Exemplo n.º 1
void InitSpin( HWND hDlg, LFIXED fSetX, LFIXED fSetY, int flag)
LPIMAGE	lpImage;
LPFRAME	lpFrame;
LFIXED	fMin, fMax;
RECT		iRect;
int 		res;

if( !( lpImage = GetActiveImage() ) )
lpFrame = ImgGetBaseEditFrame( lpImage );

ImgGetImageRect( lpImage, &iRect );

res = FrameResolution( lpFrame );

if (flag & 1)
   fMax = FGET( iRect.right, res );
   fMin = FGET( -iRect.right, res );
   InitDlgItemSpinFixed( hDlg, IDC_POS_X, fSetX, YES, fMin, fMax );

if (flag & 2)
   fMax = FGET( iRect.bottom, res );
   fMin = FGET( -iRect.bottom, res );
   InitDlgItemSpinFixed( hDlg, IDC_POS_Y, fSetY, YES, fMin, fMax );
Exemplo n.º 2
void StatusOfRectangle(
LPRECT lpRect,
LFIXED fScale)
STRING szUnit, szString1, szString2, szString3, szString4;
LPSTR lpUnit;
RECT rFile;
int Resolution;

OrderRect( lpRect, &rFile );
if ( fScale )
	Resolution = 1000;
	ScaleRect( &rFile, fScale );
if (lpImage)
	Resolution = FrameResolution( ImgGetBaseEditFrame(lpImage) );
if ( AstralStr( Control.Units-IDC_PREF_UNITINCHES+IDS_INCHES, &lpUnit ) )
	lstrcpy( szUnit, lpUnit );
	MessageStatus( IDS_RECT_STATUS,
		Unit2String( FGET( RectWidth(&rFile), Resolution ), szString1 ),
		Unit2String( FGET( RectHeight(&rFile), Resolution ), szString2),
		Unit2String( FGET( rFile.left, Resolution ), szString3 ),
		Unit2String( FGET( rFile.top, Resolution ), szString4 ) );
Exemplo n.º 3
LOCAL BOOL Pos_OnInitDialog(HWND hDlg, HWND hWndFocus, LPARAM lParam)
RECT     rSel;
LPIMAGE  lpImage;
LPFRAME	lpFrame;
LFIXED   XPos, YPos;
int 		res;

if(!(lpImage = GetActiveImage()))

lpFrame = ImgGetBaseEditFrame( lpImage );
res = FrameResolution( lpFrame );
ImgGetSelObjectRect(lpImage, &rSel, YES);
XPos = FGET(rSel.left, res); 
YPos = FGET(rSel.top, res); 


lpPosParms = (LPPOSOBJECTS_PARMS)lParam;

Edit.SaveUnits = Control.Units;

SetUnitResolution( 0 );

InitSpin( hDlg, XPos, YPos,3);

CenterPopup( hDlg );
Exemplo n.º 4
void AlignIcons( HWND hDlg, LPALIGNOBJECTS_PARMS lpAlignParms )
RECT		bRect, cRect;
int		xOffset, yOffset, i, wind;
LFIXED	vSpace, hSpace, fx, fy;
HWND		hWnd;

GetClientRect( hWnd = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_ALIGN_GRID ), &bRect );

vSpace = FGET( RectHeight( &bRect ) - ( ALIGN_NUM_OBJECTS * ICON_HEIGHT ),
hSpace = FGET( RectWidth( &bRect ) - ( ALIGN_NUM_OBJECTS * ICON_WIDTH ),

fx = fy = 0;

for( i = 0, wind = GW_CHILD; i < ALIGN_NUM_OBJECTS; i++, wind = GW_HWNDNEXT )
	hWnd = GetWindow( hWnd, wind );
	GetClientRect( hWnd, &cRect );
	cRect.right -= 1;
	cRect.bottom -= 1;
	MapWindowPoints( hWnd, GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_ALIGN_GRID ),
		( LPPOINT )&cRect, 2 );
	ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_HIDE );
	ObjAlign( &bRect, &cRect, lpAlignParms, vSpace, hSpace,
		&xOffset, &yOffset, &fx, &fy );
	OffsetRect( &cRect, xOffset, yOffset );
	MoveWindow( hWnd, cRect.left, cRect.top, RectWidth( &cRect ),
		RectHeight( &cRect ), TRUE );
	UpdateWindow( GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_ALIGN_GRID ) );
	ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_SHOWNA );
Exemplo n.º 5
BOOL CExpandImageDlg::PreDoModal (LPVOID lpVoid)
	LPIMAGE lpImage = NULL;
	LPFRAME lpFrame;
	if(lpImage = GetImage())
		lpFrame = ImgGetBaseEditFrame(lpImage);
		m_Units = m_SaveUnits = Control.Units; 
		m_Crop.top = m_Crop.left = 0;  
		m_Crop.right = lpImage->npix - 1; 
		m_Crop.bottom = lpImage->nlin - 1; 
		m_Resolution = m_CropResolution = m_OrigResolution = FrameResolution(lpFrame);
		m_Depth = FrameDepth(lpFrame);
		m_Resolution = m_CropResolution = 75;
		m_Depth = 1;
	m_Width = m_OrigWidth = FGET(m_Crop.right - m_Crop.left + 1, m_CropResolution);
	m_Height = m_OrigHeight = FGET(m_Crop.bottom - m_Crop.top + 1, m_CropResolution);
	m_Left = m_Top = 0;
	m_FillColor.gray = 255;

	return CPPViewModalDlg::PreDoModal();

Exemplo n.º 6
LOCAL int Palette_GetEntry( HWND hWindow, int x, int y, BOOL fClosest )
LPPALETTE lpPalette;
RECT ClientRect;
int iRowIncr, iColIncr, iWidth, iHeight, iRows, iCols;
int iStart, iEntry, r, c;
int x1, x2, y1, y2, iMinDist, iDist, dx, dy, iClosest;
LFIXED xrate, yrate;

lpPalette = (LPPALETTE)GetWindowLong(hWindow, GWL_PALETTE);
if (!lpPalette || !lpPalette->iColors)

// get ClientRect and allocate buffer for SuperBlt
GetChipLayout(hWindow, &ClientRect, &iRows, &iCols, &iRowIncr, &iColIncr, &iStart);

iWidth = RectWidth(&ClientRect);
iHeight = RectHeight(&ClientRect);

yrate = FGET(iHeight, iRows);
xrate = FGET(iWidth, iCols);

x -= ClientRect.left;
y -= ClientRect.top;
iMinDist = INT_MAX;
iClosest = -1;
for (r = 0; r < iRows; ++r)
	y1 = FMUL(r, yrate);
	y2 = FMUL(r+1, yrate) - 1;
	dy = min(abs(y-y1), abs(y-y2));
	iEntry = iStart + (r * iRowIncr);
	for (c = 0; c < iCols; ++c)
		if (iEntry < lpPalette->iColors || fClosest)
			x1 = FMUL(c, xrate);
			x2 = FMUL(c+1, xrate) - 1;
			if (y >= y1 && y <= y2 &&
			    x >= x1 && x <= x2)
			else if (fClosest)
				dx = min(abs(x-x1), abs(x-x2));
				iDist = min(dx, dy);
				if (iDist < iMinDist)
					iClosest = iEntry;
					iMinDist = iDist;
		iEntry += iColIncr;
Exemplo n.º 7
VOID CSizeImageDlg::DoSizeInits( )
    HWND hDlg = GetSafeHwnd();
    LPFRAME lpFrame;
    LPIMAGE lpImage = GetImage();

    ImgGetInfo(lpImage, NULL, NULL, NULL, &Type);

    /* Be careful to set all values before doing a SetDlg... with them */
    /* The Edit structure is a temorary holding area for sizing dialog boxes */
    m_Distortable = NO;
    m_MaintainSize = NO;
    m_ScaleX = m_ScaleY = 100;
    if ( lpImage )
	    lpFrame = ImgGetBaseEditFrame(lpImage);
	    m_Crop.left  = m_Crop.top = 0;
	    m_Crop.right = lpImage->npix - 1;
	    m_Crop.bottom = lpImage->nlin - 1;
	    m_Resolution = m_CropResolution = m_OrigResolution =
	    m_Depth = FrameDepth(lpFrame);
	    m_Resolution = m_CropResolution = 75;
	    m_Depth = 1;
    m_Angle = 0;
    m_Width  = FGET( CROPWIDTH(), m_CropResolution );
    m_Height = FGET( CROPHEIGHT(), m_CropResolution );

    CheckDlgButton( IDC_DISTORT, m_Distortable);
    CheckDlgButton( IDC_SMARTSIZE, m_SmartSize );
    CheckDlgButton( IDC_MAINTAINSIZE, m_MaintainSize );
    ControlEnable(hDlg, IDC_DISTORT, !m_MaintainSize);
    ControlEnable(hDlg, IDC_MAINTAINSIZE, !m_Distortable );
    ControlEnable( hDlg, IDC_SMARTSIZE, !m_MaintainSize && 
        !m_Distortable && CANDOTRANSPARENCY(Type));

    InitDlgItemSpinFixed( hDlg, IDC_HEIGHT, m_Height, YES, 0L, FGET(9999,1) );
    InitDlgItemSpinFixed( hDlg, IDC_WIDTH, m_Width, YES, 0L, FGET(9999,1) );
    InitDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_SCALEX, m_ScaleX, YES, 1, 10000 );
    InitDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_SCALEY, m_ScaleY, YES, 1, 10000 );
    InitDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_RES, m_Resolution, NO, 1, 10000 );

    ImageMemory( hDlg, IDC_MEMORY, m_Width, m_Height, m_Resolution,
	    m_Depth );

	                     IDC_PREF_UNITLAST, m_Units);

Exemplo n.º 8
		Takes sugested position and size for the zoom window in owner coords.
		Will set the inputs to allowed values.
void ZoomBoundRect(int *x, int *y, int *width, int *height)
	LPIMAGE lpMyImage;
	RECT 	rZoom;
	int borderW, borderH, oldwidth, oldheight;
	LFIXED fRatio, fPreposedRatio;

	if (!hZoomWindow)

    lpMyImage = (LPIMAGE)GetImagePtr (hZoomWindow );
	if (!lpMyImage)
	// compute size or border
	GetWindowRect(hZoomWindow, &rZoom);
	oldwidth = rZoom.right - rZoom.left;
	oldheight = rZoom.bottom - rZoom.top;
	GetClientRect(hZoomWindow, &rZoom);
	borderW = oldwidth -(rZoom.right - rZoom.left);
	borderH = oldheight -(rZoom.bottom - rZoom.top);

//	GetClientRect(hOwner, &rOwner);
	// be sure the zoom widow is not larger than window
//	*width = Min(*width, rOwner.right - rOwner.left);
//	*height = Min(*height, rOwner.bottom - rOwner.top);

	// be sure aspect ratios are the same
	fPreposedRatio = FGET(*width-borderW, *height-borderH);
	fRatio = FGET(lpMyImage->npix, lpMyImage->nlin);

	// is it good enough?
	oldwidth = WHOLE(fRatio*(*height-borderH));
	if (oldwidth == (*width - borderW))
	if (fPreposedRatio > fRatio)
		{											// width too big
		*width = FMUL(*height-borderH, fRatio);
		*width += borderW;
	else if (fPreposedRatio < fRatio)
		{												// height top big
		*height = FMUL(*width-borderW,
					FGET(lpMyImage->nlin, lpMyImage->npix));
		*height += borderH;

//	*x = Bound (*x, -*width/2, rOwner.right-*width/2);
//	*y = Bound (*y, -*height/2, rOwner.bottom-*height/2);
Exemplo n.º 9
void Control2Image( LPINT lpx, LPINT lpy )
    int x, y;
    LFIXED xrate, yrate;

    xrate = FGET( iImageWidth, RectWidth(&rControl) );
    yrate = FGET( iImageHeight, RectHeight(&rControl) );

    x = *lpx;
    *lpx = FMUL( x - rControl.left, xrate );
    y = *lpy;
    *lpy = FMUL( y - rControl.top, yrate );
Exemplo n.º 10
void Image2Control( LPINT lpx, LPINT lpy )
    int x, y;
    LFIXED xrate, yrate;

    xrate = FGET( RectWidth(&rControl), iImageWidth );
    yrate = FGET( RectHeight(&rControl), iImageHeight );

    x = *lpx;
    *lpx = rControl.left + FMUL( x, xrate );
    y = *lpy;
    *lpy = rControl.top + FMUL( y, yrate );
Exemplo n.º 11
//				lut_draw_grid
//					HDC hDC- Can NOT be NULL.
//					LPRECT lpArea- The area to update.
//				draws the grid at the given spacing (map coords).
LOCAL VOID lut_draw_grid(LPLUTCTL lpdata, HDC hDC, LPRECT lpArea)
	LFIXED rate;
	HPEN hOldPen, hPen;
	int i, val, offset, maxval;
	int gridX = lpdata->gridX;
	int gridY = lpdata->gridY;
	RECT rArea;
	POINT	point;

	// subtract one cause we are using MoveTo, LineTo
	rArea = *lpArea;
	--rArea.right;	// we can draw on left and right pixels
	--rArea.bottom; // we can draw on top and bottom pixels
	hPen = DrawTools.GetBtnFacePen();
	hOldPen = (HPEN)SelectObject( hDC, hPen );

	// do vertical lines
	if (gridX)
		maxval = RectWidth(&rArea)-1; // max x value
		rate = FGET(maxval, MAXVAL);
		offset = rArea.left;
		for (i=gridX; i<256; i+=gridX)
			val = offset + FMUL(i, rate);
			MoveToEx( hDC, val, rArea.top, &point);
			// add one cause LineTo doesn't draw on endpoint
			LineTo( hDC, val, rArea.bottom+1); 
	// do horizontal lines
	if (gridY)
		maxval = RectHeight(&rArea)-1; // max y value
		rate = FGET(maxval, MAXVAL);
		offset = rArea.bottom;
		for (i=gridY; i<256; i+=gridY)
			val = offset - FMUL(i, rate);
			MoveToEx( hDC, rArea.left, val, &point);
			// add one cause LineTo doesn't draw on endpoint
			LineTo( hDC, rArea.right+1, val);
	SelectObject( hDC, hOldPen );
Exemplo n.º 12
void View1TO1()
   int x, y, res, ratio;
   LFIXED fixed;
   HDC hDC;
   HWND hWnd;
   LPDISPLAY lpDisplay;
   LPIMAGE lpImage;

	if (hWnd = GetActiveDoc())
	   lpImage = GetImagePtr(hWnd);
	   lpDisplay = GetDisplayPtr(hWnd);
	   hDC = GetDC( PictPubApp.Get_hWndAstral() );
	   x = GetDeviceCaps( hDC, HORZRES ); // in pixels
	   ReleaseDC( PictPubApp.Get_hWndAstral(), hDC );
	   fixed = FGET( FUNITY, Control.ScreenWidth );
	   if (res = FMUL( x, fixed)) // in pixels/inch
	      ratio = ( 100L * res ) / FrameResolution(ImgGetBaseEditFrame(lpImage));
	      x = ( lpDisplay->FileRect.left 
		   + lpDisplay->FileRect.right ) / 2;
	      y = ( lpDisplay->FileRect.top 
		   + lpDisplay->FileRect.bottom ) / 2;
	      Zoom( hWnd, x, y, ratio, NO, View.ZoomWindow );
Exemplo n.º 13
LOCAL BOOL Palette_SelectRect(HWND hWindow, int iSelect, LPRECT lpSelectRect)
RECT ClientRect;
int iRowIncr, iColIncr, iWidth, iHeight, iRows, iCols;
int iStart, iEntry, r, c;
LFIXED xrate, yrate;
LPPALETTE lpPalette;

lpPalette = (LPPALETTE)GetWindowLong(hWindow, GWL_PALETTE);
if (!lpPalette || !lpPalette->iColors)

// get ClientRect and allocate buffer for SuperBlt
GetChipLayout(hWindow, &ClientRect, &iRows, &iCols, &iRowIncr, &iColIncr, &iStart);

iWidth = RectWidth(&ClientRect);
iHeight = RectHeight(&ClientRect);

yrate = FGET(iHeight, iRows);
xrate = FGET(iWidth, iCols);

for (r = 0; r < iRows; ++r)
	iEntry = iStart + (r * iRowIncr);
	for (c = 0; c < iCols; ++c)
		if (iEntry == iSelect)
			lpSelectRect->top = ClientRect.top + FMUL(r, yrate);
			lpSelectRect->bottom = ClientRect.top + FMUL(r+1, yrate) - 1;
			lpSelectRect->left = ClientRect.left + FMUL(c, xrate);
			lpSelectRect->right = ClientRect.left + FMUL(c+1, xrate) - 1;
		iEntry += iColIncr;
Exemplo n.º 14
void TShearX( LPTFORM lpTForm, int height, int dx )
    LFIXED b;
    unsigned int h;

    h = lsqrt(((long)height * (long)height) + ((long)dx * (long)dx));
    b = FGET(dx, h);

    lpTForm->ax += FIXMUL( lpTForm->ay, b );
    lpTForm->bx += FIXMUL( lpTForm->by, b );
    lpTForm->cx += FIXMUL( lpTForm->cy, b );
Exemplo n.º 15
void TShearY( LPTFORM lpTForm, int width, int dy )
    LFIXED a;
    unsigned int h;

    h = lsqrt(((long)width * (long)width) + ((long)dy * (long)dy));
    a = FGET(dy, h);

    lpTForm->ay += FIXMUL( lpTForm->ax, a );
    lpTForm->by += FIXMUL( lpTForm->bx, a );
    lpTForm->cy += FIXMUL( lpTForm->cx, a );
Exemplo n.º 16
void ddaline( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, LPPOINTFUNC lpPointFunction )
int x, y, ix, iy;
LFIXED dx, dy, ax, ay;

if ( x1 > x2 )
	{ x = x1 - x2; ix = -1; }
else	{ x = x2 - x1; ix = 1; }

if ( y1 > y2 )
	{ y = y1 - y2; iy = -1; }
else	{ y = y2 - y1; iy = 1; }

if ( x < y )
	{ dy = UNITY; dx = FGET( x, y ); }
else	{ dx = UNITY; dy = FGET( y, x ); }

/* Initialize the ax accumulator with half the dx increment */
/* plus one half for rounding off */
ax = HALF; //( dx + UNITY )/2;
//ax &= 0xFFFFL;
ay = HALF; //( dy + UNITY )/2;
//ay &= 0xFFFFL;

x = x1;
y = y1;
while (1)
	(*lpPointFunction)( x, y ); /* use x, y */
	if ( x == x2 && y == y2 )
	if ( ( ax += dx ) > UNITY )
		{ ax -= UNITY; x += ix; }
	if ( ( ay += dy ) > UNITY )
		{ ay -= UNITY; y += iy; }
Exemplo n.º 17
LOCAL  void PalPicker_GetRect( HWND hWindow, int r, int c, LPRECT lpRect)
RECT ClientRect;
int iWidth, iHeight;
LFIXED xrate, yrate;

GetClientRect(hWindow, &ClientRect);
InflateRect(&ClientRect, -3, -3);

iWidth = RectWidth(&ClientRect);
iHeight = RectHeight(&ClientRect);

yrate = FGET(iHeight, 16);
xrate = FGET(iWidth, 16);

lpRect->left = FMUL(c, xrate) + 1;
lpRect->right = FMUL(c+1, xrate) - 2;
lpRect->top = FMUL(r, yrate) + 1;
lpRect->bottom = FMUL(r+1, yrate) - 2;
OffsetRect(lpRect, ClientRect.left, ClientRect.top);
Exemplo n.º 18
		Computes and sets values for the lpDisplay.
void ComputeZoomDisp()
LPDISPLAY lpMyDisplay;
RECT area;
int fileH, fileW, dispH, dispW;
int x, y;
LPIMAGE lpMyImage;

if (!hZoomWindow)
lpMyDisplay = (LPDISPLAY)GetDisplayPtr(hZoomWindow);
lpMyImage = (LPIMAGE)GetImagePtr (hZoomWindow );
if (!lpMyDisplay)
GetClientRect(hZoomWindow, &area);

dispH = area.bottom - area.top;
dispW = area.right - area.left;

x = 0;
y = 0;

// set lpDisplay
lpMyDisplay->DispRect.left = x;
lpMyDisplay->DispRect.right = x+dispW-1;
lpMyDisplay->DispRect.top =y ;
lpMyDisplay->DispRect.bottom = y+dispH-1;

fileW = lpMyImage->npix;
fileH = lpMyImage->nlin;

lpMyDisplay->FileRect.left   = x;
lpMyDisplay->FileRect.top	 = y;
lpMyDisplay->FileRect.right  = x + fileW - 1;
lpMyDisplay->FileRect.bottom = y + fileH - 1;

lpMyDisplay->FileRate = FGET(fileW, dispW);

BoundRect( &lpMyDisplay->FileRect, 0, 0, lpMyImage->npix-1, lpMyImage->nlin-1 );
Exemplo n.º 19
BOOL CanZoom( HWND hWnd, LFIXED FileRate, LPRECT lpFileRect,
               LPRECT lpDispRect )
LFIXED DispRate;
long lFileWidth, lFileHeight;
int iDispWidth, iDispHeight;
LPIMAGE lpImage;

lpImage = GetImagePtr(hWnd);
if (FileRate != 0)  // FileRate passed in
    DispRate = FGET(FUNITY, FileRate);
else        // Displaying a FileRect
    // calculate DispRate using this FileRect and
    // DispRect.
    iDispWidth = RectWidth(lpDispRect);
    iDispHeight = RectHeight(lpDispRect);
    DispRate = ScaleToFit(&iDispWidth, &iDispHeight,
// Calculate eventual size in File coordinates using
// this DispRate.  This calculation is done by most
// of the viewing routines and has the possibility
// of overflow.  Usually in these routines when the
// calculation is made it is too late to turn back
// so those routines call CanZoom() before doing
// anything that is unreversible.
lFileWidth = FMUL(lpImage->npix, DispRate);
lFileHeight = FMUL(lpImage->nlin, DispRate);
// Although MAXINT is 32767, I decided to use 30000 just
// for some slop and my own paranoia
return(lFileWidth > 0L && lFileWidth <= MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH &&
       lFileHeight > 0L && lFileHeight <= MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
Exemplo n.º 20
VOID CExpandImageDlg::DoExpandInits(  )
long Color;
HWND hWnd = GetSafeHwnd();

InitDlgItemSpinFixed(hWnd, IDC_HEIGHT, m_Height, YES, 0L, FGET(9999,1) );
InitDlgItemSpinFixed(hWnd, IDC_WIDTH, m_Width, YES, 0L, FGET(9999,1) );
InitDlgItemSpinFixed(hWnd, IDC_EXPANDLEFT, m_Left, YES, 0L, FGET(9999,1) );
InitDlgItemSpinFixed(hWnd, IDC_EXPANDRIGHT,m_Width-m_OrigWidth-m_Left, YES, 0L, FGET(9999,1) );
InitDlgItemSpinFixed(hWnd, IDC_EXPANDTOP, m_Top, YES, 0L, FGET(9999,1) );
InitDlgItemSpinFixed(hWnd, IDC_EXPANDBOTTOM,m_Height-m_OrigHeight-m_Top, YES, 0L, FGET(9999,1) );
ImageMemory( hWnd, IDC_MEMORY, m_Width, m_Height, m_Resolution,m_Depth );
ControlEnable(hWnd, IDOK, FALSE);
SetColorInfo(&m_FillColor, &m_FillColor, CS_GRAY);
CopyRGB( &m_FillColor.rgb, &Color );
SetWindowLong( ::GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_FILLINCOLOR), GWL_ACTIVE, Color );
Exemplo n.º 21
void TInvert( LPTFORM lpTForm )
    LFIXED ax, bx, cx, ay, by, cy;
    LFIXED term1, term2, term3;

    ax = lpTForm->ax;
    ay = lpTForm->ay;
    bx = lpTForm->bx;
    by = lpTForm->by;
    cx = lpTForm->cx;
    cy = lpTForm->cy;

    /* ax*by - bx*ay */	term1 = FIXMUL( ax, by ) - FIXMUL( bx, ay );
    /* cy*bx - cx*by */	term2 = FIXMUL( cy, bx ) - FIXMUL( cx, by );
    /* cx*ay - cy*ax */	term3 = FIXMUL( cx, ay ) - FIXMUL( cy, ax );
    lpTForm->ax = FGET(    by, term1 );
    lpTForm->bx = FGET(   -bx, term1 );
    lpTForm->cx = FGET( term2, term1 );

    lpTForm->ay = FGET(   -ay, term1 );
    lpTForm->by = FGET(    ax, term1 );
    lpTForm->cy = FGET( term3, term1 );
Exemplo n.º 22
BOOL CSizeImageDlg::DoSizeControls( ITEMID id, UINT codeNotify, BOOL bResAdjust )
    BOOL bResult = TRUE;
    HWND hDlg = GetSafeHwnd();
    BOOL Bool;
    long x, y;
    int npix, nlin;
    HWND hWnd, hControl;
    RECT rArea;
    LFIXED scale;
    LPIMAGE lpImage;

    lpImage = GetImage();
    ImgGetInfo(lpImage, NULL, NULL, NULL, &Type);
    npix = CROPWIDTH();
    nlin = CROPHEIGHT();

    switch( id )
	    case IDC_SMARTSIZE:
	        m_SmartSize = !m_SmartSize;
	        CheckDlgButton( IDC_SMARTSIZE, m_SmartSize );

	        m_MaintainSize = !m_MaintainSize;
	        if (m_MaintainSize)
		        m_Distortable = NO;

	        ControlEnable(hDlg, IDC_DISTORT, !m_MaintainSize);
	        ControlEnable(hDlg, IDC_SMARTSIZE, !m_MaintainSize);
	        Bool = !m_MaintainSize || m_Units != IDC_PREF_UNITPIXELS;
	        ControlEnable(hDlg, IDC_WIDTH, Bool);
	        ControlEnable(hDlg, IDC_HEIGHT, Bool);
	        ControlEnable(hDlg, IDC_SCALEX, Bool);
	        ControlEnable(hDlg, IDC_SCALEY, Bool);

	        if (m_MaintainSize)
		        m_Resolution = m_CropResolution = m_OrigResolution;
		        m_Width  = FGET( npix, m_CropResolution );
		        m_Height = FGET( nlin, m_CropResolution );
		        SetUnitResolution( m_CropResolution );
		        SetDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_RES, m_Resolution, NO );
		        SetDlgItemSpinFixed( hDlg, IDC_WIDTH, m_Width, YES );
		        SetDlgItemSpinFixed( hDlg, IDC_HEIGHT, m_Height, YES );
	        CheckDlgButton( IDC_MAINTAINSIZE, m_MaintainSize );
	        CheckDlgButton( IDC_SMARTSIZE, !m_MaintainSize && m_SmartSize );

	    case IDC_PREF_UNITS:
			WORD wUnits;				
	        if ( !(wUnits = HandleCombo( hDlg, id, codeNotify )) )
			m_Units = wUnits;
	        SetUnitInfo((UNIT_TYPE)(m_Units-IDC_PREF_UNITINCHES), m_UnitRes, 
	        CheckComboItem(hDlg, IDC_PREF_UNITS, IDC_PREF_UNITFIRST,
		        IDC_PREF_UNITLAST, m_Units);

	        Bool = !m_MaintainSize || m_Units != IDC_PREF_UNITPIXELS;
	        ControlEnable(hDlg, IDC_WIDTH, Bool);
	        ControlEnable(hDlg, IDC_HEIGHT, Bool);
	        ControlEnable(hDlg, IDC_SCALEX, Bool);
	        ControlEnable(hDlg, IDC_SCALEY, Bool);

	        if (m_MaintainSize && m_Units == IDC_PREF_UNITPIXELS)
		        m_CropResolution = m_Resolution;
		        SetUnitResolution( m_CropResolution );
		        m_Width  = FGET( npix, m_CropResolution );
		        m_Height = FGET( nlin, m_CropResolution );
		        y = FMUL( m_CropResolution, m_Height );
		        m_ScaleY = ((y*100L) + nlin/2) / nlin;
		        SetDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_SCALEY, m_ScaleY, NO );
		        x = FMUL( m_CropResolution, m_Width );
		        m_ScaleX = ((x*100L) + npix/2) / npix;
		        SetDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_SCALEX, m_ScaleX, NO );
	       	SetDlgItemSpinFixed( hDlg, IDC_WIDTH, m_Width, YES );
	       	SetDlgItemSpinFixed( hDlg, IDC_HEIGHT, m_Height, YES );

        case IDC_DISTORT:
	        m_Distortable = !m_Distortable;
	        CheckDlgButton( IDC_DISTORT, m_Distortable );
	        if (m_Distortable)
		        m_MaintainSize = NO;
	        ControlEnable(hDlg, IDC_MAINTAINSIZE, !m_MaintainSize);
	        if ( m_ScaleX != m_ScaleY )
		        m_ScaleX = m_ScaleY;
		        x = (((long)npix * m_ScaleX)+50L)/100L;
		        m_Width  = FGET( x, m_CropResolution );
		        SetDlgItemSpinFixed( hDlg, IDC_WIDTH, m_Width, YES );
		        SetDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_SCALEX, m_ScaleX, NO );
	        CheckDlgButton( IDC_SMARTSIZE,m_SmartSize && !m_Distortable);
	        ControlEnable( hDlg, IDC_SMARTSIZE, !m_Distortable && CANDOTRANSPARENCY(Type));
	        ControlEnable(hDlg, IDC_MAINTAINSIZE, !m_Distortable && lpImage);
	        if ( Page.PrintNumeric )
	        if ( !(hWnd = ::GetDlgItem( hDlg,IDC_PRINTVIEWPAGE)) )
	        if ( !(hControl = ::GetDlgItem( hDlg,IDC_PRINTVIEWIMAGE)) )
	        SetLongBit(hControl, GWL_STYLE, IS_RATIO_CONSTRAIN,
		        !m_Distortable );
	        if (!m_Distortable)
		        ::GetWindowRect(hControl, &rArea);
		        ::ScreenToClient(hWnd, (LPPOINT)&rArea.left);
		        ::ScreenToClient(hWnd, (LPPOINT)&rArea.right);
		        ::MoveWindow(hControl, rArea.left, rArea.top,
			        RectWidth(&rArea)-1, RectHeight(&rArea)-1, TRUE);

        case IDC_HEIGHT:
	        if ( ::GetFocus() != ::GetDlgItem( hDlg,id ) )
	        if ( codeNotify != EN_CHANGE )
	        m_Height = GetDlgItemSpinFixed( hDlg, IDC_HEIGHT, &Bool, YES);
	        if (m_MaintainSize)
		        scale = FGET(FUNITY, m_Height);
		        m_Resolution = FMUL(nlin, scale);
		        SetUnitResolution( m_Resolution );
		        SetDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_RES, m_Resolution, NO );
	        // y = number of new pixels x 100
	        y = FMUL( m_CropResolution, m_Height );
	        // calculate scale factor = (new pixels * 100) / old pixels
	        m_ScaleY = ((y * 100L) + nlin/2) / nlin;
	        SetDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_SCALEY, m_ScaleY, NO );
	        if ( !m_Distortable )
		        m_ScaleX = m_ScaleY;
				x = (((long)npix * (long)y) + (nlin/2))/ (long)nlin;
		        m_Width  = FGET( x, m_CropResolution );
		        SetDlgItemSpinFixed( hDlg, IDC_WIDTH, m_Width, YES );
		        SetDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_SCALEX, m_ScaleX, NO );
	        ImageMemory( hDlg, IDC_MEMORY,
			        m_MaintainSize ? FGET(npix,1) : m_Width,
			        m_MaintainSize ? FGET(nlin,1) : m_Height,
			        m_MaintainSize ? 1 : m_Resolution, m_Depth );

        case IDC_WIDTH:
	        if ( ::GetFocus() != ::GetDlgItem( hDlg, id ) )
	        if ( codeNotify != EN_CHANGE )
	        m_Width = GetDlgItemSpinFixed( hDlg, IDC_WIDTH, &Bool, YES );
	        if (m_MaintainSize)
		        scale = FGET(FUNITY, m_Width);
		        m_Resolution = FMUL(npix, scale);
		        SetUnitResolution( m_Resolution );
		        SetDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_RES, m_Resolution, NO );
	        x = FMUL( m_CropResolution, m_Width );
	        m_ScaleX = ((x * 100L) + npix/2L) / (long)npix;
	        SetDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_SCALEX, m_ScaleX, NO );
	        if ( !m_Distortable )
				m_ScaleY = m_ScaleX;
				y = (((long)nlin * (long)x) + (npix/2))/ (long)npix;
		        m_Height  = FGET( y, m_CropResolution );
		        SetDlgItemSpinFixed( hDlg, IDC_HEIGHT, m_Height, YES );
		        SetDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_SCALEY, m_ScaleY, NO );
	        ImageMemory( hDlg, IDC_MEMORY,
			        m_MaintainSize ? FGET(npix,1) : m_Width,
			        m_MaintainSize ? FGET(nlin,1) : m_Height,
			        m_MaintainSize ? 1 : m_Resolution, m_Depth );

        case IDC_RES:
	        if ( ::GetFocus() != ::GetDlgItem( hDlg, id ) )
	        if ( codeNotify != EN_CHANGE )
	        m_Resolution = GetDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_RES, &Bool, NO );
	        if ( m_Resolution <= 0 )
		        m_Resolution = 2;
	        if (m_MaintainSize)
		        m_Width = FGET(npix, m_Resolution);
		        m_Height = FGET(nlin, m_Resolution);
		        SetUnitResolution( m_Resolution );
		        if (m_Units != IDC_PREF_UNITPIXELS)
			        SetDlgItemSpinFixed( hDlg, IDC_WIDTH, m_Width, YES );
			        SetDlgItemSpinFixed( hDlg, IDC_HEIGHT, m_Height, YES );
			        y = FMUL( m_CropResolution, m_Height );
			        m_ScaleY = ((y*100L) + nlin/2) / nlin;
			        SetDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_SCALEY, m_ScaleY, NO );
			        x = FMUL( m_CropResolution, m_Width );
			        m_ScaleX = ((x*100L) + npix/2) / npix;
			        SetDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_SCALEX, m_ScaleX, NO );
	        if ( m_Units == IDC_PREF_UNITPIXELS )
	            if ( bResAdjust )
                { // Extract the values again (inch values changed)
			        m_CropResolution = m_Resolution;
			        SetUnitResolution( m_Resolution );
			        ::SetFocus( hWnd = ::GetDlgItem( hDlg,IDC_HEIGHT ) );
			        ::SetFocus( hWnd = ::GetDlgItem( hDlg,IDC_WIDTH ) );
			        ::SetFocus( ::GetDlgItem( hDlg,id ) );
		        { // Change the edit box
			        SetUnitResolution( m_Resolution );
			        SetDlgItemSpinFixed( hDlg, IDC_WIDTH, m_Width, YES);
			        SetDlgItemSpinFixed( hDlg, IDC_HEIGHT, m_Height, YES );
	        ImageMemory( hDlg, IDC_MEMORY,
			        m_MaintainSize ? FGET(npix,1) : m_Width,
			        m_MaintainSize ? FGET(nlin,1) : m_Height,
			        m_MaintainSize ? 1 : m_Resolution, m_Depth );

        case IDC_SCALEX:
	        if ( GetFocus() != GetDlgItem( id ) )
	        if ( codeNotify != EN_CHANGE )
	        m_ScaleX = GetDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_SCALEX, &Bool, NO );
	        x = (((long)npix * m_ScaleX)+50L)/100L;
	        m_Width  = FGET( x, m_CropResolution );
	        SetDlgItemSpinFixed( hDlg, IDC_WIDTH, m_Width, YES );
	        if (m_MaintainSize)
		        scale = FGET(FUNITY, m_Width);
		        m_Resolution = FMUL(npix, scale);
		        SetUnitResolution( m_Resolution );
		        SetDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_RES, m_Resolution, NO );
	        if ( !m_Distortable )
		        m_ScaleY = m_ScaleX;
		        y = (((long)nlin * m_ScaleY)+50)/100L;
		        m_Height  = FGET( y, m_CropResolution );
		        SetDlgItemSpinFixed( hDlg, IDC_HEIGHT, m_Height, YES );
		        SetDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_SCALEY, m_ScaleY, NO );
	        ImageMemory( hDlg, IDC_MEMORY,
			        m_MaintainSize ? FGET(npix,1) : m_Width,
			        m_MaintainSize ? FGET(nlin,1) : m_Height,
			        m_MaintainSize ? 1 : m_Resolution, m_Depth );

        case IDC_SCALEY:
	        if ( GetFocus() != GetDlgItem( id ) )
	        if ( codeNotify != EN_CHANGE )
	        m_ScaleY = GetDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_SCALEY, &Bool, NO );
	        y = (((long)nlin * m_ScaleY)+50)/100L;
	        m_Height = FGET( y, m_CropResolution );
	        SetDlgItemSpinFixed( hDlg, IDC_HEIGHT, m_Height, YES );
	        if (m_MaintainSize)
		        scale = FGET(FUNITY, m_Height);
		        m_Resolution = FMUL(nlin, scale);
		        SetUnitResolution( m_Resolution );
		        SetDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_RES, m_Resolution, NO );
	        if ( !m_Distortable )
		        m_ScaleX = m_ScaleY;
		        x = (((long)npix * m_ScaleX)+50L)/100L;
		        m_Width  = FGET( x, m_CropResolution );
		        SetDlgItemSpinFixed( hDlg, IDC_WIDTH, m_Width, YES);
		        SetDlgItemSpin( hDlg, IDC_SCALEX, m_ScaleX, NO );
	        ImageMemory( hDlg, IDC_MEMORY,
			        m_MaintainSize ? FGET(npix,1) : m_Width,
			        m_MaintainSize ? FGET(nlin,1) : m_Height,
			        m_MaintainSize ? 1 : m_Resolution, m_Depth );

        case IDC_MEMORY:
            bResult = FALSE;
    return bResult;        
Exemplo n.º 23
void ObjAlign( LPRECT bRect, LPRECT oRect, LPALIGNOBJECTS_PARMS lpAlignParms,
						LFIXED vSpace, LFIXED hSpace, LPINT xOffset, LPINT yOffset,
						LPLFIXED fx, LPLFIXED fy )

switch( lpAlignParms->HorzAlign )
	case HA_RIGHT:
		*xOffset = ( bRect->right - RectWidth( oRect ) ) -

	case HA_LEFT:
		*xOffset = bRect->left - oRect->left;

	case HA_CENTER:
		*xOffset = bRect->left + FINT( FGET( RectWidth( bRect ), 2 ) -
			FGET( RectWidth( oRect ), 2 ) ) -

	case HA_EQUAL:
		if( *fx == 0 )
			*xOffset = bRect->left - oRect->left;
			*fx = TOFIXED( RectWidth( oRect ) + bRect->left )
				+ hSpace;
			*xOffset = FINT( *fx ) - oRect->left;
			*fx += TOFIXED( RectWidth( oRect ) )
				+ hSpace;

	case HA_NONE:
		*xOffset = 0;

switch( lpAlignParms->VertAlign )
	case VA_TOP:
		*yOffset = bRect->top - oRect->top;

	case VA_BOTTOM:
		*yOffset = ( bRect->bottom - RectHeight( oRect ) ) -

	case VA_MID:
		*yOffset = bRect->top + FINT( FGET( RectHeight( bRect ), 2 ) -
			FGET( RectHeight( oRect ), 2 ) ) -

	case VA_EQUAL:
		if( *fy == 0 )
			*yOffset = bRect->top - oRect->top;
			*fy = TOFIXED( RectHeight( oRect ) + bRect->top )
				+ vSpace;
			*yOffset = FINT( *fy ) - oRect->top;
			*fy += TOFIXED( RectHeight( oRect ) )
				+ vSpace;

	case VA_NONE:
		*yOffset = 0;
Exemplo n.º 24
void ComputeFileRect( HWND hWnd, int x, int y, LFIXED FileRate )
int fx, fy, DispWidth, DispHeight, dx, dy;
LFIXED DispRate;
LPIMAGE lpImage;
LPDISPLAY lpDisplay;

// A NULL FileRate is a signal that FileRect was just initialized
// and doesn't need recalculating
if ( !FileRate)

lpImage = GetImagePtr(hWnd);
lpDisplay = GetDisplayPtr(hWnd);

// FileRect will be recomputed from FileRate and a center point (x,y)
DispWidth = RectWidth( &lpDisplay->DispRect );
DispHeight = RectHeight( &lpDisplay->DispRect );

DispRate = FGET(FUNITY, lpDisplay->FileRate);
dx = FMUL(lpImage->npix, DispRate);
dy = FMUL(lpImage->nlin, DispRate);
// FileRate == 1 is a special case for handling iconic state
// otherwise handle normally
if ( FileRate == TINYRATE) // Display all of image - iconic state
    fx = lpImage->npix;
    fy = lpImage->nlin;
    lpDisplay->ViewPercentage = 0;
    // if image fits or is smaller than display surface
    // use maximum FileRect, otherwise use current FileRate
    if (dx <= DispWidth)
        fx = lpImage->npix;
        fx = FMUL( DispWidth, FileRate );
    if (dy <= DispHeight)
        fy = lpImage->nlin;
        fy = FMUL( DispHeight, FileRate );

if (x == -1 && y == -1) // special signal to use old XY
    x = lpDisplay->FileRect.left;
    y = lpDisplay->FileRect.top;
    x -= ( fx / 2 );
    y -= ( fy / 2 );
if ( x < 0 ) x = 0;
if ( y < 0 ) y = 0;
if ( x + fx - 1 >= lpImage->npix )  x = lpImage->npix - fx;
if ( y + fy - 1 >= lpImage->nlin )  y = lpImage->nlin - fy;
lpDisplay->FileRect.left   = x;
lpDisplay->FileRect.top = y;
lpDisplay->FileRect.right  = x + fx - 1;
lpDisplay->FileRect.bottom = y + fy - 1;
BoundRect( &lpDisplay->FileRect, 0, 0, lpImage->npix-1, lpImage->nlin-1 );
Exemplo n.º 25
void ComputeDispRect(HWND hWnd)
int w, h, dx, dy;
int iWidth, iHeight, iImageWidth, iImageHeight;
LFIXED DispRate;
RECT DispRect;
BOOL bZoomed, bIconic;
LPIMAGE lpImage;
LPDISPLAY lpDisplay;

lpImage = GetImagePtr(hWnd);
lpDisplay = GetDisplayPtr(hWnd);

BOOL bInPlaceFrameType = FALSE;
HWND hMDIWindow = hWnd;
CWnd *pWnd = CWnd::FromHandle(hMDIWindow);
if (pWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CServerView)))        
	hMDIWindow = pWnd->GetParentFrame()->GetSafeHwnd();
	bInPlaceFrameType = ((CServerView*)pWnd)->GetDocument()->IsInPlaceActive();

// get max size of client area with no scrollbars
GetDispRect(hWnd, &DispRect, 1, 1);
w = RectWidth(&DispRect);
h = RectHeight(&DispRect);

// If we have no FileRate to this point, it means somebody wants
// to display a specific FileRect.  Calculate a FileRate so that
// we can calculate a DispRect.  This is necessary because it is
// possible (when the window is maximized for example) that the
// FileRect requested will not fill up the window, so it would
// need to be recalculated.  It is assumed that scrollbars would
// not be needrf and should not be needed if the calculation is
// done correctly, which hopefully it is.
if (!lpDisplay->FileRate)
    iWidth = w; iHeight = h;
    DispRate = ScaleToFit(&iWidth, &iHeight, RectWidth(&lpDisplay->FileRect), RectHeight(&lpDisplay->FileRect));
    lpDisplay->FileRate = FGET(FUNITY, DispRate);
if (lpDisplay->FileRate == TINYRATE) // Iconic
    iWidth = w;
    iHeight = h;

    iImageWidth = lpImage->npix;
    iImageHeight = lpImage->nlin;
    DispRate = ScaleToFit(&iWidth, &iHeight, iImageWidth, iImageHeight);
	// NOTE!! added bInPlaceFrameType here because Insitu needs to be able 
	// to scale over 100%.
	if (!bInPlaceFrameType && (DispRate > FGET(1, 1))) 
        DispRate = FGET(1, 1);
        iWidth = FMUL(iImageWidth, DispRate);
        iHeight = FMUL(iImageHeight, DispRate);
else // if (lpDisplay->FileRate) // Specific FileRate
    // Calulate how much space is needed at this FileRate
    DispRate = FGET(FUNITY, lpDisplay->FileRate);
    iImageWidth = FMUL(lpImage->npix, DispRate);
    iImageHeight = FMUL(lpImage->nlin, DispRate);

    // See if scrollbars will be necessary and get the
    // appropriate DispRect if so
    if (iImageWidth > w && iImageHeight > h)
        GetDispRect(hWnd, &DispRect, 2, 2);
    if (iImageWidth > w)
        GetDispRect(hWnd, &DispRect, 2, 1);
        h = RectHeight(&DispRect);
        if (iImageHeight > h)
            GetDispRect(hWnd, &DispRect, 2, 2);
    if (iImageHeight > h)
        GetDispRect(hWnd, &DispRect, 1, 2);
        w = RectWidth(&DispRect);
        if (iImageWidth > w)
            GetDispRect(hWnd, &DispRect, 2, 2);
    w = RectWidth(&DispRect);
    h = RectHeight(&DispRect);
    iWidth = w;
    iHeight = h;

    // Clip the DispRect size to the amount needed for image
    if (iImageWidth < iWidth)
        iWidth = iImageWidth;
    if (iImageHeight < iHeight)
        iHeight = iImageHeight;

bIconic = IsIconic(hMDIWindow);
bZoomed = IsZoomed(hMDIWindow);
if (bZoomed || bIconic)
    dy = RectHeight(&DispRect) - iHeight;
    dy /= 2;
    dx = RectWidth(&DispRect) - iWidth;
    dx /= 2;
    lpDisplay->DispRect.top = DispRect.top + dy;
    lpDisplay->DispRect.left = DispRect.left + dx;
    lpDisplay->DispRect.top = DispRect.top;
    lpDisplay->DispRect.left = DispRect.left;
lpDisplay->DispRect.bottom = lpDisplay->DispRect.top + iHeight - 1;
lpDisplay->DispRect.right = lpDisplay->DispRect.left + iWidth - 1;
Exemplo n.º 26
void CalcFullViewWindowSize( LPRECT lpWindowRect, LPRECT lpFileRect,
                              LFIXED FileRate, int npix, int nlin, int x,
                              int y, BOOL fHasRulers, BOOL fClipToImage )
int dx, dy, sx, sy, rs, iImageWidth, iImageHeight, iWidth, iHeight;
LFIXED DispRate;
int minsize;

// normal window - to goal is to size the window to fit the view
// If FileRate == 0 or 1, then we make the window as big as possible
// for the FileRect provided.  If FileRate != 0, then we make the
// the window as big as possible to fit the image at that FileRate.
// If the fClipToImage flag and FileRate == 0, then we do not let
// the FileRate go over 100%.  This is used for a caller who wants
// to display the image pixel for pixel, if possible.
if (x < 0 || y < 0)
	GetDocumentPosition(&x, &y);

dx = 2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME);
dy = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) + (2*GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME)) - 1;

// get size of scrollbars and rulers for use later
GetScrollBarSize(&sx, &sy);
rs = GetRulerSize();

// determine maximum area for window to occupy
if (IsIconic(PictPubApp.Get_hWndAstral()))
    *lpWindowRect = rClient;
    GetClientRect(PictPubApp.Get_hClientAstral(), lpWindowRect);
lpWindowRect->top = y;
lpWindowRect->left = x;
lpWindowRect->right -= dx;
lpWindowRect->bottom -= (dy + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME));

// start with this maximum Client Area size
minsize = MIN_WINDOW_SIZE+rs;
iWidth = RectWidth(lpWindowRect);
if ( iWidth < minsize )
    iWidth = minsize;
iHeight = RectHeight(lpWindowRect);
if ( iHeight < minsize )
    iHeight = minsize;

// If we already have a FileRate, calculate new size of window
// based on the image size
if (FileRate > TINYRATE)
    // calculate size of area for total image at this
    // FileRate
    DispRate = FGET(FUNITY, FileRate);
    iImageWidth = FMUL(npix, DispRate);
    iImageHeight = FMUL(nlin, DispRate);

    // add in additional space for rulers if necessary
    if (fHasRulers)
        iImageWidth += rs;
        iImageHeight += rs;
    if (iImageWidth > iWidth && iImageHeight < iHeight)
        iImageHeight += sy;
    if (iImageHeight > iHeight && iImageWidth < iWidth)
        iImageWidth += sx;

    // see if we don't need the total width
    // otherwise, use the maximum
    if (iImageWidth < iWidth)
        iWidth = iImageWidth;
    // see if we don't need the total height
    // otherwise, use the maximum
    if (iImageHeight < iHeight)
        iHeight = iImageHeight;
// if we have no FileRate, then somebody wants a specific
// FileRect, figure out how big the window needs to be and
// whether we need rulers
    // get width and height of area to be displayed
    iImageWidth = RectWidth(lpFileRect);
    iImageHeight = RectHeight(lpFileRect);

    // reduce the maximum area if we have rulers
    if (fHasRulers)
        iWidth -= rs;
        iHeight -= rs;

    // reduce the maximum area if we need scrollbars
    if (lpFileRect->left != 0 ||
        lpFileRect->right != npix-1 ||
        lpFileRect->top != 0 ||
        lpFileRect->bottom != nlin-1)
        iWidth -= sx;
        iHeight -= sy;

    // scale maximum client area size (not including rulers and
    // scrollbars) to fit aspect ratio of FileRect
    DispRate = ScaleToFit(&iWidth, &iHeight, iImageWidth, iImageHeight);

    // if caller wants to clip to hires to achieve 100% view,
    // clip.  But only if hires is smaller
    if (iImageWidth <= iWidth && iImageHeight <= iHeight && fClipToImage)
        iWidth = iImageWidth;
        iHeight = iImageHeight;

    // add ruler size back into client area
    if (fHasRulers)
        iWidth += rs;
        iHeight += rs;

    // add scrollbar size back into client area
    if (lpFileRect->left != 0 ||
        lpFileRect->right != npix-1 ||
        lpFileRect->top != 0 ||
        lpFileRect->bottom != nlin-1)
        iWidth += sx;
        iHeight += sy;
// Calculate new window size based on iWidth and iHeight */
lpWindowRect->right = lpWindowRect->left + iWidth + dx - 1;
lpWindowRect->bottom = lpWindowRect->top + iHeight + dy - 1;
Exemplo n.º 27
// 	int CurveToPoints
//		lpPoints:  Bezier handle points.
//		type:  BEZIER_MARKER is the only type supported.
//		lpOutputPoints:  Result. - must be at least MAX_BEZIER_OUT or NULL
//		returns the number of points written (or needed if !lpOutputPoints)
int CurveToPoints(LPPOINT lpPoints, int type, LPPOINT lpOutputPoints )
	int n, t, i, nOutPoints, lastx, lasty, x, y;
	int nMaxPoints;
	int nPoints;
	LFIXED tscale, fdx, fdy, tscalebase;

	if (type != BEZIER_MARKER)
	nPoints = BEZIER_IN;
	// determine the maximum number of points we will want (may effect quality)
	x = y = INT_MAX; 
	lastx = lasty = INT_MIN;
	for (i=0;i<nPoints;i++)
		x = min(x, lpPoints[i].x);
		y = min(y, lpPoints[i].y);
		lastx = max(lastx, lpPoints[i].x);
		lasty = max(lasty, lpPoints[i].y);
	// get delta
	x = lastx-x;
	y = lasty-y;
	nMaxPoints = (x+y)/4;
	nMaxPoints = bound(nMaxPoints, 5, MAX_BEZIER_OUT);
//	Transformer(lpTForm, lpPoints, &lastx, &lasty);
	if (lpOutputPoints)
		*lpOutputPoints++ = *lpPoints; //lastx,lasty;
	nOutPoints = 1;
	tscalebase = FGET( 1, nMaxPoints );
	tscale = 0;
	for ( t=1; t<nMaxPoints; t++ )
		R = ptR;
		P = lpPoints;
		n = nPoints;
		tscale += tscalebase;
		while (--n >= 0)
//			FTransformer(lpTForm, P, &R->fx, &R->fy);
			R->fx = MAKEFIXED(P->x);
			R->fy = MAKEFIXED(P->y);
		n = nPoints - 1;
		while ( --n >= 0 )
			R = ptR;
			for ( i=0; i<=n; i++ )
				fdx = (R+1)->fx - R->fx;
				fdy = (R+1)->fy - R->fy;
				R->fx += FIXMUL( fdx, tscale );
				R->fy += FIXMUL( fdy, tscale );
		x = WHOLE(ptR[0].fx);
		y = WHOLE(ptR[0].fy);
		if (x != lastx || y != lasty)
			lastx = x;
			lasty = y;
			if (lpOutputPoints)
				lpOutputPoints->x = lastx;
				lpOutputPoints->y = lasty;
	n = nPoints - 1;
	x = WHOLE(ptR[n].fx);
	y = WHOLE(ptR[n].fy);
	if (x != lastx || y != lasty)
		if (lpOutputPoints)
			lpOutputPoints->x = x;
			lpOutputPoints->y = y;
	return( nOutPoints );
Exemplo n.º 28
static int ComputeZoom( HWND hWnd, int x, int y, int value,
                        BOOL fIncremental, LFIXED *lfFileRate,
                        int *Percentage )
LFIXED DispRate;
int OldPercentage, iImageWidth, iImageHeight;
LPIMAGE lpImage;
LPDISPLAY lpDisplay;

HWND hMDIWindow = hWnd;
CWnd *pWnd = CWnd::FromHandle(hMDIWindow);
if (pWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CServerView)))        
	hMDIWindow = pWnd->GetParentFrame()->GetSafeHwnd();

if (IsIconic(hMDIWindow))

lpImage = GetImagePtr(hWnd);
lpDisplay = GetDisplayPtr(hWnd);

// Compute the viewing percentage, if necessary
if ( !(*Percentage = lpDisplay->ViewPercentage) )
    *Percentage = FMUL( 100, lpDisplay->DispRate );

// Compute the NEW viewing percentage, and DispRate
if ( fIncremental )
    if (value < 0)
        if (*Percentage > 100)
            if (*Percentage % 100 != 0)
                *Percentage -= *Percentage % 100;
                *Percentage -= 100;
        if (*Percentage <= 1)
            *Percentage = 0;
            OldPercentage = *Percentage;
            *Percentage = 100;
            while (*Percentage >= OldPercentage)
                *Percentage = (*Percentage+1)/2;
    if (value > 0)
        if (*Percentage > 32600)
            *Percentage = 0;
        if (*Percentage >= 50)
            *Percentage = ((*Percentage+100)/100) * 100;
        if (*Percentage)
            OldPercentage = (*Percentage * 2) + 1;
            *Percentage = 100;
            while (*Percentage > OldPercentage)
                *Percentage = (*Percentage+1)/2;
            *Percentage = 1;
if (value > 0 && value < 32700)
    *Percentage  = value;
    *Percentage = 0;

// do we have a valid zoom percentage?
if (!*Percentage)

// can we mathematically support this percentage?
DispRate = FGET( *Percentage, 100 );  /* DispRate */
*lfFileRate = FGET( 100, *Percentage );  /* FileRate */
if (!CanZoom(hWnd, *lfFileRate, &lpDisplay->FileRect,

// is our display surface too small?
iImageWidth = FMUL(lpImage->npix, DispRate);
iImageHeight = FMUL(lpImage->nlin, DispRate);
if (iImageHeight < 1 || iImageWidth < 1)
Exemplo n.º 29
//			Uses Mapping.Quarter_HSacrifice & Mapping.Quarter_SSacrifice
//			to set the highlights midtones and shaddows.
void CToneBalanceDlg::set_sacrifice(LPQUARTERSTRUCT lpData, WORD wChannel)
	LPMAP lpMap;
	LPDWORD lpHisto;
	BOOL bInv;
	LONG lSum, lSearch, lTotal;
	int hi, lo, i;
	// get the map & set its invert flags
	lpMap = tone_activate_channel( wChannel );
	lpHisto = get_histo(lpData->lpHistos, wChannel, &bInv);
	// determine initail values
	hi = 170;
	lo = 85;
	if (lpHisto)
		// Find the total of all entries to scale
		lTotal = 0;
		for ( i=0; i<256; i++ )
			lTotal += lpHisto[i];

		// find the sacrafice
		lSearch = bInv ? m_nHSacrifice:m_nSSacrifice;
		lSearch = FMUL( lTotal, FGET( lSearch, 100 ) );
		lSum = -1;
		for ( i=0; i<255; i++ )
			lSum += lpHisto[i];
			if ( lSum >= lSearch )
		lo = i;
		// find the sacrafice
		lSearch = bInv ? m_nSSacrifice:m_nHSacrifice;
		lSearch = FMUL( lTotal, FGET( lSearch, 100 ) );
		lSum = -1;
		for ( i=255; i>0; i-- )
			lSum += lpHisto[i];
			if ( lSum >= lSearch )
		hi = i;
	if (bInv)
		hi = 255-hi;
		lo = 255-lo;
	i = lo;
	lo = min(lo,hi);
	hi = max(i,hi);
	// setup the map
	if (wChannel == IDC_DO_ALL)
		ResetMapEx( lpMap, 3, NO, YES);
		ResetMap( lpMap, 3, NO );
	lpMap->Pnt[0].x = lo;
	lpMap->Pnt[1].x = lo + (hi-lo)/2;
	lpMap->Pnt[2].x = hi;
Exemplo n.º 30
//			lut_draw
//					LPRECT lpArea- The area to update.
//					BOOL bOn- draw ON or draw OFF?
//			Draws the given range from lpData.  If lpData==NULL then it 
//			will use lpdata->Map (setup in lut_compute).	 Draws handles 
//			unless (dwFlags & MS_NOHANDLES). 
LOCAL void lut_draw(LPLUTCTL lpdata, HDC hDC, LPRECT lpArea, BOOL bOn)
	LFIXED rateX, rateY, lVal;
	POINT offset;
	POINT DataOut[256];
	int OldROP;
	int i, lut, nLuts, maxx, maxy, num;
	LPTR lpLut;
        RGBS rgb;
	HPEN hOldPen, hPen;
	RECT rArea;
	POINT	point;

	if ((lpdata->nLuts <= 0) || !lpdata->lpLut)

	// subtract one cause we are using PolyLine
	rArea = *lpArea;

//	bInvX = (lpdata->dwStyle & MS_INVERTX);
//	bInvY = (lpdata->dwStyle & MS_INVERTY);
	offset.x = (bInvX ? rArea.right : rArea.left);
	offset.y = (bInvY ? rArea.top: rArea.bottom);

	for (lut = 0; lut < lpdata->nLuts; ++lut)
		// determine source data
		lpLut = lpdata->lpLut;
		lpLut += lut;
		nLuts = lpdata->nLuts;

		maxx = RectWidth(&rArea)-1;
		maxy = RectHeight(&rArea)-1;
	   	rateX = FGET(maxx, MAXVAL);
   		rateY = FGET(maxy, MAXVAL);

		// convert to screen coords
		if (rateX < FUNITY)
			// go through pixels
	   		rateX = FGET(MAXVAL, maxx);
			num = maxx+1;
			for (i=0; i<num; i++)
				DataOut[i].x = i;
				DataOut[i].y = FMUL(lpLut[FMUL(i,rateX)*nLuts], rateY);
			// go through map
			lVal = 0;
			num = 256;
	 		for (i=0; i<num;i++)
			  	DataOut[i].x = FROUND(lVal);
				DataOut[i].y = FMUL(lpLut[i*nLuts], rateY);
				lVal += rateX;
		// convert to screen coords
		for (i=0; i<num;i++)
			DataOut[i].x = (bInvX ? (offset.x-DataOut[i].x) : (offset.x+DataOut[i].x));
			DataOut[i].y = (bInvY ? (offset.y+DataOut[i].y) : (offset.y-DataOut[i].y));
		// draw line
		rgb = lpdata->Colors[lut];
		hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(rgb.red, rgb.green, rgb.blue));
		hOldPen = (HPEN)SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
		Polyline(hDC, DataOut, num);
		// make sure we draw on endpoint
		MoveToEx(hDC, DataOut[num-1].x, DataOut[num-1].y, &point);
		LineTo(hDC, DataOut[num-1].x+1, DataOut[num-1].y-1);
		SelectObject(hDC, hOldPen);