FTransform FActorPositioning::GetCurrentViewportPlacementTransform(const AActor& Actor, bool bSnap)
	FVector Collision = Actor.GetPlacementExtent();
	const UActorFactory* Factory = GEditor->FindActorFactoryForActorClass(Actor.GetClass());

	// Get cursor origin and direction in world space.
	FViewportCursorLocation CursorLocation = GCurrentLevelEditingViewportClient->GetCursorWorldLocationFromMousePos();
	const auto CursorPos = CursorLocation.GetCursorPos();

	FTransform ActorTransform = FTransform::Identity;

	if (CursorLocation.GetViewportType() == LVT_Perspective && !GCurrentLevelEditingViewportClient->Viewport->GetHitProxy( CursorPos.X, CursorPos.Y ))
		ActorTransform.SetTranslation(GetActorPositionInFrontOfCamera(Actor, CursorLocation.GetOrigin(), CursorLocation.GetDirection()));
		const FSnappedPositioningData PositioningData = FSnappedPositioningData(GCurrentLevelEditingViewportClient, GEditor->ClickLocation, GEditor->ClickPlane)

		ActorTransform = bSnap ? GetSnappedSurfaceAlignedTransform(PositioningData) : GetSurfaceAlignedTransform(PositioningData);

		if (GetDefault<ULevelEditorViewportSettings>()->SnapToSurface.bEnabled)
			// HACK: If we are aligning rotation to surfaces, we have to factor in the inverse of the actor transform so that the resulting transform after SpawnActor is correct.

			if (auto* RootComponent = Actor.GetRootComponent())
			ActorTransform = Actor.GetTransform().Inverse() * ActorTransform;

	return ActorTransform;
Exemplo n.º 2
* Creates an actor using the specified factory.  
* Does nothing if ActorClass is NULL.
static AActor* PrivateAddActor( UObject* Asset, UActorFactory* Factory, bool SelectActor = true, EObjectFlags ObjectFlags = RF_Transactional, const FName Name = NAME_None )
	if (!Factory)
		return nullptr;

	AActor* Actor = NULL;
	AActor* NewActorTemplate = Factory->GetDefaultActor( Asset );
	if ( !NewActorTemplate )
		return nullptr;

	// For Brushes/Volumes, use the default brush as the template rather than the factory default actor
	if (NewActorTemplate->IsA(ABrush::StaticClass()) && GWorld->GetDefaultBrush() != nullptr)
		NewActorTemplate = GWorld->GetDefaultBrush();

	const FSnappedPositioningData PositioningData = FSnappedPositioningData(GCurrentLevelEditingViewportClient, GEditor->ClickLocation, GEditor->ClickPlane)

	const FTransform ActorTransform = FActorPositioning::GetSnappedSurfaceAlignedTransform(PositioningData);

	// Do not fade snapping indicators over time if the viewport is not realtime
	bool bClearImmediately = !GCurrentLevelEditingViewportClient || !GCurrentLevelEditingViewportClient->IsRealtime();
	FSnappingUtils::ClearSnappingHelpers( bClearImmediately );

	ULevel* DesiredLevel = GWorld->GetCurrentLevel();

	// Don't spawn the actor if the current level is locked.
	if ( FLevelUtils::IsLevelLocked(DesiredLevel) )
		FNotificationInfo Info( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "Error_OperationDisallowedOnLockedLevel", "The requested operation could not be completed because the level is locked.") );
		Info.ExpireDuration = 3.0f;
		return nullptr;

		FScopedTransaction Transaction( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "CreateActor", "Create Actor") );
		if ( !(ObjectFlags & RF_Transactional) )

		// Create the actor.
		Actor = Factory->CreateActor( Asset, DesiredLevel, ActorTransform, ObjectFlags, Name );
			if ( SelectActor )
				GEditor->SelectNone( false, true );
				GEditor->SelectActor( Actor, true, true );



	if ( Actor )

	return Actor;
* Creates an actor using the specified factory.  
* Does nothing if ActorClass is NULL.
static AActor* PrivateAddActor( UObject* Asset, UActorFactory* Factory, bool SelectActor = true, EObjectFlags ObjectFlags = RF_Transactional, const FName Name = NAME_None )
	if (!Factory)
		return nullptr;

	AActor* Actor = NULL;
	AActor* NewActorTemplate = Factory->GetDefaultActor( Asset );
	if ( !NewActorTemplate )
		return nullptr;

	UWorld* OldWorld = nullptr;

	// The play world needs to be selected if it exists
	if (GIsEditor && GEditor->PlayWorld && !GIsPlayInEditorWorld)
		OldWorld = SetPlayInEditorWorld(GEditor->PlayWorld);

	// For Brushes/Volumes, use the default brush as the template rather than the factory default actor
	if (NewActorTemplate->IsA(ABrush::StaticClass()) && GWorld->GetDefaultBrush() != nullptr)
		NewActorTemplate = GWorld->GetDefaultBrush();

	const FSnappedPositioningData PositioningData = FSnappedPositioningData(GCurrentLevelEditingViewportClient, GEditor->ClickLocation, GEditor->ClickPlane)

	FTransform ActorTransform = FActorPositioning::GetSnappedSurfaceAlignedTransform(PositioningData);

	if (GetDefault<ULevelEditorViewportSettings>()->SnapToSurface.bEnabled)
		// HACK: If we are aligning rotation to surfaces, we have to factor in the inverse of the actor transform so that the resulting transform after SpawnActor is correct.

		if (auto* RootComponent = NewActorTemplate->GetRootComponent())
		ActorTransform = NewActorTemplate->GetTransform().Inverse() * ActorTransform;

	// Do not fade snapping indicators over time if the viewport is not realtime
	bool bClearImmediately = !GCurrentLevelEditingViewportClient || !GCurrentLevelEditingViewportClient->IsRealtime();
	FSnappingUtils::ClearSnappingHelpers( bClearImmediately );

	ULevel* DesiredLevel = GWorld->GetCurrentLevel();

	// Don't spawn the actor if the current level is locked.
	if (FLevelUtils::IsLevelLocked(DesiredLevel))
		FNotificationInfo Info(NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "Error_OperationDisallowedOnLockedLevel", "The requested operation could not be completed because the level is locked."));
		Info.ExpireDuration = 3.0f;
		FScopedTransaction Transaction( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "CreateActor", "Create Actor"), (ObjectFlags & RF_Transactional) != 0 );

		// Create the actor.
		Actor = Factory->CreateActor( Asset, DesiredLevel, ActorTransform, ObjectFlags, Name );
			if ( SelectActor )
				GEditor->SelectNone( false, true );
				GEditor->SelectActor( Actor, true, true );



	if ( Actor )

	// Restore the old world if there was one
	if (OldWorld)

	return Actor;