Exemplo n.º 1
bool Polyhedron::Intersects(const LineSegment &lineSegment) const
	if (Contains(lineSegment))
		return true;
	for(int i = 0; i < NumFaces(); ++i)
		float t;
		Plane plane = FacePlane(i);
		bool intersects = Plane::IntersectLinePlane(plane.normal, plane.d, lineSegment.a, lineSegment.b - lineSegment.a, t);
		if (intersects && t >= 0.f && t <= 1.f)
			if (FaceContains(i, lineSegment.GetPoint(t)))
				return true;

	return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
void CalculateBoundaryVertexNormal3D(vector3& nOut, Grid& grid, Vertex* vrt,
						   	   	     TAAPosVRT& aaPos)
//	The algorithm is a little cumbersome. However, through this setup, we
//	make sure that the orientation of the normal indeed points outwards,
//	based only on the topology.

//	set nOut to 0
	VecSet(nOut, 0);

//	iterate over associated volumes
	std::vector<Volume*> vols;
	CollectAssociated(vols, grid, vrt);

	FaceDescriptor fd;
	for(size_t i_vol = 0; i_vol < vols.size(); ++i_vol){
		Volume* v = vols[i_vol];
	//	check for each side of f whether it is a boundary edge
		for(size_t i_side = 0; i_side < v->num_sides(); ++i_side){
			if(IsBoundaryFace3D(grid, grid.get_face(v, i_side))){
				v->face_desc(i_side, fd);

			//	make sure that fd contains the given vertex
				if(!FaceContains(&fd, vrt))

			//	the normal pointing outwards is clearly defined from the
			//	orientation of the face descriptor
				vector3 n;
				CalculateNormal(n, &fd, aaPos);
				VecAdd(nOut, nOut, n);

	VecNormalize(nOut, nOut);
Exemplo n.º 3
bool Polyhedron::Contains(const float3 &point) const
	int numIntersections = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i < (int)f.size(); ++i)
		Plane p(v[f[i].v[0]] - point, v[f[i].v[1]] - point, v[f[i].v[2]] - point);

		// Find the intersection of the plane and the ray (0,0,0) -> (t,0,0), t >= 0.
		// <normal, point_on_ray> == d
		// n.x * t == d
		//       t == d / n.x
		if (Abs(p.normal.x) > 1e-5f)
			float t = p.d / p.normal.x;
			// If t >= 0, the plane and the ray intersect, and the ray potentially also intersects the polygon.
			// Finish the test by checking whether the point of intersection is contained in the polygon, in
			// which case the ray-polygon intersection occurs.
			if (t >= 0.f && FaceContains(i, point + float3(t,0,0)))

	return numIntersections % 2 == 1;