void Com_PrintLogfile( const char *msg )


	if ( com_logfile && com_logfile->integer ) {
        // TTimo: only open the qconsole.log if the filesystem is in an initialized state
        // also, avoid recursing in the qconsole.log opening (i.e. if fs_debug is on)
	    if ( !logfile && FS_Initialized()) {
			struct tm *newtime;
			time_t aclock;

			time( &aclock );
			newtime = localtime( &aclock );

			logfile = FS_FOpenFileWrite( "qconsole.log" );

			if ( com_logfile->integer > 1 && logfile ) {
				// force it to not buffer so we get valid
				// data even if we are crashing
			if ( logfile ) FS_Write(va("\nLogfile opened on %s\n", asctime( newtime )), strlen(va("\nLogfile opened on %s\n", asctime( newtime ))), logfile);
	    if ( logfile && FS_Initialized()) 
	    	FS_Write(msg, strlen(msg), logfile);
Exemplo n.º 2

Both client and server can use this, and it will output
to the apropriate place.

A raw string should NEVER be passed as fmt, because of "%f" type crashers.
void QDECL Com_Printf( const char *fmt, ... ) {
	va_list		argptr;
	char		msg[MAXPRINTMSG];

	va_start (argptr,fmt);
	vsprintf (msg,fmt,argptr);
	va_end (argptr);

	if ( rd_buffer ) {
		if ((strlen (msg) + strlen(rd_buffer)) > (rd_buffersize - 1)) {
			*rd_buffer = 0;
		Q_strcat(rd_buffer, rd_buffersize, msg);
		*rd_buffer = 0;

	// echo to console if we're not a dedicated server
	if ( com_dedicated && !com_dedicated->integer ) {
		CL_ConsolePrint( msg );

	// echo to dedicated console and early console
	Sys_Print( msg );

	// logfile
#ifndef _XBOX
	if ( com_logfile && com_logfile->integer ) {
		if ( !logfile && FS_Initialized() ) {
			struct tm *newtime;
			time_t aclock;

			time( &aclock );
			newtime = localtime( &aclock );

			logfile = FS_FOpenFileWrite( "qconsole.log" );
			Com_Printf( "logfile opened on %s\n", asctime( newtime ) );
			if ( com_logfile->integer > 1 ) {
				// force it to not buffer so we get valid
				// data even if we are crashing
		if ( logfile && FS_Initialized()) {
			FS_Write(msg, strlen(msg), logfile);

#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(_XBOX)
	if ( *msg )
		OutputDebugString ( Q_CleanStr(msg) );
		OutputDebugString ("\n");
Exemplo n.º 3
void CL_WriteClientChatLog( char *text ) 
	if ( cl_logs && cl_logs->integer ) 
		if ( LogFileOpened == qfalse || !LogFileHandle ) 
		if ( FS_Initialized() && LogFileOpened == qtrue ) 
			if( cl.serverTime > 0 )
				// varibles
				char NoColorMsg[MAXPRINTMSG];
				char Timestamp[ 60 ];
				char LogText[ 60 + MAXPRINTMSG ];
				if( cl_logs->integer == 1 )
					//just do 3 stars to seperate from normal logging stuff
					Q_strncpyz( Timestamp, "***", sizeof( Timestamp ) );
				else if ( cl_logs->integer == 2 ) 
					//just game time
					//do timestamp prep
					sprintf( Timestamp, "[%d:%02d]", cl.serverTime / 60000, ( cl.serverTime / 1000 ) % 60 ); //server Time
				else if ( cl_logs->integer == 3 )
					//just system time
					//do timestamp prep
					//get current time/date info
					qtime_t now;
					Com_RealTime( &now );
					sprintf( Timestamp, "[%d:%02d]", now.tm_hour, now.tm_min ); //server Time
				else if( cl_logs->integer == 4 )
					//all the data
					//do timestamp prep
					//get current time/date info
					qtime_t now;
					Com_RealTime( &now );
					sprintf( Timestamp, "[%d:%02d][%d:%02d]", now.tm_hour, now.tm_min, cl.serverTime / 60000, ( cl.serverTime / 1000 ) % 60 ); //server Time
				//decolor the string
				Q_strncpyz( NoColorMsg, text, sizeof(NoColorMsg) );
				Q_CleanStr( NoColorMsg );
				//prepare text for log
				sprintf( LogText, "%s%s\n", Timestamp, NoColorMsg ); //thing to write to log
				//write to the file
				FS_Write( LogText, strlen( LogText ), LogFileHandle );
				//flush the file so we can see the data
				FS_ForceFlush( LogFileHandle );
Exemplo n.º 4
void QDECL Com_PrintfAlways( const char *fmt, ... ) {
	va_list		argptr;
	char		msg[MAXPRINTMSG];

	va_start (argptr,fmt);
	vsprintf (msg,fmt,argptr);
	va_end (argptr);

#ifndef _XBOX
	if ( rd_buffer ) {
		if ((strlen (msg) + strlen(rd_buffer)) > (rd_buffersize - 1)) {
			*rd_buffer = 0;
		strcat (rd_buffer, msg);

	CL_ConsolePrint( msg );

	// echo to dedicated console and early console
	Sys_Print( msg );


#ifndef _XBOX
	// logfile
	if ( com_logfile && com_logfile->integer ) {
		if ( !logfile ) {
			logfile = FS_FOpenFileWrite( "qconsole.log" );
			if ( com_logfile->integer > 1 ) {
				// force it to not buffer so we get valid
				// data even if we are crashing
		if ( logfile ) {
			FS_Write(msg, strlen(msg), logfile);
Exemplo n.º 5
void Com_FlushCamFile()
	if (!camerafile)
		// nothing to flush, right?
		Com_Printf("No cam file available\n");
	FS_FCloseFile (camerafile);
	camerafile = 0;

	static	char	flushedMapname[MAX_QPATH];
	extern	cvar_t	*sv_mapname;
	Com_sprintf( flushedMapname, MAX_QPATH, "maps/%s_cam.map", sv_mapname->string );
	Com_Printf("flushed all cams to %s\n", flushedMapname);
Exemplo n.º 6

Both client and server can use this, and it will output
to the apropriate place.

A raw string should NEVER be passed as fmt, because of "%f" type crashers.
void QDECL Com_Printf( const char *fmt, ... ) {
	va_list		argptr;
	char		msg[MAXPRINTMSG];

	va_start (argptr,fmt);
	Q_vsnprintf (msg, sizeof(msg), fmt, argptr);
	va_end (argptr);

	if ( rd_buffer ) {
		if ((strlen (msg) + strlen(rd_buffer)) > (unsigned)(rd_buffersize - 1)) {
			*rd_buffer = 0;
		Q_strcat (rd_buffer, strlen(rd_buffer), msg);

	CL_ConsolePrint( msg );

	// Strip out color codes because these aren't needed in the log/viewlog or in the output window --eez
	Q_StripColor( msg );

	// echo to dedicated console and early console
	Sys_Print( msg );


	// logfile
	if ( com_logfile && com_logfile->integer ) {
		if ( !logfile ) {
			logfile = FS_FOpenFileWrite( "qconsole.log" );
			if ( com_logfile->integer > 1 ) {
				// force it to not buffer so we get valid
				// data even if we are crashing
		if ( logfile ) {
			FS_Write(msg, strlen(msg), logfile);
Exemplo n.º 7
void CL_WriteClientLog( char *text ) {
	if( cl_logs && cl_logs->integer ) {
		if( LogFileOpened == qfalse || !LogFileHandle ) {
		if( FS_Initialized() && LogFileOpened == qtrue ) {
			// varibles
			char NoColorMsg[MAXPRINTMSG];
			//decolor the string
			Q_strncpyz( NoColorMsg, text, sizeof(NoColorMsg) );
			Q_CleanStr( NoColorMsg );
			//write to the file
			FS_Write( NoColorMsg, strlen( NoColorMsg ), LogFileHandle );
			//flush the file so we can see the data
			FS_ForceFlush( LogFileHandle );
void QDECL SV_EnterLeaveLog( const char *fmt, ... ) {


	va_list		argptr;
	char		msg[MAXPRINTMSG];
	char		inputmsg[MAXPRINTMSG];
	struct tm 	*newtime;
	char*		ltime;
	time_t		realtime;

        // logfile
	if ( com_logfile && com_logfile->integer ) {
        // TTimo: only open the qconsole.log if the filesystem is in an initialized state
        // also, avoid recursing in the qconsole.log opening (i.e. if fs_debug is on)

	    va_start (argptr,fmt);
	    Q_vsnprintf (inputmsg, sizeof(inputmsg), fmt, argptr);
	    va_end (argptr);

	    realtime = Com_GetRealtime();
	    newtime = localtime( &realtime );
	    ltime = asctime( newtime );
	    ltime[strlen(ltime)-1] = 0;

	    if ( !enterleavelogfile && FS_Initialized()) {

			enterleavelogfile = FS_FOpenFileAppend( "enterleave.log" );
			// force it to not buffer so we get valid
			if ( enterleavelogfile ){
				FS_Write(va("\nLogfile opened on %s\n\n", ltime), strlen(va("\nLogfile opened on %s\n\n", ltime)), enterleavelogfile);

	    if ( enterleavelogfile && FS_Initialized()) {
		Com_sprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s: %s\n", ltime, inputmsg);
		FS_Write(msg, strlen(msg), enterleavelogfile);

void QDECL Com_PrintAdministrativeLog( const char *msg ) {


	struct tm 	*newtime;
	char*		ltime;
	time_t		realtime;

        // logfile
	if ( com_logfile && com_logfile->integer ) {
        // TTimo: only open the qconsole.log if the filesystem is in an initialized state
        //   also, avoid recursing in the qconsole.log opening (i.e. if fs_debug is on)

	    if ( !adminlogfile && FS_Initialized()) {

			realtime = Com_GetRealtime();
			newtime = localtime( &realtime );
			ltime = asctime( newtime );
			ltime[strlen(ltime)-1] = 0;

			adminlogfile = FS_FOpenFileAppend( "adminactions.log" );
			// force it to not buffer so we get valid
			if ( adminlogfile ){
				FS_Write(va("\nLogfile opened on %s\n\n", ltime), strlen(va("\nLogfile opened on %s\n\n", ltime)), adminlogfile);

	    if ( adminlogfile && FS_Initialized())
		FS_Write(msg, strlen(msg), adminlogfile);

Exemplo n.º 10

Both client and server can use this, and it will output
to the apropriate place.

A raw string should NEVER be passed as fmt, because of "%f" type crashers.
void QDECL Com_Printf( const char *fmt, ... ) {
	va_list		argptr;
	char		msg[MAXPRINTMSG];

	va_start (argptr,fmt);
	vsprintf (msg,fmt,argptr);
	va_end (argptr);

	if ( rd_buffer ) {
		if ((strlen (msg) + strlen(rd_buffer)) > (rd_buffersize - 1)) {
			*rd_buffer = 0;
		strcat (rd_buffer, msg);

	CL_ConsolePrint( msg );

	// echo to dedicated console and early console
	Sys_Print( msg );

	// logfile
	if ( com_logfile && com_logfile->integer ) {
		if ( !logfile ) {
			logfile = FS_FOpenFileWrite( "qconsole.log" );
			if ( com_logfile->integer > 1 ) {
				// force it to not buffer so we get valid
				// data even if we are crashing
		if ( logfile ) {
			FS_Write(msg, strlen(msg), logfile);
Exemplo n.º 11
void Com_Frame( void ) {
		int		timeBeforeFirstEvents = 0, timeBeforeServer = 0, timeBeforeEvents = 0, timeBeforeClient = 0, timeAfter = 0;
		int		msec, minMsec;
		static int	lastTime = 0;

		// write config file if anything changed

		// main event loop
		if ( com_speeds->integer ) {
			timeBeforeFirstEvents = Sys_Milliseconds ();

		// we may want to spin here if things are going too fast
		if ( com_maxfps->integer > 0 ) {
			minMsec = 1000 / com_maxfps->integer;
		} else {
			minMsec = 1;
		do {
			com_frameTime = Com_EventLoop();
			if ( lastTime > com_frameTime ) {
				lastTime = com_frameTime;		// possible on first frame
			msec = com_frameTime - lastTime;
		} while ( msec < minMsec );
		Cbuf_Execute ();

		lastTime = com_frameTime;

		// mess with msec if needed
		com_frameMsec = msec;
		float fractionMsec=0.0f;
		msec = Com_ModifyMsec( msec, fractionMsec);
		// server side
		if ( com_speeds->integer ) {
			timeBeforeServer = Sys_Milliseconds ();

		SV_Frame (msec, fractionMsec);

		// client system

	//	if ( !com_dedicated->integer ) 
			// run event loop a second time to get server to client packets
			// without a frame of latency
			if ( com_speeds->integer ) {
				timeBeforeEvents = Sys_Milliseconds ();
			Cbuf_Execute ();

			// client side
			if ( com_speeds->integer ) {
				timeBeforeClient = Sys_Milliseconds ();

			CL_Frame (msec, fractionMsec);

			if ( com_speeds->integer ) {
				timeAfter = Sys_Milliseconds ();

		// report timing information
		if ( com_speeds->integer ) {
			int			all, sv, ev, cl;

			all = timeAfter - timeBeforeServer;
			sv = timeBeforeEvents - timeBeforeServer;
			ev = timeBeforeServer - timeBeforeFirstEvents + timeBeforeClient - timeBeforeEvents;
			cl = timeAfter - timeBeforeClient;
			sv -= time_game;
			cl -= time_frontend + time_backend;

			Com_Printf("fr:%i all:%3i sv:%3i ev:%3i cl:%3i gm:%3i tr:%3i pvs:%3i rf:%3i bk:%3i\n", 
						com_frameNumber, all, sv, ev, cl, time_game, timeInTrace, timeInPVSCheck, time_frontend, time_backend);

			// speedslog
			if ( com_speedslog && com_speedslog->integer )
					speedslog = FS_FOpenFileWrite("speeds.log");
					FS_Write("data={\n", strlen("data={\n"), speedslog);
					if ( com_speedslog->integer > 1 ) 
						// force it to not buffer so we get valid
						// data even if we are crashing
				if (speedslog)
					char		msg[MAXPRINTMSG];

						FS_Write(",\n", strlen(",\n"), speedslog);
					FS_Write("{", strlen("{"), speedslog);
					FS_Write(msg, strlen(msg), speedslog);
						com_frameNumber, all, sv, ev, cl, time_game, timeInTrace, timeInPVSCheck, time_frontend, time_backend);
					FS_Write(msg, strlen(msg), speedslog);

			timeInTrace = timeInPVSCheck = 0;

		// trace optimization tracking
		if ( com_showtrace->integer ) {
			extern	int c_traces, c_brush_traces, c_patch_traces;
			extern	int	c_pointcontents;

			Com_Printf( "%4i non-sv_traces, %4i sv_traces, %4i ms, ave %4.2f ms\n", c_traces - numTraces, numTraces, timeInTrace, (float)timeInTrace/(float)numTraces );
			timeInTrace = numTraces = 0;
			c_traces = 0;
			Com_Printf ("%4i traces  (%ib %ip) %4i points\n", c_traces,
				c_brush_traces, c_patch_traces, c_pointcontents);
			c_traces = 0;
			c_brush_traces = 0;
			c_patch_traces = 0;
			c_pointcontents = 0;

		if ( com_affinity->modified )
			com_affinity->modified = qfalse;

	catch ( int code )
		Com_CatchError (code);
		Com_Printf ("%s\n", Com_ErrorString (code));

	if (com_G2Report && com_G2Report->integer)

Exemplo n.º 12

Both client and server can use this, and it will output
to the apropriate place.

A raw string should NEVER be passed as fmt, because of "%f" type crashers.
void QDECL Com_Printf( const char *fmt, ... ) {
	va_list		argptr;
	char		msg[MAXPRINTMSG];
	static qboolean opening_qconsole = qfalse;

	va_start (argptr,fmt);
	Q_vsnprintf (msg, sizeof(msg), fmt, argptr);
	va_end (argptr);

	if ( rd_buffer ) {
		if ((strlen (msg) + strlen(rd_buffer)) > (rd_buffersize - 1)) {
			*rd_buffer = 0;
		Q_strcat(rd_buffer, rd_buffersize, msg);
    // TTimo nooo .. that would defeat the purpose
		//*rd_buffer = 0;

	// echo to console if we're not a dedicated server
	if ( com_dedicated && !com_dedicated->integer ) {
		CL_ConsolePrint( msg );

	// echo to dedicated console and early console
	Sys_Print( msg );

	// logfile
	if ( com_logfile && com_logfile->integer ) {
    // TTimo: only open the qconsole.log if the filesystem is in an initialized state
    //   also, avoid recursing in the qconsole.log opening (i.e. if fs_debug is on)
		if ( !logfile && FS_Initialized() && !opening_qconsole ) {
			struct tm *newtime;
			time_t aclock;

			opening_qconsole = qtrue;

			time( &aclock );
			newtime = localtime( &aclock );

			logfile = FS_FOpenFileWrite( "qconsole.log" );

			if ( logfile ) {
				Com_Printf( "logfile opened on %s\n", asctime( newtime ) );
				if ( com_logfile->integer > 1 ) {
					// force it to not buffer so we get valid
					// data even if we are crashing
			else {
				Com_Printf( "Opening qconsole.log failed!\n" );
				Cvar_SetValue( "logfile", 0 );
		opening_qconsole = qfalse;
		if ( logfile && FS_Initialized()) {
			FS_Write(msg, strlen(msg), logfile);

#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_DEBUG)
	if ( *msg )
		OutputDebugString ( Q_CleanStr(msg) );
		OutputDebugString ("\n");