* 28 */ GG(a, b, c, d, block[3], 3); /* 29 */ GG(d, a, b, c, block[7], 5); /* 30 */ GG(c, d, a, b, block[11], 9); /* 31 */ GG(b, c, d, a, block[15], 13); /* 32 */ HH(a, b, c, d, block[0], 3); /* 33 */ HH(d, a, b, c, block[8], 9); /* 34 */ HH(c, d, a, b, block[4], 11); /* 35 */ HH(b, c, d, a, block[12], 15); /* 36 */ HH(a, b, c, d, block[2], 3); /* 37 */ HH(d, a, b, c, block[10], 9); /* 38 */ HH(c, d, a, b, block[6], 11); /* 39 */ HH(b, c, d, a, block[14], 15); /* 40 */ HH(a, b, c, d, block[1], 3); /* 41 */ HH(d, a, b, c, block[9], 9); /* 42 */ HH(c, d, a, b, block[5], 11); /* 43 */ HH(b, c, d, a, block[13], 15); /* 44 */ HH(a, b, c, d, block[3], 3); /* 45 */ HH(d, a, b, c, block[11], 9); /* 46 */ HH(c, d, a, b, block[7], 11); /* 47 */ HH(b, c, d, a, block[15], 15); /* 48 */ state[0] += a; state[1] += b; state[2] += c; state[3] += d; }
/* * MD5 Compression Function */ void MD5::compress_n(const byte input[], size_t blocks) { u32bit A = digest[0], B = digest[1], C = digest[2], D = digest[3]; for(size_t i = 0; i != blocks; ++i) { load_le(&M[0], input, M.size()); FF(A,B,C,D,M[ 0], 7,0xD76AA478); FF(D,A,B,C,M[ 1],12,0xE8C7B756); FF(C,D,A,B,M[ 2],17,0x242070DB); FF(B,C,D,A,M[ 3],22,0xC1BDCEEE); FF(A,B,C,D,M[ 4], 7,0xF57C0FAF); FF(D,A,B,C,M[ 5],12,0x4787C62A); FF(C,D,A,B,M[ 6],17,0xA8304613); FF(B,C,D,A,M[ 7],22,0xFD469501); FF(A,B,C,D,M[ 8], 7,0x698098D8); FF(D,A,B,C,M[ 9],12,0x8B44F7AF); FF(C,D,A,B,M[10],17,0xFFFF5BB1); FF(B,C,D,A,M[11],22,0x895CD7BE); FF(A,B,C,D,M[12], 7,0x6B901122); FF(D,A,B,C,M[13],12,0xFD987193); FF(C,D,A,B,M[14],17,0xA679438E); FF(B,C,D,A,M[15],22,0x49B40821); GG(A,B,C,D,M[ 1], 5,0xF61E2562); GG(D,A,B,C,M[ 6], 9,0xC040B340); GG(C,D,A,B,M[11],14,0x265E5A51); GG(B,C,D,A,M[ 0],20,0xE9B6C7AA); GG(A,B,C,D,M[ 5], 5,0xD62F105D); GG(D,A,B,C,M[10], 9,0x02441453); GG(C,D,A,B,M[15],14,0xD8A1E681); GG(B,C,D,A,M[ 4],20,0xE7D3FBC8); GG(A,B,C,D,M[ 9], 5,0x21E1CDE6); GG(D,A,B,C,M[14], 9,0xC33707D6); GG(C,D,A,B,M[ 3],14,0xF4D50D87); GG(B,C,D,A,M[ 8],20,0x455A14ED); GG(A,B,C,D,M[13], 5,0xA9E3E905); GG(D,A,B,C,M[ 2], 9,0xFCEFA3F8); GG(C,D,A,B,M[ 7],14,0x676F02D9); GG(B,C,D,A,M[12],20,0x8D2A4C8A); HH(A,B,C,D,M[ 5], 4,0xFFFA3942); HH(D,A,B,C,M[ 8],11,0x8771F681); HH(C,D,A,B,M[11],16,0x6D9D6122); HH(B,C,D,A,M[14],23,0xFDE5380C); HH(A,B,C,D,M[ 1], 4,0xA4BEEA44); HH(D,A,B,C,M[ 4],11,0x4BDECFA9); HH(C,D,A,B,M[ 7],16,0xF6BB4B60); HH(B,C,D,A,M[10],23,0xBEBFBC70); HH(A,B,C,D,M[13], 4,0x289B7EC6); HH(D,A,B,C,M[ 0],11,0xEAA127FA); HH(C,D,A,B,M[ 3],16,0xD4EF3085); HH(B,C,D,A,M[ 6],23,0x04881D05); HH(A,B,C,D,M[ 9], 4,0xD9D4D039); HH(D,A,B,C,M[12],11,0xE6DB99E5); HH(C,D,A,B,M[15],16,0x1FA27CF8); HH(B,C,D,A,M[ 2],23,0xC4AC5665); II(A,B,C,D,M[ 0], 6,0xF4292244); II(D,A,B,C,M[ 7],10,0x432AFF97); II(C,D,A,B,M[14],15,0xAB9423A7); II(B,C,D,A,M[ 5],21,0xFC93A039); II(A,B,C,D,M[12], 6,0x655B59C3); II(D,A,B,C,M[ 3],10,0x8F0CCC92); II(C,D,A,B,M[10],15,0xFFEFF47D); II(B,C,D,A,M[ 1],21,0x85845DD1); II(A,B,C,D,M[ 8], 6,0x6FA87E4F); II(D,A,B,C,M[15],10,0xFE2CE6E0); II(C,D,A,B,M[ 6],15,0xA3014314); II(B,C,D,A,M[13],21,0x4E0811A1); II(A,B,C,D,M[ 4], 6,0xF7537E82); II(D,A,B,C,M[11],10,0xBD3AF235); II(C,D,A,B,M[ 2],15,0x2AD7D2BB); II(B,C,D,A,M[ 9],21,0xEB86D391); A = (digest[0] += A); B = (digest[1] += B); C = (digest[2] += C); D = (digest[3] += D); input += hash_block_size(); } }