Exemplo n.º 1
* CL_DownloadComplete
* Checks downloaded file's checksum, renames it and adds to the filesystem.
static void CL_DownloadComplete( void )
	unsigned checksum = 0;
	int length;
	qboolean updateMapList = qfalse;

	FS_FCloseFile( cls.download.filenum );
	cls.download.filenum = 0;

	// verify checksum
	if( FS_CheckPakExtension( cls.download.name ) )
		if( !FS_IsPakValid( cls.download.tempname, &checksum ) )
			Com_Printf( "Downloaded file is not a valid pack file. Removing\n" );
			FS_RemoveBaseFile( cls.download.tempname );
		length = FS_LoadBaseFile( cls.download.tempname, NULL, NULL, 0 );
		if( length < 0 )
			Com_Printf( "Error: Couldn't load downloaded file\n" );
		checksum = FS_ChecksumBaseFile( cls.download.tempname );

	if( cls.download.checksum != checksum )
		Com_Printf( "Downloaded file has wrong checksum. Removing: %u %u %s\n", cls.download.checksum, checksum, cls.download.tempname );
		FS_RemoveBaseFile( cls.download.tempname );

	if( !FS_MoveBaseFile( cls.download.tempname, cls.download.name ) )
		Com_Printf( "Failed to rename the downloaded file\n" );

	if( FS_CheckPakExtension( cls.download.name ) )
		updateMapList = qtrue;
	else if( !Q_stricmp( COM_FileExtension( cls.download.name ), ".bsp" ) )
		updateMapList = qtrue;

	// Maplist hook so we also know when a new map is added
	if( updateMapList )
		ML_Update ();

	cls.download.timeout = 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
* CL_StopServerDownload
void CL_StopServerDownload( void )
	if( cls.download.filenum > 0 ) {
		FS_FCloseFile( cls.download.filenum );
		cls.download.filenum = 0;

	if( cls.download.cancelled ) {
		FS_RemoveBaseFile( cls.download.tempname );

	Mem_ZoneFree( cls.download.name );
	cls.download.name = NULL;

	Mem_ZoneFree( cls.download.tempname );
	cls.download.tempname = NULL;

	cls.download.offset = 0;
	cls.download.size = 0;
	cls.download.percent = 0;
	cls.download.timeout = 0;
	cls.download.retries = 0;
	cls.download.web = qfalse;

	Cvar_ForceSet( "cl_download_name", "" );
	Cvar_ForceSet( "cl_download_percent", "0" );
Exemplo n.º 3
* SV_AutoUpdateFromWeb
void SV_AutoUpdateFromWeb( qboolean checkOnly )
	static const char *autoUpdateBaseUrl = APP_UPDATE_URL APP_SERVER_UPDATE_DIRECTORY;
	char checksumString1[32], checksumString2[32];
	unsigned int checksum;
	qboolean success;
	int length, filenum;
	qbyte *data;
	const char *token, *ptr;
	char path[MAX_QPATH];
	int downloadCount = 0, downloadFailed = 0;
	char newVersionTag[MAX_QPATH];
	qboolean newVersion = qfalse;

	if( !dedicated->integer )

	assert( svs.mapcmd[0] );

	if( !checkOnly )

	Com_Printf( "\n" );
	Com_Printf( "========== Starting Auto Update ===========\n" );

	Com_Printf( "Checking for updates\n" );

	// download the update file list
	success = SV_WebDownload( autoUpdateBaseUrl, APP_SERVER_UPDATE_FILE, qtrue, qtrue );

	// set as last updated today
	if( !checkOnly )
		Cvar_ForceSet( "sv_lastAutoUpdate", va( "%i", (int)Com_DaysSince1900() ) );

	if( !success ) // no update to do
		goto done;

	// read the file list
	if( ( length = FS_FOpenBaseFile( APP_SERVER_UPDATE_FILE, &filenum, FS_READ ) ) == -1 )
		Com_Printf( "WARNING: Couldn't find %s\n", path );
		goto done;

	if( !length )
		FS_FCloseFile( filenum );
		goto done;

	data = Mem_TempMalloc( length + 1 );
	FS_Read( data, length, filenum );
	FS_FCloseFile( filenum );

	ptr = (const char *)data;

	// first token is always the current release version
	token = COM_ParseExt( &ptr, qtrue );
	if( !token[0] )
		goto cancel;

	// compare versions
	Q_strncpyz( newVersionTag, token, sizeof( newVersionTag ) );
	if( atof( newVersionTag ) > atof( va( "%4.3f", APP_VERSION ) ) )
		newVersion = qtrue;

	while( ptr )
		// we got what should be a checksum
		token = COM_ParseExt( &ptr, qtrue );
		if( !token[0] )
			goto cancel;

		// copy checksum reported by server
		Q_strncpyz( checksumString1, token, sizeof( checksumString1 ) );

		// get filename
		token = COM_ParseExt( &ptr, qtrue );
		if( !token[0] )
			goto cancel;

		// filename should never begin with a slash
		if( token[0] == '/' )

		Q_strncpyz( path, token, sizeof( path ) );

		// we got what should be a file path
		if( !COM_ValidateRelativeFilename( path ) )
			Com_Printf( "WARNING: Invalid filename %s\n", path );

		checksum = FS_ChecksumBaseFile( path );
		Q_snprintfz( checksumString2, sizeof( checksumString2 ), "%u", checksum );

		// if same checksum no need to update
		if( !strcmp( checksumString1, checksumString2 ) )

		// if it's a pack file and the file exists it can't be replaced, so skip
		if( FS_CheckPakExtension( path ) && checksum )
			Com_Printf( "WARNING: Purity check failed for: %s\n", path );
			Com_Printf( "WARNING: This file has been locally modified. It is highly \n" );
			Com_Printf( "WARNING: recommended to restore the original file.\n" );
			Com_Printf( "WARNING: Reinstalling \""APPLICATION"\" might be convenient.\n" );

		if( checkOnly )
			Com_Printf( "File update available : %s\n", path );
		if( developer->integer )
			Com_Printf( "Downloading update of %s (checksum %s local checksum %s)\n", path, checksumString1, checksumString2 );
			Com_Printf( "Updating %s\n", path );

		if( !SV_WebDownload( autoUpdateBaseUrl, path, qtrue, qtrue ) )
			Com_Printf( "Failed to update %s\n", path );


	Mem_TempFree( data );
	if( newVersion )
		if( downloadCount )
			if( downloadFailed )
				Com_Printf( "This version of "APPLICATION" was updated incompletely\n" );
				Com_Printf( "This version of "APPLICATION" was updated successfully\n\n" );

		Com_Printf( "****** Version %s of "APPLICATION" is available. ******\n", newVersionTag );
		Com_Printf( "****** Please download the new version at "APP_URL" ******\n" );
	else if( downloadCount )
		if( downloadFailed )
			Com_Printf( APPLICATION" was updated incompletely\n" );
			Com_Printf( APPLICATION" was updated successfully\n" );
	else if( !checkOnly )
		if( downloadFailed )
			Com_Printf( "At least one file failed to update\n" );
			Com_Printf( APPLICATION" is up to date\n" );

	Com_Printf( "========== Auto Update Finished ===========\n" );
	Com_Printf( "\n" );

	// update the map list, which also does a filesystem rescan

	// if there are any new filesystem entries, restart
	if( FS_GetNotifications() & FS_NOTIFT_NEWPAKS )
		if( sv.state != ss_dead )
			// restart the current map, SV_Map also rescans the filesystem
			Com_Printf( "The server will now restart...\n\n" );

			// start the default map if current map isn't available
			Cbuf_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va( "map %s\n", svs.mapcmd[0] ? svs.mapcmd : sv_defaultmap->string ) );
Exemplo n.º 4
* SV_WebDownload
static qboolean SV_WebDownload( const char *baseUrl, const char *filepath, qboolean overwrite, qboolean silent )
	qboolean success;
	int alloc_size;
	char *temppath, *writepath, *url;

	if( developer->integer )
		silent = qfalse;

	if( !baseUrl || !baseUrl[0] || !filepath )
		return qfalse;

	if( !strrchr( baseUrl, '/' ) )
		if( !silent )
			Com_Printf( "SV_WebDownload: Invalid URL\n" );
		return qfalse;

	if( filepath[0] == '/' ) // filepath should never begin with a slash

	if( !COM_ValidateRelativeFilename( filepath ) )
		if( !silent )
			Com_Printf( "SV_WebDownload: Invalid filename\n" );
		return qfalse;

	if( !COM_FileExtension( filepath ) )
		if( !silent )
			Com_Printf( "SV_WebDownload: no file extension\n" );
		return qfalse;

	// full url (baseurl + path)
	alloc_size = strlen( baseUrl ) + 1 + strlen( filepath ) + 1;
	url = Mem_TempMalloc( alloc_size );
	if( baseUrl[ strlen( baseUrl ) - 1 ] == '/' ) // url includes last slash
		Q_snprintfz( url, alloc_size, "%s%s", baseUrl, filepath );
		Q_snprintfz( url, alloc_size, "%s/%s", baseUrl, filepath );

	// add .tmp (relative + .tmp)
	alloc_size = strlen( filepath ) + strlen( ".tmp" ) + 1;
	temppath = Mem_TempMalloc( alloc_size );
	Q_snprintfz( temppath, alloc_size, "%s.tmp", filepath );

	// full write path for curl
	alloc_size = strlen( FS_WriteDirectory() ) + 1 + strlen( temppath ) + 1;
	writepath = Mem_TempMalloc( alloc_size );
	Q_snprintfz( writepath, alloc_size, "%s/%s", FS_WriteDirectory(), temppath );

	webDownloadPercentPrint = 0;
	webDownloadPercentStarted = qfalse;

	success = Web_Get( url, NULL, writepath, qtrue, 60 * 30, 60, SV_WebDownloadProgress, qfalse );

	if( webDownloadPercentStarted )
		Com_Printf( "\n" );

	if( !success )
		if( !silent )
			Com_Printf( "Failed to download remote file.\n" );
		goto failed;

	// rename the downloaded file
	if( !FS_MoveBaseFile( temppath, filepath ) )
		if( !overwrite )
			if( !silent )
				Com_Printf( "Failed to rename temporary file.\n" );
			goto failed;

		// check if it failed because there already exists a file with the same name
		// and in this case remove this file
		if( FS_FOpenBaseFile( filepath, NULL, FS_READ ) != -1 )
			char *backfile;

			alloc_size = strlen( filepath ) + strlen( ".bak" ) + 1;
			backfile = Mem_TempMalloc( alloc_size );
			Q_snprintfz( backfile, alloc_size, "%s.bak", filepath );

			// if there is already a .bak file, destroy it
			if( FS_FOpenBaseFile( backfile, NULL, FS_READ ) != -1 )
				FS_RemoveBaseFile( backfile );

			// move the current file into .bak file
			if( !FS_MoveBaseFile( filepath, backfile ) )
				Mem_TempFree( backfile );
				if( !silent )
					Com_Printf( "Failed to backup destination file.\n" );
				goto failed;

			// now try renaming the downloaded file again
			if( !FS_MoveBaseFile( temppath, filepath ) )
				// didn't work, so restore the backup file
				if( FS_MoveBaseFile( backfile, filepath ) )
					if( !silent )
						Com_Printf( "Failed to rename temporary file, restoring from backup.\n" );
					if( !silent )
						Com_Printf( "Failed to rename temporary file and restore from backup.\n" );

				Mem_TempFree( backfile );
				goto failed;

			Mem_TempFree( backfile );

	Mem_TempFree( temppath );
	Mem_TempFree( writepath );
	Mem_TempFree( url );

	return qtrue;

	if( !silent )
		Com_Printf( "Removing temporary file: %s\n", writepath );
	FS_RemoveAbsoluteFile( writepath );
	Mem_TempFree( temppath );
	Mem_TempFree( writepath );
	Mem_TempFree( url );

	return qfalse;