Exemplo n.º 1
void			ft_put_pixel_to_image(t_img img, int x, int y, t_color3 color)
	int				addr;

	addr = y * img.sizeline + x * (img.bpp / 8);
	img.data[addr + 0] = FT_MAX(FT_MIN(color.b * 255, 255), 0);
	img.data[addr + 1] = FT_MAX(FT_MIN(color.g * 255, 255), 0);
	img.data[addr + 2] = FT_MAX(FT_MIN(color.r * 255, 255), 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
void		writes_str(const char *s, t_printf_arg *a)
	size_t	i;
	size_t	j;
	size_t	size;

	size = ft_strlen(s);
	size = (a->prec.right != -1) ? FT_MIN((size_t)a->prec.right, size) : size;
	a->size = FT_MAX((int)size, a->prec.left);
	if (!(a->buf = ft_strnew(a->size)))
		return ;
	if ((i = -1) && !s && !(a->flags & deci))
		return ((void)(ft_memcpy(a->buf, "(null)", (a->size = 6))));
	if (!(j = 0) && !(a->flags & less))
		while (++i < a->size - size)
			a->buf[i] = (!(a->flags & zero)) ? ' ' : '0';
		while (i < a->size)
			a->buf[i++] = s[j++];
		while (++i < size)
			a->buf[i] = s[i];
		while (i < a->size)
			a->buf[i++] = ' ';
Exemplo n.º 3
static int		check_list(t_fdf *e, t_list **list)
	int		i;
	int		j;
	t_list	*tmp;

	if (!(tmp = my_first_init(e, list, &i)))
		return (0);
	while ((j = -1) && tmp)
		if (!(e->p[--i] = (t_3d *)malloc((e->npw + 1) * sizeof(t_3d))))
			ft_lstdel(list, &my_lstdel);
			return (0);
		while (((char **)tmp->content)[++j])
			e->p[i][j].z = ft_atoi(((char **)tmp->content)[j]);
			e->mia = FT_MIN(e->mia, e->p[i][j].z);
			e->maa = FT_MAX(e->maa, e->p[i][j].z);
		while (j < e->npw)
			e->p[i][j++].z = 0;
		tmp = tmp->next;
	ft_lstdel(list, &my_lstdel);
	return (1);
Exemplo n.º 4
void		writes_wintt(wchar_t c, t_printf_arg *arg)
	size_t	i;
	size_t	size;
	size_t	size2;

	size = (arg->prec.right > 0) ? FT_MIN(arg->prec.right, 1) : 1;
	size2 = FT_MAX((int)size, arg->prec.left);
	i = -1;
	if (!(arg->buf = ft_strnew(size2 * 4)))
		return ;
	if (!(arg->flags & less))
		while (++i < size2 - size)
			arg->buf[arg->size++] = (!(arg->flags & zero)) ? ' ' : '0';
		add_char(c, arg);
		if (c && i++)
			add_char(c, arg);
		while (++i < size2)
			arg->buf[arg->size++] = ' ';
	if (!arg->size)
		arg->size = 1;
Exemplo n.º 5
static void
    FT_Short          wordOffset,
    const FT_String*  tag,
    FT_Byte           state,
    GXV_Validator     valid )
    FT_UShort  substTable;
    FT_UShort  substTable_limit;
    FT_UShort  min_gid;
    FT_UShort  max_gid;

    FT_UNUSED( tag );
    FT_UNUSED( state );

    substTable =
        ((GXV_mort_subtable_type1_StateOptRec *)
    substTable_limit =
        (FT_UShort)( substTable +
                     ((GXV_mort_subtable_type1_StateOptRec *)
                      (valid->statetable.optdata))->substitutionTable_length );

    min_gid = (FT_UShort)( ( substTable       - wordOffset * 2 ) / 2 );
    max_gid = (FT_UShort)( ( substTable_limit - wordOffset * 2 ) / 2 );
    max_gid = (FT_UShort)( FT_MAX( max_gid, valid->face->num_glyphs ) );

    /* XXX: check range? */

    /* TODO: min_gid & max_gid comparison with ClassTable contents */
Exemplo n.º 6
void		writes_uchar(unsigned char c, t_printf_arg *arg)
	size_t	i;
	size_t	size;

	size = (arg->prec.right > 0) ? FT_MIN(arg->prec.right, 1) : 1;
	arg->size = FT_MAX((int)size, arg->prec.left);
	i = -1;
	if (!(arg->buf = ft_strnew(arg->size)))
		return ;
	if (!(arg->flags & less))
		while (++i < arg->size - size)
			arg->buf[i] = (!(arg->flags & zero)) ? ' ' : '0';
		arg->buf[i] = c;
		arg->buf[++i] = c;
		while (++i < arg->size)
			arg->buf[i] = ' ';
	if (!arg->size)
		arg->size = 1;
Exemplo n.º 7
static t_list	*my_first_init(t_fdf *e, t_list **list, int *size)
	int		i;
	t_list	*tmp;

	e->nph = 0;
	tmp = *list;
	while (tmp)
		i = 0;
		while (((char **)(tmp->content))[i])
		e->npw = FT_MAX(e->npw, i);
		tmp = tmp->next;
	if (!(e->p = (t_3d **)malloc((e->nph + 1) * sizeof(t_3d *))))
		ft_lstdel(list, &my_lstdel);
		return (NULL);
	i = 0;
	*size = e->nph;
	while (i <= *size)
		e->p[i++] = NULL;
	return (*list);
Exemplo n.º 8
static inline int		init(uintmax_t nbr, t_pfflags *flags)
	return ((int)((FT_BIT_VAL(flags->flg, FTPF_PRECISION) ?
	FT_MAX(flags->n_digits, flags->prec) :
	flags->n_digits) + ((nbr || FT_BIT_VAL(flags->flg, FTPF_FORCE_PREFIX_))
	&& FT_BIT_VAL(flags->flg, FTPF_PREFIX) ? FT_T((flags->base == 8) ||
	(flags->base == 16), (flags->base == 8) +
	2 * (flags->base == 16), (flags->base > 9) + 2) : 0)));
Exemplo n.º 9
float	calc_lights(t_line p, t_list *lights, float scene_ambl, float elem_l)
	float light;
	t_light *ls;

//	return (p.o.x / 10);
	if (lights == NULL)
		return (FT_MAX(scene_ambl, elem_l));
	ls = (t_light*)lights->content;
	light = geo_scalar_produce(p.v, geo_vector_pp(p.o, ls->position)) /
	geo_vector_norme(p.v) / geo_vector_norme(geo_vector_pp(p.o, ls->position));
	if (light < elem_l)
		light = elem_l;
	if (light < scene_ambl)
		light = scene_ambl;
	return (light);
Exemplo n.º 10
void		writes_wstr(const wchar_t *str, t_printf_arg *arg)
	size_t	sizes[4];

	sizes[1] = 0;
	if (str)
		while (str[sizes[1]])
	sizes[3] = ft_wstrlen(str, sizes[1], INT_MAX);
	sizes[3] = (arg->prec.right != -1) ? FT_MIN((int)ft_wstrlen(str, INT_MAX,
	arg->prec.right), (int)(sizes[3])) : (int)sizes[3];
	sizes[2] = FT_MAX((int)(sizes[3]), arg->prec.left);
	if (!(arg->buf = ft_strnew(sizes[2] * 4)))
		return ;
	if (!str && !(arg->flags & deci))
		return ((void)(ft_memcpy(arg->buf, "(null)", (arg->size = 6))));
	wstr_less_or_not(str, arg, sizes);
Exemplo n.º 11
  ft_lcd_padding( FT_BBox*        cbox,
                  FT_GlyphSlot    slot,
                  FT_Render_Mode  mode )
    FT_Vector*  sub = slot->library->lcd_geometry;

    if ( mode == FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD )
      cbox->xMin -= FT_MAX( FT_MAX( sub[0].x, sub[1].x ), sub[2].x );
      cbox->xMax -= FT_MIN( FT_MIN( sub[0].x, sub[1].x ), sub[2].x );
      cbox->yMin -= FT_MAX( FT_MAX( sub[0].y, sub[1].y ), sub[2].y );
      cbox->yMax -= FT_MIN( FT_MIN( sub[0].y, sub[1].y ), sub[2].y );
    else if ( mode == FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD_V )
      cbox->xMin -= FT_MAX( FT_MAX( sub[0].y, sub[1].y ), sub[2].y );
      cbox->xMax -= FT_MIN( FT_MIN( sub[0].y, sub[1].y ), sub[2].y );
      cbox->yMin += FT_MIN( FT_MIN( sub[0].x, sub[1].x ), sub[2].x );
      cbox->yMax += FT_MAX( FT_MAX( sub[0].x, sub[1].x ), sub[2].x );
Exemplo n.º 12
ssize_t	handle_wstr(char **format, va_list *args, t_arg *arg)
	wchar_t	*str;
	size_t	strlen;

	str = va_arg(*args, wchar_t*);
	if (str == NULL)
		str = L"(null)";
	strlen = arg->got_precision ? calc_wstrlen(str, arg->precision, 0) :
	if (arg->got_width && !arg->right_pad)
		width_pad(strlen, arg->width, arg->pad_zeroes ? '0' : ' ');
	ft_putnwstr(str, strlen);
	if (arg->got_width && arg->right_pad)
		width_pad(strlen, arg->width, ' ');
	return (arg->got_width ? FT_MAX(strlen, arg->width) : strlen);
Exemplo n.º 13
int	main(int ac, char **av)
	t_fdf	e;

	if (ac < 2 || !my_parse(&e, ac, av))
		return (0);
	e.wia = FT_MAX(e.maa - e.mia, 1);
	if (!(e.mlx = mlx_init()))
		return (fdf_quit(&e));
	if (!(e.win = mlx_new_window(e.mlx, e.wid, e.hig, "FdF")))
		return (fdf_quit(&e));
	if (!(e.img = mlx_new_image(e.mlx, e.wid, e.hig)))
		return (fdf_quit(&e));
	e.buf = mlx_get_data_addr(e.img, &e.bit, &e.lin, &e.end);
	e.bit /= 8;
	mlx_key_hook(e.win, &my_key_func, &e);
	mlx_expose_hook(e.win, &my_expose_func, &e);
	return (0);
Exemplo n.º 14
ssize_t	handle_str(char **format, va_list *args, t_arg *arg)
	char	*str;
	size_t	strlen;

	if (arg->length == l)
		return (handle_wstr(format, args, arg));
		str = va_arg(*args, char*);
		if (str == NULL)
			str = "(null)";
		strlen = arg->got_precision ? ft_nstrlen(str, arg->precision) :
		if (arg->got_width && !arg->right_pad)
			width_pad(strlen, arg->width, arg->pad_zeroes ? '0' : ' ');
		ft_putnstr(str, strlen);
		if (arg->got_width && arg->right_pad)
			width_pad(strlen, arg->width, ' ');
		return (arg->got_width ? FT_MAX(strlen, arg->width) : strlen);
Exemplo n.º 15
  static FT_Error
  load_format_20( TT_Face    face,
                  FT_Stream  stream,
                  FT_ULong   post_limit )
    FT_Memory   memory = stream->memory;
    FT_Error    error;

    FT_Int      num_glyphs;
    FT_UShort   num_names;

    FT_UShort*  glyph_indices = NULL;
    FT_Char**   name_strings  = NULL;

    if ( FT_READ_USHORT( num_glyphs ) )
      goto Exit;

    /* UNDOCUMENTED!  The number of glyphs in this table can be smaller */
    /* than the value in the maxp table (cf. cyberbit.ttf).             */

    /* There already exist fonts which have more than 32768 glyph names */
    /* in this table, so the test for this threshold has been dropped.  */

    if ( num_glyphs > face->max_profile.numGlyphs )
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
      goto Exit;

    /* load the indices */
      FT_Int  n;

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY ( glyph_indices, num_glyphs ) ||
           FT_FRAME_ENTER( num_glyphs * 2L )          )
        goto Fail;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_glyphs; n++ )
        glyph_indices[n] = FT_GET_USHORT();


    /* compute number of names stored in table */
      FT_Int  n;

      num_names = 0;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_glyphs; n++ )
        FT_Int  idx;

        idx = glyph_indices[n];
        if ( idx >= 258 )
          idx -= 257;
          if ( idx > num_names )
            num_names = (FT_UShort)idx;

    /* now load the name strings */
      FT_UShort  n;

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( name_strings, num_names ) )
        goto Fail;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_names; n++ )
        FT_UInt  len;

        if ( FT_STREAM_POS() >= post_limit )
          FT_TRACE6(( "load_format_20: %d byte left in post table\n",
                      post_limit - FT_STREAM_POS() ));

          if ( FT_READ_BYTE( len ) )
            goto Fail1;

        if ( len > post_limit                   ||
             FT_STREAM_POS() > post_limit - len )
          FT_Int  d = (FT_Int)post_limit - (FT_Int)FT_STREAM_POS();

          FT_ERROR(( "load_format_20:"
                     " exceeding string length (%d),"
                     " truncating at end of post table (%d byte left)\n",
                     len, d ));
          len = (FT_UInt)FT_MAX( 0, d );

        if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( name_strings[n], len + 1 ) ||
             FT_STREAM_READ( name_strings[n], len   ) )
          goto Fail1;

        name_strings[n][len] = '\0';

      if ( n < num_names )
        FT_ERROR(( "load_format_20:"
                   " all entries in post table are already parsed,"
                   " using NULL names for gid %d - %d\n",
                    n, num_names - 1 ));
        for ( ; n < num_names; n++ )
          if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( name_strings[n], 1 ) )
            goto Fail1;
            name_strings[n][0] = '\0';

    /* all right, set table fields and exit successfully */
      TT_Post_20  table = &face->postscript_names.names.format_20;

      table->num_glyphs    = (FT_UShort)num_glyphs;
      table->num_names     = (FT_UShort)num_names;
      table->glyph_indices = glyph_indices;
      table->glyph_names   = name_strings;
    return FT_Err_Ok;

      FT_UShort  n;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_names; n++ )
        FT_FREE( name_strings[n] );

    FT_FREE( name_strings );
    FT_FREE( glyph_indices );

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 16
  af_loader_compute_darkening( AF_Loader  loader,
                               FT_Face    face,
                               FT_Pos     standard_width )
    AF_Module  module = loader->globals->module;

    FT_UShort  units_per_EM;
    FT_Fixed   ppem, em_ratio;
    FT_Fixed   stem_width, stem_width_per_1000, scaled_stem, darken_amount;
    FT_Int     log_base_2;
    FT_Int     x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4;

    ppem         = FT_MAX( af_intToFixed( 4 ),
                           af_intToFixed( face->size->metrics.x_ppem ) );
    units_per_EM = face->units_per_EM;

    em_ratio = FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( 1000 ),
                          af_intToFixed ( units_per_EM ) );
    if ( em_ratio < af_floatToFixed( .01 ) )
      /* If something goes wrong, don't embolden. */
      return 0;

    x1 = module->darken_params[0];
    y1 = module->darken_params[1];
    x2 = module->darken_params[2];
    y2 = module->darken_params[3];
    x3 = module->darken_params[4];
    y3 = module->darken_params[5];
    x4 = module->darken_params[6];
    y4 = module->darken_params[7];

    if ( standard_width <= 0 )
      stem_width          = af_intToFixed( 75 ); /* taken from cf2font.c */
      stem_width_per_1000 = stem_width;
      stem_width          = af_intToFixed( standard_width );
      stem_width_per_1000 = FT_MulFix( stem_width, em_ratio );

    log_base_2 = FT_MSB( (FT_UInt32)stem_width_per_1000 ) +
                 FT_MSB( (FT_UInt32)ppem );

    if ( log_base_2 >= 46 )
      /* possible overflow */
      scaled_stem = af_intToFixed( x4 );
      scaled_stem = FT_MulFix( stem_width_per_1000, ppem );

    /* now apply the darkening parameters */
    if ( scaled_stem < af_intToFixed( x1 ) )
      darken_amount = FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( y1 ), ppem );

    else if ( scaled_stem < af_intToFixed( x2 ) )
      FT_Int  xdelta = x2 - x1;
      FT_Int  ydelta = y2 - y1;
      FT_Int  x      = stem_width_per_1000 -
                       FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( x1 ), ppem );

      if ( !xdelta )
        goto Try_x3;

      darken_amount = FT_MulDiv( x, ydelta, xdelta ) +
                      FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( y1 ), ppem );

    else if ( scaled_stem < af_intToFixed( x3 ) )
        FT_Int  xdelta = x3 - x2;
        FT_Int  ydelta = y3 - y2;
        FT_Int  x      = stem_width_per_1000 -
                         FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( x2 ), ppem );

        if ( !xdelta )
          goto Try_x4;

        darken_amount = FT_MulDiv( x, ydelta, xdelta ) +
                        FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( y2 ), ppem );

    else if ( scaled_stem < af_intToFixed( x4 ) )
        FT_Int  xdelta = x4 - x3;
        FT_Int  ydelta = y4 - y3;
        FT_Int  x      = stem_width_per_1000 -
                         FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( x3 ), ppem );

        if ( !xdelta )
          goto Use_y4;

        darken_amount = FT_MulDiv( x, ydelta, xdelta ) +
                        FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( y3 ), ppem );

      darken_amount = FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( y4 ), ppem );

    /* Convert darken_amount from per 1000 em to true character space. */
    return af_fixedToInt( FT_DivFix( darken_amount, em_ratio ) );
Exemplo n.º 17
  cf2_blues_capture( const CF2_Blues  blues,
                     CF2_Hint         bottomHintEdge,
                     CF2_Hint         topHintEdge )
    /* TODO: validate? */
    CF2_Fixed  csFuzz = blues->blueFuzz;

    /* new position of captured edge */
    CF2_Fixed  dsNew;

    /* amount that hint is moved when positioned */
    CF2_Fixed  dsMove = 0;

    FT_Bool   captured = FALSE;
    CF2_UInt  i;

    /* assert edge flags are consistent */
    FT_ASSERT( !cf2_hint_isTop( bottomHintEdge ) &&
               !cf2_hint_isBottom( topHintEdge ) );

    /* TODO: search once without blue fuzz for compatibility with coretype? */
    for ( i = 0; i < blues->count; i++ )
      if ( blues->zone[i].bottomZone           &&
           cf2_hint_isBottom( bottomHintEdge ) )
        if ( ( blues->zone[i].csBottomEdge - csFuzz ) <=
               bottomHintEdge->csCoord                   &&
             bottomHintEdge->csCoord <=
               ( blues->zone[i].csTopEdge + csFuzz )     )
          /* bottom edge captured by bottom zone */

          if ( blues->suppressOvershoot )
            dsNew = blues->zone[i].dsFlatEdge;

          else if ( ( blues->zone[i].csTopEdge - bottomHintEdge->csCoord ) >=
                      blues->blueShift )
            /* guarantee minimum of 1 pixel overshoot */
            dsNew = FT_MIN(
                      cf2_fixedRound( bottomHintEdge->dsCoord ),
                      blues->zone[i].dsFlatEdge - cf2_intToFixed( 1 ) );

            /* simply round captured edge */
            dsNew = cf2_fixedRound( bottomHintEdge->dsCoord );

          dsMove   = dsNew - bottomHintEdge->dsCoord;
          captured = TRUE;


      if ( !blues->zone[i].bottomZone && cf2_hint_isTop( topHintEdge ) )
        if ( ( blues->zone[i].csBottomEdge - csFuzz ) <=
               topHintEdge->csCoord                      &&
             topHintEdge->csCoord <=
               ( blues->zone[i].csTopEdge + csFuzz )     )
          /* top edge captured by top zone */

          if ( blues->suppressOvershoot )
            dsNew = blues->zone[i].dsFlatEdge;

          else if ( ( topHintEdge->csCoord - blues->zone[i].csBottomEdge ) >=
                      blues->blueShift )
            /* guarantee minimum of 1 pixel overshoot */
            dsNew = FT_MAX(
                      cf2_fixedRound( topHintEdge->dsCoord ),
                      blues->zone[i].dsFlatEdge + cf2_intToFixed( 1 ) );

            /* simply round captured edge */
            dsNew = cf2_fixedRound( topHintEdge->dsCoord );

          dsMove   = dsNew - topHintEdge->dsCoord;
          captured = TRUE;


    if ( captured )
      /* move both edges and flag them `locked' */
      if ( cf2_hint_isValid( bottomHintEdge ) )
        bottomHintEdge->dsCoord += dsMove;
        cf2_hint_lock( bottomHintEdge );

      if ( cf2_hint_isValid( topHintEdge ) )
        topHintEdge->dsCoord += dsMove;
        cf2_hint_lock( topHintEdge );

    return captured;
Exemplo n.º 18
  FT_Outline_Get_Orientation( FT_Outline*  outline )
    FT_BBox     cbox;
    FT_Int      xshift, yshift;
    FT_Vector*  points;
    FT_Vector   v_prev, v_cur;
    FT_Int      c, n, first;
    FT_Pos      area = 0;

    if ( !outline || outline->n_points <= 0 )

    /* We use the nonzero winding rule to find the orientation.       */
    /* Since glyph outlines behave much more `regular' than arbitrary */
    /* cubic or quadratic curves, this test deals with the polygon    */
    /* only that is spanned up by the control points.                 */

    FT_Outline_Get_CBox( outline, &cbox );

    /* Handle collapsed outlines to avoid undefined FT_MSB. */
    if ( cbox.xMin == cbox.xMax || cbox.yMin == cbox.yMax )

    xshift = FT_MSB( (FT_UInt32)( FT_ABS( cbox.xMax ) |
                                  FT_ABS( cbox.xMin ) ) ) - 14;
    xshift = FT_MAX( xshift, 0 );

    yshift = FT_MSB( (FT_UInt32)( cbox.yMax - cbox.yMin ) ) - 14;
    yshift = FT_MAX( yshift, 0 );

    points = outline->points;

    first = 0;
    for ( c = 0; c < outline->n_contours; c++ )
      FT_Int  last = outline->contours[c];

      v_prev.x = points[last].x >> xshift;
      v_prev.y = points[last].y >> yshift;

      for ( n = first; n <= last; n++ )
        v_cur.x = points[n].x >> xshift;
        v_cur.y = points[n].y >> yshift;

        area = ADD_LONG( area,
                         ( v_cur.y - v_prev.y ) * ( v_cur.x + v_prev.x ) );

        v_prev = v_cur;

      first = last + 1;

    if ( area > 0 )
    else if ( area < 0 )
Exemplo n.º 19
  /* caller's transform is adjusted for subpixel positioning */
  static void
  cf2_font_setup( CF2_Font           font,
                  const CF2_Matrix*  transform )
    /* pointer to parsed font object */
    CFF_Decoder*  decoder = font->decoder;

    FT_Bool  needExtraSetup = FALSE;

    /* character space units */
    CF2_Fixed  boldenX = font->syntheticEmboldeningAmountX;
    CF2_Fixed  boldenY = font->syntheticEmboldeningAmountY;

    CF2_Fixed  ppem;

    /* clear previous error */
    font->error = FT_Err_Ok;

    /* if a CID fontDict has changed, we need to recompute some cached */
    /* data                                                            */
    needExtraSetup = font->lastSubfont != cf2_getSubfont( decoder );

    /* if ppem has changed, we need to recompute some cached data         */
    /* note: because of CID font matrix concatenation, ppem and transform */
    /*       do not necessarily track.                                    */
    ppem = cf2_getPpemY( decoder );
    if ( font->ppem != ppem )
      font->ppem     = ppem;
      needExtraSetup = TRUE;

    /* copy hinted flag on each call */
    font->hinted = font->renderingFlags & CF2_FlagsHinted;

    /* determine if transform has changed;       */
    /* include Fontmatrix but ignore translation */
    if ( ft_memcmp( transform,
                    4 * sizeof ( CF2_Fixed ) ) != 0 )
      /* save `key' information for `cache of one' matrix data; */
      /* save client transform, without the translation         */
      font->currentTransform    = *transform;
      font->currentTransform.tx =
      font->currentTransform.ty = cf2_intToFixed( 0 );

      /* TODO: FreeType transform is simple scalar; for now, use identity */
      /*       for outer                                                  */
      font->innerTransform   = *transform;
      font->outerTransform.a =
      font->outerTransform.d = cf2_intToFixed( 1 );
      font->outerTransform.b =
      font->outerTransform.c = cf2_intToFixed( 0 );

      needExtraSetup = TRUE;

     * font->darkened is set to true if there is a stem darkening request or
     * the font is synthetic emboldened.
     * font->darkened controls whether to adjust blue zones, winding order,
     * and hinting.
    if ( font->stemDarkened != ( font->renderingFlags & CF2_FlagsDarkened ) )
      font->stemDarkened = font->renderingFlags & CF2_FlagsDarkened;

      /* blue zones depend on darkened flag */
      needExtraSetup = TRUE;

    /* recompute variables that are dependent on transform or FontDict or */
    /* darken flag                                                        */
    if ( needExtraSetup )
      /* StdVW is found in the private dictionary;                       */
      /* recompute darkening amounts whenever private dictionary or      */
      /* transform change                                                */
      /* Note: a rendering flag turns darkening on or off, so we want to */
      /*       store the `on' amounts;                                   */
      /*       darkening amount is computed in character space           */
      /* TODO: testing size-dependent darkening here;                    */
      /*       what to do for rotations?                                 */

      CF2_Fixed  emRatio;
      CF2_Fixed  stdHW;
      CF2_Int    unitsPerEm = font->unitsPerEm;

      if ( unitsPerEm == 0 )
        unitsPerEm = 1000;

      ppem = FT_MAX( cf2_intToFixed( 4 ),
                     font->ppem ); /* use minimum ppem of 4 */

#if 0
      /* since vstem is measured in the x-direction, we use the `a' member */
      /* of the fontMatrix                                                 */
      emRatio = cf2_fixedFracMul( cf2_intToFixed( 1000 ), fontMatrix->a );

      /* Freetype does not preserve the fontMatrix when parsing; use */
      /* unitsPerEm instead.                                         */
      /* TODO: check precision of this                               */
      emRatio     = cf2_intToFixed( 1000 ) / unitsPerEm;
      font->stdVW = cf2_getStdVW( decoder );

      if ( font->stdVW <= 0 )
        font->stdVW = FT_DivFix( cf2_intToFixed( 75 ), emRatio );

      if ( boldenX > 0 )
        /* Ensure that boldenX is at least 1 pixel for synthetic bold font */
        /* (similar to what Avalon does)                                   */
        boldenX = FT_MAX( boldenX,
                          FT_DivFix( cf2_intToFixed( unitsPerEm ), ppem ) );

        /* Synthetic emboldening adds at least 1 pixel to darkenX, while */
        /* stem darkening adds at most half pixel.  Since the purpose of */
        /* stem darkening (readability at small sizes) is met with       */
        /* synthetic emboldening, no need to add stem darkening for a    */
        /* synthetic bold font.                                          */
        cf2_computeDarkening( emRatio,
                              FALSE );
        cf2_computeDarkening( emRatio,
                              font->stemDarkened );

#if 0
      /* since hstem is measured in the y-direction, we use the `d' member */
      /* of the fontMatrix                                                 */
      /* TODO: use the same units per em as above; check this              */
      emRatio = cf2_fixedFracMul( cf2_intToFixed( 1000 ), fontMatrix->d );

      /* set the default stem width, because it must be the same for all */
      /* family members;                                                 */
      /* choose a constant for StdHW that depends on font contrast       */
      stdHW = cf2_getStdHW( decoder );

      if ( stdHW > 0 && font->stdVW > 2 * stdHW )
        font->stdHW = FT_DivFix( cf2_intToFixed( 75 ), emRatio );
        /* low contrast font gets less hstem darkening */
        font->stdHW = FT_DivFix( cf2_intToFixed( 110 ), emRatio );

      cf2_computeDarkening( emRatio,
                            font->stemDarkened );

      if ( font->darkenX != 0 || font->darkenY != 0 )
        font->darkened = TRUE;
        font->darkened = FALSE;

      font->reverseWinding = FALSE; /* initial expectation is CCW */

      /* compute blue zones for this instance */
      cf2_blues_init( &font->blues, font );
Exemplo n.º 20
    void CPageMgr::InsertPageInfo(void * addr, size_t pagecount, bool frommmap)
        struct SPageInfo * pageInfo = AllocPageInfo();
        pageInfo->base_address = (size_t)addr;
        pageInfo->page_count   = pagecount;
        if (frommmap) {
        } else {

        PRINT("addr:%p, pages:%zd, mmap:%d", addr, pagecount, frommmap);
        PRINT("mgr info, address tree size:%zd", m_iAddressTreeSize);
        if (m_iAddressTreeSize == 0) {
            m_iMaxContinuePages = pageInfo->page_count;
            m_iAddressTreeSize ++;
        } else if (m_iAddressTreeSize == 1) {
            rb_node * node = rb_first(&m_cAddressTree);
            struct SPageInfo * pInfo = (struct SPageInfo *)AddressTreeGetObject(node);

            if (pInfo->flag == pageInfo->flag && 
                (pInfo->BeginAddress() == pageInfo->EndAddress() ||
                pageInfo->BeginAddress() == pInfo->EndAddress())) {

                pInfo->base_address = FT_MIN(pInfo->base_address, pInfo->base_address);
                pInfo->page_count  += pageInfo->page_count;

                m_iMaxContinuePages = pInfo->page_count;
            } else {
                m_iMaxContinuePages = FT_MAX(pageInfo->page_count, pInfo->page_count);
                m_iAddressTreeSize ++;
        } else {
            struct SPageInfo * prevInfo = GetPageInfoByAddress(pageInfo->BeginAddress() - 1);
            struct SPageInfo * nextInfo = GetPageInfoByAddress(pageInfo->EndAddress());

            if (prevInfo != NULL && prevInfo->flag == pageInfo->flag) {
                pageInfo->base_address  = prevInfo->base_address;
                pageInfo->page_count   += prevInfo->page_count;
                m_iAddressTreeSize --;
                prevInfo = NULL;

            if (nextInfo != NULL && nextInfo->flag == pageInfo->flag) {
                pageInfo->page_count   += nextInfo->page_count;
                m_iAddressTreeSize --;
                nextInfo = NULL;

            m_iMaxContinuePages = FT_MAX(pageInfo->page_count, m_iMaxContinuePages);
            m_iAddressTreeSize ++;

        m_iFreePages += pagecount;
Exemplo n.º 21
  tt_face_colr_blend_layer( TT_Face       face,
                            FT_UInt       color_index,
                            FT_GlyphSlot  dstSlot,
                            FT_GlyphSlot  srcSlot )
    FT_Error  error;

    FT_UInt  x, y;
    FT_Byte  b, g, r, alpha;

    FT_ULong  size;
    FT_Byte*  src;
    FT_Byte*  dst;

    if ( !dstSlot->bitmap.buffer )
      /* Initialize destination of color bitmap */
      /* with the size of first component.      */
      dstSlot->bitmap_left = srcSlot->bitmap_left;
      dstSlot->bitmap_top  = srcSlot->bitmap_top;

      dstSlot->bitmap.width      = srcSlot->bitmap.width;
      dstSlot->bitmap.rows       = srcSlot->bitmap.rows;
      dstSlot->bitmap.pixel_mode = FT_PIXEL_MODE_BGRA;
      dstSlot->bitmap.pitch      = (int)dstSlot->bitmap.width * 4;
      dstSlot->bitmap.num_grays  = 256;

      size = dstSlot->bitmap.rows * (unsigned int)dstSlot->bitmap.pitch;

      error = ft_glyphslot_alloc_bitmap( dstSlot, size );
      if ( error )
        return error;

      FT_MEM_ZERO( dstSlot->bitmap.buffer, size );
      /* Resize destination if needed such that new component fits. */
      FT_Int  x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max;

      x_min = FT_MIN( dstSlot->bitmap_left, srcSlot->bitmap_left );
      x_max = FT_MAX( dstSlot->bitmap_left + (FT_Int)dstSlot->bitmap.width,
                      srcSlot->bitmap_left + (FT_Int)srcSlot->bitmap.width );

      y_min = FT_MIN( dstSlot->bitmap_top - (FT_Int)dstSlot->bitmap.rows,
                      srcSlot->bitmap_top - (FT_Int)srcSlot->bitmap.rows );
      y_max = FT_MAX( dstSlot->bitmap_top, srcSlot->bitmap_top );

      if ( x_min != dstSlot->bitmap_left                                 ||
           x_max != dstSlot->bitmap_left + (FT_Int)dstSlot->bitmap.width ||
           y_min != dstSlot->bitmap_top - (FT_Int)dstSlot->bitmap.rows   ||
           y_max != dstSlot->bitmap_top                                  )
        FT_Memory  memory = face->root.memory;

        FT_UInt  width = (FT_UInt)( x_max - x_min );
        FT_UInt  rows  = (FT_UInt)( y_max - y_min );
        FT_UInt  pitch = width * 4;

        FT_Byte*  buf = NULL;
        FT_Byte*  p;
        FT_Byte*  q;

        size  = rows * pitch;
        if ( FT_ALLOC( buf, size ) )
          return error;

        p = dstSlot->bitmap.buffer;
        q = buf +
            (int)pitch * ( y_max - dstSlot->bitmap_top ) +
            4 * ( dstSlot->bitmap_left - x_min );

        for ( y = 0; y < dstSlot->bitmap.rows; y++ )
          FT_MEM_COPY( q, p, dstSlot->bitmap.width * 4 );

          p += dstSlot->bitmap.pitch;
          q += pitch;

        ft_glyphslot_set_bitmap( dstSlot, buf );

        dstSlot->bitmap_top  = y_max;
        dstSlot->bitmap_left = x_min;

        dstSlot->bitmap.width = width;
        dstSlot->bitmap.rows  = rows;
        dstSlot->bitmap.pitch = (int)pitch;

        dstSlot->internal->flags |= FT_GLYPH_OWN_BITMAP;
        dstSlot->format           = FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP;

    if ( color_index == 0xFFFF )
      if ( face->have_foreground_color )
        b     = face->foreground_color.blue;
        g     = face->foreground_color.green;
        r     = face->foreground_color.red;
        alpha = face->foreground_color.alpha;
        if ( face->palette_data.palette_flags                          &&
             ( face->palette_data.palette_flags[face->palette_index] &
                 FT_PALETTE_FOR_DARK_BACKGROUND                      ) )
          /* white opaque */
          b     = 0xFF;
          g     = 0xFF;
          r     = 0xFF;
          alpha = 0xFF;
          /* black opaque */
          b     = 0x00;
          g     = 0x00;
          r     = 0x00;
          alpha = 0xFF;
      b     = face->palette[color_index].blue;
      g     = face->palette[color_index].green;
      r     = face->palette[color_index].red;
      alpha = face->palette[color_index].alpha;

    /* XXX Convert if srcSlot.bitmap is not grey? */
    src = srcSlot->bitmap.buffer;
    dst = dstSlot->bitmap.buffer +
          dstSlot->bitmap.pitch * ( dstSlot->bitmap_top - srcSlot->bitmap_top ) +
          4 * ( srcSlot->bitmap_left - dstSlot->bitmap_left );

    for ( y = 0; y < srcSlot->bitmap.rows; y++ )
      for ( x = 0; x < srcSlot->bitmap.width; x++ )
        int  aa = src[x];
        int  fa = alpha * aa / 255;

        int  fb = b * fa / 255;
        int  fg = g * fa / 255;
        int  fr = r * fa / 255;

        int  ba2 = 255 - fa;

        int  bb = dst[4 * x + 0];
        int  bg = dst[4 * x + 1];
        int  br = dst[4 * x + 2];
        int  ba = dst[4 * x + 3];

        dst[4 * x + 0] = (FT_Byte)( bb * ba2 / 255 + fb );
        dst[4 * x + 1] = (FT_Byte)( bg * ba2 / 255 + fg );
        dst[4 * x + 2] = (FT_Byte)( br * ba2 / 255 + fr );
        dst[4 * x + 3] = (FT_Byte)( ba * ba2 / 255 + fa );

      src += srcSlot->bitmap.pitch;
      dst += dstSlot->bitmap.pitch;

    return FT_Err_Ok;