Exemplo n.º 1
void FTVHelp::generateTreeView(QString* OutString)
  QCString fileName;
  QFile f;
  static bool searchEngine = Config_getBool("SEARCHENGINE");
  // If top level index, generate alternative index.html as a frame
  if (m_topLevelIndex)
    if (!f.open(IO_WriteOnly))
      err("Cannot open file %s for writing!\n",fileName.data());
      QTextStream t(&f);
#if QT_VERSION >= 200
      //t << "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN\">\n";
      t << "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd\">\n";
      t << "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">\n<head>\n";
      t << "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=UTF-8\"/>\n";
      t << "<title>"; 
      if (Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME").isEmpty())
        t << "Doxygen Documentation";
        t << Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME");
      t << "</title>\n</head>" << endl;
      t << "<frameset cols=\"" << Config_getInt("TREEVIEW_WIDTH") << ",*\">" << endl;
      t << "  <frame src=\"tree" << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension << "\" name=\"treefrm\"/>" << endl;
      t << "  <frame src=\"main" << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension << "\" name=\"basefrm\"/>" << endl;
      t << "  <noframes>" << endl;
      t << "    <body>" << endl;
      t << "    <a href=\"main" << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension << "\">Frames are disabled. Click here to go to the main page.</a>" << endl;
      t << "    </body>" << endl;
      t << "  </noframes>" << endl;
      t << "</frameset>" << endl;
      t << "</html>" << endl;

  // Generate tree view
  if (!OutString)
    OutString = new QString;
  QTextOStream t(OutString);

  if (m_topLevelIndex)
    if (searchEngine)
      t << "<!-- This comment will put IE 6, 7 and 8 in quirks mode -->" << endl;
    t << "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\n";
    t << "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\">\n";
    t << "  <head>\n";
    t << "    <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/xhtml;charset=UTF-8\"/>\n";
    t << "    <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Style-Type\" content=\"text/css\" />\n";
    t << "    <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en\" />\n";
    if (searchEngine)
      t << "    <link href=\"search/search.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"/>" << endl;
      t << "    <script type=\"text/javaScript\" src=\"search/search.js\"></script>" << endl;
    t << "    <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"";
    QCString cssname=Config_getString("HTML_STYLESHEET");
    if (cssname.isEmpty())
      t << "doxygen.css";
      QFileInfo cssfi(cssname);
      if (!cssfi.exists())
        err("Error: user specified HTML style sheet file does not exist!\n");
      t << cssfi.fileName();
    t << "\"/>" << endl;
    t << "    <title>TreeView</title>\n";
  t << "    <script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
  t << "    <!-- // Hide script from old browsers\n";
  t << "    \n";

  /* User has clicked on a node (folder or +/-) in the tree */
  t << "    function toggleFolder(id, imageNode) \n";
  t << "    {\n";
  t << "      var folder = document.getElementById(id);\n";
  t << "      var l = imageNode.src.length;\n";
  /* If the user clicks on the book icon, we move left one image so 
   * the code (below) will also adjust the '+' icon. 
  t << "      if (imageNode.src.substring(l-20,l)==\"" FTV_ICON_FILE(folderclosed) "\" || \n";
  t << "          imageNode.src.substring(l-18,l)==\"" FTV_ICON_FILE(folderopen)  "\")\n";
  t << "      {\n";
  t << "        imageNode = imageNode.previousSibling;\n";
  t << "        l = imageNode.src.length;\n";
  t << "      }\n";
  t << "      if (folder == null) \n";
  t << "      {\n";
  t << "      } \n";
  /* Node controls a open section, we need to close it */
  t << "      else if (folder.style.display == \"block\") \n";
  t << "      {\n";
  t << "        if (imageNode != null) \n";
  t << "        {\n";
  t << "          imageNode.nextSibling.src = \"" FTV_ICON_FILE(folderclosed) "\";\n";
  t << "          if (imageNode.src.substring(l-13,l) == \"" FTV_ICON_FILE(mnode) "\")\n";
  t << "          {\n";
  t << "            imageNode.src = \"" FTV_ICON_FILE(pnode) "\";\n";
  t << "          }\n";
  t << "          else if (imageNode.src.substring(l-17,l) == \"" FTV_ICON_FILE(mlastnode) "\")\n";
  t << "          {\n";
  t << "            imageNode.src = \"" FTV_ICON_FILE(plastnode) "\";\n";
  t << "          }\n";
  t << "        }\n";
  t << "        folder.style.display = \"none\";\n";
  t << "      } \n";
  t << "      else \n"; /* section is closed, we need to open it */
  t << "      {\n";
  t << "        if (imageNode != null) \n";
  t << "        {\n";
  t << "          imageNode.nextSibling.src = \"" FTV_ICON_FILE(folderopen) "\";\n";
  t << "          if (imageNode.src.substring(l-13,l) == \"" FTV_ICON_FILE(pnode) "\")\n";
  t << "          {\n";
  t << "            imageNode.src = \"" FTV_ICON_FILE(mnode) "\";\n";
  t << "          }\n";
  t << "          else if (imageNode.src.substring(l-17,l) == \"" FTV_ICON_FILE(plastnode) "\")\n";
  t << "          {\n";
  t << "            imageNode.src = \"" FTV_ICON_FILE(mlastnode) "\";\n";
  t << "          }\n";
  t << "        }\n";
  t << "        folder.style.display = \"block\";\n";
  t << "      }\n";
  t << "    }\n";
  t << "\n";
  t << "    // End script hiding -->        \n";
  t << "    </script>\n";
  if (m_topLevelIndex)
    t << "  </head>\n";
    t << "\n";
    t << "  <body class=\"ftvtree\"";
    if (searchEngine)
      t << " onload='searchBox.OnSelectItem(0);'";
    t << ">\n";
    if (searchEngine)
      t << "      <script type=\"text/javascript\"><!--\n";
      t << "      var searchBox = new SearchBox(\"searchBox\", \"search\", true);\n";
      t << "      --></script>\n";
      t << "      <div id=\"MSearchBox\" class=\"MSearchBoxInactive\">\n";
      t << "      <div class=\"MSearchBoxRow\"><span class=\"MSearchBoxLeft\">\n";
      t << "      <input type=\"text\" id=\"MSearchField\" value=\"Search\" \n";
      t << "           onfocus=\"searchBox.OnSearchFieldFocus(true)\" \n";
      t << "           onblur=\"searchBox.OnSearchFieldFocus(false)\" \n";
      t << "           onkeyup=\"searchBox.OnSearchFieldChange()\"/>\n";
      t << "      </span><span class=\"MSearchBoxRight\">\n";
      t << "      <img id=\"MSearchSelect\" src=\"search/search.png\"\n";
      t << "           onmouseover=\"return searchBox.OnSearchSelectShow()\"\n";
      t << "           onmouseout=\"return searchBox.OnSearchSelectHide()\"\n";
      t << "           alt=\"\"/>\n";
      t << "      </span></div><div class=\"MSearchBoxSpacer\">&nbsp;</div>\n";
      t << "      </div>\n";
    t << "    <div class=\"directory\">\n";
    t << "      <h3 class=\"swap\"><span>";
    QCString &projName = Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME");
    if (projName.isEmpty())
      t << "Root";
      t << projName;
    t << "</span></h3>\n";
    t << "    <div class=\"directory-alt\">\n";
    t << "      <br/>\n";
  t << "      <div style=\"display: block;\">\n";


  t << "      </div>\n";
  t << "    </div>\n";
  if (m_topLevelIndex)
    t << "  </body>\n";
    t << "</html>\n";
  if (m_topLevelIndex)
    if (!f.open(IO_WriteOnly))
      err("Cannot open file %s for writing!\n",fileName.data());
      QTextStream t(&f);
      t << *OutString << endl;
Exemplo n.º 2
void FTVHelp::generateScript(FTextStream &t)
  t << "    <script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
  t << "    <!-- // Hide script from old browsers\n";
  t << "    \n";

  /* User has clicked on a node (folder or +/-) in the tree */
  t << "    function toggleFolder(id, imageNode) \n";
  t << "    {\n";
  t << "      var folder = document.getElementById(id);\n";
  t << "      var l = imageNode.src.length;\n";
  /* If the user clicks on the book icon, we move left one image so 
   * the code (below) will also adjust the '+' icon. 
  t << "      if (imageNode.src.substring(l-20,l)==\"" FTV_ICON_FILE(folderclosed) "\" || \n";
  t << "          imageNode.src.substring(l-18,l)==\"" FTV_ICON_FILE(folderopen)  "\")\n";
  t << "      {\n";
  t << "        imageNode = imageNode.previousSibling;\n";
  t << "        l = imageNode.src.length;\n";
  t << "      }\n";
  t << "      if (folder == null) \n";
  t << "      {\n";
  t << "      } \n";
  /* Node controls a open section, we need to close it */
  t << "      else if (folder.style.display == \"block\") \n";
  t << "      {\n";
  t << "        if (imageNode != null) \n";
  t << "        {\n";
  t << "          imageNode.nextSibling.src = \"" FTV_ICON_FILE(folderclosed) "\";\n";
  t << "          if (imageNode.src.substring(l-13,l) == \"" FTV_ICON_FILE(mnode) "\")\n";
  t << "          {\n";
  t << "            imageNode.src = \"" FTV_ICON_FILE(pnode) "\";\n";
  t << "          }\n";
  t << "          else if (imageNode.src.substring(l-17,l) == \"" FTV_ICON_FILE(mlastnode) "\")\n";
  t << "          {\n";
  t << "            imageNode.src = \"" FTV_ICON_FILE(plastnode) "\";\n";
  t << "          }\n";
  t << "        }\n";
  t << "        folder.style.display = \"none\";\n";
  t << "      } \n";
  t << "      else \n"; /* section is closed, we need to open it */
  t << "      {\n";
  t << "        if (imageNode != null) \n";
  t << "        {\n";
  t << "          imageNode.nextSibling.src = \"" FTV_ICON_FILE(folderopen) "\";\n";
  t << "          if (imageNode.src.substring(l-13,l) == \"" FTV_ICON_FILE(pnode) "\")\n";
  t << "          {\n";
  t << "            imageNode.src = \"" FTV_ICON_FILE(mnode) "\";\n";
  t << "          }\n";
  t << "          else if (imageNode.src.substring(l-17,l) == \"" FTV_ICON_FILE(plastnode) "\")\n";
  t << "          {\n";
  t << "            imageNode.src = \"" FTV_ICON_FILE(mlastnode) "\";\n";
  t << "          }\n";
  t << "        }\n";
  t << "        folder.style.display = \"block\";\n";
  t << "      }\n";
  t << "    }\n";
  t << "\n";
  t << "    // End script hiding -->        \n";
  t << "    </script>\n";