/* get scaling and hint flag from GlyphSlot */
  static void
  cf2_getScaleAndHintFlag( CFF_Decoder*  decoder,
                           CF2_Fixed*    x_scale,
                           CF2_Fixed*    y_scale,
                           FT_Bool*      hinted,
                           FT_Bool*      scaled )
    FT_ASSERT( decoder && decoder->builder.glyph );

    /* note: FreeType scale includes a factor of 64 */
    *hinted = decoder->builder.glyph->hint;
    *scaled = decoder->builder.glyph->scaled;

    if ( *hinted )
      *x_scale = FT_DivFix( decoder->builder.glyph->x_scale,
                            cf2_intToFixed( 64 ) );
      *y_scale = FT_DivFix( decoder->builder.glyph->y_scale,
                            cf2_intToFixed( 64 ) );
      /* for unhinted outlines, `cff_slot_load' does the scaling, */
      /* thus render at `unity' scale                             */

      *x_scale = 0x0400;   /* 1/64 as 16.16 */
      *y_scale = 0x0400;
Exemplo n.º 2
  FT_Matrix_Invert( FT_Matrix*  matrix )
    FT_Pos  delta, xx, yy;

    if ( !matrix )
      return FT_Err_Invalid_Argument;

    /* compute discriminant */
    delta = FT_MulFix( matrix->xx, matrix->yy ) -
            FT_MulFix( matrix->xy, matrix->yx );

    if ( !delta )
      return FT_Err_Invalid_Argument;  /* matrix can't be inverted */

    matrix->xy = - FT_DivFix( matrix->xy, delta );
    matrix->yx = - FT_DivFix( matrix->yx, delta );

    xx = matrix->xx;
    yy = matrix->yy;

    matrix->xx = FT_DivFix( yy, delta );
    matrix->yy = FT_DivFix( xx, delta );

    return FT_Err_Ok;
Exemplo n.º 3
  static FT_Error
  Set_Char_Sizes( FT_Size     ttsize,       /* TT_Size */
                  FT_F26Dot6  char_width,
                  FT_F26Dot6  char_height,
                  FT_UInt     horz_resolution,
                  FT_UInt     vert_resolution )
    TT_Size           size     = (TT_Size)ttsize;
    FT_Size_Metrics*  metrics  = &size->root.metrics;
    FT_Size_Metrics*  metrics2 = &size->metrics;
    TT_Face           face     = (TT_Face)size->root.face;
    FT_Long           dim_x, dim_y;

    *metrics2 = *metrics;

    /* This bit flag, when set, indicates that the pixel size must be */
    /* truncated to an integer.  Nearly all TrueType fonts have this  */
    /* bit set, as hinting won't work really well otherwise.          */
    /*                                                                */
    if ( ( face->header.Flags & 8 ) != 0 )
     /* we need to use rounding in the following computations. Otherwise,
      * the resulting hinted outlines will be very slightly distorted
      dim_x = ( ( char_width  * horz_resolution + (36+32*72) ) / 72 ) & ~63;
      dim_y = ( ( char_height * vert_resolution + (36+32*72) ) / 72 ) & ~63;
      dim_x = ( ( char_width  * horz_resolution + 36 ) / 72 );
      dim_y = ( ( char_height * vert_resolution + 36 ) / 72 );

    /* we only modify "metrics2", not "metrics", so these changes have */
    /* no effect on the result of the auto-hinter when it is used      */
    /*                                                                 */
    metrics2->x_ppem  = (FT_UShort)( dim_x >> 6 );
    metrics2->y_ppem  = (FT_UShort)( dim_y >> 6 );
    metrics2->x_scale = FT_DivFix( dim_x, face->root.units_per_EM );
    metrics2->y_scale = FT_DivFix( dim_y, face->root.units_per_EM );

    size->ttmetrics.valid = FALSE;
    size->strike_index    = 0xFFFFU;

    return tt_size_reset( size );
Exemplo n.º 4
   * This check should avoid most internal overflow cases.  Clients should
   * generally respond to `Glyph_Too_Big' by getting a glyph outline
   * at EM size, scaling it and filling it as a graphics operation.
  static FT_Error
  cf2_checkTransform( const CF2_Matrix*  transform,
                      CF2_Int            unitsPerEm )
    CF2_Fixed  maxScale;

    FT_ASSERT( unitsPerEm > 0 );

    if ( transform->a <= 0 || transform->d <= 0 )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Size_Handle );

    FT_ASSERT( transform->b == 0 && transform->c == 0 );
    FT_ASSERT( transform->tx == 0 && transform->ty == 0 );

    if ( unitsPerEm > 0x7FFF )
      return FT_THROW( Glyph_Too_Big );

    maxScale = FT_DivFix( CF2_MAX_SIZE, cf2_intToFixed( unitsPerEm ) );

    if ( transform->a > maxScale || transform->d > maxScale )
      return FT_THROW( Glyph_Too_Big );

    return FT_Err_Ok;
Exemplo n.º 5
  static void
  t42_parse_font_matrix( T42_Face    face,
                         T42_Loader  loader )
    T42_Parser  parser = &loader->parser;
    FT_Matrix*  matrix = &face->type1.font_matrix;
    FT_Vector*  offset = &face->type1.font_offset;
    FT_Face     root   = (FT_Face)&face->root;
    FT_Fixed    temp[6];
    FT_Fixed    temp_scale;

    (void)T1_ToFixedArray( parser, 6, temp, 3 );

    temp_scale = FT_ABS( temp[3] );

    /* Set Units per EM based on FontMatrix values.  We set the value to */
    /* 1000 / temp_scale, because temp_scale was already multiplied by   */
    /* 1000 (in t1_tofixed, from psobjs.c).                              */

    root->units_per_EM = (FT_UShort)( FT_DivFix( 1000 * 0x10000L,
                                                 temp_scale ) >> 16 );

    /* we need to scale the values by 1.0/temp_scale */
    if ( temp_scale != 0x10000L )
      temp[0] = FT_DivFix( temp[0], temp_scale );
      temp[1] = FT_DivFix( temp[1], temp_scale );
      temp[2] = FT_DivFix( temp[2], temp_scale );
      temp[4] = FT_DivFix( temp[4], temp_scale );
      temp[5] = FT_DivFix( temp[5], temp_scale );
      temp[3] = 0x10000L;

    matrix->xx = temp[0];
    matrix->yx = temp[1];
    matrix->xy = temp[2];
    matrix->yy = temp[3];

    /* note that the offsets must be expressed in integer font units */
    offset->x = temp[4] >> 16;
    offset->y = temp[5] >> 16;
Exemplo n.º 6
  cid_parse_font_matrix( CID_Face     face,
                         CID_Parser*  parser )
    CID_FaceDict  dict;
    FT_Face       root = (FT_Face)&face->root;
    FT_Fixed      temp[6];
    FT_Fixed      temp_scale;

    if ( parser->num_dict >= 0 && parser->num_dict < face->cid.num_dicts )
      FT_Matrix*  matrix;
      FT_Vector*  offset;
      FT_Int      result;

      dict   = face->cid.font_dicts + parser->num_dict;
      matrix = &dict->font_matrix;
      offset = &dict->font_offset;

      result = cid_parser_to_fixed_array( parser, 6, temp, 3 );

      if ( result < 6 )
        return FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );

      temp_scale = FT_ABS( temp[3] );

      if ( temp_scale == 0 )
        FT_ERROR(( "cid_parse_font_matrix: invalid font matrix\n" ));
        return FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );

      /* Set Units per EM based on FontMatrix values.  We set the value to */
      /* 1000 / temp_scale, because temp_scale was already multiplied by   */
      /* 1000 (in t1_tofixed, from psobjs.c).                              */

      root->units_per_EM = (FT_UShort)FT_DivFix( 1000, temp_scale );

      /* we need to scale the values by 1.0/temp[3] */
      if ( temp_scale != 0x10000L )
        temp[0] = FT_DivFix( temp[0], temp_scale );
        temp[1] = FT_DivFix( temp[1], temp_scale );
        temp[2] = FT_DivFix( temp[2], temp_scale );
        temp[4] = FT_DivFix( temp[4], temp_scale );
        temp[5] = FT_DivFix( temp[5], temp_scale );
        temp[3] = temp[3] < 0 ? -0x10000L : 0x10000L;

      matrix->xx = temp[0];
      matrix->yx = temp[1];
      matrix->xy = temp[2];
      matrix->yy = temp[3];

      /* note that the font offsets are expressed in integer font units */
      offset->x  = temp[4] >> 16;
      offset->y  = temp[5] >> 16;
Exemplo n.º 7
  pfr_get_metrics( FT_Face    pfrface,      /* PFR_Face */
                   FT_UInt   *anoutline_resolution,
                   FT_UInt   *ametrics_resolution,
                   FT_Fixed  *ametrics_x_scale,
                   FT_Fixed  *ametrics_y_scale )
    PFR_Face     face = (PFR_Face)pfrface;
    PFR_PhyFont  phys = &face->phy_font;
    FT_Fixed     x_scale, y_scale;
    FT_Size      size = face->root.size;

    if ( anoutline_resolution )
      *anoutline_resolution = phys->outline_resolution;

    if ( ametrics_resolution )
      *ametrics_resolution = phys->metrics_resolution;

    x_scale = 0x10000L;
    y_scale = 0x10000L;

    if ( size )
      x_scale = FT_DivFix( size->metrics.x_ppem << 6,
                           phys->metrics_resolution );

      y_scale = FT_DivFix( size->metrics.y_ppem << 6,
                           phys->metrics_resolution );

    if ( ametrics_x_scale )
      *ametrics_x_scale = x_scale;

    if ( ametrics_y_scale )
      *ametrics_y_scale = y_scale;

    return PFR_Err_Ok;
Exemplo n.º 8
  static FT_Error
  pfr_get_metrics( PFR_Face   face,
                   FT_UInt   *aoutline_resolution,
                   FT_UInt   *ametrics_resolution,
                   FT_Fixed  *ametrics_x_scale,
                   FT_Fixed  *ametrics_y_scale )
    PFR_PhyFont  phys  = &face->phy_font;
    FT_Fixed     x_scale, y_scale;
    FT_Size      size = face->root.size;

    if ( aoutline_resolution )
      *aoutline_resolution = phys->outline_resolution;

    if ( ametrics_resolution )
      *ametrics_resolution = phys->metrics_resolution;

    x_scale = 0x10000L;
    y_scale = 0x10000L;

    if ( size )
      x_scale = FT_DivFix( size->metrics.x_ppem << 6,
                           phys->metrics_resolution );

      y_scale = FT_DivFix( size->metrics.y_ppem << 6,
                           phys->metrics_resolution );

    if ( ametrics_x_scale )
      *ametrics_x_scale = x_scale;

    if ( ametrics_y_scale )
      *ametrics_y_scale = y_scale;

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
  cid_parse_font_matrix( CID_Face     face,
                         CID_Parser*  parser )
    CID_FaceDict  dict;
    FT_Face       root = (FT_Face)&face->root;
    FT_Fixed      temp[6];
    FT_Fixed      temp_scale;

    if ( parser->num_dict >= 0 && parser->num_dict < face->cid.num_dicts )
      FT_Matrix*  matrix;
      FT_Vector*  offset;
      FT_Int      result;

      dict   = face->cid.font_dicts + parser->num_dict;
      matrix = &dict->font_matrix;
      offset = &dict->font_offset;

      /* input is scaled by 1000 to accommodate default FontMatrix */
      result = cid_parser_to_fixed_array( parser, 6, temp, 3 );

      if ( result < 6 )
        return FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );

      temp_scale = FT_ABS( temp[3] );

      if ( temp_scale == 0 )
        FT_ERROR(( "cid_parse_font_matrix: invalid font matrix\n" ));
        return FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );

      /* atypical case */
      if ( temp_scale != 0x10000L )
        /* set units per EM based on FontMatrix values */
        root->units_per_EM = (FT_UShort)FT_DivFix( 1000, temp_scale );

        temp[0] = FT_DivFix( temp[0], temp_scale );
        temp[1] = FT_DivFix( temp[1], temp_scale );
        temp[2] = FT_DivFix( temp[2], temp_scale );
        temp[4] = FT_DivFix( temp[4], temp_scale );
        temp[5] = FT_DivFix( temp[5], temp_scale );
        temp[3] = temp[3] < 0 ? -0x10000L : 0x10000L;

      matrix->xx = temp[0];
      matrix->yx = temp[1];
      matrix->xy = temp[2];
      matrix->yy = temp[3];

      /* note that the font offsets are expressed in integer font units */
      offset->x  = temp[4] >> 16;
      offset->y  = temp[5] >> 16;
Exemplo n.º 10
  static void
  t42_parse_font_matrix( T42_Face    face,
                         T42_Loader  loader )
    T42_Parser  parser = &loader->parser;
    FT_Matrix*  matrix = &face->type1.font_matrix;
    FT_Vector*  offset = &face->type1.font_offset;
    FT_Face     root   = (FT_Face)&face->root;
    FT_Fixed    temp[6];
    FT_Fixed    temp_scale;
    FT_Int      result;

    result = T1_ToFixedArray( parser, 6, temp, 3 );

    if ( result < 6 )
      parser->root.error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );

    temp_scale = FT_ABS( temp[3] );

    if ( temp_scale == 0 )
      FT_ERROR(( "t1_parse_font_matrix: invalid font matrix\n" ));
      parser->root.error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );

    /* Set Units per EM based on FontMatrix values.  We set the value to */
    /* 1000 / temp_scale, because temp_scale was already multiplied by   */
    /* 1000 (in t1_tofixed, from psobjs.c).                              */

    root->units_per_EM = (FT_UShort)FT_DivFix( 1000, temp_scale );

    /* we need to scale the values by 1.0/temp_scale */
    if ( temp_scale != 0x10000L )
      temp[0] = FT_DivFix( temp[0], temp_scale );
      temp[1] = FT_DivFix( temp[1], temp_scale );
      temp[2] = FT_DivFix( temp[2], temp_scale );
      temp[4] = FT_DivFix( temp[4], temp_scale );
      temp[5] = FT_DivFix( temp[5], temp_scale );
      temp[3] = temp[3] < 0 ? -0x10000L : 0x10000L;

    matrix->xx = temp[0];
    matrix->yx = temp[1];
    matrix->xy = temp[2];
    matrix->yy = temp[3];

    /* note that the offsets must be expressed in integer font units */
    offset->x = temp[4] >> 16;
    offset->y = temp[5] >> 16;
Exemplo n.º 11
  cf2_getBlueMetrics( CFF_Decoder*  decoder,
                      CF2_Fixed*    blueScale,
                      CF2_Fixed*    blueShift,
                      CF2_Fixed*    blueFuzz )
    FT_ASSERT( decoder && decoder->current_subfont );

    *blueScale = FT_DivFix(
                   cf2_intToFixed( 1000 ) );
    *blueShift = cf2_intToFixed(
                   decoder->current_subfont->private_dict.blue_shift );
    *blueFuzz  = cf2_intToFixed(
                   decoder->current_subfont->private_dict.blue_fuzz );
Exemplo n.º 12
  parse_font_matrix( CID_Face     face,
                     CID_Parser*  parser )
    FT_Matrix*    matrix;
    FT_Vector*    offset;
    CID_FaceDict  dict;
    FT_Face       root = (FT_Face)&face->root;
    FT_Fixed      temp[6];
    FT_Fixed      temp_scale;

    if ( parser->num_dict >= 0 )
      dict   = face->cid.font_dicts + parser->num_dict;
      matrix = &dict->font_matrix;
      offset = &dict->font_offset;

      (void)cid_parser_to_fixed_array( parser, 6, temp, 3 );

      temp_scale = FT_ABS( temp[3] );

      /* Set units per EM based on FontMatrix values.  We set the value to */
      /* `1000/temp_scale', because temp_scale was already multiplied by   */
      /* 1000 (in `t1_tofixed', from psobjs.c).                            */
      root->units_per_EM = (FT_UShort)( FT_DivFix( 0x10000L,
                                        FT_DivFix( temp_scale, 1000 ) ) );

      /* we need to scale the values by 1.0/temp[3] */
      if ( temp_scale != 0x10000L )
        temp[0] = FT_DivFix( temp[0], temp_scale );
        temp[1] = FT_DivFix( temp[1], temp_scale );
        temp[2] = FT_DivFix( temp[2], temp_scale );
        temp[4] = FT_DivFix( temp[4], temp_scale );
        temp[5] = FT_DivFix( temp[5], temp_scale );
        temp[3] = 0x10000L;

      matrix->xx = temp[0];
      matrix->yx = temp[1];
      matrix->xy = temp[2];
      matrix->yy = temp[3];

      /* note that the font offsets are expressed in integer font units */
      offset->x  = temp[4] >> 16;
      offset->y  = temp[5] >> 16;
Exemplo n.º 13
tt_size_reset( TT_Size  size )
    TT_Face           face;
    FT_Error          error = FT_Err_Ok;
    FT_Size_Metrics*  metrics;

    size->ttmetrics.valid = FALSE;

    face = (TT_Face)size->root.face;

    metrics = &size->metrics;

    /* copy the result from base layer */
    *metrics = size->root.metrics;

    if ( metrics->x_ppem < 1 || metrics->y_ppem < 1 )
        return FT_THROW( Invalid_PPem );

    /* This bit flag, if set, indicates that the ppems must be       */
    /* rounded to integers.  Nearly all TrueType fonts have this bit */
    /* set, as hinting won't work really well otherwise.             */
    /*                                                               */
    if ( face->header.Flags & 8 )
        metrics->x_scale = FT_DivFix( metrics->x_ppem << 6,
                                      face->root.units_per_EM );
        metrics->y_scale = FT_DivFix( metrics->y_ppem << 6,
                                      face->root.units_per_EM );

        metrics->ascender =
            FT_PIX_ROUND( FT_MulFix( face->root.ascender, metrics->y_scale ) );
        metrics->descender =
            FT_PIX_ROUND( FT_MulFix( face->root.descender, metrics->y_scale ) );
        metrics->height =
            FT_PIX_ROUND( FT_MulFix( face->root.height, metrics->y_scale ) );
        metrics->max_advance =
            FT_PIX_ROUND( FT_MulFix( face->root.max_advance_width,
                                     metrics->x_scale ) );

    /* compute new transformation */
    if ( metrics->x_ppem >= metrics->y_ppem )
        size->ttmetrics.scale   = metrics->x_scale;
        size->ttmetrics.ppem    = metrics->x_ppem;
        size->ttmetrics.x_ratio = 0x10000L;
        size->ttmetrics.y_ratio = FT_DivFix( metrics->y_ppem,
                                             metrics->x_ppem );
        size->ttmetrics.scale   = metrics->y_scale;
        size->ttmetrics.ppem    = metrics->y_ppem;
        size->ttmetrics.x_ratio = FT_DivFix( metrics->x_ppem,
                                             metrics->y_ppem );
        size->ttmetrics.y_ratio = 0x10000L;

    size->cvt_ready = -1;

    if ( !error )
        size->ttmetrics.valid = TRUE;

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 14
  static FT_Error
  af_cjk_hints_compute_edges( AF_GlyphHints  hints,
                              AF_Dimension   dim )
    AF_AxisHints  axis   = &hints->axis[dim];
    FT_Error      error  = AF_Err_Ok;
    FT_Memory     memory = hints->memory;
    AF_LatinAxis  laxis  = &((AF_LatinMetrics)hints->metrics)->axis[dim];

    AF_Segment    segments      = axis->segments;
    AF_Segment    segment_limit = segments + axis->num_segments;
    AF_Segment    seg;

    FT_Fixed      scale;
    FT_Pos        edge_distance_threshold;

    axis->num_edges = 0;

    scale = ( dim == AF_DIMENSION_HORZ ) ? hints->x_scale
                                         : hints->y_scale;

    /*                                                                   */
    /* We begin by generating a sorted table of edges for the current    */
    /* direction.  To do so, we simply scan each segment and try to find */
    /* an edge in our table that corresponds to its position.            */
    /*                                                                   */
    /* If no edge is found, we create and insert a new edge in the       */
    /* sorted table.  Otherwise, we simply add the segment to the edge's */
    /* list which is then processed in the second step to compute the    */
    /* edge's properties.                                                */
    /*                                                                   */
    /* Note that the edges table is sorted along the segment/edge        */
    /* position.                                                         */
    /*                                                                   */

    edge_distance_threshold = FT_MulFix( laxis->edge_distance_threshold,
                                         scale );
    if ( edge_distance_threshold > 64 / 4 )
      edge_distance_threshold = FT_DivFix( 64 / 4, scale );
      edge_distance_threshold = laxis->edge_distance_threshold;

    for ( seg = segments; seg < segment_limit; seg++ )
      AF_Edge  found = 0;
      FT_Pos   best  = 0xFFFFU;
      FT_Int   ee;

      /* look for an edge corresponding to the segment */
      for ( ee = 0; ee < axis->num_edges; ee++ )
        AF_Edge  edge = axis->edges + ee;
        FT_Pos   dist;

        if ( edge->dir != seg->dir )

        dist = seg->pos - edge->fpos;
        if ( dist < 0 )
          dist = -dist;

        if ( dist < edge_distance_threshold && dist < best )
          AF_Segment  link = seg->link;

          /* check whether all linked segments of the candidate edge */
          /* can make a single edge.                                 */
          if ( link )
            AF_Segment  seg1 = edge->first;
            AF_Segment  link1;
            FT_Pos      dist2 = 0;

              link1 = seg1->link;
              if ( link1 )
                dist2 = AF_SEGMENT_DIST( link, link1 );
                if ( dist2 >= edge_distance_threshold )

            } while ( ( seg1 = seg1->edge_next ) != edge->first );

            if ( dist2 >= edge_distance_threshold )

          best  = dist;
          found = edge;

      if ( !found )
        AF_Edge  edge;

        /* insert a new edge in the list and */
        /* sort according to the position    */
        error = af_axis_hints_new_edge( axis, seg->pos,
                                        memory, &edge );
        if ( error )
          goto Exit;

        /* add the segment to the new edge's list */
        FT_ZERO( edge );

        edge->first    = seg;
        edge->last     = seg;
        edge->fpos     = seg->pos;
        edge->opos     = edge->pos = FT_MulFix( seg->pos, scale );
        seg->edge_next = seg;
        edge->dir      = seg->dir;
        /* if an edge was found, simply add the segment to the edge's */
        /* list                                                       */
        seg->edge_next         = found->first;
        found->last->edge_next = seg;
        found->last            = seg;

    /*                                                                   */
    /* Good, we now compute each edge's properties according to segments */
    /* found on its position.  Basically, these are as follows.          */
    /*                                                                   */
    /*  - edge's main direction                                          */
    /*  - stem edge, serif edge or both (which defaults to stem then)    */
    /*  - rounded edge, straight or both (which defaults to straight)    */
    /*  - link for edge                                                  */
    /*                                                                   */

    /* first of all, set the `edge' field in each segment -- this is     */
    /* required in order to compute edge links                           */
    /*                                                                   */
    /* Note that removing this loop and setting the `edge' field of each */
    /* segment directly in the code above slows down execution speed for */
    /* some reasons on platforms like the Sun.                           */

      AF_Edge  edges      = axis->edges;
      AF_Edge  edge_limit = edges + axis->num_edges;
      AF_Edge  edge;

      for ( edge = edges; edge < edge_limit; edge++ )
        seg = edge->first;
        if ( seg )
            seg->edge = edge;
            seg       = seg->edge_next;

          } while ( seg != edge->first );

      /* now compute each edge properties */
      for ( edge = edges; edge < edge_limit; edge++ )
        FT_Int  is_round    = 0;  /* does it contain round segments?    */
        FT_Int  is_straight = 0;  /* does it contain straight segments? */

        seg = edge->first;

          FT_Bool  is_serif;

          /* check for roundness of segment */
          if ( seg->flags & AF_EDGE_ROUND )

          /* check for links -- if seg->serif is set, then seg->link must */
          /* be ignored                                                   */
          is_serif = (FT_Bool)( seg->serif && seg->serif->edge != edge );

          if ( seg->link || is_serif )
            AF_Edge     edge2;
            AF_Segment  seg2;

            edge2 = edge->link;
            seg2  = seg->link;

            if ( is_serif )
              seg2  = seg->serif;
              edge2 = edge->serif;

            if ( edge2 )
              FT_Pos  edge_delta;
              FT_Pos  seg_delta;

              edge_delta = edge->fpos - edge2->fpos;
              if ( edge_delta < 0 )
                edge_delta = -edge_delta;

              seg_delta = AF_SEGMENT_DIST( seg, seg2 );

              if ( seg_delta < edge_delta )
                edge2 = seg2->edge;
              edge2 = seg2->edge;

            if ( is_serif )
              edge->serif   = edge2;
              edge2->flags |= AF_EDGE_SERIF;
              edge->link  = edge2;

          seg = seg->edge_next;

        } while ( seg != edge->first );

        /* set the round/straight flags */
        edge->flags = AF_EDGE_NORMAL;

        if ( is_round > 0 && is_round >= is_straight )
          edge->flags |= AF_EDGE_ROUND;

        /* get rid of serifs if link is set                 */
        /* XXX: This gets rid of many unpleasant artefacts! */
        /*      Example: the `c' in cour.pfa at size 13     */

        if ( edge->serif && edge->link )
          edge->serif = 0;

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 15
  static void
  af_cjk_hints_link_segments( AF_GlyphHints  hints,
                              AF_Dimension   dim )
    AF_AxisHints  axis          = &hints->axis[dim];
    AF_Segment    segments      = axis->segments;
    AF_Segment    segment_limit = segments + axis->num_segments;
    AF_Direction  major_dir     = axis->major_dir;
    AF_Segment    seg1, seg2;
    FT_Pos        len_threshold;
    FT_Pos        dist_threshold;

    len_threshold = AF_LATIN_CONSTANT( hints->metrics, 8 );

    dist_threshold = ( dim == AF_DIMENSION_HORZ ) ? hints->x_scale
                                                  : hints->y_scale;
    dist_threshold = FT_DivFix( 64 * 3, dist_threshold );

    /* now compare each segment to the others */
    for ( seg1 = segments; seg1 < segment_limit; seg1++ )
      /* the fake segments are for metrics hinting only */
      if ( seg1->first == seg1->last )

      if ( seg1->dir != major_dir )

      for ( seg2 = segments; seg2 < segment_limit; seg2++ )
        if ( seg2 != seg1 && seg1->dir + seg2->dir == 0 )
          FT_Pos  dist = seg2->pos - seg1->pos;

          if ( dist < 0 )

            FT_Pos  min = seg1->min_coord;
            FT_Pos  max = seg1->max_coord;
            FT_Pos  len;

            if ( min < seg2->min_coord )
              min = seg2->min_coord;

            if ( max > seg2->max_coord )
              max = seg2->max_coord;

            len = max - min;
            if ( len >= len_threshold )
              if ( dist * 8 < seg1->score * 9                        &&
                   ( dist * 8 < seg1->score * 7 || seg1->len < len ) )
                seg1->score = dist;
                seg1->len   = len;
                seg1->link  = seg2;

              if ( dist * 8 < seg2->score * 9                        &&
                   ( dist * 8 < seg2->score * 7 || seg2->len < len ) )
                seg2->score = dist;
                seg2->len   = len;
                seg2->link  = seg1;

     *  now compute the `serif' segments
     *  In Hanzi, some strokes are wider on one or both of the ends.
     *  We either identify the stems on the ends as serifs or remove
     *  the linkage, depending on the length of the stems.

      AF_Segment  link1, link2;

      for ( seg1 = segments; seg1 < segment_limit; seg1++ )
        link1 = seg1->link;
        if ( !link1 || link1->link != seg1 || link1->pos <= seg1->pos )

        if ( seg1->score >= dist_threshold )

        for ( seg2 = segments; seg2 < segment_limit; seg2++ )
          if ( seg2->pos > seg1->pos || seg1 == seg2 )

          link2 = seg2->link;
          if ( !link2 || link2->link != seg2 || link2->pos < link1->pos )

          if ( seg1->pos == seg2->pos && link1->pos == link2->pos )

          if ( seg2->score <= seg1->score || seg1->score * 4 <= seg2->score )

          /* seg2 < seg1 < link1 < link2 */

          if ( seg1->len >= seg2->len * 3 )
            AF_Segment  seg;

            for ( seg = segments; seg < segment_limit; seg++ )
              AF_Segment  link = seg->link;

              if ( link == seg2 )
                seg->link  = 0;
                seg->serif = link1;
              else if ( link == link2 )
                seg->link  = 0;
                seg->serif = seg1;
            seg1->link = link1->link = 0;


    for ( seg1 = segments; seg1 < segment_limit; seg1++ )
      seg2 = seg1->link;

      if ( seg2 )
        if ( seg2->link != seg1 )
          seg1->link = 0;

          if ( seg2->score < dist_threshold || seg1->score < seg2->score * 4 )
            seg1->serif = seg2->link;
Exemplo n.º 16
  static FT_Error
  af_loader_embolden_glyph_in_slot( AF_Loader        loader,
                                    FT_Face          face,
                                    AF_StyleMetrics  style_metrics )
    FT_Error  error = FT_Err_Ok;

    FT_GlyphSlot           slot    = face->glyph;
    AF_FaceGlobals         globals = loader->globals;
    AF_WritingSystemClass  writing_system_class;

    FT_Size_Metrics*  size_metrics = &face->size->internal->autohint_metrics;

    FT_Pos  stdVW = 0;
    FT_Pos  stdHW = 0;

    FT_Bool  size_changed = size_metrics->x_ppem !=

    FT_Fixed  em_size  = af_intToFixed( face->units_per_EM );
    FT_Fixed  em_ratio = FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( 1000 ), em_size );

    FT_Matrix  scale_down_matrix = { 0x10000L, 0, 0, 0x10000L };

    /* Skip stem darkening for broken fonts. */
    if ( !face->units_per_EM )
      error = FT_ERR( Corrupted_Font_Header );
      goto Exit;

     * We depend on the writing system (script analyzers) to supply
     * standard widths for the script of the glyph we are looking at.  If
     * it can't deliver, stem darkening is disabled.
    writing_system_class =

    if ( writing_system_class->style_metrics_getstdw )
      writing_system_class->style_metrics_getstdw( style_metrics,
                                                   &stdVW );
      error = FT_ERR( Unimplemented_Feature );
      goto Exit;

    if ( size_changed                                               ||
         ( stdVW > 0 && stdVW != globals->standard_vertical_width ) )
      FT_Fixed  darken_by_font_units_x, darken_x;

      darken_by_font_units_x =
        af_intToFixed( af_loader_compute_darkening( loader,
                                                    stdVW ) );
      darken_x = FT_DivFix( FT_MulFix( darken_by_font_units_x,
                                       size_metrics->x_scale ),
                            em_ratio );

      globals->standard_vertical_width = stdVW;
      globals->stem_darkening_for_ppem = size_metrics->x_ppem;
      globals->darken_x                = af_fixedToInt( darken_x );

    if ( size_changed                                                 ||
         ( stdHW > 0 && stdHW != globals->standard_horizontal_width ) )
      FT_Fixed  darken_by_font_units_y, darken_y;

      darken_by_font_units_y =
        af_intToFixed( af_loader_compute_darkening( loader,
                                                    stdHW ) );
      darken_y = FT_DivFix( FT_MulFix( darken_by_font_units_y,
                                       size_metrics->y_scale ),
                            em_ratio );

      globals->standard_horizontal_width = stdHW;
      globals->stem_darkening_for_ppem   = size_metrics->x_ppem;
      globals->darken_y                  = af_fixedToInt( darken_y );

       * Scale outlines down on the Y-axis to keep them inside their blue
       * zones.  The stronger the emboldening, the stronger the downscaling
       * (plus heuristical padding to prevent outlines still falling out
       * their zones due to rounding).
       * Reason: `FT_Outline_Embolden' works by shifting the rightmost
       * points of stems farther to the right, and topmost points farther
       * up.  This positions points on the Y-axis outside their
       * pre-computed blue zones and leads to distortion when applying the
       * hints in the code further below.  Code outside this emboldening
       * block doesn't know we are presenting it with modified outlines the
       * analyzer didn't see!
       * An unfortunate side effect of downscaling is that the emboldening
       * effect is slightly decreased.  The loss becomes more pronounced
       * versus the CFF driver at smaller sizes, e.g., at 9ppem and below.
      globals->scale_down_factor =
        FT_DivFix( em_size - ( darken_by_font_units_y + af_intToFixed( 8 ) ),
                   em_size );

    FT_Outline_EmboldenXY( &slot->outline,
                           globals->darken_y );

    scale_down_matrix.yy = globals->scale_down_factor;
    FT_Outline_Transform( &slot->outline, &scale_down_matrix );

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 17
  static FT_Error
  af_loader_load_g( AF_Loader  loader,
                    AF_Scaler  scaler,
                    FT_UInt    glyph_index,
                    FT_Int32   load_flags )
    AF_Module  module = loader->globals->module;

    FT_Error          error;
    FT_Face           face     = loader->face;
    AF_StyleMetrics   metrics  = loader->metrics;
    AF_GlyphHints     hints    = loader->hints;
    FT_GlyphSlot      slot     = face->glyph;
    FT_Slot_Internal  internal = slot->internal;
    FT_GlyphLoader    gloader  = internal->loader;
    FT_Int32          flags;

    flags = load_flags | FT_LOAD_LINEAR_DESIGN;
    error = FT_Load_Glyph( face, glyph_index, flags );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

     * Apply stem darkening (emboldening) here before hints are applied to
     * the outline.  Glyphs are scaled down proportionally to the
     * emboldening so that curve points don't fall outside their precomputed
     * blue zones.
     * Any emboldening done by the font driver (e.g., the CFF driver)
     * doesn't reach here because the autohinter loads the unprocessed
     * glyphs in font units for analysis (functions `af_*_metrics_init_*')
     * and then above to prepare it for the rasterizers by itself,
     * independently of the font driver.  So emboldening must be done here,
     * within the autohinter.
     * All glyphs to be autohinted pass through here one by one.  The
     * standard widths can therefore change from one glyph to the next,
     * depending on what script a glyph is assigned to (each script has its
     * own set of standard widths and other metrics).  The darkening amount
     * must therefore be recomputed for each size and
     * `standard_{vertical,horizontal}_width' change.
    if ( !module->no_stem_darkening )
      AF_FaceGlobals         globals = loader->globals;
      AF_WritingSystemClass  writing_system_class;

      FT_Pos  stdVW = 0;
      FT_Pos  stdHW = 0;

      FT_Bool  size_changed = face->size->metrics.x_ppem
                                != globals->stem_darkening_for_ppem;

      FT_Fixed  em_size  = af_intToFixed( face->units_per_EM );
      FT_Fixed  em_ratio = FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( 1000 ), em_size );

      FT_Matrix  scale_down_matrix = { 0x10000L, 0, 0, 0x10000L };

      /* Skip stem darkening for broken fonts. */
      if ( !face->units_per_EM )
        goto After_Emboldening;

       * We depend on the writing system (script analyzers) to supply
       * standard widths for the script of the glyph we are looking at.  If
       * it can't deliver, stem darkening is effectively disabled.
      writing_system_class =

      if ( writing_system_class->style_metrics_getstdw )
        writing_system_class->style_metrics_getstdw( metrics,
                                                     &stdVW );
        goto After_Emboldening;

      if ( size_changed                                               ||
           ( stdVW > 0 && stdVW != globals->standard_vertical_width ) )
        FT_Fixed  darken_by_font_units_x, darken_x;

        darken_by_font_units_x =
          af_intToFixed( af_loader_compute_darkening( loader,
                                                      stdVW ) );
        darken_x = FT_DivFix( FT_MulFix( darken_by_font_units_x,
                                         face->size->metrics.x_scale ),
                              em_ratio );

        globals->standard_vertical_width = stdVW;
        globals->stem_darkening_for_ppem = face->size->metrics.x_ppem;
        globals->darken_x                = af_fixedToInt( darken_x );

      if ( size_changed                                                 ||
           ( stdHW > 0 && stdHW != globals->standard_horizontal_width ) )
        FT_Fixed  darken_by_font_units_y, darken_y;

        darken_by_font_units_y =
          af_intToFixed( af_loader_compute_darkening( loader,
                                                      stdHW ) );
        darken_y = FT_DivFix( FT_MulFix( darken_by_font_units_y,
                                         face->size->metrics.y_scale ),
                              em_ratio );

        globals->standard_horizontal_width = stdHW;
        globals->stem_darkening_for_ppem   = face->size->metrics.x_ppem;
        globals->darken_y                  = af_fixedToInt( darken_y );

         * Scale outlines down on the Y-axis to keep them inside their blue
         * zones.  The stronger the emboldening, the stronger the
         * downscaling (plus heuristical padding to prevent outlines still
         * falling out their zones due to rounding).
         * Reason: `FT_Outline_Embolden' works by shifting the rightmost
         * points of stems farther to the right, and topmost points farther
         * up.  This positions points on the Y-axis outside their
         * pre-computed blue zones and leads to distortion when applying the
         * hints in the code further below.  Code outside this emboldening
         * block doesn't know we are presenting it with modified outlines
         * the analyzer didn't see!
         * An unfortunate side effect of downscaling is that the emboldening
         * effect is slightly decreased.  The loss becomes more pronounced
         * versus the CFF driver at smaller sizes, e.g., at 9ppem and below.
        globals->scale_down_factor =
          FT_DivFix( em_size - ( darken_by_font_units_y + af_intToFixed( 8 ) ),
                     em_size );

      FT_Outline_EmboldenXY( &slot->outline,
                             globals->darken_y );

      scale_down_matrix.yy = globals->scale_down_factor;
      FT_Outline_Transform( &slot->outline, &scale_down_matrix );

    loader->transformed = internal->glyph_transformed;
    if ( loader->transformed )
      FT_Matrix  inverse;

      loader->trans_matrix = internal->glyph_matrix;
      loader->trans_delta  = internal->glyph_delta;

      inverse = loader->trans_matrix;
      if ( !FT_Matrix_Invert( &inverse ) )
        FT_Vector_Transform( &loader->trans_delta, &inverse );

    switch ( slot->format )
      /* translate the loaded glyph when an internal transform is needed */
      if ( loader->transformed )
        FT_Outline_Translate( &slot->outline,
                              loader->trans_delta.y );

      /* compute original horizontal phantom points (and ignore */
      /* vertical ones)                                         */
      loader->pp1.x = hints->x_delta;
      loader->pp1.y = hints->y_delta;
      loader->pp2.x = FT_MulFix( slot->metrics.horiAdvance,
                                 hints->x_scale ) + hints->x_delta;
      loader->pp2.y = hints->y_delta;

      /* be sure to check for spacing glyphs */
      if ( slot->outline.n_points == 0 )
        goto Hint_Metrics;

      /* now load the slot image into the auto-outline and run the */
      /* automatic hinting process                                 */
        AF_FaceGlobals         globals = loader->globals;
        AF_StyleClass          style_class = metrics->style_class;
        AF_WritingSystemClass  writing_system_class =

        if ( writing_system_class->style_hints_apply )
          writing_system_class->style_hints_apply( glyph_index,
                                                   metrics );

      /* we now need to adjust the metrics according to the change in */
      /* width/positioning that occurred during the hinting process   */
      if ( scaler->render_mode != FT_RENDER_MODE_LIGHT )
        FT_Pos        old_rsb, old_lsb, new_lsb;
        FT_Pos        pp1x_uh, pp2x_uh;
        AF_AxisHints  axis  = &hints->axis[AF_DIMENSION_HORZ];
        AF_Edge       edge1 = axis->edges;         /* leftmost edge  */
        AF_Edge       edge2 = edge1 +
                              axis->num_edges - 1; /* rightmost edge */

        if ( axis->num_edges > 1 && AF_HINTS_DO_ADVANCE( hints ) )
          old_rsb = loader->pp2.x - edge2->opos;
          old_lsb = edge1->opos;
          new_lsb = edge1->pos;

          /* remember unhinted values to later account */
          /* for rounding errors                       */

          pp1x_uh = new_lsb    - old_lsb;
          pp2x_uh = edge2->pos + old_rsb;

          /* prefer too much space over too little space */
          /* for very small sizes                        */

          if ( old_lsb < 24 )
            pp1x_uh -= 8;

          if ( old_rsb < 24 )
            pp2x_uh += 8;

          loader->pp1.x = FT_PIX_ROUND( pp1x_uh );
          loader->pp2.x = FT_PIX_ROUND( pp2x_uh );

          if ( loader->pp1.x >= new_lsb && old_lsb > 0 )
            loader->pp1.x -= 64;

          if ( loader->pp2.x <= edge2->pos && old_rsb > 0 )
            loader->pp2.x += 64;

          slot->lsb_delta = loader->pp1.x - pp1x_uh;
          slot->rsb_delta = loader->pp2.x - pp2x_uh;
          FT_Pos  pp1x = loader->pp1.x;
          FT_Pos  pp2x = loader->pp2.x;

          loader->pp1.x = FT_PIX_ROUND( pp1x );
          loader->pp2.x = FT_PIX_ROUND( pp2x );

          slot->lsb_delta = loader->pp1.x - pp1x;
          slot->rsb_delta = loader->pp2.x - pp2x;
        FT_Pos  pp1x = loader->pp1.x;
        FT_Pos  pp2x = loader->pp2.x;

        loader->pp1.x = FT_PIX_ROUND( pp1x + hints->xmin_delta );
        loader->pp2.x = FT_PIX_ROUND( pp2x + hints->xmax_delta );

        slot->lsb_delta = loader->pp1.x - pp1x;
        slot->rsb_delta = loader->pp2.x - pp2x;


      /* we don't support other formats (yet?) */
      error = FT_THROW( Unimplemented_Feature );

      FT_BBox    bbox;
      FT_Vector  vvector;

      vvector.x = slot->metrics.vertBearingX - slot->metrics.horiBearingX;
      vvector.y = slot->metrics.vertBearingY - slot->metrics.horiBearingY;
      vvector.x = FT_MulFix( vvector.x, metrics->scaler.x_scale );
      vvector.y = FT_MulFix( vvector.y, metrics->scaler.y_scale );

      /* transform the hinted outline if needed */
      if ( loader->transformed )
        FT_Outline_Transform( &gloader->base.outline, &loader->trans_matrix );
        FT_Vector_Transform( &vvector, &loader->trans_matrix );
#if 1
      /* we must translate our final outline by -pp1.x and compute */
      /* the new metrics                                           */
      if ( loader->pp1.x )
        FT_Outline_Translate( &gloader->base.outline, -loader->pp1.x, 0 );
      FT_Outline_Get_CBox( &gloader->base.outline, &bbox );

      bbox.xMin = FT_PIX_FLOOR( bbox.xMin );
      bbox.yMin = FT_PIX_FLOOR( bbox.yMin );
      bbox.xMax = FT_PIX_CEIL(  bbox.xMax );
      bbox.yMax = FT_PIX_CEIL(  bbox.yMax );

      slot->metrics.width        = bbox.xMax - bbox.xMin;
      slot->metrics.height       = bbox.yMax - bbox.yMin;
      slot->metrics.horiBearingX = bbox.xMin;
      slot->metrics.horiBearingY = bbox.yMax;

      slot->metrics.vertBearingX = FT_PIX_FLOOR( bbox.xMin + vvector.x );
      slot->metrics.vertBearingY = FT_PIX_FLOOR( bbox.yMax + vvector.y );

      /* for mono-width fonts (like Andale, Courier, etc.) we need */
      /* to keep the original rounded advance width; ditto for     */
      /* digits if all have the same advance width                 */
#if 0
      if ( !FT_IS_FIXED_WIDTH( slot->face ) )
        slot->metrics.horiAdvance = loader->pp2.x - loader->pp1.x;
        slot->metrics.horiAdvance = FT_MulFix( slot->metrics.horiAdvance,
                                               x_scale );
      if ( scaler->render_mode != FT_RENDER_MODE_LIGHT                      &&
           ( FT_IS_FIXED_WIDTH( slot->face )                              ||
             ( af_face_globals_is_digit( loader->globals, glyph_index ) &&
               metrics->digits_have_same_width                          ) ) )
        slot->metrics.horiAdvance = FT_MulFix( slot->metrics.horiAdvance,
                                               metrics->scaler.x_scale );

        /* Set delta values to 0.  Otherwise code that uses them is */
        /* going to ruin the fixed advance width.                   */
        slot->lsb_delta = 0;
        slot->rsb_delta = 0;
        /* non-spacing glyphs must stay as-is */
        if ( slot->metrics.horiAdvance )
          slot->metrics.horiAdvance = loader->pp2.x - loader->pp1.x;

      slot->metrics.vertAdvance = FT_MulFix( slot->metrics.vertAdvance,
                                             metrics->scaler.y_scale );

      slot->metrics.horiAdvance = FT_PIX_ROUND( slot->metrics.horiAdvance );
      slot->metrics.vertAdvance = FT_PIX_ROUND( slot->metrics.vertAdvance );

#if 0
      /* reassign all outline fields except flags to protect them */
      slot->outline.n_contours = internal->loader->base.outline.n_contours;
      slot->outline.n_points   = internal->loader->base.outline.n_points;
      slot->outline.points     = internal->loader->base.outline.points;
      slot->outline.tags       = internal->loader->base.outline.tags;
      slot->outline.contours   = internal->loader->base.outline.contours;

      slot->format  = FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE;

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 18
static void GK_Outline_Embolden(FT_Outline* outline,FT_Pos strength,int* x_left,int* x_right,int* y_bottom,int* y_top)
    FT_Vector*  points;
    FT_Vector   v_prev, v_first, v_next, v_cur;
    FT_Angle    rotate, angle_in, angle_out;
    FT_Int      c, n, first = 0;
    FT_Int      orientation;
    FT_Int      min_x = 35565, max_x = -35565, min_y = 35565, max_y = -35565;
    FT_Int      new_min_x = 35565, new_max_x = -35565, new_min_y = 35565, new_max_y = -35565;

    if (!outline) return;

    strength /= 2;
    if ( strength == 0 ) return;

    orientation = FT_Outline_Get_Orientation(outline);
    if (orientation == FT_ORIENTATION_NONE) return;

#ifdef GLYPH_LOG
    if (glyph_log) { fprintf(glyph_log,"            Emboldening the outline by %ld:\n",strength); }

    if (orientation == FT_ORIENTATION_TRUETYPE) rotate = -FT_ANGLE_PI2;
    else rotate = FT_ANGLE_PI2;

    points = outline->points;

    for ( c = 0; c < outline->n_contours; c++ )
        int last = outline->contours[c];

        v_first = points[first];
        v_prev  = points[last];
        v_cur   = v_first;

        for ( n = first; n <= last; n++ )
            FT_Vector  in, out;
            FT_Angle   angle_diff;
            FT_Pos     d;
            FT_Fixed   scale;

            if ( n < last ) v_next = points[n + 1];
            else v_next = v_first;

            /* compute the in and out vectors */
            in.x = v_cur.x - v_prev.x;
            in.y = v_cur.y - v_prev.y;

            out.x = v_next.x - v_cur.x;
            out.y = v_next.y - v_cur.y;

            angle_in   = FT_Atan2( in.x, in.y );
            angle_out  = FT_Atan2( out.x, out.y );
            angle_diff = FT_Angle_Diff( angle_in, angle_out );
            scale      = FT_Cos( angle_diff / 2 );

            if ( scale < 0x4000L && scale > -0x4000L ) in.x = in.y = 0;
                d = FT_DivFix( strength, scale );
                FT_Vector_From_Polar( &in, d, angle_in + angle_diff / 2 - rotate );

            outline->points[n].x = v_cur.x + strength + in.x;
            outline->points[n].y = v_cur.y + strength + in.y;

            if (v_cur.x < min_x) min_x = v_cur.x;
            if (v_cur.x > max_x) max_x = v_cur.x;
            if (v_cur.y < min_y) min_y = v_cur.y;
            if (v_cur.y > max_y) max_y = v_cur.y;

            if (outline->points[n].x < new_min_x) new_min_x = outline->points[n].x;
            if (outline->points[n].x > new_max_x) new_max_x = outline->points[n].x;
            if (outline->points[n].y < new_min_y) new_min_y = outline->points[n].y;
            if (outline->points[n].y > new_max_y) new_max_y = outline->points[n].y;

            v_prev = v_cur;
            v_cur  = v_next;

        first = last + 1;

    *x_left = min_x - new_min_x;
    *x_right = new_max_x - max_x;
    *y_top = new_max_y - max_y;
    *y_bottom = min_y - new_min_y;

#ifdef GLYPH_LOG
    if (glyph_log)
        fprintf(glyph_log,"                (%d..%d x %d..%d) -> (%d..%d x %d..%d)\n",
Exemplo n.º 19
  af_warper_compute( AF_Warper      warper,
                     AF_GlyphHints  hints,
                     AF_Dimension   dim,
                     FT_Fixed      *a_scale,
                     FT_Pos        *a_delta )
    AF_AxisHints  axis;
    AF_Point      points;

    FT_Fixed      org_scale;
    FT_Pos        org_delta;

    FT_UInt       nn, num_points, num_segments;
    FT_Int        X1, X2;
    FT_Int        w;

    AF_WarpScore  base_distort;
    AF_Segment    segments;

    /* get original scaling transformation */
    if ( dim == AF_DIMENSION_VERT )
      org_scale = hints->y_scale;
      org_delta = hints->y_delta;
      org_scale = hints->x_scale;
      org_delta = hints->x_delta;

    warper->best_scale   = org_scale;
    warper->best_delta   = org_delta;
    warper->best_score   = INT_MIN;
    warper->best_distort = 0;

    axis         = &hints->axis[dim];
    segments     = axis->segments;
    num_segments = axis->num_segments;
    points       = hints->points;
    num_points   = hints->num_points;

    *a_scale = org_scale;
    *a_delta = org_delta;

    /* get X1 and X2, minimum and maximum in original coordinates */
    if ( num_segments < 1 )

#if 1
    X1 = X2 = points[0].fx;
    for ( nn = 1; nn < num_points; nn++ )
      FT_Int  X = points[nn].fx;

      if ( X < X1 )
        X1 = X;
      if ( X > X2 )
        X2 = X;
    X1 = X2 = segments[0].pos;
    for ( nn = 1; nn < num_segments; nn++ )
      FT_Int  X = segments[nn].pos;

      if ( X < X1 )
        X1 = X;
      if ( X > X2 )
        X2 = X;

    if ( X1 >= X2 )

    warper->x1 = FT_MulFix( X1, org_scale ) + org_delta;
    warper->x2 = FT_MulFix( X2, org_scale ) + org_delta;

    warper->t1 = AF_WARPER_FLOOR( warper->x1 );
    warper->t2 = AF_WARPER_CEIL( warper->x2 );

    /* examine a half pixel wide range around the maximum coordinates */
    warper->x1min = warper->x1 & ~31;
    warper->x1max = warper->x1min + 32;
    warper->x2min = warper->x2 & ~31;
    warper->x2max = warper->x2min + 32;

    if ( warper->x1max > warper->x2 )
      warper->x1max = warper->x2;

    if ( warper->x2min < warper->x1 )
      warper->x2min = warper->x1;

    warper->w0 = warper->x2 - warper->x1;

    if ( warper->w0 <= 64 )
      warper->x1max = warper->x1;
      warper->x2min = warper->x2;

    /* examine (at most) a pixel wide range around the natural width */
    warper->wmin = warper->x2min - warper->x1max;
    warper->wmax = warper->x2max - warper->x1min;

#if 1
    /* some heuristics to reduce the number of widths to be examined */
      int  margin = 16;

      if ( warper->w0 <= 128 )
         margin = 8;
         if ( warper->w0 <= 96 )
           margin = 4;

      if ( warper->wmin < warper->w0 - margin )
        warper->wmin = warper->w0 - margin;

      if ( warper->wmax > warper->w0 + margin )
        warper->wmax = warper->w0 + margin;

    if ( warper->wmin < warper->w0 * 3 / 4 )
      warper->wmin = warper->w0 * 3 / 4;

    if ( warper->wmax > warper->w0 * 5 / 4 )
      warper->wmax = warper->w0 * 5 / 4;
    /* no scaling, just translation */
    warper->wmin = warper->wmax = warper->w0;

    for ( w = warper->wmin; w <= warper->wmax; w++ )
      FT_Fixed  new_scale;
      FT_Pos    new_delta;
      FT_Pos    xx1, xx2;

      /* compute min and max positions for given width,       */
      /* assuring that they stay within the coordinate ranges */
      xx1 = warper->x1;
      xx2 = warper->x2;
      if ( w >= warper->w0 )
        xx1 -= w - warper->w0;
        if ( xx1 < warper->x1min )
          xx2 += warper->x1min - xx1;
          xx1  = warper->x1min;
        xx1 -= w - warper->w0;
        if ( xx1 > warper->x1max )
          xx2 -= xx1 - warper->x1max;
          xx1  = warper->x1max;

      if ( xx1 < warper->x1 )
        base_distort = warper->x1 - xx1;
        base_distort = xx1 - warper->x1;

      if ( xx2 < warper->x2 )
        base_distort += warper->x2 - xx2;
        base_distort += xx2 - warper->x2;

      /* give base distortion a greater weight while scoring */
      base_distort *= 10;

      new_scale = org_scale + FT_DivFix( w - warper->w0, X2 - X1 );
      new_delta = xx1 - FT_MulFix( X1, new_scale );

      af_warper_compute_line_best( warper, new_scale, new_delta, xx1, xx2,
                                   segments, num_segments );

      FT_Fixed  best_scale = warper->best_scale;
      FT_Pos    best_delta = warper->best_delta;

      hints->xmin_delta = FT_MulFix( X1, best_scale - org_scale )
                          + best_delta;
      hints->xmax_delta = FT_MulFix( X2, best_scale - org_scale )
                          + best_delta;

      *a_scale = best_scale;
      *a_delta = best_delta;
Exemplo n.º 20
  cf2_blues_init( CF2_Blues  blues,
                  CF2_Font   font )
    /* pointer to parsed font object */
    CFF_Decoder*  decoder = font->decoder;

    CF2_Fixed  zoneHeight;
    CF2_Fixed  maxZoneHeight = 0;
    CF2_Fixed  csUnitsPerPixel;

    size_t  numBlueValues;
    size_t  numOtherBlues;
    size_t  numFamilyBlues;
    size_t  numFamilyOtherBlues;

    FT_Pos*  blueValues;
    FT_Pos*  otherBlues;
    FT_Pos*  familyBlues;
    FT_Pos*  familyOtherBlues;

    size_t     i;
    CF2_Fixed  emBoxBottom, emBoxTop;

    CF2_Int  unitsPerEm = font->unitsPerEm;

    if ( unitsPerEm == 0 )
      unitsPerEm = 1000;

    FT_ZERO( blues );
    blues->scale = font->innerTransform.d;

    cf2_getBlueMetrics( decoder,
                        &blues->blueFuzz );

    cf2_getBlueValues( decoder, &numBlueValues, &blueValues );
    cf2_getOtherBlues( decoder, &numOtherBlues, &otherBlues );
    cf2_getFamilyBlues( decoder, &numFamilyBlues, &familyBlues );
    cf2_getFamilyOtherBlues( decoder, &numFamilyOtherBlues, &familyOtherBlues );

     * synthetic em box hint heuristic
     * Apply this when ideographic dictionary (LanguageGroup 1) has no
     * real alignment zones.  Adobe tools generate dummy zones at -250 and
     * 1100 for a 1000 unit em.  Fonts with ICF-based alignment zones
     * should not enable the heuristic.  When the heuristic is enabled,
     * the font's blue zones are ignored.

    /* get em box from OS/2 typoAscender/Descender                      */
    /* TODO: FreeType does not parse these metrics.  Skip them for now. */
#if 0
    FCM_getHorizontalLineMetrics( &e,
                                  &linegap );
    if ( ascender - descender == unitsPerEm )
      emBoxBottom = cf2_intToFixed( descender );
      emBoxTop    = cf2_intToFixed( ascender );
      emBoxBottom = CF2_ICF_Bottom;
      emBoxTop    = CF2_ICF_Top;

    if ( cf2_getLanguageGroup( decoder ) == 1                   &&
         ( numBlueValues == 0                                 ||
           ( numBlueValues == 4                             &&
             cf2_blueToFixed( blueValues[0] ) < emBoxBottom &&
             cf2_blueToFixed( blueValues[1] ) < emBoxBottom &&
             cf2_blueToFixed( blueValues[2] ) > emBoxTop    &&
             cf2_blueToFixed( blueValues[3] ) > emBoxTop    ) ) )
       * Construct hint edges suitable for synthetic ghost hints at top
       * and bottom of em box.  +-CF2_MIN_COUNTER allows for unhinted
       * features above or below the last hinted edge.  This also gives a
       * net 1 pixel boost to the height of ideographic glyphs.
       * Note: Adjust synthetic hints outward by epsilon (0x.0001) to
       *       avoid interference.  E.g., some fonts have real hints at
       *       880 and -120.

      blues->emBoxBottomEdge.csCoord = emBoxBottom - CF2_FIXED_EPSILON;
      blues->emBoxBottomEdge.dsCoord = cf2_fixedRound(
                                           blues->scale ) ) -
      blues->emBoxBottomEdge.scale   = blues->scale;
      blues->emBoxBottomEdge.flags   = CF2_GhostBottom |
                                       CF2_Locked |

      blues->emBoxTopEdge.csCoord = emBoxTop + CF2_FIXED_EPSILON +
                                    2 * font->darkenY;
      blues->emBoxTopEdge.dsCoord = cf2_fixedRound(
                                        blues->scale ) ) +
      blues->emBoxTopEdge.scale   = blues->scale;
      blues->emBoxTopEdge.flags   = CF2_GhostTop |
                                    CF2_Locked |

      blues->doEmBoxHints = TRUE;    /* enable the heuristic */


    /* copy `BlueValues' and `OtherBlues' to a combined array of top and */
    /* bottom zones                                                      */
    for ( i = 0; i < numBlueValues; i += 2 )
      blues->zone[blues->count].csBottomEdge =
        cf2_blueToFixed( blueValues[i] );
      blues->zone[blues->count].csTopEdge =
        cf2_blueToFixed( blueValues[i + 1] );

      zoneHeight = blues->zone[blues->count].csTopEdge -

      if ( zoneHeight < 0 )
        FT_TRACE4(( "cf2_blues_init: ignoring negative zone height\n" ));
        continue;   /* reject this zone */

      if ( zoneHeight > maxZoneHeight )
        /* take maximum before darkening adjustment      */
        /* so overshoot suppression point doesn't change */
        maxZoneHeight = zoneHeight;

      /* adjust both edges of top zone upward by twice darkening amount */
      if ( i != 0 )
        blues->zone[blues->count].csTopEdge    += 2 * font->darkenY;
        blues->zone[blues->count].csBottomEdge += 2 * font->darkenY;

      /* first `BlueValue' is bottom zone; others are top */
      if ( i == 0 )
        blues->zone[blues->count].bottomZone =
        blues->zone[blues->count].csFlatEdge =
        blues->zone[blues->count].bottomZone =
        blues->zone[blues->count].csFlatEdge =

      blues->count += 1;

    for ( i = 0; i < numOtherBlues; i += 2 )
      blues->zone[blues->count].csBottomEdge =
        cf2_blueToFixed( otherBlues[i] );
      blues->zone[blues->count].csTopEdge =
        cf2_blueToFixed( otherBlues[i + 1] );

      zoneHeight = blues->zone[blues->count].csTopEdge -

      if ( zoneHeight < 0 )
        FT_TRACE4(( "cf2_blues_init: ignoring negative zone height\n" ));
        continue;   /* reject this zone */

      if ( zoneHeight > maxZoneHeight )
        /* take maximum before darkening adjustment      */
        /* so overshoot suppression point doesn't change */
        maxZoneHeight = zoneHeight;

      /* Note: bottom zones are not adjusted for darkening amount */

      /* all OtherBlues are bottom zone */
      blues->zone[blues->count].bottomZone =
      blues->zone[blues->count].csFlatEdge =

      blues->count += 1;

    /* Adjust for FamilyBlues */

    /* Search for the nearest flat edge in `FamilyBlues' or                */
    /* `FamilyOtherBlues'.  According to the Black Book, any matching edge */
    /* must be within one device pixel                                     */

    csUnitsPerPixel = FT_DivFix( cf2_intToFixed( 1 ), blues->scale );

    /* loop on all zones in this font */
    for ( i = 0; i < blues->count; i++ )
      size_t     j;
      CF2_Fixed  minDiff;
      CF2_Fixed  flatFamilyEdge, diff;
      /* value for this font */
      CF2_Fixed  flatEdge = blues->zone[i].csFlatEdge;

      if ( blues->zone[i].bottomZone )
        /* In a bottom zone, the top edge is the flat edge.             */
        /* Search `FamilyOtherBlues' for bottom zones; look for closest */
        /* Family edge that is within the one pixel threshold.          */

        minDiff = CF2_FIXED_MAX;

        for ( j = 0; j < numFamilyOtherBlues; j += 2 )
          /* top edge */
          flatFamilyEdge = cf2_blueToFixed( familyOtherBlues[j + 1] );

          diff = cf2_fixedAbs( flatEdge - flatFamilyEdge );

          if ( diff < minDiff && diff < csUnitsPerPixel )
            blues->zone[i].csFlatEdge = flatFamilyEdge;
            minDiff                   = diff;

            if ( diff == 0 )

        /* check the first member of FamilyBlues, which is a bottom zone */
        if ( numFamilyBlues >= 2 )
          /* top edge */
          flatFamilyEdge = cf2_blueToFixed( familyBlues[1] );

          diff = cf2_fixedAbs( flatEdge - flatFamilyEdge );

          if ( diff < minDiff && diff < csUnitsPerPixel )
            blues->zone[i].csFlatEdge = flatFamilyEdge;
        /* In a top zone, the bottom edge is the flat edge.                */
        /* Search `FamilyBlues' for top zones; skip first zone, which is a */
        /* bottom zone; look for closest Family edge that is within the    */
        /* one pixel threshold                                             */

        minDiff = CF2_FIXED_MAX;

        for ( j = 2; j < numFamilyBlues; j += 2 )
          /* bottom edge */
          flatFamilyEdge = cf2_blueToFixed( familyBlues[j] );

          /* adjust edges of top zone upward by twice darkening amount */
          flatFamilyEdge += 2 * font->darkenY;      /* bottom edge */

          diff = cf2_fixedAbs( flatEdge - flatFamilyEdge );

          if ( diff < minDiff && diff < csUnitsPerPixel )
            blues->zone[i].csFlatEdge = flatFamilyEdge;
            minDiff                   = diff;

            if ( diff == 0 )

    /* TODO: enforce separation of zones, including BlueFuzz */

    /* Adjust BlueScale; similar to AdjustBlueScale() in coretype */
    /* `bcsetup.c'.                                               */

    if ( maxZoneHeight > 0 )
      if ( blues->blueScale > FT_DivFix( cf2_intToFixed( 1 ),
                                         maxZoneHeight ) )
        /* clamp at maximum scale */
        blues->blueScale = FT_DivFix( cf2_intToFixed( 1 ),
                                      maxZoneHeight );

       * TODO: Revisit the bug fix for 613448.  The minimum scale
       *       requirement catches a number of library fonts.  For
       *       example, with default BlueScale (.039625) and 0.4 minimum,
       *       the test below catches any font with maxZoneHeight < 10.1.
       *       There are library fonts ranging from 2 to 10 that get
       *       caught, including e.g., Eurostile LT Std Medium with
       *       maxZoneHeight of 6.
#if 0
      if ( blueScale < .4 / maxZoneHeight )
        tetraphilia_assert( 0 );
        /* clamp at minimum scale, per bug 0613448 fix */
        blueScale = .4 / maxZoneHeight;


     * Suppress overshoot and boost blue zones at small sizes.  Boost
     * amount varies linearly from 0.5 pixel near 0 to 0 pixel at
     * blueScale cutoff.
     * Note: This boost amount is different from the coretype heuristic.

    if ( blues->scale < blues->blueScale )
      blues->suppressOvershoot = TRUE;

      /* Change rounding threshold for `dsFlatEdge'.                    */
      /* Note: constant changed from 0.5 to 0.6 to avoid a problem with */
      /*       10ppem Arial                                             */

      blues->boost = FT_MulFix(
                       cf2_floatToFixed( .6 ),
                       ( cf2_intToFixed( 1 ) -
                         FT_DivFix( blues->scale,
                                    blues->blueScale ) ) );
      if ( blues->boost > 0x7FFF )
        /* boost must remain less than 0.5, or baseline could go negative */
        blues->boost = 0x7FFF;

    /* boost and darkening have similar effects; don't do both */
    if ( font->stemDarkened )
      blues->boost = 0;

    /* set device space alignment for each zone;    */
    /* apply boost amount before rounding flat edge */

    for ( i = 0; i < blues->count; i++ )
      if ( blues->zone[i].bottomZone )
        blues->zone[i].dsFlatEdge = cf2_fixedRound(
                                        blues->scale ) -
                                      blues->boost );
        blues->zone[i].dsFlatEdge = cf2_fixedRound(
                                        blues->scale ) +
                                      blues->boost );
Exemplo n.º 21
static void
BBox_Cubic_Check( FT_Pos   y1,
                  FT_Pos   y2,
                  FT_Pos   y3,
                  FT_Pos   y4,
                  FT_Pos*  min,
                  FT_Pos*  max )
    /* always compare first and last points */
    if      ( y1 < *min )  *min = y1;
    else if ( y1 > *max )  *max = y1;

    if      ( y4 < *min )  *min = y4;
    else if ( y4 > *max )  *max = y4;

    /* now, try to see if there are split points here */
    if ( y1 <= y4 )
        /* flat or ascending arc test */
        if ( y1 <= y2 && y2 <= y4 && y1 <= y3 && y3 <= y4 )
    else /* y1 > y4 */
        /* descending arc test */
        if ( y1 >= y2 && y2 >= y4 && y1 >= y3 && y3 >= y4 )

    /* There are some split points.  Find them. */
        FT_Pos    a = y4 - 3*y3 + 3*y2 - y1;
        FT_Pos    b = y3 - 2*y2 + y1;
        FT_Pos    c = y2 - y1;
        FT_Pos    d;
        FT_Fixed  t;

        /* We need to solve `ax^2+2bx+c' here, without floating points!      */
        /* The trick is to normalize to a different representation in order  */
        /* to use our 16.16 fixed point routines.                            */
        /*                                                                   */
        /* We compute FT_MulFix(b,b) and FT_MulFix(a,c) after normalization. */
        /* These values must fit into a single 16.16 value.                  */
        /*                                                                   */
        /* We normalize a, b, and c to `8.16' fixed float values to ensure   */
        /* that its product is held in a `16.16' value.                      */

            FT_ULong  t1, t2;
            int       shift = 0;

            /* The following computation is based on the fact that for   */
            /* any value `y', if `n' is the position of the most         */
            /* significant bit of `abs(y)' (starting from 0 for the      */
            /* least significant bit), then `y' is in the range          */
            /*                                                           */
            /*   -2^n..2^n-1                                             */
            /*                                                           */
            /* We want to shift `a', `b', and `c' concurrently in order  */
            /* to ensure that they all fit in 8.16 values, which maps    */
            /* to the integer range `-2^23..2^23-1'.                     */
            /*                                                           */
            /* Necessarily, we need to shift `a', `b', and `c' so that   */
            /* the most significant bit of its absolute values is at     */
            /* _most_ at position 23.                                    */
            /*                                                           */
            /* We begin by computing `t1' as the bitwise `OR' of the     */
            /* absolute values of `a', `b', `c'.                         */

            t1  = (FT_ULong)( ( a >= 0 ) ? a : -a );
            t2  = (FT_ULong)( ( b >= 0 ) ? b : -b );
            t1 |= t2;
            t2  = (FT_ULong)( ( c >= 0 ) ? c : -c );
            t1 |= t2;

            /* Now we can be sure that the most significant bit of `t1'  */
            /* is the most significant bit of either `a', `b', or `c',   */
            /* depending on the greatest integer range of the particular */
            /* variable.                                                 */
            /*                                                           */
            /* Next, we compute the `shift', by shifting `t1' as many    */
            /* times as necessary to move its MSB to position 23.  This  */
            /* corresponds to a value of `t1' that is in the range       */
            /* 0x40_0000..0x7F_FFFF.                                     */
            /*                                                           */
            /* Finally, we shift `a', `b', and `c' by the same amount.   */
            /* This ensures that all values are now in the range         */
            /* -2^23..2^23, i.e., they are now expressed as 8.16         */
            /* fixed-float numbers.  This also means that we are using   */
            /* 24 bits of precision to compute the zeros, independently  */
            /* of the range of the original polynomial coefficients.     */
            /*                                                           */
            /* This algorithm should ensure reasonably accurate values   */
            /* for the zeros.  Note that they are only expressed with    */
            /* 16 bits when computing the extrema (the zeros need to     */
            /* be in 0..1 exclusive to be considered part of the arc).   */

            if ( t1 == 0 )  /* all coefficients are 0! */

            if ( t1 > 0x7FFFFFUL )
                    t1 >>= 1;

                } while ( t1 > 0x7FFFFFUL );

                /* this loses some bits of precision, but we use 24 of them */
                /* for the computation anyway                               */
                a >>= shift;
                b >>= shift;
                c >>= shift;
            else if ( t1 < 0x400000UL )
                    t1 <<= 1;

                } while ( t1 < 0x400000UL );

                a <<= shift;
                b <<= shift;
                c <<= shift;

        /* handle a == 0 */
        if ( a == 0 )
            if ( b != 0 )
                t = - FT_DivFix( c, b ) / 2;
                test_cubic_extrema( y1, y2, y3, y4, t, min, max );
            /* solve the equation now */
            d = FT_MulFix( b, b ) - FT_MulFix( a, c );
            if ( d < 0 )

            if ( d == 0 )
                /* there is a single split point at -b/a */
                t = - FT_DivFix( b, a );
                test_cubic_extrema( y1, y2, y3, y4, t, min, max );
                /* there are two solutions; we need to filter them */
                d = FT_SqrtFixed( (FT_Int32)d );
                t = - FT_DivFix( b - d, a );
                test_cubic_extrema( y1, y2, y3, y4, t, min, max );

                t = - FT_DivFix( b + d, a );
                test_cubic_extrema( y1, y2, y3, y4, t, min, max );
Exemplo n.º 22
  tt_size_reset( TT_Size  size )
    TT_Face           face;
    FT_Error          error = TT_Err_Ok;
    FT_Size_Metrics*  metrics;

    size->ttmetrics.valid = FALSE;

    face = (TT_Face)size->root.face;

    metrics = &size->metrics;

    /* copy the result from base layer */
    *metrics = size->root.metrics;

    if ( metrics->x_ppem < 1 || metrics->y_ppem < 1 )
      return TT_Err_Invalid_PPem;

    /* This bit flag, if set, indicates that the ppems must be       */
    /* rounded to integers.  Nearly all TrueType fonts have this bit */
    /* set, as hinting won't work really well otherwise.             */
    /*                                                               */
    if ( face->header.Flags & 8 )
      metrics->x_scale = FT_DivFix( metrics->x_ppem << 6,
                                    face->root.units_per_EM );
      metrics->y_scale = FT_DivFix( metrics->y_ppem << 6,
                                    face->root.units_per_EM );

      metrics->ascender =
        FT_PIX_ROUND( FT_MulFix( face->root.ascender, metrics->y_scale ) );
      metrics->descender =
        FT_PIX_ROUND( FT_MulFix( face->root.descender, metrics->y_scale ) );
      metrics->height =
        FT_PIX_ROUND( FT_MulFix( face->root.height, metrics->y_scale ) );
      metrics->max_advance =
        FT_PIX_ROUND( FT_MulFix( face->root.max_advance_width,
                                 metrics->x_scale ) );

    /* compute new transformation */
    if ( metrics->x_ppem >= metrics->y_ppem )
      size->ttmetrics.scale   = metrics->x_scale;
      size->ttmetrics.ppem    = metrics->x_ppem;
      size->ttmetrics.x_ratio = 0x10000L;
      size->ttmetrics.y_ratio = FT_MulDiv( metrics->y_ppem,
                                           metrics->x_ppem );
      size->ttmetrics.scale   = metrics->y_scale;
      size->ttmetrics.ppem    = metrics->y_ppem;
      size->ttmetrics.x_ratio = FT_MulDiv( metrics->x_ppem,
                                           metrics->y_ppem );
      size->ttmetrics.y_ratio = 0x10000L;


      FT_UInt  i;

      /* Scale the cvt values to the new ppem.          */
      /* We use by default the y ppem to scale the CVT. */
      for ( i = 0; i < size->cvt_size; i++ )
        size->cvt[i] = FT_MulFix( face->cvt[i], size->ttmetrics.scale );

      /* All twilight points are originally zero */
      for ( i = 0; i < (FT_UInt)size->twilight.n_points; i++ )
        size->twilight.org[i].x = 0;
        size->twilight.org[i].y = 0;
        size->twilight.cur[i].x = 0;
        size->twilight.cur[i].y = 0;

      /* clear storage area */
      for ( i = 0; i < (FT_UInt)size->storage_size; i++ )
        size->storage[i] = 0;

      size->GS = tt_default_graphics_state;

      error = tt_size_run_prep( size );


    if ( !error )
      size->ttmetrics.valid = TRUE;

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 23
  cff_face_init( FT_Stream      stream,
                 FT_Face        cffface,        /* CFF_Face */
                 FT_Int         face_index,
                 FT_Int         num_params,
                 FT_Parameter*  params )
    CFF_Face            face = (CFF_Face)cffface;
    FT_Error            error;
    SFNT_Service        sfnt;
    FT_Service_PsCMaps  psnames;
    PSHinter_Service    pshinter;
    FT_Bool             pure_cff    = 1;
    FT_Bool             sfnt_format = 0;

#if 0
    FT_FACE_FIND_GLOBAL_SERVICE( face, sfnt,     SFNT );

    if ( !sfnt )
      goto Bad_Format;
    sfnt = (SFNT_Service)FT_Get_Module_Interface(
             cffface->driver->root.library, "sfnt" );
    if ( !sfnt )
      goto Bad_Format;


    pshinter = (PSHinter_Service)FT_Get_Module_Interface(
                 cffface->driver->root.library, "pshinter" );

    /* create input stream from resource */
    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( 0 ) )
      goto Exit;

    /* check whether we have a valid OpenType file */
    error = sfnt->init_face( stream, face, face_index, num_params, params );
    if ( !error )
      if ( face->format_tag != 0x4F54544FL )  /* `OTTO'; OpenType/CFF font */
        FT_TRACE2(( "[not a valid OpenType/CFF font]\n" ));
        goto Bad_Format;

      /* if we are performing a simple font format check, exit immediately */
      if ( face_index < 0 )
        return CFF_Err_Ok;

      /* UNDOCUMENTED!  A CFF in an SFNT can have only a single font. */
      if ( face_index > 0 )
        FT_ERROR(( "cff_face_init: invalid face index\n" ));
        error = CFF_Err_Invalid_Argument;
        goto Exit;

      sfnt_format = 1;

      /* now, the font can be either an OpenType/CFF font, or an SVG CEF */
      /* font; in the latter case it doesn't have a `head' table         */
      error = face->goto_table( face, TTAG_head, stream, 0 );
      if ( !error )
        pure_cff = 0;

        /* load font directory */
        error = sfnt->load_face( stream, face,
                                 face_index, num_params, params );
        if ( error )
          goto Exit;
        /* load the `cmap' table explicitly */
        error = sfnt->load_cmap( face, stream );
        if ( error )
          goto Exit;

        /* XXX: we don't load the GPOS table, as OpenType Layout     */
        /* support will be added later to a layout library on top of */
        /* FreeType 2                                                */

      /* now load the CFF part of the file */
      error = face->goto_table( face, TTAG_CFF, stream, 0 );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;
      /* rewind to start of file; we are going to load a pure-CFF font */
      if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( 0 ) )
        goto Exit;
      error = CFF_Err_Ok;

    /* now load and parse the CFF table in the file */
      CFF_Font         cff;
      CFF_FontRecDict  dict;
      FT_Memory        memory = cffface->memory;
      FT_Int32         flags;
      FT_UInt          i;

      if ( FT_NEW( cff ) )
        goto Exit;

      face->extra.data = cff;
      error = cff_font_load( stream, face_index, cff );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;

      cff->pshinter = pshinter;
      cff->psnames  = (void*)psnames;

      /* Complement the root flags with some interesting information. */
      /* Note that this is only necessary for pure CFF and CEF fonts; */
      /* SFNT based fonts use the `name' table instead.               */

      cffface->num_glyphs = cff->num_glyphs;

      dict = &cff->top_font.font_dict;

      /* we need the `PSNames' module for CFF and CEF formats */
      /* which aren't CID-keyed                               */
      if ( dict->cid_registry == 0xFFFFU && !psnames )
        FT_ERROR(( "cff_face_init:" ));
        FT_ERROR(( " cannot open CFF & CEF fonts\n" ));
        FT_ERROR(( "              " ));
        FT_ERROR(( " without the `PSNames' module\n" ));
        goto Bad_Format;

      if ( pure_cff )
        char*  style_name = NULL;

        /* set up num_faces */
        cffface->num_faces = cff->num_faces;

        /* compute number of glyphs */
        if ( dict->cid_registry != 0xFFFFU )
          cffface->num_glyphs = cff->charset.max_cid;
          cffface->num_glyphs = cff->charstrings_index.count;

        /* set global bbox, as well as EM size */
        cffface->bbox.xMin =   dict->font_bbox.xMin             >> 16;
        cffface->bbox.yMin =   dict->font_bbox.yMin             >> 16;
        cffface->bbox.xMax = ( dict->font_bbox.xMax + 0xFFFFU ) >> 16;
        cffface->bbox.yMax = ( dict->font_bbox.yMax + 0xFFFFU ) >> 16;

        if ( !dict->units_per_em )
          dict->units_per_em = 1000;

        cffface->units_per_EM = dict->units_per_em;

        cffface->ascender  = (FT_Short)( cffface->bbox.yMax );
        cffface->descender = (FT_Short)( cffface->bbox.yMin );

        cffface->height = (FT_Short)( ( cffface->units_per_EM * 12 ) / 10 );
        if ( cffface->height < cffface->ascender - cffface->descender )
          cffface->height = (FT_Short)( cffface->ascender - cffface->descender );

        cffface->underline_position  =
          (FT_Short)( dict->underline_position >> 16 );
        cffface->underline_thickness =
          (FT_Short)( dict->underline_thickness >> 16 );

        /* retrieve font family & style name */
        cffface->family_name = cff_index_get_name( &cff->name_index,
                                                   face_index );

        if ( cffface->family_name )
          char*  full   = cff_index_get_sid_string( &cff->string_index,
                                                    psnames );
          char*  fullp  = full;
          char*  family = cffface->family_name;
          char*  family_name = 0;

          if ( dict->family_name )
            family_name = cff_index_get_sid_string( &cff->string_index,
            if ( family_name )
              family = family_name;

          /* We try to extract the style name from the full name.   */
          /* We need to ignore spaces and dashes during the search. */
          if ( full && family )
            while ( *fullp )
              /* skip common characters at the start of both strings */
              if ( *fullp == *family )

              /* ignore spaces and dashes in full name during comparison */
              if ( *fullp == ' ' || *fullp == '-' )

              /* ignore spaces and dashes in family name during comparison */
              if ( *family == ' ' || *family == '-' )

              if ( !*family && *fullp )
                /* The full name begins with the same characters as the  */
                /* family name, with spaces and dashes removed.  In this */
                /* case, the remaining string in `fullp' will be used as */
                /* the style name.                                       */
                style_name = cff_strcpy( memory, fullp );

            if ( family_name )
              FT_FREE( family_name );
            FT_FREE( full );
          char  *cid_font_name =
                   cff_index_get_sid_string( &cff->string_index,
                                             psnames );

          /* do we have a `/FontName' for a CID-keyed font? */
          if ( cid_font_name )
            cffface->family_name = cid_font_name;

        if ( style_name )
          cffface->style_name = style_name;
          /* assume "Regular" style if we don't know better */
          cffface->style_name = cff_strcpy( memory, (char *)"Regular" );

        /*                                                                 */
        /* Compute face flags.                                             */
        /*                                                                 */
        flags = FT_FACE_FLAG_SCALABLE   |       /* scalable outlines */
                FT_FACE_FLAG_HORIZONTAL |       /* horizontal data   */
                FT_FACE_FLAG_HINTER;            /* has native hinter */

        if ( sfnt_format )
          flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_SFNT;

        /* fixed width font? */
        if ( dict->is_fixed_pitch )
          flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_FIXED_WIDTH;

#if 0
        /* kerning available? */
        if ( face->kern_pairs )
          flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_KERNING;

        cffface->face_flags = flags;

        /*                                                                 */
        /* Compute style flags.                                            */
        /*                                                                 */
        flags = 0;

        if ( dict->italic_angle )
          flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC;

          char  *weight = cff_index_get_sid_string( &cff->string_index,
                                                    psnames );

          if ( weight )
            if ( !ft_strcmp( weight, "Bold"  ) ||
                 !ft_strcmp( weight, "Black" ) )
              flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD;
          FT_FREE( weight );

        /* double check */
        if ( !(flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD) && cffface->style_name )
          if ( !ft_strncmp( cffface->style_name, "Bold", 4 )  ||
               !ft_strncmp( cffface->style_name, "Black", 5 ) )
            flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD;

        cffface->style_flags = flags;
        if ( !dict->units_per_em )
          dict->units_per_em = face->root.units_per_EM;

      /* Normalize the font matrix so that `matrix->xx' is 1; the */
      /* scaling is done with `units_per_em' then (at this point, */
      /* it already contains the scaling factor, but without      */
      /* normalization of the matrix).                            */
      /*                                                          */
      /* Note that the offsets must be expressed in integer font  */
      /* units.                                                   */

        FT_Matrix*  matrix = &dict->font_matrix;
        FT_Vector*  offset = &dict->font_offset;
        FT_ULong*   upm    = &dict->units_per_em;
        FT_Fixed    temp   = FT_ABS( matrix->yy );

        if ( temp != 0x10000L )
          *upm = FT_DivFix( *upm, temp );

          matrix->xx = FT_DivFix( matrix->xx, temp );
          matrix->yx = FT_DivFix( matrix->yx, temp );
          matrix->xy = FT_DivFix( matrix->xy, temp );
          matrix->yy = FT_DivFix( matrix->yy, temp );
          offset->x  = FT_DivFix( offset->x,  temp );
          offset->y  = FT_DivFix( offset->y,  temp );

        offset->x >>= 16;
        offset->y >>= 16;

      for ( i = cff->num_subfonts; i > 0; i-- )
        CFF_FontRecDict  sub = &cff->subfonts[i - 1]->font_dict;
        CFF_FontRecDict  top = &cff->top_font.font_dict;

        FT_Matrix*  matrix;
        FT_Vector*  offset;
        FT_ULong*   upm;
        FT_Fixed    temp;

        if ( sub->units_per_em )
          FT_Int  scaling;

          if ( top->units_per_em > 1 && sub->units_per_em > 1 )
            scaling = FT_MIN( top->units_per_em, sub->units_per_em );
            scaling = 1;

          FT_Matrix_Multiply_Scaled( &top->font_matrix,
                                     scaling );
          FT_Vector_Transform_Scaled( &sub->font_offset,
                                      scaling );

          sub->units_per_em = FT_MulDiv( sub->units_per_em,
                                         scaling );
          sub->font_matrix = top->font_matrix;
          sub->font_offset = top->font_offset;

          sub->units_per_em = top->units_per_em;

        matrix = &sub->font_matrix;
        offset = &sub->font_offset;
        upm    = &sub->units_per_em;
        temp   = FT_ABS( matrix->yy );

        if ( temp != 0x10000L )
          *upm = FT_DivFix( *upm, temp );

          /* if *upm is larger than 100*1000 we divide by 1000 --     */
          /* this can happen if e.g. there is no top-font FontMatrix  */
          /* and the subfont FontMatrix already contains the complete */
          /* scaling for the subfont (see section 5.11 of the PLRM)   */

          /* 100 is a heuristic value */

          if ( *upm > 100L * 1000L )
            *upm = ( *upm + 500 ) / 1000;

          matrix->xx = FT_DivFix( matrix->xx, temp );
          matrix->yx = FT_DivFix( matrix->yx, temp );
          matrix->xy = FT_DivFix( matrix->xy, temp );
          matrix->yy = FT_DivFix( matrix->yy, temp );
          offset->x  = FT_DivFix( offset->x,  temp );
          offset->y  = FT_DivFix( offset->y,  temp );

        offset->x >>= 16;
        offset->y >>= 16;

      /* CID-keyed CFF fonts don't have glyph names -- the SFNT loader */
      /* has unset this flag because of the 3.0 `post' table.          */
      if ( dict->cid_registry == 0xFFFFU )
        cffface->face_flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_GLYPH_NAMES;

      if ( dict->cid_registry != 0xFFFFU )
        cffface->face_flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_CID_KEYED;

      /*                                                                 */
      /* Compute char maps.                                              */
      /*                                                                 */

      /* Try to synthetize a Unicode charmap if there is none available */
      /* already.  If an OpenType font contains a Unicode "cmap", we    */
      /* will use it, whatever be in the CFF part of the file.          */
        FT_CharMapRec  cmaprec;
        FT_CharMap     cmap;
        FT_UInt        nn;
        CFF_Encoding   encoding = &cff->encoding;

        for ( nn = 0; nn < (FT_UInt)cffface->num_charmaps; nn++ )
          cmap = cffface->charmaps[nn];

          /* Windows Unicode (3,1)? */
          if ( cmap->platform_id == 3 && cmap->encoding_id == 1 )
            goto Skip_Unicode;

          /* Deprecated Unicode platform id? */
          if ( cmap->platform_id == 0 )
            goto Skip_Unicode; /* Standard Unicode (deprecated) */

        /* since CID-keyed fonts don't contain glyph names, we can't */
        /* construct a cmap                                          */
        if ( pure_cff && cff->top_font.font_dict.cid_registry != 0xFFFFU )
          goto Exit;

        /* we didn't find a Unicode charmap -- synthesize one */
        cmaprec.face        = cffface;
        cmaprec.platform_id = 3;
        cmaprec.encoding_id = 1;
        cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_UNICODE;

        nn = (FT_UInt)cffface->num_charmaps;

        FT_CMap_New( &cff_cmap_unicode_class_rec, NULL, &cmaprec, NULL );

        /* if no Unicode charmap was previously selected, select this one */
        if ( cffface->charmap == NULL && nn != (FT_UInt)cffface->num_charmaps )
          cffface->charmap = cffface->charmaps[nn];

        if ( encoding->count > 0 )
          FT_CMap_Class  clazz;

          cmaprec.face        = cffface;
          cmaprec.platform_id = 7;  /* Adobe platform id */

          if ( encoding->offset == 0 )
            cmaprec.encoding_id = TT_ADOBE_ID_STANDARD;
            cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_STANDARD;
            clazz               = &cff_cmap_encoding_class_rec;
          else if ( encoding->offset == 1 )
            cmaprec.encoding_id = TT_ADOBE_ID_EXPERT;
            cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_EXPERT;
            clazz               = &cff_cmap_encoding_class_rec;
            cmaprec.encoding_id = TT_ADOBE_ID_CUSTOM;
            cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_CUSTOM;
            clazz               = &cff_cmap_encoding_class_rec;

          FT_CMap_New( clazz, NULL, &cmaprec, NULL );
Exemplo n.º 24
  af_warper_compute( AF_Warper      warper,
                     AF_GlyphHints  hints,
                     AF_Dimension   dim,
                     FT_Fixed      *a_scale,
                     FT_Pos        *a_delta )
    AF_AxisHints  axis;
    AF_Point      points;

    FT_Fixed      org_scale;
    FT_Pos        org_delta;

    FT_UInt       nn, num_points, num_segments;
    FT_Int        X1, X2;
    FT_Int        w;

    AF_WarpScore  base_distort;
    AF_Segment    segments;

    /* get original scaling transformation */
    if ( dim == AF_DIMENSION_VERT )
      org_scale = hints->y_scale;
      org_delta = hints->y_delta;
      org_scale = hints->x_scale;
      org_delta = hints->x_delta;

    warper->best_scale   = org_scale;
    warper->best_delta   = org_delta;
    warper->best_score   = 0;
    warper->best_distort = 0;

    axis         = &hints->axis[dim];
    segments     = axis->segments;
    num_segments = axis->num_segments;
    points       = hints->points;
    num_points   = hints->num_points;

    *a_scale = org_scale;
    *a_delta = org_delta;

    /* get X1 and X2, minimum and maximum in original coordinates */
    if ( axis->num_segments < 1 )

#if 1
    X1 = X2 = points[0].fx;
    for ( nn = 1; nn < num_points; nn++ )
      FT_Int  X = points[nn].fx;

      if ( X < X1 )
        X1 = X;
      if ( X > X2 )
        X2 = X;
    X1 = X2 = segments[0].pos;
    for ( nn = 1; nn < num_segments; nn++ )
      FT_Int  X = segments[nn].pos;

      if ( X < X1 )
        X1 = X;
      if ( X > X2 )
        X2 = X;

    if ( X1 >= X2 )

    warper->x1 = FT_MulFix( X1, org_scale ) + org_delta;
    warper->x2 = FT_MulFix( X2, org_scale ) + org_delta;

    warper->t1 = AF_WARPER_FLOOR( warper->x1 );
    warper->t2 = AF_WARPER_CEIL( warper->x2 );

    warper->x1min = warper->x1 & ~31;
    warper->x1max = warper->x1min + 32;
    warper->x2min = warper->x2 & ~31;
    warper->x2max = warper->x2min + 32;

    if ( warper->x1max > warper->x2 )
      warper->x1max = warper->x2;

    if ( warper->x2min < warper->x1 )
      warper->x2min = warper->x1;

    warper->w0 = warper->x2 - warper->x1;

    if ( warper->w0 <= 64 )
      warper->x1max = warper->x1;
      warper->x2min = warper->x2;

    warper->wmin = warper->x2min - warper->x1max;
    warper->wmax = warper->x2max - warper->x1min;

    if ( warper->wmin < warper->w0 - 32 )
      warper->wmin = warper->w0 - 32;

    if ( warper->wmax > warper->w0 + 32 )
      warper->wmax = warper->w0 + 32;

    if ( warper->wmin < warper->w0 * 3 / 4 )
      warper->wmin = warper->w0 * 3 / 4;

    if ( warper->wmax > warper->w0 * 5 / 4 )
      warper->wmax = warper->w0 * 5 / 4;

    /* warper->wmin = warper->wmax = warper->w0; */

    for ( w = warper->wmin; w <= warper->wmax; w++ )
      FT_Fixed  new_scale;
      FT_Pos    new_delta;
      FT_Pos    xx1, xx2;

      xx1 = warper->x1;
      xx2 = warper->x2;
      if ( w >= warper->w0 )
        xx1 -= w - warper->w0;
        if ( xx1 < warper->x1min )
          xx2 += warper->x1min - xx1;
          xx1  = warper->x1min;
        xx1 -= w - warper->w0;
        if ( xx1 > warper->x1max )
          xx2 -= xx1 - warper->x1max;
          xx1  = warper->x1max;

      if ( xx1 < warper->x1 )
        base_distort = warper->x1 - xx1;
        base_distort = xx1 - warper->x1;

      if ( xx2 < warper->x2 )
        base_distort += warper->x2 - xx2;
        base_distort += xx2 - warper->x2;

      base_distort *= 10;

      new_scale = org_scale + FT_DivFix( w - warper->w0, X2 - X1 );
      new_delta = xx1 - FT_MulFix( X1, new_scale );

      af_warper_compute_line_best( warper, new_scale, new_delta, xx1, xx2,
                                   segments, num_segments );

    *a_scale = warper->best_scale;
    *a_delta = warper->best_delta;
Exemplo n.º 25
  static FT_Error
  psh_globals_new( FT_Memory     memory,
                   T1_Private*   priv,
                   PSH_Globals  *aglobals )
    PSH_Globals  globals = NULL;
    FT_Error     error;

    if ( !FT_NEW( globals ) )
      FT_UInt    count;
      FT_Short*  read;

      globals->memory = memory;

      /* copy standard widths */
        PSH_Dimension  dim   = &globals->dimension[1];
        PSH_Width      write = dim->stdw.widths;

        write->org = priv->standard_width[0];

        read = priv->snap_widths;
        for ( count = priv->num_snap_widths; count > 0; count-- )
          write->org = *read;

        dim->stdw.count = priv->num_snap_widths + 1;

      /* copy standard heights */
        PSH_Dimension  dim = &globals->dimension[0];
        PSH_Width      write = dim->stdw.widths;

        write->org = priv->standard_height[0];
        read = priv->snap_heights;
        for ( count = priv->num_snap_heights; count > 0; count-- )
          write->org = *read;

        dim->stdw.count = priv->num_snap_heights + 1;

      /* copy blue zones */
      psh_blues_set_zones( &globals->blues, priv->num_blue_values,
                           priv->blue_values, priv->num_other_blues,
                           priv->other_blues, priv->blue_fuzz, 0 );

      psh_blues_set_zones( &globals->blues, priv->num_family_blues,
                           priv->family_blues, priv->num_family_other_blues,
                           priv->family_other_blues, priv->blue_fuzz, 1 );

      /* limit the BlueScale value to `1 / max_of_blue_zone_heights' */
        FT_Fixed  max_scale;
        FT_Short  max_height = 1;

        max_height = psh_calc_max_height( priv->num_blue_values,
                                          max_height );
        max_height = psh_calc_max_height( priv->num_other_blues,
                                          max_height );
        max_height = psh_calc_max_height( priv->num_family_blues,
                                          max_height );
        max_height = psh_calc_max_height( priv->num_family_other_blues,
                                          max_height );

        /* BlueScale is scaled 1000 times */
        max_scale = FT_DivFix( 1000, max_height );
        globals->blues.blue_scale = priv->blue_scale < max_scale
                                      ? priv->blue_scale
                                      : max_scale;

      globals->blues.blue_shift = priv->blue_shift;
      globals->blues.blue_fuzz  = priv->blue_fuzz;

      globals->dimension[0].scale_mult  = 0;
      globals->dimension[0].scale_delta = 0;
      globals->dimension[1].scale_mult  = 0;
      globals->dimension[1].scale_delta = 0;

      ps_debug_globals = globals;

    *aglobals = globals;
    return error;
Exemplo n.º 26
  af_loader_load_glyph( AF_Loader  loader,
                        AF_Module  module,
                        FT_Face    face,
                        FT_UInt    glyph_index,
                        FT_Int32   load_flags )
    FT_Error  error;

    FT_Size           size          = face->size;
    FT_Size_Internal  size_internal = size->internal;
    FT_GlyphSlot      slot          = face->glyph;
    FT_Slot_Internal  slot_internal = slot->internal;
    FT_GlyphLoader    gloader       = slot_internal->loader;

    AF_GlyphHints          hints         = loader->hints;
    AF_ScalerRec           scaler;
    AF_StyleMetrics        style_metrics;
    FT_UInt                style_options = AF_STYLE_NONE_DFLT;
    AF_StyleClass          style_class;
    AF_WritingSystemClass  writing_system_class;

    if ( !size )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Size_Handle );

    FT_ZERO( &scaler );

    if ( !size_internal->autohint_metrics.x_scale                          ||
         size_internal->autohint_mode != FT_LOAD_TARGET_MODE( load_flags ) )
      /* switching between hinting modes usually means different scaling */
      /* values; this later on enforces recomputation of everything      */
      /* related to the current size                                     */

      size_internal->autohint_mode    = FT_LOAD_TARGET_MODE( load_flags );
      size_internal->autohint_metrics = size->metrics;

        FT_Size_Metrics*  size_metrics = &size_internal->autohint_metrics;

        /* set metrics to integer values and adjust scaling accordingly; */
        /* this is the same setup as with TrueType fonts, cf. function   */
        /* `tt_size_reset' in file `ttobjs.c'                            */
        size_metrics->ascender  = FT_PIX_ROUND(
                                    FT_MulFix( face->ascender,
                                               size_metrics->y_scale ) );
        size_metrics->descender = FT_PIX_ROUND(
                                    FT_MulFix( face->descender,
                                               size_metrics->y_scale ) );
        size_metrics->height    = FT_PIX_ROUND(
                                    FT_MulFix( face->height,
                                               size_metrics->y_scale ) );

        size_metrics->x_scale     = FT_DivFix( size_metrics->x_ppem << 6,
                                               face->units_per_EM );
        size_metrics->y_scale     = FT_DivFix( size_metrics->y_ppem << 6,
                                               face->units_per_EM );
        size_metrics->max_advance = FT_PIX_ROUND(
                                      FT_MulFix( face->max_advance_width,
                                                 size_metrics->x_scale ) );

     * TODO: This code currently doesn't support fractional advance widths,
     * i.e., placing hinted glyphs at anything other than integer
     * x-positions.  This is only relevant for the warper code, which
     * scales and shifts glyphs to optimize blackness of stems (hinting on
     * the x-axis by nature places things on pixel integers, hinting on the
     * y-axis only, i.e., LIGHT mode, doesn't touch the x-axis).  The delta
     * values of the scaler would need to be adjusted.
    scaler.face    = face;
    scaler.x_scale = size_internal->autohint_metrics.x_scale;
    scaler.x_delta = 0;
    scaler.y_scale = size_internal->autohint_metrics.y_scale;
    scaler.y_delta = 0;

    scaler.render_mode = FT_LOAD_TARGET_MODE( load_flags );
    scaler.flags       = 0;

    /* note that the fallback style can't be changed anymore */
    /* after the first call of `af_loader_load_glyph'        */
    error = af_loader_reset( loader, module, face );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    /* XXX: undocumented hook to activate the latin2 writing system. */
    if ( load_flags & ( 1UL << 20 ) )
      style_options = AF_STYLE_LTN2_DFLT;

     * Glyphs (really code points) are assigned to scripts.  Script
     * analysis is done lazily: For each glyph that passes through here,
     * the corresponding script analyzer is called, but returns immediately
     * if it has been run already.
    error = af_face_globals_get_metrics( loader->globals, glyph_index,
                                         style_options, &style_metrics );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    style_class          = style_metrics->style_class;
    writing_system_class =

    loader->metrics = style_metrics;

    if ( writing_system_class->style_metrics_scale )
      writing_system_class->style_metrics_scale( style_metrics, &scaler );
      style_metrics->scaler = scaler;

    if ( writing_system_class->style_hints_init )
      error = writing_system_class->style_hints_init( hints,
                                                      style_metrics );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;

     * Do the main work of `af_loader_load_glyph'.  Note that we never have
     * to deal with composite glyphs as those get loaded into
     * FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE by the recursed `FT_Load_Glyph' function.
     * In the rare cases where FT_LOAD_NO_RECURSE is set, it implies
     * FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE and as such the auto-hinter is never called.
    load_flags |=  FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE         |
                   FT_LOAD_IGNORE_TRANSFORM |
    load_flags &= ~FT_LOAD_RENDER;

    error = FT_Load_Glyph( face, glyph_index, load_flags );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

     * Apply stem darkening (emboldening) here before hints are applied to
     * the outline.  Glyphs are scaled down proportionally to the
     * emboldening so that curve points don't fall outside their
     * precomputed blue zones.
     * Any emboldening done by the font driver (e.g., the CFF driver)
     * doesn't reach here because the autohinter loads the unprocessed
     * glyphs in font units for analysis (functions `af_*_metrics_init_*')
     * and then above to prepare it for the rasterizers by itself,
     * independently of the font driver.  So emboldening must be done here,
     * within the autohinter.
     * All glyphs to be autohinted pass through here one by one.  The
     * standard widths can therefore change from one glyph to the next,
     * depending on what script a glyph is assigned to (each script has its
     * own set of standard widths and other metrics).  The darkening amount
     * must therefore be recomputed for each size and
     * `standard_{vertical,horizontal}_width' change.
     * Ignore errors and carry on without emboldening.

    /* stem darkening only works well in `light' mode */
    if ( scaler.render_mode == FT_RENDER_MODE_LIGHT    &&
         ( !face->internal->no_stem_darkening        ||
           ( face->internal->no_stem_darkening < 0 &&
             !module->no_stem_darkening            ) ) )
      af_loader_embolden_glyph_in_slot( loader, face, style_metrics );

    loader->transformed = slot_internal->glyph_transformed;
    if ( loader->transformed )
      FT_Matrix  inverse;

      loader->trans_matrix = slot_internal->glyph_matrix;
      loader->trans_delta  = slot_internal->glyph_delta;

      inverse = loader->trans_matrix;
      if ( !FT_Matrix_Invert( &inverse ) )
        FT_Vector_Transform( &loader->trans_delta, &inverse );

    switch ( slot->format )
      /* translate the loaded glyph when an internal transform is needed */
      if ( loader->transformed )
        FT_Outline_Translate( &slot->outline,
                              loader->trans_delta.y );

      /* compute original horizontal phantom points */
      /* (and ignore vertical ones)                 */
      loader->pp1.x = hints->x_delta;
      loader->pp1.y = hints->y_delta;
      loader->pp2.x = FT_MulFix( slot->metrics.horiAdvance,
                                 hints->x_scale ) + hints->x_delta;
      loader->pp2.y = hints->y_delta;

      /* be sure to check for spacing glyphs */
      if ( slot->outline.n_points == 0 )
        goto Hint_Metrics;

      /* now load the slot image into the auto-outline */
      /* and run the automatic hinting process         */
      if ( writing_system_class->style_hints_apply )
        error = writing_system_class->style_hints_apply(
                  style_metrics );
        if ( error )
          goto Exit;

      /* we now need to adjust the metrics according to the change in */
      /* width/positioning that occurred during the hinting process   */
      if ( scaler.render_mode != FT_RENDER_MODE_LIGHT )
        AF_AxisHints  axis  = &hints->axis[AF_DIMENSION_HORZ];

        if ( axis->num_edges > 1 && AF_HINTS_DO_ADVANCE( hints ) )
          AF_Edge  edge1 = axis->edges;         /* leftmost edge  */
          AF_Edge  edge2 = edge1 +
                           axis->num_edges - 1; /* rightmost edge */

          FT_Pos  old_rsb = loader->pp2.x - edge2->opos;
          /* loader->pp1.x is always zero at this point of time */
          FT_Pos  old_lsb = edge1->opos;     /* - loader->pp1.x */
          FT_Pos  new_lsb = edge1->pos;

          /* remember unhinted values to later account */
          /* for rounding errors                       */
          FT_Pos  pp1x_uh = new_lsb    - old_lsb;
          FT_Pos  pp2x_uh = edge2->pos + old_rsb;

          /* prefer too much space over too little space */
          /* for very small sizes                        */

          if ( old_lsb < 24 )
            pp1x_uh -= 8;

          if ( old_rsb < 24 )
            pp2x_uh += 8;

          loader->pp1.x = FT_PIX_ROUND( pp1x_uh );
          loader->pp2.x = FT_PIX_ROUND( pp2x_uh );

          if ( loader->pp1.x >= new_lsb && old_lsb > 0 )
            loader->pp1.x -= 64;

          if ( loader->pp2.x <= edge2->pos && old_rsb > 0 )
            loader->pp2.x += 64;

          slot->lsb_delta = loader->pp1.x - pp1x_uh;
          slot->rsb_delta = loader->pp2.x - pp2x_uh;
          FT_Pos  pp1x = loader->pp1.x;
          FT_Pos  pp2x = loader->pp2.x;

          loader->pp1.x = FT_PIX_ROUND( pp1x + hints->xmin_delta );
          loader->pp2.x = FT_PIX_ROUND( pp2x + hints->xmax_delta );

          slot->lsb_delta = loader->pp1.x - pp1x;
          slot->rsb_delta = loader->pp2.x - pp2x;
      /* `light' mode uses integer advance widths */
      /* but sets `lsb_delta' and `rsb_delta'     */
        FT_Pos  pp1x = loader->pp1.x;
        FT_Pos  pp2x = loader->pp2.x;

        loader->pp1.x = FT_PIX_ROUND( pp1x );
        loader->pp2.x = FT_PIX_ROUND( pp2x );

        slot->lsb_delta = loader->pp1.x - pp1x;
        slot->rsb_delta = loader->pp2.x - pp2x;


      /* we don't support other formats (yet?) */
      error = FT_THROW( Unimplemented_Feature );

      FT_BBox    bbox;
      FT_Vector  vvector;

      vvector.x = slot->metrics.vertBearingX - slot->metrics.horiBearingX;
      vvector.y = slot->metrics.vertBearingY - slot->metrics.horiBearingY;
      vvector.x = FT_MulFix( vvector.x, style_metrics->scaler.x_scale );
      vvector.y = FT_MulFix( vvector.y, style_metrics->scaler.y_scale );

      /* transform the hinted outline if needed */
      if ( loader->transformed )
        FT_Outline_Transform( &gloader->base.outline, &loader->trans_matrix );
        FT_Vector_Transform( &vvector, &loader->trans_matrix );

      /* we must translate our final outline by -pp1.x and compute */
      /* the new metrics                                           */
      if ( loader->pp1.x )
        FT_Outline_Translate( &gloader->base.outline, -loader->pp1.x, 0 );

      FT_Outline_Get_CBox( &gloader->base.outline, &bbox );

      bbox.xMin = FT_PIX_FLOOR( bbox.xMin );
      bbox.yMin = FT_PIX_FLOOR( bbox.yMin );
      bbox.xMax = FT_PIX_CEIL(  bbox.xMax );
      bbox.yMax = FT_PIX_CEIL(  bbox.yMax );

      slot->metrics.width        = bbox.xMax - bbox.xMin;
      slot->metrics.height       = bbox.yMax - bbox.yMin;
      slot->metrics.horiBearingX = bbox.xMin;
      slot->metrics.horiBearingY = bbox.yMax;

      slot->metrics.vertBearingX = FT_PIX_FLOOR( bbox.xMin + vvector.x );
      slot->metrics.vertBearingY = FT_PIX_FLOOR( bbox.yMax + vvector.y );

      /* for mono-width fonts (like Andale, Courier, etc.) we need */
      /* to keep the original rounded advance width; ditto for     */
      /* digits if all have the same advance width                 */
      if ( scaler.render_mode != FT_RENDER_MODE_LIGHT                       &&
           ( FT_IS_FIXED_WIDTH( slot->face )                              ||
             ( af_face_globals_is_digit( loader->globals, glyph_index ) &&
               style_metrics->digits_have_same_width                    ) ) )
        slot->metrics.horiAdvance =
          FT_MulFix( slot->metrics.horiAdvance,
                     style_metrics->scaler.x_scale );

        /* Set delta values to 0.  Otherwise code that uses them is */
        /* going to ruin the fixed advance width.                   */
        slot->lsb_delta = 0;
        slot->rsb_delta = 0;
        /* non-spacing glyphs must stay as-is */
        if ( slot->metrics.horiAdvance )
          slot->metrics.horiAdvance = loader->pp2.x - loader->pp1.x;

      slot->metrics.vertAdvance = FT_MulFix( slot->metrics.vertAdvance,
                                             style_metrics->scaler.y_scale );

      slot->metrics.horiAdvance = FT_PIX_ROUND( slot->metrics.horiAdvance );
      slot->metrics.vertAdvance = FT_PIX_ROUND( slot->metrics.vertAdvance );

      slot->format  = FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE;

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 27
  FT_Outline_Embolden( FT_Outline*  outline,
                       FT_Pos       strength )
    FT_Vector*  points;
    FT_Vector   v_prev, v_first, v_next, v_cur;
    FT_Angle    rotate, angle_in, angle_out;
    FT_Int      c, n, first;
    FT_Int      orientation;

    if ( !outline )
      return FT_Err_Invalid_Argument;

    strength /= 2;
    if ( strength == 0 )
      return FT_Err_Ok;

    orientation = FT_Outline_Get_Orientation( outline );
    if ( orientation == FT_ORIENTATION_NONE )
      if ( outline->n_contours )
        return FT_Err_Invalid_Argument;
        return FT_Err_Ok;

    if ( orientation == FT_ORIENTATION_TRUETYPE )
      rotate = -FT_ANGLE_PI2;
      rotate = FT_ANGLE_PI2;

    points = outline->points;

    first = 0;
    for ( c = 0; c < outline->n_contours; c++ )
      int  last = outline->contours[c];

      v_first = points[first];
      v_prev  = points[last];
      v_cur   = v_first;

      for ( n = first; n <= last; n++ )
        FT_Vector  in, out;
        FT_Angle   angle_diff;
        FT_Pos     d;
        FT_Fixed   scale;

        if ( n < last )
          v_next = points[n + 1];
          v_next = v_first;

        /* compute the in and out vectors */
        in.x = v_cur.x - v_prev.x;
        in.y = v_cur.y - v_prev.y;

        out.x = v_next.x - v_cur.x;
        out.y = v_next.y - v_cur.y;

        angle_in   = FT_Atan2( in.x, in.y );
        angle_out  = FT_Atan2( out.x, out.y );
        angle_diff = FT_Angle_Diff( angle_in, angle_out );
        scale      = FT_Cos( angle_diff / 2 );

        if ( scale < 0x4000L && scale > -0x4000L )
          in.x = in.y = 0;
          d = FT_DivFix( strength, scale );

          FT_Vector_From_Polar( &in, d, angle_in + angle_diff / 2 - rotate );

        outline->points[n].x = v_cur.x + strength + in.x;
        outline->points[n].y = v_cur.y + strength + in.y;

        v_prev = v_cur;
        v_cur  = v_next;

      first = last + 1;

    return FT_Err_Ok;
Exemplo n.º 28
  af_loader_compute_darkening( AF_Loader  loader,
                               FT_Face    face,
                               FT_Pos     standard_width )
    AF_Module  module = loader->globals->module;

    FT_UShort  units_per_EM;
    FT_Fixed   ppem, em_ratio;
    FT_Fixed   stem_width, stem_width_per_1000, scaled_stem, darken_amount;
    FT_Int     log_base_2;
    FT_Int     x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4;

    ppem         = FT_MAX( af_intToFixed( 4 ),
                           af_intToFixed( face->size->metrics.x_ppem ) );
    units_per_EM = face->units_per_EM;

    em_ratio = FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( 1000 ),
                          af_intToFixed ( units_per_EM ) );
    if ( em_ratio < af_floatToFixed( .01 ) )
      /* If something goes wrong, don't embolden. */
      return 0;

    x1 = module->darken_params[0];
    y1 = module->darken_params[1];
    x2 = module->darken_params[2];
    y2 = module->darken_params[3];
    x3 = module->darken_params[4];
    y3 = module->darken_params[5];
    x4 = module->darken_params[6];
    y4 = module->darken_params[7];

    if ( standard_width <= 0 )
      stem_width          = af_intToFixed( 75 ); /* taken from cf2font.c */
      stem_width_per_1000 = stem_width;
      stem_width          = af_intToFixed( standard_width );
      stem_width_per_1000 = FT_MulFix( stem_width, em_ratio );

    log_base_2 = FT_MSB( (FT_UInt32)stem_width_per_1000 ) +
                 FT_MSB( (FT_UInt32)ppem );

    if ( log_base_2 >= 46 )
      /* possible overflow */
      scaled_stem = af_intToFixed( x4 );
      scaled_stem = FT_MulFix( stem_width_per_1000, ppem );

    /* now apply the darkening parameters */
    if ( scaled_stem < af_intToFixed( x1 ) )
      darken_amount = FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( y1 ), ppem );

    else if ( scaled_stem < af_intToFixed( x2 ) )
      FT_Int  xdelta = x2 - x1;
      FT_Int  ydelta = y2 - y1;
      FT_Int  x      = stem_width_per_1000 -
                       FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( x1 ), ppem );

      if ( !xdelta )
        goto Try_x3;

      darken_amount = FT_MulDiv( x, ydelta, xdelta ) +
                      FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( y1 ), ppem );

    else if ( scaled_stem < af_intToFixed( x3 ) )
        FT_Int  xdelta = x3 - x2;
        FT_Int  ydelta = y3 - y2;
        FT_Int  x      = stem_width_per_1000 -
                         FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( x2 ), ppem );

        if ( !xdelta )
          goto Try_x4;

        darken_amount = FT_MulDiv( x, ydelta, xdelta ) +
                        FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( y2 ), ppem );

    else if ( scaled_stem < af_intToFixed( x4 ) )
        FT_Int  xdelta = x4 - x3;
        FT_Int  ydelta = y4 - y3;
        FT_Int  x      = stem_width_per_1000 -
                         FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( x3 ), ppem );

        if ( !xdelta )
          goto Use_y4;

        darken_amount = FT_MulDiv( x, ydelta, xdelta ) +
                        FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( y3 ), ppem );

      darken_amount = FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( y4 ), ppem );

    /* Convert darken_amount from per 1000 em to true character space. */
    return af_fixedToInt( FT_DivFix( darken_amount, em_ratio ) );
Exemplo n.º 29
  cff_face_init( FT_Stream      stream,
                 FT_Face        cffface,        /* CFF_Face */
                 FT_Int         face_index,
                 FT_Int         num_params,
                 FT_Parameter*  params )
    CFF_Face            face        = (CFF_Face)cffface;
    FT_Error            error;
    SFNT_Service        sfnt;
    FT_Service_PsCMaps  psnames;
    PSHinter_Service    pshinter;
    FT_Bool             pure_cff    = 1;
    FT_Bool             sfnt_format = 0;
    FT_Library          library     = cffface->driver->root.library;

    sfnt = (SFNT_Service)FT_Get_Module_Interface(
             library, "sfnt" );
    if ( !sfnt )
      FT_ERROR(( "cff_face_init: cannot access `sfnt' module\n" ));
      error = FT_THROW( Missing_Module );
      goto Exit;


    pshinter = (PSHinter_Service)FT_Get_Module_Interface(
                 library, "pshinter" );

    FT_TRACE2(( "CFF driver\n" ));

    /* create input stream from resource */
    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( 0 ) )
      goto Exit;

    /* check whether we have a valid OpenType file */
    error = sfnt->init_face( stream, face, face_index, num_params, params );
    if ( !error )
      if ( face->format_tag != TTAG_OTTO )  /* `OTTO'; OpenType/CFF font */
        FT_TRACE2(( "  not an OpenType/CFF font\n" ));
        error = FT_THROW( Unknown_File_Format );
        goto Exit;

      /* if we are performing a simple font format check, exit immediately */
      if ( face_index < 0 )
        return FT_Err_Ok;

      sfnt_format = 1;

      /* now, the font can be either an OpenType/CFF font, or an SVG CEF */
      /* font; in the latter case it doesn't have a `head' table         */
      error = face->goto_table( face, TTAG_head, stream, 0 );
      if ( !error )
        pure_cff = 0;

        /* load font directory */
        error = sfnt->load_face( stream, face, face_index,
                                 num_params, params );
        if ( error )
          goto Exit;
        /* load the `cmap' table explicitly */
        error = sfnt->load_cmap( face, stream );
        if ( error )
          goto Exit;

      /* now load the CFF part of the file */
      error = face->goto_table( face, TTAG_CFF, stream, 0 );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;
      /* rewind to start of file; we are going to load a pure-CFF font */
      if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( 0 ) )
        goto Exit;
      error = FT_Err_Ok;

    /* now load and parse the CFF table in the file */
      CFF_Font         cff = NULL;
      CFF_FontRecDict  dict;
      FT_Memory        memory = cffface->memory;
      FT_Int32         flags;
      FT_UInt          i;

      if ( FT_NEW( cff ) )
        goto Exit;

      face->extra.data = cff;
      error = cff_font_load( library, stream, face_index, cff, pure_cff );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;

      cff->pshinter = pshinter;
      cff->psnames  = psnames;

      cffface->face_index = face_index;

      /* Complement the root flags with some interesting information. */
      /* Note that this is only necessary for pure CFF and CEF fonts; */
      /* SFNT based fonts use the `name' table instead.               */

      cffface->num_glyphs = cff->num_glyphs;

      dict = &cff->top_font.font_dict;

      /* we need the `PSNames' module for CFF and CEF formats */
      /* which aren't CID-keyed                               */
      if ( dict->cid_registry == 0xFFFFU && !psnames )
        FT_ERROR(( "cff_face_init:"
                   " cannot open CFF & CEF fonts\n"
                   "              "
                   " without the `PSNames' module\n" ));
        error = FT_THROW( Missing_Module );
        goto Exit;

        FT_UInt     idx;
        FT_String*  s;

        FT_TRACE4(( "SIDs\n" ));

        /* dump string index, including default strings for convenience */
        for ( idx = 0; idx < cff->num_strings + 390; idx++ )
          s = cff_index_get_sid_string( cff, idx );
          if ( s )
            FT_TRACE4(("  %5d %s\n", idx, s ));

      if ( !dict->has_font_matrix )
        dict->units_per_em = pure_cff ? 1000 : face->root.units_per_EM;

      /* Normalize the font matrix so that `matrix->xx' is 1; the */
      /* scaling is done with `units_per_em' then (at this point, */
      /* it already contains the scaling factor, but without      */
      /* normalization of the matrix).                            */
      /*                                                          */
      /* Note that the offsets must be expressed in integer font  */
      /* units.                                                   */

        FT_Matrix*  matrix = &dict->font_matrix;
        FT_Vector*  offset = &dict->font_offset;
        FT_ULong*   upm    = &dict->units_per_em;
        FT_Fixed    temp   = FT_ABS( matrix->yy );

        if ( temp != 0x10000L )
          *upm = FT_DivFix( *upm, temp );

          matrix->xx = FT_DivFix( matrix->xx, temp );
          matrix->yx = FT_DivFix( matrix->yx, temp );
          matrix->xy = FT_DivFix( matrix->xy, temp );
          matrix->yy = FT_DivFix( matrix->yy, temp );
          offset->x  = FT_DivFix( offset->x,  temp );
          offset->y  = FT_DivFix( offset->y,  temp );

        offset->x >>= 16;
        offset->y >>= 16;

      for ( i = cff->num_subfonts; i > 0; i-- )
        CFF_FontRecDict  sub = &cff->subfonts[i - 1]->font_dict;
        CFF_FontRecDict  top = &cff->top_font.font_dict;

        FT_Matrix*  matrix;
        FT_Vector*  offset;
        FT_ULong*   upm;
        FT_Fixed    temp;

        if ( sub->has_font_matrix )
          FT_Long  scaling;

          /* if we have a top-level matrix, */
          /* concatenate the subfont matrix */

          if ( top->has_font_matrix )
            if ( top->units_per_em > 1 && sub->units_per_em > 1 )
              scaling = FT_MIN( top->units_per_em, sub->units_per_em );
              scaling = 1;

            FT_Matrix_Multiply_Scaled( &top->font_matrix,
                                       scaling );
            FT_Vector_Transform_Scaled( &sub->font_offset,
                                        scaling );

            sub->units_per_em = FT_MulDiv( sub->units_per_em,
                                           scaling );
          sub->font_matrix = top->font_matrix;
          sub->font_offset = top->font_offset;

          sub->units_per_em = top->units_per_em;

        matrix = &sub->font_matrix;
        offset = &sub->font_offset;
        upm    = &sub->units_per_em;
        temp   = FT_ABS( matrix->yy );

        if ( temp != 0x10000L )
          *upm = FT_DivFix( *upm, temp );

          matrix->xx = FT_DivFix( matrix->xx, temp );
          matrix->yx = FT_DivFix( matrix->yx, temp );
          matrix->xy = FT_DivFix( matrix->xy, temp );
          matrix->yy = FT_DivFix( matrix->yy, temp );
          offset->x  = FT_DivFix( offset->x,  temp );
          offset->y  = FT_DivFix( offset->y,  temp );

        offset->x >>= 16;
        offset->y >>= 16;

      if ( pure_cff )
        char*  style_name = NULL;

        /* set up num_faces */
        cffface->num_faces = cff->num_faces;

        /* compute number of glyphs */
        if ( dict->cid_registry != 0xFFFFU )
          cffface->num_glyphs = cff->charset.max_cid + 1;
          cffface->num_glyphs = cff->charstrings_index.count;

        /* set global bbox, as well as EM size */
        cffface->bbox.xMin =   dict->font_bbox.xMin            >> 16;
        cffface->bbox.yMin =   dict->font_bbox.yMin            >> 16;
        /* no `U' suffix here to 0xFFFF! */
        cffface->bbox.xMax = ( dict->font_bbox.xMax + 0xFFFF ) >> 16;
        cffface->bbox.yMax = ( dict->font_bbox.yMax + 0xFFFF ) >> 16;

        cffface->units_per_EM = (FT_UShort)( dict->units_per_em );

        cffface->ascender  = (FT_Short)( cffface->bbox.yMax );
        cffface->descender = (FT_Short)( cffface->bbox.yMin );

        cffface->height = (FT_Short)( ( cffface->units_per_EM * 12 ) / 10 );
        if ( cffface->height < cffface->ascender - cffface->descender )
          cffface->height = (FT_Short)( cffface->ascender - cffface->descender );

        cffface->underline_position  =
          (FT_Short)( dict->underline_position >> 16 );
        cffface->underline_thickness =
          (FT_Short)( dict->underline_thickness >> 16 );

        /* retrieve font family & style name */
        cffface->family_name = cff_index_get_name( cff, face_index );
        if ( cffface->family_name )
          char*  full   = cff_index_get_sid_string( cff,
                                                    dict->full_name );
          char*  fullp  = full;
          char*  family = cffface->family_name;
          char*  family_name = NULL;

          remove_subset_prefix( cffface->family_name );

          if ( dict->family_name )
            family_name = cff_index_get_sid_string( cff,
                                                    dict->family_name );
            if ( family_name )
              family = family_name;

          /* We try to extract the style name from the full name.   */
          /* We need to ignore spaces and dashes during the search. */
          if ( full && family )
            while ( *fullp )
              /* skip common characters at the start of both strings */
              if ( *fullp == *family )

              /* ignore spaces and dashes in full name during comparison */
              if ( *fullp == ' ' || *fullp == '-' )

              /* ignore spaces and dashes in family name during comparison */
              if ( *family == ' ' || *family == '-' )

              if ( !*family && *fullp )
                /* The full name begins with the same characters as the  */
                /* family name, with spaces and dashes removed.  In this */
                /* case, the remaining string in `fullp' will be used as */
                /* the style name.                                       */
                style_name = cff_strcpy( memory, fullp );

                /* remove the style part from the family name (if present) */
                remove_style( cffface->family_name, style_name );
          char  *cid_font_name =
                   cff_index_get_sid_string( cff,
                                             dict->cid_font_name );

          /* do we have a `/FontName' for a CID-keyed font? */
          if ( cid_font_name )
            cffface->family_name = cff_strcpy( memory, cid_font_name );

        if ( style_name )
          cffface->style_name = style_name;
          /* assume "Regular" style if we don't know better */
          cffface->style_name = cff_strcpy( memory, (char *)"Regular" );

        /*                                                                 */
        /* Compute face flags.                                             */
        /*                                                                 */
        flags = FT_FACE_FLAG_SCALABLE   | /* scalable outlines */
                FT_FACE_FLAG_HORIZONTAL | /* horizontal data   */
                FT_FACE_FLAG_HINTER;      /* has native hinter */

        if ( sfnt_format )
          flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_SFNT;

        /* fixed width font? */
        if ( dict->is_fixed_pitch )
          flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_FIXED_WIDTH;

#if 0
        /* kerning available? */
        if ( face->kern_pairs )
          flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_KERNING;

        cffface->face_flags |= flags;

        /*                                                                 */
        /* Compute style flags.                                            */
        /*                                                                 */
        flags = 0;

        if ( dict->italic_angle )
          flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC;

          char  *weight = cff_index_get_sid_string( cff,
                                                    dict->weight );

          if ( weight )
            if ( !ft_strcmp( weight, "Bold"  ) ||
                 !ft_strcmp( weight, "Black" ) )
              flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD;

        /* double check */
        if ( !(flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD) && cffface->style_name )
          if ( !ft_strncmp( cffface->style_name, "Bold", 4 )  ||
               !ft_strncmp( cffface->style_name, "Black", 5 ) )
            flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD;

        cffface->style_flags = flags;

      /* CID-keyed CFF fonts don't have glyph names -- the SFNT loader */
      /* has unset this flag because of the 3.0 `post' table.          */
      if ( dict->cid_registry == 0xFFFFU )
        cffface->face_flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_GLYPH_NAMES;

      if ( dict->cid_registry != 0xFFFFU && pure_cff )
        cffface->face_flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_CID_KEYED;

      /*                                                                 */
      /* Compute char maps.                                              */
      /*                                                                 */

      /* Try to synthesize a Unicode charmap if there is none available */
      /* already.  If an OpenType font contains a Unicode "cmap", we    */
      /* will use it, whatever be in the CFF part of the file.          */
        FT_CharMapRec  cmaprec;
        FT_CharMap     cmap;
        FT_UInt        nn;
        CFF_Encoding   encoding = &cff->encoding;

        for ( nn = 0; nn < (FT_UInt)cffface->num_charmaps; nn++ )
          cmap = cffface->charmaps[nn];

          /* Windows Unicode? */
          if ( cmap->platform_id == TT_PLATFORM_MICROSOFT &&
               cmap->encoding_id == TT_MS_ID_UNICODE_CS   )
            goto Skip_Unicode;

          /* Apple Unicode platform id? */
          if ( cmap->platform_id == TT_PLATFORM_APPLE_UNICODE )
            goto Skip_Unicode; /* Apple Unicode */

        /* since CID-keyed fonts don't contain glyph names, we can't */
        /* construct a cmap                                          */
        if ( pure_cff && cff->top_font.font_dict.cid_registry != 0xFFFFU )
          goto Exit;

        if ( nn + 1 > FT_MAX_CHARMAP_CACHEABLE )
          FT_ERROR(( "cff_face_init: no Unicode cmap is found, "
                     "and too many subtables (%d) to add synthesized cmap\n",
                     nn ));
          goto Exit;

        /* we didn't find a Unicode charmap -- synthesize one */
        cmaprec.face        = cffface;
        cmaprec.platform_id = TT_PLATFORM_MICROSOFT;
        cmaprec.encoding_id = TT_MS_ID_UNICODE_CS;
        cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_UNICODE;

        nn = (FT_UInt)cffface->num_charmaps;

                             &cmaprec, NULL );
        if ( error                                      &&
             FT_ERR_NEQ( error, No_Unicode_Glyph_Name ) )
          goto Exit;
        error = FT_Err_Ok;

        /* if no Unicode charmap was previously selected, select this one */
        if ( cffface->charmap == NULL && nn != (FT_UInt)cffface->num_charmaps )
          cffface->charmap = cffface->charmaps[nn];

        if ( nn > FT_MAX_CHARMAP_CACHEABLE )
          FT_ERROR(( "cff_face_init: Unicode cmap is found, "
                     "but too many preceding subtables (%d) to access\n",
                     nn - 1 ));
          goto Exit;
        if ( encoding->count > 0 )
          FT_CMap_Class  clazz;

          cmaprec.face        = cffface;
          cmaprec.platform_id = TT_PLATFORM_ADOBE;  /* Adobe platform id */

          if ( encoding->offset == 0 )
            cmaprec.encoding_id = TT_ADOBE_ID_STANDARD;
            cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_STANDARD;
            clazz               = &CFF_CMAP_ENCODING_CLASS_REC_GET;
          else if ( encoding->offset == 1 )
            cmaprec.encoding_id = TT_ADOBE_ID_EXPERT;
            cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_EXPERT;
            clazz               = &CFF_CMAP_ENCODING_CLASS_REC_GET;
            cmaprec.encoding_id = TT_ADOBE_ID_CUSTOM;
            cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_CUSTOM;
            clazz               = &CFF_CMAP_ENCODING_CLASS_REC_GET;

          error = FT_CMap_New( clazz, NULL, &cmaprec, NULL );

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 30
  tt_size_reset( TT_Size  size,
                 FT_Bool  only_height )
    TT_Face           face;
    FT_Size_Metrics*  size_metrics;

    face = (TT_Face)size->root.face;

    /* nothing to do for CFF2 */
    if ( face->is_cff2 )
      return FT_Err_Ok;

    size->ttmetrics.valid = FALSE;

    size_metrics = &size->hinted_metrics;

    /* copy the result from base layer */
    *size_metrics = size->root.metrics;

    if ( size_metrics->x_ppem < 1 || size_metrics->y_ppem < 1 )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_PPem );

    /* This bit flag, if set, indicates that the ppems must be       */
    /* rounded to integers.  Nearly all TrueType fonts have this bit */
    /* set, as hinting won't work really well otherwise.             */
    /*                                                               */
    if ( face->header.Flags & 8 )
      /* the TT spec always asks for ROUND, not FLOOR or CEIL */
      size_metrics->ascender = FT_PIX_ROUND(
                                 FT_MulFix( face->root.ascender,
                                            size_metrics->y_scale ) );
      size_metrics->descender = FT_PIX_ROUND(
                                 FT_MulFix( face->root.descender,
                                            size_metrics->y_scale ) );
      size_metrics->height = FT_PIX_ROUND(
                               FT_MulFix( face->root.height,
                                          size_metrics->y_scale ) );

    size->ttmetrics.valid = TRUE;

    if ( only_height )
      /* we must not recompute the scaling values here since       */
      /* `tt_size_reset' was already called (with only_height = 0) */
      return FT_Err_Ok;

    if ( face->header.Flags & 8 )
      /* base scaling values on integer ppem values, */
      /* as mandated by the TrueType specification   */
      size_metrics->x_scale = FT_DivFix( size_metrics->x_ppem << 6,
                                         face->root.units_per_EM );
      size_metrics->y_scale = FT_DivFix( size_metrics->y_ppem << 6,
                                         face->root.units_per_EM );

      size_metrics->max_advance = FT_PIX_ROUND(
                                    FT_MulFix( face->root.max_advance_width,
                                               size_metrics->x_scale ) );

    /* compute new transformation */
    if ( size_metrics->x_ppem >= size_metrics->y_ppem )
      size->ttmetrics.scale   = size_metrics->x_scale;
      size->ttmetrics.ppem    = size_metrics->x_ppem;
      size->ttmetrics.x_ratio = 0x10000L;
      size->ttmetrics.y_ratio = FT_DivFix( size_metrics->y_ppem,
                                           size_metrics->x_ppem );
      size->ttmetrics.scale   = size_metrics->y_scale;
      size->ttmetrics.ppem    = size_metrics->y_ppem;
      size->ttmetrics.x_ratio = FT_DivFix( size_metrics->x_ppem,
                                           size_metrics->y_ppem );
      size->ttmetrics.y_ratio = 0x10000L;

    size->metrics = size_metrics;

    size->cvt_ready = -1;

    return FT_Err_Ok;